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- EdReports reviews are one tool to support curriculum decisions. We do not make recommendations, and our reports are not prescriptive.
- Use this report as part of a comprehensive, teacher-led adoption process that prioritizes local needs and integrates multi-year implementation planning throughout.
- EdReports evaluates materials based on the quality of their design: how well they structure evidence-based teaching and learning to support college and career-readiness. We do not assess their effectiveness in practice.
- Check the top of the page to confirm the review tool version used. Our current tools are version 2.0. Reports based on earlier tools (versions 1.0 or 1.5) offer valuable insights but may not fully align with current instructional priorities.
Report Overview
Summary of Alignment & Usability: Wonders | ELA
The instructional materials for Grades K, 1, and 2 meet the expectations of alignment, building knowledge, and usability. Most texts are of high quality and include rigorous reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language practice. Students have opportunities to engage with texts and tasks that promote knowledge building. Supports for teachers to implement the materials with fidelity are clear and include guidance for differentiation to authentically grow students’ skills.
View Full ReportEdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Usability (Gateway 3)
1st Grade
View Full ReportEdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Usability (Gateway 3)
2nd Grade
View Full ReportEdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Usability (Gateway 3)
ELA 3-5
The instructional materials for Grades 3, 4, and 5 meet the expectations of alignment, building knowledge, and usability. Most texts are of high quality and include rigorous reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language practice. Students have opportunities to engage with texts and tasks that promote knowledge building. Supports for teachers to implement the materials with fidelity are clear and include guidance for differentiation to authentically grow students’ skills.
3rd Grade
View Full ReportEdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Usability (Gateway 3)
4th Grade
View Full ReportEdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Usability (Gateway 3)
5th Grade
View Full ReportEdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Usability (Gateway 3)
Report for 4th Grade
Alignment Summary
The Wonders Grade 4 materials meet the expectations of alignment to the Common Core ELA Standards. Materials include instruction, practice, and authentic application of reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language work that is engaging and at an appropriate level of rigor for the grade.
4th Grade
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Usability (Gateway 3)
Overview of Gateway 1
Text Quality and Complexity and Alignment to the Standards with Tasks and Questions Grounded in Evidence
Texts are of publishable quality featuring engaging characters and universal themes that should appeal to students. Grade-appropriate informational and literary anchor texts cover a range of topics and themes, build knowledge, and can be used repeatedly for multiple purpose; however, materials do not reflect a balance of literary and informational texts across the school year. Overall, the instructional materials include a variety of literary and informational texts to build student knowledge on numerous topics. The overall text complexity increases slightly across the year to support students’ increased literacy skills. The quantitative text complexity provides students access to increasingly rigorous texts over the course of the school year. While the complexity of the associated tasks ranges from slightly complex to moderately complex throughout the year, students are expected to show increased independence as the year progresses. Instructional materials provide multiple opportunities and support for students to engage in a range and volume of reading various text types and genres. Units are organized around three text sets. Resources in the Teacher Tools section provide recommendations for allotting additional time for daily independent reading, an independent reading log, sample lesson plans, and a parent letter. Materials provide numerous and consistent opportunities across the year for students to engage in text-specific and text-dependent tasks, including a variety of activities such as written responses, class discussions, partner discussions, and class-created anchor charts. Instructional materials provide frequent protocols and opportunities for students to engage in partner and small group evidence-based discussions across the year. The instructional materials include multiple opportunities for students to engage in speaking and listening tasks with varied support protocols. The instructional materials provide multiple writing opportunities daily across the year for students to respond to texts. These on-demand writing tasks require students to make claims supported by text evidence. Instructional materials provide numerous opportunities for students to engage in a variety of writing types across the year. Writing prompts connected to anchor texts require students to gather evidence over the course of study using graphic organizers, anchor charts, and notes for support. Instructional materials include a cohesive year-long plan and guidance for teachers to facilitate student interaction with key vocabulary in texts and build knowledge. The Teacher Manual outlines various vocabulary-teaching routines for teachers to use with students and multiple opportunities for students to engage with vocabulary words numerous times within a given text set. Materials include explicit instruction of all grade-level grammar and usage standards through the use of anchor texts as well as example sentences and paragraphs. Materials include explicit instruction of phonics, word recognition, and word analysis through phonics lessons, structural analysis lessons, vocabulary lessons, and spelling lessons consistently over the course of the year. Assessment opportunities are provided over the course of the year to inform instructional adjustments of phonics, word recognition, and word analysis to help students make progress toward mastery. Multiple and variedopportunities are provided over the course of the year in core materials for students to learn, practice, and apply phonics, word analysis, and word recognition skills in connected texts and tasks.Materials include multiple opportunities over the course of the year for students to demonstrate sufficient accuracy and fluency in oral and silent reading and include multiple fluency assessments to support data collection and instructional decision-making to progress monitor students’ fluency development throughout the school year.
Gateway 1
Criterion 1.1: Text Quality and Complexity
Texts are worthy of students’ time and attention: texts are of quality and are rigorous, meeting the text complexity criteria for each grade.
Materials support students’ advancing toward independent reading.
Texts are of publishable quality featuring engaging characters and universal themes that should appeal to students. Grade-appropriate informational and literary anchor texts cover a range of topics and themes, build knowledge, and can be used repeatedly for multiple purposes. Materials do not reflect a balance of literary and informational texts across the school year; materials reflect a distribution of 58% literary texts and 42% informational texts. This falls outside of the 50/50 balance of literary and informational texts. Within the literary category, a variety of sub-genres are represented, including fable, fantasy, folktale, legend, myth, realistic fiction, and poetry. Informational texts span a wide variety of topics in the area of science and social studies as well as biographies. Overall, the instructional materials include a variety of literary and informational texts to build student knowledge on numerous topics. Throughout the materials, the majority of texts have an appropriate level of complexity. Texts lower on the Lexile grade band have higher qualitative measures or more complex associated tasks. In each text set, there is an “Explore the Text” document which provides qualitative and quantitative ratings as well as specific reader and task considerations related to the text. Additional documentation explaining each text can be found in the “Build Knowledge Through Text Sets” document, which describes how each text is used to explore the unit’s essential question; however, the materials do not include a rationale for educational purpose and placement in the grade level. The overall text complexity increases slightly across the year to support students’ increased literacy skills. Anchor texts, Shared Reads, and texts in the Interactive Read Aloud vary in complexity levels appropriate within the grade band and include instructional support for those higher in the band. The quantitative text complexity provides students access to increasingly rigorous texts over the course of the school year. While the complexity of the associated tasks ranges from slightly complex to moderately complex throughout the year, students are expected to show increased independence as the year progresses. Instructional materials provide multiple opportunities and support for students to engage in a range and volume of reading various text types and genres. Units are organized around three text sets. Each two-week cycle is focused on a genre study with an essential question. During small group instruction, students complete independent work, including self-selected reading tasks. Resources in the Teacher Tools section provide recommendations for allotting additional time for daily independent reading, an independent reading log, sample lesson plans, and a parent letter.
Indicator 1A
Anchor texts are of high quality, worthy of careful reading, and consider a range of student interests.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 1a.
Texts are of publishable quality featuring engaging characters and universal themes that should appeal to students. Across the year, anchor texts feature rich language and vivid illustrations representing characters from multiple cultures. Grade-appropriate informational and literary anchor texts cover a range of topics and themes, build knowledge, and can be used repeatedly for multiple purposes. Most anchor texts are written by well-known authors. Some texts are written by well-known publishers such as TIME for Kids.
Anchor texts are of high quality and consider a range of student interests, are well-crafted, content-rich, and engage students at their grade level. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Week 3, Lessons 4–5, students read Experts, Incorporated by Sarah Weeks. This realistic fiction anchor text connects to the essential question, “How do your actions affect others?” The text, dialogue, and illustrations relate to the content of the story. The author addresses real-life topics in a way that should engage students and provide opportunities for them to increase knowledge.
In Unit 2, Week 2, Lesson 6, students reread Spiders by Nic Bishop, building knowledge on a high-interest science topic. Multiple photographs of spiders are both captivating and provide an additional means of conveying information. Text captions offer additional spider facts.
In Unit 4, Week 5, Lesson 1, students read “Sing to Me” by Will Meyers. The poem is engaging and contains rich language. The theme is universal and should appeal to students.
In Unit 5, Week 3, Lessons 2-4, students read Mama, I’ll Give You the World by Roni Schotter. This realistic fiction anchor text explores the essential question, “In what ways do people show they care about each other”? Illustrations are vibrant and engaging.
In Unit 6, Week 1, Lesson 1, students read “The Great Energy Debate.” The text focuses on a high-interest topic and builds scientific knowledge. The illustrations and text features add to the engaging nature of the text.
Indicator 1B
Materials reflect the distribution of text types and genres required by the standards at each grade level.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 partially meet the criteria for Indicator 1b.
Materials do not reflect a balance of literary and informational texts across the school year; materials reflect a distribution of 58% literary texts and 42% informational texts. This falls outside of the 50/50 balance of literary and informational texts. Within the literary category, a variety of sub-genres are represented, including fantasy, myth, realistic fiction, and autobiographies. Informational texts span a wide variety of topics in the area of science and social studies. Overall, the instructional materials include a variety of literary and informational texts to build student knowledge on numerous topics.
Materials reflect the distribution of text types/genres required by the grade-level standards. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Students read several informational expository texts, including Earthquakes by Sneed B. Collard III in Unit 1, Week 2 and “Partaking in Public Service” (author not cited) in Unit 3, Week 1.
Students read several dramas such as, Ranita, The Frog Princess by Carmen Deedy and The Ant and the Grasshopper (author not cited) in Unit 2, Week 2.
Students read several realistic fiction texts, including Remembering Hurricane Katrina (author not cited) in Unit 3, Week 1 and “A Special Birthday Hug” (author not cited) in Unit 5, Week 2.
Students read several historical fiction texts, including A Telephone Mix-up (author not cited) in Unit 4, Week 3 and The Game of Silence by Louise Erdich in Unit 6, Week 2.
Students read several poems such as, “Climbing Blue Hill” by Andrew Feher in Unit 6, Week 4 and “The Moondust Footprint” by Joshua Katz in Unit 4, Week 3.
Materials do not reflect a 50/50 balance of informational and literary texts. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Across the year, materials represent a 58% literary text and 42% informational text balance.
In Unit 1, students read or listen to 13 core texts, four (31%) of which are literary and nine (69%) of which are informational texts.
In Unit 2, students read or listen to 19 core texts, 16 (84%) of which are literary and three (16%) of which are informational texts.
In Unit 3, students read or listen to 12 core texts, three (25%) of which are literary and nine (75%) of which are informational texts.
In Unit 4, students read or listen to 15 core texts, 10 (67%) of which are literary and five (33%) of which are informational texts.
In Unit 5, students read or listen to 12 core texts, five (42%) of which are literary and seven (58%) of which are informational texts.
In Unit 6, students read or listen to 17 core texts, 13 (76%) of which are literary and four (24%) of which are informational texts.
Indicator 1C
Core/Anchor texts have the appropriate level of complexity for the grade according to documented quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, and relationship to their associated student task. Documentation should also include a rationale for educational purpose and placement in the grade level.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 partially meet the criteria for Indicator 1c.
Throughout the materials, the majority of texts have an appropriate level of complexity. Texts lower on the Lexile grade band have higher qualitative measures or more complex associated tasks. In each text set, there is an “Explore the Text” document which provides qualitative and quantitative ratings as well as specific reader and task considerations related to the text. Additional documentation explaining each text can be found in the “Build Knowledge Through Text Sets” document, which describes how each text is used to explore the unit’s essential question; however, the materials do not include a rationale for educational purpose and placement in the grade level.
Anchor/core texts have the appropriate level of complexity for the grade according to quantitative and qualitative analysis and relationship to their associated student task. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Week 3, Lesson 3, students read Experts, Incorporated by Sarah Weeks with a Lexile of 730. This text falls slightly below the grade level band of 740–1010. Students identify and analyze the meaning of figurative language used by the author. In the associated task, students respond to the prompt, “What can readers learn from Maura?” They are prompted to use text evidence to support their response.
In Unit 2, Week 2, Lesson 6, students read Spiders by Nic Bishop, which has a Lexile level of 820 and falls within the grade band of 740–1010. The text has a qualitative complexity of slightly complex due to the low knowledge demands. The associated task is appropriately rigorous, considering the quantitative and qualitative complexity of the text and grade-level standards. Students respond to the prompt, “Do you agree with the author’s perspective on spiders? Why or why not?”
In Unit 3, Week 1, Lesson 3, students read Aguinaldo, a realistic fiction text by Lulu Delacre. This text has a Lexile level of 650, falling below the 740–1010 Lexile stretch band; however, language, knowledge demands, structure, and meaning/purpose fall in the moderate complexity range. Students may need background knowledge about Puerto Rico to access meaning. During the associated task, students respond to the prompt, “Why do Marilla’s feelings about the nursing home change from the beginning to the end of the story?”
In Unit 4, Week 2, Lesson 6, students read See How They Run by Susan E. Goodman with a Lexile level of 870. This text is moderately complex. During the associated task, students use the text to respond to the following opinion writing prompt: “Why is it important for people to participate in government?”
In Unit 5, Week 1, Lesson 3, students read A Drop of Water, an expository text by Walter Wick. This text has a Lexile level of 870, falling within the 740–1010 Lexile stretch band. This text has a moderate complexity qualitative rating in meaning/purpose and structure. Language and Knowledge demands are high. Students will need background information on the physical transformations of water. In the task associated with this text, students respond to the prompt, “How can viewing things up close change the way people think about the world?”
In Unit 6, Week 1, Lesson 3, students read the narrative nonfiction piece, “Energy Island” by Allan Drummond, which has a Lexile level of 840. Additional information in the Teacher’s Edition under the Access Complex Text tab states the text is narrative nonfiction, and students may struggle to see the text as nonfiction because of the illustrations. In the associated task, students are asked to write whether they agree or disagree with the author’s claims in the text. Students use text evidence to support their opinion.
Core/Anchor texts have the appropriate level of complexity for the grade according to documented quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, and relationship to their associated student task. Documentation does not include a rationale for educational purpose and placement in the grade level. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
“Explore the Text” is a document that lists all of the anchor/core texts and series of texts connected to them along with qualitative and quantitative information for each.
“Build Knowledge Through Text Sets” is a document in the Teacher Edition Unit Overview that outlines how each text set supports the essential question for each unit. The “Build Knowledge” section of this document briefly describes how each text aligns with the essential question.
The Teacher Edition provides an overview of the texts that are selected in the Wonders and Science of Reading section. It explains that the lessons are “built around a high-quality collection of complex literary and information texts, focused on both the natural and social worlds.” However, there is no information about the educational purpose and placement of the individual texts.
The accuracy of the provided quantitative measures was verified using MetaMetrics or determined using the Lexile Text Analyzer on The Lexile Framework for Reading site. The accuracy of the provided qualitative measures was verified using literary and informational text rubrics. The accuracy of the provided associated task measures was verified using grade-level standards.
Indicator 1D
Series of texts should be at a variety of complexity levels appropriate for the grade band to support students’ literacy growth over the course of the school year.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 1d.
The overall text complexity increases across the year to support students’ increased literacy skills. Anchor texts, Shared Reads, and texts in the Interactive Read Aloud vary in complexity levels appropriate within the grade band and include instructional support for those higher in the band. The quantitative text complexity provides students access to increasingly rigorous texts over the course of the school year. At the beginning of the year, texts range in quantitative complexity from 620L–860L and increase in range from 610L–910L by the end of the year. While the complexity of the associated tasks ranges from slightly complex to moderately complex throughout the year, students are expected to show increased independence as the year progresses. The Teacher Edition provides suggestions for teacher prompts and appropriate scaffolds to build background knowledge and facilitate depth of knowledge.
The complexity of anchor texts students read provides an opportunity for students’ literacy skills to increase across the year, encompassing an entire year’s worth of growth. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Week 5, Lesson 1, students read “Dollars and $ense,” an article from TIME for Kids, which has a Lexile of 800L and is slightly complex qualitatively. Students underline the central idea in the first paragraph, then circle details of what the article’s subject noticed when visiting villages in Argentina. They then determine what this caused him to do. Students repeat the same process of underlining central ideas throughout different paragraphs in the article. In Unit 4, Week 1, Lesson 3, students read See How They Run by Susan E. Goodman, which has a Lexile of 870L and is moderately complex on qualitative measures. Students use a Cause and Effect graphic organizer to help summarize the most important events in the text. Students use their notes and text evidence to write to the prompt, “Why is it important for people to participate in government?” In Unit 6, Week 1, Lesson 3, students read Energy Island by Allan Drummond, which has a Lexile of 840L and is moderately complex on qualitative measures. Students complete a graphic organizer with the central idea and three supporting details from the text. Students answer the prompt, “What do the details tell you about how nonrenewable energy was used in Samso?” This process is repeated for other sections of the text. Each time, students are presented with higher-level questions tying the information together, “How were the projects similar or different?” and “what do these turbines mean for the people of Samso?”
In Unit 2, Week 3, Lesson 2, students participate in the Shared Read, “The Ant and the Grasshopper” (author not cited), which does not have a Lexile level but is slightly complex on qualitative measures. There are varying levels of expectations depending on student ability. Students all identify events that reveal the theme and state a theme. Scaffolds begin with partner work and increase to having sentence frames. In unit 3, Week 1, Lesson 3, students read Aguinaldo by Lula Delacre, which has a Lexile of 650L and is moderately complex on qualitative measures. Students connect concepts throughout a story to determine the theme of the text. In Unit 6, Week 3, Lesson 1, students read “A Surprise Reunion” (author not cited), which has a Lexile of 650L and is moderately complex qualitatively. Students determine a theme that connects the ideas in separate parts of the text.
As texts become more complex, appropriate scaffolds and/or materials are provided in Teacher Edition (i.e., spending more time on texts, more questions, repeated readings). Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Teacher’s Manual, boxes are included throughout the units to help teachers make complex texts accessible to students. The Access Complex Text boxes include scaffolded instruction for seven elements that may make a text complex.
In the Teacher’s Manual, the materials indicate to the teacher when to use the Scaffolded Shared Read routine, though the routine remains the same throughout the year.
The Close Reading Routine remains the same throughout the year to help students access complex texts, though students are expected to show more independence as the year progresses. The routine begins with reading the text, identifying important ideas and details, and retelling. Then students reread and discuss craft and structure. Lastly, students make text-to-text connections and engage in a Show Your Knowledge task.
Indicator 1E
Materials provide opportunities for students to engage in a range and volume of reading to support their reading at grade level by the end of the school year, including accountability structures for independent reading.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 1e.
Instructional materials provide multiple opportunities and support for students to engage in a range and volume of reading various text types and genres. Both literary and informational texts support building reading skills throughout the year. Literary texts include fable, fantasy, folktale, legend, myth, poetry as well as realistic fiction. Informational texts include biography and autobiography and span a wide range of topics in science, history, and social studies. Units are organized around three text sets. Set 1 covers weeks one and two, Set 2 covers weeks three and four, and Set 3 is completed in week five. Each two-week cycle is focused on a genre study with an essential question. During small group instruction, students complete independent work, including self-selected reading tasks. Resources in the Teacher Tools section provide recommendations for allotting additional time for daily independent reading and an independent reading log, sample lesson plans, and a parent letter. Teacher resources provide instruction to help students develop skills to monitor learning and check progress.
Instructional materials clearly identify opportunities and supports for students to engage in reading a variety of text types and genres. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, students read and listen to a variety of informational texts, including expository and narrative nonfiction texts through interactive read-alouds, anchor texts, paired selections, and leveled readers. For example, in Week 1, Lesson 3, students read Earthquakes by Sneed B. Collard III, an informational expository text, and analyze how text structures contribute to their understanding. Students respond to the prompt: “Why is it important to understand how earthquakes affect people?”
In Unit 3, students read and listen to a variety of informational and narrative nonfiction texts, including biographies and autobiographies through interactive read-alouds, anchor texts, paired selections, and leveled readers. For example, in Week 3, Lesson 3, students read “A New Kind of Corn,” an argumentative text from TIME for Kids, summarize the events of the story, and respond to the prompt, “What is your opinion about Bt corn? Why do you feel that way?”
In Unit 6, students read and listen to a variety of informational and literary texts, including historical fiction and poetry through interactive read-alouds, anchor texts, paired selections, and leveled readers. For example, in Week 3, Lesson 3, students read a free verse poem, “Birdfoot’s Grampa” by Joseph Bruchac. Students respond to a writing prompt, “How are the speakers in the poem affected by their families?”
Instructional materials clearly identify opportunities and supports for students to engage in a volume of reading.
In Unit 1, there are three text sets, which include 13 core texts, spanning 30 lessons. Throughout each text set, students engage with an interactive read-aloud, shared read, paired selection, and anchor text. Small group lessons include leveled readers about the same topic. There are additional texts that the teacher could use for read-aloud or for the students to read independently that align to the essential question or are by the same authors.
In Unit 3, there are three text sets, which include 12 core texts, spanning 30 lessons. Throughout each text set, students engage with an interactive read-aloud, shared read, paired selection, and anchor text. Small group lessons include leveled readers about the same topic. There are additional texts that the teacher could use for read-aloud or for the students to read independently that align to the essential question or are by the same authors.
In Unit 6, there are three text sets, which include 17 core texts, spanning 30 lessons. Throughout each text set, students engage with an interactive read-aloud, shared read, paired selection, and anchor text. Small group lessons include leveled readers about the same topic. There are additional texts that the teacher could use for read-aloud or for the students to read independently that align to the essential question or are by the same authors.
There is sufficient teacher guidance to foster independence for all readers (e.g., independent reading procedures, proposed schedule, tracking system for independent reading).
The Instructional Routines Handbook includes guidance for teachers to support students in independent reading practices. Located under the heading “How Does Wonders Teach Close Reading?” are components utilized in teaching students to read. In the “Encourage Independent Reading” section, students can choose books for 30–40 minutes of daily independent reading and respond in their writer’s notebook. Students choose books from the Classroom Library, and bonus Leveled Readers. Two classroom library books are available in each unit.
The Instructional Routines Handbook includes a teacher guidance section on Independent Reading which provides a detailed definition of materials to consider for independent reading, why it is necessary for student proficiency in reading, and specific guidance on implementing the Wonders approach to teaching independent reading. The materials include selections from anchor texts and paired texts not used in the genre studies. Students are taught to preview books to determine which one to read. Routines are established to foster student independent reading and to assist in the assessment of student needs. The Independent reading routine consists of selecting a book, reading the book daily during independent reading time, thinking about what is being read, keeping a record of what is being read, sharing their opinion of the text when done, and selecting a new book.
In the Instructional Routines Handbook, Independent Reading, Teacher-Student Guidance Routine, specific steps are available to conduct independent reading conferences to ensure students are reading and to provide support and guidance for setting reading goals. Conference forms are provided for teacher use.
In the Instructional Routines Handbook, Reading logs are provided for students to track their independent reading. The log contains areas for students to list the title, genre, their opinion of the text, how much is read daily, rate their difficulty with the text, and if they will finish the text.
In Unit 1, Text Set 1, the materials include expository independent reading texts, Natural Disasters Through Infographics and Volcanoes. Teachers “have students self-select independent reading texts about how people respond to natural disasters.” There are additional texts in the Online Leveled Reader Library and the literature anthology. Students use Center Activity cards to complete tasks related to their reading and complete a blackline master worksheet called “My Independent Work.”
Criterion 1.2: Tasks and Questions
Materials provide opportunities for rich and rigorous evidence-based discussions and writing about texts to build strong literacy skills.
Materials provide numerous and consistent opportunities across the year for students to engage in text-specific and text-dependent tasks. Students are required to support their responses by citing explicit and inferred information from texts. Tasks include a variety of activities such as written responses, class discussions, partner discussions, and class-created anchor charts. Lesson plans for both ELA and Shared Reading Blocks contain Teaching Tips and Discussion Guides to support instruction. Instructional materials provide frequent protocols and opportunities for students to engage in partner and small group evidence-based discussions across the year. Teacher Resources provide guidance to establish and monitor collaborative conversations. The materials also include videos and Instructional Routines to aid teachers in facilitating these conversations throughout each unit. The instructional materials include multiple opportunities for students to engage in speaking and listening tasks with varied support protocols. Students engage in whole group, small group, and partner collaborative conversations focused on texts and writing. Students are required to cite text evidence to support their verbal and written responses. The instructional materials provide multiple writing opportunities daily across the year for students to respond to texts. These on-demand writing tasks require students to make claims supported by text evidence. Each unit includes process writing as part of the genre study. Students read texts to obtain information, plan, draft, engage in peer editing, and present their writings. Instructional guidance encourages the integration of online and digital resources when relevant and appropriate. Instructional materials provide numerous opportunities for students to engage in a variety of writing types across the year. Each unit contains a writing focus where students engage in daily writing culminating in process writing assignments. Students examine and analyze model writings to learn how individual aspects of each genre are integrated into meaningful writing. Students respond to both on-demand and process writing tasks involving text evidence. Writing prompts connected to anchor texts require students to gather evidence over the course of study using graphic organizers, anchor charts, and notes for support. Varied writing formats include summaries, analysis of text, co-creation of class anchor charts, and claim-based writings. Each type requires students to refer back to texts and use information gathered from their reading. Instructional materials include a cohesive year-long plan and guidance for teachers to facilitate student interaction with key vocabulary in texts and build knowledge. The Teacher Manual outlines various vocabulary-teaching routines for teachers to use with students and multiple opportunities for students to engage with vocabulary words numerous times within a given text set. Materials include explicit instruction of all grade-level grammar and usage standards through the use of anchor texts as well as example sentences and paragraphs. Students practice correcting and creating sentences using newly acquired grammar skills. Students have opportunities over the course of the year to apply newly learned skills both in and out of context using the Practice Book, Language Transfer Handbook, and Online Activities.
Indicator 1F
Most questions, tasks, and assignments are text-specific and/or text-dependent, requiring students to engage with the text directly (drawing on textual evidence to support both what is explicit as well as valid inferences from the text).
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 1f.
The instructional materials provide numerous and consistent opportunities across the year for students to engage in text-specific and text-dependent tasks. Students are required to support their responses by citing explicit and inferred information from texts. Tasks include a variety of activities such as written responses, class discussions, partner discussions, and class-created anchor charts. Lesson plans for both ELA and Shared Reading Blocks contain Teaching Tips and Discussion Guides to support instruction. These resources help the teacher determine what to look for in student responses and offer suggestions for scaffolding the task. The Instructional Strategy book contains guidance for using text-dependent questions during the close reading process, including a routine for teaching students how to locate and use text evidence to support their answers.
Text-specific and text-dependent questions and tasks support students in making meaning of the core understandings of the texts being studied. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Week 5, Lesson 3, students read the poems “The Sandpiper” by Frances Frost, “Bat” by X.J. Kennedy, “The Grasshopper Springs” by James W. Hackett, and “Fireflies at Dusk” by Evelyn Rose, and complete a graphic organizer to record details related to the characters’ perspectives in each poem. Students write in response to the prompt, “What can you learn about the speakers in the poems from how they describe the animals?” Students use sentence starters to organize text evidence. Students answer the question, “How does the poet use figurative language to help you visualize bats?” and complete a chart with words and phrases from the text to help them picture the bats during the day and night. Students complete a chart to compare two poems as they answer, “How does each poet use words and phrases to create a different mood?”
In Unit 3, Week 4, Lesson 7, students read “Keeping Freedom in the Family” by Nora Davis Day to answer the question, “What was Nora’s point of view about walking the picket line with her dad and other protesters?” and “How do you know this selection is autobiographical?” Students note evidence from the text to focus on the Essential Question, “How can one person make a difference?”
In Unit 5, Week 2, Lesson 6, students read A Drop of Water by Walter Wick and answer “What text structure does the author use to present information in the last paragraph on page 372?” and “What signal words tell that a compare-and-contrast text structure is being used?” In the same lesson, students answer, “What text structure does the author use to present information about the water cycle?” and “Why is this an effective way to present information?” building on an understanding of text structure.
In Unit 6, Week 3, Lesson 1, students read “A Surprise Reunion” (author not cited) and answer, “What details does the author include to help you understand how Chief Cameahwait feels about his little sister?”, “How does knowing Cameahwait’s thoughts help you predict what might happen next?”, and “How does the author show that Sacagawea missed her brother?”
Teacher materials provide support for planning and implementation of text-based questions and tasks. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Instructional Routines Handbook are step-by-step instructions for the Close Reading Routine stating, “Model how to take notes, find text evidence, and answer text-dependent questions. At the end of the first read, help students summarize the selection.” The Finding Text Evidence Routine outlines a four-step process to explain, model, and practice the routine. There is a script for the teacher to use as a Think Aloud as they model the process. Corrective feedback guidance describes how teachers can help students determine if evidence is strong or not strong.
In Unit 1, Week 3, Lesson 1, students answer, “How does the dialogue provide evidence that Tina is used to being in charge of her friendship with Maura?” Teachers model a Think Aloud to help students understand dialogue. The teacher uses evidence to help students understand how the author used dialogue to reveal the characters’ personalities. The same approach is used in the lesson to analyze the conflict in the text.
In Unit 6, Week 4, Lesson 6, students use the character’s thoughts, feelings, words, and actions to make inferences about the character. Students answer the questions, ”How does the author describe Omakayas’s feelings toward her brother?”, ”What does Omakayas do to help her keep silent?”, “What does this tell you about her character?”, and “What can you learn from her experience?” Teachers have sample student answers and additional questions to build understanding of how to show the character’s thoughts, feelings, words, and actions to make inferences about the character.
Indicator 1G
Materials provide frequent opportunities and protocols for evidence-based discussions.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 1g.
Instructional materials provide frequent protocols and opportunities for students to engage in partner and small group evidence-based discussions across the year. Teacher Resources provide guidance to establish and monitor collaborative conversations. Use of videos and Instructional Routines aid teachers in facilitating these conversations, which recur throughout each unit.
Materials provide varied protocols to support students’ developing speaking and listening skills across the whole year’s scope of instructional materials. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Instructional Routines Handbook, there is a protocol called Collaborative Conversations, which are “rich, structured conversations around grade-level topics and texts.” Collaborative conversations occur at the beginning of the week when the essential question is introduced, every time students engage in the Close Reading Routine, during guided and independent practice, when students respond to texts they are reading, and when students write about text.
In the Instructional Routines Handbook, the steps for the Collaborative Conversation Routine are to introduce the focus of the conversation, review relevant guidelines to support student participation, provide specific information so students know exactly what to do, monitor student conversations, and provide corrective feedback as necessary, and close the conversation.
In the Instructional Routines Handbook, Peer Conferences, students share the book title, the “Thinking Code” (funny part, confusing part, important part, etc.), the page number related to the code, and their thoughts. Each step includes a sentence starter to help students complete the process.
In the Oral Language Sentence Frames document, there are numerous sentence frames for a variety of text-based conversations, such as “Exchange/Express Information and Ideas,” “Asking and Answering Questions,” “Affirming Others,” “Engage in Dialogue,” and “Offering Opinions/Persuading Others.”
In the Collaborative Conversation, “Add New Ideas,” students are encouraged to stay on topic, express their ideas clearly, connect their ideas to those of their classmates, and connect their personal experiences or background knowledge to the conversation.
Speaking and listening instruction includes facilitation, monitoring, and instructional supports for teachers.
There is a Collaborative Conversations logo in the Teacher’s Edition each time a collaborative conversation is recommended. There is instructional support on the “Talk About It” page at the start of each genre study or week and on the Peer Conferencing pages.
In the Instructional Routines Handbook, there is a section that explains what successful Collaborative Conversations look like including being “able to make statements and ask questions related to the focus.”
In the Instructional Routines Handbook, there are additional strategies for teaching collaborative conversations including role-playing a collaborative conversation to model the routine. There are also sentence starters such as “I’m wondering” and “Can you point to text evidence that shows?”
There is a Collaborative Conversations Video to help with the facilitation. The handbook suggests that the teacher stop at certain points and use a checklist to discuss how the teacher helps the group prepare for their collaborative conversation. At the end of the video, the students work with a partner and discuss what they see students doing and what they could be doing better.
In the Instructional Routines Handbook, there is an anchor chart for the teacher to display on “How to Have a Collaborative Conversation.”
In the Instructional Routines Handbook, there is a section on how to provide corrective feedback during discussions. Teachers are encouraged to point out what students are doing right, redirect discussions that may have gotten off track by suggesting statements or questions that will refocus the discussion, and encourage students to build on one another’s exchanges.
Indicator 1H
Materials support students’ listening and speaking about what they are reading and researching (including presentation opportunities) with relevant follow-up questions and evidence.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 1h.
The instructional materials include multiple opportunities for students to engage in speaking and listening tasks with varied support protocols. Students engage in whole group, small group, and partner collaborative conversations focused on texts and writing. Students are required to cite text evidence to support their verbal and written responses. During writing conferences, students offer specific feedback and ask questions to clarify meaning. Following shared reads, students participate in evidence-based discussions, which involve restating and making inferences based on what they read. The use of sentence starters helps students respond to each other and provide feedback.
Students have multiple opportunities over the school year to demonstrate what they are reading through varied speaking and listening opportunities. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Week 6, Lessons 3–4, after reading “Volunteering at National Parks” and “A Hero of Conservation” (authors not cited), students create a Venn diagram comparing the similarities and differences between the texts. Students work in small groups or with a partner to discuss the story. Students share ideas about different ways each text presents information about public service and the importance of volunteering.
In Unit 4, Week 5, Lesson 2, Reading/Writing Companion, students conduct an interview with a person they think is successful. To prepare for the interview, students research and prepare a list of potential questions to ask and practice asking the questions. Students make notes or record the interview and watch the recording and prepare follow-up questions.
Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Week 1, Lesson 1, students engage in a collaborative conversation after watching a video. Students are reminded to follow discussion rules such as listen actively and look at the person who is speaking, ask relevant questions to clarify information, and make pertinent and topical comments.
In Unit 2, Weeks 5–6, students write an expository essay. During the process, students conduct a Peer Conference. Teachers review the routine with students:
Step 1, listen carefully as the writer reads his or her work aloud.
Step 2, avoid calling attention away from the writer.
Step 3, ask a question that will help you understand anything that is unclear.
Step 4, take note of things you like about the writing.
Add audio recordings and visual displays to presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Week 6, Lesson 5, students plan inquiry space presentations. The teacher tells students that adding photos, video clips, maps, and other visuals will help them highlight the key points of their presentation. Students are encouraged to add audio, such as sound effects, excerpts from an interview, voice-overs, or music.
In Unit 4, Week 6, Lesson 5, students publish and present their report and plan their presentation. As part of the presentation, students are encouraged to add visuals which may include props, use video to film a dramatic scene from their story, or add illustrations to get the audience’s attention and add Audio. Students are encouraged to add audio to enhance their presentations by including audio such as narration, sound effects, or music.
Speaking and listening work requires students to utilize, apply, and incorporate evidence from texts and/or sources. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Pose and respond to specific questions to clarify or follow up on information, and make comments that contribute to the discussion and link to the remarks of others. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Week 4, Lesson 9, students engage in peer conferences. Students review each other’s drafts and listen carefully as the writer reads his or her work. Students ask clarifying questions and take notes of things they liked about the writing. Students share their observations with the writer. The writer reflects on the feedback and determines how they are going to use the feedback.
In Unit 2, Weeks 5–6, students write an expository essay. During the process, students conduct a Peer Conference, and teachers model using this sentence starter students can use to respond to their partners: “I like the details you used to support the central idea because…”
In Unit 4, Week 5, Lesson 1, students read the poems “Sing to Me” and “The Climb” (authors not cited). Student pairs discuss why they relate to the theme and write a brief review of each poem in their reader’s notebooks, including a comparison of how the characters in each poem feel to how they feel when they are successful. Students can decide to record their reviews digitally.
Review the key ideas expressed and explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Week 3, Lesson 1, the teacher reads the interactive read-aloud “A Grasshopper’s Sad Tale” (author not cited). The Essential Question is, “How do animal characters change familiar stories?” With a partner, students discuss what grasshopper means when he says he doesn’t tell his tale for pity.
In Unit 4, Week 3, Lesson 1, students watch the video “Breakthroughs” and discuss with a partner details from the video, including how inventions and technology affect their lives.
Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
At the end of Unit 2, in small groups, students discuss the Essential Question, “What can animals teach us?” Each group records their ideas, a volunteer from each group reads their notes, and the class synthesizes, “What are the five most important things we have learned about what animals can teach us?”
In Unit 4, Week 5, Lesson 2, students read the Expository Essay rubric and paraphrase the Purpose, Focus, Organization, Evidence, and Elaboration sections with a partner.
Identify the reasons and evidence a speaker provides to support particular points. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Week 4, Lesson 9, students conduct peer conferences with their expository writing drafts. During the conference, students review and give feedback on sources, facts, and details that support the central idea. The teacher models the sentence starter, “I like the details you used to support the central idea because...”
In Unit 4, Week 4, Lesson 9, students review and give revision feedback to their partner. Students listen to each other read their writing and then ask questions about any unclear ideas. Students take note of what they liked about the writing.
Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner, using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Weeks 1 and 2, students plan a video about animal adaptations. Students use their Build Knowledge notes in their notebooks, choose three adaptations that interest them, and write a plan for a short video describing these adaptations. Students include examples of images and sounds they might use and present their video plans to a partner.
In Unit 4, Week 2, Lesson 10, students give a speech answering the prompt, “How would you explain to others why we need a government?” Students provide a list of reasons why we need a government, citing examples from the text and using words from their vocabulary list.
Indicator 1I
Materials include a mix of on-demand and process writing (e.g., multiple drafts, revisions over time) and short, focused projects, incorporating digital resources where appropriate.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 1i.
The instructional materials provide multiple writing opportunities daily across the year for students to respond to texts. These on-demand writing tasks require students to make claims supported by text evidence. Students regularly engage in completing note-catchers and graphic organizers and respond to questions about texts in both short answers and paragraphs. Each unit includes process writing as part of the genre study. Students read texts to obtain information, plan, draft, engage in peer editing, and present their writings. Instructional guidance encourages the integration of online and digital resources when relevant and appropriate. Teacher guidance suggests students use digital resources to research, format, and share their writing when appropriate.
Materials include on-demand writing opportunities that cover a year’s worth of instruction. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Week 4, Lesson 6, after reading and analyzing “Experts Incorporated” by Sarah Weeks, students respond to the writing prompt, “What can readers learn from Rodney?” Sentence starters are provided in the margin of the Reading/Writing Companion to help students get started, including “One thing you can learn from Rodney is…”
In Unit 2, Week 5, Lesson 3, after reading and analyzing a collection of poetry about animals, students write to the prompt, “How do you feel about each animal after reading the poems? Explain your answer.” Sentence starters include “...made me think about…” and “The speaker says…”
In Unit 3, Week 4, Lesson 6, students read “Delivering Justice” by Jim Haskins and respond in writing to the prompt, “What can you infer about Westley Law and his actions from understanding the author’s perspective on him?”
In Unit 4, Week 5, Lesson 2, students read “Sing to Me” (author not cited) and respond in writing to the prompt, “How does visualizing help you infer who helps the people in the poems succeed?”
Materials include process writing opportunities that cover a year’s worth of instruction. Opportunities for students to revise and edit are provided.
In Unit 2, students write an expository essay about how plants, animals, and humans depend on each other to survive in their environment. Lessons span from Week 1 through Week 5. Interactive guidance is provided in the student Reading/Writing Companion. In Weeks 1 and 2, students use the Expository Writing rubric to analyze a student model. Students answer questions about the model, such as, “What is an example of relevant evidence that Sonya uses to support her central idea?,” “Is the purpose to inform or persuade?,” and “Who is the audience?” In Week 3, Lesson 1, students answer the questions, “What is your purpose in writing?” and “Who will your audience be?” In Week 3, Lessons 2 through 4, students analyze sources. In Week 3, Lesson 5, students plan and organize their essay. A graphic organizer is provided to help students determine a central idea and supporting details. In Week 4, Lesson 7, students focus on transitional strategies. In Week 4, Lesson 9, students conduct peer conferences and revise their essays. Guidance for partner feedback and a revising checklist is provided to support the process.
In Unit 4, Week 3, Lesson 1, students follow the Analyze the Prompt routine to evaluate the prompt, “Write an expository essay for your class comparing the three branches of the federal government to the three branches of state governments.” Students identify the audience and purpose of the essay and read a guided model to determine what traits make a successful expository essay. In Lesson 2, students collect information for their essays by reading unit texts and taking notes. In Lesson 5, students synthesize information and plan their essays by organizing notes and identifying the central idea and supporting details. In Lesson 7, students create a draft using the model essay as a guide. Students focus on a strong introduction and add elaborative techniques to expand supporting details. In Lesson 9, students engage in peer conferencing to help peers clarify confusing parts, provide feedback, and pose questions. Writers use the feedback to reflect on their writing.
In Unit 5, Weeks 1–4, students write a personal narrative about a time in their life when they tried their hardest to do something. In Week 1, students analyze an expert model of a personal narrative, brainstorm to choose their topic, and begin to map out a sequence of events. In Week 2, students draft their narrative. In Week 3, students revise, with a focus on a strong conclusion. Next, they conduct peer conferences, guided by a revising checklist and partner feedback before editing and proofreading. An editing checklist is provided to help students focus on grammar and punctuation. In Week 4, students publish, present, and evaluate their work, using a checklist to guide their presentation.
Materials include digital resources where appropriate.
In Unit 3, Week 5, Lesson 2, students research advances in farming technology. After brainstorming questions they would like to research, they locate print and digital resources to use as reliable sources. In the final step of the research process, they create and present a digital slideshow.
Inquiry Space is a digitally focused, student-centered, multi-step guided research project. It is self-paced and organized as a game. Students navigate through the process of completing an informative performance task that results in a research paper and presentation. Projects include “Investigate Sharks,” “Take a Stand: The Environment,” and “Write About Bullying.” The program guides students to analyze the task, create a research plan, evaluate sources provided within the program, take notes, write an outline and draft, revise and edit, then publish and present.
Indicator 1J
Materials provide opportunities for students to address different text types of writing that reflect the distribution required by the standards.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 1j.
Instructional materials provide numerous opportunities for students to engage in a variety of writing types across the year. Each unit contains a writing focus where students engage in daily writing culminating in process writing assignments. Students examine and analyze model writings to learn how individual aspects of each genre are integrated into meaningful writing. Individual lessons provide practice tasks to build writing skills using text-connected prompts. Process writing prompts are connected to an anchor text and/or additional texts associated with the unit’s Essential Question. Text sources are available for argumentative and expository writing prompts.
Materials provide multiple opportunities across the school year for students to learn, practice, and apply different genres/modes/types of writing that reflect the distribution required by the standards. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Percentage or number of opportunities for opinion writing:
Four out of twelve (33%) writing opportunities are opinion in nature.
Percentage or number of opportunities for informative/explanatory writing:
Five out of twelve (42%) writing opportunities are informative/explanatory in nature.
Percentage or number of opportunities for narrative writing:
Three out of twelve (25%) writing opportunities are narrative in nature.
Explicit instruction in opinion writing:
In Unit 3, Weeks 1–4, students write an argumentative essay about whether people should build in flood zones. Daily lessons include explicit instruction as students work in their Reading/Writing Companion and analyze the writing rubric and student model. The teacher models how to use the Analyze the Prompt Routine and determine the audience and setting. Students read three texts on the topic identifying evidence and claim each author uses to support their positions. The teacher guides students to use a graphic organizer to help them organize their claims and reasons, as well as relevant evidence from each source. Students draft their essays and participate in peer conferences. Students use the Argumentative Writing Rubric to evaluate their essays.
Explicit instruction in informative/explanatory writing:
In Unit 4, Weeks 1–4, students write an expository essay comparing three branches of the federal government to the three branches of state governments. In Week 1, the teacher models how to analyze the writing rubric, learn about logical text structure, and begin to analyze the student model. In Week 2, the teacher guides students to continue analyzing the student model looking at how the model uses the four provided sources to find information that supports the central idea. In Week 3, teachers take students through the Analyze the Prompt Routine. Students continue to analyze and gather notes from the four sources. In Lesson 5, Week 3, students complete a graphic organizer to plan and organize ideas. In Week 4, students draft their essays and make revisions, followed by peer conferencing. A peer conferencing checklist is provided. Students use the Expository Writing Rubric to evaluate their essays.
Explicit instruction in narrative writing:
In Unit 6, Weeks 1–4, students write a fictional narrative about an activity that could make someone nervous if they were doing it for the first time. In Week 1, Lesson 3, the teacher models how to analyze the expert model. In Lesson 4, the teacher guides students to answer questions to help them choose a topic. In Lesson 5, students follow the guidance in their Reading/Writing Companion to plan their sequence of events. In Week 2, Lessons 6 through 8, students follow prompts and teacher instruction to begin their draft. In Week 3, Lessons 1 through 5, students revise their drafts following guidance about sensory details provided by the teacher and the expert model. Students conduct peer conferencing using checklists in their Reading/Writing Companion and edit and proofread. In Week 4, students publish and present their narratives. Students evaluate their work with a presenting checklist.
Different genres/modes/types of writing are distributed throughout the school year.
Students have opportunities to engage in opinion writing. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writer’s purpose. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Week 1, Lesson 4, students evaluate the student model and practice identifying the claim that states the writer’s feelings, thoughts, or beliefs about a topic. In Week 3, Lesson 5, students plan their argumentative essay. They include a claim focusing on the essay, what they believe about the topic, reasons that explain why they made their claim, and relevant evidence to support their claim, along with the sources from which they collected the information.
In Unit 3, Week 1, Lesson 4, students analyze model student essays to see how authors use a logical progression of ideas in an argumentative essay.
Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Week 2, Lesson 6, students read a model essay and identify reasons the author provides to support the claim. Students find details included which support their reasons. In Week 3, Lessons 2, 3, and 4, students read sources and collect evidence to support their claim to answer the prompt, “Write an argumentative essay to present to your class about whether people should build in flood zones.”
In Unit 3, Week 3, Lessons 2–4, students read sources and collect evidence to support their claim to answer the prompt, “Write an argumentative essay for a school bulletin board display about why the civil rights movement was needed.”
Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g., for instance, in order to, in addition). Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Writing Project 2, students “consider the varying ways to begin an introduction, clear transitions between ideas, and details that are relevant to and elaborate on the topic.”
In Unit 3, Week 4, Lesson 7, students draft their argumentative essay focusing on sentence fluency. Students are encouraged to use transition words and simple and compound sentences to make sentences more fluent and interesting.
In Unit 3, Week 5, Lesson 3, students revise paragraphs adding transition words to make writing more fluid. Students read model writings and analyze how transition words help connect ideas. Students read their writing and underline transition words.
Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2,Week 5, Day 3 students analyze a conclusion from a sample essay. The teacher uses direct instruction and Think Aloud strategy to show students that a strong conclusion of an expository essay should restate the central idea, summarize the main points, and include a final observation or thought. Students practice restating the central idea from a model essay in their Reading/Writing Companion.
Students have opportunities to engage in informative/explanatory writing. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Introduce a topic clearly, and group related information in paragraphs and sections; include formatting (e.g., headings), illustrations, and multimedia when useful to aid comprehension. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Week 3, Lesson 5, students organize their notes from sources on their graphic organizer. Students identify the central ideas that will be the focus of their essay and identify supporting details. Students are reminded that each supporting detail can be the basis for a separate paragraph. Evidence to expand on or explain each supporting detail is included in the organizer.
Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples related to the topic. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Week 1, Lesson 3, students analyze a model writing piece and identify the evidence and elaborative techniques used to connect evidence to the central idea. In Week 2, Lesson 2, students read sources and collect evidence to support their central idea. In Lesson 6, students analyze a model writing to determine why the introduction is strong. Students evaluate how the author developed the central idea and included supporting details from the three sources.
Link ideas within categories of information using words and phrases (e.g., another, for example, also, because). Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Week 4, Lesson 7, students practice writing with transition words to establish a relationship between ideas. Students read sentences from a model essay to study how the transition words establish cause and effect, sequence, compare and contrast, and problem and solution relationships. Students practice using cause-and-effect transition words to combine sentences and draft their essays using transition words.
Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 4, Week 6, Lesson 4, students draft an expository essay including precise language. Students are reminded that precise language helps to communicate ideas better and makes the writing more interesting to read.
Provide a concluding statement or section related to the information or explanation presented. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Week 5, Lesson 3, students analyze a conclusion from the model expository essay. Students are reminded that the conclusion reminds the reader of the focus of the essay and provides a satisfying ending.
In Unit 4, Week 6, Lesson 3, students draft an expository essay including a conclusion. The directions state to include a conclusion that restates the central idea in different words and to bring the essay to a satisfying close.
Students have opportunities to engage in narrative writing. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Orient the reader by establishing a situation and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 5, Week 1, Lesson 5, students create a sequence of events organizer as part of their planning for a narrative essay. Students plan the main events in detail.
Use dialogue and description to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to situations. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 6, Week 2, Lesson 6, students discuss how writers use dialogue in narratives to develop characters and move the plot. Students read “Remembering Hurricane Katrina” (author not cited) and analyze how the author uses dialogue. Students draft personal narratives using dialogue to describe how the characters feel.
Use a variety of transitional words and phrases to manage the sequence of events. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 5, Week 1, Day 5, students plan their narrative writing. As part of their planning, students are reminded to use transition words to help establish sequential order with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
In Unit 6, Week 1, Lesson 5, students “revise their Sequence of Events chart or graphic organizer to plot out the events of their story.”
Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 5, Week 2, Lessons 6, 7, and 8, students draft a personal narrative. As part of their draft, students use sensory details to show what they see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. Students use a paragraph from “Weathering the Storm” by Anna Whittemore as a model on how to include sensory details.
Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 5, Week 3, Lesson 1, students revise their personal narratives focusing on a strong conclusion that leaves an impression in the reader’s mind.
Where appropriate, writing opportunities are connected to texts and/or text sets (either as prompts, models, anchors, or supports).
In Unit 2, Week 3, Lesson 1, students read “Life in Coral Reefs” (author not cited). Students write in response to the prompt, “Write an expository essay to present to your class about how plants, animals, and humans depend on each other to survive in their environment.”
In Unit 4, Week 3, Lesson 1, students read “The Birth of American Democracy” (author not cited) and respond to the text by writing to the prompt, “Write an expository essay for your class comparing the three branches of the federal government to the three branches of state governments.”
Indicator 1K
Materials include frequent opportunities for evidence-based writing to support careful analyses, well-defended claims, and clear information.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 1k.
Instructional materials include frequent opportunities for students to write regularly using evidence across the year. Students respond to both on-demand and process writing tasks involving text evidence. Writing prompts connected to the anchor text require students to gather evidence over the course of study using graphic organizers, anchor charts, and notes for support. The Reading/Writing Companion offers weekly opportunities for students to respond in writing to questions about what they are reading using text evidence. In the Shared Reading section, students write answers to questions after noting evidence from the text. Varied writing formats include summaries, analysis of text, co-creation of class anchor charts, and claim-based writings. Each type requires students to refer back to texts and use information gathered from their reading.
Materials provide frequent opportunities across the school year for students to learn, practice, and apply writing using evidence. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Week 1, Lesson 2, students read “A World of Change” (author not cited) and write to the prompt, “Why is it important to understand the fast and slow changes to Earth’s surface?” This question is presented before students reread the text. The teacher asks students to look at how the author presents the information and how people respond to changes and provides sentence starters for citing text evidence to answer the on-demand writing question. Sentence starters include, “The difference between fast and slow changes to the Earth’s surface is” and “An example of a fast change is.”
In Unit 3, Week 1, Lesson 1, students read “Remembering Hurricane Katrina” (author not cited), and teachers guide students to use text evidence to show the impact Hurricane Katrina had on Hector. In Week 2, Lesson 6, students read Aguinaldo by Lula Delacre and respond by writing to the prompt, “How does the class field trip to the nursing home affect Marilla? Why do Marilla’s feelings about the nursing home change from the beginning to the end of the story?” The teacher directs students to use their notes and text evidence they collected in previous lessons in their responses, including the provided sentence starters to help students get started.
In Unit 5, Week 1, Lesson 2, students read and discuss “Your World Up Close” (author not cited) and write to the prompt, “Why are electron microscopes useful?” The teacher prompts students to use text evidence to support their answers. Sentence starters such as “Electron microscopes are useful because,” “This allows scientists to,” and “An Example of this is” are provided to support writing.
In Unit 5, Week 3, Lesson 1, students read “Sadie’s Game” (author not cited) and summarize the text by writing about the major events chronologically. The teacher guides students to cite specific events in their writing.
Writing opportunities are focused around students’ recall of information to develop opinions from reading closely and working with evidence from texts and sources.
In Unit 1, Week 4, Lesson 7, students read and analyze “Speaking Out to Stop Bullying” (author not cited). Students write an essay to answer the prompt, “Why is it important to be aware of how our actions affect others?” Students include text evidence collected in previous lessons to support their ideas.
In Unit 3, Week 5, Lesson 3, students read “A New Kind of Corn” from TIME for Kids and write to the prompt, “What is your opinion about Bt corn? Why do you feel that way?” Students complete a graphic organizer comparing the authors’ claims that “Bt Corn is better” on one side and “Bt Corn could be bad“ on the other. Students find text evidence to support their opinion.
In Unit 4, Week 4, Lesson 10, students respond to prompts about texts read in the text set by answering the prompt, “What did you find interesting or surprising about how invention and technology affect people’s lives?” Students use the anchor chart in their Reader’s Notebook and cite evidence from the texts in their responses.
In Unit 5, Week 4, Lesson 6, students read Mama I’ll Give you the World by Roni Schotter. Students write a response to “Why is Mama, I’ll Give You the World a good title for this story?” and cite text evidence to support their claim.
Indicator 1L
Materials include explicit instruction of the grade-level grammar and usage standards, with opportunities for application in context.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the expectations of Indicator 1l.
Materials include explicit instruction of all grade-level grammar and usage standards through the use of anchor texts as well as example sentences and paragraphs. Students practice correcting and creating sentences using newly acquired grammar skills. Students have opportunities over the course of the year to apply newly learned skills both in and out of context using the Practice Book, Language Transfer Handbook, and Online Activities.
Materials include explicit instruction of all grammar and usage standards for the grade level.
Use relative pronouns (who, whose, whom, which, that) and relative adverbs (where, when, why).
In Unit 4, Week 1, Day 1, the teacher introduces pronouns by telling students, “A pronoun is a word that takes the place of one or more nouns. A personal pronoun refers to a person or thing. I, he, she, it, and you are personal pronouns: A relative pronoun, such as that, which, who, whom, or whose, is used at the beginning of a dependent clause.” Students complete Practice Book page 181 or online activity.
In Unit 6, Week 1, Day 2, the teacher reviews how adverbs function in a sentence and has students explain how to place adverbs in a sentence. The teacher shares adverbs that tell when including soon, often, usually, and never. Adverbs such as up, down, here, and there tell where. The teacher explains: Relative adverbs (where, when, and why) begin adjective clauses. Students use Practice Book page 302 for follow-up and practice of the skill/concept.
Form and use the progressive (e.g., I was walking; I am walking; I will be walking) verb tenses.
In Unit 3, Week 2, Day 6, the teacher introduces verb tenses by telling students, “A verb has three basic tenses: present, past, and future. A present-tense verb shows that an action is happening now or over and over.” The teacher tells students that to make the present progressive form, “use am, are, or is and the -ing form of a main verb.” After providing examples, the teacher states, “A present tense verb must agree with the subject of the sentence.” Students complete Practice Book page 133 or the online activity for follow-up and practice of the skill/concept.
In Unit 3, Week 2, Day 6, the teacher reviews present-tense verbs and introduces a past progressive form that shows action that has already happened. The teacher has students explain how to make the present progressive form with the sentence, “She drove home.” To make the future progressive form, students change the sentence to, “She will be driving home.” Students complete Practice Book page 134 or the online activity for follow-up and practice of the skill/concept.
Use modal auxiliaries (e.g., can, may, must) to convey various conditions.
In Unit 3, Week 1, Day 2, the teacher explains that a verb tells what the subject does or is and provides the following examples: A verb can include more than one word—a main verb and a helping verb. The main verb follows the helping verb. The teacher provides the following examples: “Heather is yawning. She should go home. She can sleep there.” The students use Practice Book page 121 or the online activity for follow-up and practice of the skill/concept.
Order adjectives within sentences according to conventional patterns (e.g., a small red bag rather than a red small bag).
In Unit 5, Week 1, Day 1, the teacher explains that an adjective is a word that describes a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives usually come before the nouns they describe. The teacher shares the following example: “I have a small dog.” An adjective may also follow a linking verb. The teacher shares the following example: “My dog is small.” The teacher shares that adjectives are usually placed in the following order: opinion, size, age, and color. Students use Practice Book page 241 or the online activity for follow-up and practice of skill/concept.
Form and use prepositional phrases.
In Unit 6, Week 4, Day 5, the teacher explains that a preposition shows the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and another word in a sentence, and the noun or pronoun that follows a preposition is the object of the preposition. Students use Practice Book page 337 or the online activity for follow-up and practice of the skill/concept.
In Unit 6, Week 5, Day 1, the teacher introduces sentences using prepositions. The teacher states, “Two or more simple sentences that contain prepositional phrases can sometimes be combined into one sentence. Prepositional phrases can convey location (in the corner), time (at noon), and direction (to the right). They provide more details in a sentence.” The teacher provides examples, and students complete Practice Book page 349 or the online activity.
Produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting inappropriate fragments and run-ons.
In Unit 1, Week 5, Day 1, the teacher introduces run-on sentences by explaining that “A run-on sentence has two or more independent clauses that are not combined correctly.” The teacher tells students, “To fix a run-on, write separate sentences or combine the clauses correctly.” Students complete Practice Book page 49 or the online activity.
In Unit 1, Week 5, Day 3, the teacher explains that a sentence has both a subject and a predicate: “A fragment is a group of words missing a subject, a predicate, or both. A dependent clause by itself is a fragment. Finish the thought or eliminate the conjunction, or connecting word. To correct a run-on sentence, rewrite it as separate sentences or combine them correctly to form a complete compound sentence.” Students use the Practice Book page 51 or the online activity as follow-up and practice for the skill /concept.
Correctly use frequently confused words (e.g., to, too, two; there, their).
In Unit 1, Week 4, Day 7, the teacher reminds students, “homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings.” The teacher gives examples of commonly confused homophones, including: their/ they’re/there; its/it’s; your/you’re. Students find other examples in their reading. Students complete Practice Book page 47.
In Unit 5, Week 2, Day 8, the teacher explains that homophones are “words that sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings.” The teacher provides examples using the words blue/blew. Students find words in the text set with homophones, then identify the word’s homophone, spelling, and meaning. Students complete Practice Book page 263.
Use correct capitalization.
In Unit 3, Week 1, Day 3, the teacher reviews appropriate mechanics for writing titles. The teacher tells students that “Each word in any title should be capitalized, except for articles (a, an, the), conjunctions (and, or), and short prepositions (of, for, to), unless they are the first or last word in the title.” Students complete Practice Book page 123 or the online activity.
In Unit 4, Week 1, Day 3, the teacher explains that the first-person pronoun I is capitalized: “The antecedent often appears in the same sentence as the pronoun, but it may also appear in another sentence. If it is not clear which noun or nouns a pronoun refers to, repeat the noun or rewrite the sentence to avoid confusion.” The students use Practice Book page 183 or online activity for follow-up and practice of the skill/concept.
Use commas and quotation marks to mark direct speech and quotations from a text.
In Unit 4, Week 3, Day 3, the teacher reviews punctuation in dialogue. The teacher tells students: “Use quotation marks before and after someone’s exact words. Begin a quotation with a capital letter. Commas and periods always appear inside closing quotation marks. Place a question mark or an exclamation mark inside closing quotation marks if it is part of the quotation. Place a question mark or an exclamation mark outside closing quotation marks if it is not part of the quotation.” Students complete Practice Book page 207 or the online activity.
In Unit 6, Week 4, Day 7, the teacher explains, “You use quotation marks before and after someone’s exact words. Use quotation marks before and after the titles of short works, such as songs, poems, and articles. Within a quotation, capitalize the first word of each sentence. If a sentence begins before a quote, use a comma before the opening quotation mark. If a sentence continues after a quote, use a comma before the ending quotation mark.” The students use Practice Book page 339 or the online activity for follow-up and practice of the skill/concept.
Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence.
In Unit 1, Week 3, Day 3, the teacher reviews how to punctuate compound sentences. The teacher says, “Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction to join two independent clauses to form a compound sentence. You can also use a semicolon to join two independent clauses. Connecting two sentences using only a comma is an error called a comma splice. Either add a conjunction or replace the comma with a semicolon.” Students complete Practice Book page 27 or the online activity.
In Unit 1, Week 3, Day 4, the teacher reviews how to punctuate compound sentences and guides students through the digital Grammar Activity Card. Students correct errors in sentences and use a piece of their own writing in their writer’s notebook to correct errors in simple and compound sentences. Students complete Practice Book page 28 for follow-up and practice using a comma with a coordinating conjunction.
Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.
In Unit 3, Week 4, Day 7, the teacher reviews soft -c and -g sounds in center, ounce, ginger, and strange. The teacher uses Dictation Sentences: “I like watching the clowns at the circus act silly. Cleaning gets rid of germs. Cinnamon is a popular spice.” Students read the sentence, say the word, and write the words. Student partners check the spellings and check references as needed to correct their spelling before writing the words in their writer’s notebook.
In Unit 4, Week 1, Day 4, the teacher writes these sentences on the board: “I riped the dollar I was saveing. Once we tasteed the food, we decided we were not skiping dinner. My sister and I discused how we had saveed up for a new computer. My brother taped loudly on the window late at night, scarring us.” Students circle and correct each misspelled word. They can use print or electronic dictionaries or other resources to help them.
Choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely.
In Unit 2, Week 4, Day 8, the teacher tells students that transitional strategies include using transition words and phrases, also known as signal, or linking, words. The teacher tells students that transition words and phrases signal a connection or relationship between ideas, and they link ideas across sentences and paragraphs. Partners read their combined sentences aloud and note the transition word(s) they chose, and write an expository essay about how plants, animals, and humans depend on each other to survive in their environment.
In Unit 6, Week 6, Day 1, the teacher explains that “poets use precise words so readers will be able to clearly picture what the poet is writing about. Precise words are concrete and specific rather than general. Precise words can be nouns, verbs, adjectives, or adverbs. Precise words can be sensory words or words that relate to the five senses.” Students revise the sentences on Reading/Writing Companion page 204 using precise words. Students share the “before” and “after” versions and discuss why the revised sentences are better.
Choose punctuation for effect.
In Unit 1, Week 1, Day 2, the teacher explains that different types of sentences serve different purposes and provides examples: “A statement tells something: I like to play soccer. A question asks something: Do you like to play soccer? A command tells someone to do something: Give me the soccer ball. An exclamation expresses surprise, excitement, or strong feeling: Juan scored the winning goal!” Students use Practice Book page 2 for practice of skill/concept.
In Unit 1, Week 1, Day 3, the teacher introduces sentence punctuation. The teacher tells students, “Every sentence begins with a capital letter. A statement ends with a period. (.) A question ends with a question mark. (?) A command ends with a period or exclamation mark. (. or !) An exclamation ends with an exclamation mark. (!)” Students complete Practice Book page 3 or the online activity.
Differentiate between contexts that call for formal English (e.g., presenting ideas) and situations where informal discourse is appropriate (e.g., small-group discussion).
In Unit 1, Week 3, Day 3, the teacher explains that for the next two weeks, they will be researching a problem in their community and writing a formal letter to a local or state government official about it. The teacher explains that formal letters are written to request information, ask for help, or alert someone to a problem. Formal letters use a formal tone—they use proper English and complete sentences. Most formal letters have a similar format and include the following parts: heading, date, address, greeting, body, complimentary closure, and an addressed envelope that includes a return address. The teacher supports students through each step in the Research Process as outlined on page 49.
Materials include authentic opportunities for students to demonstrate application of skills in context, including applying grammar and convention skills to writing.
In Unit 1, Week 3, Day 4, students rewrite the given paragraph correcting conjunction and punctuation mistakes in compound sentences on Practice Book page 28. Students then proofread a piece of their own writing, checking for coordinating conjunctions mistakes.
In Unit 3, Week 4, Day 7, students use the given paragraph as a model to write a paragraph for their essay. Students are reminded to pay attention to sentence fluency while writing, proofreading, and editing.
Indicator 1M
Materials include a cohesive, year-long plan for students to interact and build key academic vocabulary words in and across texts.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 1m.
Instructional materials include a cohesive year-long plan and guidance for teachers to facilitate student interaction with key vocabulary in texts and build knowledge. The Teacher Manual outlines various vocabulary-teaching routines for teachers to use with students and multiple opportunities for students to engage with vocabulary words numerous times within a given text set.
Materials provide teacher guidance outlining a cohesive year-long vocabulary development component. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Vocabulary is introduced in each genre study. Word lists are found in Teacher Resources and correspond to each text set. Lists include target vocabulary words, additional Tier 2/Tier 3 words, and differentiated spelling words. Vocabulary lessons focus on high-frequency words and include direct instruction on low-frequency words. Students have multiple exposures to new words. Several vocabulary instructional strategies are found in the Instructional Routines Handbook. Opportunities to learn and practice new vocabulary include vocabulary mini-lessons, vocabulary cards, build vocabulary routines when reading, learning high-utility academic vocabulary words, spiraling words across genre studies, ELL-specific vocabulary, and a study of high-frequency words.
Four Vocabulary Routines are outlined in the Instructional Routines Handbook, including the Define/Example/Ask routine, which introduces new vocabulary in three steps; the Vocabulary Routine, which builds on the Define/Example/Ask routine; the Build Your Word List routine, in which students add new vocabulary words to their vocabulary or writing notebook; and Word Squares, which has students work with words by defining the word, adding synonyms, drawing something to symbolize the word, and adding in non-examples.
Vocabulary is repeated in contexts (before texts, in texts) and across multiple texts.
In Unit 1, Text Set 1, the target academic vocabulary words are alter, collapse, crisis, destruction, hazard, severe, substantial, and unpredictable. These words appear in context in both the Shared Read, “A World of Change” (author not cited) and Anchor Text, Earthquakes, by Sneed B. Collard III. The words severe, hazards, and crisis appear in the paired selection “Weathering the Storm” by Anna Whittenmoore. In Week 1, Lesson 1, new vocabulary words are introduced using the Vocabulary Routine. Teacher scripting is provided with sentences and cognates. The teacher asks students, “How would you alter the school’s dress code?” and “What things can collapse during an earthquake?” In the Reading/Writing Companion, vocabulary terms are presented with sentences. Students talk with a partner about each word and answer questions in writing using the new vocabulary. In Lesson 2, the teacher helps students generate different forms of target words by adding, changing, or removing inflectional endings using a four-column T-chart. In Lesson 3, students orally complete sentence stems using target vocabulary words. In Lesson 4, students connect vocabulary to writing in their Reader’s notebooks using sentences that provide information about the words and their meanings. In Lesson 5, students create Word Squares for each vocabulary word. In Lesson 6, the teacher uses the Vocabulary Routine for the words erosion and predict. In Lesson 7, students focus on homographs and work with a partner to find other homographs in the reading. In Lesson 8, students focus on multiple-meaning words. In Lesson 9, students study shades of meaning by generating words related to alter. In Lesson 10, students explore the morphology of words with a focus on singular and plural spellings of words with Greek origins, beginning with the vocabulary term crisis.
In Unit 6, Text Set 1, students are introduced to academic vocabulary using Visual Vocabulary Cards in Lesson 1. Grade-level sentences and the cognate are provided for each word. The words appear throughout the text set, including in the anchor text, shared reads, and small group readings. Students use the words in their discussions and written responses. Students practice the vocabulary in the Connect to Words section using the questions, “How can you consume less energy?” and “What are some consequences of not getting enough sleep?” In Lesson 1, students are introduced to Greek and Latin prefixes to determine unfamiliar word meanings, including the prefixes non- and pre-. In Lesson 2, students generate different forms of academic words such as convert, converting, and convertible. Students continue the study of Greek and Latin prefixes by adding uni-, mono-, bi-, tri-, deca-, and cent- to their anchor chart and using the prefixes to determine meaning. Lesson 3 includes a spiral review of previous words. In Lesson 4, students write sentences that provide information about the words and their meanings in their Reader’s notebook. In Lesson 5, students create word squares for each vocabulary word writing their own definition, illustration, and a non-example. In Lesson 6, students engage in a Building Vocabulary activity to define the terms converted, renewable, and electricity. Following a discussion, students find definitions of related words. Partners ask and answer questions using the words. In Lesson 7, students study the prefixes un- and non-. Students practice using context from sentences and these prefixes to determine unfamiliar word meanings. In Lesson 8, students determine unfamiliar words by focusing on Greek and Latin suffixes and prefixes. The previously studied prefixes are reviewed, and the suffixes -ion, -tion, -ation, -ty, -ity, -fy, and -ify are added to the anchor chart. Students define words from the lesson’s differentiated passage using this approach. In Lesson 9, students discuss shades of meaning for the word consume and determine how different synonyms and antonyms show shades of meaning. In Lesson 10, the teacher progress monitors students’ understanding of Greek and Latin prefixes and suffixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
Attention is paid to vocabulary essential to understanding the text and to high-value academic words (e.g., words that might appear in other contexts/content areas).
The Instructional Routines Handbook states, “The words that have the most impact on students’ reading achievement are academic Tier 2 words. These words appear in a lot of texts and are the ones students are least likely to know.” Tier 2 words are defined as “those words found in many sources and have wide applicability. A lack of knowledge of these words can severely hinder comprehension of text. A significant amount of instructional time should focus on these words.” Five principles of academic vocabulary study are outlined to guide instruction and expand students’ thinking about word meanings: vocabulary is linked to concept development, is learned in context, is not about teaching just words, instruction is deep and generative, and involves the study of morphology, the structure of words.
Criterion 1.3: Foundational Skills
Materials in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language targeted to support foundational reading development are aligned to the standards.
Materials include explicit instruction of phonics, word recognition, and word analysis through phonics lessons, structural analysis lessons, vocabulary lessons, and spelling lessons consistently over the course of the year. Teachers provide modeling of key skills and concepts with student opportunities to apply word recognition skills through word sort activities, word and sentence reading with partners, and text reading opportunities. Assessment opportunities are provided over the course of the year to inform instructional adjustments of phonics, word recognition, and word analysis to help students make progress toward mastery. Multiple and varied opportunities are provided over the course of the year in core materials for students to learn, practice, and apply phonics, word analysis, and word recognition skills in connected texts and tasks. Materials include tasks and questions that provide opportunities for students to access different foundational skills within the anchor text and supporting texts. Materials include multiple opportunities over the course of the year for students to demonstrate sufficient accuracy and fluency in oral and silent reading and include multiple fluency assessments to support data collection and instructional decision-making to progress monitor students’ fluency development throughout the school year. Materials support reading of prose and poetry with attention to rate, accuracy, and expression.
Indicator 1N
Materials, questions, and tasks address grade-level foundational skills by providing explicit instruction in phonics, word analysis, and word recognition that demonstrate a research-based progression.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the expectations of Indicator 1n.
Materials include explicit instruction of phonics, word recognition, and word analysis through phonics lessons, structural analysis lessons, vocabulary lessons, and spelling lessons consistently over the course of the year. Teachers provide modeling of key skills and concepts with student opportunities to apply word recognition skills through word sort activities, word and sentence reading with partners, and text reading opportunities. Assessment opportunities are provided over the course of the year to inform instructional adjustments of phonics, word recognition, and word analysis to help students make progress toward mastery. Assessments are utilized and recommended for progress monitoring and determining student strengths and needs to guide instruction for differentiated reading and spelling opportunities.
Materials contain explicit instruction of irregularly spelled words, syllabication patterns, and word recognition consistently over the course of the year. For example:
Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to read accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words in context and out of context.
In Unit 4, Week 1, Day 1, the teacher reads aloud two paragraphs from “Get Involved!” (author not cited). The teacher thinks aloud to determine the meaning of the word community using the Latin root communis. The teacher works with students to read the rest of the passage and determine the meaning of respect using the Latin root.
In Unit 5, Week 1, Day 2, the teacher reminds students that “every syllable in a word has one vowel sound. When a syllable ends in a consonant, it is called a closed syllable, and the vowel sound is usually short.” The teacher models how to pronounce the word dentist, pointing out the short vowel sound. Students practice dividing words into syllables, identifying closed syllables, and reading the words with the teacher’s support. Students practice reading multisyllabic words with closed syllables with a partner.
In Unit 5, Week 3, Day 2, the teacher reminds students that “every syllable in a word has one vowel sound. When a syllable ends in a consonant, it is called a closed syllable, and the vowel sound is usually short. In words with a vowel-consonant consonant-vowel (VCCV) spelling pattern, the word is usually divided between the two consonant spellings, such as rab/bit.” The teacher models pronouncing the word basket, pointing out the short vowel sound. Students practice dividing words into syllables, identifying closed syllables, and reading the words. Students practice reading multisyllabic words with closed syllables with a partner.
All tasks and questions are sequenced to application of grade-level work (e.g., application of prefixes at the end of the unit/year; decoding multi-syllable words). For example:
The Scope and Sequence shows the following phonics and spelling sequence for the school year:
Unit 1: inflectional endings, plurals, compound words
Unit 2: Prefixes, Inflectional Endings, Possessives, words ending in -er and -est, Suffixes -ful and -less,
Unit 3: Closed Syllables, Open Syllables, Final e Syllables, Plurals, Suffixes -ment, -ness, -age, -ance, -ence, compound words, base words, and related words
Unit 4: Inflectional endings, vowel team syllables, r-controlled vowel syllables, consonant + le syllables, Greek and Latin Roots, Frequently Confused Words
Unit 5: Closed Syllables, Latin Prefixes, Open Syllables, Irregular Plurals, Greek and Latin Roots, R Controlled Syllables, Frequently Misspelled words, Consonant + le syllables, Latin Suffixes
Unit 6: Number Prefixes, Homophones, Latin Suffixes, Words from Morphology, Greek and Latin Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes, Words from Around the World.
Multiple assessment opportunities are provided over the course of the year to inform instructional adjustments of phonics, word recognition, and word analysis to help students make progress toward mastery. For example:
The Wonders Assessment Handbook Assessment Options chart indicates Phonics Survey is part of the Placement and Diagnostic Assessment.
In the Teacher Introduction, Purpose of Benchmark Assessments, it states, “Student performance in these assessments can act as a signal of student readiness for demands of high-stakes testing as well as a snapshot of student progress toward end-of-year goals.” The data gained from these assessments can be used to determine grouping, reteaching, etc. In the Overview of Benchmark Assessments, the three Benchmark Tests are described as: Test 1 focuses on key skills that are a part of Unit 1-3, and Test 2 focuses on key skills in Units 1-6. In the Teacher Introduction section of the Progress Monitoring Assessment document, the Focus section states, “These items measure students’...demonstrate their understanding of unknown and multiple-meaning words.” Included in the Teacher Introduction, the Focus section has opportunities to monitor vocabulary acquisition and use as well as command of the conventions of the English language to make progress toward mastery.
The Phonics and Structural Analysis Survey (PSAS), found in the Foundational Skills Assessment Booklet Grades 4-6, provides informal diagnostic information that can be used to help (a) plan a student’s instructional program in basic word reading skills and monitor the progress or improvement in phonics and structural analysis skill development. There are ten tasks in each version of the Phonics Survey, and there are ten versions of the survey allowing for periodic administration to students throughout the school year.
Indicator 1O
Materials include opportunities for students to practice and apply grade-level phonics, word analysis, and word recognition skills.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the expectations of Indicator 1o.
Multiple and varied opportunities are provided over the course of the year in core materials for students to learn, practice, and apply phonics, word analysis, and word recognition skills in connected texts and tasks. Students often engage in reading, writing, and word-sorting activities to identify, spell, and apply taught skills. Materials include tasks and questions that provide opportunities for students to access different foundational skills within the anchor text and supporting texts.
Multiple and varied opportunities are provided over the course of the year in core materials for students to learn, practice, and apply phonics, word analysis, and word recognition skills in connected tasks. For example:
In Unit 2, Week 1, Day 2, students pronounce the prefix in each word and then read the whole word and provide a definition of each word based on its prefix. The students read the following words: unpack, rewrite, dislike, remake, disown, incorrect, irregular, unlock, improper. For practice with decoding and encoding, students use Practice Book page 67 or online activities.
In Unit 4, Week 5, Day 2, the teacher explains the variant vowel /o/. Students identify the spelling for the variant vowel and read the words stall, caught, fawn, awful, sauna, chalk, bought, fault, halt. Students practice with decoding and encoding in the practice Book 235.
Materials include tasks and questions that provide opportunities for students to access different foundational skills within the anchor text and supporting texts. For example:
In Unit 1, Week 3, Day 3, the teacher explains that reading with accuracy means pronouncing words correctly and reading every word in the text. The teacher models reading the first five paragraphs of the text, “The Talent Show” (author not cited), on Reading/Writing Companion page 39. The teacher carefully pronounces difficult words. Students are placed into groups to practice a choral reading of the passage. Each student reads one sentence, focusing on accurately pronouncing each word and not leaving out any words. Students apply their learning of prefixes and suffixes to help them decode difficult words in the passage, such as desperately, hesitated, uncomfortably.
In Unit 2, Week 1, Day 1, students read the text “Staying Warm” (author not cited), which includes words with prefixes. Students are asked to use the text to apply their previous learning of prefixes to determine the meaning of the following words from the text: disappear and revisit.
Indicator 1P
Instructional opportunities are frequently built into the materials for students to practice and achieve reading fluency in order to read with purpose and understanding.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the expectations of Indicator 1p.
Materials include multiple opportunities over the course of the year for students to demonstrate sufficient accuracy and fluency in oral and silent reading. Materials support reading of prose and poetry with attention to rate, accuracy, and expression. The teacher provides lessons on how to self-correct and reread by modeling key ideas regarding various types of text and explains how rereading supports student word recognition, fluency, and understanding. The materials include multiple fluency assessments to support data collection and instructional decision-making to progress monitor students’ fluency development throughout the school year. Assessment materials provide teachers and students with information of students’ current fluency skills and provide teachers with instructional adjustments to help students make progress toward mastery of fluency.
Multiple opportunities are provided over the course of the year in core materials for students to demonstrate sufficient accuracy and fluency in oral and silent reading.
Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding.
In Unit 4, Week 5, Day 3, students read the poems “Swimming to the Rocks” (author not cited) and “Moondust Footprints” by Joshua Katz. Students use the online Theme Graphic Organizer 9 to take notes while reading the poems. Students focus on reading the poems to notice repetition of words and identify themes.
In Unit 5, Week 5, Day 2, students think about the Essential Question and what they know about Jamestown, preview the text, and set a purpose for reading. The teacher tells students it is important to read at a steady rate and use emotion to express interesting ideas and exciting details. The teacher models reading page 67 of “Founding Jamestown” (TIME for Kids). The teacher and students read the rest of the passage, slowing down or speeding up the rate depending on the content.
Materials support reading of prose and poetry with attention to rate, accuracy, and expression, as well as direction for students to apply reading skills when productive struggle is necessary.
Read grade-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.
In Unit 1, Week 2, Day 9, the teacher explains that reading with expression includes changing your voice to show emotion. The teacher tells students it is important to read at a “moderate rate so others can easily understand the text.” The teacher models reading the first two paragraphs of “Weathering the Storm” by Anna Whittemore on page 28 of the Reading/Writing Companion. The teacher reads at a steady rate with expression and points both out to students. Students work in two groups to read aloud paragraph 4 of page 29.
In Unit 3, Week 1, Day 2, the teacher explains that reading a text with expression includes stressing important words and phrases, which helps understand and make inferences about the text. The teacher models reading the first two paragraphs of “Remembering Hurricane Katrina” (author not cited). Students work in groups to read the passage. The teacher asks each group to decide which important words and phrases to stress before they begin. After reading, students explain the choices they made.
Materials support students’ fluency development of reading skills (e.g., self-correction of word recognition and/or for understanding, focus on rereading) over the course of the year (to get to the end of the grade-level band).
Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.
In Unit 1, Week 3, Day 3, the teacher explains that “reading with accuracy means pronouncing words correctly and reading every word in the text. Reading with accuracy improves comprehension of a text.” The teacher models reading the first five paragraphs of “The Talent Show” (author not cited) on page 39 of the Reading/Writing Companion, carefully pronouncing each word. Students work in groups to practice a choral reading of the passage. The teacher tells students to use the context of the passage to help them recognize, confirm, and pronounce words.
In Unit 6, Week 1, Day 2, the teacher explains that when students read narrative nonfiction, they may come across unfamiliar concepts and explanations. The teacher reminds students that they can ask questions about difficult sections of text, then look for answers to understand the new information. The teacher explains that when students encounter a difficult section of text, they can ask themselves a question that would answer it. They may need to go back and reread to find an answer to the question.
Assessment materials provide teachers and students with information of students’ current fluency skills and provide teachers with instructional adjustments to help students make progress toward mastery of fluency.
Materials include the Oral Reading Fluency Application (ORFA) to administer oral reading fluency assessments in person or asynchronously. This application provides student scores for words per minute and accuracy. The teacher assigns the passage to students digitally with the option to record.
Materials include a fluency assessment component, including reading passages to assess students’ ability to read accurately, fluently, and with understanding. Passages can be administered three times a year as benchmark tests to determine if students are on track or every unit to monitor progress. 30 fiction and nonfiction passages are included to assess fluency, using at least two selections every two to three weeks for most students. For Grades 2-6, the first selection is below the Lexile grade level band or at the low end; the next two are within the Lexile grade level band, and the final two are at the high end of the Lexile band. Students should be assigned passages within the grade level band initially as a benchmark of oral reading fluency ability.
The Informal Reading Inventory (IRI), found in the Placement and Diagnostic Assessment booklet, is used by the teacher to assess reading fluency and accuracy to get a reading level and diagnostic reading data. It can be an individually-administered diagnostic tool that assesses a student’s reading comprehension and accuracy. The IRI measures three reading levels: independent, instructional, and frustration. For each silent reading passage, the total number of comprehension points is used to determine a reading level. Before a student reads a passage, a teacher is to administer the graded word lists to determine the appropriate grade level.
Overview of Gateway 2
Building Knowledge with Texts, Vocabulary, and Tasks
Texts of various genres in each unit focus on building knowledge by investigating an Essential Question. Students listen to read-alouds, read texts, engage in discussions, and write and answer questions connected to texts to build knowledge around the topic. Instructional materials include multiple opportunities across the school year in each text set for students to analyze key ideas, details, author’s craft, and structure. Students can build knowledge and integrate ideas within individual texts and across multiple texts. Questions and tasks are coherently sequenced to build the skills needed to complete the culminating task. These culminating tasks allow students to synthesize ideas and information from the readings and require students to use notes captured while reading and new vocabulary learned in the unit. The tasks vary and integrate reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Materials follow a cohesive plan across the year to support students in developing and increasing writing skills and achieving grade-level proficiency in writing. Students engage in writing tasks that increase in rigor and length across the year. Materials contain guidance for teachers to facilitate learning using research to develop topic knowledge and research skills.The projects are varied and require students to research a topic directly related to the unit topic and Essential Question. Longer research projects are available in a digitally delivered program called Inquiry Space.
Gateway 2
Criterion 2.1: Building Knowledge
Materials build knowledge through integrated reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language.
Texts of various genres in each unit focus on building knowledge by investigating an Essential Question. Students listen to read-alouds, read texts, engage in discussions, and write and answer questions connected to texts to build knowledge around the topic. Small group instruction includes texts centered around the same topics to increase the ability of students to read and comprehend increasingly complex texts independently. Instructional materials include multiple opportunities across the school year in each text set for students to analyze key ideas, details, author’s craft, and structure. Materials provide students with multiple opportunities to engage in the analysis of knowledge and ideas in the unit texts. Students can build knowledge and integrate ideas within individual texts and across multiple texts. Questions and tasks are coherently sequenced to build the skills needed to complete the culminating task. Materials provide multiple opportunities for students to complete culminating tasks directly tied to the studied topics. These culminating tasks allow students to synthesize ideas and information from the readings and require students to use notes captured while reading and new vocabulary learned in the unit. The tasks vary and integrate reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Materials follow a cohesive plan across the year to support students in developing and increasing writing skills and achieving grade-level proficiency in writing. Materials include guidance and support in each unit for both students and teachers in the form of protocols, routines, rubrics, graphic organizers, and student models. Students engage in writing tasks that increase in rigor and length across the year. Materials contain guidance for teachers to facilitate learning using research to develop topic knowledge and research skills. During each text set within the units, students work with a partner or group to complete a two-week science or social studies research project. The projects are varied and require students to research a topic directly related to the unit topic and Essential Question. Longer research projects are available in a digitally delivered program called Inquiry Space.
Indicator 2A
Texts are organized around a cohesive topic(s) to build students’ ability to read and comprehend complex texts independently and proficiently.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 2a.
Texts of various genres in each unit focus on building knowledge by investigating an Essential Question. Students listen to read-alouds, read texts, engage in discussions, and write and answer questions connected to texts to build knowledge around the topic. A “Build Knowledge Routine” within daily lessons supports student reflection on what they have learned about the Essential Question through discussions and writing. Small group instruction includes texts centered around the same topics to increase the ability of students to read and comprehend increasingly complex texts independently.
Texts are connected by a grade-appropriate cohesive topic/line of inquiry. Texts build knowledge and the ability to read/listen and comprehend complex texts across a school year. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Text Set 1 explores the Essential Question, “How do people respond to natural disasters?” Students participate in an interactive read-aloud about ways avalanches can be prevented in “Avalanche!” (author not cited). Students read about how some natural disasters are caused by fast-moving changes to the earth’s surface in the shared read “A World of Change” (author not cited). In the anchor text, Earthquakes by Sneed B. Collard III, students learn about earthquakes and tsunamis. In the paired selection, “Weathering the Storm” by Anne Whittemoore, students learn about precautions to take during storms.
In Unit 3, Genre Study 3, Weeks 5–6, students read texts centered around the Essential Question, “In what ways can advances in science be helpful or harmful?” Students read the anchor text, “A New Kind of Corn” (TIME for Kids), shared read, “Food Fight” (TIME for Kids) and Reader’s Theater, Nat Love, Western Hero (author not cited). Additional texts, “Flowering and Nonflowering Plants” and “Seasonal Changes” (authors not cited), add opportunities for students to build knowledge on the topic. In the small group instruction that accompanies this text set, students read the leveled reader, The Battle of the Pests by Linda Bennett, which is also connected to the essential question, supporting students in developing their ability to read and comprehend increasingly complex texts as they build knowledge about a topic.
In Unit 5, Text Set 1 explores the Essential Question, “In what ways do people show they care about each other?” Students participate in a narrative nonfiction interactive read-aloud about how money is not necessary to show you care about someone in “A Special Birthday Hug!” (author not cited). Students read another narrative nonfiction text about how to show someone you care when you are not with them in the shared read, “Sadie’s Game” (author not cited). The realistic fiction anchor text, Mama, I’ll Give You the World by Roni Schotter, is about a daughter who organizes a birthday party for her mother. The paired selection, “Miami by Way of Fujian” (author not cited), is about an adopted girl who visits the orphanage where she was born.
Indicator 2B
Materials require students to analyze the key ideas, details, craft, and structure within individual texts as well as across multiple texts using coherently sequenced, high quality questions and tasks.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 2b.
Instructional materials include multiple opportunities across the school year in each text set for students to analyze key ideas, details, author’s craft, and structure. Text-dependent questions and tasks align with the correlated standard. Tasks include discussing how authors use various elements and structures to help create meaning or shape the text. The questions and tasks are coherently sequenced and build upon each other toward a culminating task.
For most texts, students analyze key ideas and details (according to grade-level standards). Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Week 3, Lesson 2, students read “The Ant and the Grasshopper” (author not cited) and answer questions about the text before analyzing the meaning beyond the text. Questions include, “What is this story about? Why is the character walking or acting a certain way? What problem does the main character have? Will he/she solve it? If so, how? How does the setting affect the events of the plot? What information is conveyed in the stage directions?” and “How does the play’s structure shape meaning?” Students use information from the questions to analyze how the information in the text helps the reader understand the difference between Africa’s rainy season and its dry season.
In Unit 4, Weeks 1 and 2, students read See How They Run by Susan E. Goodman. Students look at details in the text as they answer the question, “What examples show how the Founding Fathers used ideas from Greek and Roman governments?” Partners discuss how George Washington and the Founding Fathers created the government. Students list clues from the text, make inferences, and answer the question, “Why does the author include Benjamin Franklin’s quote in the sidebar?” Students explore words and phrases that help them understand his message and collect evidence. Students collect text evidence to answer the question, “Why does the author give specific, real-life examples of kids as leaders?” These questions and tasks prepare students to write to the prompt, “Why is it important for people to participate in government?”
In Unit 5, Week 1, Lesson 2, students read “Your World Up Close” and answer questions to gain information to answer the unit’s Essential Question, “What can you discover when you look closely at something?” The teacher reminds students that readers improve their understanding when they think about what they read and summarize the central idea and relevant details in the passage. Students answer the question, “What details are important and which are unimportant?” and work to locate relevant details. Students use these details to write a summary in their own words, leaving out unimportant details.
For most texts, students analyze craft and structure (according to grade-level standards).
In Unit 1, Weeks 1 and 2, students read Earthquakes by Sneed B Collard III. The teacher guides students using the following questions to help them determine the organization of the text, “How does the author introduce the information about Earth’s crust and the upper mantle?” and “What does this tell you about how the author organizes the information?” Students fill in a Venn Diagram showing how Tsunamis and Earthquakes are alike and different. Students collect and cite text evidence to answer the question, “How is Dr. Cifuentes’s account of the earthquake different from the information in the rest of the selection?” Students focus on text structure as they answer questions about headings in subsections of the text, such as, “How do you know that ‘Tsunami Terror’ is a good heading for this section?” Students complete a graphic organizer, collecting evidence from the text, words, and phrases about tsunamis. These tasks and others lead students to respond to a writing prompt, “Why is it important to understand how earthquakes affect people?”
In Unit 4, Week 5, Lesson 3, students read a collection of poems. After reading “Swimming to the Rock” (author not cited), students answer the question, “How does the poet help you visualize how the speaker feels as she watches her father and brothers swim?” Students collect words and phrases from the text that show what she sees as she watches them swim and then tell why that evidence is important. After reading “The Moondust Footprint” by Joshua Katz, students answer the question, “What words and phrases does the poet use to express the mood and feeling of the speaker?’ Students collect words and phrases from the text and fill out a graphic organizer leading them to tell the mood they create. Students read the poem “Genius” by Nikki Grimes and answer the question, “How does the poet use figurative language to help you understand what the speaker is like?” These tasks and others lead to a “Show Your Knowledge” task where students write a poem about the word “Success.”
In Unit 5, Week 5, Lesson 2, students read “The Founding of Jamestown” and answer questions about how an author uses text structure and text features to build understanding in an expository text. Students answer, “What text structure and text features does the author use on page 65?” and “How does the illustration relate to the text?” Students read selected paragraphs and the sidebar information to determine, “What information does the main text provide about Pocohantas?” and “What was the author’s purpose for including a sidebar about Pocohantas?” After reading the entire text, students analyze the author’s craft by answering, “How does the author help you understand that Jamestown is still important today?”
Indicator 2C
Materials require students to analyze the integration of knowledge within individual texts as well as across multiple texts using coherently sequenced, high quality text-specific and/or text-dependent questions and tasks.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 2c.
Materials provide students with multiple opportunities to engage in the analysis of knowledge and ideas in the unit texts. Students can build knowledge and integrate ideas within individual texts and across multiple texts. Questions and tasks are coherently sequenced to build the skills needed to complete the culminating task. Students regularly examine illustrations and determine how to create meaning or clarify parts of a text. Each text set provides a chance to use information from multiple texts to build knowledge and create a project integrating the information from the texts in the unit.
Most sets of questions and tasks support students’ analysis of knowledge and ideas. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Week 1, Lesson 3, students read a TIME for Kids article, “Kids in Business,” and answer the question, “Why does the author use a graph to help you see how effective Better World Books has been at raising money?” Students collect and cite text evidence about how Better World Books works, what the graph shows, and what the graph means. Students complete the sentence starter, “The author uses a graph to help me…”
In Unit 4, Week 6, Lessons 1 through 4, students read the play “All the Money in the World” (author not cited). The teacher reviews the features of a play and the list of characters and builds the character’s background. The teacher assigns roles, and the students practice the Reader’s Theater presentation of the play. Activity cards guide students to partner read and make an audio recording to listen to and critique rate, phrasing, and expression. With a partner, students write new dialogue and stage directions for the characters, practice reading it, and give each other feedback.
In Unit 5, Week 3, Lesson 5, students read Mama, I’ll Give You the World by Roni Schotter and discuss the text and answer the question, “Why is the illustration of Mama and Luisia an important part of the story?” Students use the question and answer to build an understanding that through her actions, Luisa has changed Mama’s perspective and actions. In Week 4, Lesson 7, students read “Miami by Way of Fujian” (author not cited) and compare illustrations of Mariel’s school in Miami and the orphanage garden in Fujian. To build a better understanding of the two locations, students answer, “What difference do you see? What similarities?”
Sets of questions and tasks provide opportunities to analyze across multiple texts and within single texts. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Week 4, Lesson 8, students compare characters from Ranita, The Frog Princess by Carmen Agra Deedy and “Pecos Bill and the Bear Lake Monster” (author not cited) to describe how Ranita and Pecos Bill are both bold fantasy figures who end up being helpful. Students use information from multiple texts to explain how an illustration shows how animals feel. Students use the characters from Ranita, The Frog Princess, and “Pecos Bill and the Bear Lake Monster” to explain how an illustration shows a character’s emotions when answering, “The selections and the illustration all…” Student prompts include “Use details in the illustration to help you understand how the animals feel. How does that compare to how people might feel in the same situation?”
In Unit 4, Week 2, Lesson 9, students read the paired text, “The Birth of American Democracy” (author not cited), and look at the lyrics from the song, “Drill, Ye Tarriers.” Students use these texts to answer the question, “How does the government protect people’s rights?” Students discuss questions with a partner, such as, “Do you think what the foreman did is fair?” and “Do you think there should be laws that protect workers and make sure they are treated fairly?” Students cite evidence and write to the prompt, “‘See How They Run,’ ‘The Birth of American Democracy,’ and ‘Drill, Ye Tarriers’ show how the government is important because…”
In Unit 5, Week 2, Lesson 10, students demonstrate how they build knowledge across the text set by using information from all three texts to answer, “What do we discover when we look closely at something?” Students write a journal entry synthesizing information from three or more texts that they have read to write the entry. Students use the information from multiple texts to answer, “How do the photographer of the photo below and the authors of A Drop of Water and ‘The Incredible Shrinking Potion’ help you understand what you can discover when you look at things closely?” Students are prompted to look closely at how the photograph shows horses running and then compare it to the way texts show how you can learn information when you look closely at something.
Indicator 2D
Culminating tasks require students to demonstrate their knowledge of a unit's topic(s) through integrated literacy skills (e.g., a combination of reading, writing, speaking, listening).
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 2d.
Materials provide multiple opportunities for students to complete culminating tasks directly tied to the studied topics. The Show Your Knowledge lesson is a culmination of students’ knowledge gained throughout the text set related to the Essential Question. These culminating tasks allow students to synthesize ideas and information from the readings and require students to use notes captured while reading and new vocabulary learned in the unit. The tasks vary and integrate reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Tasks include but are not limited to writing a blog entry, writing a recipe, creating a timeline, writing an invitation, creating a public service announcement, and planning a podcast. Tasks can be completed independently, in partnerships, or in a group and presented or displayed. The audience, classmates, and teacher provide feedback to the presenters.
Culminating tasks are evident and varied across the year and they are multifaceted, requiring students to demonstrate mastery of several different standards (reading, writing, speaking, listening) at the appropriate grade level, and comprehension and knowledge of a topic or topics through integrated skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening). Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Week 4, Lesson 10, students complete a Build Knowledge project by writing a story demonstrating an answer to the question, “Why is it important to understand how animal characters change familiar stories?” Students review the anchor charts and notes in their Reader’s Notebook and discuss the prompt. Students write stories that can be fiction or nonfiction, containing characters and a plot. Students are encouraged to use vocabulary from the text set as they write their stories. Students present their stories in small groups, and volunteers are asked to share with the class. The audience is asked to identify one thing they liked about the story and why. Students brainstorm other ways they could respond to the texts from the text set.
In Unit 3, Week 5, Lesson 5, during Show Your Knowledge, students explore the Essential Question, “In what ways can advances in science be helpful or harmful?” Students create a comic strip depicting their opinion about agricultural advances they read about in texts. Students use their Build Knowledge notes from their Reader’s Notebook and write a pro and con list about agricultural advances using text evidence for support. Students display and read aloud their comic strip while the class writes down one thing they agree with and one thing they disagree with and discuss these with the writer. The provided rubric includes the following: “I synthesized knowledge from three or more texts, I included three or more words from my reader’s notebook, and I supported all of my ideas with text evidence.”
In Unit 6, Week 4, Lesson 10, students complete a Build Knowledge project by writing about a tradition in their life to show how traditions can connect people. Students review anchor charts and the notes they took in their Reader’s Notebook and discuss the prompt. Students consider different traditions they read about in the text set and write about traditions in their own lives and why they are important. Students choose a tradition and write why it is important using words from the text set vocabulary list. Students share their stories and brainstorm other ways they could respond to the texts from the text set.
Indicator 2E
Materials include a cohesive, year-long plan for students to achieve grade-level writing proficiency by the end of the school year.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 2e.
Materials follow a cohesive plan across the year to support students in developing and increasing writing skills and achieving grade-level proficiency in writing. The Teacher Manual provides guidance in each unit for the teacher to facilitate the writing process with students. The materials include guidance and support in each unit for both students and teachers in the form of protocols, routines, rubrics, graphic organizers, and student models. Students read texts in a particular genre and perform writing tasks in the same genre. Students engage in writing tasks that increase in rigor and length across the year. Materials have uniformity in the organization and layout of the writing activities.
Materials include writing instruction that aligns to the standards for the grade level and supports students’ growth in writing skills over the course of the school year. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the first four units, extended writing projects focus on Writing to Sources. Students follow the Writing Process outlined in The Instructional Routines Handbook as they develop argumentative and expository essays. Lessons support students working through each step: analyze the rubric, analyze the student model, analyze the prompt, analyze the sources, plan, draft, and revise.
In Unit 2, Weeks 1–4, there are 13 lessons on expository writing. Lessons scaffold to an expository essay about how plants, animals, and humans depend on each other to survive in their environment. In Week 1, students analyze the rubric and begin to analyze the student model. In Week 2, Lessons 6-8, students continue to analyze the student model with a focus on how the student synthesized information from the three sources. In Week 3, students analyze the prompt and sources and begin to plan and organize their ideas. In Week 4, students create their first draft focusing on transitional strategies and revise and conduct peer conferences.
In Unit 3, Weeks 1–4, there are 13 lessons on argumentative writing. Lessons scaffold to an argumentative essay about the civil rights movement. In Week 1, students analyze the rubric, learn about elements of argumentative writing, such as making a claim and supporting it and begin to analyze the student model. In Week 2, students continue to analyze the student model to identify how a logical progression of ideas and evidence supports the development of an opinion, making it clearer for the reader to understand. In Week 3, students analyze the prompt, identify specific evidence from sources to support the claim, and begin to organize their ideas in a logical order. In Week 4, students revise, edit, proofread, conduct peer conferences, and complete a self-evaluation.
In Units 5 and 6, writing projects focus on genres students have read using anchor texts or paired texts as mentor texts. Students consider their purpose and audience as they plan and choose a topic, write a draft, revise and edit the draft with peer and teacher conferences, publish, and present their work.
In Unit 5, Weeks 1–4, there are 12 lessons on narrative writing. Lessons scaffold to a personal narrative about a time in their life when they tried their hardest to do something. In Week 1, students analyze the expert model, the anchor text Weathering the Storm by Anna Whittemore, select a topic, and plan a sequence of events. In Week 2, lessons focus on writing a draft with sensory details. In Week 3, students revise, conduct peer conferences, and edit and proofread. In Week 4, students publish, present, and evaluate.
Students write daily in their Writer’s notebooks for various purposes, including writing to weekly prompts, writing self-chosen pieces, completing craft mini lessons, listing and reviewing spelling words, and completing grammar assignments. A digital version is also available for students.
Materials include a variety of well-designed lesson plans, models, and protocols for teachers to implement and monitor students’ writing development.
The Instructional Routines Handbook outlines the writing process routine. Lessons support students working through each step: expert model, plan, draft, revise, edit and proofread, then publish and present.
The Instructional Routines Handbook includes guidance for the “Analytical Writing Routine,” which includes steps to analyze the prompt, state a clear topic or opinion, cite text evidence, and provide a strong conclusion. Within this routine, additional skills are taught, such as note-taking, Think Aloud, quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.
In Unit 2, Weeks 1–4, students write an expository essay about how plants, animals, and humans depend on each other to survive in their environment. In Week 1, an expository writing rubric is used. In Week 2, students analyze the student model. Think-alouds guide students to look at the sources and note how the author synthesized the information from those sources. In Week 3, Lesson 1, the teacher guides the students through the “Analyze the Prompt” routine. Teachers create an expository essay anchor chart that presents a clear central idea about a topic, facts, and details that effectively support and develop the central idea and transitional words and phrases that help connect ideas. In Week 3, Lesson 5, a graphic organizer is provided for students to organize their essays, including the central idea, supporting ideas, and relevant evidence from each of the three sources.
In Unit 3, Weeks 1–4, students write an argumentative essay. In Week 1, Lesson 4, students look at argumentative writing and use a Think Aloud to support the progression of ideas in argumentative writing. In Week 2, the materials provide model essay examples to support the logical development of an opinion. In Week 3, Lesson 5, the materials provide a graphic organizer to plan using evidence in a logical order to develop the argument.
In Unit 5, Weeks 1–4, students write a personal narrative. In Week 1, Lesson 3, students analyze the expert model. In Lesson 4, students free write to gather ideas about times they tried their hardest to do something difficult. In Lesson 5, students plan their sequence of events using a graphic organizer. In Week 3, Lesson 3, students conduct peer conferencing using a revising checklist. There is also a video, “Peer Conferencing,” students can watch to view a model of the process. The materials provide a peer conferencing routine with four steps, “Listen carefully as the writer reads their work aloud, begin by telling what you liked about the writing, ask a question about the order of events to make sure the writer used the most logical sequence, and give suggestions for adding descriptive details and making the conclusion stronger.”
Indicator 2F
Materials include a progression of focused research projects to encourage students to develop knowledge in a given area by confronting and analyzing different aspects of a topic using multiple texts and source materials.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 2f.
Materials contain guidance for teachers to facilitate learning using research to develop topic knowledge and research skills. During each text set within the units, students work with a partner or group to complete a two-week science or social studies research project. The projects are varied and require students to research a topic directly related to the unit topic and Essential Question. Students work collaboratively to build knowledge, practice written and oral presentations and apply research skills across the school year. Longer research projects are available in a digitally delivered program called Inquiry Space. These six-week projects guide students through the research, writing, and presenting process.
Research projects are sequenced across a school year to include a progression of research skills according to grade-level standards. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources; take notes and categorize information, and provide a list of sources.
In Unit 2, Week 1, Lesson 2, during the Inquiry project, students research the life cycles of two insects. The teacher models how to follow the five-step research plan. In Step 1, the teacher models how to set goals for the project and brainstorm local insects to research. Students write questions they would like to answer through their research. In Step 2, the teacher models how to find resources to use. In Step 3, the teacher models to how take notes while researching, and students record information from sources in their own words and cite those sources. In Step 4, students create a compare and contrast chart to organize their information and draw a sketch of the life cycle of each of their researched insects. In Step 5, students create a final version of their researched diagram and write their report. Students discuss options for presenting to the class.
In Unit 5, Week 3, Lesson 2, during the Inquiry project, students research a community organization that helps people. The teacher models how to follow the five-step research plan. In Step 1, the teacher models how to set research goals and students set goals and brainstorm local community organizations that help people. Students write questions they would like to answer in the process. In Step 2, the teacher models finding resources to use. In Step 3, the teacher models how to take notes while researching, and students record information from sources in their own words, cite those sources, and look for images that show the actions of the community organization. In Step 4, students analyze their data and organize the information and images. The teacher models how to create a strong beginning and conclusion for their research paper. In Step 5, students write their reports and discuss options for presenting to the class.
Materials support teachers in employing projects that develop students’ knowledge on a topic via provided resources.
The Research Roadmap blackline master outlines the five steps in the research process. It includes questions to guide students, as well as graphic organizers to find, record, and organize information.
The Instructional Routines Handbook outlines the Five-Step Research Process Routine, the Online Research Routine (Used with Inquiry Space in grades 3-6), and additional guidance for planning a presentation, listening to a presentation, and strategies to teach research and inquiry as well as a presentation rubric.
In Unit 5, Week 1, Lesson 2, during the Inquiry Project, teachers guide students through researching volunteers who helped solve their community’s problems. For example:
“Have partners decide on one or more important discoveries that require the use of a microscope. Have them brainstorm and write down questions to help focus their research.” Teachers guide students in using an online recording tool.
“Work with students to find print and digital resources they can use for their research. Review their sources to make sure they are reliable and relevant.”
“Have students begin by finding information that will answer their research questions. Remind them to use only valid sources. Help students find relevant images and to cite all their sources.”
In Unit 6, Week 3, Lesson 2, during the Inquiry project, teachers guide students through researching what their classmates believe is important. For example:
“Have partners brainstorm different Native American tribes from Florida and decide on two tribes to research and compare. Explain that they will research the traditions and culture of each tribe. Direct partners to choose at least three categories to research, such as homes, clothing, and systems of government.”
“Discuss with students the kinds of digital and print resources they can use for their research. Sources should be reliable and may include books, magazines, and websites about Native American groups in Florida.”
“Remind students to look over their research questions before they start. Review with students how to take notes in their own words and cite their sources. Help them gather images to use in their chart.”
“Show students how to analyze and organize their information. Remind them that the purpose of the chart is to compare the way of life of the two Native American groups. Have students create a draft of their chart.”
Materials provide many opportunities for students to synthesize and analyze content tied to the texts under study as a part of the research process.
Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.
In Unit 1, Week 1, Lesson 2, students complete a science research project with a partner or group to create a disaster safety pamphlet. Students answer the Essential Question, “How do people respond to natural disasters?” Students follow the five-step research process:
Step 1: Brainstorm a list of natural disasters and choose one for their pamphlet. Create a list of questions to research and answer.
Step 2: Identify sources such as books, magazines, websites, and videos to find information and images.
Step 3: Find and record information and cite sources. The materials provide guidance on avoiding plagiarism, paraphrasing, and quoting sources. Students are to create a list of sources.
Step 4: Organize and synthesize information.
Step 5: Create and present to the class. The Instructional Routines Handbook includes presentation rubrics.
In Unit 4, Week 1, Lesson 2, with a partner or in small groups, students conduct a social studies research project to create a slideshow about parts of government in their community and the roles and responsibilities of each part. Students use the Essential Question, “Why do we need a government?” Students follow the five-step research process:
Step 1: List questions they want to research to answer about how the government in their community is organized.
Step 2: Identify sources such as books and websites to find information about what each part of their local government does.
Step 3: Find and record information from sources, take notes, and cite those sources.
Step 4: Organize and synthesize information making sure to include how their local government is organized and the roles and responsibilities of each part.
Step 5: Create and present the slideshow using the Presentation rubrics provided in the Instructional Routines Handbook.
Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
In Unit 3, Week 1, Lesson 5, students use text details to describe in depth how the character feels by rereading Aguinaldo by Lulu Delacre. Students answer the prompt, “How do you know how Marilla feels about going on the field trip?” Students draw on specific clues in the text and list the text evidence that helps them understand what Marilla was feeling before answering the question.
In Unit 2, Week 1, Lesson 5, students examine how authors use reasons and evidence by rereading the anchor text, Spiders, by Nic Bishop. Students answer the prompt, “I know how the author feels about the spider’s senses because…,” and draw evidence from the text to show the evidence the author gives to help them understand his feelings about the spider.
Criterion 2.2: Coherence
Materials promote mastery of grade-level standards by the end of the year.
Materials contain instruction, practice, and assessment aligned to grade-level standards. Various instructional approaches are used to coherently support and increase student literacy development. Ample time is provided for students to engage in opportunities that spiral logically over the year. Instruction, tasks, practice, and assessments fully address the intent of the grade-level standards. A pacing guide and organizational structures are in place to track and monitor student progress as they work toward meeting learning goals and grade-level standards. Materials include a detailed implementation schedule. Suggestions are provided for teachers to implement a 60-, 90-, or 120-minute block of instruction. Lesson structures for each block of time balance resources and tasks aligned to grade-level standards. There are 180 lessons that may be completed during a school year; however, it would be difficult to complete all 180 lessons in a typical school year, given interruptions such as testing, reteaching, or field trips.The same lesson activities are suggested for the 60-, 90-, and 120-minute blocks with minimal guidance on how to structure those activities within the varying time blocks. The Instructional Routines Handbook explains the program is designed to be flexible and offers a variety of ways teachers can use the program; however, it is unclear how to ensure all students master all grade-level standards if changes are made to the implementation.
Indicator 2G
Materials spend the majority of instructional time on content that falls within grade-level aligned instruction, practice, and assessments.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 2g.
Materials contain instruction, practice, and assessment aligned to grade-level standards. Various instructional approaches are used to coherently support and increase student literacy development. Ample time is provided for students to engage in opportunities that spiral logically over the year. Instruction, tasks, practice, and assessments fully address the intent of the grade-level standards. Students answer questions about illustrations, plot, and characters, as well as participate individually and collaboratively in activities such as summarizing or retelling details, comparing and contrasting, and answering standards-aligned questions about texts. A pacing guide and organizational structures are in place to track and monitor student progress as they work toward meeting learning goals and grade-level standards.
Over the course of each unit, the majority of instruction is aligned to grade-level standards. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Scope and Sequence, Standards Correlations, Suggested Lesson Plans, and Pacing Guide documents clearly illustrate coverage of each grade level standard. The majority of discussions, questions, and writing directly align to grade-level standards identified within each lesson. The planning portion of the Teacher’s Edition contains a Weekly Standards tab where the standards taught within the week’s lessons are listed. Each daily plan includes specific standards covered in the lesson, separated by the activity in which they are covered. A grade-level standards correlation document lists when each standard is taught throughout the year. Students read and comprehend complex grade-level texts in each text set. Texts increase in complexity across the year. Mini-lessons are included with each text set and guide students to examine skills and strategies needed to experience success in reading, writing, speaking, and listening tasks.
Over the course of each unit, the majority of questions and tasks are aligned to grade-level standards.
Each text set connects to reading, writing, and building knowledge goals. Students have opportunities to closely read and analyze complex texts and respond to standards-aligned, text-based questions. Questions and tasks require students to cite text evidence and make inferences based on information not explicitly stated. Questions require students to infer and synthesize information. Questions and tasks build to and prepare students for the Unit Diagnostics and Culminating Tasks.
Over the course of each unit, the majority of assessment questions are aligned to grade-level standards.
Placement and Diagnostic Assessments, Unit Assessments, Progress Monitoring, and Benchmark Assessments include grade-level standard-aligned questions and tasks. The end-of-unit projects are aligned to standards, and standards are noted in the daily plans. Progress Monitoring and Benchmark assessments are aligned to the grade-level standards; however, the specific standards are not listed on each assessment and would require the teacher to list standards associated with each assessment. Unit Diagnostics and the end-of-unit Culminating Tasks align to grade-level standards. Each lesson includes standards-aligned explicit instruction, as well as questions and tasks, that prepare students for the corresponding Unit Assessment. Each Unit Diagnostic builds knowledge in preparation for the Culminating Task.
By the end of the academic year, standards are repeatedly addressed within and across units to ensure students master the full intent of the standard.
The Scope and Sequence and Standards Correlations documents illustrate how standards spiral across the materials. Most standards are covered in multiple units, ensuring students have several opportunities to practice skills across the year, even if the teacher cannot cover all six units in the school year. The first unit provides a foundation for knowledge-building that progresses across the year. Each unit ends with Extended Writing and Connect and Reflect. Across the year, standards are repeated to facilitate mastery of the standards. Students have many opportunities to demonstrate proficiency by having authentic conversations about complex texts and writing to develop deeper meaning.
Indicator 2H
Materials regularly and systematically balance time and resources required for following the suggested implementation, as well as information for alternative implementations that maintain alignment and intent of the standards.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 partially meet the criteria for Indicator 2h.
Materials include a detailed implementation schedule. Suggestions are provided for teachers to implement a 60-, 90-, or 120-minute block of instruction. Lesson structures for each block of time balance resources and tasks aligned to grade-level standards. There are 180 lessons that may be completed during a school year; however, it would be difficult to complete all 180 lessons in a typical school year, given interruptions such as testing, reteaching, or field trips. The same lesson activities are suggested for the 60-, 90-, and 120-minute blocks with minimal guidance on how to structure those activities within the varying time blocks. The Instructional Routines Handbook explains the program is designed to be flexible and offers a variety of ways teachers can use the program. However, it is unclear how to ensure all students master all grade-level standards if changes are made to the implementation. Optional assignments may be added; however, it is unclear how they should be integrated into the daily lessons or fit into the time frames listed for implementation.
Suggested implementation schedules and alternative implementation schedules align to core learning and objectives. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The materials contain six units, and each unit has six weeks of instruction for a total of thirty-six weeks. Weeks are broken down into five daily lesson plans for a total of 180 days of instruction.
In the Professional Development Suggested Lesson Plan, pacing guides are available for 120-, 90-, and 60-minute blocks.
The 60-minute Pacing Guide for Day 1 provides 40 minutes of Reading Instruction, 10 minutes of Writing Instruction, and 10 minutes of Small Group instruction. The Day 9 pacing guide provides 20 minutes of Reading Instruction, 20 minutes of Writing Instruction, and 20 minutes of Small Group instruction.
The 90-minute Pacing Guide for Day 1 provides 50 minutes of Reading instruction, 20 minutes of Writing instructions with 10 minutes allocated to writing, five minutes for grammar, five minutes for spelling, and 20 minutes for small group instruction that includes ELL instruction. The Day 9 pacing guide provides 20 minutes of Reading instruction, 30 minutes of Writing instruction, and 40 minutes of Small Group instruction.
The 120-minute Pacing Guide for Day 1 provides 50 minutes of Reading instruction, 30 minutes of Writing Instruction, including grammar and spelling, and 40 minutes of Small Group instruction. The Day 9 pacing guide provides 40 minutes of Reading Instruction, 40 minutes of Writing instruction, and 40 minutes of Small Group instruction.
Suggested implementation schedules cannot be reasonably completed in the time allotted. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The materials provide lesson plans for 180 days of instruction. This does not leave room for lessons that may take longer, testing requirements, local assessments, reteaching, and other general interruptions that schools experience.
There is no adjustment in the number of activities or the amount of material to be covered for lessons between the 60-, 90-, or 120-minute blocks. It is not expected that the same amount of material can be covered in 60 minutes as in 120 minutes. For example, the Day 3 pacing guide for a 60-minute lesson provides 20 minutes for the Literature Anthology, Read the Anchor Text, Practice/Apply Close Reading, and Take Notes about the Text tasks. The 90-minute plan provides 30 minutes for the same lessons, and the 120-minute plan provides 40 minutes for those lessons. Writing activities are allocated 20 minutes in the 60-minute plan, 20 minutes in the 90-minute plan, and 30 minutes in the 120-minute plan. Small group work is allocated 20 minutes in the 60-minute plan, 30 minutes in the 90-minute plan, and 40 minutes in the 120-minute plan. The 60-minute plan moves the Expand Vocabulary, Grammar, and Spelling lessons to optional activities on days in the pacing guide. Still, it is not indicated in the Teacher’s Edition, nor is the additional time to complete optional activities listed.
Optional tasks do not distract from core learning; however, the materials do not provide guidance for implementing these tasks. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Suggested Lesson Plans and Pacing Guides, optional tasks include Preteach Vocabulary, Expand Vocabulary, Grammar Lesson Bank, and Writing Craft Mini Lessons. In the Talk About it Tasks, the teacher can post a prompt or topic students can discuss in a digital format. These tasks are suggested without teacher guidance.
Optional tasks are meaningful and enhance core instruction. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Optional tasks are often key and support standards in writing and include vocabulary and grammar. The Reteach Vocabulary activities support student engagement and reinforcement of new vocabulary words. The Grammar Lesson Bank includes activities that support students in increasing their grammar skills using various strategies. The Writing Craft Mini-Lessons provide scaffolded instruction through modeling and guided practice.
Inquiry Space is an optional, digitally presented learning experience where students follow steps to develop a research project in a game-like setting. In Grade 4, there are three projects available, Investigate Sharks, Take a Stand: The Environment, and Write About: Bullying. These are aligned to writing and research standards.
Overview of Gateway 3
The teacher resources included in the program provide guidance to support the implementation of the curriculum and to enhance teacher understanding of the content. Wonders offers a variety of professional development resources for teachers to develop their knowledge of grade-level content, including Learn to Use Wonders, Ready-to-Teach Workshops, Research Base and Whitepapers, Science of Reading, Instructional Routines, Assessment & Data, Educational Equity, and Administrator Resources. Each unit, lesson, and center activity includes standards correlation information. The Teacher Edition includes a weekly planner, which also includes the Common Core standards that each lesson is aligned to, and the Teacher Resources include a video explanation of the English Language standards by Dr. Jana Echevarria; however, the materials do not include the role of the standards in the context of the overall series. The materials include information about the program for students, parents, and caregivers through weekly letters that describe what students will experience at home and school. Materials include explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and the identification of research-based strategies. Materials include necessary classroom resources to support teachers in preparing instructional activities, including a presentation resource, which provides the text that will be read during the lesson and classroom materials needed for the lesson. Materials include a comprehensive assessment handbook, which includes information about various assessment options, a guide for providing instruction, and a list of forms to use while assessing students. The instructional materials offer multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate learning. Teachers can find these resources in the Assessment Handbook, Feedback videos, and the notes section in the daily lesson plans. The Assessment Handbook provides details and suggestions on how to interpret student performance. Materials include a variety of assessment opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of the grade-level standards and shifts. Assessments are both informal and formal and in a variety of modalities, including formal assessments, writing prompts, and discussions. The instructional materials provide multiple accommodations to ensure students can access assessments and demonstrate knowledge without changing assessment content. Materials provide learning strategies and supports for students in special populations. The instructional materials regularly provide extensions to engage in literacy content and concepts at a greater depth for students who read, write, speak, and/or listen above grade level. Across the school year, materials provide exposure and access to challenging texts and tasks to increase critical reading skills, such as interpreting and analyzing texts. Materials provide varied approaches to learning tasks, as well as variety in how students demonstrate their learning and monitor their performance. Materials provide a variety of grouping strategies throughout each unit and lesson across the school year. Students can engage in pairs or small groups to discuss, read, write, present, peer evaluate, and play games. Materials provide strategies, support, and multiple opportunities for English Language Learners to participate in grade-level activities. Materials provide a balance of drawings and realistic images representing different demographic and physical characteristics of the characters. Across the year, positive representations of all individuals are found in the illustrations and avoid stereotypes and biases toward underrepresented groups or individuals.Materials guide teachers to draw upon student home language to facilitate learning and provide guidance and support across the year to encourage teachers to draw upon student cultural and social backgrounds to facilitate learning. The program integrates technology in various ways that provide opportunities for engagement, support, and customization. Interactive technology tools can be found that encourage a more engaging and supportive learning environment, such as the option for texts to be read aloud, games, and the ability to customize assignments.Materials include digital opportunities for teachers and students to collaborate with each other.The instructional materials provide a visual design to support students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject. The teacher’s edition is organized the same way in each unit, week, and lesson. The student edition is easy to navigate and has titles to help students navigate the curriculum.The instructional materials provide teacher guidance for using embedded technology to support and enhance student learning.
Gateway 3
Criterion 3.1: Teacher Supports
The program includes opportunities for teachers to effectively plan and utilize materials with integrity and to further develop their own understanding of the content.
The teacher resources included in the program provide guidance to support the implementation of the curriculum and to enhance teacher understanding of the content. Scaffolds for teaching and growing literacy development include many tools, such as videos and annotations, to support all students’ literacy skills. Instructional materials offer a variety of professional development resources for teachers to develop their knowledge of grade-level content, including Learn to Use Wonders, Ready-to-Teach Workshops, Research Base and Whitepapers, Science of Reading, Instructional Routines, Assessment & Data, Educational Equity, and Administrator Resources. Materials include a publisher alignment document of the standards. In addition, each unit, lesson, and center activity includes standards correlation information. The Teacher Edition includes a weekly planner, which also includes the Common Core standards that each lesson is aligned to, and the Teacher Resources include a video explanation of the English Language standards by Dr. Jana Echevarria; however, the materials do not include the role of the standards in the context of the overall series. The materials include information about the program for students, parents, and caregivers. Weekly letters describe what students will experience at home and school. These letters have suggestions and activities on ways to support students at home as well. While the letters come in English, there is an ability to translate them into many languages, including Arabic, Russian, and Chinese. The materials include explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and the identification of research-based strategies. A Start Smart guide is provided and includes explanations of the instructional routines found in the program. An Eight Step Implementation Support guide is included and provides information to support instruction, including lesson planning, foundational skill instruction, and differentiation. In addition, there is an Instructional Routine Handbook that explains key instructional routines such as “Collaborative Conversations,” “Close Reading,” and “Check-In,” as well as research that supports each teaching routine. The instructional materials include necessary classroom resources to support teachers in preparing instructional activities. Each lesson has a list of resources. The support includes a presentation resource, which provides the text that will be read during the lesson and classroom materials needed for the lesson. The classroom materials include ELL resources, graphic organizers about the author, and information on responding to the text.
Indicator 3A
Materials provide teacher guidance with useful annotations and suggestions for how to enact the student materials and ancillary materials to support students' literacy development.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 3a.
The teacher resources included in the program provide guidance to support implementation of the curriculum and to enhance teacher understanding of the content. Scaffolds for teaching and growing literacy development include many tools, such as videos and annotations, to support all students’ literacy skills. The teacher materials include suggestions on Culturally Responsive Teaching, Teaching the Whole Child, Equity and Access, and The Science of Reading. Explanations and descriptions of how these components are integrated into each lesson are provided. The Teacher Edition also includes information on the scope and sequence, as well as the standards and objectives of each lesson.
Materials provide comprehensive guidance that will assist teachers in presenting the student and ancillary materials. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Teacher Edition materials explain the overall instructional model in a section called Start Smart Overview which includes information to access the Teacher Workspace and other resources that support understanding of the instructional elements of the program.
The Teacher Edition includes a component called Access Complex Text (ACT), which includes scaffolded instructional guidance to support students with the various elements that make a text complex.
In the Teacher Edition, there is a section called Every Step of the Way that includes detailed information on the professional learning teachers should engage in before delivering the curriculum to students.
Materials include sufficient and useful annotations and suggestions that are presented within the context of the specific learning objectives. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 4, Week 5, Lesson 2, students reread the poem “The Climb” (author not cited) and engage in guided practice to work on determining the poem’s structure to understand narrative poetry. The Teacher Edition includes information for the teacher, such as having students identify the repeated words and phrases in the poem to discuss the effect the repeated words have on the poem.
In Unit 6, Weeks 3–4, Lessons 3–6, students read The Game of Silence by Louise Erdrich, and to support students in making inferences, a Make Inferences note states, “Explain - You can use what you know and the character’s actions to infer why Omakaya’s brother is named Pinch. Model - I know that if you ‘pinch’ someone, it is bothersome or annoying... Apply - Look at Omakaya’s cousins’ names on page 491... Make inferences about how they got their names.”
Indicator 3B
Materials contain adult-level explanations and examples of the more complex grade-level/course-level concepts and concepts beyond the current course so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 3b.
Materials offer a variety of professional development resources for teachers to develop their knowledge of grade-level content. Professional development topics include: Learn to Use Wonders, Ready-to-Teach Workshops, Research-Based and Whitepapers, Science of Reading, Instructional Routines, Assessment & Data, Educational Equity, and Administrator Resources. Author and Coach videos include presentations that support instruction, such as applying foundational skills to reading and multisyllabic and decodable text words routine. Response to Intervention videos explain how to use assessments to maximize learning and teaching. Additionally, videos are available to support planning, Social Emotional Learning, English Language Learners, and ways to use leveled readers. The materials also include close-reading and small-group instruction workshops that offer self-paced modules for teachers.
Materials contain adult-level explanations and examples of more complex grade/course-level concepts so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Wonders offers professional development teachers can complete independently. Teachers can select from the following topics: Learn to Use Wonders, Ready-to-Teach Workshops, Research-Based and Whitepapers, Science of Reading, Instructional Routines, Assessment & Data, Educational Equity, and Administrator Resources.
The Learn to Use Wonders section supports teachers with resources about the basics of Wonders, Start Smart, Managing Small Group Times, and the Eight Step Implementation Support.
The Ready-to-Teach Workshops support teachers with four-session video-based modules about close reading and small group instruction.
The Research Based and Whitepapers section provides articles to support teachers. Some topics are ELL instruction, collaborative conversations, text complexity, foundational skills, writing from sources, close reading, academic vocabulary, and balanced literacy.
The Science of Reading section supports teachers with an article about the science of reading.
The Instructional Routines section supports teachers with manuals and guides about instructional routines, managing small groups, and lesson plans.
The Assessment and Data section supports teachers with manuals and guides about assessment components, the assessment handbook, placement and diagnostic assessment, assessment administration, assessment reports, and online assessment preparation.
The Educational Equity section supports teachers with manuals and guides about culturally responsive teaching, social-emotional learning, supporting ELL students, universal design for learning, and equitable access to instruction.
The Administrator Resources section supports teachers with manuals and guides about family involvement, observation tools, supporting teachers, and coaching.
Materials contain adult-level explanations and examples of concepts beyond the current course so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Wonders offers teacher professional development for close reading through four sessions. For example, “This four-session, video-based module supports school or district leaders to facilitate on-site or remote workshops to support teachers in delivering effective instruction for close reading of complex texts. The module can also be used by individual teachers for self-paced learning.”
Wonders offers teacher professional development for small group instruction through four sessions. For example, “This four-session, video-based module supports school or district leaders to facilitate on-site or remote workshops to support teachers in organizing, managing, and delivering small-group instruction. The module can also be used by individual teachers for self-paced learning.”
Indicator 3C
Materials include standards correlation information that explains the role of the standards in the context of the overall series.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 partially meet the criteria for Indicator 3c.
Materials include a publisher alignment document of the standards. In addition, each unit, lesson, and center activity contains standard correlation information. The Teacher Edition has a weekly planner, which also provides lesson and standards correlations. In the Teacher Resources section, video explanations of the English Language Arts standards by Dr. Jana Echevarria are available; however, the materials do not include the role of the standards in the context of the overall series.
Correlation information is present for the ELA standards addressed throughout the grade level/series. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Week 4, Lesson 2, the standard is RL.4.1, “Refer to details and explains in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from a text.” The lesson objective is to “refer to details and explains in a text when explaining what the texts says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.”
In Unit 4, Week 3, Lesson 2, the students are expected to “refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.” The standard is RL.4.3, “Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text.”
In Unit 6, Week 4, Lesson 2, students have the learning goal of applying “strategies and skills to read expository text.” The standard for the lesson is associated with RI.4.1, “Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.”
Explanations of the role of the specific grade-level/course-level ELA standards are present in the context of the series.
No evidence found
Indicator 3D
Materials provide strategies for informing all stakeholders, including students, parents, or caregivers about the program and suggestions for how they can help support student progress and achievement.
The materials include information about the program for students, parents, and caregivers. Weekly letters describe what students will experience at home and school. These letters include suggestions and activities on ways to support students at home as well. The program also includes a letter that explains how to support students in a remote setting. While the letters come in English, there is an ability to translate them into many languages, including Arabic, Russian, and Chinese. The materials for the various stakeholders can easily be found in the Student Center Dashboard, which provides resources for students, parents, and/or caregivers.
Materials contain strategies for informing students, parents, or caregivers about the ELA program. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Student Center Dashboard includes the school to home tab, which contains letters and messages from the teacher.
The Student Center Dashboard includes resources for students such as the weekly vocabulary words and writing assignments.
The program includes a family letter for each week in each unit. The letter provides information about the genre students will read about, learning goals, word work, and the comprehension standards each week. For example, In Unit 3, Week 4, the letter explains that they will “focus on citizenship and the rights and responsibilities that come with it.”
In the Administrator Resources section, found in the Professional Development tab, there is a customizable letter that can be sent to families about the Wonders curriculum that can be sent at the beginning of the year. The letter contains information on what students will experience in class and what students will experience at home.
In the Administrator Resources section, there is a PowerPoint presentation that teachers can use to explain the curriculum to families on a Back to School or Curriculum night.
Materials contain suggestions for how parents or caregivers can help support student progress and achievement. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Student Center Dashboard, there is a weekly letter that informs parents or caregivers on what the students are working on that week and ways to support them at home. For example, in Unit 5, Week 1, the letter suggests that when reading the text, children “write the chronology or sequence of events.”
The program provides parents with differentiated spelling lists for students approaching grade level, on-grade level, and beyond grade level. The spelling lists include activities students can complete to practice the spelling words at home.
Indicator 3E
Materials provide explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and identification of the research-based strategies.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 3e.
Materials include explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and the identification of research-based strategies. A Start Smart guide is provided and includes explanations of the instructional routines found in the program. An Eight Step Implementation Support guide is included and provides information to support instruction, including lesson planning, foundational skill instruction, and differentiation. In addition, there is an Instructional Routines Handbook that explains key instructional routines such as “Collaborative Conversations,” “Close Reading,” and “Check-In,” as well as research that supports each teaching routine. Lastly, there are videos that contain professional development on the instructional routines, such as the multisyllabic word routine and the decodable text routine.
Materials explain the instructional approaches of the program. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Start Smart guide includes details on how to introduce and teach students about “collaborative conversations.” For example, it instructs teachers to explain to students to “Add New Ideas- Stay on topic. Connect your ideas to what your peers have said. Provide evidence or reasons for your ideas. Connect your own experience or prior knowledge to the conversation.”
The Eight-Step Implementation Guide includes information about instructional approaches, such as small group differentiation, which can be located throughout the materials. The guide states, “The ‘Teach in Small Group’ sidebars in whole group instruction highlight further opportunities for small group teaching and offer suggestions that can be used to reinforce—or replace—whole group lessons.”
In the Resources section, there is a section called “Author & Coach Videos” that contains short professional development videos for teachers on various instructional approaches, including close reading, academic vocabulary, writing, assessment, planning and digital support, and access to complex text.
In the Instructional Routines Handbook, there is a detailed explanation for each routine, such as the “Sentence Segmentation Routine.” The explanation includes, “Read aloud a short text all the way through. Then model how to count the words you hear in a line.”
Materials include and reference research-based strategies. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Instructional Routines Handbook includes research on “Collaborative Conversations.” The handbook states, “Discussion-based practices improve student’s thinking skills and comprehension of a text (Murphy, Wilkinson, Soter, Hennessey, & Alexander, 2009). In effective schools, classroom conversations about how, why, and what students read are important parts of the literacy curriculum (Applebee, 1996: Schoenbach, Greenleaf, Cziko & Hurwitz, 1999).”
The Instructional Routines Handbook includes research on foundational skills instruction. The handbook states, “Research indicates that the most critical phonemic awareness skills are blending and segmenting, since they are most closely associated with early reading and writing growth (NICHHD, 2001). Phonemic awareness has a positive overall effect on reading and spelling and leads to lasting reading improvement. Phonological processing problems are a significant factor in students experiencing reading difficulties, including dyslexia (International Dyslexia Association, 2017). Phonemic awareness instruction can be effectively carried out by teachers. It doesn’t take a great deal of time to bring many children’s phonemic awareness abilities up to a level at which phonics instruction begins to make sense.”
The Instructional Routines Handbook includes research on “High- frequency words.” The handbook states, “High-frequency words make up a significant portion of the words students need to read and write. In fact, 25% of all words and print come from this set of thirteen words: a, and, for, he, is, in, it, of, that, the, to, was, you (Johns, 1981). And about 50% of words students will read and write come from a set of 100 words (Fry, Fountoukidis, & Polk, 1985). Many high-frequency words do not follow common sound-spelling patterns, so they need to be learned by sight and require explicit instruction.”
In the Overview of the Resources section, there is a tab called “Research Base and Whitepapers,” which contains several different research-based articles on the approaches of the program. Some of these articles include “Academic Vocabulary Study: Embedded, Deep, and Generative Practices” by Donald Bear and “Close Reading in Elementary Classrooms” by Douglas Fisher.
Indicator 3F
Materials provide a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support instructional activities.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 3f.
Materials include necessary classroom resources to support teachers in preparing instructional activities. Each lesson has a list of resources. The support includes a presentation resource, which provides the text that will be read during the lesson and classroom materials needed for the lesson. The classroom materials include things like ELL resources, graphic organizers about the author, and information on responding to the text. In addition to including lists, teachers can access the resources directly from the lesson dashboards.
Materials include a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support the instructional activities. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Week 3, Lesson 1, Reading Tab, Shared Read, Lesson Resources are provided and include In Presentation resources for The Talent Show (author not cited) and a Figurative Language practice activity. Also in this section are Classroom Materials which include Vocabulary/Idiom pages and the ELL Small Group Guide printable PDF documents.
In Unit 4, Week 6, Lesson 4, Writing Tab, Writing, Lesson Resources are provided and include the following: Classroom Materials, ELL Small Group Guide printable PDF documents, and pages for the Extended Writing Project.
In Unit 6, Week 2, Lesson 7, Reading Tab, Paired Section, Lesson Resources are available and include the story, Of Fire and Water (author not cited), located in the In Presentation section, and pages to support analysis of the Paired Selection story found in the In Classroom section.
Indicator 3G
This is not an assessed indicator in ELA.
Indicator 3H
This is not an assessed indicator in ELA.
Criterion 3.2: Assessment
The program includes a system of assessments identifying how materials provide tools, guidance, and support for teachers to collect, interpret, and act on data about student progress towards the standards.
Materials include a comprehensive assessment handbook, which includes information about various assessment options, a guide for providing instruction, and a list of forms to use while assessing students. Formal assessments are included in the program, such as Universal Screeners, Placement & Diagnostic Assessments, Fluency Assessments, Unit Assessments, and Benchmark Assessments. The instructional materials offer multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate learning. Teachers can find these resources in the Assessment Handbook, Feedback videos, and the notes section in the daily lesson plans. The Assessment Handbook provides details and suggestions on how to interpret student performance. Feedback videos and notes in the lesson plans offer recommendations for supporting students as they complete each assessment. Materials include a variety of assessment opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of the grade-level standards and shifts. Assessments are both informal and formal and in a variety of modalities, including formal assessments, writing prompts, and discussions. Each lesson culminates with a check-in routine, which allows students to reflect on their new knowledge or share what they have learned with a partner. The instructional materials provide multiple accommodations to ensure students can access assessments and demonstrate knowledge without changing assessment content. Teachers can find support in the Equitable Access to Instruction Handbook, the Assessment Handbook, and within daily lessons.
Indicator 3I
Assessment information is included in the materials to indicate which standards are assessed.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 partially meet the criteria for Indicator 3i.
Materials contain a comprehensive assessment handbook, which includes information about various assessment options, a guide for providing instruction, and a list of forms to use while assessing students. Formal assessments included in the program, such as Universal Screeners, Placement & Diagnostic Assessments, Fluency Assessments, Unit Assessments, and Benchmark Assessments. Materials do not always include the standards being assessed. The Unit and Benchmark Assessments available in the Online Assessment Center include question-level standard alignment information, but this does not exist for printable versions of those assessments. Informal assessments that occur within lessons include standards for the lesson but do not include specific standards for the tasks being assessed.
Materials do not consistently identify the standards and practices assessed for formal assessments. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 5, Week 4, Lesson 7, students publish and present their personal narratives. The standards listed for the day include speaking and listening standards; however, the rubric assesses narrative writing standards and skills.
In Unit 6, Week 4, Lesson 7, students publish and present a fictional narrative piece. The standards listed for the day include speaking and listening standards; however, the rubric assesses narrative writing standards and skills.
In the Online Assessment Center, teachers can access the Unit and Benchmark Assessments, which include question-level standards alignment. For example, in the Unit Assessment, Grade 4, U1, Question 14 is aligned to standard RL.4.3. Each question is also aligned to a skill and DOK level.
Indicator 3J
Assessment system provides multiple opportunities throughout the grade, course, and/or series to determine students' learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance and suggestions for follow-up.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 3j.
Materials include an assessment system that provides multiple ways for students to demonstrate learning. Formal and informal assessments provided throughout the school year generate results to guide instruction. Materials provide teachers with detailed information including, but not limited to, assessment guidance for interpreting student performance, rubrics, answer keys, scoring guidelines, and suggestions for follow-up. Units and lessons identify opportunities in which students have self-assessment tasks and teacher-student evaluation meetings. Handbooks, guides, charts, and videos such as the Assessment Components and Resources Chart, Assessment Handbook, Placement Diagnostic Assessment book, Assessment Administration Guide, Know Your Reports User Guide, and Prepare Students for Online Assessments guide as well as the Teacher Edition support increasing teacher capacity for assessing and analyzing student performance.
Assessment system provides multiple opportunities to determine students’ learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Book includes initial screening assessments and assessments that can be given throughout the year to monitor student progress. For example, placement assessment information guides implementation and next steps based on student results. Oral Reading Fluency Assessment and the Reading Comprehension Tests are suggested for students in grades four through six: “If a student scores in the 50th percentile or higher on the Oral Reading Fluency Assessment and 80 percent correct or higher on the Reading Comprehension Tests, then begin instruction with Wonders On Level materials. Use Beyond Level materials for students who score high on placement assessments and easily complete On Level assignments.”
The Assessment Administration Guide includes informal assessment resources. An ELA Interactive Observations Rubric can be found in the online Teacher Workspace. The guide states, “Each rubric appears on one screen and includes the two to three skills for the week or genre study…Each skill is broken into a four-point scale for assessment.”
In the Teacher Edition, Unit 1, Week 1, Lesson 1, students complete a Student Check-In, which includes the suggestion for teachers, “Have partners talk about how people can protect themselves from avalanches. Then ask them to reflect using the Check-in routine.”
Assessment system provides multiple opportunities to determine students’ learning and suggestions to teachers for following-up with students. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Assessment Handbook includes information for the Critchlow Verbal Language Scales. This assessment is given to students at any time to determine students whose English vocabulary level is below grade level. The materials provide guidance regarding steps taken after administration and scoring: “Students who score below grade level should be further evaluated to determine whether the low score is due to language skills or a cognitive deficiency… The scoring scale for this assessment is not useful for students who are English Language Learners.”
The Assessment Administration Guide includes support for the Check for Success component of a whole-group lesson, “Check for Success guides that appear in whole-group lessons point to specific reteaching and extension lessons that support the skill. You can use the Yes/No prompts to help guide your decisions about which lessons are appropriate to focus on for certain students during small-group instruction.”
The Know Your Reports User Guide includes suggestions for what to do when student scores are declining, “Identify upcoming Wonders lessons that address this skill/standard and allow more instructional time for teaching and practicing this skill. Provide language support when needed as students engage with increasingly complex text. Plan targeted skills support one-on-one or in a small-group setting using resources in the Recommendations Report. Refer to the Recommendations Report to identify and assign games for students to practice skills independently when visiting the Student Workspace.”
Indicator 3K
Assessments include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of grade-level/course-level standards and shifts across the series.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 3k.
Materials include a variety of assessment opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of the grade-level standards and shifts. Assessments are both informal and formal and in a variety of modalities, including formal assessments, writing prompts, and discussions. Each lesson culminates with a check-in routine, which allows students to reflect on their new knowledge or share what they have learned with a partner. The Assessment Handbook also includes information on student portfolios. Students collect work that supports progress as a reader and provides “formative information” in a Developmental portfolio.
Assessments include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of grade-level/course-level standards and shifts across the series. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The materials include an Assessment Handbook that details all of the formative and summative assessment options available in the program, including universal screeners, placement and diagnostic assessments, fluency assessments, progress monitoring assessments, unit assessments, and benchmark assessments. A table indicates which assessments are available for each of these purposes, the reading component measured, the grade levels, the type of test, when to give the assessment, and how to administer the assessment.
In the Assessment Handbook, the materials indicate that teachers can have students develop portfolios of their work over the year to show both development and their best work. A development portfolio “contains examples of the writing process and samples from the beginning, middle, and end of the year.” A portfolio used to showcase a student’s best work shows what a student has learned. Portfolios can also be used to “connect students’ learning from unit to unit. Students are able to choose certain pieces of work from the previous unit and then reflect on them.”
Across the year, the materials provide a unit assessment in every unit, along with twice-yearly benchmark assessments with questions aligned to the standards. Both the unit and benchmark assessments contain primarily multiple-choice type questions and some short answer questions. For example, in the Unit 5 assessment, question 9 asks students to respond to the short answer question, “What two ways does the map contribute to the understanding of the passage? Include evidence from the passage in your response.” This question is aligned to standard RI.4.7: “Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g. in charts, graphs, diagrams, timelines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages) and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears.”
In Unit 3, Week 4, Lesson 10, students write and then present an essay demonstrating their knowledge of the essential question, “Why is it important for people to believe they can make a difference?” The accompanying rubric assesses students’ knowledge of grade-level appropriate writing and speaking, and listening skills and is aligned to the standards listed for the lesson.
In Unit 5, Week 6, Connect to Content Lessons 1–2, the materials direct teachers to do a formative assessment by having students share what they wrote on their Venn diagrams and the results of their magnetic experiment. Students then reflect using the Check-In Routine.
Indicator 3L
Assessments offer accommodations that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills without changing the content of the assessment.
Materials provide multiple accommodations to ensure students can access assessments and demonstrate knowledge without changing assessment content. Teachers can find support in the Equitable Access to Instruction Handbook, the Assessment Handbook, and within daily lessons. The Assessment Handbook includes general accommodation information and suggestions for how much and what type of assistance to provide during assessments. The Equitable Access to Instruction guide includes information for ELL support and visual and audio enhancements for students who struggle or have learning disabilities and require alternative options to reflect understanding.
Materials offer accommodations that ensure all students can access the assessment (e.g., text to speech, increased font size) without changing the content of the assessment. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Student online instructional materials include accommodations that do not impact content, like page view, zoom features, audio support, and highlight.
The materials provide multimedia presentations and include accommodations that do not impact content, like audio support, turtle icons, rabbit icons, and closed captioning.
Materials include guidance for teachers on the use of provided accommodations. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Assessment Handbook lists suggestions to help teachers determine the type of assistance during assessments, “Assistance should be unrelated to the skills and learning. Assistance should not mean changing the skills and learning itself. For instance, if you read a passage to a child, demonstrating understanding becomes listening comprehension, not reading comprehension.”
The Equitable Access to Instruction guide lists suggestions to support students with hearing disabilities during media presentations: “Consider providing a transcript of the audio narration along with the video so that students with hearing disabilities can follow along easily with the rest of the class. Alternatively, closed captioning services, which are available online for free or at a low cost, can provide hearing-challenged students with text.”
The Equitable Access to Instruction guide lists recommendations to help struggling learners and students with disabilities demonstrate understanding. Teachers provide students with options for demonstrating understanding of content or skills such as, presentations to be submitted, recorded, or presented (e.g., through PowerPoint, Prezi, Camtasia, etc.); computer screen recordings, videos (e.g., video blogs), audio Recordings (e.g., podcasts), maps, sentence starters, diagrams, photographs, illustrations, and computer-generated graphics; webpages, animations, lab reports, digital storytelling, varied essay styles, timelines, performances, and other student options.
Criterion 3.3: Student Supports
The program includes materials designed for each student’s regular and active participation in grade-level/grade-band/series content.
Materials provide learning strategies and supports for students in special populations. In each lesson, there is a Differentiated Reading sidebar, which provides suggested supports to help students approaching level, on-level, and beyond-level access to the grade-level text. In addition, the Differentiated Reading sidebar includes ways to help English Language Learners access grade-level content and standards. The instructional materials regularly provide extensions to engage in literacy content and concepts at a greater depth for students who read, write, speak, and/or listen above grade level. Across the school year, materials provide exposure and access to challenging texts and tasks to increase critical reading skills, such as interpreting and analyzing texts. Materials provide varied approaches to learning tasks, as well as variety in how students demonstrate their learning and monitor their performance. Throughout the year, students learn and demonstrate their learning through discussions, writing, and completing written pages. Materials provide a variety of grouping strategies throughout each unit and lesson across the school year. Students can engage in pairs or small groups to discuss, read, write, present, peer evaluate, and play games. Specific teacher guidance is found in lesson segments and details how and when to use specific grouping strategies. Materials provide strategies, support, and multiple opportunities for English Language Learners to participate in grade-level activities. In addition to the “Dual Language” section in the Resources Library, materials provide lesson-specific scaffolding daily to help ELL students meet or exceed grade-level standards. Materials provide a balance of drawings and realistic images representing different demographic and physical characteristics of the characters. Across the year, positive representations of all individuals are found in the illustrations and avoid stereotypes and biases toward underrepresented groups or individuals. The content supports strengthening a student’s sense of identity and promoting equity and inclusion while engaging students in learning. Materials guide teachers to draw upon student home language to facilitate learning. The Language Transfers Handbook includes a sound transfer chart, a grammar transfer chart, and examples of cognates. This handbook also provides background knowledge and suggestions for teachers to help students as they learn another language. Materials provide guidance and support across the year to encourage teachers to draw upon student cultural and social backgrounds to facilitate learning. The Resource Library contains three resources, the Language Transfers Handbook, a Culturally Responsive Teacher Guidance document, and the Equitable Access to Instruction guide. The Language Transfers Handbook provides teachers with assistance to make linguistic connections that support students increasing their knowledge of English.
Indicator 3M
Materials provide strategies and supports for students in special populations to work with grade-level content and to meet or exceed grade-level standards that will support their regular and active participation in learning English language arts and literacy.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 3m.
Materials provide learning strategies and supports for students in special populations. In each lesson, there is a Differentiated Reading sidebar, which provides suggested support to help students approaching level, on-level, and beyond level access the grade-level text. In addition, the Differentiated Reading Sidebar also includes ways to help English Language Learners access grade-level content and standards. The Equitable Access to Instruction Guide has multiple strategies that teachers can employ to support the various levels of students in the classroom.
Materials regularly provide strategies, supports, and resources for students in special populations to support their regular and active participation in grade-level literacy work. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 3, Week 3, Lesson 4, students read Delivering Justice: W.W. Law and the Fight for Civil Rights by Jim Haskins. In the “Differentiated Reading” sidebar, the materials guide teachers to differentiate. This includes listening to the selection summary and using the reread prompts during small-group time for students approaching level or completing the reread prompts in pairs or independently if they are on level or beyond. It suggests that students who are English Language Learners listen to a summary of the selection in the many available languages.
In Unit 6, Lesson 2, Week 1, during the Read the Text segment of the lesson, support is provided for students at beginning/early intermediate language proficiency to use the Scaffolded Shared Read routine and Glossary to help partners work together to support their understanding of narrative nonfiction. Intermediate/Advanced students are to use the Interactive Question-Response routine to help them understand narrative nonfiction.
Under the Resource Tab in the Professional Development section, the Equitable Access to Instruction Guide provides strategies to support teachers as they differentiate instruction for students. The overview states, “Equity in the classroom is crucial to the success of all students, particularly those who struggle or have disabilities. The resources in this module help teachers meet the needs of students with disabilities. The videos and PDFs detail strategies for implementing differentiated instruction, and they explain how to use technology to adapt the curriculum to suit the individual learner. Several resources focus on identifying classroom accommodations for students with targeted instructional needs. Included are strategies for providing explicit explanations and setting realistic expectations, thus accelerating student performance.”
Indicator 3N
Materials regularly provide extensions to engage with literacy content and concepts at greater depth for students who read, write, speak, and/or listen above grade level.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 3n.
Materials regularly provide extensions to engage in literacy content and concepts at a greater depth for students who read, write, speak, and/or listen above grade level. Across the school year, materials provide exposure and access to challenging texts and tasks to increase critical reading skills, such as interpreting and analyzing texts. Students can access differentiated spelling lists, leveled readers, and differentiated assignments. Literacy tasks are based on higher-order questions and actively involve students in speaking, listening, discussing, and writing about complex texts. The Teacher Edition includes Differentiated Reading and Writing boxes and guidance on how to use whole-group lessons to support beyond-level students.
Materials provide multiple opportunities for advanced students to investigate the grade-level content at a higher level of complexity. Materials are free of instances of advanced students doing more assignments than their classmates. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Week 3, Lesson 2, the shared read is The Talent Show (author not cited) for Beyond Level students. Materials direct teachers to have students “Think about the different ways Maura solved her problem with Tina in the story. Brainstorm different ways others can resolve conflicts in their own lives. Write a scene for a play that shows different approaches people can take to solve problems.”
In Unit 4, Week 2, Lesson 8, students read “Get Involved (author not cited). The Beyond Level section includes various activities to support advanced students, such as “Write a Journal Entry From the point of view of a community volunteer, write a journal entry that explains why they got involved in a community service project.”
In Unit 5, Week 5, Lesson 1, students read a leveled reader, Treks Through Time (author not cited). The Beyond Level section includes activities to support advanced students, such as “Have students work with a partner to write a paragraph about how archaeologists collaborate with descendant communities. Have them include at least two details from the text.”
Indicator 3O
Materials provide varied approaches to learning tasks over time and variety in how students are expected to demonstrate their learning with opportunities for for students to monitor their learning.
Materials include an arsenal of approaches to maximize student learning opportunities. Students have multiple ways to process and learn new information, including individual and partner reading, small group and whole-class discussion, investigations, opportunities to problem solve, and a variety of supports to deepen understanding. The program includes visual, auditory, reading, writing, and kinesthetic learning modalities to support different learning styles. There are opportunities for self-reflection, peer review, and teacher feedback. Students have the opportunity to monitor their learning and understanding.
Materials provide multi-modal opportunities for students to question, investigate, sense-make, and problem-solve using a variety of formats and methods. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Week 3, Lesson 3, students conduct research for two weeks regarding a problem in their community. Then students write a formal letter to a local or state government about the problem.
Students have opportunities to share their thinking, to demonstrate changes in their thinking over time, and to apply their understanding in new contexts. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Week 4, Lesson 2, students reread two texts and have discussions about what they learned from the two texts and how the texts are similar and different from each other.
Materials leverage the use of a variety of formats and methods over time to deepen student understanding and ability to explain and apply literacy ideas. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 6, Week 6, Lesson 5, students participate in a Build Knowledge Routine and document the facts and details that they learned to help them respond to the essential question of the text set. This routine is done after every text and encourages students to demonstrate understanding in multiple ways, including, but not limited to, talking about the text, writing about the text, adding to an anchor chart, and adding to a vocabulary list.
Materials provide for ongoing review, practice, self-reflection, and feedback. Materials provide multiple strategies, such as oral and/or written feedback, peer or teacher feedback, and self-reflection. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Throughout each lesson, the materials provide sidebar information for the teacher to provide opportunities for students to reflect, called “Student Check-In.” For example, in Unit 6, Week 5, Lesson 1, the materials direct teachers to “Have partners talk about how each poem helps them understand what shapes the speaker’s identity. Then ask them to reflect using the Check-In Routine.” According to the Teacher’s Edition, the Check-In Routine consists of the following steps:
“Review the lesson learning goal.
Reflect on the activity.
Self-Assess by
filling in the bars in the Reading/Writing Companion
holding up 1, 2, 3, or 4 fingers
Share with your teacher.”
Materials provide a clear path for students to monitor and move their own learning. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
At the end of each unit, students set their own learning goals as they move into the next unit of instruction. For example, in Unit 4, Week 6, Lesson 5, the materials direct teachers to “Have students set their own learning goal for the next unit. Ask partners or small groups to flip through Unit 5 of the Reading/Writing Companion to get an idea of what to expect.”
Indicator 3P
Materials provide opportunities for teachers to use a variety of grouping strategies.
Materials provide a variety of grouping strategies throughout each unit and lesson across the school year. Students can engage in pairs or small groups to discuss, read, write, present, peer evaluate, and play games. Specific teacher guidance is found in lesson segments and provides details on how and when to use specific grouping strategies. The Instructional Routines Handbook provides guidance on grouping students in various formats during activities such as Collaborative Conversations, Shared Read Routine, Literature Circles, Peer Conferences, Author Study, and Book Club Chat. The “Managing Small Groups: A How-To Guide” handbook supports teachers by explaining how to group students using data.
Materials provide grouping strategies for students. Materials provide for varied types of interaction among students. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 3, Lesson 3, Week 2, during guided practice, students work with partners to read and discuss the text. Pairs circulate to discuss how the text uses a problem and solution text structure.
In Unit 4, Lesson 1, Week 3, during the Build Knowledge lesson segment, students work with partners or small groups to respond to the prompt, “How does technology affect your life?”
In Unit 5, Lesson 2, Week 4, student pairs locate idioms in their readings or other resources and read and explain the meaning of each to the class.
Materials provide guidance for the teacher on grouping students in a variety of grouping formats. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Instructional Routines Handbook, guidance for Peer Conferences states, “Provide your students with consistent opportunities to discuss with another student what they are reading. This allows them to exchange ideas about what they are learning and how they are growing as readers. In addition, it offers a valuable chance for you to listen in to students sharing their thinking about their reading with others. Pair two (or three) students. You might want to group students who are reading the same text or texts on the same topic or theme. Rehearse with students what these collaborative conversations should look like and sound like. By using a gradual release of responsibility, you can ensure that students will be focused when they are meeting with a peer to discuss their reading. Provide students with specific guidelines to ensure that students will use the time productively. Use the Peer Conferencing handouts on pages 126–128 to model with students.”
In the Instructional Routines Handbook, guidance for an Author Study states, “Have students form an independent study group and choose an author to study. Have students choose two pieces of work by the author and read the selections independently. Students should have collaborative conversations about their reading each week in which they can choose a character and compare their traits; compare and contrast themes; compare the author’s purpose; compare text structures; compare poetic devices or the use of figurative language and the effect it has on the mood of a text. Remind students to use text evidence to support their ideas.”
In Unit 5, Lesson 4, Week 3, group guidance is provided in the practice/apply segment of the lesson stating, “Have students take turns partner-reading the passage and listening for tone and phrasing. Ask them to give constructive feedback on their partner’s tone and phrasing.”
Indicator 3Q
Materials provide strategies and supports for students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English to meet or exceed grade-level standards to regularly participate in learning English language arts and literacy.
The materials reviewed for Grade 4 meet the criteria for Indicator 3q.
Materials provide varied support and strategies to help ELL students participate in English Language Arts tasks and meet or exceed grade-level standards. Across the year, daily lessons provide strategic methods for making grade-level materials and resources comprehensible for English language learners. Definitions for key terms and questions to elicit deeper understanding of texts read in class and sentence stems are provided to assist students as they read grade-level texts. Materials direct teachers to explicitly model how to think deeper about a text. The English Language Learners Writing Workshops and English Language Learners Language Development Options provide steps to support students, including providing guidance about focusing on single chunks of texts to support comprehension and language development.
Materials consistently provide strategies and supports for students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English to meet or exceed grade-level standards through regular and active participation in grade-level literacy work. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Week 3, Lesson 1, students read “The Talent Show” (author not cited). In the ELL Spotlight on Language, guidance states, “Check to ensure that students understand the meaning of act. Read the paragraph with students. Say: In a talent show people act, or give performances. Point out that the word act has different meanings. It could mean ‘a performance’ or ‘a section of a long play.’ As an action word, act can also mean ‘to play a role in a drama.’ Have students read the sentence. Ask: What does act mean in this sentence? (performance) Point to the illustration on page 38 and ask: What act is Tina going to perform? (a juggling act) Have students talk about acts in talent shows they have seen using the word act. (Responses will vary).”
In Unit 2, Week 1, Lesson 3, students listen to a teacher think-aloud, participate in a think-aloud, and summarize a text. In the English Language Learners section, the guidance states, “Some students may need support understanding complex syntax they hear from teachers and peers. Encourage them to always seek clarification when encountering words or phrases that do not make sense to them. For example, I don’t understand how the spider can taste things. Can you explain this part?”
In the Guiding Principles for Supporting English Learners, guidance states, “This whitepaper explains the nine guiding principles that McGraw-Hill Education has developed and followed for supporting English Learners at all grade levels and in all disciplines.”
Indicator 3R
Materials provide a balance of images or information about people, representing various demographic and physical characteristics.
The instructional materials provide a balance of drawings and realistic images representing different demographic and physical characteristics of the characters. Across the year, the materials include positive representations of all individuals in the illustrations and images and avoid stereotypes and biases toward underrepresented groups or individuals. The content supports strengthening a student’s sense of identity, promoting equity and inclusion, and engaging students in learning. Students have a variety of opportunities to demonstrate success and understanding.
Materials and assessments depict different individuals of different genders, races, ethnicities, and other physical characteristics. Depictions of demographics or physical characteristics are portrayed positively across the series. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Week 2, students read “A New President Takes Office” (author not cited). The text includes a picture of the first African- American President of the United States, Barack Obama.
In Unit 5, Weeks 3–4, Lesson 1, Reading/Writing Companion, students build knowledge about the Essential Question, “In what ways do people show they care about each other?” The image accompanying the activity depicts a young boy pushing an older man in a wheelchair, both appear to be of Asian descent.
Materials and assessments balance positive portrayals of demographics or physical characteristics. Materials avoid stereotypes or language that might be offensive to a particular group. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Weeks 3–4, Lesson 1, students build knowledge about the Essential Question, “How do your actions affect others?” The image accompanying the activity in the Reading/Writing Companion features two girls of varying skin tones and hair colors telling a secret.
In Unit 5, Week 1, students read “Sadie’s Game” about a girl with a health impairment due to an accident and the great relationship she has with her older brother. Included in the story are details about Sadie playing basketball before and after her accident.
Materials provide representations that show students that they can succeed in the subject, going beyond just showing photos of diverse students not engaged in work related to the context of the learning. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Week 6, Lesson 2, students read “Bullying: It’s Against the Law,” a TIME For Kids digital story. This story depicts individuals of various skin tones and provides students with information about bullying laws per state and ways they can stop bullying.
In Unit 3, Weeks 5-6, Extended Writing 2, the Reading/Writing Companion includes a model argumentative essay. An inset picture shows a girl with pigtail braids writing on lined paper.
Indicator 3S
Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student home language to facilitate learning.
Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student home language to facilitate learning. The Language Transfers Handbook includes a sound transfer chart, a grammar transfer chart, and examples of cognates. This handbook also provides background knowledge and suggestions for teachers to help students as they learn a second language. In addition, the program also includes a Bridge to English section, which connects students’ English skills with Spanish. Each section provides examples of transferable and non-transferable language skills that students can use as they acquire English. It provides students of varying English proficiency levels opportunities to interact as they develop their English language skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Lastly, in the differentiated section of each lesson, teachers are provided with cognates with vocabulary words in the ELL Academic Lessons section to help students understand the pronunciation and meaning of new words.
Materials provide suggestions and strategies to use the home language to support students in learning ELA. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Resource Library, the Language Transfers Handbook provides teachers with a sample lesson on cognates to help students use their native language to identify words.
In Unit 2, Week 5, a Bridge to English segment reviews the transferable and non-transferable skills. The transferable skills are that both English and Spanish have adverbs and adverbial phrases to modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. The non-transferable skills are the digraphs ph and gh are not used in Spanish to express the /f/ sound.
In Unit 5, Week 5, a Bridge to English segment explains to students that while many words in English and Spanish start with the/s/ sound, Spanish words do not begin with an s-based, two-, or three-letter consonant blend.
In Unit 3, Week 3, Lesson 2, the Differentiated Instruction section includes the Spanish cognates for the English words synonym and perspective.
Materials present multilingualism as an asset in reading, but students are not explicitly encouraged to develop home language literacy and to use their home language strategically for learning how to negotiate texts in the target language. Teacher materials include guidance on how to garner information that will aid in learning, including the family’s preferred language of communication, schooling experiences in other languages, literacy abilities in other languages, and previous exposure to academic or everyday English. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Language Transfers Handbook provides teachers with strategies for supporting students as they learn English orthography. This handbook contains charts for phonemes that may cause a problem for speakers of specific languages. For example, the Sound Transfer Chart identifies the transferable and non-transferable sounds between English and Spanish, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Hmong, Korean, Tagalog, Arabic, Urdu, Russian, Hatian-Creole, and French.
The Language Transfers Handbook provides teachers with strategies for supporting students as they learn English syntax. The handbook suggests that teachers highlight the transferable skills if the group of students all speak the same native language.
In the Resource Library, there are a variety of videos that promote using the students’ home language, including “Bridging Lessons: Transferring Learning Between Languages” with Peggy Cerna and “Building First Language Proficiency” with Dr. Josefina Tinajero.
Indicator 3T
Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student cultural and social backgrounds to facilitate learning.
The instructional materials provide guidance and support across the year to encourage teachers to draw upon students’ cultural and social backgrounds to facilitate learning. The Resource Library contains three resources, the Language Transfers Handbook, a Culturally Responsive Teacher Guidance document, and the Equitable Access to Instruction guide. The Language Transfers Handbook provides teachers with assistance to make linguistic connections that support increasing their knowledge of English. The Culturally Responsive Teacher Guidance document cultivates critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Teachers receive equity guidance through the Equitable Access to Instruction guide, which includes options for student choice during independent work. Opportunities for students to share personal home experiences to enhance their understanding of various concepts are present in the materials.
Materials make connections to the linguistic, cultural, and conventions used in learning ELA. Materials make connections to the linguistic and cultural diversity to facilitate learning. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Language Transfers Handbook, the following guidance is provided to support students in making connections to their home language to learn English: “Help students whose first language shares cognates with English draw on their first language knowledge by teaching how to use cognate knowledge: Explain that cognates are words that look similar, sound similar, and share meanings across some languages. Explain that many words have multiple meanings, and sometimes cognates share one meaning but not others. Explain that sometimes words look and/or sound alike but are not cognates. Pie is an example. It means ‘foot’ in Spanish but ‘a type of pastry’ in English. Model differences and similarities in sounds and letters, for example, mysterious and misterioso. Ask students whose first language shares cognate status with English to pronounce the pairs and note similarities and differences in sounds. Ask students to find letters in the pairs that are similar. Give students the opportunity to find cognates in authentic text. Ask students to check to see if the meaning of the word in their first language makes sense in the English sentence. Check a dictionary to confirm.”
In the Newcomer Teacher Guide, there are three lessons for each newcomer card topic. The lessons include reading and writing activities to help students transition into the English-speaking classroom.
In Unit 5, Week 5, Lesson 1, students read “The Founding of Jamestown” from TIME for Kids. The materials provide ELA Academic Language to support English Language Learners, including the terms chronology, proverb, sidebar, and summarize. The materials also provide the cognates to some terms, including cronología and proverbio.
Materials include teacher guidance on how to engage culturally diverse students in the learning of ELA. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Resources section, the Becoming a Culturally Responsive Teacher document includes a selection of resources to help teachers achieve the goals listed in the document: “respect my students’ preferences and honor their experiences, provide rigorous instruction that invites critical thinking, acknowledge bias and privilege, own my own learning, communicate positive intentions, avoid assumptions, reject color blindness, consider context, be open to being wrong, get comfortable with discomfort, and create a classroom that offers the opportunity to achieve academic excellence to all.”
In the Resources section, the Becoming a Culturally Responsive Teacher document includes a model lesson section teachers can apply to their lessons. This scaffolded lesson plan includes suggestions regarding a culturally-responsive essential question, objectives, sensitivities, key vocabulary, building background by introducing the concept, and after reading optional activities that extend the concept. In addition, this lesson format includes teacher tips, expanding your classroom library, and resources. The document also contains suggestions on how to use these model lessons, namely as supplements, to provide historical and cultural background and to explore identity and social justice.
Materials include equity guidance and opportunities. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Equitable Access to Instruction guide, support to use multiple media for expression states, “Provide alternative media for expression. Creating options for students reduces barriers to expression while developing a wider range of articulation. Video and audio are common tools, but don’t forget simple pictures, graphics, and images. Build further scaffolds through audio. Cartoons, drawings, picture books, and interactive timelines offer various media alternatives.”
In the Teacher Edition, student choice for independent work guidance states, “Independent Work-In addition to reading independently from texts listed above or those of their own choice, students have options for independent work time, including responding to reading in their writer’s notebooks, completing Workstation Activity Cards, reading with a partner, participating in literature circles or peer reading conferences, and preparing a book talk.”
Materials include opportunities for students to feel “acknowledged,” such as tasks based on customs of other cultures; sections provided in multiple languages such as the glossary, digital materials, family letters; etc. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Glossaries for students are provided in several languages, specifically an English-French glossary, an English-Hmong glossary, an English-Korean glossary, an English-Arabic glossary, an English-Portuguese glossary, an English-Spanish glossary, an English-Chinese glossary, an English-Urdu glossary, an English-Russian glossary, an English-Vietnamese glossary, an English-Tagalog glossary, and an English-Haitian Creole glossary.
Materials include prompts where students are encouraged to share how they (or their parents) do things at home or use information to create personal problems, etc. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 3, Week 1, Lesson 1, a Blast Assignment entitled “Let’s Pitch In” requires students to respond to the following prompt and poll question, “Why are volunteers an important part of the community? How would you like to improve your community?”
In Unit 5, Week 1, Lesson 1, a Blast Assignment entitled “How Old is Your Water?” requires students to respond to the following prompt and poll question, “What can you discover when you follow a drop of water through the water cycle? What is the most important activity that you use water for everyday?”
Indicator 3U
This is not an assessed indicator in ELA.
Indicator 3V
This is not an assessed indicator in ELA.
Criterion 3.4: Intentional Design
The program includes a visual design that is engaging and references or integrates digital technology, when applicable, with guidance for teachers.
The program integrates technology in various ways that provide opportunities for engagement, support, and customization. Interactive technology tools can be found that encourage a more engaging and supportive learning environment, such as the option for texts to be read aloud, games, and the ability to customize assignments. Age-appropriate digital tools are found throughout the materials to help students access the content and master the standards. Materials include digital opportunities for teachers and students to collaborate with each other. The materials allow the teacher to post assignments, projects, weekly learning goals, and messages. Students can view current and past messages posted by the teacher and respond to the teacher. The instructional materials provide a visual design to support students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject. The teacher’s edition is organized the same way in each unit, week, and lesson. The student edition is easy to navigate and has titles to help students navigate the curriculum. The visual design is age-appropriate and includes both realistic photographs as well as illustrations to support student learning. The instructional materials provide teacher guidance for using embedded technology to support and enhance student learning. Technology is used in a variety of purposeful ways. The materials include guidance to integrate technology to increase engagement and maximize student learning.
Indicator 3W
Materials integrate technology such as interactive tools, virtual manipulatives/objects, and/or dynamic software in ways that engage students in the grade-level/series standards, when applicable.
The program integrates technology in a variety of ways that provide opportunities for engagement, support, and customization. Interactive technology tools encourage an engaging and supportive learning environment such as the option for texts to be read aloud, games, and the ability to customize assignments. Age-appropriate digital tools are found throughout the materials to help students access the content and master the standards.
Digital technology and interactive tools, such as data collection tools, simulations, and/or modeling tools are available to students. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Reading/Writing Companion digital version, students can select a thumbs down, a sideways thumb, or a thumbs up for each check-in throughout the course.
There are Build Knowledge videos provided to help students learn about the topic of the unit.
Students can learn the weekly vocabulary words in the “Words to Know” digital tool. The tool introduces the vocabulary word, provides a definition, gives an example, and a question is asked with the word contained within the question. This tool allows students to listen to each of the components of the tool.
All texts can be found online and students can listen to the text. In addition, students can use a bookmark feature to mark a page. The online texts also have a visual glossary.
Digital tools support student engagement in ELA. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Resource Library, there are a variety of interactive graphic organizers. When the interactive version of the graphic organizer is selected, students can use the pencil tool to write on the graphic organizer.
Materials include Inquiry Space, which provides resources to support students in three research and inquiry projects. Teachers can assign and monitor guided digital projects related to specific units.
Digital materials can be customized for local use (i.e., student and/or community interests). Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
By selecting “Manage and Assign” from the menu, teachers can select “Make an Assignment” to create a new assignment for a select group of students or an entire class. Teachers have the option to add a title, directions, and resources such as ebooks, interactive games, and graphic organizers.
In the Online Assessment Center, teachers can either modify an existing assessment or create a new one. There are a variety of question types that teachers can choose from including multiple choice, short answer, fill in the blank, and essay.
Indicator 3X
Materials include or reference digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate with each other, when applicable.
The materials include digital opportunities for teachers and students to collaborate with each other. The materials allow the teacher to post assignments, projects, weekly learning goals, and messages. Students can view current and past messages posted by the teacher and respond to the teacher.
Materials include or reference digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate with each other, when applicable. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Student Dashboard provides students with the opportunity to collaborate with the teacher using the My Binder section. Here, students can view assignments and assessments that the teacher posts.
The Student Dashboard includes a “To Do” section, which lists specific tasks that students should practice and/or complete. There is a “Note to Teacher” box, which allows students to communicate directly with the teacher.
The Student Dashboard allows students to collaborate with the teacher in the Writing and Research section. Students can view topics and projects assigned by the teacher. The teacher can also pose questions, and students can respond to the question, see the responses of their classmates, and respond to their peers’ comments.
The Student Dashboard includes a Home to School Section where students and families can view messages, word activities, learning goals, and spelling lists the teacher posts.
Indicator 3Y
The visual design (whether in print or digital) supports students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject, and is neither distracting nor chaotic.
The Instructional materials provide a visual design to support students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject. The teacher’s edition is organized similarly in each unit, week, and lesson. The student edition is easy to navigate and has titles to help students navigate the curriculum. The visual design is age-appropriate and includes both realistic photographs as well as illustrations to support student learning. Text boxes provide additional information for students to help them understand the topics, content, and texts. The table of contents, glossary, and table headers are easy to understand and navigate.
Images, graphics, and models support student learning and engagement without being visually distracting. Images, graphics, and models clearly communicate information or support student understanding of topics, texts, or concepts. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Core instruction provides pre-teaching with every lesson to activate prior knowledge and includes photographs and videos to support student learning. This allows students to collaborate by filling in graphic organizers and recording ideas.
Instruction is presented in multiple media formats to engage all learners. The guidance states, “Inquiry Space projects guide students through a step-by-step process of completing more complex performance tasks. Tasks include an array of multimedia tools in the toolkit to support students. Research and Inquiry projects offer students options to create projects in multiple media, such as text, speech, drawing, illustration, visual art, and music.”
Teacher and student materials are consistent in layout and structure across lessons/modules/units. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The digital teacher edition is organized with units, weeks, and lessons. Each day is organized with a weekly concept, Essential Question, reading, differentiated instruction, and writing.
The digital student edition is organized with My Binder, Writing & Research, Resources, School to Home, Notes, Glossary, To Do, Words to Know, Write, Games, and Read.
A weekly phonics lesson is presented to support students in decoding multisyllabic words and is integrated with reading instruction.
Resources are provided for daily fluency practice, including Shared Reads in the Reading/Writing Companion, Differentiated Genre Passages, Leveled Readers, and Reader’s Theatre plays.
Echo reading, choral reading, cloze reading, and structured partner reading are used consistently as effective fluency practice techniques.
Organizational features (Table of Contents, glossary, index, internal references, table headers, captions, etc.) in the materials are clear, accurate, and error-free. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Resources tab contains a glossary. The glossary includes words such as “celebrate,” where the word and definition are spoken when the video’s play button is clicked. In addition, there is a definition of the word along with a picture and a section entitled Routine that offers opportunities for students to use this word.
The Table of Contents in the student textbook includes images, text, and colors to help all students access the necessary materials. For example, “To Do” includes a paper with a checkmark and is contained within a green circle. The text is visible when a student hovers over the icon.
Indicator 3Z
Materials provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning, when applicable.
The instructional materials provide teacher guidance for using embedded technology to support and enhance student learning. Technology is used in a variety of purposeful ways. The materials include guidance to integrate technology to increase engagement and maximize student learning. Technology resources to support student learning include but are not limited to presentations, games, and videos.
Materials provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning, when applicable. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Teacher’s Online Dashboard includes daily presentations with resources that teachers can display on a whiteboard or other tool.
In Unit 1, Week 1, Lesson 1, students examine the Essential Question, “How do people respond to natural disasters?” Teacher guidance states, “Watch the Video, play the video without sound first. Have partners narrate what they see. Then replay the video with sound as students listen. Talk About the Video, have partners discuss how people respond to natural disasters. Write About the Video, and have students add their ideas to the Build Knowledge pages of their reader’s notebooks.”
In Unit 3, Week 5, Lesson 2, students use research to create a slideshow. Teacher guidance states, “Identify sources, Work with students to scan books and websites to find examples of technological advances in farming. Then help students locate reliable print and digital resources for their research, such as books, magazines, and websites that include information about technological advances in farming. Organize and Synthesize Information Show students how to analyze their information, including images, video, and audio. Discuss what they might use in their slideshow and ways they might organize the information.”