i-Ready Classroom Mathematics

i-Ready Classroom Mathematics

Curriculum Associates
Report Release
Review Tool Version
Core: Comprehensive

EdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.

Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Meets Expectations

Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.

Usability (Gateway 3)
Meets Expectations
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Report for 4th Grade

Alignment Summary

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, 2024 Grade 4 meet expectations for Alignment to the CCSSM. In Gateway 1, the materials meet expectations for focus and coherence. In Gateway 2, the materials meet expectations for rigor and meet expectations for practice-content connections.

4th Grade
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Meets Expectations
Gateway 3


Usability (Gateway 3)
Meets Expectations
Overview of Gateway 1

Focus & Coherence

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, 2024 Grade 4 meet expectations for focus and coherence. For focus, the materials assess grade-level content and provide all students extensive work with grade-level problems to meet the full intent of grade-level standards. For coherence, the materials are coherent and consistent with the CCSSM.

Criterion 1.1: Focus


Materials assess grade-level content and give all students extensive work with grade-level problems to meet the full intent of grade-level standards.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, 2024 Grade 4 meet expectations for focus as they assess grade-level content and provide all students extensive work with grade-level problems to meet the full intent of grade-level standards.

Indicator 1A

Materials assess the grade-level content and, if applicable, content from earlier grades.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for assessing grade-level content and, if applicable, content from earlier grades.

The i-Ready Classroom Mathematics assessments are found in the Teacher Toolbox and include Mid-Unit and Unit Assessments. The Grade 4 materials contain five units, with each unit providing numerous opportunities for both formative and summative assessments. Summative assessment items include:

  • Unit 1, Assess, Unit Assessment, Form A, Item 11, “What number has 62 ones, 20 ten thousands, and 300 tens? Show your work.” (4.NBT.2)

  • Unit 2, Assess, Mid-Unit Assessment, Form A, Item 8, “Last year 63 inches of rain fell in Oaktown. In Pine City, 7 inches of rain fell last year. Write and solve an equation to find out how many times as much rain fell in Oaktown last year as fell in Pine City.” (4.OA.2)

  • Unit 3, Assess, Unit Assessment, Form A, Item 7, “The community center has a rectangular back deck with a length of 16 feet and a width of 14 feet. Workers install a rectangular side deck that is half of the length and half of the width of the back deck. What is the area of the side deck in square feet? Record your answer on the grid. Then fill in the bubbles.” (4.MD.3)

  • Unit 4, Assess, Mid-Unit Assessment, Form A, Item 1, “In art class, Luke spends 26\frac{2}{6} of the time drawing and 36\frac{3}{6} of the time painting. He spends the rest of the time working with clay. What fraction of art class time does Luke spend working with clay? Choices include 16\frac{1}{6}, 512\frac{5}{12}, 56\frac{5}{6}, 712\frac{7}{12}.” (4.NF.3)

  • Unit 5, Assess, Unit Assessment, Form B, Item 4, “Draw all the lines of symmetry on the square below. How many lines of symmetry does the square have? ___ lines of symmetry.” A picture of a square is shown. (4.G.3)

Indicator 1B

Materials give all students extensive work with grade-level problems to meet the full intent of grade-level standards.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for giving all students extensive work with grade-level problems to meet the full intent of grade-level standards

According to the Program Overview, Program Organization document, “The lessons in i-Ready Classroom Mathematics span multiple days and integrate several standards to help students make connections and develop a deep understanding.” There are three types of lessons: 1. Strategy Lessons, which comprise the majority of lessons in the program and “help students make important connections and deepen their understanding while acquiring and developing mathematical skills and strategies,” 2. Understand Lessons, which “begin with the word “Understand” focus primarily on conceptual understanding and occur at key points in the instructional sequence,” and 3. Math in Action Lessons, which occur at the end of each unit and “review and apply unit content and teach students how to develop complete responses to a performance task.” 

The i-Ready Classroom Mathematics materials provide a consistent structure within each lesson, which is a session or “day”, and each “plays a different role in supporting student understanding.” “Each session takes 45-60 minutes to complete and includes time for instruction, practice, and differentiation.” Day 1 consists of an Explore session which “connects prior knowledge and introduces new content.” Days 2-4 consist of Develop sessions which “build multi-dimensional understanding using rich tasks, problem solving, discourse and multiple representations.” Day 5 consists of a Refine session which “strengthen skills and understanding with in-class practice time” and “reteach, reinforce, and extend learning.” The materials present all students with opportunities to meet the full intent and engage in extensive work with each grade-level standard. Examples include:

  • Unit 2, Lessons 7 and 10, engage students with the full intent and extensive work with 4.OA.3 (Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.) Unit 2, Lesson 7, Multiplication and Division in Word Problems, Session 2, Additional Practice, Practice Multiplication in Word Problems, Problem 5, “Which problem can be solved using the equation 8×2=m8\times2=m?  Choose all that apply.” Answer choices: “Abeni reads 8 books in June. She reads half as many books in July. How many books does Aneni read in July?; Pedro is twice as old as his sister. His sister is 8 years old. How old is Pedro?; A pen costs $8. Kele buys 8 pens. How much does Kele spend on pens?; Alita has 8 apples and 2 oranges. How many pieces of fruit does she have altogether?”; and Fadil makes 8 paper airplanes. He gives 2 paper airplanes to a friend. How many paper airplanes does Fadil have now?” Session 3, Additional Practice, Practice Division in Word Problems, Problem 3, “A school for guide dogs has 42 black dogs. That is 6 times as many as the number of yellow dogs at the school. Write and solve an equation to find the number of yellow dogs. Show your work.” Lesson 10, Model and Solve Multi-Step Problems, Session 2, Develop, Apply It, Problem 8, “Miguel has 28 markers. His sister has 33 markers. They buy 3 more boxes of markers. Each box has 8 markers. Write an equation to represent the total number of markers Miguel and his sister have. Show your work.” Session 2, Additional Practice, Practice Modeling Multi-Step Problems, Problem 3, “Josh goes to the book fair and buys 3 comic books for $5 each, 2 chapter books for $9 each, 4 posters for $2 each, and 1 picture book for $7. Write an equation that can be used to find out how much Josh spends at the book fair. Show your work.” Session 3, Develop, Apply It, Problem 8, “ Aun will host a dinner to celebrate Tet, the Vietnamese Lunar New Year. She has $200 to buy groceries. She needs $95 for a pork and egg dish, $54 for sticky rice cakes, and $38 for soup. Write and solve an equation to find out if she has enough money for the food. Estimate to check that your answer is reasonable. Show your work.” Problem 9, “Look at your answer to problem 8. Does Aun get any change back from her $200? Explain how you know.” 

  • Unit 3, Lessons 11 and 12, engage students with the full intent and extensive work with 4.NBT.5 (Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models). Students multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one and two-digit numbers. Lesson 11, Multiply by One-Digit Numbers, Session 1, Explore, Additional Practice, Prepare for Multiplying by One-Digit Numbers, Problem 2, “Fill in the blanks below to show how to find 2×482\times48. ; ==___++___ ; ==___.” Session 2, Explore, Apply It, Problem 9, “Find the product of 5 and 738. Estimate to check that your answer is reasonable. Show your work.” Session 3, Additional Practice, Practice Multiplying a Four-Digit Number by a One-Digit Number, Problem 2, “Show how to use partial products to find 5×1,6435\times1,643. Session 4, Refine, Apply It, Problem 5, “Robyn and her foster mom volunteer at a food bank. They help fill 273 food boxes. Robyn puts 3 cans of soup in each food box. How many cans of soup does Robyn put in the food boxes in all?” Answers include: 276, 546, 619, and 819. Lesson 12, Multiply by Two-Digit Numbers, Session 1, Additional Practice, Prepare for Multiplying by Two-Digit Numbers, Problem 2, “Complete the area model. Then add the four partial products to find 18×2418\times24. ___++___++___++___==___. ” There is an image of a partially completed area model with the following equations: 10×20=10\times20=___, 10×4=10\times4=___, 8×20=8\times20=___, and 8×4=8\times4=___ . Session 2, Develop, Apply It, Problem 7, “Complete the area model below. Then add the partial products to find the product of 27 and 21. Show your work.” There is an image of a partially completed area model with the following equations: 20×20=20\times20=___, 20×7=20\times7=___, 1×20=1\times20=___, and 1×7=1\times7=___.” Session 3, Refine, Apply It, Problem 1, “A farmer replaces all the sprinklers in one of their fields. The field has 15 rows of sprinklers. Each row has 24 sprinklers. How many sprinklers does the farmer replace? Show your work.” 

  • Unit 4, Lesson 17,Understand Equivalent Fractions, Sessions 1-3, engage students with the full intent and extensive work with 4.NF.1 (Explain why a fraction 1b\frac{1}{b} is equivalent to a fraction by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions). Students develop an understanding of equivalent fractions. Session 1, Explore, Model It, Problem 3, “Shade each model to represent the fraction shown. a. Is the area you shaded in each model the same? b. How do you know that 13\frac{1}{3}, 26\frac{2}{6}, and 412\frac{4}{12} are equivalent fractions? c. Compare the models. How many times as many equal parts and shaded parts does each model have than the model above it?”  Pictures of equal sized rectangles partitioned into thirds, sixths, and twelfths with 13\frac{1}{3}, 26\frac{2}{6}, and 412\frac{4}{12} labeled above each rectangle are provided. Session 2, Develop, Model It, Problem 3, “Write the missing numbers to find a fraction equivalent to 56\frac{5}{6} using multiplication. 5×26x=10\frac{5\times2}{6x}=\frac{10}{}” Session 3, Refine, Apply It, Problem 3, “Use different methods to find two fractions that are equivalent to 33\frac{3}{3}.”

  • Unit 5, Lesson 31, Angles, Sessions 2-4, engage students with the full intent and extensive work with 4.MD.6 (Measure angles in whole-number degrees using a protractor. Sketch angles of specified measure). Students measure angles in whole-number degrees using a protractor, and sketch angles of specified measure. Session 2, Additional Practice, Practice Using a Protractor, Problem 1, “Read the number of degrees on the protractor to find the measure of the angle. The angle measures ___ degrees.” An image of an angle drawn over a picture of a protractor is shown. Session 3, Additional Practice, Practice Drawing Angles, Problem 3, “Draw a 160° angle.” Session 4,  Refine, Apply It, Problem 8, “Explain how you can use a protractor to measure the angle shown.” 

  • Unit 5, Lesson 30, Points, Lines, Rays, and Angles, Sessions 1-5, engage students with the full intent and extensive work with 4.G.1 (Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, and perpendicular and parallel lines, identify these in two-dimensional figures). Session 1, Additional Practice, Prepare for Points, Lines, Rays, and Angles, Problem 1, “Think about what you know about geometric figures. Fill in each box. Use words, numbers, and pictures. Show as many ideas as you can.” A chart with the headings Word, In My Own Words and Example is shown. Words in the chart include: point, line segment, line, ray, and angle.  Session 2, Develop, Apply It, Problem 6, “Samir cuts this shape from old clothes to make a patchwork quilt. How many lines are in this shape? How many rays? Explain How you know.” An image of a pentagon with angles labeled A-E is shown. Session 3, Additional Practice, Practice Identifying Angles, Problem 1, “How many right angles are in this shape?” Problem 2, “How many acute angles are in this shape?” Problem 3, “How many obtuse angles are in this shape?” Session 4, Develop, Apply It, Problem 7, “Damari copies the shape below from his brother’s kente stole. How many pairs of parallel sides does the shape below have? Explain how you know.” An image of a trapezoid is shown. Session 5, Refine, Apply It, Problem 2, “A crosswalk is marked with a pair of parallel line segments that extend from one side of the street to the other. The distance between the two line segments from point A to point B is 6 feet. What is the distance from Point C to Point D?” An image of a crosswalk with labeled line segments is shown.

Criterion 1.2: Coherence


Each grade’s materials are coherent and consistent with the Standards.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, 2024 Grade 4 meet expectations for coherence. The materials: address the major clusters of the grade, have supporting content connected to major work, make connections between clusters and domains, and have content from prior and future grades connected to grade-level work.

Indicator 1C

When implemented as designed, the majority of the materials address the major clusters of each grade.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations that, when implemented as designed, the majority of the materials address the major clusters of the grade. 

  • The approximate number of Units devoted to major work of the grade, including supporting work connected to major work is 4 of 5 units, approximately 80%.

  • The number of Lessons (Strategy and Math in Action) devoted to major work of the grade, including supporting work connected to major work is 31 of 39, approximately 79%. 

  • The number of instructional days (including Strategy and Math in Action Lessons, Mid-Unit Assessments, and Unit assessments) devoted to major work of the grade, including supporting work connected to major work is 116 of 149, approximately 78%.

An instructional day analysis is most representative of the instructional materials because this comprises the total number of Strategy Lessons, Math in Action Lessons, and Unit Assessments. As a result, approximately 78% of the instructional materials focus on the major work of the grade.

Indicator 1D

Supporting content enhances focus and coherence simultaneously by engaging students in the major work of the grade.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations that supporting content enhances focus and coherence simultaneously by engaging students in the major work of the grade. 

The materials are designed so supporting standards/clusters are connected to the major standards/ clusters of the grade. Within Program Implementation, Correlations, Content Focus in the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), teachers are encouraged to "Use the tables to help inform i-Ready Classroom Mathematics instructional pacing so that students spend the majority of their time on the work of the major clusters, with time spent on supporting and additional clusters used to enhance that work." Examples of connections include:

  • Unit 2, Lesson 8, Multiples and Factors, Session 3, Develop, connects supporting work of 4.OA.4 (Find all factor pairs for a whole number in the range 1–100. Recognize that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1–100 is a multiple of a given one-digit number. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1–100 is prime or composite) to the major work of 4.OA.3 (Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding), as students use factors to solve a multiplication word problem. Apply It, Problem 6, “Alberto is helping his mom make siopao buns. He needs to arrange 18 siopao buns in equal-size rows on a tray. What are all the different ways Alberto can arrange the siopao buns? Show your work.” Additional Practice, Practice Factors and Factor Pairs, Problem 5, “Carlos and Zene have the same number of building blocks. Carlos arranges his building blocks into 2 rows of 12 blocks. Zene arranges her building blocks into 6 rows of 4 blocks. What are two other ways they can arrange their blocks? Show your work.”

  • Unit 3, Lesson 13, Use Multiplication to Convert Measurements, Session 1, Additional Practice, Problem 3, connects supporting work of 4.MD.1 (Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units including km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz.; l, ml; hr, min, sec. Within a single system of measurement, express measurements in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit…) to the major work of 4.NBT.5 (Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models), as students use relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units in order to multiply a whole number of up to four digits. Additional Practice, Prepare for Using Multiplication to Convert Measurement, Problem 3, “Lucia’s exercise class starts in 195 minutes. It takes Lucia 3 hours to do errands. Does Lucia have enough time to do errands before the class starts?”

  • Unit 4, Lesson 28, Problems about Time and Money, Session 4, Refine, Apply It, Problem 2,  connects supporting work of 4.MD.2 (Use the four operations to solve word problems involving distances, intervals of time, liquid volumes, masses of objects, and money, including problems involving simple fractions or decimals, and problems that require expressing measurements given in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Represent measurement quantities using diagrams such as number line diagrams that feature a measurement scale) to the major work of 4.OA.2 (Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison), as students solve problems involving time and money using whole numbers. Apply It, Problem 2, “Kanatase sweeps the kitchen floor after he washes the dishes. Then he takes out the trash. He spends 18 minutes washing the dishes. This is 3 times as long as it takes him to sweep the floor. It takes him 3 minutes to take out the trash. How long does it take Kanatase to complete his chores? Show your work.”

Indicator 1E

Materials include problems and activities that serve to connect two or more clusters in a domain or two or more domains in a grade.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for including problems and activities that serve to connect two or more clusters in a domain or two or more domains in a grade.

The materials are designed so major standards/clusters are connected to the major standards/ clusters of the grade as well as supporting standards/clusters being connected to supporting standards/clusters. Within Program Implementation, Correlations, Content Focus in the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), teachers are encouraged to "Use the tables to help inform i-Ready Classroom Mathematics instructional pacing so that students spend the majority of their time on the work of the major clusters, with time spent on supporting and additional clusters used to enhance that work.” Examples of connections include:

  • Unit 1, Lesson 4, Add Whole Numbers, Session 2, Develop, Apply It, Problem 6, connects the major work of 4.OA.A (Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems) to the major work of 4.NBT.B (Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic), as students use the standard algorithm to solve problems. “Bridget likes to check out mystery books and adventure books from the library. The library has 2,386 mystery books and 4,332 adventure books. How many mystery books and adventure books does the library have in all? Show your work.”

  • Unit 2, Lesson 9, Number and Shape Patterns, Session 2, Develop, Apply It, Problem 9, connects the supporting work of 4.OA.B (Gain familiarity with factors and multiples) to the supporting work of 4.OA.C (Generate and analyze patterns), as students describe, analyze, and extend patterns in number and shapes. “Start with the number 16. Use the rule divide by 2. Write the next three numbers in the pattern. Show your work.”

  • Unit 4, Lesson 25, Session 1, Additional Practice, Prepare for Fractions as Tenths and Hundredths, Problem 3, connects the major work of 4.NF.A (Extend understanding of fractions equivalence and ordering) to the major work of 4.NF.C (Understand decimal notation for fractions and compare decimals fractions), as students explain the relationship between tenths and hundredths. “Caroline jogs to the park. She has six tenths of a mile left to jog. Write an equivalent fraction to show how far Caroline has left to jog in hundredths of a mile.” 

  • Unit 4, Math in Action, Use Fractions and Decimals, Persevere on Your Own, Picture Frame Problem, connects the major work of  4.NF.A (Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering.) to the major work of 4.NF.B (Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous understandings of operations on whole numbers.), as students solve problems using fractions. “Luna is using craft sticks to make a background for a photo. The background will look like a picture frame when Luna glues the photo on top of it. Below are her instructions. Paint 6 craft sticks. Each stick is 34\frac{3}{4} of an inch wide and 5345\frac{3}{4} inches long. Line up the craft sticks horizontally with their edges touching and glue them on a piece of cardboard. Glue a photograph 2142\frac{1}{4} inches wide and 2142\frac{1}{4} inches tall on the craft sticks. Leave a space at least 2242\frac{2}{4} inches wide to the right of the photo. You can put your decorations here. There needs to be at least 24\frac{2}{4} of an inch of space above and below the photo. Explain if Luna’s plan works.”

  • Unit 5, Lesson 30, Points, Lines, Rays, and Angles, Session 5, Refine, Apply It, Problem 6, connects the supporting work of 4.MD.C (Geometric measurement: understand concepts of angle and measure angles.) to the supporting work of 4.G.A (Draw and identify lines and angles, and classify shapes by properties of their lines and angles.), as students use understanding of angle concepts to identify and classify shapes. “The side view of a wheelchair ramp is shown below. Which term describes the shape? Choose all that apply.” Answers include: parallel line segments, perpendicular line segments, right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle. A picture of a right triangle is shown.

Indicator 1F

Content from future grades is identified and related to grade-level work, and materials relate grade-level concepts explicitly to prior knowledge from earlier grades.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations that content from future grades is identified and related to grade-level work, and materials relate grade-level concepts explicitly to prior knowledge from earlier grades.

Each Unit contains a Beginning of Unit section that provides numerous resources including a Lesson Progression and Math Background document for the teacher. The Lesson Progression identifies: “Which lessons are students building upon?”, “Which lessons are students preparing for?”, along with connections to prior and future work. The Math Background identifies “Information to unpack the learning progressions and make connections between key concepts.”

Examples of connections made to future grades include:

  • Unit 2: Operations: Multiplication, Division, and Algebraic Thinking, Lesson 7: Overview, Multiplication and Division in Word Problems, Learning Progression, “In this lesson students solve multiplication and division word problems. Students model problems involving times as many situations, write an equation using symbols, and solve to find the unknown.” “Developing student understanding and application of multiplicative comparisons forms the basis for students’ understanding of multiplication as scaling in Grade 5.”

  • Unit 3: Multi-Digit Operations and Measurement: Multiplication, Division, Perimeter and Area, Lesson 15: Overview, Divide Four-Digit Numbers, Learning Progression, “In this lesson students will apply their knowledge of dividing, along with their understanding of place value and properties of operations to divide up to four-digit numbers by one-digit numbers…In Grade 5 students will find quotients of dividends with up to four digits and divisors with up to two digits.”

  • Unit 4: Fractions, Decimals, and Measurement: Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication, Lesson 18: Overview, Compare Fractions, Learning Progression, “In Grade 4 students extend their understanding of fractions to compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators. In Grade 5 students will apply their understanding of fraction comparison when they learn to compare decimals.”

Examples of connections made to prior grades include:

  • Unit 1: Whole Numbers: Place Value, Comparison, Addition, and Subtraction, Lesson 5: Overview, Subtract Whole Numbers, Learning Progression, “In this lesson students use strategies based on place value to build an understanding of the standard algorithm for subtraction...In Grade 3, students used a variety of strategies based on place-value understanding - including breaking apart numbers and regrouping as needed and adding on - to subtract two- and three-digit numbers. They used tools such as base-ten blocks, number lines…”

  • Unit 2: Operations: Multiplication, Division, and Algebraic Thinking, Lesson 10: Overview, Model and Solve Multi-Step Problems, Learning Progression, “In this lesson students write and solve equations for multi-step problems using letters to represent unknown quantities and check answers for reasonableness.” “In Grade 3 students learned to write equations for two-step problems using whole numbers and the four operations.”

  • Unit 4: Fractions, Decimals, and Measurement: Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication, Lesson 28: Overview, Problems About Time and Money, Learning Progression, “In Grade 3 students solved word problems involving time intervals and elapsed time. In the lesson students apply their knowledge of time and money to solve word problems that involve all four operations. They solve problems that involve converting larger units of measurement to smaller units. They solve problems with more than one step.”

Indicator 1G

In order to foster coherence between grades, materials can be completed within a regular school year with little to no modification.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 foster coherence between grades and can be completed within a regular school year with little to no modification.

i-Ready Teach and Assess is the portal through which teachers access the i-Ready Classroom Mathematics Teacher Toolbox. Pacing information from the publisher regarding viability for one school year can be found in the documents titled Pacing Guidance for the Year found under the Program Implementation tab on the home page for each grade level, and in the Lesson Overview documents found under the Classroom Resource tab for each lesson.

According to Program Implementation, Program Overview, Program Organization, “The lessons in i-Ready Classroom Mathematics span multiple days and integrate several standards to help students make connections and develop a deep understanding.” The program contains three types of lessons: Strategy Lessons (“Majority of Lessons in the Program. These lessons help students make important connections and deepen their understanding while acquiring and developing mathematical skills and strategies.”); Understand Lessons (“Occur at Key Points in the Instructional Sequence. Lessons that begin with the word “Understand” focus primarily on conceptual understanding and occur at key points in the instructional sequence.”); and Math in Action Lessons (“End of Each Unit. These lessons review and apply unit content and teach students how to develop complete responses to a performance task.”) The Structure of a Lesson, “Within a lesson, each session (or “day”) plays a different role in supporting student understanding. This provides students with a variety of experiences and gives them the time they need to develop conceptual understanding, and build procedural fluency, as well as apply concepts they’ve learned to new situations. Each session takes 45-60 minutes to complete and includes time for instruction, practice, and differentiation.”

Pacing Guidance For The Year identifies:

  • 5 Units that span a total of 149 days

  • 34 Strategy Lessons that span 130 days

  • 5 Math in Action Lessons that span 10 days

  • 4 Mid-Unit Assessment or Digital Comprehension Check that span 4 days

  • 5 Unit Assessments or Digital Comprehension Checks that span 5 days 

  • Optional resources, not included in the instructional day count:

    • Lesson 0, while “Recommended” is not mandatory. It is the first lesson taught at the beginning of the school year and is intended to establish the instructional routines that will be used throughout the year. Lesson 0 lasts for 5 days. There is no grade-level content within this lesson.

    • 3 Practice Tests or Diagnostic Assessments that span 6 days

Overview of Gateway 2

Rigor & the Mathematical Practices

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, 2024 Grade 4 meet expectations for rigor and balance and practice-content connections. The materials help students develop procedural skills, fluency, and application. The materials also make meaningful connections between the Standards for Mathematical Content and the Standards for Mathematical Practice (MPs).

Criterion 2.1: Rigor and Balance


Materials reflect the balances in the Standards and help students meet the Standards’ rigorous expectations, by giving appropriate attention to: developing students’ conceptual understanding; procedural skill and fluency; and engaging applications.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, 2024 Grade 4 meet expectations for rigor. The materials develop conceptual understanding of key mathematical concepts, give attention throughout the year to procedural skill and fluency, and spend sufficient time working with engaging applications of mathematics. There is a balance of the three aspects of rigor within the grade.

Indicator 2A

Materials develop conceptual understanding of key mathematical concepts, especially where called for in specific content standards or cluster headings.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for developing conceptual understanding of key mathematical concepts, especially where called for in specific content standards or cluster headings.

Within the materials, Program Implementation, Program Overview, i-Ready has three different types of lessons to address the unique approaches of the standards and to support a balance of conceptual understanding, application, and procedural fluency. “Understand Lessons focus on developing conceptual understanding and help students connect new concepts to familiar ones as they learn new skills and strategies. Strategy Lessons focus on helping students persevere in solving problems, discuss solution strategies, and compare multiple representations through the Try- Discuss-Connect routine." The Math in Action Lessons "feature open-ended problems with many points of entry and more than one possible solution." Lessons are designed to support students to explore and develop conceptual understanding of grade-level mathematics. Additional Practice and Interactive Games are also provided so that students can continue to practice the skills taught during lessons if needed.

Students develop conceptual understanding with teacher guidance and support. Examples include:

  • Unit 1, Lessons 1, 2, and 3, students develop conceptual understanding of 4.NBT.2 (Read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Compare two multi-digit numbers based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons). Lesson 1, Understand Place Value, Session 1, Explore, Model It, Problem 4, “Use expanded form and word form to understand greater numbers.” Problem 4a, “To say or write the word form of a number, you read each group of three digits followed by the period name. You do not say the period name for the ones period. The word form for the number you wrote in problem 3 is four hundred sixty-seven____, ____.” Problem 4b, “Expanded form is a way to write a number to show the value of each digit. Complete the expanded form below for the number in the place-value chart above. ___00,000+___0,000+___,000+___00+___0+___.” Session 2, Develop, Model It: Expanded Form, Problem 4, “Complete to show different ways you can expand and show 25,049. 25,049=___ ten thousands + ___ thousands + ___ hundreds + ___ tens + ___ ones; 25,049 = ___ thousands + ___ ones; 25,049 = ___ ones.” Teacher Edition, Discuss It, Support Partner Discussion, “Encourage partners to connect the expanded forms by recognizing that each representation shows 25,049 but with a different number of ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, and/or ones. Support as needed with questions such as: How are the ways to represent 25,049 the same? How are the ways to represent 25,049 different?Session 3, Refine, Apply It, Problem 2, “Suppose you only have hundreds, tens, and ones blocks. What are two different ways you could represent the number 1,718?” Lesson 2, Compare Whole Numbers, Session 1, Connect It, Problem 2, “You can use place value to compare numbers. Start with the greatest place-value positions. Sometimes numbers you compare have the same number of digits. Sometimes they have different numbers of digits.” Problem 2a, “Circle the box with the greater number of staples. 1,250; 1,500.” Problem 2b, “What place value helps you tell which box has more staples? Explain.” Problem 2c, “Circle the greater price. 958.” Problem 2d, “What place value helps you tell which price is greater? Explain.” Session 2, Develop, Connect It, Problem 1, “Write the numbers 23,643 and 23,987 so that they line up by place. Explain how to line them up.” Teacher Edition, Monitor and Confirm Understanding, “Check for understanding that: the numbers are written one above the other and the digits in each place line up with each other.” Session 3, Refine, Apply It, Problem 8, “A city saves 14,128 gallons of water by repairing leaks. The city also saves 14,210 gallons of water by reducing watering time. Which activity saves more water? Use >, <, or = to write a comparison. Show your work.” Lesson 3, Round Whole Numbers, Session 1, Explore, Problem 2, “You round to estimate and to make numbers easier to work with when you do not need an exact answer.” Problem 2a, “Mark and label 36,219 on the number line below.” A picture is shown of a number line from 36,000 to 37,000 with tics marked in between the numbers. Problem 2b, “Between which two thousands is the number 36,219? Write both numbers of thousands as numerals. ___ and ___.” Teacher Edition, Look Ahead, “Point out that sometimes a number is less than halfway between two thousands, sometimes it is exactly between two thousands, and sometimes it is more than halfway between two thousands.” Session 3, Refine, Apply It, Problem 3, “A website streams 264,398 movies to its customers one year. To the nearest ten, how many movies does the website stream?” Answer choices: 264,300, 264,390, 264,400, 265,000. “Efia chose c as the correct answer. How did she get that answer?” 

  • Unit 3, Lessons 11 and 12, students develop conceptual understanding of 4.NBT.5 (Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.). Lesson 11, Multiply by One-Digit Numbers, Session 3, Develop, pg. 242, “People who take part in the Holi festival throw colored powders in the air and on each other. At one event, each person who attends gets 3 packs of colored powders. A total of 1,125 people attend this event. How many packs of colored powders are given out?” Picture It, “You can use an area model to help understand the problem.” A picture is shown of an area model to represent 1,125×31,125\times3. Model It, “You can also multiply the numbers using partial products.” A picture is shown of the steps to take when using partial products to multiply 1,125×31,125\times3. Teacher Edition, Picture It and Model It, “If no student presented these models have students analyze key features, and them point out the ways each model represents: the number of thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones in 1,125; multiplying the value of each place in 1,125 by 3; the partial products. Ask How are the models the same? Different? Ask Why does Picture It show an area model instead of base-ten blocks to represent this problem?” Lesson 12, Multiply by Two-Digit Numbers, Session 2, Develop, “Folding chairs are set up in a school auditorium for a play. There are 16 rows of chairs. Each row has 28 chairs. How many chairs are set up for the play?” Students are shown pictures of an area model and partial products to solve the problem. Connect It, Problem 4, “Would the problem change if 20+820+8 on the top of the area model were changed to 10+10+810+10+8? Explain.” Problem 5, “How could you estimate to check the reasonableness of your answer to 28×1628\times16 by multiplying with easier numbers?” Teacher Edition, Facilitate Whole Class Discussion, “Be sure students understand that problem 4 is asking them about breaking apart the factor 28 in a different way and that problem 5 is asking how to check that the answer to a two-digit multiplication problem is reasonable. Ask Why might you be likely to break apart 28 into 10+10+810+10+8 instead of into 20+820+8? How does this affect the partial products you get and the product?” 

  • Unit 4, Lesson 25, Fractions as Tenths and Hundredths, Sessions 1 and 2, students develop conceptual understanding of 4.NF.5 (Express a fraction with denominator 10 as an equivalent fraction with denominator 100, and use this technique to add two fractions with respective denominators 10 and 100.). Session 1, Explore, Try It, “Calvin and his parents are visiting New Orleans. They walk seven tenths of a mile to Congo Square. Write an equivalent fraction to show how far Calvin and his parents walk in hundredths of a mile.” Teacher Guidance, Facilitate Whole Class Discussion, “Call on students to share selected strategies. Prompt students to use academic language and math vocabulary so that their ideas are clear. Guide students to Compare and Connect the representations. ASK How do [student name]’s and [student name]’s models how the distance Calvin and his parents Walk in tenths? in hundredths? Listen For models show 7 parts out of 10 or the fraction 710\frac{7}{10}; they show 70 parts out of 100 or the fraction 70100\frac{70}{100}.” Session 2, Develop, Connect It, Teacher Guidance, “Monitor and Confirm Understanding 1 - 4 Check for understanding that: the denominators of 10 and 100 are different, multiplying both the numerator and denominator of 410\frac{4}{10} by the same number, 10, results in an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100, adding the numerators of 40100\frac{40}{100} and 50100\frac{50}{100} results in the sum, the sum is 90100\frac{90}{100} of a dollar.” 

Students have opportunities to independently demonstrate conceptual understanding. Examples include:

  • Unit 1, Lessons 2-3, students use place value understanding to compare numbers and independently engage with 4.NBT.2 (Read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Compare two multi-digit numbers based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons) as they use place value strategies to compare whole numbers. Lesson 2, Compare Whole Numbers, Session 3, Refine, Apply It, Problem 9, Math Journal, “Choose 2 six-digit numbers. Use symbols and words to write comparison statements. Explain how you know the comparisons are correct.” Lesson 3, Round Whole Numbers, Session 2, Develop, Apply It, Problem 8, “Mr. Gomez’s company collects 32,376 water bottles to recycle. Mr. Gomez rounds this amount to the nearest ten thousand. What number does Mr. Gomez round the number of water bottles to? Show your work.” Problem 9, “Gavin and his dad volunteers at a book drive for International Book Giving Day on February 14. The book drive collected 468,500 books. To the nearest thousand, how many books does the book drive collect? Show your work.” 

  • Unit 3, Lesson 14, Divide Three-Digit Numbers, Session 4, Refine, Apply it, Problem 9, Math Journal, independently engage with 4.NBT.6 (Find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and one-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models) as they use their understanding of multiplication to estimate division quotients. “Look at the expression 228÷6228\div6. What two multiples of 10 is the quotient between? Explain how you know.” 

  • Unit 4, Lessons 17 and 18, students independently engage with 4.NF.2 (Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions.) as they use concrete and semi-concrete representations to create equivalent fractions with like denominators to compare fractions. Lesson 17, Understand Equivalent Fractions, Session 1, Additional Practice, Prepare for Equivalent Fractions, Problem 3, “Shade each model to represent the fraction shown.” Pictures of three bar models are shown, one partitioned into halves, one partitioned into fourths, and one partitioned into eighths. The corresponding labels on the models are 12\frac{1}{2}, 24\frac{2}{4}, and 48\frac{4}{8}. Problem 3a, “Is the area you shaded in each model the same?” Problem 3b, “How do you know that 12\frac{1}{2}, 24\frac{2}{4}, and 48\frac{4}{8} are equivalent fractions?” Problem 3c, “Compare the models. How many times as many equal parts and shaded parts does each model have than the model above it?” Lesson 18, Comparing Fractions, Session 3, Additional Practice, Practice Using a Benchmark to Compare Fractions, Problem 2, “Compare 56\frac{5}{6} and 13\frac{1}{3} using the benchmark fraction 12\frac{1}{2}.” Problem 2a, “Label 56\frac{5}{6} and 13\frac{1}{3} on the number line below.” A number line is shown from 0 through 1, with tics marked at each sixth. The one-half tic is labeled as well. Problem 2b, “Which fraction is greater than 12\frac{1}{2}?” Problem 2c, “Which fraction is less than 12\frac{1}{2}?” Problem 2d, “Write <, >, or = to show the comparison. Explain how you found your answer. 5613\frac{5}{6}\bigcirc\frac{1}{3}.”

Indicator 2B

Materials give attention throughout the year to individual standards that set an expectation for procedural skill and fluency.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for giving attention throughout the year to individual standards that set an expectation of procedural skill and fluency.

Within the materials, Program Implementation, Program Overview, i-Ready has three different types of lessons to address the unique approaches of the standards and to support a balance of conceptual understanding, application, and procedural fluency. The materials include problems and questions, interactive practice, and math center activities that help students develop procedural skills and fluency, as well as opportunities to independently demonstrate procedural skills and fluency throughout the grade. Additional Practice and Interactive Games are also provided so that students can continue to practice the skills taught during lessons if needed.

Students develop procedural skills and fluency with teacher guidance and support. There are also interactive tutorials embedded in classroom resources to help develop procedural skills and fluency. Examples include:

  • Unit 1, Lesson 4, Interactive Tutorials, contains one 17-minute tutorial to help students develop procedural skills and fluency with adding multi-digit numbers. (4.NBT.4)

  • Unit 1, Lessons 4 and 5, students build procedural skills and fluency of 4.NBT.4 (Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.) with teacher support and guidance. Lesson 4, Add Whole Numbers, Session 1, Explore, Connect It, Problem 2 Look Ahead, “There are many ways to add numbers. For example, you can use drawings or base-ten blocks. You can also break apart numbers to add, add numbers by place value, or use an algorithm. An algorithm is a set of steps used to solve a problem. When you line up numbers by place value, you use an algorithm. Suppose you want to add greater numbers such as 35,705 and 23,241.” Problem 2a, “Without adding, circle the strategy that might be best for adding. Draw a Picture; Line Up by Place Value.” Problem 2, “Explain your choice.” Session 2, Develop, “Lupe’s mom and dad own a tamale restaurant. Around Christmas, the restaurant sells 5,657 pork tamales and 3,804 beef tamales. How many tamales does the restaurant sell around Christmas? Use any strategy to add.” Model It, “You can use place value to add.” Model It, “You can record the sums by showing regrouping above the problem. You regroup when the sum of the digits in a place is 10 or greater.” Session 3, Develop, p.60, “Find the sum of 57,541 and 23,098. Use the standard algorithm for addition. Then estimate to check whether your answer is reasonable, or makes sense.” Model It, “You can use the addition algorithm to add. Line up the numbers. Add from right to left.” The problem is shown vertically. “Add the ones. Add the tens. Regroup if you need to. Write the regrouped 1 hundred above. Then add hundreds, thousands, and ten thousands.” Teacher Edition, Model It, “For the addition algorithm, prompt students to identify when regrouping is needed. How do you know whether or not to regroup ones? Which place has been regrouped so far? Why? How does the model show the regrouping?” Session 4, Refine, Apply It, Problem 2, “Find the sum of the three numbers below. 13,728; 15,419; 12,399. Show your work.” Teacher Edition, “Students could solve the problem by using the standard addition algorithm. They may add the numbers in any order and the sum will be the same. Students should regroup 26 ones as 2 tens and 6 ones, 14 tens as 1 hundred and 4 tens, 15 hundreds as 1 thousand and 5 hundreds, and 11 thousands as 1 ten thousand and 1 thousand.” Lesson 5, Subtract Whole Numbers, Session 3, Develop, “During the first weekend of the cherry blossom festival at Ueno Park in Tokyo, Japan, there are 41,923 visitors. The next weekend there are 68,408 visitors. How many more visitors are there during the second weekend than during the first? Use the standard algorithm to subtract. Then use addition to check your answer.” Model It, “You can use the standard algorithm for subtraction to subtract. Line up the numbers. Subtract from right to left. Subtract the ones. Regroup if you need to. There are not enough tens to subtract. Write the regrouped 4 hundreds as 3 hundreds and 10 tens above the problem. Now subtract the tens. You will finish solving the problem on the next page.” Teacher Edition, Model It, “For the subtraction algorithm, prompt students to identify where regrouping is needed. Why are no tens regrouped as ones? Look at the zero in the tens place of the number you are subtracting from. How does the zero help you tell whether or not regrouping is needed? What do the blank boxes in the difference represent?

  • Unit 3, Lesson 14, Divide Three-Digit Numbers, Session 2, Develop, Teacher Edition, Model It, students develop procedural skills using area models and arrays to divide. 4.NBT.6 (Find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and one-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division, illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models). “If no student presented these models, have students analyze key features and then point out the ways each model represents: the dividend of 136, the divisor of 4, the quotient. Ask How are the models alike and different? Listen For Both models show the problem broken into four parts with the number 10 above the first 3 parts and 4 above the last part. The array shows 136 as the total number of squares in the rows and columns while the area model shows 136 as the total area of a rectangle. For an array, prompt students to identify how the array represents the division problem. Why is 10 the first number multiplied by 4? How do the subtraction problems relate to the array? Why does the model have four parts? For an area model, prompt students to identify how the model represents the division problem. Look at the labels on the first rectangle in the area model. What is known, and what is unknown? How does the area model show the division problem broken into smaller parts? What do the numbers above the area model represent?”

  • Unit 4, Lesson 20, Add and Subtract Fractions, Session 3, Develop, students develop procedural skills and fluency as they add and subtract fractions. 4.NF.4c (Solve word problems involving multiplication of a fraction by a whole number.) Try It, “Soo has a box with 56\frac{5}{6} of a liter of broth to make pho. He uses 46\frac{4}{6} of a liter. What fraction of a liter of broth is left in the box.” Picture It, “You can use a picture to help understand the problem. The picture shows the whole liter divided into 6 equal parts. Five shaded parts show how much broth is in the box. Soo uses 4 sixths of a liter, so take away 4 shaded parts. The 1 shaded part that is left shows the fraction of a liter that is left.” Model It, “ You can also use a number line to help understand the problem. The number line at the right is divided into sixths, with a point at 56\frac{5}{6}. Start at 56\frac{5}{6} and count back 4 sixths to subtract 46\frac{4}{6}. Teacher Guide, Picture It & Model It, “If no student presented these models, have students analyze key features and then point out the ways each model represents: the whole; the number of equal parts; the number of parts Soo uses. Ask What number tells the whole in the picture? in the number line? Is it the same or different? For a sketch of the box of broth, prompt students to identify how the box is labeled to represent the problem. Is there any way that this picture is more or less helpful than the one drawn by [student name]? How is it helpful that the box shows 1 liter divided into sixths? Why are some parts of the box shaded and some clear? For a number line model, prompt students to identify the greatest number on the number line and the number of divisions. How is the number line divided? Why is the point 56\frac{5}{6} marked?” 

The instructional materials provide opportunities for students to independently demonstrate procedural skill and fluency throughout the grade level. Examples include:

  • Unit 1, Lessons 4 and 5, Learning Games, Hungry Fish, Pizza, and Match help students develop procedural skills and fluency with adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers. (4.NBT.4)

  • Unit 1, Lessons 4 and 5, students independently demonstrate procedural skill and fluency of 4.NBT.4 (Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.). Lesson 4, Add Whole Numbers, Session 2, Develop, Fluency & Skills Practice, “In this activity students use different strategies, such as place-value and the addition algorithm, to add two four-digit numbers with or without regrouping.” Problem 3, “4,121+6,2154,121+6,215.” Problem 5, “2,999+6,8712,999+6,871.” Session 3, Develop, Additional Practice, Practice Using the Standard Algorithm to Add Greater Numbers, Problem 2, “Each year, the Aloha Festivals in Hawaii include a flower parade. One float in the parade has 12,818 flowers. The performers on the float wear 1,342 flowers. What is the total number of flowers on the float and its performers?” Answer choices: 13,150; 14,160; 23,150; 24,160. Session 4, Refine, Apply It, Problem 1, “On Saturday, the subway has 246,440 riders. On Sunday, the subway has 175,756 riders. What is the total number of subway riders on the two days? Show your work.” Lesson 5, Subtract Whole Numbers, Session 2, Additional Practice, Teacher’s Edition, Fluency & Skills Practice, “In this activity students practice estimating and finding differences of two five-digit numbers using the standard algorithm.” Fluency & Skills Practice, “Estimate. Circle all the problems with differences between 30,000 and 60,000. Then find the differences of only the circled problems.” Problems are written vertically. Problem 2, “62,55431,61862,554-31,618.”  Problem 9, “90,43451,53390,434-51,533.”

  • Unit 3, Lesson 11, Multiply by One-Digit Numbers, Session 3, Additional Practice, Practice Multiplying a Four-Digit Number by a One-Digit Number, Problem 3, students independently demonstrate procedural skills of multiplying using expanded form of 4.NBT.5 (Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.) “Use the expanded form of 3,569 to find 4×3,5694\times3,569.”

  • Unit 3, Lesson 16, Finding Perimeter and Area, Session 3, Additional Practice, Practice Finding Area,  Problem 1, students independently demonstrate procedural skills of multiplying to find the area of a room 4.MD.3 (Apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real world and mathematical problems). “Vinh puts flooring in a rectangular room. The picture shows the length and width of the room. How many square feet of flooring does Vinh use? A=A= ___ ×\times ___; A=A= ___. Vinh uses ___ square feet of flooring.” A picture is shown of a rectangle with labeled side lengths of 30 ft and 25 ft.

Indicator 2C

Materials are designed so that teachers and students spend sufficient time working with engaging applications of the mathematics.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for being designed so that teachers and students spend sufficient time working with engaging applications of the mathematics.

Within the materials, Program Implementation, Program Overview, i-Ready has three different types of lessons to address the unique approaches of the standards and to support a balance of conceptual understanding, application, and procedural fluency. “Understand Lessons focus on developing conceptual understanding and help students connect new concepts to familiar ones as they learn new skills and strategies. Strategy Lessons focus on helping students persevere in solving problems, discuss solution strategies, and compare multiple representations through the Try- Discuss-Connect routine." The Math in Action Lessons "feature open-ended problems with many points of entry and more than one possible solution." Lessons are designed to support students as they apply grade-level mathematics. Additional Practice and Interactive Games are also provided so that students can continue to practice the skills taught during lessons if needed.

There are multiple routine and non-routine application problems throughout the grade level, including opportunities for students to work with support of the teacher and independently. While single and multi-step application problems are included across various portions of lessons, independent application opportunities are most often found within Additional Practice, Refine, and Math in Action lessons.

Examples of routine applications of the mathematics include:

  • Unit 2, Lesson 6, Session 2, Additional Practice, Practice Multiplication as Comparison,  Problem 7, students independently apply multiplication or division strategies to solve multiplicative comparison problems. 4.OA.2 (Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison…) “A pet caretaker walks dogs 9 times a day. They walk dogs 5 days a week from Monday to Friday. Draw and label a bar model to show the total number of times the caretaker walks dogs each week.”

  • Unit 3, Lesson 13, Use Multiplication to Convert Measurements, Session 2, Develop, Apply It, Problem 7, students use multiplication and division to solve word problems involving conversions to independently demonstrate application of 4.OA.3 (Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.) “Chen buys 14 ounces of kiwis and 2 pounds of peaches. How many more ounces do the peaches weigh than the kiwis? Show your work. (1 pound = 16 ounces).”

  • Unit 4, Lesson 21, Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers, Session 2, Develop, students have discussions to make sense of the mixed numbers as they apply 4.NF.3c (Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators, e.g., by replacing each mixed number with an equivalent fraction, and/or by using properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction) with teacher support and guidance. Try It, “Markers come in boxes of 8. For an art project, one group of students uses 1581\frac{5}{8} boxes of markers, and another group uses 1681\frac{6}{8} boxes. How many boxes of markers do the two groups use altogether?” Teacher Edition, Make Sense of the Problem, “Before students work on Try It, use Three Reads to help them make sense of the problem. For the third read, have students read chorally. As students discuss the important quantities, listen for understanding that each group of students in the problem uses 1 full box of makers and part of another box.”

Examples of non-routine applications of the mathematics include:

  • Unit 2, Lesson 7, Session 2, Develop, Apply It, Problems 8-9, allows students to apply multiplication and division strategies to solve word problems, 4.OA.2 (Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison…). Problem 8, “A food truck sells shawarma on plates and in wraps. During lunch, the food truck sells 10 shawarma plates. It sells 3 times as many shawarma wraps as shawarma plates. Write an equation with an unknown to find the number of shawarma wraps the food truck sells. Then solve the equation. Show your work.” Problem 9, “Elu eats 6 times as many raisins as Finn. Finn eats 9 raisins. Write an equation with an unknown to find the number to find the number of raisins Elu eats. Then solve the equation. Show your work.”

  • Unit 3, Lesson 13, Use Multiplication to Convert Measurements, Additional Practice, Practice Converting Unit of Liquid Volume, Problem 6, students independently by comparing units of measurement to see which holds more, to demonstrate application of 4.MD.1 (Know relative size of measurement units within one system of units including km, m, cm; kg, g,; lb, oz; l, ml; hr, min, sec. Within a single system of measurement, express measurements in a larger unit in terms of smaller unit…). “A small bottle contains 2 cups of soy sauce. Do 5 small bottles of soy sauce have a greater amount of soy sauce than a 1-quart bottle of soy sauce? Explain. (1 quart = 4 cups).”

  • Unit 4, Lesson 28, Problems About Time and Money, Session 4, Refine, Apply It, Problem 9, students independently demonstrate application of addition and subtraction strategies to solve word problems about money/decimals. 4.MD.2 (Use the four operations to solve word problems involving distances, intervals of time, liquid volumes, masses of objects, and money, including problems involving simple fractions or decimals, and problems that require expressing measurements given in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Represent measurement quantities using diagrams such as number line diagrams that feature a measurement scale). “Jamie has three $5.00 bills. He buys a wristband for $1.75 and a basketball for $12.50. How much money does Jamie have left? Explain how to find the answer.”

Indicator 2D

The three aspects of rigor are not always treated together and are not always treated separately. There is a balance of the three aspects of rigor within the grade.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations in that the three aspects of rigor are not always treated together and are not always treated separately. There is a balance of the three aspects of rigor within the grade.

Within the materials, Program Implementation, Program Overview, i-Ready has three different types of lessons to address the unique approaches of the standards and to support a balance of conceptual understanding, application, and procedural fluency. The materials include problems and questions, interactive practice, and math center activities that help students develop skills. 

All three aspects of rigor are present independently throughout the grade. Examples where instructional materials attend to conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, or application include:

  • Unit 3, Lesson 12, Multiply by Two-Digit Numbers, Session 2, Additional Practice, Problem 6,  students demonstrate conceptual understanding of 4.NBT.5 (Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number and multiply two two-digit numbers) as they show more than one way to solve a multi-step multiplication problem. “Ms. Lonetree teaches 6 computer classes a day at school. Each class is 52 minutes long. She teaches 5 days a week. How much time does she spend teaching each week? Show two different ways to solve this problem. Show your work.”

  • Unit 4, Lesson 29, Problems About Length, Liquid Volume, Mass, and Weight, Session 1, Additional Practice, Prepare for Problems About Length, Liquid Volume, Mass, and Weight, Problem 3, students develop application of 4.MD.2 (Use the four operations to solve word problems involving distances, intervals of time, liquid volumes, masses of objects, and money, including problems involving simple fractions or decimals, and problems that require expressing measurements given in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Represent measurement quantities using diagrams such as number line diagrams that feature a measurement scale) as they solve word problems involving converting measurement units. “Nadia and her dad have 3 yards of rope. They use 20 yards of the rope to make a clothesline. They use 1 yard 2 feet of the rope to make a chew toy for their dog. How many feet of rope do Nadia and her dad have left?”

  • Unit 5, Lesson 31, Angles, Sessions 2 and 3, students develop procedural skill as they measure and draw angles. 4.MD.6, (Measure angles in whole-number degrees using a protractor. Sketch angles of specified measure.) Session 2, Develop, p. 678, Model It, “You can use a protractor to measure the angle. First, line up either 0°0\degree mark on the protractor exactly with one ray of the angle.” A picture of a protractor with an angle and the words vertex and ray labeled is provided. “Next, line up the center point of the protractor exactly with the vertex of the angle. Recall that the vertex is the point where two rays meet to form an angle. Then look at the other ray to read the number of degrees.” Session 2, Develop, Apply It, Problem 7, “What is the measure, in degrees, of the angle shown?” A 235°235\degree angle is pictured on a protractor. Session 3, Develop, Apply It, Problem 8, “Angle D measures 80°80\degree. One ray of angle D is shown. Draw another ray to make angle D.” Problem 9, “Draw a 75°75\degree angle.”

Multiple aspects of rigor are engaged simultaneously throughout the materials in order to develop students’ mathematical understanding of grade-level topics. Examples include:

  • Unit 1, Math In Action, Session 2, Persevere On Your Own, Problem Yearly Blog Visits, students develop procedural skill and fluency, conceptual understanding, and application as they solve problems that involve understanding multi-digit whole numbers when multiplying up to four-digits by a one-digit number 4.NBT.5 (Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.) “Max’s blog site now shows the monthly visitors through June. He asks you to write a report about the number of visitors he had during this time. He also wants you to estimate numbers for the whole year. Max’s Video Game Blog Visitors January visitors 30,000+2,000+50+130,000+2,000+50+1; February visitors 28,486; March visitors thirty thousand, eighteen; April visitors 50,000+9,000+600+30+250,000+9,000+600+30+2; May visitors 62,187; June visitors sixty-three thousand, nine hundred two. How many visitors should Max expect to get on his blog in one year? Solve It Write a report for Max about visitors to his blog site. Use rounding and estimation to help you write a report. Include: the approximate number of visitors each month and a 6-month total; a prediction of the total number of visitors there will be for the whole year; an explanation of how you made the one-year prediction. Reflect Use Mathematical Practices After you complete the task, choose one of these questions to discuss with a partner. Look for Structure What number patterns helped you make a prediction? Make an Argument Why is your prediction a reasonable estimation?” 

  • Unit 2, Lesson 9, Explore Number and Shape Patterns, Session 4, Refine, Apply It, students refine procedural skill and fluency and conceptual understanding as they solve problems involving number and shape patterns. 4.OA.5 (Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule. Identify apparent features of the pattern that were not explicit in the rule itself.)  Problem 7, “Draw a shape pattern that follows the rule that shapes go back and forth between four sides and five sides. Show your work.” Problem 8, “Write a number pattern that follows the rule subtract 6 and also has all odd numbers. Show your work.” Problem 10, Math Journal, “Heidi says that a number pattern with the rule add 2 always has even numbers. Is Heidi correct. Explain.”

  • Unit 4, Lesson 23, Understand Fraction Multiplication, Session 3, Refine, Apply It, Problem 3, students develop conceptual understanding and application as they use multiplication to solve a word problem involving fractions. 4.NF.4 (Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction by a whole number.). “Olivia makes quinoa vegetable soup. She needs 32\frac{3}{2}cups of quinoa. She has a 12\frac{1}{2}-cup measuring cup. How many times does she fill the measuring cup with quinoa? Make a drawing and write a multiplication equation to model the situation.”

Criterion 2.2: Math Practices


Materials meaningfully connect the Standards for Mathematical Content and Standards for Mathematical Practice (MPs).

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, 2024 Grade 4 meet expectations for practice-content connections. The materials meaningfully connect the Standards for Mathematical Content and the Standards for Mathematical Practice (MPs).

Indicator 2E

Materials support the intentional development of MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them; and MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for supporting the intentional development of MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them; and MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards. 

Within Program Implementation, Standards for Mathematical Practice in Every Lesson, “The Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs) are embedded within the instructional design of i-Ready Classroom Mathematics. Embedded SMPs Within Lessons, “In addition to SMPs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, which are integrated into the instructional framework, the Teacher’s Guide includes additional opportunities for students to develop the habits of mind described by the Standards of Mathematical Practice. The table of contents indicates all of the embedded Standards for Mathematical Practice for each lesson (both integrated SMPs and the specific SMPs highlighted within the lesson). The Lesson Overview includes the Standards for Mathematical Practice addressed in each lesson. In the Student Worktext, the Learning Target also highlights the SMPs that are included in the lesson.” SMPS Integrated in Try-Discuss-Connect Instructional Framework, “i-Ready Classroom Mathematics” infuses SMPs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 into every lesson through the Try-Discuss-Connect instructional framework (found in the Explore and Develop sessions of Strategy lessons , with a modified framework used in understand lessons).” Try It, “Try It begins with a language routine such as Three Reads, which guides students to make sense of the problem (SMP 1): For the first read, students begin to make sense of the problem (SMP 1) as the teacher reads the problem aloud. For the third read, students read the problem in unison or in pairs.  Students reason quantitatively and abstractly (SMP 2) by identifying the important information and quantities, understanding what the quantities mean in context, and discussing relationships among quantities.” Discuss It, “All students reason abstractly and quantitatively (SMP 2) as they find similarities, differences, and connections among the strategies they have discussed and relate them to the problem they are solving.” Connect It, “As students think through the questions and problems, they connect the quantitative, concrete/representational approaches to a more abstract understanding (SMP 2).”

MP1 is identified and connected to grade-level content, and there is intentional development of the MP to meet its full intent. Students make sense of problems and persevere in solving them as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the modules. Examples include:

  • Unit 1, Lesson 5, Subtract Whole Numbers, Session 2, Develop, Try It, students utilize a variety of strategies to solve that make sense to solve a word problem. “Athletes are training for a para athletic competition. There are 2,153 athletes training for the high jump event. There are 4,002 athletes training for the cycling event. How many more athletes are training for cycling than for high jump? Use any strategy to subtract.” Teacher Edition, Make Sense of the Problem, “Before students work on Try It, use Three Reads to help them make sense of the problem. Each time, ask the class to consider one of the following questions: What are you trying to find out? What questions are you trying to answer? What are the important numbers and relationships in the problem?”

  • Unit 2, Lesson 9, Number and Shape Patterns, Session 3, Develop Shape Patterns, Try It, students actively engage in solving a word problem by working to understand the information in the problem. “Liv is knitting a Fana sweater. The design of a Fana sweater comes from Norway. Fana sweaters have shape patterns. The shape patterns that Liv makes goes back and forth between a triangle and a square. Show the pattern that Liv makes.” Student Worktext, Discuss It, p. 181, “Ask your partner: Can you explain that again? Tell your partner: At first, I thought…” Teacher Edition, Discuss It, Support Partner Discussion, “Encourage students to use the Discuss It questions and sentence starters on the Student Worktext page as part of their discussion. Support as needed with questions such as: How did you begin to think about this problem? Can you explain how your answer is different from or the same as your partner’s answer?”

  • Unit 4, Lesson 22, Add and Subtract Fractions in Line Plots, Session 1, Explore, Try It, students actively engage in solving a word problem by working to understand the information in the problem. “Jana’s family has a worm compost bin. Jana measures the length of some worms and records the data in a line plot. What is the difference between the lengths of the shortest and the longest worm?” A picture is shown of a line plot from 1 to 4, with tics at every fourth. Student Worktext, Discuss It, p. 463, “Ask your partner: Can you explain that again? Tell your partner: I knew…so I…” Teacher Wrap, Discuss It, Support Partner Discussion, “After students work on Try It, have them respond to Discuss It with a partner. Listen for understanding of: subtracting whole numbers, subtracting fractions, subtracting mixed numbers by decomposing them, subtracting the whole numbers and the fractions, and combining the results.”

MP2 is identified and connected to grade-level content, and there is intentional development of the MP to meet its full intent. Students reason abstractly and quantitatively as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the modules. Examples include:

  • Unit 2, Lesson 6, Understand Multiplication as a Comparison, Session 1, Explore, Model It, students work to understand the relationships between problem scenarios and mathematical representations. “You can think about multiplication as joining equal groups. a. Draw 3 groups of 5 stars b. Write a multiplication equation to find the total numbers of stars.” Teacher Edition, Model It, “Read the question at the top of the student worktext page. Remind students that one way to think about multiplication is joining equal groups. Tell students that they are going to use what they already know about multiplication to think about multiplication in a new way - as a comparison.”

  • Unit 3, Lesson 12, Multiply by Two-Digit Numbers, Session 2, Develop, Discuss It, students discuss what the numbers or symbols in an expression/equation represent. “Folding chairs are set up in a school auditorium for a play. There are 16 rows of chairs. Each row has 28 chairs. How many folding chairs are set up for the play?” Teacher Edition, Discuss It, Support Partner Discussion, “Encourage students to use the terms partial product and hundreds, tens, and ones as they discuss their solutions. Support as needed with questions such as: How did you break apart the number 16 and 28? How did you find the total represents the product?”

  • Unit 4, Lesson 19, Understand Fraction Addition and Subtraction, Session 2, Develop, Model It: Area Models, students consider the fractions involved in a problem and work to understand the relationship between the fractions and visual model. Problem 3, “Show 18+28\frac{1}{8}+\frac{2}{8}.” A picture is shown of a circle partitioned into 8 equal parts. Teacher Edition, Model It, “As students complete the problems, have them identify that they are being asked to use area models to show fraction addition and subtraction. Clarify as needed that students should shade, color, or cross out parts in each model.”

Indicator 2F

Materials support the intentional development of MP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for supporting the intentional development of MP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

Within Program Implementation, Standards for Mathematical Practice in Every Lesson, “The Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs) are embedded within the instructional design of i-Ready Classroom Mathematics. Embedded SMPs Within Lessons, “In addition to SMPs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, which are integrated into the instructional framework, the Teacher’s Guide includes additional opportunities for students to develop the habits of mind described by the Standards of Mathematical Practice. The table of contents indicates all of the embedded Standards for Mathematical Practice for each lesson (both integrated SMPs and the specific SMPs highlighted within the lesson). The Lesson Overview includes the Standards for Mathematical Practice addressed in each lesson. In the Student Worktext, the Learning Target also highlights the SMPs that are included in the lesson.” SMPS Integrated in Try-Discuss-Connect Instructional Framework, “i-Ready Classroom Mathematics infuses SMPs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 into every lesson through the Try-Discuss-Connect instructional framework (found in the Explore and Develop sessions of Strategy lessons, with a modified framework used in understand lessons).” Discuss It, “Discuss It begins as student pairs explain and justify their strategies and solutions to each other.  Partners listen to and respectfully critique each other’s reasoning (SMP 3). As students/pairs share their different approaches, the teacher facilitates the discussion by prompting students to listen carefully and asking them to repeat or rephrase the explanations to emphasize key ideas (SMP 3).” 

Students construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others in connection to grade- level content as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the units. Examples include:

  • Unit 2, Lesson 6, Understand Multiplication as Comparison, Session 3, Refine, Problem 3, students critique the reasoning of another students' mathematical thinking and understanding of multiplication. “Elan planted 4 seeds. His stepmom said she planted 2 times as many seeds.  Elon figured out that his stepmom planted 6 seeds. What did Elon do wrong?”

  • Unit 3, Lesson 13, Use Multiplication to Convert Measurements, Session 1, Explore, Discuss It, students justify their own mathematical thinking about converting measurements, then critique the reasoning of others. “Ask your partner: Do you agree with me? Why or Why not?  Tell your partner: I agree with you about…because…”

  • Unit 4, Lesson 19, Understand Fraction Addition and Subtraction, Session 3, Refine, Apply It, Problem 5, students justify their own reasoning and understanding about adding and comparing fractions. “Look at the expression 16+16+16+16+16\frac{1}{6}+\frac{1}{6}+\frac{1}{6}+\frac{1}{6}+\frac{1}{6}. Is this sum greater than, less than, or equal to 56\frac{5}{6}? Explain how you know.”

  • Unit 5, Math In Action, Classify Shapes and Angles, Session 1, Bella’s Solution, Teacher Edition, Differentiation, Extend, Deepen Understanding, Understanding Ways to Organize Shapes, students explain their own geometric reasoning when looking at a problem to solve using a variety of tools, such as a checklist and asking questions. “As you look at the checklist, encourage students to describe what they see in the problem and tell how it relates to each checklist item. Encourage students to ask each other questions and explain their thinking. Ask Why does Bella’s table have 3 rows? Listen For The problem states she must have at least one category about the shapes’ sides and at least 2 categories about the shapes’ angles. So, the solution must have at least 3 categories. Each of the rows in Bella’s table shows a different category. Ask How can you tell that the solution works? Listen For Each shape from the problem is in the table. Each shape is included at least once. Ask Why are some shapes shown more than once in the table? Listen for Those categories overlap. The shapes can fit one or more categories.” 

  • Unit 6, Lesson 32, Add and Subtract with Angles, Session 4, Refine, Apply It, Problem 9, students justify their reasoning to a geometry problem. “Cristobal wants to make a wooden table top in the shape of a circle. He has three pieces of wood with the angle measures shown. Can Cristobal use the three pieces of wood to make the table top so that there are no gaps or overlaps between the pieces? Explain.”

Indicator 2G

Materials support the intentional development of MP4: Model with mathematics; and MP5: Use appropriate tools strategically, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for supporting the intentional development of MP4: Model with mathematics; and MP5: Use appropriate tools strategically, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

Within Program Implementation, Standards for Mathematical Practice in Every Lesson, “The Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs) are embedded within the instructional design of i-Ready Classroom Mathematics. Embedded SMPs Within Lessons, “In addition to SMPs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, which are integrated into the instructional framework, the Teacher’s Guide includes additional opportunities for students to develop the habits of mind described by the Standards of Mathematical Practice. The table of contents indicates all of the embedded Standards for Mathematical Practice for each lesson (both integrated SMPs and the specific SMPs highlighted within the lesson). The Lesson Overview includes the Standards for Mathematical Practice addressed in each lesson. In the Student Worktext, the Learning Target also highlights the SMPs that are included in the lesson.” SMPs Integrated in Try-Discuss-Connect Instructional Framework, “i-Ready Classroom Mathematics infuses SMPs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 into every lesson through the Try-Discuss-Connect instructional framework (found in the Explore and Develop sessions of Strategy lessons , with a modified framework used in understand lessons).” Try It, “Try it continues as students work individually to model important quantities and relationships (SMP 4) and begin to solve the problem (SMP 1). They may model the situation concretely, visually, or using other representations, and they make strategic decisions about which tools or manipulatives may be appropriate (SMP 5).” Connect It, “For each problem students determine which strategies they feel are appropriate, and they model and solve (SMP 4) using pictures, diagrams, or mathematical representations. Students can also choose from a variety of mathematical tools and manipulatives (SMP 5) to support their reasoning.”

MP4 is identified and connected to grade-level content, and there is intentional development of the MP to meet its full intent. Students model with mathematics as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the modules. Examples include:

  • Unit 2, Lesson 8, Multiples and Factors, Session 1, Additional Practice, Prepare for Multiples and Factors, Problem 3, students model with mathematics as they use appropriate strategies and equations to solve word problems. “Solve the problem. Show your work. A park has several rows of trees. Each row has 5 trees. How many trees could be in the park?” 

  • Unit 3, Lesson 15, Divide Four-Digit Numbers, Session 1, Connect It, Problem 2, students model with mathematics as they use an area model to divide numbers. “You can divide four-digit numbers in many ways.” Problem 2a, “Complete the area model to show 3,200÷53,200\div5.” A picture is shown of an area model, with blank labels for students to fill in. “The quotient of 3,200÷53,200\div5 is ___.” Problem 2b, “Another way to find 3,200÷53,200\div5 is by using partial quotients. Complete the division that shows using partial quotients.”

  • Unit 4, Lesson 20, Add and Subtract Fractions, Session 2, Develop, p. 418, students model with mathematics as they use pictures and visual models to solve problems with fraction operations with teacher guidance. “Francisca and Nahele are painting a fence green. Francisca starts at one end and paints 310\frac{3}{10} of the fence. Nahele starts at the other end and paints 410\frac{4}{10} of the fence. What fraction of the fence do they paint altogether?” Picture It, “You can use a picture to help understand the problem. Think what the fence might look like if it has 10 equal-size parts. Each part is 110\frac{1}{10} of the whole. They paint 3 tenths and 4 tenths of the fence.” Teacher Edition, Facilitate Whole Class Discussion, “Guide students to Compare and Connect the representations. Reword any unclear statements, or ask a student to do so. Ask Where does your model show the total number of equal parts in the fence? the part Francisca paints? the part Nahele paints? the total number of tenths the two friends paint?”

MP5 is identified and connected to grade-level content, and there is intentional development of the MP to meet its full intent. Students choose tools strategically as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the modules. Examples include:

  • Unit 2, Lesson 7, Multiplication and Division in Word Problems, Session 1, Connect it, Problem 1, students choose appropriate tools and/or strategies as they solve multiplicative comparison problems. “Look Back Explain how you could find how many violins the band has.” Teacher Edition, Hands-On, Use counters to represent multiplicative comparison situations, “If students are unsure about the concept of multiplication as a comparison, then use this activity to have them model multiplicative comparison situations. Distribute counters or grid paper. Tell students to put 6 counters in a row or draw an array of 6. Have students add another row of 6 more to their array. Explain to students that this shows 2 times as many as 6. Have each pair find the number in all. [12] Then ask volunteers to tell how they and their partner found the number in all. Discuss how students could use either addition or multiplication to solve. Repeat the activity for finding 3 times as many as 6 and 4 times as many as 6.”

  • Unit 3, Lesson 14, Divide Three-Digit Numbers, Session 1, Explore, Connect It, Problem 2, students choose appropriate strategies as they explore the different ways to solve division problems. “You can solve division problems in many ways. You can use place value, rectangular arrays, area models, equations, and the relationship between multiplication and division. An area model shows both multiplication (4×50=200)(4\times50=200) and division (200÷4=50)(200\div4=50). You can also use area models to break apart a problem into smaller parts. Fill in the missing labels on two other area models for (200÷4)(200\div4).” Two area models are shown. One is divided into two parts and the other is divided into four parts.

  • Unit 5, Lesson 24, Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers, Session 1, Additional Practice, Prepare for Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers, Problem 3, students choose appropriate tools/strategies to multiply fractions. “Solve the problem. Show your work. Kyleigh cares for a flock of turkeys on her family farm. She feeds the turkeys 38\frac{3}{8}of a whole bag of grain in 1 week. What fraction of the bag of grain do the turkeys eat in 2 weeks?” Teacher Edition, “Assign problem 3 to provide another look at solving a problem by multiplying a fraction by a whole number…Students may want to use fraction bars, use fraction tiles or circles, or draw models with pencil and paper.”

Indicator 2H

Materials attend to the intentional development of MP6: Attend to precision; and attend to the specialized language of mathematics for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for supporting the intentional development of MP6: Attend to precision; and attend to the specialized language of mathematics, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards. 

Within Program Implementation, Standards for Mathematical Practice in Every Lesson, “The Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs) are embedded within the instructional design of i-Ready Classroom Mathematics. Embedded SMPs Within Lessons, “In addition to SMPs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, which are integrated into the instructional framework, the Teacher’s Guide includes additional opportunities for students to develop the habits of mind described by the Standards of Mathematical Practice. The table of contents indicates all of the embedded Standards for Mathematical Practice for each lesson (both integrated SMPs and the specific SMPs highlighted within the lesson). The Lesson Overview includes the Standards for Mathematical Practice addressed in each lesson. In the Student Worktext, the Learning Target also highlights the SMPs that are included in the lesson.” SMPs Integrated in Try-Discuss-Connect Instructional Framework, “i-Ready Classroom Mathematics infuses SMPs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 into every lesson through the Try-Discuss-Connect instructional framework (found in the Explore and Develop sessions of Strategy lessons , with a modified framework used in understand lessons).” Try It, “Multiple students share a word or phrase that describes the context of the problem as the teacher guides them to consider precision (SMP 6) of the mathematical language and communication.” Discuss It, “The teacher guides students to greater precision (SMP 6) in their mathematics, language, and vocabulary.”

Students attend to precision, in connection to grade-level content, as they work with teacher support and independently throughout the units. Examples include:

  • Unit 2, Lesson 10, Model and Solve Multiple-Step Problems, Session 2, Develop, Teacher Edition, Differentiation, Bar Model, students work towards precision and accuracy with bar models. “When discussing the bar model, prompt students to think about the length of the boxes in each bar and the amounts they represent. Ask Why is the box labeled $6 slightly larger than the one box labeled $4? Why is the box labeled $9 slightly longer than the two boxes labeled $4? Listen For 6 is greater than 4; 9 is greater than2×42\times4, or 88. On the board, draw the bar model with each of the boxes the same length. Ask In your opinion, why might an imprecise bar model lend you to an incorrect conclusion? Listen For You might think Garrett has $12 left because the bar representing the unknown amount is the length of three boxes labeled $4. Generalize Is drawing a bar model with boxes of relative size important when representing any number? Have students explain their reasoning. Listen for understanding that boxes need to accurately represent the problem and solution.” 

  • Unit 3, Lesson 14, Divide Three-Digit Numbers, Session 3, Apply It, Problem 7, students attend to precision when they explore the idea that remainders can impact the answer in division word problems. “A store orders 315 hats. The hats are shipped in boxes of 8. How many boxes are needed to ship all the hats? First, find which two multiples of 10 the quotient is between. Then find the quotient using an area model. Show your work.”

  • Unit 4, Lesson 18, Compare Fractions, Sessions 1 and 4, students attend to precision when they compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators. Session 1, Explore, Try It, “Ayana and Lisa have tahini bars that are the same size. Ayana eats 24\frac{2}{4} of her tahini bar. Lisa eats 25\frac{2}{5} of her tahini bar. Who eats more of her tahini bar?” Teacher Edition, Discuss It, Support Partner Discussion, “After students work on Try It, have them respond to Discuss It with a partner. Listen for understanding of: both wholes as the same size; 4 as the number of equal parts in one whole; 5 as the number of equal parts in the other whole; 2 as the number of parts considered in each whole.” Session 4, Refine, Apply It, Problem 1, “Ethan and Skyler work on the same set of homework problems. Ethan finishes 56\frac{5}{6} of the problems, and Skylar finishes 23\frac{2}{3} of the problems. Who finishes more of their homework problems? Show your work.”

Students attend to the specialized language of mathematics, in connection to grade-level content, as they work with teacher support and independently throughout the units. Examples include:

  • Unit 2, Lesson 8, Session 1, Explore, Connect It, Problem 2, students learn the specialized language of mathematics as they work with multiples and factors. “You can extend your thinking about multiplication by looking at factors of a number, factor pairs, multiples, prime numbers, and composite numbers.” Problem 2a, “A factor pair is two numbers that are multiplied to give a product. Since 1×20=201\times20=20, a factor pair of 20 is ___ and ___.” Problem 2b, “Fill in the multiplication equations to show the other factor pairs of 20. ___×\times ___ =20=20 Factor pair: ___ and ___ and ___ ×\times ___ =20=20 Factor pair: ___ and ___.” Problem 2c, “What are the six different factors of 20?” Problem 2d, “A multiple is the product of a given number and any other whole number. When you multiply numbers, the product is a multiple of each factor. So, 20 is a multiple of each of its factors. The number 20 is a multiple of ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, and ___.” Problem 2e, “A number with more than one factor pair is called a composite number. A prime number has only one factor pair, the number itself and 1. The number 1 is neither prime nor composite. The factors of 11 are 1 and 11. Is 11 a prime or composite number?”

  • Unit 4, Lesson 25, Fractions as Tenths and Hundredths, Session 1, Additional Practice, Prepare for Fractions as Tenths and Hundredths, Problem 1, students attend to the specialized language of mathematics as they work with fractions. “Think about what you know about fractions. Fill in each box. Use words, numbers, and pictures. Show as many ideas as you can. Chart with: Word: numerator, denominator, tenths, hundreds, In My Own Words, Example.” 

  • Unit 5, Lesson 33, Classify Two-DImensional Figures, Session 2, Develop, Connect It, Problem 3, students attend to the specialized language of mathematics to sort shapes. “Explain how to sort shapes based on parallel and perpendicular sides.”

Indicator 2I

Materials support the intentional development of MP7: Look for and make use of structure; and MP8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for supporting the intentional development of MP7: Look for and make use of structure; and MP8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning, for students, in connection to grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

Within Program Implementation, Standards for Mathematical Practice in Every Lesson, “The Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs) are embedded within the instructional design of i-Ready Classroom Mathematics. Embedded SMPs Within Lessons, “In addition to SMPs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, which are integrated into the instructional framework, the Teacher’s Guide includes additional opportunities for students to develop the habits of mind described by the Standards of Mathematical Practice. The table of contents indicates all of the embedded Standards for Mathematical Practice for each lesson (both integrated SMPs and the specific SMPs highlighted within the lesson). The Lesson Overview includes the Standards for Mathematical Practice addressed in each lesson. In the Student Worktext, the Learning Target also highlights the SMPs that are included in the lesson.” Structure and Reasoning, “As students make connections between multiple strategies, they make use of structure (SMP7) as they find patterns and use relationships to solve particular problems. Students may also use repeated reasoning (SMP 8) as they construct and explore strategies. SMPs 7 and 8 may be particularly emphasized in selected problems throughout the lesson. As students look for patterns and generalize about strategies, they always consider the reasonableness of their work.”  

MP7 is identified and connected to grade-level content, and there is intentional development of the MP to meet its full intent. Students look for and make use of structure as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the modules. Examples include:

  • Unit 2, Lesson 10, Model and Solve Multiple-Step Problems, Session 1, Explore, Connect It, Problem 2, students analyze a problem and look for more than one approach. “You can model and solve problems in different ways. You can use a bar model to model the problem. Complete the bar model to show the number of students who play drums in all. You can also model the problem with an equation. In an equation, you can use a letter, such as n in the bar model above to  represent the unknown. The unknown in this problem is the total number of students who play the drums. Complete one way to write an equation ++ . How many students play the drums in all?” 

  • Unit 3, Lesson 13, Use Multiplication to Convert Measurements, Session 1, Explore, Try It,  students look at and decompose “complicated” into “simpler” things when converting measurements. “Emerson hears the announcer on a TV show say, ‘We will return in 4 minutes.’ It takes Emerson 300 seconds to wash the dishes. Does he have enough time to wash the dishes before the TV show returns? Change the number of minutes until the show returns to a number of seconds to find out.” A “Units of Time” conversion chart is pictured. 

  • Unit 5, Lesson 33, Classify Two-Dimensional Figures, Session 4, Develop, with teacher guidance, students look for and make use of structure as they develop strategies to classify triangles. Try It, “A website sells 7 kinds of triangular flags based on sides and angles.” Teacher Edition, Deepen Understanding, Tables, “When discussing the two tables at the bottom of the Student Worktext page, prompt students to consider how the tables serve as a tool to help them classify triangles. Ask What information is shown in the first table? In the second table? Listen For The first table shows triangle names based on the number of sides of equal length. The second table shows triangle names based on the kinds of angles. Read the names of the triangles in the first table aloud so students become familiar with them. Tell students that triangles can be described with two names, one from each table: for example, an acute scalene triangle. Ask According to the table, what types of sides and angles does an acute scalene triangle have? Listen For All 3 angles are acute and all 3 sides are different lengths. Ask a volunteer to draw this type of triangle on the board and write the name beneath the triangle. Repeat with other types of triangles as time permits.”

MP8 is identified and connected to grade-level content, and there is intentional development of the MP to meet its full intent. Students look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the modules. Examples include:

  • Unit 1, Lesson 4, Add Whole Numbers, Session 2, with teacher guidance, students look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning as they develop strategies for adding numbers with more than three digits. Try It, “Lupe’s mom and dad own a tamale restaurant. Around Christmas, the restaurant sells 5,657 pork tamales and 3,804 beef tamales. How many tamales does the restaurant sell around Christmas? Use any strategy to add.” Teacher Edition, Deepen Understanding, Add Whole Numbers, “When discussing both models, prompt students to identify patterns in adding multi-digit numbers as they describe methods and shortcuts used to add. Ask How is the strategy used in the second Model It similar to the strategy used in the first Model It? How are they different? Listen for Both Strategies use place-value reasoning to add. In the first Model It, each partial sum is shown separately. The addition algorithm in the second Model It uses a shortcut method to show each partial sum. Students may say, ‘In the first step, putting a 1 in the ones place of the sum and a small 1 above the 5 in the tens place is similar to saying that 7+4=117+4=11, or 1 ten and 1 one. The small 1 reminds you that you need to include another ten when adding the tens.’ Generalize How can you be sure that using both models will result in the same answer? Have students explain their reasoning. Listen For understanding that the notation is just record keeping, so if you add ones to ones and tens to tens and so forth, the total will be the same no matter how you record it.”

  • Unit 2, Lesson 9, Number and Shape Patterns, Session 1, Try It, students look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning when they explore the idea that a rule that describes a number pattern can be used to extend the pattern. “What are the next two numbers in the pattern below? 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, ___, ____.” Teacher Edition, Discuss It, Support Partner Discussion, “After students work on Try It, have them respond to Discuss It with a partner. Listen for understanding that: the number pattern has a rule; each number in the pattern follows the same rule; the rule is applied to each number to get the next number in the pattern.” 

  • Unit 3, Lesson 15, Divide Four-Digit Numbers, Session 1, Explore, Try It, students look for and notice repeated calculations to understand algorithms and make generalizations or create shortcuts. “Previously, you learned about dividing three-digit numbers by one-digit numbers. Use what you know to try to solve the problem below. What is 1,400÷41,400\div4?”

Overview of Gateway 3


The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, 2024 Grade 4 meet expectations for Usability. The materials meet expectations for Criterion 1, Teacher Supports; Criterion 2, Assessment; Criterion 3, Student Supports.

Criterion 3.1: Teacher Supports


The program includes opportunities for teachers to effectively plan and utilize materials with integrity and to further develop their own understanding of the content.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, 2024 Grade 4 meet expectations for Teacher Supports. The materials: provide teacher guidance with useful annotations and suggestions for enacting the student and ancillary materials; contain adult-level explanations and examples of the more complex grade-level concepts and concepts beyond the current grade so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject; include standards correlation information that explains the role of the standards in the context of the overall series; provide explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and identification of the research-based strategies; and provide a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support instructional activities.

Indicator 3A

Materials provide teacher guidance with useful annotations and suggestions for how to enact the student materials and ancillary materials, with specific attention to engaging students in order to guide their mathematical development.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for providing teacher guidance with useful annotations and suggestions for how to enact the student materials and ancillary materials, with specific attention to engaging students in order to guide their mathematical development. 

Materials provide comprehensive guidance that will assist teachers in presenting the student and ancillary materials. Examples include:

  • i-Ready Homepage, Success Central, Preparing for a Unit of Instruction,  “Before delivering each unit of instruction, make sure to peruse the unit-level resources in your Teacher’s Guide. Learn about the unit goals by reading the Unit Opener, take note of the vocabulary and language supports, and study the mathematics in the unit by watching the Unit Flow and Progression Video or reading the Math Background pages.” 

    • Program Overview provides the teacher with information on program components and description about i-Ready classroom Mathematics implementation. 

    • Plan is broken down into Unit, Lesson, and Session. 

    • Teach gives information on practice, and differentiation. 

    • Assess includes support for the diagnostic, reports, and data. 

    • Leadership informs the teacher on getting started, building routines, fostering discussions, making connections, and top leader actions. 

  • Program Implementation includes numerous supports such as digital math tools, videos, discourse cards, vocabulary, language routines, graphic organizers, games, correlations with standards and practices, etc.

  • Each unit has a Beginning of Unit document that provides the teacher with extensive information on Unit Flow and Progression, Unit Resources, Unit Opener, Unit Prepare For, Unit Overview, Lesson Progression, Prerequisites Report Overview, Professional Development, Understanding Content Across Grades, Language Expectations, Math Background, Cumulative Practice, Yearly Pacing for Prerequisites, and Unit Lesson Support. Examples include:

    • Unit Opener, Self Check, “Take a few minutes to have each student independently read through the list of skills. Ask students to consider each skill and check the box if it is a skill they think they already have. Remind students that these skills are likely to all be new to them and that over time, they will be able to check off more and more skills.”

    • Prerequisites Report Overview, “Diagnostic data generates the Prerequisites report, which helps you identify students’ prerequisite learning needs and provides guidance on how to best integrate prerequisite instruction into your grade-level scope and sequence for the year.” These are specific to current students and classes providing valuable data about entry points for students. 

    • Under the Prepare column, there is a Unit and Lesson Support document that provides multiple On-the-Spot Teaching Tips for each unit. These tips provide information on what to reinforce from prior learning promoting scaffolding to current content.

Materials include sufficient and useful annotations and suggestions that are presented within the context of the specific learning objectives. Throughout each lesson planning information, there is narrative information to assist the teacher in presenting student materials throughout all phases of the unit and lessons. Examples include:

  • Program Implementation, Teaching & Learning Resources, Discourse Cards, provides instruction on how to use the Math Discourse Cards. “These questions and sentence starters provide a way to engage all students in meaningful mathematical conversations. These cards will help students initiate, deepen, and extend conversations with partners, small groups, or the whole class. Each card has two questions or sentence starters on it-one on the front and one on the back. With each question, be sure to have students explain their reasoning for their response.”

  • Unit 3, Lesson 15, Divide Four-Digit Numbers, Refine, Session 3, Teacher Edition, Apply It, Problem 6, “Chris uses partial quotients to find 6,035÷56,035\div5 as shown by the area model. Chris says the quotient is 1,235 because 1,000+200+35=1,2351,000+200+35=1,235. What did Chris do wrong?” Answer choices: Chris broke apart 6,035 incorrectly. Chris wrote the incorrect partial quotient above 1,000. Chris should have subtracted 35 from 1,000+2001,000+200. Chris wrote the incorrect partial quotient above 35. The Teacher Edition provides guidance for the teacher in the Error Alert, “If students choose A, then ask them to add the numbers in the boxes of the area model to confirm the sum is equal to the dividend, 6,035.”

  • Unit 3, Lesson 23, Add and Subtract Fractions in Line Plots, Develop, Session 2, Teacher Edition, Discuss It, teacher supports partner discussions about data and line plots. The Teacher Edition provides guidance for the teacher, “Encourage students to use the terms data and line plot as they discuss their solutions. Support as needed with questions such as: How did you organize your information? How did you decide how to divide and label your number line? Common Misconception Look for students who omit some of the data values or who do not correctly label the values. Reinforce the idea that the line plot uses a number line which has the same number of fractional parts between whole numbers.”

  • Unit 4, Beginning of Unit, Prepare, Unit and Lesson Support, teachers are provided with guidance in how to emphasize unit fractions. “Review how unit fractions are the building blocks of other fractions. Discuss how this concept can help students with adding and subtracting fractions.  Use models to help them see that unit fractions can be used to join or separate parts. For example, students can think of 38+28\frac{3}{8}+\frac{2}{8} as combining three 18\frac{1}{8}s and two more 18\frac{1}{8}s to get five 18\frac{1}{8}s or 58\frac{5}{8}.”

  • Unit 5, Lesson 32, Add and Subtract with Angles, Session 2, Teacher Edition, Develop, Connect It, Facilitate Whole Class Discussion, “Tell students that they can add angle measures in the same way that they add whole numbers. Explain that when adding angle measures, students need to include the degree symbol (°\degree) after each angle measure. Ask How could you find the measure of the angle at the bottom of the tray using an operation other than addition. Listen For Since the three angle measures are the same, you can multiply one angle measure by 3: 3×50°=150°3\times50\degree=150\degree.”

Indicator 3B

Materials contain adult-level explanations and examples of the more complex grade-level/course-level concepts and concepts beyond the current course so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for  containing adult-level explanations and examples of the more complex grade-level concepts and concepts beyond the current course so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject. 

The Beginning of Unit section for every unit provides an abundance of information for teachers, including sections to support teachers with adult-level understanding of the content:

  • Math Background includes Unit Themes, Prior Knowledge, and Future Learning. In the Math Background, as well as throughout the teacher materials, there are insights on the concepts taught, Common Misconceptions, and Error Alerts to watch for when students are incorrectly applying skills. 

  • Lesson Progression links each lesson within the current unit to a prior and future lesson so teachers know what students need to know to be successful with the current work as well as what the current work is preparing students for. This is important for a teacher’s complete understanding of how to scaffold and bridge the current content. For example, Unit 2, Lesson 13, Lesson Overview, Teacher Edition, Use Multiplication to Convert Measurements - Full Lesson, Learning Progression:

    • “In previous grades students worked with common measurement units and gained the understanding that the number of units needed to describe an object’s length depends on the size of the unit used.” 

    • “In this lesson students express the relationship between two measurement units using multiplication. For example, an object’s length in meters multiplied by 100 gives the length in centimeters. Students use diagrams, tables, and equations to illustrate the multiplicative relationship and convert from the larger unit to the smaller unit. This is an application of the Grade 4 understanding of multiplication.”

    • “In Grade 5 students will use division to convert from smaller units of measurement to larger units.”

  • Understanding Content Across Grades provides explanations of instructional practices as well as information about necessary prior knowledge and concepts beyond the current course for teachers to improve their own knowledge of the subject. For example, Unit 2, Beginning of Unit, Understanding Content Across Grades related to Lesson 22:

    • Prior Knowledge: “Insights on: Measuring and Graphing with Fractions. Students measure objects to the nearest half or fourth of an inch and display the data on a line plot. Students learn to record lengths greater than 1 as a mixed number: some number of whole inches and a fraction of another inch…”

    • Current Lesson, “Insights on: Addition and Subtraction of Mixed Numbers. Just as students decompose whole numbers to add and subtract, the same understanding can be used when working with fractions. Students may decompose mixed numbers into whole numbers and fractions. Then they may add the fractions and add the whole numbers. Sometimes they may rewrite a fraction greater than 1 as a whole number plus a fraction…”

    • Future Learning, “Insights on: Adding and Subtracting Fractions. In fourth grade students learned to add and subtract fractions with like denominators. In 5th grade students learn to operate on fractions with unlike denominators. Students begin by using models to compare and find equivalent fractions, and then they use multiplication to write equivalent fractions…”

  • Each lesson includes a Reteach section with several pages called “Tools for Instruction” that provide explicit teacher guidance related to the current work and to prerequisite skills. These pages include adult explanations, step-by-step guidance for teaching, and check for understanding. For example, Unit 5, Lesson 34, Partitioning Shapes:

    • “This activity builds on prior skills of dividing rectangles into equal parts to show halves, thirds, and fourths and using fraction language to describe the parts. It also builds on skills such as identifying fractions represented as parts of a whole shown in area models. In this activity, students draw models and name equivalent fractions represented as parts of a whole using an area model. A good understanding of equivalent fractions is the foundation for comparing, adding, and subtracting fractions and working with unlike denominators.”

    • “Step by Step: 1) Draw a model to represent 12=24\frac{1}{2}=\frac{2}{4}. Present this problem: Susan’s mom makes an ice cream cake. She makes one half of the cake strawberry and the other half of the cake vanilla. She then cuts the cake into fourths so that each fourth is all strawberry or all vanilla. What fraction other than one half names the part of the cake that is all strawberry? Ask: How could you represent the whole cake and its parts with a model? (Sample answer: You could draw a rectangle? (followed by five prompts) 2) Draw model a model to represents 12=36\frac{1}{2}=\frac{3}{6}. (followed by two prompts) 3) Model a whole number as a fraction. (followed by six prompts).”

    • “Check for Understanding: Present the following problem: Simone eats … Have the students draw and shade a model or models for the sandwiches. Have the students explain whether the models show that two fractions are equivalent. (The models show 14\frac{1}{4}and 28\frac{2}{8} are equivalent because the amount shaded is the same.) For the student who struggles, use the table below to help pinpoint where extra help may be needed: “If you observe… the student may… Then try…”

Indicator 3C

Materials include standards correlation information that explains the role of the standards in the context of the overall series.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for including standards correlation information that explains the role of the standards in the context of the overall series.

In Program Implementation, correlation information is present for the mathematics standards addressed throughout the grade level using multiple perspectives. For example: 

  • The Correlations document for Content Focus in the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) describes lesson correlation to the CCSSM through multiple lenses. The document identifies the major and supporting areas of focus within the CCSSM, and corresponding lessons that address those standards. Additionally, a table is provided that correlates each lesson with the standards addressed, designating standards as “Focus”, “Developing”, or “Applied” within each lesson. 

  • The Correlations Document also identifies the Standards of Mathematical Practice that are included in each lesson; one table is organized by MP, another is organized by lesson. 

  • The Unit Review Correlation identifies the associated standard and lesson to each problem within the Unit Review, along with their Depth of Knowledge level. 

  • Digital Resource Correlations, Comprehension Check Correlations, and Cumulative Practice Correlations identify the lesson and a statement of the part of the standard it aligns to. 

  • The WIDA PRIME V2 correlates the WIDA Standards Framework to examples in the material with descriptions of how they connect. 

  • The English Language Arts Correlations provides a table that offers evidence of how the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts are supported in every lesson and unit of the i-Ready Classroom Mathematics material.

In Beginning of Unit for each unit, there are numerous documents provided that contain explanations of the role of the specific grade-level mathematics in the context of the series. For example: 

  • The Lesson Progression provides a flow chart delineating how each standard in the current lesson builds upon the previous grade levels and connects to future grade levels. This is developed in detail with examples in the Understanding Content Across Grades document. 

  • There is a Unit Flow and Progression video for teachers that provides background about the content covered in the unit.

  • In every teacher's Lesson Overview, the Learning Progression identifies how the standard is addressed in earlier grades, in the current lesson, next lesson, and in the next grade level. For example, Unit 2, Beginning of Unit, Unit and Lesson Support, the opening narrative provides the content of the unit, “In this unit, students build on their basic understanding of multiplication and division as they learn about multiplicative comparison and solve problems using multiplication and division. They also use multiplication and division facts to find factors and multiples for whole numbers within 100 and to generate, extend, and analyze patterns.” The document continues with Instructional Support identifying specific lessons from prior grades to develop understanding, such as Unit 2, Lesson 8, Multiples and Factors, “These lessons build on students’ understanding of the meaning of multiplication and division and the relationship between these operations from Grade 3, Units 2 and 3.”

  • In every teacher's Lesson Overview, the Learning Progression identifies how the standard is addressed in earlier grades, in the current lesson, next lesson, and in the next grade level. For example, Unit 4, Lesson 17, Overview, Learning Progression, “In Grade 3 students learned to recognize and generate equivalent fractions using models and number lines. They learned that more than one fraction can name the same amount. They write whole numbers as fractions with denominators of 1 (e.g., 2=212=\frac{2}{1}) and identified fractions equivalent to whole numbers (e.g., 33=1\frac{3}{3}=1).  In this lesson students reason about equivalent fractions. They use visual models to understand that a whole can be divided into different ways to find equivalent fractions. They develop a conceptual understanding of fraction equivalency using their understanding of fractions equivalent to 1. In the next lesson students use their knowledge of equivalent fractions to compare fractions. They use fraction equivalency to write fractions as tenths and hundredths decimals. In Grade 5 students will add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators by writing them as equivalent fractions with like denominators.”

Indicator 3D

Materials provide strategies for informing all stakeholders, including students, parents, or caregivers about the program and suggestions for how they can help support student progress and achievement.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 provide strategies for informing all stakeholders, including students, parents, or caregivers about the program and suggestions for how they can help support student progress and achievement.

In each lesson, Family Letter describes the learning in the unit and ways to encourage family involvement in the lessons. The family letter is provided in the following languages: Spanish, Arabic, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. For example:

  • Unit 4, Lesson 20, Add and Subtract Fractions, Family Letter, “This week your child is learning to add and subtract fractions with like denominators. Fractions with the same number below the line have like denominators...Invite your child to share what they know about adding and subtracting fractions by doing the following activity together.” This is followed by an adding and subtracting fractions activity to practice at home with family. 

i-Ready homepage, there is a link to i-Ready Classroom Central where many resources are located. One of these is Building a Community of Learners, Team Up with Families, which provides resources for engaging parents and caregivers as members of the teaching and learning team. For example:

  • i-Ready Classroom Mathematics Family Guide, includes ideas on how to support and inspire students’ success in mathematics including videos, games, digital math tools, and sample problems.

  • Introduce i-Ready Classroom Mathematics to Families and Caregivers PowerPoint is a presentation that describes the elements of the program and what a class looks like when the program is implemented.

  • i-Ready Classroom Mathematics Family Center main page has information about i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, tips to support students at home, FAQs, a link to download the Math Discourse Cards for home, and information on the Try-Discuss-Connect Routine.

  • i-Ready Classroom Mathematics Family Center menu provides downloadable guides on how to encourage student success related to assessing at home, supportive phrases, and understanding diagnostic data.

  • Help, Find Resources takes you to i-Ready Success Central. Engage Your Community, Connect with Families has documents to enhance communication with families such as the “Data Chats Guide” and a link to the PowerPoint presentation that helps families understand the i-Ready program. There is also a link to the Family Center.

Indicator 3E

Materials provide explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and identification of the research-based strategies.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for providing explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and identification of the research-based strategies.

There are thorough explanations of the instructional approaches of the program. These are easily found under Program Implementation and in Classroom Central. For example:

  • Program Implementation, “Try-Discuss-Connect Routine Resources”, is embedded throughout the program. “i-Ready Classroom Mathematics empowers all students to own their learning through a discourse-based instructional routine. Lessons are divided into Explore, Develop, and Refine sessions and are taught over the course of a week. In Explore and Develop sessions teachers facilitate mathematical discourse through a Try-Discuss-Connect instructional routine.” In i-Ready Classroom Central, videos model the six steps of the Try-Discuss-Connect routine as well as an Exit Ticket.

  • Program Implementation, User Guide, Protocols for Engagement, describes multiple protocols and identifies the traits each protocol validates to help all students “feel accepted and included. Protocols provide structure for activities so that all students have a chance to think, talk, and participate equally in classroom activities. Each protocol incorporates modes of communication common to one or more cultures and leverages those behaviors for a particular instructional purpose.” For example, “Stand and Share: Students stand when they have something to share with the class. Validates: spontaneity, movement, subjectively, connectedness.” Protocols can be found in the Lesson Overview section of the Teacher Guide.

  • i-Ready Homepage, Success Central, Building Community, Promote Collaborative Learning, has resources such as using Lesson 0 to introduce the Try-Discuss-Connect Routine and language routines, questions to support discourse, videos about sharing math ideas, ideas for promoting mathematical practices and creating a positive mindset. 

  • i-Ready Homepage, Success Central, has a link in the upper right under the search box called Explore the Resources page that has all of the additional resources organized in a list of links by category that provide abundant information, including a section called Program Overview.

Materials include relevant research sources. In Program Implementation, Supporting Research, “i-Ready Classroom Mathematics is built on research from a variety of federal initiatives, national mathematics organizations, and experts in mathematics.” A table describes 16 concepts that are embedded in the program with examples of how and where each is used, an excerpt from the research that supports it, as well as an extensive reference list. Examples include: 

  • “The Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) Model is a three-part instructional model that enhances students’ mathematical learning.” This model is built into all i-Ready Classroom Mathematics lessons in the Try It, Discuss It, Connect It, and Hands-On Activities. “Using and connecting representations leads students to deeper understanding. Different representations, including concrete models, pictures, words, and numbers, should be introduced, discussed, and connected to support students in explaining their thinking and reasoning.” (Clements and Sarama, 2014)

  • “Collaborative learning (partner or small group) encourages students to present and defend their ideas, make sense of and critique the ideas of others, and refine and amend their approaches.” Lessons provide multiple opportunities for collaborative learning during Discuss It and Pair/Share. “Research tells us that when students work collaboratively, which also gives them opportunities to see and understand mathematics connections, equitable outcomes result.” (Boaler, 2016)

  • “An instructional framework supports students in achieving mathematical proficiency and rigor within a collaborative structure to develop greater understanding of how to reason mathematically.” The Try-Discuss-Connect instructional framework is foundational in this program. “Instructional routines are situated in the learning opportunity itself, providing students with a predictable frame for engaging with the content…” (Kelemanik, Lucenta, & Creighton, 2016)

  • Program Implementation, User Guide, Routines that Empower Students identifies 9 research-based language routines. Each routine includes the purpose, the process, and which part of the Try-Discuss-Connect Routine it can be used with. For example, Say It Another Way is used with Try It, “Why: This routine helps students paraphrase a word problem or text so they know if they have understood it. It provides an opportunity to self-correct or to ask for clarification and ensures that the class hears the problem or story more than once and in more than one way.”

Indicator 3F

Materials provide a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support instructional activities.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for providing a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support instructional activities. 

The Lesson Overview for the teacher provides a Materials required column for each lesson on the Pacing Guide; additional materials are listed in the Differentiation column. Any materials that need to be printed are also provided in the Overview, such as grid paper or double number lines. For example:

  • Unit 3, Lesson 13, Use Multiplication to Convert Measurements, Session 1, “Materials tab: Math Toolkit, clock faces, clocks, index cards, math reference sheet, multiplication models, sticky notes, presentation slides.”

Under Program Implementation, a Manipulatives List provides a document identifying manipulatives needed for each lesson K-8. For example: 

  • Manipulatives List, Unit 3, Lesson 14, identifies a set of base-ten blocks (3 tens rods, 10 ones units) 1 per student, counters 58 per student, number cube 1 per student. 

Program Implementation also includes digital math tools, discourse cards and cubes, activity sheets, data sets, and graphic organizers.

Indicator 3G

This is not an assessed indicator in Mathematics.

Indicator 3H

This is not an assessed indicator in Mathematics.

Criterion 3.2: Assessment


The program includes a system of assessments identifying how materials provide tools, guidance, and support for teachers to collect, interpret, and act on data about student progress towards the standards.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, 2024 Grade 4 meet expectations for Assessment. The materials identify the content standards and mathematical practices assessed in formal assessments. The materials provide multiple opportunities to determine students' learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance, and suggestions for following-up with students. The materials include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of grade-level standards and mathematical practices across the series.

Indicator 3I

Assessment information is included in the materials to indicate which standards are assessed.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for having assessment information included in the materials to indicate which standards are assessed.

In the Teacher Toolbox, each lesson includes Assess which provides Lesson Quizzes & Unit Assessments. Lesson Quizzes, Teacher Guide lists information correlated to each problem: tested skills, content standards, mathematical practice standards, DOK levels, error alerts, problem notes, Short Response Scoring Rubric with points and corresponding expectations, and worked-out problems. For example:

  • Unit 1, Lesson 4, Lesson Quiz, Problem 2, “DOK 1, 4.NBT.B.4, SMP 6.”

Assess, End of Unit, Unit Assessments, Teacher Guide, Forms A and B are provided and include the content item with a solution. Form A includes Problem Notes, worked-out problems, DOK levels, content standards, Scoring Guide, Scoring Rubrics, and Responding to Student Needs. Form B appears to parallel all of the correlations provided for Form A, though it is not labeled. It is noted in the Scoring Guide, “For the problems in the Unit 4 Unit Assessments (Forms A and B), the table shows: depth of knowledge (DOK) level, points for scoring, standard addressed, and lesson assessed by each problem.” For example:

  • Unit 2, End of Unit, Assess, Unit Assessment, Form A, Problem Notes, Problem 2, “DOK 2, 4.OA.C.5.”

  • Unit 4, End of Unit, Assess, Unit Assessment, Form A, Problem Notes, Problem 4, “DOK 3, 4.NF.A.1.”

Digital Comprehension Checks “...can be given as an alternative to the print Unit Assessment. For this comprehension check, the table below provides the Depth of Knowledge (DOK), standard assessed, and the corresponding lesson assessed by each problem.” While the Comprehension Checks identify the content standards, they do not identify the mathematical practices. For example:

  • Unit 5, End of Unit, Assess, Comprehension Check Correlation Guide, Problem 11, “DOK 2, 4.MD.C.7.”

Indicator 3J

Assessment system provides multiple opportunities throughout the grade, course, and/or series to determine students' learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance and suggestions for follow-up.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for including an assessment system that provides multiple opportunities throughout the grade, course, and/or series to determine students' learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance and suggestions for follow-up. 

The assessment system provides opportunities to determine students’ learning that include teacher support for interpreting student performance in the Problem Notes and Rubrics provided, though the rubrics are generic rather than specific to the lesson. Examples include:

  • Problem Notes for each problem in the Lesson Quizzes and Form A of the Unit Assessment provide guidance on steps to solve the problem and what students may have done incorrectly. For example:

    • Unit 2, Lesson 9, Assess, Lesson Quiz, Problem 5, “10, 50, 250; Students may write three multiplication equations to find the next three numbers in the pattern. Students may also use a table to find the next three numbers in the pattern.”

    • Unit 2, End of Unit, Assess, Unit Assessment, Form A, Problem 3, “See possible list on the student page; Students’ responses should include all factor pairs of 54.” 

  • Lesson Quizzes contain a Fill-in-the-Blank/Multiple Select/Choice Matrix Scoring Rubric and a Short Response Scoring Rubric. The Fill-in-the-Blank Scoring Rubric states: 2 points if, “Response contains the following: correct answer(s).” 1 point if, “Response contains the following: “One answer is correct.” 0 points if, “Response contains the following: Incorrect answers that do not demonstrate the correct mathematical procedures and/or thinking.” The Multiple Select/Choice Matrix Scoring Rubric states: “2 Points All answers are correct, 1 Point 1 incorrect answer, and 0 Points 2 or more incorrect answers.” The Short Response Scoring Rubric states: 2 points if the “Response contains the following: Correct computation,  solutions, and/or calculations; Well-organized work demonstrating thorough understanding of math concepts and/or procedures.” 1 point for “Response contains the following: mostly correct solution(s); Shows partial or good understanding of math concepts and/or procedures.” 0 points if the “Response contains the following: Incorrect solution(s);  No attempt at finding a solution; No effort to demonstrate an understanding of the math concepts and/or procedures.”

  • Unit Assessments contain the Extended Response Scoring Rubric (if there is an extended response question included in the assessment), Short Response Scoring Rubric, and a rubric for Fill-in-the-Blank/Multiple Select/Choice Matrix. For example, the Extended Response Scoring Rubric, a response should earn 4 points if, “Response has the correct computation,  solutions, and/or calculations; Well-organized work demonstrating thorough understanding of math concepts.” This same expectation scores a 2 on the Short Response Scoring Rubric. The Fill-in-the-Blank/Multiple Select/Choice Matrix Scoring Rubric is the same as the Lesson Quizzes.

The Lesson Quizzes and Unit Assessments provide sufficient guidance to teachers to follow-up with students, although there is no follow-up guidance for the Comprehension Checks. The follow up suggestions reference previous work rather than new material. Examples include:

  • Unit 2, Lesson 11, Assess, Lesson Quiz provides three types of differentiation for possible follow up depending on student performance: Reteach, Reinforce, and Extend. Implementation Guide, Program Overview, Differentiation, “Reteach: Tools for Instruction are mini-lessons for reteaching lesson concepts. Reinforce: learning games offer fun, challenging, and personalized practice and help students develop a growth mindset. Extend: Enrichment Activities challenge students with higher-order thinking tasks.” 

  • Unit 4, End of Unit, Assess, Unit Assessment, Form A, provides a section called Responding to Student Needs. This section directs teachers back to the relevant lessons for review and where teachers can access the Review, Reinforce, and Extend options. “For students who answer problems incorrectly on the Unit Assessment, choose from the following resources on the Teacher Toolbox for additional support. Reteach Tools for Instruction, Addition/Subtraction Compare Fractions (Lesson 18), Understand Fraction Multiplication (Lesson 23), Add Tenths and Hundredths (Lesson 25), Write Fractions as Decimals (Lesson 26), Compare Decimals (Lesson 27). For students who exceed proficiency on the Unit Assessment, choose from the following activities on the Teacher Toolbox. Extend Enrichment Activities FIlling a Tank(Lesson 21), Mystery Equation (Lesson 23), Mystery Comparisons (Lesson 27).”

Indicator 3K

Assessments include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of grade-level/course-level standards and practices across the series.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for providing assessments that include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of grade-level standards and practices across the series. 

There are formative and summative assessments provided as PDFs as well as comparable assessments provided online. Lesson Quizzes and Unit Assessments provided include a variety of item types for students to demonstrate grade-level expectations. For example:

  • Fill-in-the-blank

  • Multiple select

  • Matching

  • Graphing

  • Constructed response (short and extended responses)

  • Technology-enhanced items (e.g., drag and drop, drop-down menus, matching) 

Throughout the lessons, there are opportunities to demonstrate critical thinking, develop arguments, or apply learning in a performance task, though these are not typically on the assessments.

Indicator 3L

Assessments offer accommodations that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills without changing the content of the assessment.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 provide assessments which offer accommodations that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills without changing the content of the assessment.

There is support in place for online assessments such as the Diagnostics and Comprehension Checks that make the material more accessible to all students. However, there is no specific support provided for assessments that are not online such as Lesson Quizzes and Unit Assessments. 

  • I-Ready Homepage, Success Central, Plan & Teach, Differentiate, Support All Learners, Accessibility and Accommodations, Create Create Accessible Experiences With Your Program,  Accessibility and Accommodations Update, “To make i-Ready Classroom Mathematics accessible to the widest population of students, we offer a range of accessibility supports that may also meet the requirements of a number of student accommodations.” The table provided lists the Universal Supports, Designated Supports, and Accommodations that are both embedded and not embedded in the program. For example, embedded supports include audio support and text-to-speech, closed captioning, calculator, zoom in/out, highlighting, and more. Available non-embedded supports include Native language translation of directions, noise buffer, alternate response options, scribe, and more. 

  • i-Ready Homepage, Success Central, Assess & Use Data, Learn The Basics, Comprehension Checks, Create & Assign Comprehension Checks – Guide, “Comprehension Checks Digital Comprehension Checks allow you to assess student learning at the pace of your core mathematics instruction. Assign precreated Comprehension Check forms or create your own to gauge student understanding after teaching an i-Ready Classroom Mathematics lesson or unit. Test forms are customizable. Questions can be removed or added from other tests to meet specific goals. Comprehension Checks can be assigned to the whole class or individual students. Note: Comprehension Checks are comparable but not identical to the print Lesson Quizzes and Unit Assessments found on the Teacher Toolbox. Comprehension Checks cover the same content, standards, and complexity as the corresponding print assessments. Educators should use either print quizzes or digital Comprehension Checks, but not both.”

  • i-Ready Homepage, Success Central, Plan & Teach, Differentiate, Support All Learners, Create Accessible Experiences with Your Program, Accessible Versions of Student Print Materials – FAQ, “How do I access accessible versions of student resources found only on Teacher Toolbox? In 2020, NIMAC released a notice of interpretation (NOI) regarding digital files. This NOI includes information about the types of digital files NIMAC accepts and specifies that they must be student facing and printable/non-interactive documents (composed of just text and static images). For the national edition of the i-Ready Classroom Mathematics ©2024 update in English, all student-facing ancillaries that lend themselves to the NIMAS format have been submitted to NIMAC for the procurement of accessible versions. More information can be found in this NIMAS FAQ.”

Criterion 3.3: Student Supports


The program includes materials designed for each student’s regular and active participation in grade-level/grade-band/series content.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, 2024 Grade 4 meet expectations for Student Supports. The materials provide: strategies and supports for students in special populations and for students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English to support their regular and active participation in learning grade-level mathematics; multiple extensions and/or opportunities for students to engage with grade-level mathematics at higher levels of complexity; and manipulatives, both virtual and physical, that are accurate representations of the mathematical objects they represent and, when appropriate, are connected to written methods.

Indicator 3M

Materials provide strategies and supports for students in special populations to support their regular and active participation in learning grade-level/series mathematics.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for providing strategies and supports for students in special populations to support their regular and active participation in learning grade-level mathematics.

Materials regularly provide strategies, supports, and resources for students in special populations to help them access grade-level mathematics. i-Ready Success Central provides many suggestions and examples for how to accommodate and support special populations. Lessons have sections called Group & Differentiate to help special populations. Lesson quizzes have suggestions for reteaching. Examples of supports for special populations include:

  • i-Ready Homepage, Success Central, Plan & Teach, Differentiate, provides information to support the teacher in planning for all special populations. Personalized Instruction provides resources for students who have taken the Diagnostic and will have access to online learning and instructional paths tailored to their individual needs to reinforce prerequisite skills and build grade-level skills. Support Small Group Instruction, “Every student can excel in mathematics with the right supports. Check out the resources below to help you plan for, organize, and facilitate small groups so you can meet the various needs of your students.” Support All Learners, “Every student can excel in mathematics with the right supports. Use the resources on this page to find ideas and strategies for adapting your instruction to meet the unique needs and learning styles of all students.” There are several links to documents to support teachers. For example:

    • Supporting Students' Needs – Reference Sheet, provides information regarding  “Optional built-in supports embedded in i-Ready Classroom Mathematics that educators can choose from to best meet the needs of their students. These resources can be used to: Scaffold instruction by breaking learning experiences into smaller parts to help students reach higher levels of comprehension and skills acquisition with temporary supports along the way Differentiate instruction to meet individual students’ needs by modifying content, altering the delivery method, and/or providing alternate learning tasks.” 

    • Tools for Accessible Instruction – Reference Sheet “Highlights i-Ready Classroom Mathematics supplemental tools and examples of student supports that can be used throughout a lesson and session. Examples of student supports may have some overlap with a student’s IEP/504 plan but should not supersede or contradict it, and they may be useful for students regardless of whether or not they have an IEP/504 plan in place.” For example, during Try It, a suggested support is, “Offer multiple means of representation, engagement, and action and expression such as: highlight important numbers, words, and phrases; Invite volunteers to act out the problem for the class; Offer options for how students express their ideas.” During Discuss It, “Use hand signals to agree, disagree, or share an idea.”

  • In Refine, the last session of each lesson, the teacher’s edition provides suggestions to Group & Differentiate, “Identify groupings for differentiation based on the Start and problems 1-3. A recommended sequence of activities for each group is suggested below. Use the resources on the next page to differentiate and close the lesson.” Resources are suggested for groups Approaching Proficiency, Meeting Proficiency, and Extending Beyond Proficiency. 

  • At the end of the Lesson Quiz in the Teacher’s edition, there is a section for differentiation that provides suggestions for Reteach (Tools for Instruction), Reinforce (Math Center Activity), and Extend (Enrichment Activity). Program Implementation, Program Overview, Differentiation, Reteach, “Tools for instruction are mini-lessons for reteaching lesson concepts.” Reinforce, “Learning Games offer fun, challenging, and personalized practice and help students develop a growth mindset.” Extend, “Enrichment Activities Challenge students with higher-order thinking tasks.”

Indicator 3N

Materials provide extensions and/or opportunities for students to engage with grade-level/course-level mathematics at higher levels of complexity.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for providing extensions and/or opportunities for students to engage with grade-level mathematics at higher levels of complexity. 

Materials do not require advanced students to do more assignments than their classmates. Instead, students have opportunities to think differently about learning with alternative questioning, or extension activities. Specific recommendations are routinely highlighted as Teacher Notes within parts of each lesson, as noted in the following examples:

  • Each lesson has an Extend: Enrichment Activities column that provides an additional challenge task. For example, Unit 3, Lesson 16, Extend, Designing a Yard, students are provided with a challenge situation. “You decide to make a play area for your pet and plant a garden in your backyard. You are allowed to use a 30 foot-by-30 foot square space for the play area and garden. You do not need to use the entire area. You must use the following materials: Between 85 feet and 95 feet of fencing for your pet’s play area Enough dirt for a garden that measures at least 75 square feet Draw your design plan on the Recording Sheet. Also, tell how much space there is for your pet’s play area and whether you think this is enough space.”

  • Refine sessions at the end of each lesson provide recommendations for students that demonstrate understanding “Extending Beyond Proficiency” to engage in problems for reinforcement and a challenge. The number of problems is the same as the work for students who are considered to be “Meeting Proficiency”. Additional Enrichment Activities can be found online in the Small Group Differentiation Extend section. In addition, Refine sessions include at least 1 problem identified as DOK 3 where students utilize strategic thinking. 

In Explore and Develop sessions in each lesson, the materials contain Differentiation: Extend Deepen Understanding or Challenge for the lesson’s key concepts through the use of discourse with students. For example, Unit 4, Lesson 28, Session 2, Teacher Guide, Differentiation: Extend - Deepen Understanding, “When discussing the equation, prompt students to consider how the equation relates to the bar model. Ask Why are the numbers in the bar model the same as those in the equation?…Ask How does the bar model help you know what operation(s) to use in the equation?...Ask How do the two bars help you know what goes on each side of the equation?”

Indicator 3O

Materials provide varied approaches to learning tasks over time and variety in how students are expected to demonstrate their learning with opportunities for students to monitor their learning.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 provide varied approaches to learning tasks over time and variety in how students are expected to demonstrate their learning with opportunities for students to monitor their learning. 

Students engage with problem-solving in a variety of ways within a consistent lesson structure. Lesson types have three structures: “i-Ready Classroom Mathematics has three different types of lessons to address the unique approaches of the standards and to support a balance of conceptual understanding, application, and procedural fluency.” Examples:

  • The Teacher’s Guide provides a lesson structure and instructional routine for the lessons by implementing the Try It-Discuss It-Connect It Routine. Unit 1, Lesson 0, Understanding the Try-Discuss-Connect Instructional Routine, “i-Ready Classroom Mathematics empowers all students to own their learning through a discourse-based instructional routine. Lessons are divided into Explore, Develop, and Refine sessions and are taught over the course of a week. In Explore and Develop sessions teachers facilitate mathematical discourse through a Try-Discuss-Connect instructional routine. ” This routine provides teachers with a way to deliver instruction that encourages students to take ownership of their learning through mathematical discourse and problem-solving.

  • Beginning of Unit, Unit Opener, provides a single page self-check list of student-friendly skills for students to check off skills they know before each unit and after each lesson. Each unit concludes with a Self-Reflection, Vocabulary Review, and Unit Review.

  • The Teacher's Guide suggests appropriate places for students to think independently before sharing in small or large groups. Discuss It provides opportunities for students to work in a small group before whole-class discussion. Discussion prompts help students explain their understanding such as “Why did you choose the model or strategy you used?” or “How did your model help you make sense of the problem?” 

  • End of Unit includes a Self Reflection. Students work in pairs to think about what they learned. Unit 3, End of Unit, Self Reflection, “The math I could use in my everyday life is ___ because…, I worked hardest to learn how to…, One thing I could do better is…”

Indicator 3P

Materials provide opportunities for teachers to use a variety of grouping strategies.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 provide opportunities for teachers to use a variety of grouping strategies.

The materials provide opportunities for teachers to use a variety of grouping strategies. Teacher suggestions include guidance for a variety of groupings, including whole group, small group, pairs, or individual. Examples include:

  • The Teacher’s Guide includes a “Prepare For” section of each lesson which includes guidance for the teacher on how and when to use grouping strategies. For example: Unit 3, Lesson 16, Session 1, Teacher Guide, Prepare for Using Symbols to Compare Fractions, “Direct students’ attention to the graphic organizer. Point out that they are to define each term in their own words and then provide an example of each using words, numbers, or drawings. Ask them to share with partners what they will record before writing ii in their graphic organizers. Make yourself available to help students who need language support.”

  • Each lesson in the Refine Session has instructions for Group & Differentiate. “Identify grouping for differentiation based on the Start and problems 1-3. A recommended sequence of activities for each group is suggested below. Use the resources on the next page to differentiate and close the lesson.” 

  • Program Implementation, Try-Discuss-Connect Routine Resources, Grouping Strategies for Success states, “All students, including English language learners, benefit from participating in a variety of instructional groupings. Successful grouping strategies take into account the activity’s purpose as well as students’ content and language strengths and personal backgrounds.” The document provides a list of factors and guidelines to consider when grouping students. 

  • i-Ready Homepage, Success Central, Plan & Teach, Differentiate, Support Small Group Instruction provides documents related to grouping students: Plan for Small Group Instruction, Facilitate Small Group Instruction – Guide and Plan for Small Groups – Teacher Tool share numerous ideas to set up rotations for teacher-led small groups, and a template to support planning for small groups.

Indicator 3Q

Materials provide strategies and supports for students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English to regularly participate in learning grade-level mathematics.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for providing strategies and support for students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English to regularly participate in learning grade-level mathematics. 

Guidance is consistently provided for teachers to support students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English, providing scaffolds for them to meet or exceed grade-level standards. For example: 

  • i-Ready Homepage, Success Central, Plan & Teach,  Differentiate, Support All Learners, Supports for English Learners – Reference Sheet, explains where to find and how to use all of the supports built in to the Teacher Guide for every lesson to “address the strengths and needs of ELs” such as, Build Your Vocabulary, Connect Language Development to Mathematics, Language Objectives, Connect to Community and Cultural Responsiveness, and Connect to Language Development.

  • Program Implementation, Program Overview, Integrate Language and Mathematics, shows where teachers can access tips for targeted support using Language Routines in the Teacher Guide for every lesson.

  • Program Implementation, Program Overview, Language Development and Discourse Support provides “support at the word/phrase, sentence, and discourse levels so that all students can engage in rigorous mathematics and communicate effectively.”

  • Program Implementation, User Guide, Resources for Language Development describes nine features that are embedded in the teacher materials to “build academic language of all students, especially English learners. These supports help students learn how to communicate effectively across the language domains.”

  • Program Implementation, User Guide, Routines that Empower Students, provides nine language routines. “While these routines support English learners, they are designed to be used by all students as they access mathematical concepts and their growing mathematical understanding.” Three routines, in particular, are differentiated for English Learners: Act it Out, Co-Constructed Word Banks, and Stronger and Clearer Each Time. 

  • Program Implementation, User Guide, Support for Academic Discourse describes “a variety of ways to support students in communicating with academic and math-specific vocabulary and language.”

  • Program Implementation, Discourse Cards, provide sentence starters and questions to help students engage in conversations with their partners, small groups or the whole class such as “Did anyone get a different answer?; What would you add to what was said?”

  • All classroom materials are available in Spanish.

  • Program Implementation, Multilingual Glossary is available in Arabic, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Russian, Tagalog, Urdu, and Vietnamese. There is a Bilingual glossary in the student textbook that includes mathematics vocabulary in English and Spanish.

  • Beginning of Unit, Connect Language Development to Mathematics, Language Expectations for Differentiation is a chart that “shows examples of what English Learners at different levels of English language proficiency can do in connection with one of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) addressed in this unit. As you plan for this unit, use these examples of language expectations to help you differentiate instruction to meet the needs of English Learners.”

  • Beginning of Unit, Build Academic Vocabulary includes a chart of academic words for the units paired with their Spanish cognates. There are three routines provided in Professional Development to support vocabulary development: Math Vocabulary, Academic Vocabulary, and Cognate Support. 

  • Each lesson in Lesson Overview, Teacher Guide’s Full Lesson, includes Language Objectives, Connect to Culture, and Connect to Language. 

  • Session 1 of every lesson uses graphic organizers to help students access prior knowledge and vocabulary they will develop in the lesson. Support for Academic language is used during the “Try-Discuss-Connect Language” routines in each lesson. 

  • All sessions throughout the lesson embed support including references back to previously listed items.

Indicator 3R

Materials provide a balance of images or information about people, representing various demographic and physical characteristics.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 provide a balance of images or information about people, representing various demographic and physical characteristics.

The materials represent a balance of people, settings, and ethnic traditions. In addition, every Lesson Overview, Teacher Guide Full Lesson has a “Connect to Culture” page that provides background knowledge connected to lesson problems “to leverage the diverse backgrounds and experiences of all students.” Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Unit 2, Lesson 7, Session 1, Try It, uses a mariachi band as context for the problem. “Lilia’s aunt plays in a mariachi band. The band has 2 trumpets. There are 3 times as many violins as trumpets. How many violins does the band have?” The accompanying photograph shows part of a mariachi band. Teacher Edition, Lesson Overview, Connect to Culture, Session 1, p. 120a, further explains mariachi music's origins in colonial Mexico as well as its blend of Spanish, African, and Native American influences and provides opportunities for students to share their connections and experiences. 

  • Unit 4, Lesson 28 includes the names Jorge, Haru, Reynaldo, Muna, Coach Morales, Adrian, Zaila, Elsie, Miguel, Lomasi, Cameron, Stephen, Nikil, Eldora, Issay, Margarita, Kele, Destiny, Paulo, Rachel, Savanna, Kanatase, Josefina, Fadil, Jae-Yung, Odina, Tiana, Chris, Aiden, and Jaime as people within the problems of the lesson.

Indicator 3S

Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student home language to facilitate learning.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student home language to facilitate learning. 

Encouragement for teachers to draw upon student home language in order to facilitate learning is provided primarily for Spanish-speaking students. For example:

  • The materials contain a cognate support routine in Unit 1, Beginning of Unit, Build Your Vocabulary, Cognate Support, students are introduced to Latin cognates. The “Cognate Support Routine” provides instructions for teachers:

  1. “Ask students if any of the academic words look or sound similar to a word in their first language. Have students circle those words in their book.

  2. Check to see if the words they have circled are cognates.

  3. Explain to students that words in two languages that share the same or similar meaning, spelling, and pronunciation are called cognates.

  4. Write the cognates and have students copy them in their book next to the academic words.

  5. Say each of the cognates aloud or ask a native-speaker volunteer to model pronunciation and have students repeat.”

  • Each Lesson Overview has a Connect to Language Development chart. Each session in each lesson has a Connect to Language Development chart. Unit 1, Lesson 1, Lesson Overview, Connect to Language Development, “For English learners, use the Differentiation chart to plan and prepare for activities in every session.”

  • I-Ready Homepage, Success Central, Teach & Plan, Differentiate, Support All Learners, Supports for English Learners-Reference Sheet, “Throughout i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, a variety of supports help students develop their ability to understand and use the specialized academic language of mathematics. While English Learners will benefit from language supports intended for all learners, the program also includes specific supports that address the strengths and needs of ELs.” Unit-Level Language Supports are Build Your Vocabulary and Connect Language Development to Mathematics. Build Your Vocabulary is located in the Teacher’s Edition “at the beginning of every unit. Use this page at the beginning of every unit to help students connect words they already know to words they will use in the unit and throughout their mathematics learning experience…” Connect Language Development to Mathematics is found in the Teacher’s Edition at the beginning of every unit. “The Language Expectations chart at the beginning of every unit provides teachers with examples of what English Learners at different levels of language proficiency can typically do…” 

  • Each lesson includes Family Letters which, “provide background information and include an activity.” They are designed to inform families of their student’s learning and create an opportunity for family involvement. Letters available include English, Spanish, Arabic, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. 

  • Program Implementation, Multilingual Glossary is available in Arabic, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Russian, Tagalog, Urdu, and Vietnamese. There is a Bilingual glossary in the student textbook that includes mathematics vocabulary in English and Spanish.

Indicator 3T

Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student cultural and social backgrounds to facilitate learning.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student cultural and social backgrounds to facilitate learning.

Every Lesson Overview, Teacher Guide Full Lesson has Connect to Culture, “Use these activities to connect with and leverage the diverse backgrounds and experiences of all students. Engage students in sharing what they know about contexts before you add the information given here.” Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Unit 4, Lesson 20, Teacher Edition, Overview, Connect to Culture, Session 5, “Explain to students that a Spanish tortilla is different than a corn or flour tortilla. It is a dish, popular in Spain, made with eggs and potatoes. There are many versions of similar egg dishes throughout the world, including frittatas from Italy, omelets from France, and kuku sabzi from Iran. Have students share some of their favorite egg dishes.” This is background information for Apply It, Problem 5, “Alita cuts a Spanish tortilla into 12 equal-size pieces. She eats 212\frac{2}{12}of the tortilla and her brother eats another 312\frac{3}{12}. What fraction of the Spanish tortilla is left?”

Indicator 3U

Materials provide supports for different reading levels to ensure accessibility for students.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 provide supports for different reading levels to ensure accessibility for students. For example:

The materials include strategies to engage students in reading and accessing grade-level mathematics. There are multiple entry points that present a variety of representations to help struggling readers to access and engage in grade-level mathematics. For example:

  • i-Ready Homepage, Success Central, Differentiate, Support Every Learner, Reference Sheet: Supplemental Tools for Accessible Mathematics Instruction, Accessibility and Accommodations with i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Accessibility and Accommodations Update, students can access Text-to-Speech on the Student Bookshelf digital version of the textbook. Other available universal supports that could be helpful are color contrast, highlighting and note-taking capability, and use of visual mathematical models.

  • Program Implementation, User Guide, Routines that Empower Students provides multiple routines that support reading comprehension, especially Three Reads and Say It Another Way. These routines are embedded in lessons. For example:

    • Unit 4, Lesson 20, Add and Subtract Fractions,  Session 4, Teacher Edition, Try It, engages students in the Three Reads routine to make sense of the problem. “Before students work on Try It, use Three Reads to help them make sense of the problem. After the third read, look for an understanding that there is more than one way to finish the reading. The fraction 56\frac{5}{6} must be decomposed into smaller parts to answer the question..” 

  • To support vocabulary development, teachers should implement the “Academic Vocabulary” routine described in the Professional Learning to provide explicit instruction and active engagement. Another suggestion to support students to move from informal to more formal academic language is by using the “Collect and Display” routine. For example:

    • Unit 5, Lesson 30, Session 3, Teacher Edition, Develop Academic Language, “Why? Reinforce understanding of the terms obtuse angle, acute angle, and right angle. How? Teach students the following poem to distinguish the different kinds of angles: An obtuse angle is wide, wide, wide. An acute angle tries to hide, hide, hide. A right angle is part of a square. You can remember angles without a care. Encourage students to use their arms or hands to make each angle as they recite the poem.”

  • i-Ready Homepage, Success Central, Differentiate, Support Every Learner, Reference Sheet - Supplemental Tools for Accessible Mathematics Instruction, “This resource highlights i-Ready Classroom Mathematics supplemental tools and examples of student supports that can be used throughout a lesson and session.” Examples of Student Supports include: Highlight important numbers, words,  and phrases; Invite volunteers to act out the problem for the class; Offer options for how students express their ideas; Provide graphic organizer for students to record thinking. 

  • End of Unit, Vocabulary Review provides an opportunity for students to check their understanding of the terms in the unit.

  • End of Unit, Literacy Connection - Passage from Ready Reading as well as Literacy Connection Problems is provided. Students complete math problems directly connected to the reading passage. There is no support accessing the text included in the iReady Mathematics Program. This provides additional practice, though there is no explicit reading support provided for comprehension of the passage.

Indicator 3V

Manipulatives, both virtual and physical, are accurate representations of the mathematical objects they represent and, when appropriate, are connected to written methods.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 meet expectations for providing manipulatives, both virtual and physical, that are accurate representations of the mathematical objects they represent and, when appropriate, are connected to written methods.

Students have access to both virtual and physical manipulatives throughout the program. For example:

  • Program Implementation, Digital Tools, are available for students. These tools include Counters and Connecting Cubes, Base-Ten Blocks, Number Line, Multiplication Models, Perimeter and Area, and Fraction Models. Also in Program Implementation, support videos are available for each of the digital tools, explaining how they may be used and their functions. 

  • Program Implementation, Manipulative List, Manipulative Kit includes Base-Ten Flats, Base-Ten Rods, Base-Ten Units, Rainbow Fraction Tiles, Plastic Rulers, 34\frac{3}{4}-in. Transparent Counters, Six Colors, Number Cubes, Pattern Blocks, Protractors, Plastic Pennies, Plastic Nickels, Plastic Dimes, Plastic Quarters.

  • Program Implementation, Manipulative List by Lesson has specific manipulatives listed for each lesson. For example, Unit 2, Lesson 6: Counters, Number cube. There is also a Manipulative Suggestions for At-Home Use document that provides ideas for using items commonly found at home or easily created that could be used in place of the actual manipulative (e.g. Geared Clock could be replaced with Printable Clock-Face PDF). 

  • Program Implementation, Activity Sheet Resources, K-5 Activity Sheet Resources includes a 172-page document full of visual models such as number lines, graphs, grid paper, graphic organizers, etc. 

Program Implementation, Try-Discuss-Connect Routine Resources, Understanding the Try-Discuss-Connect Instructional Routine, the foundational Try-Discuss-Connect routine is designed to “encourage proficiency and rigor within a collaborative structure.” A primary purpose is to “expose students to a number of representations and approaches” to help them make connections, develop mathematical language and thinking, and improve written and oral communication skills. This routine helps students transition from manipulatives to written methods. For example: 

  • In the Try It activity, “students have access to a variety of tools and manipulatives to use to represent the problem situation.” During the Discuss It activity, “Students present and explain their solution methods and listen to and critique the reasoning of others, models and representations.” During the Connect It activity, “Students write their answers to Connect It questions independently (or in pairs to support language production, as needed) to solidify understanding and make further connections.” 

  • “Tip: If students are struggling with writing responses…. have multiple students share answers orally while writing key words or phrases on the board. Have students use these key words and phrases to write their own response to the question in their worktexts.”

  • “Tip: Encourage students to represent and solve problems in more than one way to build flexibility in their thinking.”

The Try-Discuss-Connect routine also integrates the Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) model, for example:

  • Try It, “Students may use concrete, representational, or abstract strategies to solve the problem, based on their understanding of the problem or mathematical concept.”

  • Discuss It, “Students who use more concrete approaches begin to make connections to representational or abstract approaches as they engage in partner discussions.”

  • Connect It, “Through the Connect It questions, students connect concrete and representational approaches to more abstract understanding as they formalize their connections.”

Criterion 3.4: Intentional Design


The program includes a visual design that is engaging and references or integrates digital technology, when applicable, with guidance for teachers.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, 2024 Grade 4 integrate technology such as interactive tools, virtual manipulatives/objects, and/or dynamic mathematics software in ways that engage students in the grade-level standards; include or reference digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate with each other; have a visual design that supports students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject that is neither distracting nor chaotic; and provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning.

Indicator 3W

Materials integrate technology such as interactive tools, virtual manipulatives/objects, and/or dynamic mathematics software in ways that engage students in the grade-level/series standards, when applicable.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 integrate technology such as interactive tools, virtual manipulatives/objects, and/or dynamic mathematics software in ways that engage students in the grade-level/series standards, when applicable.

All aspects of the materials can be accessed digitally. Some components are only digital such as the Interactive Tutorials, Digital Math Tools Powered by Desmos, Learning Games, and Comprehension Checks. Adaptive diagnostic assessments, lesson quizzes, unit assessments, and assignable comprehension checks are all available online for students to complete. The digital materials do not allow for customizing or editing existing lessons for local use except for Comprehension Checks. 

Beginning of Unit, Unit Resources, states “Engage students with digital resources that provide interactive instruction, practice, assessment, and differentiation” and includes a list of the digital resources available in the student digital experience. These tools include:

  • Student Bookshelf (eBook)

  • Interactive tutorials

  • Digital Math Tools powered by Desmos

  • PowerPoint slides

  • Video Library for Develop Sessions in each lesson

  • Learning games

  • Interactive Practice

  • Diagnostic assessment

  • Lesson and Unit Comprehension Checks

  • Prerequisites Report

Program Implementation, Digital Resource Correlations, provides three correlation documents for digital resources: Interactive Practice Lesson Correlations, Prerequisite Interactive Tutorial Lesson Correlations, and i-Ready Lesson Correlations which show the lesson and content aligned to the practice. Comprehension Check Correlations aligns each assessment question to a lesson and standard.

Indicator 3X

Materials include or reference digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate with each other, when applicable.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 include or reference digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate with each other, when applicable.

i-Ready Homepage, Success Central, Professional Growth, In-Person Learning, Collaborative Learning Extensions, Connect Research to Practice- CLE Leader Tool, Connecting Whitepaper Ideas to Everyday Instruction, “This Collaborative Learning Extension (CLE) includes all necessary resources to facilitate a collaborative meeting with colleagues that focuses on discussing key ideas from a selected whitepaper and incorporating them into instruction. These whitepapers describe research and insights about productive actions and beliefs integrated in the i-Ready Classroom Mathematics program. The plan described can be used with professional learning communities, grade-level teams, or any other group of educators interested in refining their instruction.” There are links to six whitepapers about enhancing teaching and learning and a protocol for teachers to follow. In addition, there are eight other CLE topics with protocols for teacher collaboration around implementing the i-Ready Classroom.

Indicator 3Y

The visual design (whether in print or digital) supports students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject, and is neither distracting nor chaotic.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 have a visual design (whether in print or digital) that supports students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject, and is neither distracting nor chaotic.

Lesson routines are consistent in grades 2-5. Each lesson follows the same pattern of “Try It, Discuss It, and Connect It.” Session Slides begin with Learning Targets and a Start slide. The sections of each session are labeled at the top, including “Try It”, “Model It”, “Discuss It”, or “Connect It”. The session slides conclude with a Close: Exit Ticket, Real-World Connection, and Vocabulary. 

“Math in Action” sections include one student’s solution as an exemplar of a possible strategy, use of good problem solving, and a complete solution. The exemplar is written in first person language explaining each step taken to solve the problem, including completed work and relevant images. Notice That boxes provide important information about that student’s solution. A Problem Solving Checklist textbox can be used by students when writing their own solutions based on the model. 

There is white space so pages do not feel overwhelming and there is room to show work. Important notes, instructions, or models are highlighted by being in a box and/or having a colored background. There are often additional questions presented in the sidebar that prompt thinking such as “How can you check that your answer is correct?” or “How could a table help you find the number of each?” Each lesson includes several pictures that match the problem they’re near. Sometimes pictures contain information, but generally they simply add interest to the page.

Indicator 3Z

Materials provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning, when applicable.

The materials reviewed for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning, when applicable.

Program Implementation, Program Resources, states “The Teacher Digital Experience provides complete access to all grade-level resources.” There is an extensive chart listing all the components of the program, which are all available online. For example:

  • i-Ready Homepage, Success Central, Get Started, Program Overview, Teacher Digital Experience, provides six videos about implementing various digital components such as the teacher dashboard or interactive practice. Also provided is Explore the Student Digital Experience which includes a walkthrough and five videos.

  • Beginning of Unit, Unit Resources, includes the digital tools available in the student and teacher digital experience, “Engage students with digital resources that provide interactive instruction, practice, assessment, and differentiation.” There are digital tools included for: In-Class Instruction and Practice, Independent Practice for School or Home, Assessments and Reports, and Differentiation.

  • Program Implementation, Digital Resource Correlations, provides “Prerequisite Interactive Tutorial Lesson Correlations” for each lesson that includes an interactive tutorial. “Interactive Tutorials can be shown before an Explore session to build background knowledge on a topic. The chart below shows which Interactive Tutorial can serve as a prerequisite to each lesson, along with which objectives that Interactive Tutorial covers.” 

  • Program Implementation, Digital Math Tools - Support Videos, for students or teachers to watch to learn how to use the Digital Math Tools.