MAY 9, 2022

I recently came across some data that reaffirmed what EdReports has been seeing for some time: Only 50% of teachers believe that their curricula are high quality and well aligned to learning standards.

Things do not need to be this way—teachers and students deserve better. For the first time since EdReports’ launch in 2015, over 50% of available English language arts materials and 44% of mathematics materials reviewed meet expectations for standards alignment. High-quality materials are out there, and the time to invest in them is now

EdReports’ 2021 Annual Report highlights the challenge of getting great materials into classrooms, but also documents the growing list of districts and states prioritizing curriculum to effect lasting change. Read some of these inspiring stories here >

In the report, you’ll be able to explore key data about how we’re impacting the materials market, how we work with educators across the country, the amazing educator reviewers who help create our free reports, and our vision for the work ahead. 

While there is still much more to do, we are proud of the impact our reviews of instructional materials continue to have. We have reviewed 98% of the known K–12 mathematics and ELA market, and districts representing nearly 14 million students are using EdReports to make decisions about curriculum.

So much of what we have accomplished is due to the more than 700 educator reviewers who have helped create our reports, and the thousands of dedicated educators across the country who work tirelessly to equip students with the kind of education and resources that transform lives. Thank you for all you do for students and for our future. 

Eric Hirsch

By Eric Hirsch
EdReports Chief Executive Officer

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Discover how districts and educators use EdReports curriculum reviews as an essential, reliable resource to help select high-quality instructional materials.


10 Years of EdReports: Empowering Educators with Evidence

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Reflecting on a decade of progress in curriculum quality with a new interactive webpage and enhanced report labeling.