Wonders aka Reading Wonders (2017)

McGraw-Hill Education
Report Release
Review Tool Version
Core: Comprehensive

EdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.

Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Partially Meets Expectations

Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.

Usability (Gateway 3)
NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.
Not Eligible
Key areas of interest

This score is the sum of all points available for all foundational skills components across all grades covered in the program.

The maximum available points depends on the review tool used and the number of grades covered.

Foundational Skills

This score represents an average across grade levels reviewed for: integrated reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language, and promotion of mastery of grade-level standards by the end of the year.

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Report for Kindergarten

Alignment Summary

The instructional materials for Reading Wonders Kindergarten partially meet expectations of alignment. The Kindergarten instructional materials meet expectations for Gateway 1. Texts are worthy of students' time and attention. Text selections are appropriately rigorous but only partially support students building their ability to access texts with increasing text complexity across the year. The materials provide opportunities for rich and rigorous evidence-based discussions and writing about texts to build strong literacy skills but limited opportunities for opinion writing. The materials support students' literacy development with foundational skills. The instructional materials for Kindergarten partially meet the expectations of Gateway 2. There is some support for building students' knowledge and academic vocabulary, but consistent guidance and focus in these areas does not appear over the course of the year. The materials provide some planning for academic vocabulary and writing development although the teacher may need to engage in additional planning to ensure the schedule can accommodate the intended lesson sequences.

Gateway 1

Text Quality

Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Partially Meets Expectations
Usability (Gateway 3)
Not Rated
Overview of Gateway 1

Text Quality & Complexity and Alignment to Standards Components

The Kindergarten instructional materials meet expectations for Gateway 1. Texts are worthy of students' time and attention. Text selections are appropriately rigorous but only partially support students building their ability to access texts with increasing text complexity across the year. The materials provide opportunities for rich and rigorous evidence-based discussions and writing about texts to build strong literacy skills but limited opportunities for opinion writing. The materials in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language targeted to support foundational reading development are aligned to the standards.

Criterion 1.1: Text Complexity & Quality

Texts are worthy of students' time and attention: texts are of quality and are rigorous, meeting the text complexity criteria for each grade. Materials support students' advancing toward independent reading.
Indicator 1A
Anchor texts (including read-aloud texts in K-2 and shared reading texts in Grade 2 used to build knowledge and vocabulary) are of publishable quality and worthy of especially careful reading/listening and consider a range of student interests.

The instructional materials reviewed for Kindergarten meet the expectation that anchor texts (including read-aloud texts and some shared reading texts used to build knowledge and vocabulary) are of publishable quality and worthy of especially careful reading/listening and consider a range of interests.

Each week teachers read aloud from a Literature Big Book. The big books include a paired text at the back of the book. All of these big books are of publishable quality and worthy of careful reading. These anchor texts are examined multiple times for multiple purposes and are used to expand topics and essential questions, build vocabulary, and prompt writing. These big books are all engaging, well-crafted, and provide interesting information for students at this age.

Quality literature texts in the materials build academic vocabulary and facilitate access to future texts. Quality informational texts in the materials are engaging and provide students with opportunities to gain and broaden their knowledge base and personal perspective on a variety of topics at various levels of depth/meaning.

Examples of quality Kindergarten texts include but are not limited to:

  • Whose Shoes? by Stephen R. Swinburne is a concept text that depicts different occupations by using high interest photographs of different shoes professionals wear. The text is rhythmic.
  • What Can You Do with a Paleta? by Carmen Tafolla is a high interest literary text that uses colorful illustrations to depict a summer afternoon. The text includes rich language which identifies key Spanish words and has a predictable story pattern with repeated verses.
  • Roadwork by Sally Sutton is a high-interest text. It includes engaging imagery, rhyme, and onomatopoeia.
  • ZooBorns! by Andrew Bleiman includes high-interest photographs to introduce key vocabulary about animal traits and habits.
  • The Birthday Pet by Ellen Javernick is a fictional text that includes colorful, animated illustrations that incorporate exaggerated close-ups, unusual perspectives, and witty details that extend the humor from the text.
  • Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson includes detailed illustrations and lyrical text. The text includes unusual breaks and interesting verbs which emphasize the story’s rhythm.
  • What’s the Big Idea, Molly? by Valeri Gorbachev is a high interest text about teamwork. Students will relate to the characters as well as the clear and detailed illustrations.
  • All Kinds of Families by Mary Ann Hoberman is an inclusive, high interest picture book that celebrates families using rhyme and vibrant illustrations.
  • Panda Kindergarten by Jeanne Ryder is an informational text that uses photographs and clear text to present facts and information about pandas.
Indicator 1B
Materials reflect the distribution of text types and genres required by the standards at each grade level.

The instructional materials reviewed for Kindergarten meet the expectations for reflecting the distribution of text types and genres required by the standards. Read Aloud Texts, Literature Big Books and Paired Selections include a balanced mix of literary and informational texts. Text genres represented in the materials include, but are not limited to, realistic fiction, fantasy, informational texts, drama, folktales, poetry and songs.

Example of texts representing the balance of text types and genres include the following Literary Texts:

  • Unit 1, “What About Bear?” by Suzanne Bloom (Fantasy)
  • Unit 2, I Love Bugs! by Emma Dodd (Literary Fiction)
  • Unit 3, How Do Dinosaurs Go To School? By Jane Yolen (Fantasy)
  • Unit 4, What Can you Do with a Paleta? By Carmen Tafolla (Literary Fiction)
  • Unit 5, “Maytime Magic” (Poetry)
  • Unit 6, “The Frog and the Locust” Read Aloud (Folktale)
  • Unit 7, Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson (Fantasy)
  • Unit 8, When Daddy’s Truck Picks Me Up by Jana Novotny Hunter ( Literary Fiction)
  • Unit 9, “The Little Red Hen” Read Aloud (Fable)
  • Unit 10, “The Elves and the Shoemakers” Read Aloud (Tale)

Example of texts representing the balance of text types and genres include the following Informational Texts:

  • Unit 1, Senses at the Seashore by Shelley Rotner (Informational text)
  • Unit 2, The Handiest Things in the World by Andrew Clements(Informational text)
  • Unit 3, “The Neighborhood” by Susanna Fallon (Informational text)
  • Unit 4, Roadwork by Sally Sutton (Informational Text)
  • Unit 5, A Grand Old Tree by Mary Newell DePalma (Informational Text)
  • Unit 6, A Tour of the Seasons Read Aloud (Informational Text)
  • Unit 7, ZooBorns! by Andrew Bleiman and Chris Eastland (Informational Text)
  • Unit 8, Ana Goes to Washington, D.C. by Rene Colato Lainez (Informational Text)
  • Unit 9, Bread Comes to Life by George Levenson (Informational Text)
  • Unit 10, Panda Kindergarten Joanne Ryder (Informational Text)
Indicator 1C
Texts (including read-aloud texts and some shared reading texts used to build knowledge and vocabulary) have the appropriate level of complexity for the grade level according to quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, and a relationship to their associated student task. Read-aloud texts at K-2 are above the complexity levels of what most students can read independently.

Th instructional materials for Kindergarten meet the expectations for having the appropriate level of complexity for the grade level according to quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, and a relationship to their associated student task. The texts read aloud in the Kindergarten materials are of the appropriate rigor to support students' literacy instruction. Read aloud texts span from a quantitative level of 90 and extend to 410, assuring complex features for children to hear and engage with. Texts are also qualitatively appropriate for read-alouds for this level.

Some examples of the range of quantitative rigor across the year's worth of read-aloud include the following:

  • Come and Play by Nicole Spencer: Unit 1, Week 1; GR C, BM 3 Lexile 90 - Fiction
  • What Can You See? by Ellen Dalton: Unit 2, Week 1 GR C, BM 4, Lexile 90 - Informational
  • Cal’s Busy Week by Kathy Furgang: Unit 3, Week 3 GR D, BM 6, Lexile 110 - Fiction
  • Helping Mom by Terry Miller Shannon: Unit 4, Week 3; GR E, BM 8, Lexile 290 - Informational
  • Our Apple Tree by Carol Pugliano :Unit 5 , Week 2 GR E, BM 8, Lexile 250 - Informational
  • Ant and Grasshopper by Lori Mortensen: Unit 6, Week 1 GR F, BM 9, Lexile 280 - Fiction
  • Will’s Pet by Myka-Lynne Sokoloff: Unit 7, Week 2 GR G, BM 12, Lexile 190 - Fiction
  • How Sun and Moon Found Home by Terry Miller Shannon: Unit 8, Week 3 GR G, BM 12, Lexile 300 - Fiction
  • Nature at the Craft Fair by Kathy Furgang: Unit 9, Week 3 GR H, BM 14, Lexile 410 - Informational
  • A Good Idea by Lori Mortensen: Unit 10, Week 1 GR H, BM 14, Lexile 290 - Fantasy

Qualitatively, the texts read aloud include rich language. Examples of this language include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Unit 6 includes predict, temperature, storm, clever, drought
  • Unit 4 includes community, improve, quarrel, harvest, confused
  • Unit 9 includes chores, organize, accomplish, contribute, member
Indicator 1D
Materials support students' literacy skills (comprehension) over the course of the school year through increasingly complex text to develop independence of grade level skills (leveled readers and series of texts should be at a variety of complexity levels).

The instructional materials reviewed for Kindergarten partially meet the expectations for supporting students’ ability to access texts with increasing text complexity across the year. While the texts, both anchor and supporting, fall within the grade-level band, and appear to provide students access to increasingly rigorous texts over the course of the school year the task demands do not increase in complexity throughout the school year. Because of this, students may not be assured access to to the higher-level texts that are present at the end of the school year.

Anchor texts and the accompanying comprehension activities increase in rigor for Kindergarten over the course of the school year. At the beginning of the year students are listening to big books such as Animals in the Park: An ABC Book (Unit 1, Week 1) and are focusing on skills such as book handling and making basic connections. By the middle of the year students are being read a book such as My Garden (Unit 5, Week 1) and are focusing on character, setting, events, and rereading. By the end of school year students are listening to a book such as What’s the Big Idea, Molly? (Unit 10, Week 1) and working on such skills as plot and sequence and making, confirming and revising predictions.

Stories that students read for independent practice also increase in rigor over the course of the school year. In the beginning students are reading primarily rebus texts, with just a few sight words. By the end of the school year students are expected to read longer sentences with more challenging vocabulary words. However, task demands remain constant over the course of the year, regardless of text demands.

Each unit has leveled readers that are differentiated according to skill levels: approaching, on level, beyond and English Language Learners.Each text is marked on the back with the guided reading (GR) and lexile levels along with the Benchmark. The text increases in complexity level as the year progresses, from BR (beginning reader) to 290 lexile in the leveled reader books Units 1-5. Text increase in rigor in Unit 5, Week 3, with texts such as Farm Fresh by Kathy Furgang (GR F, Benchmark 10, Lexile 260) and in Unit 9, Week 3, Nature at the Craft Fair by Kathy Furgang (GR H, BM 14, Lexile 410).

The Wonders Reading and Writing Workshop start at grade level K.1. The text “We Can” is about animals that has a combination of words and pictures to support new readers. The level K.10 - “A Good time for Luke” has three line text on each page and visual leveled repetitive vocabulary.

The materials provide Access Complex Text pages and Differentiate to Accelerate with scaffolded instructions to access Complex text (T172). The publisher also provides a Close Reading Routine that does vary the levels of Depth of Knowledge for Reading, Rereading and Integrating.

Teacher materials include direction for differentiation to increase students’ literacy skills through the ACT (Access Complex Text) directions and the Research Base Alignment resource book. The directions guide teachers through scaffolded activities such as rereading and paraphrasing, student-generated questions, citing text evidence, evaluating the strength of evidence cited, writing about texts, teacher modeling, use of text-dependent questions, graphic organizers, think-alouds, student collaboration, and note-taking. Although scaffolded activities are provided throughout the materials, every text gets the same amount of time spent on reading it and analyzing it. More complex texts may not get more instructional time focused on understanding it and analyzing it since there are fixed routines in place every week for close reading and rereading.

Indicator 1E
Anchor texts (including read-aloud texts in K-2) and series of texts connected to them are accompanied by a text complexity analysis.

The instructional materials reviewed for Kindergarten meet the expectation that anchor texts and series of connected texts are accompanied by a text complexity analysis and rationale for educational purpose and placement in the grade level. For each unit, the Teacher’s Edition includes a text complexity analysis including quantitative, qualitative, and reader and task information. This text complexity information is included for the Literature Big Books, the Reading/Writing Workshop stories, and the leveled readers.

The materials are clear about the level of text complexity and what students will gain from using these texts. For example, in Unit 10, Week 1, teachers are provided with the Literature Big Book, What’s the Big Idea, Molly? which has a Lexile Score of 580. Teachers are provided with qualitative information that indicates that students will be working on inferencing as well as reader and task information which provides teachers with a more detailed description and specific page numbers for teaching the lesson/skill for the week.

The Teacher’s Edition also contains the Instructional Path at the beginning of each week. This path lists all texts read, why students are reading the text, the educational focus, and how the texts connect to one another during the week. There is also a Research Base Alignment in the online resources. Additionally, a page is provided at the beginning of each week’s materials for teachers entitled “Differentiate to Accelerate.” Teachers are instructed on this page, “If the text complexity of a particular section is too difficult for children, then see the references noted in the chart below for scaffolded instruction to help children Access Complex Text.”

Indicator 1F
Anchor text(s), including support materials, provide opportunities for students to engage in a range and volume of reading to achieve grade level reading.

The instructional materials for Kindergarten meet the expectations for materials providing opportunities for students to engage in a range and volume of reading, and there are supports to build students’ proficiency of grade level texts. Resources are provided to offer students texts to engage in a range and volume of reading. There are leveled texts, literature big books, and reading/writing workshop books, as well as book suggestions for extending complex texts.

Before each unit on the Differentiate to Accelerate Teacher pages, there is information for teachers titled, “Monitor and Differentiate.” Teachers are guided towards lessons they can use to reteach, develop, extend, and review material for students. This page also contains additional information for English Language Learners.

The amount of instructional time allocated for students to read independently with grade level text in Kindergarten during core instruction is approximately 10-20 minutes per week. During the differentiated small group portion, time spent reading is approximately 5-10 minutes each time the group meets. Additionally, students are encouraged to select an independent reading book for independent reading.

Text examples that show specific evidence for range and volume of reading from the Kindergarten materials include:

  • In Unit 2, Week 2, students engage in the reading of a Literature Big Book Shapes All Around (340L). Students engage in the close reading of the text by citing evidence from the text, providing key details and a retelling of the text. Along with the big book, the students read leveled readers that range from Beginning Reading to Beyond Level 140L. Students also read the paired informational text Find the Shapes. Students also engage in the Interactive Read-Aloud Cards informational text “Kites in Flight.” Students make connections between the Big Book Shapes All Around and Interactive Read-Aloud Cards “Kites in Flight.” Students select an informational text with photographs for sustained silent reading. Teachers provide scaffolding for students to access complex texts. When students self-select reading, they answer questions to show comprehension. Teachers are given the tools to progress monitor student growth.
  • In Unit 5, Week 3, students engage in the reading of the informational Big Book An Orange in January along with the paired text “Farmer's Market” and Interactive Read Aloud Cards “Farms Around the World.” Students choose leveled readers to extend their reading independence. Students practice close reading skills and identify main topic and key details. Students use the close reading companion to support gradual release of support to independent work while practicing literacy skills. Leveled readers range from Beginning Reading to Beyond Level 260L. Teachers are given suggested tools to progress monitor student progression to independent readers. Teachers use the weekly Data Dashboard to progress monitor students for grouping decisions.
  • In Unit 9, Week 2, students engage in the reading of the Literature Big Book Hen Hears Gossip along with the paired text “Team up to Clean Up” and Interactive Read Aloud Cards “The Little Red Hen,” a fable. Students practice literacy skills of identifying characters, setting, and events. Students read the Leveled Readers that range from beginning reader to beyond (460L) Students use the reading and writing workshop big book to support literacy skills practice. Teachers use the weekly Data Dashboard to progress monitor students for grouping decisions.

Criterion 1.2: Alignment to the Standards with Tasks and Questions Grounded in Evidence

Materials provide opportunities for rich and rigorous evidence-based discussions and writing about texts to build strong literacy skills.

The materials for Kindergarten meet the expectations that students will have opportunities for rich, rigorous discussions and writing tasks that are evidence based. Questions and tasks associated with the texts focus students’ attention back to the texts and are organized to build their speaking and listening skills, and the materials include culminating tasks at the end of each unit. Grammar and conventions instruction is embedded to facilitate students’ application of language skills. Each unit includes opportunities for on-demand and process writing but provide limited opportunities for opinion writing.

Indicator 1G
Most questions, tasks, and assignments are text-based, requiring students to engage with the text directly (drawing on textual evidence to support both what is explicit as well as valid inferences from the text).

The instructional materials reviewed for Kindergarten meet the expectations of most questions, tasks, and assignments being text-based and requiring students to engage with the text directly (drawing on textual evidence to support both what is is explicit as well as valid inferences from the text). Questions support students’ literacy growth over the course of the year.

Most questions and tasks connected to texts are text-based. These questions and tasks support students in drawing on textual evidence to support their learning of explicit and inferred information in a text or text set. Text-based questions and tasks require readers to produce evidence from texts to support opinions or statements when writing and speaking. These questions support students’ literacy growth over the course of the school year. Teacher materials provide support for planning and implementation of text-based writing, speaking, and activities through the Integrate Ideas section for each week.

Materials provide support for planning and implementation. For example, in Unit 1, Week 2, the Literature Big Book contains Pouch!, and the Teacher Edition states: “Reread page 7. Ask: How did the illustrator help you understand that Joey was talking?” In Unit 4, Week 3, the Literature Big Book contains Roadwork, and the Teacher Edition states: “Reread pages 8–9. Ask: Which words describe the sounds the machines make? (Bump! Whump! Whop!) Why do you think the words WHUMP and WHOP have all capital letters? (They are louder sounds than the sounds shown with smaller letters.)”

In Unit 2, Week 1 students engage with the Literature Big Book, The Handiest Things in the World. Text-based questions and tasks include, “ What does the girl do to make her hair tidy? How do you know? What is the girl using to make more music? What things in the picture help to stop the sunlight from going in the boys’ eyes? What does the author say to make you want to keep reading more? What is something that is the same in both photographs? What is something that is different? Why do you think the author chose to show the words away and stay as part of the photograph? What is the hand handiest for showing? How does the author show you this?” Students then engage with the Paired Selection, “Discover With Tools”. Text-based questions and tasks include, “In the smaller photograph on page 38, what is the scientist using to clean away dirt? How does the author help us to understand what a chisel is? What tool are the children in the picture using? How does the illustration on page 37 help you understand what a telescope does? How do pages 38-39 compare what tools can do? Why does the author ask questions at the end?”

In Unit 6, Week 1 students engage with the Literature Big Book, Mama, Is It Summer Yet? Text-based questions and tasks include, “ What is the first letter of the sentence? What is the ending punctuation? What is happening in the story now? How is the boy helping his mother? How do you know? When did Summer happen in the story? How does the illustrator help you understand what season of the year it is on pages 26 and 27? Which words does the author use to help you know what summer is like? How does this help you visualize summer? Why does the author have Summer come at the end of the story? How does the author let us know that summer is getting closer?”
Indicator 1H
Materials contain sets of high-quality sequences of text-based questions with activities that build to a culminating task which integrates skills to demonstrate understanding (as appropriate, may be drawing, dictating, writing, speaking, or a combination).

The instructional materials reviewed for Kindergarten meet the expectation for materials culminating tasks that support series of text dependent questions and activities. Students are provided with a Unit Big Idea and a weekly Essential Questions. Students discuss questions, make connections, and create a graphic organizer to be used at the end of the unit. Similar processes are included at the end of most units to build students' ability to engage with the texts.

Each week an Essential Question is addressed throughout the texts and tasks. This Essential Question is revisited at the end of each text with Integrate Ideas activities. At the end of the week, students Integrate Ideas through Text Connections, Research and Inquiry, and Speaking and Listening activities. Students revisit the Essential Question and create a graphic organizer using notes from the weekly read. For Example in Unit 9, Week 1 students complete integrate ideas activities to connect to the week’s texts:

  • Connect to the Essential Question: “Write the Essential Question on the board, “ How can you help out at home? Read the Essential Question aloud. Tell children that they will think about all of the information that they have learned about growing up and helping out at home. Say: We have read many selections on this topic. We will compare the information from this week’s Literature Big Book Peter’s Chair and the Paired Selection “The Clean Up!” Evaluate Text Evidence Guide children to review the selections and their completed graphic organizers. Have children work with partners to compare information from all the week’s reads. Children can record notes using a Foldable®. Guide them to record information from the selections that helps them to answer the Essential Question.”
  • Research and Inquiry: “Have children create a checklist and review their author study page for the bulletin board.
    • Does their page have a sentence that tells one way the character grows up and helps out?
    • Does their page include a picture of a character in the books?
    • Did they include details in their illustration?
    • Guide members of each group to practice sharing their pages with each other. Children should practice speaking and presenting their information clearly. Prompt children to ask questions to clarify when something is unclear: How did the author show that Peter was growing up? What did you want your page to show? What action showed that the character was helping out? Have children use the Presentation Checklist online.”
  • Text to Song: “Read aloud with children the Integrate activity on page 100 of the Close Reading Companion. Guide partners to discuss how the song is similar to this week’s selections. Have partners collaborate to complete the Integrate page by following the prompts. Present Ideas and Synthesize Information: When children finish their discussions, ask for a volunteer from each pair to share the information from their Foldable® and their Integrate pages. After each pair has presented their ideas, ask: How does learning about the characters in the story help you answer the Essential Question: How can you help out at home? Lead a class discussion asking children to use the information from their pages to answer the Essential Question.”
  • Speaking and Listening: “As children are working with partners in their Close Reading Companion, or on their author study, make sure that they are actively participating in the conversation, and when necessary, remind children to use these speaking and listening strategies. Speaking Strategies: Express your ideas clearly and speak loudly. Identify and talk about the details on your page. Answer questions to explain something others may not have understood. Listening Strategies: Sit quietly and look at the person speaking. Follow the rules and raise your hand to ask a question. Ask questions if something is unclear.”
Indicator 1I
Materials provide frequent opportunities and protocols for evidence-based discussions (small group, peer-to-peer, whole class) that encourage the modeling and use of academic vocabulary and syntax.

The instructional materials reviewed for Kindergarten meet the criteria for providing frequent opportunities and protocols for evidence-based discussions that encourage the modeling and use of academic vocabulary and syntax.

Vocabulary routines are provided on Day 1 of each unit, and visual vocabulary cards are provided. A discussion follows the teacher introduction of the words. The vocabulary words are used during the discussion. Students then are instructed to complete the Talk About It activity from the Reading/Writing Workshop book with a partner. A “Collaborative Conversation” chart is included, with different strategies students can focus on each week.

Also on Day 1, students are instructed to retell the story using the provided retelling cards. Students are also invited to act out a favorite part. Students then respond to the text with provided sentence starters to focus discussion. During this activity, students cite text evidence.

Additionally, a grammar rule is taught, and students have time to work in partners to talk and practice the rule. This routine occurs on Days 2, 3, and 4 as well.

Throughout the week, students practice poems and/or songs. The Speaking and Listening Standards addressed are referenced. The oral vocabulary is reviewed on Day 4. On every Day 4, students also collaborate with partners to peer review and edit each other's’ writing.

Students also engage in discussions with partners to complete research projects and culminating projects. Examples of discussion activities are:

  • Speaking and Listening: “Engage in collaborative discussions about how baby animals move. Retell and discuss Pouch! Present information how baby animals move.”
  • Talk About It: Get Up and Go! “Guide children to talk about the ways that baby animals move. List their responses. Display pages 24–25 of the Reading/Writing Workshop Big Book and have children do the Talk About It activity with a partner.”
  • Collaborative Conversations: “Listen carefully as children engage in partner, small group, and whole group discussions, encourage them to: Look at the person who is speaking. Listen to the words they are saying. Respect others by not interrupting them.”

In Kindergarten, Academic Vocabulary is used often. Words such as sort, informational text, pronouns, prompt and text evidence are a few examples. During Independent Writing, students are given an opportunity to use academic vocabulary in their writing from an earlier lesson. Then it continues with peer to peer, (partners) working together to think of something they have in common. Also, the curriculum encourages modeling. For example, the teacher models by stating, “Explain to children that if they are not sure what a word means, they can look at how the word is used in the sentence. They can also look for other words they already know in the sentence to give them Clues to the words meaning.”

Indicator 1J
Materials support students' listening and speaking about what they are reading (or read aloud) and researching (shared projects) with relevant follow-up questions and supports.

The instructional materials reviewed for Kindergarten meet the expectations for supporting students' listening and speaking about what they are reading and researching with relevant follow-up questions and evidence.

In all lessons, there are opportunities for speaking and listening: whole group discussions, small group discussions, and partner discussions.The curriculum includes Collaborative Conversations supports, graphic organizers, Access Complex Text information, Conference Routines, and modeled Think Alouds. Students are prompted to refer to the text with each task and modeled think alouds include text evidence.

Instructional time is dedicated to student’s practicing and applying speaking and listening skills daily. In Kindergarten, speaking and listening instruction is applied frequently over the course of the school year and includes facilitation, monitoring, and instructional supports for teachers. Students have multiple opportunities over the school year to demonstrate what they are reading (or read aloud) and researching through varied speaking and listening opportunities.

Students are expected to integrate ideas through Day 4 and Day 5 using speaking and listening skills weekly. Through the use of Make Connections and Respond to Text in each week, students discuss and listen to others speak. Speaking and Listening skills are also directly addressed during the Close Read Companion task. For example, in Unit 10, Week 3 teachers are directed to monitor students as they work with partners in their Close Reading Companion or on their posters to make sure that they are actively participating in the conversation, and when necessary, remind children to use these speaking and listening strategies. A list of speaking and listening strategies is provided:

  • Speaking Strategies : Make sure to stick to the subject. Speak clearly and at an appropriate volume. Describe your posters and provide additional details about protecting the environment.
  • Listening Strategies: Look at the person speaking and listen attentively. Wait for your turn to speak. If something is unclear, ask a question.

During Research and Inquiry each week, students complete weekly projects. Each week students are asked to work in pairs or small groups to find out more about the weekly reading topic. Students use what they learn from their reading and discussions as well as other sources to find additional information. There is an option to set up a Shared Research Board to post illustrations and other information that students gather as they do their research.

Indicator 1K
Materials include a mix of on-demand and process writing (e.g. multiple drafts, revisions over time) and short, focused projects, incorporating digital resources where appropriate.

The instructional materials for Kindergarten meet the expectations for materials including a mix of on-demand and process writing and short, focused projects incorporating digital resources where appropriate.

Each week students read and write about text in a mix of on-demand and process writing. On Days 1 and 2, students participate in both a shared and interactive evidence-based on-demand writing using the week’s texts. On Days 3, 4, and 5 students complete an independent process writing in which students analyze a student model, write, find textual evidence, apply a writing trait, revise, edit, and publish a writing. Digital resources are provided each week for additional practice.

In Unit 2, Week 1 the essential question is, “How do tools help us to explore?”. During Reading Writing Workshop, students are read the texts, “Pam Can See” and “We Can See!”. Students are also read the Literature Big Book The Handiest Things in the World and the Paired Read “Discover with Tools”. During the week students address both on-demand and process writing prompts including but not limited to:

  • Shared Writing: What tools do the children use?
  • Find Text Evidence: “Explain that you reread the text to find evidence and take notes to help answer the question...The photographs show me the tools they use. We can use these details to help us respond to the prompt. Let’s write down the tools the children use in our notes.”
  • Write About the Text: “Why did the author call this book The Handiest Things in the World? Ask children: What can you tell about the tools children use? “
  • Interactive Writing: “Why did the author call this book The Handiest Things in the World? As you reread, pause and ask children if there is any evidence you should record about handy tools.”
  • Independent Writing: “How is the register a handy tool for Sam? Explain that children first need to understand the question. Say: The prompt is asking what the register does for Sam. Next, children need to use text evidence in their response.”
  • Find Text Evidence: “Explain that Logan used notes about the text to find out how the register helps Sam. Then, he used the picture to make inferences about the register that were not stated in the text.”
  • Analyze the Student Model: “Read the model and discuss the callouts.”
    • Clues: Logan used picture clues to tell how the register helps Sam in his work.
    • Verbs: He used the verb adds to tell what the register does for Sam.
    • Grammar, Details: He used details in the text to explain why the register is handy.
    • For additional practice with writing traits, use the digital Unit 2, Week 1 Writing Trait Minilesson.

Each week students also engage in writing about the texts they are reading. Throughout the unit, children will respond to writing prompts on a variety of texts. Scaffolded instruction is first provided through shared and interactive writing activities. The teacher guides children to respond to a prompt, using sentence frames as needed. In Independent Writing, children first review together a student writing sample that includes the weekly writing trait, then, they respond independently to a new prompt, as they practice the trait. For example, in Unit 9, Week 3 the essential question is, “How can things in nature be used to make new things?” During Reading Writing Workshop, students are read the texts, “Look! A Home!”, and “Nature Artists”. Writing activities are scaffolded and start with a shared writing, interactive writing and then with independent writing all related to the text. Students are asked to answer questions and complete tasks such as:

  • Completing a shared writing journal entry from the point of view of the baker. Tell about the main steps from the time he cuts the wheat until he makes the flour.
  • Reread the text to find evidence and take notes to help answer the question and respond to the prompt.
  • Review the selections and their completed graphic organizers. Work with partners to compare information from all the week’s readings. Record notes using a Foldable. Record information from the selections that helps answer the Essential Question.
Indicator 1L
Materials provide opportunities for students to address different text types of writing that reflect the distribution required by the standards.

The materials reviewed for Kindergarten partially meet the expectations for providing opportunities for students to address different text types of writing that reflect the distribution required by the standards. The writing prompts are balanced between informative and narrative; however, there are not enough opportunities for students to engage in opinion writing prompts.

Process writing prompts include opportunities for students to address different types of writing:

  • Unit 1 - three informative writings
  • Unit 2 - three informative writings
  • Unit 3 - two narrative writings and one informative writing
  • Unit 4 - three informative writings
  • Unit 5 - two narrative writings and one opinion writing
  • Unit 6 - two narrative writings and one opinion writing
  • Unit 7- one narrative writing, one informative writing, and one opinion writing
  • Unit 8- one narrative writing, two informative writings
  • Unit 9- one narrative writing, two informative writings
  • Unit 10- one narrative writing, two informative writings

On demand prompts and quick writes include opportunities for students to address different types of writing:

  • In Unit 1, students write about, “What do you see in the story? Why does Fox make it hard for Bear to join in on a game with goose? How can the boy and a friend play with the things in the story?”
  • In Unit 5, students write to answer the prompt, “Look at where Ned and Ed live? Do you think they could live somewhere else? Why or why not?”
  • In Unit 10, students write a story using the same characters as “What’s the Big Idea, Molly?” in which each decides to make a cupcake for Pig. Students also write a new story about the characters in A Good Time for Luke! Tell how they celebrate the end of the school year.”
Indicator 1M
Materials include regular opportunities for evidence-based writing to support recall of information, opinions with reasons, and relevant information appropriate for the grade level.

The materials reviewed for Kindergarten meet the expectation for materials including frequent opportunities for evidence-based writing to support recall of information, opinions with reasons, and clear information appropriate for grade level. The materials include weekly opportunities for students to respond to one or two texts in a variety of writing modes including informative, opinion, and narrative analysis.

Frequent opportunities for evidence-based writing occur in each week of instruction. For example, in Unit 5, Week 2, the essential question is, “How do living things change as they grow?” Students write multiple times for multiple purposes to address this question’s topic. Examples of writing opportunities include, but are not limited to:

  • Write to Sources- Students draw evidence from informational text, compose opinion pieces, and conduct short research on trees.
  • Independent Writing to a Source- Students write About Trees: Analyze a short response student model. Use text evidence to write to a source, following the writing process and applying grammar.
  • Shared Writing- Students write about A Grand Old Tree
  • Interactive Writing- Students write about A Grand Old Tree. Find Text Evidence.
  • Independent Writing- Students write about “Ed and Ned.” Find Text Evidence.
  • Conduct a Short Research Project- Make a Tree Life Cycle Display that describes the different stages of the life cycle of a tree.
  • Shared Writing- Students write about the Literature Big Book.
    • First students analyze the prompt. The Teacher’s Edition states, “Tell children that you will work together to write a response to a prompt, or question. Read aloud the prompt. Do you think the author does a good job telling what happens to the tree? Say: To respond to this question, we need to look at the text and illustrations in A Grand Old Tree. We will look for clues that help us understand how the author tells what happens to the tree.”
    • Then students find text evidence. The Teacher’s Edition states, “Explain that you will reread the text and take notes to help answer the question and respond to the prompt. Read aloud pages 10 to 13. Say: The text and the pictures tell me that the tree grew flowers and grew fruit. These details name two things that happened to the tree. These details will help us respond to the prompt so we will write them down in our notes. Continue paging through the story, rereading, discussing important details conveyed in the text and illustrations, and taking notes.”
    • Finally, students write to a prompt. The Teacher’s Edition states, “Reread the prompt with children. Do you think the author does a good job telling what happens to the tree? Say: We need to look at our notes to remember the details about what happened to the tree. Then we need to think about whether those details helped us learn about the tree. Track the print as you reread the notes.
      Guide children in forming complete sentences for you to record. If needed, write this sentence frame and model how to complete it using the notes: The author . Continue with the following sentence frames, writing down children’s ideas for completing them: First, the author tells about when the tree . The pictures of the flowers. Write down their ideas. Guide children to include clues.”
Indicator 1N
Materials include explicit instruction of the grammar and conventions standards for grade level as applied in increasingly sophisticated contexts, with opportunities for application both in and out of context.

The instructional materials reviewed for Kindergarten meet expectations for explicit instruction of the grammar and conventions/language standards as applied in increasingly sophisticated contexts, with opportunities for application both in and out of context. Explicit instruction is present each week. Across the year, students are taught about nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, and proper nouns. Students are also taught about sentences.

Grammar resources include grammar reproducibles and daily mechanics/usage practice. There are also online grammar games and an online grammar song.

Grammar instruction occurs every day.

  • In Day 1, during Shared Writing, the weekly grammar lesson includes: model, guided practice, talk about it, and link to writing.
  • In Day 2, during Interactive Writing, the weekly grammar lesson includes: review, guided practice, practice, and talk about it.
  • In Day 3, during Independent Writing, the weekly grammar lesson includes: review, guided practice/practice, partner work, and talk about it.
  • In Day 4, during Independent Writing, the weekly grammar lesson includes: review, guided practice, practice, and talk about it.
  • In Day 5, during Independent Writing, the weekly grammar lesson includes: review and review practice.

An example of one day of grammar instruction:

  • Unit 8, Week 2 Sentences with prepositions –
    • 1. Review – Remind children that a sentence has a naming part and a telling part. Write and read aloud: The coat fell off the hook. Have children tell the naming part and the telling part.
    • 2. Guided Practice/Practice – Show the photo card for the bridge. Write and read aloud: The bridge crosses over the water. Guide children to identify the naming part and the telling part of the sentence. Underline over the water. These words tell where the bridge crosses. Where is the water? Guide children to use a sentence with a preposition to respond.
    • 3. Talk about it – Have children place classroom objects over or under a table or chair. Ask them to orally generate complete sentences with a preposition to tell where each object is located.

Kindergarten students learn to print upper and lowercase letters in all the units. Question words are taught in Unit 3, 5, 6, 7, 9. Conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling are taught in every unit. Students are taught to capitalize the first word in a sentence and capitalize the pronoun I in Units 3, 5, 8, 10.

Criterion 1.3: Tasks and Questions: Foundational Skills Development

Materials in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language targeted to support foundational reading development are aligned to the standards.

The instructional materials for Kindergarten meet expectations for foundational skills development. The materials, questions, and tasks directly teach foundational skills to build reading acquisition by providing systematic and explicit instruction in the alphabetic principle, letter-sound relationships, phonemic and phonological awareness, and phonics that demonstrate a transparent and research-based progression with opportunities for application both in and out of context. Materials address the acquisition of print concepts explicitly and frequently provide opportunities for students to practice and gain decoding automaticity and sight-based recognition of high frequency words. Materials provide systematic and explicit instruction in and practice of word recognition and analysis skills. Ongoing and frequent assessment of student mastery is provided as well as lessons and activities that allow for differentiation of foundational skills.

Indicator 1O
Materials, questions, and tasks directly teach foundational skills to build reading acquisition by providing systematic and explicit instruction in the alphabetic principle, letter-sound relations, phonemic awareness, phonological awareness (K-1), and phonics (K-2) that demonstrate a transparent and research-based progression with opportunities for application both in and out of context.

The instructional materials reviewed for Kindergarten meet the expectations of materials, questions, and tasks directly teach foundational skills to build reading acquisition by providing systematic and explicit instruction in the alphabetic principle, letter-sound relationships, phonemic awareness, and phonological awareness (K-1), and phonics (K-2) that demonstrate a transparent and research-based progression with opportunities for application both in and out of context.

During the three weeks of the materials first unit, Start Smart, there were 16 letter learning lessons. During each of these lessons, the teacher used an Alphabet resource poster. The first and last lesson went through the entire alphabet. All the other lessons focused in on 1-2 letters, followed by guided practice. Also during these three weeks, there were 15 phonological awareness/phonemic awareness lessons focusing on sentence segmenting, rhyme, syllables, and blending. For many of these lessons, the teacher used a Big Book of Rhymes. Guided practice followed each of these lessons as well.

Throughout lessons the teacher models and conducts guided practice. Phonics lesson are taught each day of the week

For example, in Unit 1, Week 1:

  • On Day 1, students study Phonemic Awareness:Phoneme isolation. The phoneme /m/ is introduced.
  • On Day 2, students study Phoneme Identity and review /m/.
  • On Day 3, students study Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme blending. Students review /m/, identify words with /m/ and complete a picture sort.
  • On Day 4, students study Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme blending while participating in a picture sort.
  • On Day 5, students study Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme blending and sort pictures with /m/.

Small group phonics lessons are also provided at the end of each week for students who were approaching grade level, on grade level, and beyond grade level.

Some of the phonological/phonemic Awareness topics covered in Kindergarten include but are not limited to:

  • In Unit 1,Week 3, students work on Onset and Rhyme Blending, Phoneme Isolation (initial), Phoneme Blending, and Phoneme Categorization.
  • In Unit 2, Week 1, students work on Recognize Alliteration, Phoneme Isolation, Phoneme Categorization, and Phoneme Blending.
  • In Unit 4, Week 1, students work on Onset and Rime Segmentation, Phoneme Isolation (initial), Phoneme Isolation (initial/medial), Phoneme Blending, and Phoneme Categorization.
  • In Unit 5, Week 1, students work on Count and Blend Syllables, Phoneme Isolation, Phoneme Blending, and Phoneme Categorization.
  • In Unit 10, Week 2, students work on Onset and Rime Blending, Phoneme Identity, Phoneme Blending, and Phoneme Substitution.

Opportunities to learn isolating and pronouncing initial, medial vowel, and final sounds of consonant-vowel-consonant words are included. For example:

  • In Unit 1,Week 3, students work on Phonics: /s/s (initial) and Consonant/Vowel Review: /a/a, /m/m".
  • In Unit 3, Week 1, students work on Phonics: /i/i (medial) and Consonant/Vowel Review:
    /a/a, /m/m, /p/p, /s/s, /t/t.
  • In Unit 4, Week 3, students work on Phonics: /i/i, /n/n, /k/c, /o/o, /d/d and Consonant/ Vowel Review: /a/a, /k/c, /d/d, /i/i, /m/m, /n/n, /o/o, /p/p, /s/s, /t/t.
  • In Unit 7, Week 2, students work on Phonics: /g/g (initial/final), /w/w (initial), Extend: l-blends; sl, gl, cl, and Consonant/Vowel Review: /a/a, /b/b, /k/c, /k/ck, /d/d, /e/e, /f/f, /h/h, /i/i, /l/l, /m/m, /n/n, /o/o, /p/p, /r/r, /s/s, /t/t, /u/u.
  • In Unit 9, Week 1, students work on Phonics: /ā/a_e, Extend: digraphs; sh, Consonant/ Vowel Review: /a/a, /b/b, /k/c, /d/d, /e/e, /f/f, /g/g, /h/h, /i/i, /k/k, /l/l, /m/m, /n/n,/o/o, /p/p, /kw/qu, /r/r, /s/s, /t/t, /u/u, /v/v, /w/w, /ks/x, /y/y.
Indicator 1P
Materials, questions, and tasks provide explicit instruction for and regular practice to address the acqusition of print concepts, including alphabetic knowledge, directionality, and function (K-1), structures and features of text (1-2).

The instructional materials for Kindergarten meet the expectation that materials, questions, and tasks provide explicit instruction for and regular practice to address the acquisition of print concepts, including alphabetic knowledge, directionality, and function (K-1), structures and features of text (1-2). The lessons contain modeling of print concepts by the teacher often. Opportunities for students to practice print concepts are typically found in Differentiated Instruction.

Students are taught print concepts starting in Unit 1. For example:

  • In Unit 1, Week 1, during the read-aloud of the Big Book, the teacher displays the Big Book cover and tracks the words from left to right. While reading the text, the teacher reminds children that we read from left to right and top to bottom.
  • In Unit 2, Week 1, during the reading of The Handiest Things in the World, the teacher models turning pages. Point to the first sentence on page 4. Track the print from left to right as you read the sentence aloud. Explain that words in a sentence are separated by spaces.
  • In Unit 2, Week 2, during the Reading/Writing Workshop Big Book, the teacher models book handling skills. “This is how I hold a book. This is the front cover. I make sure that the book is not upside down so I can see the words.” Then the teacher points to the first sentence and explains: This is a sentence. It is made up of a group of words.
  • In Unit 4, Week 1, during Differentiated Instruction, the students practice print concepts. For students at the approaching level: Have children turn to page 2. Ask them to put their finger on the first word in the sentence. Have them point to each word as you model pointing and slowly reading each word on the page.
  • In Unit 6, Week 3, in Concepts of Print: Turn to page 40 and read each sentence. Explain that the first word in a sentence begins with a capital letter, and a punctuation mark comes at the end of a sentence. Point out and identify the punctuation mark that ends each sentence.
  • In Unit 10, Week 2, during the read-aloud of the Big Book, the teacher reads the title and author’s name and illustrator’s name. The author writes the words and the illustrator draws the pictures. Remind children that we read from left to right and top to bottom. Track print from left to right with your finger and model using the return sweep.
Indicator 1Q
Instructional opportunities are frequently built into the materials for students to practice and gain decoding automaticity and sight-based recognition of high frequency words. This includes reading fluency in oral reading beginning in mid-Grade 1 and through Grade 2.

The instructional materials for Grade 1 meet the expectations that instructional opportunities are frequently built into the materials for students to practice and gain decoding automaticity and sight-based recognition of high frequency words. This includes reading fluency in oral reading beginning in mid-Grade 1 and through Grade 2.

High frequency words are addressed. During High-Frequency Word lessons, students practice reading, spelling, and writing high-frequency words.

  • In Unit 1, Week 3, Day 1, students learn: see
    • The teacher displays High-Frequency Word Card and uses the Read/Spell/Write routine to teach each word.
  • In Unit 2, Week 2, Day 1, students learn: like
    • After the Read/Spell/Write routine, students participate in guided practice by building sentences using high-frequency word cards, photo cards, and teacher-made punctuation cards.
  • In Unit 5, Week 1, Day 2, students learn: my
    • Students participate in guided practice, which includes the High-Frequency Word Card and working a partner to create sentences using the word. Students count the number of letters in the word and then write the word again.

During Phonics lessons, students learn how to decode words.

  • In Unit 2, Lesson 3, during the Handwriting: Write Sentences, students read the following sentence: Sam can tap.The directions to the teacher are: Ask children to identify which words has the sound /s/. Have them underline the letter that stands for the sound. Then have them read the word. Make sure children understand the directions. Ask children to identify words with the following sounds and to underline the letter that stands for the sound /a/, /m/, /t/, and /p/.
  • In Unit 5, Lesson 1, during the review of /h/ h, the teacher models how to build words with card. Students blend /h/ /i/ /m/. Then the teacher changes the word cards to /h/ /a/ /t/.

During Start Smart, the teacher models fluency for the students, or practice reading high frequency words fluently in this three-week unit. The following is emphasized:

  • Build Fluency: Word Automaticity with the high frequency word
  • Model Fluency: Reading with Expression
  • Build Fluency: Word Automaticity with the high frequency word can
  • Build Fluency: Word Automaticity with the high frequency words I, can
  • Model Fluency: Reading with Expression

During Unit 1, Week 1, the teacher models fluency and students practice fluency.

  • Day 1: Emphasize intonation when reading a sentence that ends in a question mark.
  • Day 2: Have small groups use the Reading/Writing Workshop to reread ‘I Can.
  • Day 3: Build sentences using the High Frequency Word Cards, Photo Cards, and punctuation cards.” Read the Take-Home Book chorally and reread to build fluency.
  • Day 4: Have small groups use the Reading/Writing Workshop to reread ‘I Can.
  • Day 4: “Build Fluency: Build sentences in the pocket chart.”
  • Day 5: Build Fluency: Word Automaticity

The small differentiated reading groups also reference fluency. For students who are approaching grade level or on grade level, fluency practice is in the lesson plan, and then also listed again for more practice. For students who are beyond the grade level, fluency is addressed after the lesson. Building fluency with phonics is addressed in the approaching grade level lesson only, and building fluency with high frequency words is addressed in all the lessons.

Indicator 1R
Materials, questions, and tasks provide systematic and explicit instruction in and practice of word recognition and analysis skills in a research-based progression in connected text and tasks.

The instructional materials reviewed for Kindergarten meet the expectations that materials, questions, and tasks provide systematic and explicit instruction in and practice of word recognition and analysis skills in a research-based progression in connected text and tasks.

Each week students were provided with high frequency words that they would be learning over the course of the week. These words were explicitly taught through whole group lessons that focused on teacher modeling and a read/spell/write routine. These words were also used in context throughout the week and appeared in the reading/writing workshop book and again in small group instruction. The instructional practices have word recognition and analysis skills both in connected text, but also in isolated text through practice books or in class work. Letter-sound relationship, syllabication, morphology (roots/affixes) in context and out of context are all present in K-2.

During Start Smart, the beginning three-week unit, two sight words are taught and reviewed: “I,” and “can.” The words are introduced and practiced in isolation. Sometimes they are put with other word cards and picture cards to read in short sentences(context). Sometimes students practice writing in the air. Sometimes the teacher reads sentences orally, and the students hold up their word card when the word is said.

In Unit 1, Week 1, one high-frequency word is taught and students have opportunities to read the sight word in connected text.

  • Day 1: The teacher models reading the word “the.” A read/spell/write routine is used to teach the word. Students practice with word cards to build short sentences.
  • Day 2: The word is retaught. Students write the word in the air or on paper. Students review the words they learned during Start Smart.
  • Day 3: Students review and practice “the.” Students again practice with building sentences and choral reading. Students read a little practice book that highlights the word. Students build a word bank. Then, the teacher teaches “out” using the Read/Spell/Write routine. And then there is more practice.
  • Day 4: Students practice “the” again, using some visual vocabulary cards.
  • Day 5: Students again review “the.” Students hold word cards and stand up when their word is said.

In the differentiated guided reading groups, the sight word is reviewed again. Students look for the word in their books as part of the approaching level and on level lessons. The word is also retaught after the lessons. The word is not reviewed during the beyond level lesson.

Much of the phonics instruction is practiced in connected text. In Unit 5, Week 2, students are working on short e.

  • Day 1: A sound-spelling card is shown, and the letter/sound connection is made. Students then read a song with the teacher, in which the word “egg” is repeated many times.
  • Day 2: Students use the letter e to build words with other letter cards. The words are not read in context.
  • Day 3: Students review short e. Students blend words with short e and seven consonants. Students practice decoding words in connected text reading a Decodable Reader.
  • Day 4: Students review and blend words again. Students write dictated words. Students read Decodable Readers.
  • Day 5: Students read words and sentences which include short e words. They reread/sing the egg sound from Day 1.

In the differentiated guided reading groups, the sounds are reviewed again, and decodable readers are read again in the approaching and on level groups. They are not in the beyond level group.

Indicator 1S
Materials support ongoing and frequent assessment to determine student mastery and inform meantingful differentiantion of foundational skills, including a clear and specific protocol as to how students performing below standard on these assessments will be supported.

The instructional materials for Kindergarten meet expectations for materials supporting ongoing and frequent assessment to determine student mastery and inform meaningful differentiation of foundational skills. There is a wealth of assessment resources that teachers are provided both in the Teacher Edition and online. Assessment materials provide teachers and students with information of students’ current skills/level of understanding. Materials support teachers with instructional adjustments to help students make progress toward mastery in foundational skills.This program also utilizes quick assessments throughout Daily Lessons as well as weekly and Unit Assessments. A strength of this program is the guidance it provides for teachers when a student is struggling. Based on assessments or even daily quick checks, teachers were guided towards specific lessons and interventions that they could utilize with students.

Assessment books are included with the instructional materials: a Placement and Diagnostic Assessment book, a Unit Assessments book, and a Running Record/Benchmark Assessments book.

Kindergarten students are to be given a placement test at some point around the third week of the school year. Everything needed is included in the Placement and Diagnostic Assessment book. Kindergarteners are to be assessed on phonological awareness subtests, a letter naming fluency assessment, or a listening comprehension test. If students score 80% or higher on the phonological awareness subtests, and score at or above the appropriate benchmark for letter naming fluency, or 80% correct or higher on the listening comprehension test, then teachers are instructed to begin lessons with students with the Wonders On Level materials. Similar instructions are given on how to place students in the Wonders Approaching Level materials (pp. 4-5).

There are many other assessments included in the Placement and Diagnostic Assessment book. There is a chart on page 18 outlining a general testing schedule. For example, it is suggested that Kindergarteners be assessed on phonological and phonemic awareness subtests, letter naming fluency, and a phonics survey at the beginning, middle, and end of the year. Other assessments are to be considered for the middle and end of the year. Since many states use a screener such as DIBELS or the TPRI, alignment information is provided (pp. 16-27). The phonemic awareness assessments, the letter naming fluency assessment, and some of the other assessments appear to be publisher-written. The phonics assessment is called The Quick Phonics Survey and is written by Jan Hasbrouck.

In the Teacher Edition, each week there is a Monitor and Differentiate box. These boxes provided teachers with instructions for a quick check to see if students understand the concept. Teachers are instructed to turn to particular pages for additional small group instruction based on whether or not students understood the concept. For example, in Unit 2 Week 1 on page T21, teachers are provided the quick check – “Can children isolate /p/ and match it to the letter Pp? Can children recognize and read the high-frequency word?” Afterwards teachers are provided with pages to turn to based on how students performed on the quick check.

Additionally, in the Teacher Edition, each week there is a page that includes progress monitoring information, and a chart with guidelines to help teachers know how to use assessment results. Teachers are also provided with a page in the back of the teacher’s manual about how to use assessment results. For example with comprehension “If children answer 0-3 items correctly….Then reteach tested skills using the Tier 2 Comprehension Intervention Online PDFs.”

Examples of informal assessments include:

  • Quick Checks: Wonders provides many opportunities for you to observe students independently practice a strategy or skill taught in whole group instruction. • The Quick Check reminds you to observe your students and see if any of them are having difficulty with a skill they have just learned. • You can use this information to decide if this is a skill you need to address in small group instruction.
  • Assignments: Every assignment or activity allows you to assess reading behaviors. Assignments do not need to be formally graded, but they should be treated as a potential source of information about what students know, what they still need to learn, and what their misconceptions or difficulties are.
  • Classroom Observations: You have opportunities to observe your students at work and at play, working alone, and interacting with other students. Be systematic with the way you do and record the observations.
  • Other assessments included are Running Records and in the Diagnostic and Assessment Book, Phonological and Phonemic Awareness is assessed.
Indicator 1T
Materials, questions, and tasks provide high-quality lessons and activities that allow for differentiation of foundational skills.

The instructional materials reviewed for Kindergarten meet the expectations that materials, questions, and tasks providing high-quality lessons and activities that allow for differentiation of foundational skills. The monitor and differentiate boxes, small group lessons, English Language Learner boxes and corrective feedback boxes provide teachers many opportunities to target the needs of students. As evidenced below, students are provided many opportunities over the course of the week to work on foundational skills.

For every unit, there are pages titled Differentiate to Accelerate. These pages include the quantitative, qualitative, and reader/task information, as well as an outline for where to find information on how to differentiate for English Language Learners, how to differentiate using the Quick Checks, and also how to differentiate using the leveled readers. (Unit 2, Week 1, T9)

On every Day 1, and throughout the week, there are many scaffolds for English Language Learners. While many of these have to do with comprehension and vocabulary, there are some that have to do with foundational skills. “High Frequency Words: Build Meaning: To reinforce the singular context of the word a, display common objects and say the following sentences: This is a book. This is a pencil.” (Unit 2, Week 1, T28) Periodically, there is Corrective Feedback given. “Sound error: Model /p/ in the initial position, then have children repeat the sound.” (Unit 2, Week 1, T19)

Each day, there is a Monitor and Differentiate box. The Quick Check is listed.Some of these have to do with comprehension, but some of them have to do with foundational skills. “Can children isolate /p/ and match it to the letter Pp? Can children recognize and read the high frequency word?” Then, directions are given for small group instruction. The information in this box that referenced foundational skills remained the same throughout the week. (Unit 2, Week 1, T21)

Differentiation is provided within the small differentiated reading groups. The students in Approaching grade level practice foundational skills more than the students in on grade level and beyond grade level groups. In Unit 2, Week 1:

  • Approaching: There are 4 short lessons for phonological awareness, 6 for phonics, including 1 for building fluency with phonics, 1 for reteaching high frequency words, and 1 for rereading text for fluency. (12 lessons)
  • On: 3 lessons for phonemic awareness, 3 for phonics, 1 for reteaching high frequency words, and 1 for rereading text for fluency. (8 lessons)
  • Beyond: There is 1 lesson for phonics, and 1 lesson for reteaching high frequency words. (2 lessons)
Overview of Gateway 2

Building Knowledge with Texts, Vocabulary, and Tasks

The instructional materials for Kindergarten partially meet the expectations of the Gateway 2. Texts are organized around topics to build knowledge. The materials do provide some teacher guidance for supporting students’ academic vocabulary, but lack a year long structure. Vocabulary words are not revisited during the year and do not build to students being about to read across texts. Students write to address multiple topics over both short and extended time frames, which supports increasing students’ writing skills and ability. Students will work on a series of short and long research projects throughout the year. Materials provide a design, including accountability, for how students will regularly engage in a volume of independent reading either in or outside of class.

Criterion 2.1: Building Knowledge with Texts, Vocabulary, and Tasks

Materials build knowledge through integrated reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language.
Indicator 2A
Texts are organized around a topic/topics to build students knowledge and vocabulary which will over time support and help grow students' ability to comprehend complex texts independently and proficiently.

The materials reviewed for Kindergarten meet the expectations for texts being organized around a topic/topics to build students’ knowledge and their ability to read and comprehend complex texts proficiently.

Each unit is built around a Big Idea with three weekly topics. In each unit, the anchor texts and supporting texts center around the weekly topics. The writing tasks revolve around the weekly topic.Each week ends with research and inquiry. Students research the topic and create a product.

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • In Unit 3, Week 1, the topic is Rules to Go By. Students engage in the reading of The Big Book, How Do Dinosaurs Go to School? The dinosaur breaks some school rules. The Reading/Writing Workshop stories also support the topic, as do the small leveled texts. Students respond to a prompt based on a text they read. Students write about what a misbehaving dinosaur might do, and then what a good dinosaur might do (p. T22).The research and inquiry assignment is,”Have children create a checklist and review the pages for the school rule book.” (p. T58)
  • In Unit 7, Week 1, the topic is Baby Animals. The Big Book is called ZooBorns! It is an informational text about baby animals born in the zoo. The Reading/Writing Workshop stories support the topic, as do the small leveled texts.Students draw evidence from the the informational text and compose informative/explanatory writing about baby animals. (p. T22). The research and inquiry assignment is, “Students draw evidence from the text and conduct short research on baby animals.” (T52).
Indicator 2B
Materials contain sets of coherently sequenced questions and tasks that require students to analyze the language (words/phrases), key ideas, details, craft, and structure of individual texts in order to make meaning and build understanding of texts and topics.

The materials reviewed for Kindergarten meet the expectations for containing sets of coherently sequenced questions and tasks that require students to analyze language, key ideas, details, craft, and structure of individual texts.

Each week, students are offered Retelling Cards to retell the Literature Big Book story and answer questions about key details, characters, settings, and major events. Different levels of prompts are provided for teachers to use based on student needs. Students ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text, recognize common types of texts, and with support, to name the author and illustrator of a story.

Students are given opportunities to identify key ideas, details, analyze structure and craft in every unit. The tasks are logical and increasing in complexity that are associated with language, key ideas, details, craft, and structure. Examples of coherently sequenced questions include but are not limited to:

Unit 1,Week 1

  • In the close reading of this text students demonstrate and using text evidence to understand how the author used words and illustrations to help explain how we make new friends. Engage in shared and interactive writing and use text evidence to write to a source.
  • How does this illustration help you figure out what Goose and Bear will play? (I can see that they are playing a game with puppets.) Now we can ask a new question: Why is Fox looking at Bear this way?
  • How do the words on this page help you answer the question we asked earlier: Why is Fox looking at Goose and Bear this way? (The words tell us that Fox is looking hopefully at Goose and Bear because Fox wants to play.)
  • Key Details: How does Bear feel? How do you know? What new game does Fox want to play?
  • Author’s Craft: Which words help you know how Bear feels when he can’t play checkers? (too grumpy)
  • Make Connections: How can we get along with new friends? Use text evidence to model how to answer the Essential Question. As I read the story, I thought about important details. I thought about things that the boy could do with a friend, like play catch or marbles. Those are key details. They help me understand how the boy could get along with new friends.

Unit 10, Week 1

  • Author’s Craft: Reread pages 8–9. Why do you think the author grouped the text near different characters? (The pictures and text help us to know what each character says
    and how the character feels.) PAGES 8–9 PAGES 10–11
  • Author’s Craft: Reread pages 10–11. What do you picture in your mind about the place where each animal will go to get their ideas? What does this tell you about how the animals get their ideas? (They get their ideas in different ways and in different places.)
  • Author’s Purpose: How does the author help you understand what can happen when we work together? (Great things can happen when you work together. The animals worked together to give Turtle a great birthday gift.) Close Reading Companion, 110
  • Author’s Craft: Reread pages 36–37. Tell children to look at the illustration. Ask: How do the words and pictures help us know the animals are having a good time? (We can see that Turtle enjoys his gift. Everyone looks happy. Turtle says he loves his gift and he loves all of them. They had fun.)
Indicator 2C
Materials contain a coherently sequenced set of text-dependent questions and tasks that require students to analyze the integration of knowledge and ideas across both individual and multiple texts.

The instructional materials reviewed for Kindergarten partially meet the expectations that the materials contain a coherently sequenced set of text-dependent questions and tasks that require students to analyze the integration of knowledge and ideas across both individual and multiple texts.

Although there are a multiple questions and tasks that direct students to analyze integration of knowledge and ideas across both individual and multiple texts, the time allotted these questions and tasks is not sufficient for students to analyze the information. Each unit contains three weekly text sets with questions and tasks created for each set. Each text set centers around a theme or topic with questions and tasks that asks students to refer back to the text to find and support answers to questions and to complete tasks. Questions and tasks require connected knowledge and ask students to connect ideas between multiple texts.The materials support students’ development in analysis of knowledge and ideas. At the Kindergarten level, students can retell stories and then followed by an analysis tell key details when retelling the story. However, the amount of class time allotted to each text and question set may not be sufficient to provide the time needed for students to analyze texts and gain knowledge and ideas, and teachers may need to use outside resources to plan accordingly. An example of how text sets and questions that build knowledge and integrate ideas are provided, but not given enough instructional time includes but is not limited to:

Unit 9, Week 2

  • Students talk about good citizens. Teachers guide children in collaborative conversations to discuss the essential question: What do good citizens do? Students develop oral language and domain specific vocabulary on being a good citizen. Students listen to “The Little Red Hen” and reread to understand what good citizens do.
  • Students read and write about good citizens. Teachers model close reading with the Big Book and develop shared and interactive writing. Students read Hen Hears Gossip to explore what good citizens do. Students the reread Hen Hears Gossip and use text evidence to understand how the author used words and illustrations to help explain how to be a good citizen. Students engage in shared and interactive writing and use text evidence to write to a source. Students integrate information about good citizens and make text-to-text connections to compare different ways to be a good citizen.
  • Students participate in guided partner work with gradual release of support to independent work while answering text-dependent questions. Students talk with a partner to cite text evidence and write or draw a response.
  • Students read about good citizens and apply foundational skills in connected text. They practice close reading while reading “We Can Play” to apply foundational skills that have been previously taught. Students reread “We Can Play” to explore how to be a good citizen, citing text evidence to answer text-dependent questions and to engage in modeled retelling.
  • Students write about good citizens independently while writing to a source. They analyze a short response student model and use text evidence to write to a source, following the writing process and applying grammar.
  • Students integrate knowledge and ideas to connect texts. Students discuss how each of the texts answers the question: What do good citizens do? Students compare the ways to be a good citizen described in the texts read this week with an engraving and conduct a short research project to create a poster for a school citizenship display on bullying.
Indicator 2D
The questions and tasks support students' ability to complete culminating tasks in which they demonstrate their knowledge of a topic (or, for grades 6-8, a theme) through integrated skills (e.g. combination of reading, writing, speaking, listening).

The instructional materials reviewed for Kindergarten partially meet the expectations questions and tasks support students’ ability to complete culminating tasks in which they demonstrate their knowledge of a topic through integrated skills (e.g. combination of reading, writing, speaking, listening).

Culminating tasks and projects do occur across the year’s worth of instructional materials. The culminating tasks are partially related to the text-based questions or tasks produced during the week. On Day 5 of each week, students complete the Integrate Ideas activity and the Text Connections, Research and Inquiry, and Speaking and Listening tasks.

During Text Connections each week, students complete a foldable to compare information from the week’s readings. The directions ask students to compare texts without giving any further direction or guiding questions. The directions and foldable for connecting to the essential question do not vary or grow in rigor throughout the units or school year. This culminating activity does not demonstrate knowledge of a topic.

During Research and Inquiry students create a checklist to review their project for the week. This gives students a better understanding of the task and its requirements, but does not demonstrate knowledge of a topic. For example in Unit 8, Week 2, the Teacher’s Edition states, “Have children create a checklist and review their page for the book.Does their page have sentences that name the place and tell where it is? Does the page include an illustration of the children visiting the chosen place? Did they include details in their drawing? Did they use the research from the Internet sources and digital tools to produce and publish their writing? Guide partners to practice sharing their page with each other. Children should practice speaking and presenting their information clearly. Prompt children to ask questions to clarify when something is unclear: What did you learn about the U.S.A.? What did you want your page to show? How does your page show your chosen place? Have children use the Presentation Checklist online.”

The Speaking and Listening activity remind students speaking and listening strategies while working with a partner to complete an activity in the Close Reading Companion. Students again compare how the Close Reading text is similar to the week’s texts. These directions are vague and do not support a student's ability to demonstrate knowledge of a topic. For example in Unit 6, Week 3, the Teacher’s Edition states, “Read aloud with children the Integrate activity on page 72 of the Close Reading Companion. Guide partners to discuss how the photograph is similar to the selections that they read this week. Have partners collaborate to complete the Integrate page by following the prompts.”

Indicator 2E
Materials include a cohesive, year-long plan for students to interact with and build key academic vocabulary words in and across texts.

The instructional materials reviewed for Kindergarten partially meet the expectations that materials include a cohesive, year-long plan for students to interact with and build key academic vocabulary words in and across texts. The materials do provide some teacher guidance for supporting students’ academic vocabulary, but lack a year long structure. Vocabulary words are not revisited during the year and do not build to students being about to read across texts.

In the Professional Development Instructional Routine Handbook, a supplemental resource, teachers are guided through a 4-step routine that can be used year-long to introduce vocabulary. (pages R41-R42)

  • Step 1: Introduce (tell students what the vocabulary routine will be)
  • Step 2: Model (I Do - Define/Example/Ask)
  • Step 3: Guided Practice (We Do - Ask students to identify examples and non-examples of the word; Guide students in creating word squares)
  • Step 4: Provide Independent Practice (You Do): “Individual turns allow you an opportunity to assess each student’s skill level and provide additional practice for those students who need it. Near the end of each week, students should write sentences in their word study notebooks using the words” (page R42).

In the Professional Development Instructional Routine Handbook, teachers are also provided with instructions on introducing vocabulary in context: “As you Close Read the selection with students, take a moment to point out the Build Vocabulary words and their definitions...Unlike the Define/Example/Ask Routine, the purpose of the Build Vocabulary words is to simply point out and define these rich vocabulary words to enrich and broaden students’ vocabulary and promote understanding of the text” (page R43). In this supplemental resource, the Define/Example/Ask routine is explained:

  • Define: “You will tell them the meaning of the word using student-friendly language--words they already know” (page R44).
  • Example: “You will give them an example of how the word is used, using their own common experiences” (page R44)
  • Ask: “You will ask them a question that helps them connect the word to words they already know and use the word in speaking” (page R44).

In the “Smart Start” of the Wonders Teacher’s Edition, year-long protocols and routines are presented at the beginning of Unit 1. The “Smart Start” pages guide teachers in introducing students to the following instructional routines that are addressed in weekly lessons:

  • Build Background Oral Language: Words are explained/modeled and students participate in guided practice with sentence stems.
  • Build the Concept Oral Language: Words are introduced that connect to the essential question. Students create a word web.
  • Extend the Concept Oral Language: Words are introduced that connect to the essential question. Students create a word web. Category words are also introduced, modeled and practiced.
  • Integrate Ideas Oral Language: Words are introduced that connect to the essential question. Students create a word web.

During each week students are introduced to oral vocabulary using the define/example/ask routine. These vocabulary words are revisited throughout the week of instruction. For example in Unit 10, Week 1, students are introduced to the oral vocabulary words decide and opinion. The Teacher Edition states, “To introduce the theme “Problem Solvers,” explain that people can work together to make good decisions. When have you worked with a group? (school, sports)” Students then participate in the Oral Vocabulary Routine:

  • Define: To decide is to make a choice between two or more things.
  • Example: I will decide if I want grapes or carrots for my snack.
  • Ask: What did you decide to do after school?
  • Define: An opinion is what a person thinks about something.
  • Example: My opinion is that baseball is the best sport.
  • Ask: When did you and a friend have a different opinion?

Academic Language are also included in bold in the Teacher Edition notes and listed and labeled in a side box in the teacher edition. These words are used in student questioning and directions.

Indicator 2F
Materials include a cohesive, year-long plan to support students' increasing writing skills over the course of the school year, building students' writing ability to demonstrate proficiency at grade level at the end of the school year.

The instructional materials reviewed for Kindergarten meet expectations for materials supporting students’ increasing writing skills over the course of the school year, building students’ writing ability to demonstrate proficiency at grade level at the end of the school year.

Throughout the units students respond to writing prompts on a variety of texts. Scaffolded instruction is first provided through Shared Writing and Interactive Writing. The teacher guides children to respond to a prompt, using sentence frames as needed. In Independent Writing, children first review together a student writing sample that includes the weekly writing trait. Children then respond independently to a new prompt, as they practice the trait. An example of materials building students’ writing ability includes but is not limited to:

Unit 1, Week 3

  • On Days 1 and 2 students participate in a shared writing and interactive writing students are to write about the text Senses at the Seashore. Students find text evidence, apply the writing trait of using clues, and practice the grammar skill of nouns.
  • On Days 3, 4, and 5 students complete an independent writing. Students analyze a student model, write about the text “Sam Can”, are provided with scaffolded instruction and find text evidence. Students apply the writing trait of using clues. Students prewrite, draft, revise, edit, create a final draft, and then present, evaluate, and publish their writing.

Unit 8, Week 3

  • On Days 1 and 2 students participate in a shared writing and interactive writing students are to write about the text Bringing Down the Moon. Students find text evidence, apply the writing trait of forming complete sentences and practice the grammar skill of creating sentences.
  • On Days 3, 4, and 5 students complete an independent writing. Students analyze a student model, write about the text, “Up! Up! Up!” and are provided with scaffolded instruction. Students find text evidence and apply the writing trait of using complete sentences.Students prewrite, draft, revise, edit, create a final draft, and then present, evaluate, and publish their writing.
Indicator 2G
Materials include a progression of focused research projects to encourage students to develop knowledge in a given area by confronting and analyzing different aspects of a topic using multiple texts and source materials.

The instructional materials reviewed for Kindergarten meet the expectations for including a progression of focused shared research and writing projects to encourage students to develop knowledge and understanding of a topic using texts and other source materials. Students engage in a progression of short research projects to develop knowledge in a given area by confronting and analyzing different aspects of a topic using multiple texts and source materials.

There is one research opportunity in each unit. Students are led through the research process across the school year and the research requirements for students do not change or increase in complexity. Also, supports for teachers in how to teach students to do research for projects are not explicitly provided and opportunities for teachers to instruct and support student research to build understanding of a topic are missed.

In Kindergarten, on Day 4 there is a Research and Inquiry activity. The students create an artifact to show something they have learned during the past unit, such as making a poster, or a page in a class book. The three research steps in the Teacher Edition though, rarely vary from what is given in Unit 1, Week 1: (T52) Choose a Topic, Find Resources, and Keep Track of Ideas. The Find Resources step sometimes adds in that students can reference magazines or library books or that students may use an interview as a resource. In Unit 1 Week 1, the project is to make a poster that includes information, text and an illustration; this is essentially the same project that students complete again in Unit 10.

On every Day 5, students complete the Research and Inquiry project, and they are asked to create a checklist and review their finished project. Some questions relate to the finished project, such as, “Does their poster have a sentence that tells what a good friend does?” Some questions reference research that is not appropriate for a Kindergarten student, like this example in Unit 1, Week 1: “Have they used the research from the Internet sources and digital tools to produce and publish their writing?” (T58).

Indicator 2H
Materials provide a design, including accountability, for how students will regularly engage in a volume of independent reading either in or outside of class.

The instructional materials for Kindergarten meet expectations that materials provide a design, including accountability, for how students will regularly engage in a volume of independent reading either in or outside of class. Independent reading routines are listed in the Professional Development Instructional Routine Handbook. This handbook gives routines for choosing a book, how to build classroom and school libraries, independent reading journals, and teacher and student conferences. The handbook states that students in Kindergarten should read between 10-15 minutes a day independently.

Each week students complete Self-Selected Reading during small group time. For example in Unit 5, Week 1 students who are participating in the Approaching Level small group are given the instruction, “Help children select an illustrated story for sustained silent reading. Remind them that they can use the pictures to help them understand what is happening with the place and the characters in a story.”

Digital Resources such as the ConnectED Web site are available. There is a School to Home link on the student edition. Comprehension and vocabulary activities provided for the week. Students can access texts read in class and teachers can assign reading tasks for students to complete from home via the website. Students also have access to 240 leveled texts on this site that they could either read or have read to them.

Criterion 3.1: Use & Design

NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.
Materials are well designed and take into account effective lesson structure and pacing.
Indicator 3A
Materials are well-designed and take into account effective lesson structure and pacing.
Indicator 3B
The teacher and student can reasonably complete the content within a regular school year, and the pacing allows for maximum student understanding.
Indicator 3C
The student resources include ample review and practice resources, clear directions, and explanation, and correct labeling of reference aids (e.g., visuals, maps, etc.).
Indicator 3D
Materials include publisher-produced alignment documentation of the standards addressed by specific questions, tasks, and assessment items.
Indicator 3E
The visual design (whether in print or digital) is not distracting or chaotic, but supports students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject.

Criterion 3.2: Teacher Planning

NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.
Materials support teacher learning and understanding of the Standards.
Indicator 3F
Materials contain a teacher's edition with ample and useful annotations and suggestions on how to present the content in the student edition and in the ancillary materials. Where applicable, materials include teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning.
Indicator 3G
Materials contain a teacher's edition that contains full, adult-level explanations and examples of the more advanced literacy concepts so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject, as necessary.
Indicator 3H
Materials contain a teacher's edition that explains the role of the specific ELA/literacy standards in the context of the overall curriculum.
Indicator 3I
Materials contain explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and identification of the research-based strategies.
Indicator 3J
Materials contain strategies for informing all stakeholders, including students, parents, or caregivers about the ELA/literacy program and suggestions for how they can help support student progress and achievement.

Criterion 3.3: Assessment

NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.
Materials offer teachers resources and tools to collect ongoing data about student progress on the Standards.
Indicator 3K
Materials regularly and systematically offer assessment opportunities that genuinely measure student progress.
Indicator 3L
The purpose/use of each assessment is clear:
Indicator 3L.i
Assessments clearly denote which standards are being emphasized.
Indicator 3L.ii
Assessments provide sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance and suggestions for follow-up.
Indicator 3M
Materials should include routines and guidance that point out opportunities to monitor student progress.
Indicator 3N
Materials indicate how students are accountable for independent reading based on student choice and interest to build stamina, confidence, and motivation.

Criterion 3.4: Differentiation

NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.
Materials provide teachers with strategies for meeting the needs of a range of learners so that they demonstrate independent ability with grade-level standards.
Indicator 3O
Materials provide teachers with strategies for meeting the needs of a range of learners so the content is accessible to all learners and supports them in meeting or exceeding the grade-level standards.
Indicator 3P
Materials regularly provide all students, including those who read, write, speak, or listen below grade level, or in a language other than English, with extensive opportunities to work with grade level text and meet or exceed grade-level standards.
Indicator 3Q
Materials regularly include extensions and/or more advanced opportunities for students who read, write, speak, or listen above grade level.
Indicator 3R
Materials provide opportunities for teachers to use a variety of grouping strategies.

Criterion 3.5: Technology Use

NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.
Materials support effective use of technology to enhance student learning. Digital materials are accessible and available in multiple platforms.
Indicator 3S
Digital materials (either included as supplementary to a textbook or as part of a digital curriculum) are web-based, compatible with multiple Internet browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.), "platform neutral" (i.e., are compatible with multiple operating systems such as Windows and Apple and are not proprietary to any single platform), follow universal programming style, and allow the use of tablets and mobile devices.
Indicator 3T
Materials support effective use of technology to enhance student learning, drawing attention to evidence and texts as appropriate.
Indicator 3U
Materials can be easily customized for individual learners.
Indicator 3U.i
Digital materials include opportunities for teachers to personalize learning for all students, using adaptive or other technological innovations.
Indicator 3U.ii
Materials can be easily customized for local use.
Indicator 3V
Materials include or reference technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate with each other (e.g. websites, discussion groups, webinars, etc.).