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- EdReports evaluates materials based on the quality of their design: how well they structure evidence-based teaching and learning to support college and career-readiness. We do not assess their effectiveness in practice.
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Report Overview
Summary of Alignment & Usability: New Visions High School Biology | Science
Science High School
The materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations for Alignment. In Gateway 1, the materials partially meet expectations for Phenomena and Problems Drive Learning and Three-Dimensional Learning. In Gateway 2, the materials meet expectations for Coherence and Full Scope of the Three Dimensions.
High School
View Full ReportEdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Usability (Gateway 3)
Report for High School
Alignment Summary
The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations for Gateway 1: Designed for NGSS. Criterion 1: Phenomena and Problems Drive Learning partially meets expectations. Phenomena and problems are present, connected to DCIs, and presented to students as directly as possible. The materials consistently elicit but inconsistently leverage student prior knowledge and experience related to the phenomena and problems present. Phenomena and problems drive learning and use of the three dimensions at both the learning sequence and learning opportunity levels, but not consistently. Criterion 2: Three Dimensional Learning partially meets expectations. The materials include three-dimensional learning opportunities and opportunities for student sensemaking with the three dimensions. While element-level three-dimensional learning objectives are present, student opportunities to use and develop the respective elements are not consistently present. The formative and summative assessments inconsistently measure the three dimensions for their respective objectives.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School meet expectations for Gateway 2: Coherence and Scope. The materials include nearly all publisher-claimed DCI elements encompassing all high school life science and some engineering, technology, and applications of science elements. The materials include all publisher-claimed grade-band SEP elements, with adequate opportunity for students to use practices repeatedly and in multiple contexts. The materials include nearly all of the publisher-claimed grade-band CCC elements and provide repeated opportunities for students to use CCCs across the course. The materials accurately represent the three dimensions across the course and only include scientific content appropriate to the grade band. While the materials demonstrate how the dimensions connect across and within units, as well as how student tasks increase in sophistication, these components are inconsistent.
High School
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Usability (Gateway 3)
Overview of Gateway 1
Designed for NGSS
The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations for Gateway 1: Designed for NGSS; Criterion 1: Phenomena and Problems Drive Learning partially meets expectations and Criterion 2: Three-Dimensional Learning partially meets expectations.
Gateway 1
Criterion 1.1: Phenomena and Problems Drive Learning
Materials leverage science phenomena and engineering problems in the context of driving learning and student performance.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations for Criterion 1: Phenomena and Problems Drive Learning. Within the program, all Units start with a problem or phenomenon and most Lessons contain a problem or phenomenon, either one that is novel or one that is a continuation from the Unit. Nearly all phenomena and problems require student use of grade-band DCIs and are presented in a direct way, usually through a brief text and in some cases with an accompanying data set, graph, video, or image. While student prior knowledge and experiences are often elicited during the initial presentation of the phenomenon or problem, space and time is not provided for those ideas to be leveraged. When present, phenomena or problems drive learning and incorporate the three dimensions in several instances. Discourse opportunities are consistently present.
The materials are designed to follow the BSCS 5E Instructional Model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate) and are presented over six Units. Each Unit consists of three or four 5E Sequence Lessons which are preceded by a Unit Opener and followed by a Unit Closing. Additionally, each Unit of instruction includes a Performance Task also presented within the Unit Opener or, in some cases, within the first 5E Sequence of instruction. Within each Lesson, students engage in various routines, several of which center around surfacing student ideas (Domino Discover, Idea Carousel), sensemaking (Questions Only, Rumors), and building consensus (Class Consensus Discussion).
Indicator 1A
Materials are designed to include both phenomena and problems.
The instructional materials reviewed for HS are designed for students to solve problems in 33% (2/6) Units and 0% (0/23) Lessons. Throughout the materials 83% (5/6) of the Units and 74% (17/23) of the Lessons focus on explaining phenomena. Across the program, students work toward explaining phenomena or solving problems in most learning opportunities.
The materials are designed to follow the BSCS 5E Instructional Model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate) and are presented over six Units. Each Unit consists of three or four 5E Sequence Lessons which are preceded by a Unit Opener and followed by a Unit Closing. Each 5E Sequence is expected to take five to ten 50-minute class periods to complete, while the Unit Opener and Unit Closing are expected to encompass one to three 50-minute class periods.
Multiple 5E Sequences throughout the materials include Lesson-level phenomena. These phenomena are generally introduced within the Engage phase of the 5E Lesson sequence. Of the 23 5E Sequences, 17 present a Lesson-level phenomenon, either one that is novel or one that is a continuation from the Unit Opener. For 5E Sequences that were identified as not containing Lesson-level phenomena, the materials typically refer students back to a Driving Question Board developed for the Unit-level phenomenon or problem, and prompt them to discuss a particular set of questions as a way of introducing these 5E Sequences. There are no Lesson-level problems in the materials.
The materials present Unit-level phenomena and problems within the Unit Opener of each Unit. Additionally, each Unit of instruction includes a Performance Task also presented within the Unit Opener or, in some cases, within the first 5E Sequence of instruction. In some instances, these Performance Tasks are an extension of the Unit-level problem or phenomenon and present opportunities for students to return to the Unit-level problem or phenomenon. In some cases, Lesson-level activities and phenomena are directly related to Unit-level phenomena. In other cases, novel Lesson-level activities and phenomena provide students with additional opportunities to integrate or apply new learning to Unit-level phenomena or problems. In one instance, a Performance Task presents a stand-alone novel Unit-level problem, aligned to the Unit-level phenomenon, for students to solve. In nearly all cases, presented Performance Tasks provide multiple opportunities for students to revisit Unit-level problems and phenomena.
Examples of problems in the course:
In Unit 2: Humans vs. Bacteria, the Unit-level problem is outbreaks of cholera, a preventable infectious disease, are making a resurgence. Within the instructional sequence, students investigate and examine immunity, disease transmission, antibiotic resistance, the effect of a healthy microbiome on infection, and disruptions to bacterial cooperation as factors in stemming a cholera outbreak. Students return to this problem as they develop and revise a strategy to prevent future outbreaks of the disease.
In Unit 3: Evolution of Sick Humans, the Unit-level problem is human bodies do not match the environment we live in. Within the instructional sequence, students investigate lactose digestion, the relationship between lactose digestion and genotype, and other mis-match diseases. Students return to this problem as they use what they have learned about genes, proteins, and evolution to design a school environment that addresses human mis-match diseases like lactose intolerance.
Examples of phenomena in the course:
In Unit 1: Marathon Runner, the Unit-level phenomenon is a marathon runner that becomes disoriented after completing a marathon, collapses, and later enters a coma. Within the instructional sequence, students investigate and model the physiological processes of thermoregulation, cellular respiration, and tonicity during physical activity in order to determine their impact on the marathon runner. Students return to this phenomenon as they revise their models to reflect data collected from the runner after the race and the students’ own investigations.
In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: Cooperation and Survival, the Lesson-level phenomenon is bacteria interact to form a biofilm. Within the instructional sequence, students observe bacterial behavior through a simulation, collect and identify evidence for the cooperative behavior of bacteria, and brainstorm how to leverage what they have learned to prevent infectious disease. Students return to this phenomenon as they construct a whole class explanation for the evolution of cooperative behaviors in bacteria.
In Unit 3: Evolution of Sick Humans, the Unit-level phenomenon is a high school student who recently immigrated from Japan gets sick from consuming dairy products, but her classmates do not. Within the instructional sequence, students investigate lactose digestion, the relationship between lactose digestion and genotype, and mutations in non-coding DNA. Students return to this phenomenon as they construct an explanation to relate the occurrence of lactase persistence to the effects of regulatory DNA.
In Unit 3, 5E Sequence: Lactase Persistence, the Lesson-level phenomenon is lactose intolerance rates vary by geographic region. Within the instructional sequence, students analyze a world map of lactose intolerance, investigate differences between adult and baby lactose digestion in humans, read a text that describes how humans digest dairy, and evaluate the DNA of several related persons for evidence of lactose intolerance. Students return to this phenomenon as they synthesize information about chromosomes, genes, proteins, and non-coding regions of DNA to explain why some populations have the ability to digest dairy into adulthood while others do not.
In Unit 4: Saving the Mountain Lion, the Unit-level phenomenon is that a mountain lion was sighted in Connecticut in a region where they were previously believed to be extinct. Within the instructional sequence, students analyze data and conduct investigations and research to learn about natural selection, genetic diversity, and genetic variation of mountain lions and related species. Students return to this phenomenon as they develop a possible explanation for how the mountain lion may have migrated from South Dakota to Connecticut.
In Unit 4, 5E Sequence: Genetic Variation, the Lesson-level phenomenon is Florida panthers have health problems like kinked tails, holes in their hearts, decreased resistance to parasites, and sex-linked reproductive issues. Within the Lesson, students examine and compare the genotypes of mountain lions from several regions within the United States and research biological processes and environmental factors that may contribute to abnormalities in the Florida panther. Students return to this phenomenon as they construct and support an explanation for the health problems present in Florida panther populations.
In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: Neolithic Revolution, the Lesson-level phenomenon is the human population has experienced increased growth throughout human history. Within the instructional sequence, students analyze how the human population has changed over time, investigate how different environmental factors impact mice populations, and examine the role of agriculture in human population growth. Students return to this phenomenon as they work together to construct an explanation for the sharp increase in human population growth.
In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Kelp Forest, the Lesson-level phenomenon is a single location can support alternating kelp forest and urchin barren ecosystems. Within the instructional sequence, students analyze data from sea urchin barrens and kelp forest ecosystems to identify key characteristics and ranges of both ecosystems and factors that can affect the stability and feedback mechanisms within the two systems. Students return to this phenomenon as they develop a model to demonstrate how kelp forest and urchin barren ecosystems can switch back and forth.
Indicator 1B
Phenomena and/or problems require student use of grade-band Disciplinary Core Ideas.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School meet expectations that phenomena and/or problems are connected to grade-band Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs). Throughout the program, the materials consistently provide opportunities that require student use of grade-band appropriate DCIs or their elements as they construct explanations and design solutions to presented phenomena and problems. In nearly all instances, presented phenomena and problems are directly tied to one or more grade-band life science DCIs. In one case, a phenomenon is presented that is not connected to a DCI.
Unit-level problems and phenomena frequently connect to multiple DCIs and their elements across multiple Lessons and the materials provide multiple opportunities for students to develop understanding of the DCIs as they engage with the phenomenon or problem through Lesson activities. Lesson-level phenomena frequently connect to one or two DCIs and their elements and are typically linked to student activities during the Explore and Explain phases of 5E Sequences. The materials do not present any Lesson-level problems.
Examples of problems and phenomena that are connected to grade-band DCIs:
In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Muscles and Energy, the phenomenon is that students experience pain and muscle fatigue after repeatedly extending their thumb and ring finger for one minute to stretch a rubber band. Students investigate changes in cellular respiration in a body at rest and after exercise and how blood glucose and insulin levels can be impacted/regulated in the body with food and exercise. They explore how the process of breaking down food and oxygen molecules can transport energy to muscles and release energy to maintain body temperature (DCI-LS1.C-H4) and how chemical elements are recombined in different ways within the body (DCI-LS1.C-H3).
In Unit 2: Humans vs. Bacteria, the problem is outbreaks of cholera, a preventable infectious disease, are making a resurgence. Within this Unit, students investigate the role of natural selection on a population's ability to survive in a particular environment as they explore how the variation and distribution of traits observed depends on both genetic and environmental factors (DCI-LS4.B-H2). Students also analyze human survival during the Black Death as they explore how the distribution of traits in a population can change when conditions change (DCI-LS4.C-H3). Students then examine antibiotic resistance in human populations as they explore how traits that positively affect survival are more likely to be reproduced and thus are more common in a population (DCI-LS4.B-H2).
In Unit 4: Saving the Mountain Lion, the phenomenon is a mountain lion was sighted in Connecticut in a region where they were previously believed to be extinct. Within this Unit, students analyze and interpret genetic information of five different populations of mountain lions as they explore the genetic diversity between organisms in a population (DCI-LS4.B-H1). Students then examine how the range of male cats may be a function of natural selection as they explore how traits that positively affect survival are more likely to be reproduced and thus are more common in a population (DCI-LS4.B-H2).
In Unit 4, 5E Sequence: Genetic Variation, the phenomenon is Florida panthers have health problems like kinked tails, holes in their hearts, and decreased resistance to parasites, and sex-linked reproductive issues. Within this 5E Sequence, students analyze genetic data of mountain lions and investigate the effects of inbreeding on a population of Florida panthers as they explore how DNA replication, though tightly regulated and remarkably accurate, can produce errors that result in mutations (DCI-LS3.B-H1).
In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: Neolithic Revolution, the phenomenon is the human population has experienced increased growth throughout human history. Within this 5E Sequence, students analyze simulated effects of various factors on the size of a population of mice as they explore how the availability of living and nonliving resources, predation, competition, and disease impact the carrying capacity of ecosystems (DCI-LS2.A-H1).
In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Coral Bleaching, the phenomenon is coral reefs are bleaching in the Caribbean. Within this 5E Sequence, students analyze temperature data from coral reefs around the world and work to determine the effect of heat stress on coral populations and the incidence of coral bleaching as they explore how anthropogenic changes (induced by human activity) in the environment—including habitat destruction, pollution, introduction of invasive species, overexploitation, and climate change—can disrupt an ecosystem and threaten the survival of some species (DCI-LS2.C-H2).
Indicator 1C
Phenomena and/or problems are presented to students as directly as possible.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School meet expectations that phenomena and/or problems are presented to students directly. Program materials are presented over six Units of study, which are each anchored by a Unit-level phenomenon or problem. Throughout each Unit, students are presented with multiple Lesson-level phenomena through 5E Lesson Sequences.
In most cases, the materials present problems and phenomena via a brief text and in some cases with an accompanying data set, graph, video, or image. Where present, reading passages occur as brief descriptions, original and adapted texts, and excerpted historical documents (including news reports and headlines). In nearly all cases, the materials provide students with opportunities to reflect on presented phenomena and problems through established learning routines (e.g. Questions Only). In most instances, the materials provide teacher scripting to guide student discussions through these routines. And, in some instances, scripting in the materials prompts teachers to pose questions to students that may precede their experience with, and contribute to, the totality of students' experience of the phenomenon and/or problem.
In the few cases where phenomena and problems are not presented directly, the materials offer presentations that do not provide all students with the context necessary for asking questions and entering into the phenomenon or problem. In one instance, the materials present a phenomenon through the lens of scientific content with which students have not yet learned. In another, the presentation of the phenomenon includes a visual aid that lacks necessary context and scale.
In some instances, the materials provide additional optional materials that could alter students’ initial interaction with phenomena and problems. For example, there are multiple instances where the materials include optional links to videos related to a phenomenon or problem but are not required aspects of the materials.
Examples of phenomena and problems that are presented directly:
In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Muscles and Energy, the phenomenon—students experience pain and muscle fatigue after repeatedly extending their thumb and ring finger for 1 minute to stretch a rubber band—is presented to students through a hands-on activity. Students work in pairs to see how many times they can stretch a rubber band between their thumb and ring finger. This presentation provides all students with a shared experience or common entry point into understanding the effects of muscle fatigue.
In Unit 2: Humans vs. Bacteria, the problem—outbreaks of cholera, a preventable infectious disease, are making a resurgence—is presented to students through a video, text, and two graphs. Students watch a video describing cholera and the ongoing pandemic and, working in pairs, generate questions they have about the disease. Students then read and annotate three texts that include an historical description of several outbreaks, a graph of reported cholera cases worldwide over the years 1989 to 2017, and a timeline of cholera pandemics. This presentation provides all students with a shared experience or common entry point into understanding how the diseases are spread.
In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: Cooperation and Survival, the phenomenon—bacteria interact to form a biofilm—is presented to students through a video and a guided individual reflection. Students watch a time-lapse video of a biofilm spreading across human teeth and then work independently to record observations, ideas, and questions about the spread of the biofilm. This presentation provides all students with a shared experience or common entry point into understanding how bacteria interact with each other.
In Unit 3, 5E Sequence: Lactase Persistence, the phenomenon—lactose intolerance rates vary by geographic location—is presented to students through a color-coded map. Students examine a map that depicts the percentages of populations that are lactose intolerant worldwide and work in small groups to brainstorm why incidences of lactose intolerance differ geographically. This presentation provides all students with a shared experience or common entry point into understanding how some people are able to digest dairy and others are not.
In Unit 4, 5E Sequence: Genetic Variation, the phenomenon—Florida panthers have health problems like kinked tails, holes in their hearts, decreased resistance to parasites, and sex-linked reproductive issues—is presented to students through a modified text and an image of an X-ray. Students read and annotate a brief text that describes abnormalities in populations of Florida mountain lions, examine an X-ray that shows the kinked tail abnormality, and brainstorm how these abnormalities might impact survival and reproduction rates of individual Florida mountain lions. This presentation provides all students with a shared experience or common entry point into understanding how mountain lion populations gain an advantage from increased genetic variation.
In Unit 5: Food for All, the phenomenon—pellagra disproportionately affected certain populations more than others in the early 1900s—is presented to students through modified text, an image, and a graph. Students read and annotate two brief texts about pellagra and a doctor who treated patients impacted by the disease. Students then view two images of people suffering from pellagra and analyze a graph that displays all causes of death over an eight-year period in a South Carolina mental hospital. This presentation provides all students with a shared experience or common entry point into understanding how some groups of people can be afflicted with a disease while others are not.
In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Kelp Forest, the phenomenon—a single location can support alternating kelp forest and urchin barren ecosystems—is presented to students through several photographs and a map. Students observe two photographs taken of the same location, one of a kelp forest and another of an urchin barren, and are prompted to note their observations in a whole-class share out. Students then examine a world map that is highlighted to indicate the range of kelp and specific locations where kelp forest and urchin barren ecosystems have transitioned or alternated. This presentation provides all students with a shared experience or common entry point into understanding how two widely different ecosystems can exist in the same geographic location at different points in time.
Indicator 1D
Materials intentionally leverage students’ prior knowledge and experiences related to phenomena or problems.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations that they intentionally leverage students’ prior knowledge and experiences related to phenomena or problems. The materials provide opportunities across the course, with respect to phenomena and problems, for students to share their prior knowledge and experiences. These opportunities, when present, are connected to the presentation of Unit-level and Lesson-level phenomena and/or problems. Additionally, in a few instances, materials leverage student contributions by providing opportunities for students to use the ideas they have shared to consider the design of an investigation.
Where opportunities to elicit students’ prior knowledge and experiences connected to phenomena and problems are present, they are generally teacher-led discussions or a partner discussion followed by a whole class share out. In rare instances, students capture their prior knowledge of a phenomena or problem through the development of a model/diagram. In cases where students’ prior knowledge and experience are not elicited, the materials frequently direct teachers to revisit previously developed questions captured on a Driving Question Board, review prior learning, or engage students in discussion of non-scientific examples analogous to new content.
Examples where materials elicit and leverage students’ prior knowledge and experience related to phenomena and problems:
In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: Neolithic Revolution, the phenomenon is the human population has experienced increased growth throughout human history. Students’ prior knowledge and experiences of the phenomenon are elicited when, in a whole class setting, students are asked to think about how prehistoric humans lived. Then, students’ prior knowledge and experiences are leveraged when students are asked to use the ideas they shared to consider how to investigate how the factors they surfaced affected populations of early humans.
In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Tuskless Elephant, the phenomenon is the percentage of tuskless adult female elephants is much higher in Gorongosa National Park than in the typical elephant population. Students’ prior knowledge and experiences related to this phenomenon are elicited when students share ideas on how human actions impact elephants and what they think elephants use their tusks for. Then, students’ prior knowledge and experience is leveraged when students refer back to their ideas about why the number of tuskless elephants is increasing to consider how to design an investigation.
Examples where materials elicit students’ prior knowledge and experience related to phenomena and problems but do not leverage:
In Unit 1: Marathon Runner, Unit Opener, the phenomenon is a marathon runner that becomes disoriented after completing a marathon, collapses, and later enters a coma. Students’ prior knowledge and experience are elicited through a partner discussion, an individual task, and a second partner discussion. Students are shown a brief video of a marathon and are then directed to share with a partner what they think happens to the human body during exercise with respect to their personal experience or observations made during the video. Students annotate a diagram of the human body to describe predicted changes and then return to their partner to compare ideas. As the Unit progresses, students do not return to these initial ideas and there is a missed opportunity for the instructional materials to provide guidance for the teacher to leverage the students’ previously elicited prior knowledge and experience.
In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: Cooperation and Survival, the phenomenon is bacteria interact to form a biofilm. Students’ prior knowledge and experiences are elicited through a class discussion. Students are asked to share about the last time they worked in a group, identifying ways it was beneficial and challenging. The teacher uses these ideas to transition to the question, “Why would bacteria evolve to cooperate with each other?”. As the Unit progresses, students do not return to these initial ideas and there is a missed opportunity for the instructional materials to provide guidance for the teacher to leverage the students’ previously elicited prior knowledge and experience.
In Unit 3: Evolution of Sick Humans, Unit Opener, the phenomenon is a high school student who recently immigrated from Japan gets sick from consuming dairy products, but her classmates do not. Students’ prior knowledge and experience are elicited through a partner discussion. Students are directed to share with their partner what they recently ate and drank in the school cafeteria. As student discussions continue, they are prompted to consider how cultural foods, religious practices, environmental differences, and allergies may impact student diets. As the Unit progresses, students do not return to these initial ideas and there is a missed opportunity for the instructional materials to provide guidance for the teacher to leverage the students’ previously elicited prior knowledge and experience.
In Unit 4: Saving the Mountain Lion, Unit Opener, the phenomenon is a mountain lion is sighted in Connecticut in a region where they were previously believed to be extinct. Students’ prior knowledge and experience are elicited when students are directed to list any large mammals they have seen in their community and asked to share what mammals that they would be surprised to see. As the Unit progresses, students do not return to these initial ideas and there is a missed opportunity for the instructional materials to provide guidance for the teacher to leverage the students’ previously elicited prior knowledge and experience.
In Unit 6: Woolly Mammoth, Unit Opener, the phenomenon is woolly mammoths used to be found across much of northern Europe and Asia, but by 6,000 years ago evidence of them was gone. Students’ prior knowledge and experiences related to this phenomenon are elicited when students are asked to consider why we don’t see woolly mammoths around anymore. Teacher guidance suggests that teachers encourage students to draw upon what they know about woolly mammoths from movies or other popular depictions. As the Unit progresses, students do not return to these initial ideas and there is a missed opportunity for the instructional materials to provide guidance for the teacher to leverage the students’ previously elicited prior knowledge and experience.
Examples where materials do not elicit students’ prior knowledge and experience related to phenomena and problems, resulting in a missed opportunity to leverage:
In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: Antibiotic Resistance, the phenomenon is bacteria in a cave are resistant to many common antibiotics, even though they have been isolated from all human and animal contact for 4 million years. Students’ prior knowledge and experiences related to this phenomenon are not elicited. Rather, students consider several previously developed questions from the Driving Question Board and, if they asked a question, share their initial motivation for asking the question.
In Unit 3, 5E Sequence: Lactase Persistence, the phenomenon is lactose intolerance rates vary by geographic region. Students’ prior knowledge and experiences of the phenomenon are not elicited. Rather, students examine a map that displays the occurrence of global lactose intolerance and share their noticings and questions in a whole class discussion.
In Unit 4, 5E Sequence: Genetic Variation, the phenomenon is Florida panthers have health problems like kinked tails, holes in their hearts, decreased resistance to parasites, and sex-linked reproductive issues. Students’ prior knowledge and experiences of the phenomenon are not elicited. Rather, students read and annotate a modified text and then, with a partner, discuss the possible effects of physiological abnormalities in panthers on panther survival rates.
In Unit 5: Food for All, Unit Opener, the phenomenon is pellagra disproportionately affected certain populations more than others in the early 1900s. Students’ prior experiences of the phenomenon are not elicited. Rather, students are directed to talk with a table partner about factors that may prompt disease. While the lesson does elicit prior knowledge, it misses the opportunity to elicit information on students’ prior experiences.
Indicator 1E
Phenomena and/or problems drive individual lessons or activities using key elements of all three dimensions.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations that phenomena and/or problems drive individual lessons or activities using key elements of all three dimensions. Within the program, learning opportunities are presented to students through a BSCS 5E Instructional Model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate). Multiple lesson phases (5E components) within the course use phenomena and/or problems to drive student learning. In all cases, a learning sequence level phenomenon and/or problem, from the Unit or Lesson-level, is used to drive learning across several lesson phases. Of these phenomenon and/or problem-driven phases, some engage students in three-dimensional learning. Most often, students engage in 1D or 2D learning. In cases where student engagement is limited to one dimension, the materials generally make use of an SEP. In cases where student engagement incorporates elements of two dimensions, an SEP is generally present with a DCI or CCC. Some lesson phases are not driven by phenomena or problems. In these instances, student learning is frequently focused on DCIs, provided questions, or individual activities.
Examples where phenomena or problems drive individual lessons using all three dimensions:
In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: The Black Death, Explain 2, students investigate the phenomenon that some people survived the Black Death while others did not. This phenomenon drives instruction as students consider how natural variations in the immune system of Medieval humans contributed to their survival during the Black Death. Within the lesson phase, students investigate the conditions required for natural selection to occur (DCI-LS4.B-H1, DCI-LS4.C-H2) and construct an explanation (SEP-CEDS-H2, SEP-CEDS-H3) that resolves why some people were able to survive the Black Death. Students also consider how genetic patterns between individuals and in populations might affect survivability and immunity (CCC-PAT-H1).
In Unit 3, 5E Sequence: Lactase Persistence, Explain 2, students investigate the phenomenon that lactose intolerance rates vary by geographic region. This phenomenon drives instruction as students consider how a person might not be able to digest milk into adulthood. Within the lesson phase, students use information from a previously annotated text to construct an explanation (SEP-CEDS-H2) to resolve why some people can digest milk and others can not. Students work together to define the relationship between chromosomes, genes, DNA, and proteins with respect to lactose intolerance and the function of the lactase enzyme (DCI-LS1.A-H2, DCI-LS3.A-H1, and CCC-SF-H2).
In Unit 4, 5E Sequence: Genetic Variation, Explain 1, students investigate the phenomenon that Florida panthers have health problems like kinked tails, holes in their hearts, decreased resistance to parasites, and sex-linked reproductive issues. This phenomenon drives instruction as students consider how abnormal traits increase in a population. Within this lesson phase, students investigate mitosis, differentiation, and mutations to identify connections to these traits (DCI-LS3.B-H1, DCI-LS1.B-H1) and work together to construct an explanation for the cause of abnormalities in the Florida panther population (SEP-CEDS-M3). Students use a text describing inbreeding to generate a concept map that depicts the relationship between the observed traits and mitosis, mutation, and differentiation (CCC-SPQ-H4).
In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Kelp Forest, Elaborate, students investigate the phenomenon that a single location can support alternating kelp forest and urchin barren ecosystems. This phenomenon drives instruction as students consider how the components of an ecosystem interact to provide resiliency against a disturbance. Within the lesson phase, students generate models of the carbon cycle to account for increasing levels of greenhouse gasses (DCI-LS2.B-H3, SEP-MOD-H3, and CCC-SYS-H3).
Examples where phenomena or problems drive individual lessons but do not use all three dimensions:
In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Muscles & Energy, Explore 1, students investigate the phenomenon that a marathon runner becomes disoriented after completing a marathon, collapses, and later enters a coma. This phenomenon drives instruction as students consider how muscle cells obtain the materials they need and get rid of waste products, so they can continue to do their work during exercise. Within the lesson phase, students investigate how breathing rate, heart rate, and carbon dioxide production indicate cellular respiration (SEP-INV-H2, DCI-LS1.C-H4). There is a missed opportunity for students to use a crosscutting concept to explain this phenomenon.
In Unit 3, 5E Sequence: Lactase Persistence, Elaborate, students investigate the phenomenon that lactose intolerance rates vary by geographic region. This phenomenon drives instruction as students consider how some populations have the ability to digest milk into adulthood but not others. Within the lesson phase, students watch a video about lactase and discuss why some populations have lactase and others do not (DCI-LS3.A-M1, DCI-LS4.B-H2, and SEP-INFO-H2). There is a missed opportunity for students to use a crosscutting concept to explain this phenomenon.
Examples where phenomena and/or problems do not drive individual lessons:
Unit 2, 5E Sequence: Antibiotic Resistance, Engage, is not driven by a phenomenon or problem. Rather, the focus of student learning is the concept of antibiotic resistance. Students share their own experiences with taking antibiotics, read a short paragraph about the existence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and consider how such bacteria could be found in an isolated cave.
Unit 3, 5E Sequence: Circadian Rhythms, Explore, is not driven by a phenomenon or problem. Rather, the focus of student learning is the concept of circadian rhythms. Students investigate circadian rhythms in plants and humans by creating a time lapse video of a seedling over a 24 hour period. Students collectively develop a sleep survey and evaluate their peers’ responses to the survey.
Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Passenger Pigeon, Explain, is not driven by a phenomenon or problem. Rather, the focus of student learning is an argument on the de-extinction of the passenger pigeon. Students focus on how passenger pigeons interacted with their environment and how bringing the species back might impact current ecosystems.
Indicator 1F
Materials embed phenomena or problems across multiple lessons for students to use and build knowledge of all three dimensions.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations that they embed phenomena or problems across multiple lessons for students to use and build knowledge of all three dimensions.
The materials for High School are designed to follow the BSCS 5E Instructional Model and are presented over six Units. Each Unit consists of three or four 5E Sequence Lessons (learning sequences) which are preceded by a Unit Opener and followed by a Unit Closing. Within each 5E Sequence are individual Phases (learning opportunities) consisting of Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate.
Unit-level phenomena, when present, drive student instruction across multiple Lessons in most cases. In some instances, Unit-level phenomena are embedded across all 5E Lesson Sequences within a Unit, while in other instances student engagement with Unit-level phenomena is present in one or two 5E Lesson Sequences within the respective Unit. Lesson-level phenomena, when present, are embedded to support student learning in many instances.
In cases where Units are not driven by phenomena or problems, either the Unit-level phenomenon presented does not drive student learning beyond its presentation, or the Unit does not present a Unit-level problem or phenomenon.
Student learning in 5E Lesson Sequences is frequently driven by scientific concepts or Lesson questions rather than Lesson-level phenomena or problems. While most learning sequences present multiple opportunities for students to engage with elements of SEPs and CCCs with respect to content, opportunities to interact with Lesson-level phenomena or problems are not presented consistently.
Wherever phenomena and/or problems are driving student learning, the materials consistently provide opportunities for students to engage in discourse. Further, over the course of the program, the materials develop multiple routines for engaging students in meaningful discourse. Many of these routines center around surfacing student ideas (Domino Discover, Idea Carousel), sensemaking (Questions Only, Rumors), and building consensus (Class Consensus Discussion).
Examples of learning sequence-level phenomena or problems embedded across multiple learning opportunities for students to use and build knowledge of all three dimensions:
In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Water Balance, the phenomenon is that a marathon runner becomes disoriented after completing a marathon, collapses, and later enters a coma. This phenomenon drives student learning across multiple learning opportunities as students consider what mechanisms triggered the runner’s collapse. Across the 5E Sequence, students investigate the inputs and outputs of cellular respiration (DCI-LS1.C-H4, CCC-SYS-H2), modify and revise a model of osmosis and osmoregulation in the kidneys (SEP-MOD-H3), and analyze the feedback mechanisms of gas and fluid exchanges in the human body (DCI-LS1.A-H4, CCC-SC-H3). The materials provide multiple opportunities for discourse through a variety of discussion routines. In one instance, students work to build a consensus around key components of osmosis.
In Unit 2: Humans vs. Bacteria, the problem is that outbreaks of cholera, a preventable infectious disease, are making a resurgence. This problem drives student learning across multiple 5E Sequences as students consider how to prevent future outbreaks of cholera. Across the learning sequence, students collect evidence about previous disease outbreaks and compare these events to historical cholera outbreaks (CCC-CE-H1), support various disease transmission claims with evidence from investigations (SEP-CEDS-H2), consider the role of natural selection in the evolution of a disease (DCI-LS4.C-H2), and write a final explanation in support of the best solution for preventing future cholera outbreaks. The materials provide multiple opportunities for discourse through a variety of discussion routines. In one instance, students use the Think-Talk-Open Exchange routine to discuss which cooperative behaviors scientists should target to prevent future cholera outbreaks.
In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: The Microbiome, the phenomenon is that fecal transplants can help treat infections like C. difficile. This phenomenon drives student learning across multiple learning opportunities as students consider how some bacteria can be beneficial. Across the 5E Sequence, students compare and analyze data about microbiomes in different populations (SEP-DATA-H2, CCC-PAT-M4), read a text comparing a microbiome to an ecosystem (DCI-LS2.C-H1), and evaluate a claim about using a healthy microbiome to reduce the risk of cholera. The materials provide multiple opportunities for discourse through a variety of discussion routines. In one instance, students work in small groups to collaboratively develop an explanation for why fecal transplants can be used to fight certain infections.
In Unit 6: Woolly Mammoth, the phenomenon is that woolly mammoths used to be found across much of northern Europe and Asia, but by 6,000 years ago evidence of them was gone. This phenomenon drives student learning across multiple 5E Sequences as students consider what factors led to the extinction of this species. Across the learning sequence, students evaluate evidence from multiple sources (SEP-INFO-H2) to construct a model (SEP-MOD-H3) to illustrate and simulate how natural and human induced changes to the physical environment contributed to the decline of woolly mammoths (DCI-LS4.C-H4, DCI-LS2.C-H1, and CCC-SYS-H3). The materials provide multiple opportunities for discourse through a variety of discussion routines. In one instance, students use the Think-Talk-Open Exchange routine to share ideas about keystone species.
In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Tuskless Elephants, the phenomenon is that the percentage of tuskless adult female elephants is much higher in Gorongosa National Park than in the typical elephant population. This phenomenon drives student learning across multiple learning opportunities as students consider how human activities such as poaching impact biodiversity. Across the 5E Sequence, students compare datasets (SEP-DATA-H1), gather information from a video and a reading (SEP-INFO-H2), and engage with a simulation to understand how human activity can disrupt ecosystems and threaten the survival of some species (DCI-LS2.C-H2, CCC-SYS-H3). The materials provide multiple opportunities for discourse through a variety of discussion routines. In one instance, students use the Rumors routine to surface ideas on why there are so many tuskless female elephants.
In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Coral Bleaching, the phenomenon is that coral are bleaching in the Caribbean. This phenomenon drives student learning across multiple learning opportunities as students consider the role of climate change on the decline of coral reefs. Across the 5E Sequence, students analyze mathematical representations of heat stress data (SEP-MATH-H2), utilize a graphic organizer to illustrate the cause and effect relationship between ocean temperatures and coral health (CCC-CE-H2), and construct a model to connect elements (SEP-MOD-H3) of the carbon cycle (DCI-LS2.B-H3) to the phenomenon of coral bleaching (CCC-SPQ-H4, CCC-SYS-H3). The materials provide multiple opportunities for discourse through a variety of discussion routines. In one instance, student groups use the Read-Generate-Sort-Solve routine to synthesize and extend their thinking about how organisms adapt/react to climate change.
Examples of learning sequences not driven by phenomena or problems:
In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: Cooperation and Survival, the phenomenon is bacteria interact to form a biofilm. The phenomenon does not drive learning across multiple learning opportunities. Instead, the focus of the learning opportunities within the 5E sequence is the concept of bacterial cooperation as students share ideas about why bacteria would want to cooperate, investigate cooperative vs. cheating behaviors, and explore the cooperative feeding habits of whales.
In Unit 3, 5E Sequence: Common Ancestry, a phenomenon or problem does not drive learning. Instead, the focus of the learning opportunities within the 5E Sequence is the concept of common ancestry as students engage in activities related to DNA sequence comparisons, embryology, and the fossil record to support understanding of common ancestry.
In Unit 4: Saving the Mountain Lion, the phenomenon is that a mountain lion was sighted in Connecticut where they were believed to be extinct. The phenomenon does not drive learning across multiple learning opportunities. Instead, the focus of the learning opportunities within the Unit are concepts related to genetic diversity as students investigate mitosis, differentiation, and mutations and determine the effect of inbreeding on populations.
In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Passenger Pigeon, a phenomenon or problem does not drive learning. Instead, the focus of the learning opportunities within the 5E Sequence is the concept of de-extinction as students engage in a series of activities related to bringing back passenger pigeons from extinction.
Criterion 1.2: Three-Dimensional Learning
Materials are designed for three-dimensional learning and assessment.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations for Criterion 2: Three Dimensional Learning. Throughout the materials, students are consistently exposed to learning sequences in which elements of all three dimensions are integrated in at least one learning opportunity within the sequence, most frequently in the Explain and Elaborate phases. The materials incorporate multiple learning routines to support student sensemaking. In general, these routines center around structured small-group and whole-class discussion and individual summary tasks. Three-dimensional learning objectives are provided for each Lesson. And, while in most cases, the materials present opportunities for students to engage with elements of all three dimensions, only some of the elements from the objectives are addressed. Formative assessments exist for each Lesson, and while usually three-dimensional, do not address all the elements from the learning objectives. In some cases, generic instructional guidance is provided to suggest that students who struggle with the formative assessment may need additional time for sensemaking. Summative assessments take place at the end of each Unit and, while usually three-dimensional, do not address all elements from the learning objectives. In some cases, Performance Tasks present students with opportunities to make sense of novel phenomena or problems. In other instances, the Performance Task is a continuation of the learning in the Lessons.
Throughout each sequence, the materials provide multiple sources of guidance to instructors for what students should know and be able to do. Color-coded phase-specific learning targets are presented within the teacher materials at the start of each 5E Lesson Sequence. Located at the end of each 5E Lesson Sequence, the Aspects of Three-Dimensional Learning Table identifies the individual elements with which students are to build understanding through the learning opportunities across the sequence. Formative assessments in the materials are identified as Summary Tasks and are typically delivered at the end of the Explain phase within each 5E Lesson Sequence. Instructional guidance suggests that the teacher have students complete the task as an exit ticket or as a homework assignment. The summative assessments within the materials are the Performance Tasks which students complete during each Evaluate phase at the end of each 5E Sequence. Across the Performance Tasks, students may add to and develop claims, scientific arguments, and/or models. The culmination of the summative assessment is found in the Unit Closing. Performance Tasks also include student-facing rubrics.
Indicator 1G
Materials are designed to integrate the Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs), Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs), and Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs) into student learning.
Indicator 1G.i
Materials consistently integrate the three dimensions in student learning opportunities.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School meet expectations that they are designed to integrate the Science and Engineering Practices (SEP), Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI), and Crosscutting Concepts (CCC) into student learning opportunities. Throughout the materials, students are consistently exposed to learning sequences in which elements of all three dimensions are integrated in at least one learning opportunity within the sequence. In the few instances where learning sequences do not contain integrated three-dimensional learning opportunities, CCCs are generally absent.
Across the program, opportunities to integrate elements of all three dimensions occur most frequently in the Explain and Elaborate phases of the 5E Lesson Sequences. Student experiences are generally grounded in content (DCIs) through the lens of an SEP. Students have multiple opportunities to ask questions, develop and use models, analyze and interpret data, construct explanations, engage in argumentation, and obtain and evaluate information from a variety of sources. However, in multiple instances, engagement with SEPs includes middle school elements. While students frequently engage with elements of the CCCs, in some instances, engagement is initiated through a teacher call-out box or direction to students to consider an element of a CCC as an end of lesson add-on.
Examples of learning opportunities in which elements of all three dimensions are integrated:
In Unit 1, 5E Lesson: Water Balance, Explain 1, students engage in a learning opportunity to investigate how feedback is used to help the human body osmoregulate. Students gather information from a modified text about osmoregulation and investigate the relationship between water consumption and solute concentration during exercise to construct an explanation (SEP-CEDS-M2) for how feedback mechanisms maintain a body’s water balance (DCI-LS1.A-H4, CCC-SC-H3).
In Unit 3, 5E Sequence: Lactase Persistence, Explain 2, students engage in a learning opportunity to revise a model of DNA to explain why some people can digest milk and others can not. Students use information from previous activities and a text to construct an explanation (SEP-CEDS-H2) to account for the role of non-coding DNA in the production of lactase and describe the relationships between chromosomes, genes, DNA, and proteins (DCI-LS1.A-H2, DCI-LS3.A-H1, and CCC-SF-H2).
In Unit 4, 5E Sequence: Mountain Lion Populations, Elaborate, students investigate the relationship between genetic variability and survival in cheetah populations. Students evaluate multiple causes (CCC-CE-M2) for the reduction in cheetah populations to construct an explanation, using data, readings, and text (SEP-CEDS-M3), for the decline in population due to loss of genetic diversity resulting from habitat destruction and other factors (DCI-LS4.C-H4).
In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: The Superfood That Changed the World, Explore 2, students investigate whether corn provides more energy than other foods. Students use a mathematical model (SEP-MATH-M4) to evaluate the flow of matter and energy (CCC-EM-H2) between trophic levels to explain why population size decreases as trophic level increases (DCI-LS2.B-H2).
In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: Food for Plants, Explain, students use evidence to determine how different agricultural practices impact plant growth. Students use information gathered in a previous lesson to revise a model to explain how elements are recombined to make glucose and oxygen (DCI-LS1.C-H3) and the role of energy in driving these reactions (CCC-EM-H4). Students then develop a model to show how farming practices impact the amount and health of corn crops and are directed to include information from their initial model about chemical elements to support the bigger system of plant growth (SEP-MOD-H3).
In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Passenger Pigeon, Explore, students generate a model representing how the passenger pigeon played an important role in maintaining its environment and the impact humans had on its extinction. Students read about and research the historic range of passenger pigeons, the role of passenger pigeons in the ecosystem, and the process of de-extinction (DCI-LS2.C-H1). Students pose questions related to their findings (SEP-AQDP-H2) and develop a model (SEP-MOD-H5) of the complex interactions (CCC-SYS-H3) between passenger pigeons and the physical and living parts of their historic ecosystem.
Indicator 1G.ii
Materials consistently support meaningful student sensemaking with the three dimensions.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School meet expectations that they consistently support meaningful student sensemaking with the three dimensions. Across the program, the materials consistently provide students with opportunities to build understanding of disciplinary content through use of SEPs and/or CCCs. Students are presented with opportunities to engage in sensemaking activities with elements of all three dimensions over the course of each learning sequence.
The structure of sensemaking across the program follows a six lesson sequence where the first lesson presents a novel phenomenon or problem and the following five lessons follow the BSCS 5E Instructional Model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate). The materials incorporate multiple learning routines to support student sensemaking. In general, these routines center around structured small-group and whole-class discussion and individual summary tasks. Callout boxes in the teacher materials highlight SEP and/or CCC elements and provide guidance to instructors for their inclusion in classroom discussions.
Elements of all three-dimensions are integrated within most learning sequences. Where learning sequences are limited to two dimensions, sensemaking activities are generally a combination of a DCI and SEP. The SEPs developing and using models, analyzing and interpreting data, and obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information are the most common practices employed in the sensemaking processes. While at least one element of all seven CCCs are present across the course, sensemaking activities using CCCs generally contain elements of patterns, cause and effect, and systems and system models.
Examples of learning sequences in which elements of the three dimensions are integrated with meaningful student sensemaking:
In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Muscles and Energy, students engage in a series of opportunities to consider how our bodies use energy during exercise. Students use a rubber band and their fingers to investigate how muscle fatigue (SEP-INV-M2) may have played a role in a marathon runner's collapse at the end of a race and re-consider the process of cellular respiration with respect to how the body uses feedback mechanisms (DCI-LS1.A-H4) to get rid of waste products like carbon dioxide and regulate blood glucose levels (CCC-SC-H3). Across this learning sequence, students make use of elements of all three dimensions as they make sense of variability within the ranges of tolerance for different components of the human body system.
In Unit 3, 5E Sequence: Common Ancestry, students engage in a series of opportunities to consider how humans have not evolved to solve mismatch problems. Students examine patterns in current mismatches between human heredity and the environment, compare proteins across several species (CCC-PAT-H1, DCI-LS4.A-H1), and examine evidence of common ancestry, the fossil record, and comparative anatomy (DCI-LS4.A-M1). Students then construct an evidence-based explanation as to why humans have mismatches between their DNA/traits and the modern environment (SEP-CEDS-H2). Across this learning sequence, students make use of elements of all three dimensions as they make sense of the causes of mismatch diseases and design a solution that considers the constraints and tradeoffs for those affected.
In Unit 4, 5E Sequence: Genetic Variation, students engage in a series of opportunities to consider how genetic variation is advantageous for a population. Students analyze data (SEP-DATA-H2) describing mountain lion genetic diversity and consider how variation in genetic information and the environment lead to differences in mountain lion populations (DCI-LS3.B-H1). Students construct a claim to explain how abnormalities could exist in isolated panther populations (SEP-CEDS-M3) and discuss how circumstances in one population may or may not exist in other populations (CCC-SPQ-H4). Across this learning sequence, students make use of elements of all three dimensions as they make sense of the causes of disadvantageous traits in mountain lions.
In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: The Superfood that Changed the World, students engage in a series of opportunities to consider how corn may have played a role in a pellagra epidemic. Students investigate how plants gain mass through photosynthesis and construct models to explain how corn obtains its energy and nutrients and where the glucose in corn comes from (DCI-LS1.C-H1, SEP-MOD-M6). Students examine the trophic role of corn in the ecosystem (DCI-LS2.B-H2) and consider the loss of energy during transfers between trophic levels (CCC-EM-H2). Across this learning sequence, students make use of elements of all three dimensions as they make sense of how corn plants transfer energy efficiently and may have played a role in the pellagra epidemic.
In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Tuskless Elephants, students engage in a series of opportunities to consider how human activities have affected the rise in tuskless elephant populations. Students collect and evaluate information from multiple sources to explain (SEP-INFO-H2) why there are a large number of tuskless female elephants in Gorongosa National Park (DCI-LS4.C-H4, CCC-SC-M3) and design a solution to reduce the impact of human activities on elephants in the park (DCI-ETS1.C-H1). Across this learning sequence, students make use of elements of all three dimensions as they make sense of how human activities have negatively impacted the environment and biodiversity of Gorongosa National Park.
In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Passenger Pigeon, students engage in a series of opportunities to consider the role of the passenger pigeon in its ecosystem and evaluate arguments for the reversal of its extinction. Students read a text to gather information for the purpose of figuring out how and why scientists would bring the passenger pigeon back from extinction (SEP-INFO-H1) and to create a model representing the role of the passenger pigeon in an ecosystem (CCC-SYS-H3, SEP-MOD-H5). Students then watch a video and evaluate the arguments made in the video for reversing the extinction of the passenger pigeon (DCI-LS2.C-H2). Across this learning sequence, students make use of elements of all three dimensions as they make sense of de-extinction and its viability as a solution to human-caused biodiversity loss.
Indicator 1G.iii
Materials clearly represent three-dimensional learning objectives within the learning sequences.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations that they consistently provide element-level three-dimensional learning objectives and consistently provide opportunities for students to use and develop the respective three dimensions. Throughout the course, the materials consistently provide element-level three-dimensional learning objectives and provide opportunities for students to use and develop the respective three dimensions, but not consistently.
The materials are designed to follow the BSCS 5E Instructional Model and are presented over six Units. Each Unit consists of three or four 5E Sequence Lessons (learning sequences) which are preceded by a Unit Opener and followed by a Unit Closing. Within each 5E Sequence are individual Phases (learning opportunities) consisting of Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate where the Explore and Explain phases may be repeated. Throughout each sequence, the materials provide multiple sources of guidance to instructors for what students should know and be able to do. For example, color-coded phase-specific learning targets are presented within the teacher materials at the start of each 5E Lesson Sequence. Located at the end of each 5E Lesson Sequence, the Aspects of Three-Dimensional Learning Table identifies the individual elements with which students are to build understanding through the learning opportunities across the sequence. In the aggregate, elements listed in the table comprise learning objectives that are three-dimensional.
While all lesson sequences present three-dimensional learning objectives and most present students with opportunities to engage with some elements identified by those objectives, there is a missed opportunity for learning sequences to consistently address elements listed in the Aspects of Three-Dimensional Learning Table. While in most cases, the materials present opportunities for students to engage with elements of all three dimensions, only some of the elements listed in each table are addressed.
Examples where materials provide three-dimensional learning objectives and opportunities for students to engage with the three dimensions but do not provide opportunities for students to engage with the respective elements from the learning objectives:
In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Water Balance, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of six elements; three DCIs, one SEP, and two CCCs. Within the learning sequence, students conduct two investigations to learn about osmoregulation and create a model representing the relationship between water intake, kidney function, and kidney output (SEP-MOD-H3). Later, students respond to questions about osmoregulation as a feedback mechanism (DCI-LS1.A-H4, CCC-SC-H3) and how water and salts are regulated at the cellular level, the organ level, and the body system level (DCI-LS1.A-H3). While three-dimensional learning objectives are present and students have an opportunity to engage with elements of all three dimensions, there is a missed opportunity for students to use and develop some grade-band elements from the learning objectives.
In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: Cooperation and Survival, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of 11 elements; six DCIs, three SEPs, and two CCCs. Within the learning sequence, students engage in a jigsaw activity where they write an initial explanation (SEP-CEDS-H2) answering the question, “How do cooperative behaviors evolve over time through natural selection?” (DCI-LS4.C-H2). The prompt reminds students to include the concepts of variation, adaptation, competition, differential survival & reproduction, and cause and effect in their response (DCI-LS4.C-H1). Then they participate in a Class Consensus Discussion where they share important ideas from the activity, including how non-cooperative behavior can arise through mutation and perpetuate if it is beneficial (DCI-LS4.B-H2) and that if cooperation is beneficial, bacteria with that trait will be selected for in that environment (DCI-LS4.C-H3). Later, students complete a brainstorming activity that asks them to think about specific cooperative behaviors and how they can be leveraged to prevent infectious diseases (DCI-LS2.D-H1). They then respond to questions about how changes in an environment may impact a population (CCC-CE-H1). While three-dimensional learning objectives are present and students have an opportunity to engage with elements of all three dimensions, there is a missed opportunity for students to use and develop some grade-band elements from the learning objectives.
In Unit 3, 5E Sequence: Leptin Resistance, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of nine elements; four DCIs, four SEPs, and one CCC. Within the learning sequence, students work in groups to make observations and generate questions (SEP-AQDP-H2) and discuss the correlation between leptin in blood and weight (CCC-CE-H1). Then, students watch animations and annotate a short text on protein synthesis to revise a sequence chart that outlines the production and role of leptin and answer questions about the role DNA and genes play in the formation of proteins (DCI-LS1.A-H2). Later, students construct questions (SEP-AQDP-H2) and discuss the role of genetics in fat storage. Lastly, students construct an explanation from evidence collected from group and class discussions and activities throughout the unit to explain why fat storage is an evolutionarily advantageous trait (SEP-CEDS-H2). While three-dimensional learning objectives are present and students have an opportunity to engage with elements of all three dimensions, there is a missed opportunity for students to use and develop some grade-band elements from the learning objectives.
In Unit 4, 5E Sequence: Genetic Variation, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of 10 elements; five DCIs, three SEPs, and two CCCs. Within the learning sequence, students analyze genetic information regarding traits in mountain lions to calculate the average inbreeding coefficient for mountain lions in various locations (SEP-DATA-H2). After the investigation, students complete a See-Think-Wonder chart with the prompt, “How did looking at patterns at different scales help establish causality?”. The teacher is also guided to support students to consider patterns at the individual mountain lion and population level (CCC-PAT-H1). Students then either read, watch a video, or do both in order to understand how mitosis, mutation, and differentiation can cause genetic variation (DCI-LS3.B-H1, DCI-LS1.B-H1). In groups, students collaborate to respond to the prompt, “Make and defend a claim, based on evidence and scientific reasoning, that explains the cause behind the abnormalities found in the Florida population.” (SEP-ARG-H5). Later, students read texts on mutation and genetic variation and make connections between variation and environmental toxins (DCI-LS3.B-H1, DCI-LS3.B-H2). While three-dimensional learning objectives are present, there is a missed opportunity for students to engage with the three dimensions and use and develop some grade-band elements from the learning objectives.
In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: The Superfood that Changed the World, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of 10 elements; four DCIs, three SEPs, and three CCCs. Within the learning sequence, students investigate what gases are used by plants during photosynthesis to construct a model to show how corn grows, where it gets its energy, and how glucose is formed (DCI-LS1.C-H1, SEP-MOD-H3, CCC-EM-H2). During a Class Consensus Discussion, the teacher is guided to support students to consider how energy drives the flow of matter within and between systems (CCC-EM-H4). Later, students describe the transfer of energy between trophic levels (DCI-LS2.B-H2), calculate energy differences between and among trophic levels (SEP-MATH-H2), and answer questions about the transfer of energy between trophic levels (CCC-EM-H3). While three-dimensional learning objectives are present and students have an opportunity to engage with elements of all three dimensions, there is a missed opportunity for students to use and develop some grade-band elements from the learning objectives.
In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Coral Bleaching, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of 13 elements; six DCIs, three SEPs, and four CCCs. Within the learning sequence, students construct graphs from data about coral reefs and surface temperatures to answer questions about the relationship between sea temperature and coral bleaching (SEP-MATH-H2). Then, students explore the relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide and heat events that stress and encourage bleaching in corals as they construct models of the carbon cycle (DCI-LS2.B-H3, SEP-MOD-H3, and CCC-SYS-H1). Students later revise their models to explain how human activities are contributing to the carbon cycle and therefore contributing to bleaching at various scales (CCC-SPQ-H4). Finally, students read and take notes from an online text about the abilities or inabilities of animals to adapt to human-caused climate change issues that impact the ecosystem (DCI-LS4.C-H4, DCI-LS2.C-H1). Students are provided a prompt about evaluating a claim and use an article with currently accepted explanations to do that evaluation (SEP-ARG-H2). While three-dimensional learning objectives are present and students have an opportunity to engage with elements of all three dimensions, there is a missed opportunity for students to use and develop some grade-band elements from the learning objectives.
Indicator 1H
Materials are designed to elicit direct, observable evidence for three-dimensional learning.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School do not meet expectations that they are designed to elicit direct, observable evidence for three-dimensional learning. The materials are designed to follow the BSCS 5E Instructional Model and are presented over six Units. Each Unit consists of three or four 5E Sequence Lessons (learning sequences) which are preceded by a Unit Opener and followed by a Unit Closing. Within each 5E Sequence are individual Phases (learning opportunities) consisting of Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate where the Explore and Explain phases may be repeated. At the end of each sequence, the materials provide various representations of how the three dimensions are addressed. The Assessment Matrix provides component level information by phase and the Aspects of Three-Dimensional Learning Table provides element-level specificity. Specific elements listed in the Aspects of Three-Dimensional Learning Tables are identified as learning objectives for their respective 5E Lesson Sequence.
Across the program, the materials consistently present three-dimensional learning objectives as identified in the Aspects of Three-Dimensional Learning table. While many formative assessment tasks do present an opportunity to collect evidence for three-dimensional learning, there is a missed opportunity to consistently provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate proficiency with respect to the targeted elements.
Formative assessments in the materials are identified as Summary Tasks and are typically delivered at the end of the Explain phase within each 5E Lesson Sequence. Each Summary Task consists of two sets of questions. The first are a series of questions that ask the student to reflect upon their experience and participation in class and are unrelated to specific course content. This set of questions is repeated at the start of every Summary Task across the program. The next set of questions are content specific and are related to at least some of the targeted elements detailed in the Aspects of Three-Dimensional Learning table. Instructional guidance suggests that the teacher have students complete the task as an exit ticket or as a homework assignment.
Throughout the materials there is a missed opportunity for lessons or units to incorporate tasks for purposes of supporting the instructional process. In some cases, generic instructional guidance is provided to suggest that students who struggle on Summary Tasks may need additional time for sensemaking. While generic guidance is provided, there is a missed opportunity to provide support for the teacher on interpreting students responses and adjusting instruction to support students.
Examples of formative assessment tasks with three-dimensional objectives that elicit knowledge and use of the three dimensions, but do not address the targeted elements; instructional guidance is not provided:
In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Human Thermoregulation, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of five elements; one DCI, two SEPs, and two CCCs. The formative assessment for this lesson is a Summary Task where students construct evidence-based explanations (SEP-CEDS-H2) to define body temperature and address thermoregulation as a feedback mechanism that maintains a living system’s internal conditions (DCI-LS1.A-H4, CCC-SC-H3). While three-dimensional learning objectives are present and students have an opportunity to engage with elements of all three dimensions, there is a missed opportunity for students to demonstrate knowledge and use of some grade-band elements from the learning objectives. Support for the instructional process is limited to a general statement within the teacher materials with respect to “determinations about which students need more time to engage in sense-making about how the body regulates body temperature”. While generic guidance is provided, there is a missed opportunity to provide support for the teacher on interpreting students responses and adjusting instruction to support students.
In Unit 3, 5E Sequence: Common Ancestry, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of five elements; one DCI, three SEPs, and one CCC. The formative assessment for this lesson is a Summary Task where students are tasked to explain mismatch diseases and why humans haven’t evolved to eradicate them, identify observed patterns in DNA sequences, and to consider how observing patterns (CCC-PAT-H1) in DNA over different times scales might explain why mismatch diseases continue to exist (DCI-LS4.A-H1, SEP-CEDS-H2). While three-dimensional learning objectives are present and students have an opportunity to engage with elements of all three dimensions, there is a missed opportunity for students to demonstrate knowledge and use of some grade-band elements from the learning objectives. Support for the instructional process is limited to a general statement within the teacher materials with respect to “The results of this task can be used to make determinations about which students need more time to engage in sense-making.” While generic guidance is provided, there is a missed opportunity to provide support for the teacher on interpreting students responses and adjusting instruction to support students.
In Unit 4, 5E Sequence: Engineering Gene Flow, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of 11 elements; five DCIs, three SEPs, and three CCCs. The formative assessment for the lesson is a Summary Task where students are tasked to construct an argument (SEP-ARG-H5) as to whether mountain lions from other populations should be introduced to the Florida population (DCI-LS3.B-H1, DCI-LS4.B-H2), discuss genetic patterns at various scales (CCC-PAT-H1) in defense of their argument, and consider changes in genetic variability over time (DCI-LS4.B-H1). While three-dimensional learning objectives are present and students have an opportunity to engage with elements of all three dimensions, there is a missed opportunity for students to demonstrate knowledge and use of numerous grade-band elements from the learning objectives. While generic guidance is provided, there is a missed opportunity to provide support for the teacher on interpreting students responses and adjusting instruction to support students.
In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: Food for Plants, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of eight elements; three DCIs, two SEPs, and three CCCs. The formative assessment for the lesson is a Summary Task where students explain where corn gets the energy and matter it needs to grow (DCI-LS1.C-H1), describe the flow of energy and cycling of matter in and through plants (DCI-LS1.C-H2, CCC-EM-H2), and explain the role of energy in driving the cycling of matter in the production of glucose, oxygen, niacin, and amino acids in plants (DCI-LS1.C-H3, CCC-EM-H4, and SEP-CEDS-H2). While three-dimensional learning objectives are present and students have an opportunity to engage with elements of all three dimensions, there is a missed opportunity for students to demonstrate knowledge and use of some grade-band elements from the learning objectives. While generic guidance is provided, there is a missed opportunity to provide support for the teacher on interpreting students responses and adjusting instruction to support students.
Examples of formative assessment tasks with three-dimensional objectives that do not elicit knowledge and use of the three dimensions or address the targeted elements; instructional guidance is not provided:
In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: The Microbiome, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of eleven elements; five DCIs, four SEPs, and two CCCs. The formative assessment for this lesson is a Summary Task where students are tasked to explain how natural selection contributed to the symbiotic relationship between gut bacteria and their human hosts (DCI-LS4.B-H2, DCI-LS4.C-H2), how environmental factors can impact the survivability of some bacteria (DCI-LS4.C-H5), and describe the difference between correlation and causation (CCC-CE-H1). While three-dimensional learning objectives are present, there is a missed opportunity for students to engage with elements of all three dimensions and demonstrate knowledge and use of numerous grade-band elements from the learning objectives, specifically the SEPs. Support for the instructional process is limited to a general statement within the teacher materials with respect to “The results of this task can be used to make determinations about which students need more time to engage in sense-making about diversity and the microbiome.” While generic guidance is provided, there is a missed opportunity to provide support for the teacher on interpreting students responses and adjusting instruction to support students.
In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Kelp Forest, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of 10 elements; three DCIs, three SEPs, and four CCCs. The formative assessment for this lesson is a Summary Task where students are tasked to explain how both kelp forests and urchin barren ecosystems can be found in the same geographic locations but at different periods in time (DCI-LS2.A-H1, DCI-LS2.C-H1, and CCC-SC-H1). While three-dimensional learning objectives are present, there is a missed opportunity for students to engage with elements of all three dimensions and demonstrate knowledge and use of numerous grade-band elements from the learning objectives, specifically the SEPs. Support for the instructional process is limited to a general statement within the teacher materials with respect to “The results of this task can be used to make determinations about which students need more time to engage in sense-making about how interactions between organisms, and between organisms and their environment regulate ecosystem stability.” While generic guidance is provided, there is a missed opportunity to provide support for the teacher on interpreting students responses and adjusting instruction to support students.
Indicator 1I
Materials are designed to elicit evidence of three-dimensional learning.
Indicator 1I.i
Materials are designed to elicit direct, observable evidence of three-dimensional learning.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations that they are designed to elicit direct, observable evidence of three-dimensional learning in the instructional materials. While learning objectives are consistently three-dimensional at the lesson-level, there is a missed opportunity for the materials to consistently measure student achievement of the targeted learning objectives.
Within the program, a learning sequence is equivalent to a BCSC 5E Instructional Model which consists of Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate phases where the Explore and Explain phases may be repeated. At the end of each sequence, the materials provide various representations of how the three dimensions are addressed. The Assessment Matrix provides component level information by phase and the Aspects of Three-Dimensional Learning Table provides element-level specificity. Specific elements listed in the Aspects of Three-Dimensional Learning Tables are identified as learning objectives for their respective 5E Lesson Sequence.
The summative assessments within the materials are the Performance Tasks which students complete during each Evaluate phase at the end of each 5E Sequence. Across the Performance Tasks, students may add to and develop claims, scientific arguments, and/or models. The culmination of the summative assessment is found in the Unit Closing. Performance Tasks also include student-facing rubrics.
All summative assessments address some of the identified NGSS elements from the learning objectives and most assess elements of all three-dimensions. However, summative tasks do not consistently measure student achievement of the targeted three-dimensional learning objectives. Where assessment tasks are limited to one or two dimensions, DCIs and SEPs are more consistently assessed than CCCs.
Examples where three-dimensional summative tasks are designed to measure student achievement of the targeted elements from the learning objectives:
In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Water Balance, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of six elements; three DCIs, one SEP, and two CCCs. The summative assessment task for this lesson includes an explanatory model and a short answer question. Students construct a “Water Balance Model” to illustrate how an exercising person osmoregulates by evaluating the importance of plasma sodium levels for a body maintaining homeostasis in relation to water balance (DCI-LS1.A-H4, SEP-MOD-H3, CCC-SYS-H3, and CCC-SC-H3). Students are tasked to include interactions on multiple levels (organ, tissue, cell) as well as a detailed cell model (DCI-LS1.A-H1, DCI-LS1.A-H3, and SEP-MOD-H3). In this three-dimensional task, students have an opportunity to engage with elements of all three dimensions and demonstrate knowledge and use of the grade-band elements from the learning objectives.
In Unit 3, 5E Sequence: Circadian Rhythms, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of six elements; three DCIs, two SEPs, and one CCC. The summative assessment task for this lesson includes a series of short answer questions and a labeled diagram. Students are tasked to identify a problem (SEP-CEDS-H5), diagram a possible solution (from a class generated list), explain how the solution addresses the causes behind disruptions to circadian rhythms (DCI-LS1.A-H1, DCI-LS1.A-H2, and DCI-LS3.A-H1), and discuss how claims about causes and effects (CCC-CE-H1) inform their design solution. In this three-dimensional task, students have an opportunity to engage with elements of all three dimensions and demonstrate knowledge and use of the grade-band elements from the learning objectives.
In Unit 5: Food for All, Unit Closing, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of six elements; three DCIs, one SEP, and two CCCs. The summative assessment task for this lesson is a performance task composed of short answer questions and a poster presentation. Students are tasked to draw connections between the past and present by explaining how our understanding of nutritious food has changed over time with respect to how energy drives the cycling of matter through plants and the surrounding environment (DCI-LS1.C-H1, DCI-LS2.B-H2, and SEP-CEDS-H2). Students read and annotate texts about innovations that address medical problems related to limited access to healthy food. Students create a poster that relates those innovations to how matter and energy flow between and within systems (CCC-EM-H2, CCC-EM-H4). Successful posters will document the components of cellular respiration and ATP (DCI-LS2.B-H1). In this three-dimensional task, students have an opportunity to engage with elements of all three dimensions and demonstrate knowledge and use of the grade-band elements from the learning objectives.
Examples where three-dimensional summative tasks are partially designed to measure student achievement of the targeted elements from the learning objectives:
In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Gas Exchange and Cellular Respiration, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of nine elements; five DCIs, two SEPs, and two CCCs. The summative assessment task for this lesson is an explanatory model. Students are tasked to construct a model (SEP-MOD-H3) to explain the chemical reactions and energy transfers (DCI-LS1.C-H2, DCI-LS1.C-H3) taking place within the cells and systems of the human body (DCI-LS1.A-H3, CCC-SYS-H3) during the process of cellular respiration (DCI-LS1.C-H4). Successful models will indicate how gasses move throughout the body, highlight areas of the body that might explain the sick marathon runner, and address the role of feedback mechanisms (CCC-SC-H3). While three-dimensional learning objectives are present and students have an opportunity to engage with elements of all three dimensions, there is a missed opportunity for students to demonstrate knowledge and use of a few of the grade-band elements from the learning objectives.
In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: Infectious Agent or Insufficient Diet, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of seven elements; two DCIs, two SEPs, and three CCCs. The summative task for this lesson is a revision of a previously constructed explanation. Students are tasked to review an earlier explanation of why some populations suffer from pellagra while others do not in terms of energy and matter (CCC-EM-H2, CCC-EM-H4) in ecosystems and revise their explanation (SEP-CEDS-H2) to include new learning. Successful explanations will include how organisms recombine chemical elements in different ways to form different products (DCI-LS1.C-H3) and that photosynthesis and cellular respiration provide most of the energy for life processes (DC1-LS2.B-H1). While three-dimensional learning objectives are present and students have an opportunity to engage with elements of all three dimensions, there is a missed opportunity for students to demonstrate knowledge and use of a few of the grade-band elements from the learning objectives.
In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Kelp Forest, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of nine elements; three DCIs, three SEPs, and three CCCs. The summative assessment for this lesson is four open-ended prompts around claims, evidence, and reasoning related to woolly mammoth extinction. Students are tasked to develop a model that includes evidence to support the claim that ecosystem instability was a cause of the woolly mammoth extinction (SEP-ARG-H2). Successful responses will include the concepts of ecosystem stability and/or resilience through complex interactions and the ability of ecosystems to tolerate moderate disturbances (DCI-LS2.C-H1). The assessment concludes with students developing a revised model for what they think caused the woolly mammoth to go extinct (SEP-MOD-H3), including relationships within and between systems at different scales (CCC-SYS-H3). While three-dimensional learning objectives are present and students have an opportunity to engage with elements of all three dimensions, there is a missed opportunity for students to demonstrate knowledge and use of a few of the grade-band elements from the learning objectives.
Examples where summative tasks are partially designed to measure student achievement of the targeted elements from the learning objectives; tasks are not three-dimensional:
In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: The Black Death, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of nine elements; five DCIs, two SEPs, and two CCCs. The summative assessment for this lesson is a performance task that includes the construction of two supported claims. Students are tasked with identifying evidence, reasoning, and counter evidence for two claims (SEP-ARG-H2) about surviving the Black Death. Successful claims will identify immunity as an advantageous trait (DCI-LS4.B-H2) and incorporate the differential reproduction and changes in populations based on immunity (DCI-LS4.C-H2, DCI-LS4.C-H3) as they evaluate both claims. While three-dimensional learning objectives are present, students do not have an opportunity to engage with elements of all three dimensions, there is a missed opportunity for students to demonstrate knowledge and use of most of the grade-band elements from the learning objectives.
In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: The Microbiome, the three-dimensional learning objectives represent a total of eleven elements; five DCIs, four SEPs, and two CCCs. The summative assessment for this lesson is a performance task that includes a collection of short answer and essay questions. Students are tasked to provide evidence-based support for the claim, “We can leverage a healthy microbiome in order to reduce the chances of a cholera infection,” (SEP-ARG-H2). Successful claims will identify the benefits of a diverse bacterial biome in the human gut (DCI-LS4.B-H2, DCI-LS4.C-H2). While three-dimensional learning objectives are present, students do not have an opportunity to engage with elements of all three dimensions, there is a missed opportunity for students to demonstrate knowledge and use of most of the grade-band elements from the learning objectives.
Indicator 1I.ii
Materials are designed to incorporate three-dimensional performance tasks.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations that they consistently provide performance tasks that are focused on figuring out uncertain phenomena or problems and tasks are two- or three-dimensional in nature.
Across the program, Unit summative assessments, Performance Tasks, are introduced in the Unit Opening of each Unit. Throughout each of the Unit's Lessons, students read texts, conduct investigations, and participate in class discussions to learn about phenomena and/or science topics. Then, at the end of each Lesson, students complete a new part of the Performance Task. Throughout the program, each Performance Task ends with students revising and finalizing the Performance Task (i.e. model, explanation, or argument).
In some instances, Performance Tasks present students with opportunities to make sense of novel phenomena or problems. Performance Task phenomena are generally introduced at the beginning of a Unit. Within each Lesson, the materials present opportunities for students to engage with separate Lesson-level phenomena, or related activities. In the Evaluate phase, students return to the Performance Task phenomenon, where they apply what they learned throughout the Lesson to an uncertain part of the Performance Task. In other instances, Performance Tasks do not present students with opportunities to make sense of novel phenomena or problems. While the Performance Task phenomenon is still presented at the beginning of the Unit, in each Lesson students either engage with a piece of the Performance Task phenomenon or a science concept. As a result, there is a missed opportunity for students to consistently engage with an uncertain phenomenon or problem in the Performance Tasks.
Examples of three-dimensional performance tasks that are focused on figuring out uncertain phenomena or problems:
In Unit 2: Humans vs. Bacteria, the performance task is a three-dimensional assessment. In the Unit Opening, students draft an initial argument to answer the question “How can we prevent a future Cholera outbreak?”. At the end of each Lesson, students return to the Performance Task, adding to their argument based on what they learned in each Lesson. In 5E Sequence: The Black Death, students learn about the Black Death and its transmission and then in the Performance Task consider how immunity and disrupting transmission might apply to cholera. In 5E Sequence: Antibiotic Resistance, students learn about antibiotic resistance and then in the Performance Task add to their argument about how to ensure V. cholerae does not become antibiotic resistant. In 5E Sequence: The Microbiome, students learn about the microbiome and then in the Performance Task consider how a healthy microbiome can be used to reduce the changes of a cholera infection. In 5E Sequence: Cooperation and Survival, students learn about cooperation and survival in bacteria and then in the Performance Task consider how to prevent a cholera outbreak by disrupting bacterial cooperation.
Across the unit assessment, students engage with two or three dimensions. For example:
In the 5E Sequence: The Black Death assessment, students evaluate two claims related to preventing cholera; one related to immunity and one related to disrupting transmission of the disease (DCI-LS4.B-H2, DCI-LS4.C-H2, and DCI-LS4.C-H3). Students identify evidence and reasoning that supports those claims as well as provide evidence that may refute the claims (CCC-ARG-H2).
In the 5E Sequence: Cooperation and Survival assessment, students answer a series of questions about cooperation and survival of bacteria (DCI-LS2.D-H1), then use the evidence collected throughout the Lesson to decide how they think a cholera outbreak could be prevented, supporting their solution with evidence and scientific reasoning (SEP-ARG-H2).
In Unit 6: Woolly Mammoth, the performance task is a three-dimensional assessment. In the Unit Opening, students develop an initial model to explain what caused the extinction of the woolly mammoth. At the end of each Lesson, students return to the Performance Task, adding to their model based on what they learned in each Lesson. In 5E Sequence: Tuskless Elephants, students learn about tuskless elephants and human interactions and then in the Performance Task consider how hunting by humans may have contributed to woolly mammoth extinction. In 5E Sequence: Coral Bleaching, students learn about coral bleaching being impacted by climate change and then in the Performance Task consider how climate change influenced woolly mammoth extinction. In 5E Sequence: Kelp Forest, students learn about the kelp forest ecosystem and then in the Performance Task consider how ecosystem instability contributed to woolly mammoth extinction. In 5E Sequence: Passenger Pigeon, students learn about the passenger pigeon and an argument supporting its return and then in the Performance Task evaluate the argument of bringing back the woolly mammoth.
Across the unit assessment, students engage with two or three dimensions. For example:
In the 5E Sequence: Coral Bleaching assessment, students answer questions and develop a system model (SEP-MOD-H3, CCC-SYS-H3) showing how human actions could have caused extreme fluctuations in the climate (DCI-LS2.C-H2) of the woolly mammoth.
In the 5E Sequence: Kelp Forest assessment, students are provided with a woolly mammoth ecosystem diagram and an online article with additional evidence about the effects of humans on the Pleistocene ecosystems. Students then discuss evidence that supports the claim that ecosystem instability was a cause of woolly mammoth extinction (DCI-LS2.C-H1, SEP-ARG-H2). The task concludes with students developing a model of what caused the woolly mammoths to go extinct (SEP-MOD-H3), including how relevant components of systems relate to one another at different scales (CCC-SPQ-H4).
Examples of three-dimensional performance tasks that are not focused on figuring out uncertain phenomena or problems:
In Unit 1: Marathon Runner, the performance task is a three-dimensional assessment. In the Unit Opening, students develop an initial model to explain what caused a marathon runner to go into a coma. At the end of each Lesson, students return to the Performance Task, adding to their model based on what they learned in each Lesson. In 5E Sequence: Gas Exchange and Cellular Respiration, students learn about gas exchange and cellular respiration to determine if the marathon runner ran out of oxygen and then in the Performance Task add to their model of the marathon runner and determine if oxygen was an issue. In 5E Sequence: Muscles and Energy, students learn about muscles and energy to determine if the marathon runner ran out of energy and then in the Performance Task add to their model and determine if energy was an issue. In 5E Sequence: Human Thermoregulation, students learn about thermoregulation to determine if the marathon runner overheated and then in the Performance Task add to their model to determine if overheating was an issue. In 5E Sequence: Water Balance, students learn about water balance to determine if the marathon runner was dehydrated and then in the Performance Task add to their model to determine if dehydration was an issue. Because students engage with the marathon runner in all Lessons and parts of the Performance Task, across the summative assessment system there is a missed opportunity for students to engage with an uncertain phenomena.
Across the unit assessment, students engage with two or three dimensions. For example:
In the 5E Sequence: Muscles and Energy assessment, students create a muscles and energy model (SEP-MOD-H3) of the human body system (CCC-SYS-H3) that shows what is happening inside the body to maintain homeostasis (DCI-LS1.A-H4) along with identifying parts of the system that connect with the marathon runner.
In the 5E Sequence: Water Balance assessment, students create a model of the human body and a cell to show what happens when a person is maintaining homeostasis as it relates to water balance in the body (DCI-LS1.A-H4, SEP-MOD-H3, and CCC-SC-H3). And then students use the model to indicate parts of the system that connect with the marathon runner (CCC-SYS-H3).
In Unit 5: Food for All, the performance task is a three-dimensional assessment. In the Unit Opening, students develop an initial explanation to explain what caused the pellagra epidemic. At the end of some Lessons, students return to the Performance Task adding to their model based on what they learned in each Lesson. In 5E Sequence: Neolithic Revolution, students learn about the Neolithic Revolution to determine factors that impacted human population and do not return to the Performance Task. In 5E Sequence: The SuperFood that Changed the World, students learn about the role of corn in society to determine if corn played a role in the pellagra epidemic and then in the Performance Task add to their explanation and determine if corn was an issue. In 5E Sequence: Infectious Agent or Insufficient Diet, students learn about infection and diet to determine if pellagra is caused by an infection or insufficient diet and then in the Performance Task add to their explanation to determine if all populations that eat corn were impacted by pellagra in the same way. In 5E Sequence: Food for Plants, students learn about agricultural practices to determine how certain communities were more impacted by pellagra and then in the Performance Task add to their explanation to determine why only some populations that relied on corn were impacted by pellagra. Because students engage with pellagra in all Lessons and parts of the Performance Task, across the summative assessment system there is a missed opportunity for students to engage with an uncertain phenomena.
Across the unit assessment, students engage with two or three dimensions. For example:
In the 5E Sequence: Infectious Agent or Insufficient Diet assessment, students revise their ongoing explanation (SEP-CEDS-H2) for why some populations that relied on corn suffer from pellagra while others do not while including their understanding of changes in energy and matter coming into, out of, and within systems, as well as energy driving the cycling of matter in those systems (CCC-EM-H2, CCC-EM-H4).
In the 5E Sequence: Food for Plants assessment, students revise an explanation (SEP-CEDS-H2) for why many populations relied on corn as a source of energy, due to the creation of sugar during photosynthesis (DCI-LS1.C-H1), but only some of them suffered from pellagra. Students are prompted to frame their response in terms of changes of energy and matter in the system (CCC-EM-H2, CCC-EM-H4).
Overview of Gateway 2
Coherence and Scope
The instructional materials reviewed for High School meet expectations for Gateway 2: Coherence & Scope; Criterion 1: Coherence and Full Scope of the Three Dimensions meets expectations.
Gateway 2
Criterion 2.1: Coherence and Full Scope of the Three Dimensions
Materials are coherent in design, scientifically accurate, and support claims made for all three dimensions.
NOTE: Indicators 2d-2e are non-negotiable; instructional materials being reviewed must score above zero points in each indicator; otherwise, the materials automatically do not proceed to Gateway 3.
Claims-Based Review: EdReports reviewers verify claims made by publishers regarding NGSS alignment rather than confirming the presence of all standards. For example, in a biology course, it is unlikely that all grade 9–12 NGSS Performance Expectations (PEs) be incorporated into that one course. In this case, EdReports will look for the presence of the standards that have been claimed through NGSS alignment documents and learning objectives. If claims are made above the element level, all elements for that target (Performance Expectations, component, sub-idea, etc.) are considered “claimed.” This is due to the grade-banded nature of the 9–12 NGSS PEs.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School meet expectations for Gateway 2: Coherence and Scope. The materials claim all elements of the high school life science DCIs and three elements from the high school engineering, technology, and applications of science (ETS) DCIs. The materials fully address most of the claimed elements with four elements partially present and two elements not present. The materials claim about a third of all the SEP elements from the high school grade band, including at least one element from each practice. The materials fully address all of the claimed elements from the SEPs. The materials claim about half of all the CCC elements from the high school grade band, including at least one element from each concept. The materials address most of the claimed elements from the CCCs, with one partially present and two not present in the materials. The most commonly occurring elements come from Asking Questions and Defining Problems for SEPs and Cause and Effect from the CCCs. The least common occurrences are Planning and Carrying Out Investigations from the SEPs and Structure and Function from the CCCs. Across the program, the materials provide multiple and repeated opportunities for students to engage with the claimed SEP and CCC elements. There are no instances of inappropriate use of science ideas or of presenting elements of the three dimensions in a way that is scientifically inaccurate. Connections within and across Units, where students are explicitly asked to recall and use previous learning experiences to make broader connections, are only made occasionally. More often, students are asked to make learning connections within an individual Lesson with explicit prompts to think back to earlier Lesson Phases. The Course Guide and Teacher Materials provide instructional guidance to support the intentional sequencing of disciplinary content throughout the program. However, in most cases, tasks engage students in a similar level of complexity throughout the course, with no clear increase of sophistication.
Indicator 2A
Materials provide opportunities for students to fully learn and develop all claimed grade-band Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs).
Claims-Based Review: Indicator 2a focuses on collecting evidence across the entire course to determine the extent that the claimed grade-band disciplinary core ideas and their elements are included within the course.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School meet expectations that they provide opportunities for students to fully learn and develop nearly all claimed grade-band DCI elements.
Across the program, the materials claim all elements of the life science DCIs and three elements from the engineering (ETS) DCIs. The materials fully address most of the claimed elements with four elements partially present and two elements not present. Overall, students usually have more than one opportunity to engage with the life science elements and elements are mostly claimed either within one Unit or across different Units, as appropriate.
Claimed grade-band DCI elements present in the materials:
LS1.A-H2: In Unit 3, 5E Sequence: Leptin Resistance, Explain 1, students watch two animations about transcription and translation and describe their observations. They then read a text that describes the process of protein synthesis, make connections between the animations and the article, and write a final summary of the process including the terms DNA, chromosome, gene, protein, codes, instructions, form, and function.
LS1.A-H3: In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Gas Exchange and Cellular Respiration, Elaborate, students read a text comparing gas exchange in plants, amphibians, and fish, including details about cellular structures, organs, and processes. They use a Read-Generate-Sort-Solve protocol to generate ideas about concepts connected to the reading, identify the most important ideas, and work as a group to develop a response to the question, “Do all organisms do gas exchange the same way humans do?”
LS1.A-H4: In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Water Balance, Explain, students work in groups to create a sequence diagram representing their understanding of osmoregulation in response to exercise. Then they read a text about osmoregulation at the system level and the negative feedback mechanisms in the kidneys and brain that maintain a constant blood solute concentration, including during exercise.
LS1.B-H1: In Unit 4, 5E Sequence: Genetic Variation, Explain, students access three different resources (a video about mitosis, a reading about differentiation, and a video and reading about mutations) then work as a group to take notes on patterns and information that will help them explain the cause behind the abnormalities observed in the Florida panther population. Students then read a short text about inbreeding and look for additional information that will help them make and defend a claim that explains the cause behind the observed abnormalities.
LS1.C-H1: In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: Neolithic Revolution, Explain, students create a model to show how corn grows, where it gets energy and nutrients from, and where glucose in corn comes from. Students participate in a class discussion in which they clarify that carbon dioxide in the air is the source of carbon dioxide for the carbon in glucose, that plants transform light energy into chemical energy during photosynthesis, and that the energy from the sun is stored in the bonds of glucose molecules.
LS1.C-H2: In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Muscles and Energy, Explain 1, students read the text “Muscle Fatigue” in order to revise an input-output model for cell respiration in muscle cells. The text calls out that glucose is broken down into carbon dioxide and water during this process. Then in Unit 5, 5E Sequence: Food for Plants, Explore, students examine the structure of Niacin, identify the elements of Niacin, and explain where those molecules come from.
LS1.C-H3: In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: Food for Plants, Explain, students recreate a model for photosynthesis from the Explore phase and revise their model to show how plants recombine chemical elements to make molecules like niacin and amino acids.
LS2.A-H1: In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: Neolithic Revolution, Explain, students read a text on carrying capacity while annotating two graphs, one showing human population over the past 20,000 years and the other showing two different mouse populations from a simulation. Students then create a poster in groups, using evidence from the text and graph, explaining the human population from 20,000 years ago to about 4,000 years ago and predicting what is occurring with the human population between 4,000 years ago and today. Groups share their posters and clarify ideas about the impact of carrying capacity and limiting factors on population size.
LS2.B-H1: In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: The Superfood that Changed the World, Explore 1, students complete an investigation to identify the reactants and products of photosynthesis and then answer questions and create a model about how corn grows and where its energy comes from. Then, in 5E Sequence: Infectious Agent or Insufficient Diet, Explain 2, students read a text that details how bacteria and fungi break food down into smaller organic molecules and then use anaerobic and/or aerobic cellular respiration to generate ATP for life's processes. There is a missed opportunity for students to consider the role of photosynthesis in this process.
LS2.B-H3: In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Coral Bleaching, Explain 2, students develop a model to represent how carbon moves and interacts through different parts of the Earth through photosynthesis and cellular respiration in the geosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere.
LS2.C-H1: In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: The Microbiome, Explain, students read and annotate a text which defines the human microbiome as a resilient ecosystem that can overcome modest biological or physical disturbances. But, in the case of extreme changes in population (such as during a C. difficile infection) the challenge to the ecosystem is harder to overcome.
LS2.C-H2: In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Tuskless Elephants, Elaborate, students watch a video and answer questions about the role of different groups in the decrease of the population of bluefin tuna. They then complete an Overfishing Simulation, identifying how human activities are disrupting bluefin tuna survival.
LS2.D-H1: In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: Cooperation and Survival, Explain, students use ideas from previous Lesson phases and a group discussion at the start of this phase to write a Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER) that addresses the question, ““How do cooperative behaviors evolve over time through natural selection?”
LS3.A-H1: In Unit 3, 5E Sequence: Lactase Persistence, Explain 2, students review initial DNA models and read a text about non-coding DNA before writing a CER using evidence from previous Lesson phases that address the idea of why some people can digest milk and others cannot, including the role of proteins.
LS3.B-H1: In Unit 4, 5E Sequence: Genetic Variation, Explain, students record patterns about mitosis, differentiation, and mutations before working in groups to write and defend a claim related to the cause of abnormalities in Florida populations of mountain lions. Student explanations include concepts of inbreeding, a build up of mutations, and an increased frequency of abnormal traits.
LS3.B-H2: In Unit 4, 5E Sequence: Engineering Gene Flow, Elaborate, students apply the concepts of abnormal cell production in mountain lions to sea turtles. After looking at a graphic of the role of temperature on the sex of turtles and reading a brief text about sex determination, students write and defend a claim that explains how environmental factors affect turtle gender.
LS4.A-H1: In Unit 3, 5E Sequence: Common Ancestry, Explore, students conduct an investigation of the degree of similarity in amino acid sequence between humans and four other organisms (mouse, chimpanzee, rainbow trout, and fruit fly) using the NCBI Database. They then use the Timetree Database to calculate the evolutionary divergence time from humans for each of the four species and answer five summary questions about their results. The reading in the subsequent Explain phase includes information about the comparing embryos, the fossil record and anatomical evidence.
LS4.B-H1: In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: The Black Death, Explain 2, students work in groups to complete a sequencing activity showing the change in traits in rock pocket mice on different colored habitats over time. They then read a text about natural selection, variation in genetic information between individuals, and variation in expression of traits.
LS4.B-H2: In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: Antibiotic Resistance, Elaborate, students read two texts, one about treating diseases with bacteriophages and the other about antibiotics and the development of advantageous traits in bacteria, like antibiotic resistance.
LS4.C-H1: In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: Black Death, Explain 2, after completing an investigation to learn about color variation in rock pocket mice fur, students put a set of cards in order to represent the process of trait variation. One of the cards specifically mentions that variation in fur color of the population is due to sexual reproduction and mutation. Then, in 5E Sequence: Antibiotic Resistance, Explain, students reflect on the importance of taking a full round of antibiotics before viewing a time lapse video of how antibiotic resistance evolves over time in a population of humans. Students apply their learning to the overuse of antibiotics in livestock by evaluating a claim about the overuse of antibiotics causing population level resistance.
LS4.C-H2: In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: Cooperation and Survival, Explain, students complete a jigsaw activity about cooperative behaviors among bacteria. During the jigsaw, students complete a note taking sheet in which they answer questions about how individual cooperative behaviors benefit an individual organism or the population of organisms. Students are reminded to "discuss the following concepts in your response; variation, adaptation, competition, differential survival & reproduction, cause and effect." Finally, students construct a CER that explains how cooperative behaviors evolve over time through natural selection and how changes in the environment can impact future populations of an organism.
LS4.C-H3: In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Coral Bleaching, Elaborate, students read an online text about heat-tolerant coral and use the Read-Generate-Sort-Solve organizer to respond to a prompt about how organisms adapt to climate change, including traits changing in a population when conditions change.
LS4.C-H4: In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Coral Bleaching, Elaborate, students read an online text and use the Read-Generate-Sort-Solve organizer to respond to a prompt about how organisms adapt to climate change. Students read that animals can either “adapt, move, or die” showing that changes in the environment have thus contributed to the expansion of some species, the emergence of new distinct species as populations diverge under different conditions, and the decline–and sometimes the extinction–of some species.
LS4.C-H5: In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Coral Bleaching, Elaborate, students read an online text and use the Read-Generate-Sort-Solve organizer to respond to a prompt about how organisms adapt to climate change. Students read about the effect of temperature change on the reproduction of monarch butterflies, showing that if members cannot adjust to change that is too fast or drastic, the opportunity for species’ evolution is lost.
ETS1.B-H1: In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Tuskless Elephants, Elaborate, students use a simulation to better understand the impacts of overfishing on fish populations. They use observations made during the overfishing simulation to revise their solutions for elephant decline, considering a range of constraints and trade-offs for stakeholders.
ETS1.C-H1: In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Tuskless Elephants, Explain, students watch a video and read a text about selection for tuskless elephants. The information is utilized to design a solution to reduce the effects of human activities on elephants. Students are guided to break the criteria for the problem down into simpler criteria that can be analyzed to identify trade-offs.
Claimed grade-band DCI elements partially present in the materials:
LS1.C-H4: In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Muscles and Energy, Explain 1, students generate input-output models for muscle cells at rest vs while exercising. Students collaborate to generate relevant information to include in their models including where energy comes from and if there is more than oxygen as an input. During a group discussion of their input-output models, students discuss how the circulatory system plays a role in transporting needed materials to all cells in the body. There is a missed opportunity for students to consider how the energy released by cellular respiration is also needed to maintain body temperature despite ongoing energy transfer to the surrounding environment.
LS2.B-H2: In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: The SuperFood that Changed the World, Explore 2, students investigate energy transfer between trophic levels by estimating the number of producers, primary consumers, and secondary consumers in an ecosystem. Those predictions are used to create an energy pyramid demonstrating the small fraction of energy that is transferred upward from each level to the next, leading to fewer organisms at higher trophic levels. In the Explain 2 phase, students answer questions that include the way the energy from food consumed is used for life functions. There is a missed opportunity for students to consider the conservation of matter alongside the conservation of energy.
LS4.D-H1: In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Tuskless Elephants, Explain, students discuss how elephants impact the ecosystem and biodiversity and that it would be important to protect them (prevent extinction). There is a missed opportunity for students to consider how biodiversity is increased by the formation of new species.
LS4.D-H2: In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Tuskless Elephants, Explain, students read a text about the negative impacts of humans on elephant populations including how the poaching of elephants is a type of overexploitation and how increasing human population is limiting elephant habitat. Benefits to conservation of elephants is also discussed including the role of elephants in increasing biodiversity as a keystone species and how some people regard elephants in their natural habitat as an inspirational species. In 5E Sequence: Coral Bleaching, Explore and Explain 2, students use a simulation to collect data and then construct a model about how human-caused pollution and climate change raises ocean temperatures and impacts the survival of coral reefs, an important habitat for fish and other marine life. There is a missed opportunity for students to consider how the adverse impacts of human activity relate to the introduction of invasive species.
Claimed grade-band DCI elements not present in the materials:
LS1.A-H1: Organisms contain systems of specialized cells that help them perform essential functions of life.
ETS1.B-H2: Both physical models and computers can be used in various ways to aid in the engineering design process. Computers are useful for a variety of purposes, such as running simulations to test different ways of solving a problem or to see which one is most efficient or economical; and in making a persuasive presentation to a client about how a given design will meet his or her needs.
Indicator 2B
Materials provide opportunities for students to fully learn and develop all claimed grade-band Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs).
Claims-Based Review: Indicator 2b focuses on collecting evidence across the entire course to determine the extent that the claimed grade-band science and engineering practices and their elements are included within the course (including connections to Nature of Science (NOS) topics connected to the SEPs) and whether materials provide multiple and repeated opportunities with the claimed grade-band SEPs.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School meet expectations that they provide opportunities for students to fully learn and develop nearly all claimed grade-band SEP elements.
Across the program, the materials claim about 30% of all the SEP elements from the high school grade band, including at least one element from each practice. The materials fully address all of the claimed elements from the SEPs. For each practice, students have multiple opportunities to engage with the elements, oftentimes across Units, as appropriate. Asking Questions and Defining Problems, Developing and Using Models, and Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information are present the most across the materials. Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking and Planning and Carrying Out Investigations are present the least across the materials. Additionally, connections to components of the Nature of Science associated with the SEPs are noted in a few places throughout the teacher materials as call out boxes.
Claimed grade-band SEP elements present in the materials:
AQDP-H1: In Unit 3: Evolution of Sick Humans, Unit Opening, students read a text about a girl from Japan who develops an upset stomach after eating a school lunch with a lot of dairy products, then they annotate important details and compose a paragraph that tells the story of the phenomenon. Students generate questions about the phenomenon and share and categorize them to create a driving question board.
AQDP-H2: In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Passenger Pigeon, Explore, students work in groups to model the complex interactions between passenger pigeons and the physical and living parts of their habitat. Students then trade models with other groups and complete a See-Think-Wonder chart to ask questions about their classmates’ models.
MOD-H3: In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Muscles and Energy, Explain 1, students use evidence from the previous investigation to develop two models to illustrate the similarities and differences in the energy inputs and outputs in muscle cells at rest vs. during exercise.
INV-H1: In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Gas Exchange and Cellular Respiration, Explore 1, students initially consider an experimental design independently, then work collaboratively to design and carry out an investigation about the relationship between exercise and cellular respiration. Before beginning the experiment, students brainstorm as a group, considering what they know is the same between the lab groups, what might be the same between groups, and what is not the same between groups. As part of the investigation design, students list out the independent, dependent, and controlled variables. Students then gather data from the investigation to demonstrate the relationship between exercise and cellular respiration.
INV-H2: In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Human Thermoregulation, Explore, students develop a plan for their investigation by identifying what they are measuring, the tools needed to measure, how accurate the tools are, the units of measurement, and time intervals. The class determines a common procedure to follow and then students carry out the investigation to collect data on thermoregulation.
DATA-H1: In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Gas Exchange and Cellular Respiration, Explore 1, students collect and use data to better understand cellular respiration in yeast. Students graph data, discuss why using averages provides the most accurate representation of data, and use data to support/refute their hypotheses.
DATA-H2: In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: The Microbiome, Explore, students compare three different data sources in the Comparing Microbiomes investigation. Students record noticings and questions in a See-Think-Wonder chart, calculate a correlation coefficient, and generate a line of best fit. In Unit 4, 5E Sequence: Genetic Variation, Explore, students analyze large data sets in the Mountain Lion Genetic Diversity investigation. Students use a diversity calculator to find a coefficient to describe rates of inbreeding in mountain lions. In Unit 4, 5E Sequence: Engineering Gene Flow, Explore, students complete a set of investigations about increasing genetic variation among mountain lion populations. Students apply probability to scientific questions while using digital tools to support understanding.
DATA-H3: In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: Antibiotic Resistance, Explore, students collect and analyze data from an investigation that simulates a bacterial infection. In the summary of the investigation, students address limitations of the simulation.
MATH-H1: In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Tuskless Elephants, Elaborate, students use an overfishing simulation to collect data about various fishing scenarios. They use their observations to determine the meaning of sustainable fishing. Students provide ideas for revising the simulation so that it better models and tests real-life overfishing scenarios. They consider stakeholders, constraints, and trade-offs in their revisions.
MATH-H2: In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Coral Bleaching, Explore 1, students use graphical data to calculate the DHW value (degree heating weeks) for an assigned location. They use these calculations to identify areas of the world that are at higher risk for coral bleaching.
CEDS-H2: In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: Cooperation and Survival, Explain, students use ideas from class discussions, an investigation of cooperation and cheating, and their understanding of evolution by natural selection to construct a scientific explanation that addresses the question, “How do cooperative behaviors evolve over time through natural selection?” Students use a Claim-Evidence-Reasoning organizer to identify evidence and reasoning, receive peer feedback prior to writing, construct an explanation, and revise based on additional feedback.
CEDS-H5: In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Tuskless Elephants, Explain, students consider information from the investigation in the Explore phase and a text about tuskless elephants. They design a solution to reduce the negative effects of human activities on the environment and biodiversity in Gorongosa National Park. Their design includes a description of the problem, criteria for the proposed solution and their priorities, relevant scientific knowledge and evidence, and tradeoffs the students are considering.
ARG-H2: In Unit 4, 5E Sequence: Genetic Variation, Elaborate, students read online texts about the causes of mutations. Then, using the Read-Generate-Sort-Solve protocol, students defend the claim that environmental toxins caused the abnormalities in the Florida population using evidence from the texts.
ARG-H5: In Unit 4, 5E Sequence: Engineering Gene Flow, Explain, students read a text about solutions for the Florida mountain lions and watch a video on meiosis before making and defending a claim on a solution for the Florida mountain lion population that enhances their long term survival.
INFO-H1: In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Gas Exchange and Cellular Respiration, Elaborate, students consider whether they think other organisms regulate gas exchange in the same way humans do, then consider a guiding prompt about how different organisms conduct gas exchange as compared to humans. Students then read a text about the gas exchange in each type of organism and use the Read-Generate-Sort-Solve protocol to generate ideas from the reading which are connected to the prompt.
INFO-H5: In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Gas Exchange and Cellular Respiration, Explore 1, students create a graph of data from an investigation about cellular respiration in yeast, draw a model of inputs and outputs in cellular respiration and then, in groups, discuss their initial models to reach consensus. In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Kelp Forest, Explore, students create a graph of kelp forest and urchin barren data, write about the trends they observed, and discuss their responses with their group and then with the whole class.
Indicator 2C
Materials provide opportunities for students to fully learn and develop all claimed grade-band Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs).
Claims-Based Review: Indicator 2c focuses on collecting evidence across the entire course to determine the extent that the claimed grade-band crosscutting concepts and their elements are included within the course (including connections to Nature of Science (NOS) and Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment (STSE) topics connected to the CCCs) and whether materials provide multiple and repeated opportunities with the claimed grade-band CCCs.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations that they provide opportunities for students to fully learn and develop nearly all claimed grade-band CCC elements.
Across the program, the materials claim about 52% of all the CCC elements from the high school grade band, including at least one element from each concept. The materials address most of the claimed elements from the CCCs, with one partially present and two not present in the materials. For each concept that is present, students have multiple opportunities to engage with the elements, oftentimes across Units, as appropriate. Patterns, Cause and Effect: Mechanism and Explanation, and Stability and Change are present the most across the materials. Scale, Proportion, and Quantity, and Structure and Function are present the least across the materials.
Claimed grade-band CCC elements present in the materials:
PAT-H1: In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: The Black Death, Explain 2, students reflect on the patterns they observed in the data from the pocket mice investigation and consider whether or not the patterns support the conclusion that the changes in fur color were caused by natural selection. They then watch a video and consider patterns at the individual level of the mouse, fur color changes at the population level, and changes in human traits at the population level.
CE-H1: In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: Antibiotic Resistance, Explain, after students watch a video about antibiotic use in agriculture, they evaluate a claim that antibiotic resistance is due to the overuse of antibiotics in agriculture and complete a cause and effect chart. Students summarize why some people in the video state that the overuse of antibiotics in agriculture causes antibiotic resistance, and others say that there is only a correlation or possible relationship between the two.
CE-H2: In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Coral Bleaching, Explain 1, students watch a coral bleaching animation in parts and use a cause and effect graphic organizer to explain the coral bleaching phenomenon.
SPQ-H4: In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Coral Bleaching, Explain 2, students create a model showing how carbon moves, read a short text, and then explain how representing the phenomenon at different scales helps them to understand why there was an increase in coral bleaching events.
SPQ-H5: In Unit 4, 5E Sequence: Engineering Gene Flow, Explain, after watching a video, students read a text about meiosis and genetic variation. During this reading, students use a formula to calculate the possible number of genetic combinations for mountain lions. They then use that data, along with data from the previous investigation, to predict how changing one variable (bringing in individuals from different populations) would change another (the genetic diversity).
SYS-H3: In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Coral Bleaching, Explain 2, students generate individual and group models of the carbon cycle before watching a brief video about the Greenhouse Effect. Students update their models to include how human actions are impacting coral bleaching. Finally, students revise their models one more time to answer the question, “How can we use evidence to model our phenomenon of coral bleaching at different scales?”
EM-H2: In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: The SuperFood that Changed the World, Explore 2, students construct a pyramid of numbers of organisms, a pyramid of biomass, and a pyramid of energy. They calculate and describe changes in energy at each level of the energy pyramid by tracing the flow of energy from one organism to the next.
EM-H3: In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: The SuperFood that Changed the World, Explain 2, students reflect on the Patterns in Pyramids investigation and consider what happens to energy that is not transferred between different levels of the pyramid. Students then are asked to explain whether they think the mass and energy represented in the energy pyramid model is lost and why.
EM-H4: In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: Food for Plants, Explain, after revising their models to show how agricultural practices impact crop growth and the formation of essential nutrients like niacin, students describe the role of energy in driving the cycling of matter and production of glucose and other nutrients in their models.
SF-H2: In Unit 3, 5E Sequence: Lactase Persistence, Explore 1, after completing a Dairy Investigation, students work individually or in pairs to make sense of an enzyme lock and key diagram. Students pay close attention to the structure and function of the model to better understand how structure supports the function of enzymes in the human body.
SC-H1: In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Tuskless Elephants, Explain, students generate a model to better understand the stability of each ecosystem including why and how one ecosystem can switch to another ecosystem.
SC-H3: In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Muscles and Energy, Explain 2, students annotate a blood glucose graph to show how feedback can lead to changes in blood sugar levels in the body.
Claimed grade-band CCC elements partially present in the materials:
SF-H1: In Unit 3, 5E Sequence: Lactase Persistence, Explore 1, students complete a See-Think-Wonder diagram about the structure and function of components in an enzyme lock-and-key diagram. In Explain 2, students answer a question about structure and function in the context of investigating a new system. There is a missed opportunity for students to engage with the examination of the properties or different materials.
Claimed grade-band CCC elements not present in the materials:
SPQ-H1: The significance of a phenomenon is dependent on the scale, proportion, and quantity at which it occurs.
SYS-H4: Models can be used to predict the behavior of a system, but these predictions have limited precision and reliability due to the assumptions and approximations inherent in models.
Indicator 2D
Materials present Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs), Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs), and Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs) in a way that is scientifically accurate.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School meet expectations that they present disciplinary core ideas (DCIs), science and engineering practices (SEPs), and crosscutting concepts (CCCs) in a way that is scientifically accurate. Across the course, the teacher materials, student materials, and assessments accurately represent the three dimensions and are free from scientific inaccuracies.
Indicator 2E
Materials do not inappropriately include scientific content and ideas outside of the grade-band Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs).
The instructional materials reviewed for High School meet expectations that they do not inappropriately include scientific content and ideas outside of the grade-band disciplinary core ideas (DCIs). Across the course, the materials consistently incorporate student learning opportunities to learn and use the DCIs appropriate to the HS grade-band.
Indicator 2F
Materials are designed for students to build and connect their knowledge and use of the three dimensions across the course.
Indicator 2F.i
Materials support understanding of how the dimensions connect within and across units.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations that materials support understanding of how the three dimensions connect within and across units. Across the program, the materials provide support for students to understand and benefit from connections with the dimensions, but not consistently.
There are examples of connections throughout the course when students are explicitly asked to recall and use previous information, but these explicit connections are only made occasionally. More often, students are asked to make learning connections within an individual Lesson with explicit prompts to think back to earlier Lesson Phases. There is a missed opportunity for materials to consistently make broader connections across an individual Unit or multiple Units throughout the series.
In cases where teacher guidance is present regarding making connections explicit, it often exists in the form of callout boxes and other notes in the instructor materials. Frequently, the materials reference connections that students should be making, but in these instances, guidance to the instructor is generalized and specific detail about the connection is not provided. While these connections are sometimes present across Units and increase in later Units, they are inconsistent within Units across the course.
Examples of student learning experiences that demonstrate how the dimensions connect within and across units:
In Unit 1, 5E Sequence: Water Balance, Explore, students consider how kidney cells maintain water balance in the body. As students use onion cells to model osmoregulation, they are prompted to reflect on their use of yeast as a model of an organism in a prior Lesson. Between these opportunities, the materials support students building understanding of feedback mechanisms in connection to the use of models based on evidence to illustrate and/or predict the relationships between systems or between components of a system (SEP-MOD-H3).
In Unit 2, 5E Sequence: The Black Death, Explore 1, students consider how infectious diseases spread between people. Students are prompted to reflect on their prior use of simulations to model organisms in an earlier Lesson, as they consider how they might model or simulate disease transmission in the classroom. Students then use ‘contaminated’ water and an online simulation to model the transmission of several fictional diseases. Between these opportunities, the materials support students building understanding of variables that affect the rate of disease transmission in connection to the use of models to generate data to support explanations, predict phenomena, and analyze systems and their interactions (SEP-MOD-H7).
In Unit 5, 5E Sequence: Infectious Agent or Insufficient Diet, Explain 2, students consider how processing food to increase its shelf life impacts its nutritional value. Students are prompted to incorporate evidence collected during a prior Unit as they develop a model to show the effect of photosynthesis and cellular respiration on decomposers in an ecosystem. Between these opportunities, the materials support students building understanding of the cycling of matter in an ecosystem in connection to the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration (DCI-LS1.C-H3).
In Unit 6, Unit Opening, students consider what factors led to the extinction of the woolly mammoth. Students are prompted to recall an earlier Unit where they explored the need for empirical evidence to support claims of cause and effect, as they develop initial models to explain why woolly mammoths are no longer living. Between these opportunities, the materials support students building understanding of the relationships between ecosystems and organisms in connection to evidence that differentiates between correlation and causation (CCC-CE-H1).
In Unit 6, 5E Sequence: Kelp Forest, Explain, students consider how components of an ecosystem interact to maintain stability. Students develop ecosystem models that show how an ecosystem can switch between supporting one type of organism to a different type of organism over time. Students are prompted to incorporate what they have learned about carrying capacity and dynamic equilibrium from prior Units as they develop models of the Kelp Forest and Urchin Barren ecosystems. Between these opportunities, the materials support students building understanding of the complex interactions within an ecosystem (DCI-LS2.A-H1) in connection to impact of feedback mechanisms on systems (DCI-LS1.A-H4).
Indicator 2F.ii
Materials have an intentional sequence where student tasks increase in sophistication.
The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations that they have an intentional sequence where student tasks increase in sophistication.
In the materials, the progression of content follows a logical sequence within and across all Units. The Course Guide and Teacher Materials provide instructional guidance to support the intentional sequencing of disciplinary content throughout the program. However, student tasks related to making sense of disciplinary content, especially as they relate to explaining phenomena and/or solving problems, do not increase in sophistication across the course.
Throughout the program students engage with activities, investigations, and multiple established learning routines. In most cases, tasks engage students in a similar level of complexity throughout the course, with no clear increase of sophistication. In some instances, scaffolds for learning are provided in some Lessons or Units but not others, and without a clear indication of why they are present or absent.
Examples where student tasks related to explaining phenomena and/or solving problems do not increase in sophistication across the course:
Across the program, the materials consistently engage students in asking questions. However, student engagement does not increase in sophistication as students work to explain phenomena or solve problems. While the materials consistently engage students in a series of learning routines (Asking Questions, See-Think-Wonder) to generate questions, expectations for question generation do not change. For example, in Unit 1, students are asked to complete a “See-Think-Wonder” chart from a marathon runner’s medical tent data before brainstorming additional questions for a class-generated driving question board (SEP-AQDP-H1). Later, in Unit 6, students use the same routine to generate questions about the extinction of the woolly mammoth for a driving question board from a brief video clip about the use of biotechnology to bring back extinct animals (SEP-AQDP-H2). In both instances, students are generating questions based upon packaged information. This is a missed opportunity to systematically increase the sophistication of student engagement with asking questions.
Across the program, the materials consistently engage students in constructing explanations. However, student engagement does not increase in sophistication as students work to explain phenomena or solve problems. While the materials frequently engage students in a series of Summary Tasks to construct explanations for phenomena, supports and scaffolds are provided at inconsistent intervals. For example, Summary Task items in Unit 2 prompt students to construct explanations using a Claim-Evidence-Reasoning format. Students are provided with a graphic organizer and engage in a peer review process to support the development of their explanation (SEP-CEDS-H2). Later in Unit 3, students are tasked to construct their explanation without these supports. Then, in Unit 5 Summary Task, students are again provided with a graphic organizer and access to peer review (SEP-CEDS-H2). This is a missed opportunity to systematically increase the sophistication of student engagement with constructing explanations.
Across the program, the materials consistently engage students in obtaining and communicating information. However, student engagement does not increase in sophistication as students work to explain phenomena or solve problems. Students engage with information in a similar way across the course, typically identifying key ideas or evidence and recording their ideas in a graphic organizer or note catcher. And in most cases, students work in groups and utilize a group learning routine to surface their ideas. For example, in Unit 2 students use a Read-Generate-Sort-Solve (RGSS) graphic organizer to analyze a text or video in small groups to determine what claim is better supported by evidence. They then participate in the RGSS group learning routine to synthesize and extend their thinking (SEP-INFO-H2). In Unit 6, students watch a video and read a text, annotating it. They are provided with a note catcher to track their ideas. Then, they use the Domino Discover group learning routine to discuss two of the questions from the note catcher (SEP-INFO-H2). There is a missed opportunity to increase the sophistication and complexity of engagement with information as students work to explain phenomena or solve problems.
Across the program, the materials consistently engage students in arguing from evidence. However, students engage with argument in a similar way across the course, typically identifying evidence from a video or text, considering whether evidence supports or refutes a claim or counterclaim, and evaluating the strength or weakness of the evidence. For example, in Unit 2, students watch a video and utilize a structured worksheet where they identify the evidence that supports a particular claim, ideas or evidence that refute or critique the claim, and a possible counterclaim (SEP-ARG-H2). In Unit 6, students watch a video, read a text, and utilize a Think-Talk-Open Exchange Notetaker. They choose one argument to evaluate and revise ideas after sharing with a partner (SEP-ARG-H2). There is a missed opportunity to increase the sophistication and complexity of engagement with argument as students work to explain phenomena or solve problems.
Overview of Gateway 3
Criterion 3.1: Teacher Supports
The program includes opportunities for teachers to effectively plan and utilize materials with integrity to further develop their own understanding of the content.
Indicator 3A
Materials provide teacher guidance with useful annotations and suggestions for how to enact the student materials and ancillary materials, with specific attention to engaging students in figuring out phenomena and solving problems.
Indicator 3B
Materials contain adult-level explanations and examples of the more complex grade-level/course-level concepts and concepts beyond the current course so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject.
Indicator 3C
Materials include standards correlation information, including connections to college- and career-ready ELA and mathematics standards, that explains the role of the standards in the context of the overall series.
Indicator 3D
Materials provide strategies for informing all stakeholders, including students, parents, or caregivers about the program and suggestions for how they can help support student progress and achievement.
Indicator 3E
Materials provide explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and identification of the research-based strategies.
Indicator 3F
Materials provide a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support instructional activities.
Indicator 3G
Materials provide clear science safety guidelines for teachers and students across the instructional materials.
Indicator 3H
Materials designated for each grade are feasible and flexible for one school year.
Criterion 3.2: Assessment
The program includes a system of assessments identifying how materials provide tools, guidance, and support for teachers to collect, interpret, and act on data about student progress towards the standards.
Indicator 3I
Assessment information is included in the materials to indicate which standards are assessed.
Indicator 3J
Assessment system provides multiple opportunities throughout the grade, course, and/or series to determine students' learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance and suggestions for follow-up.
Indicator 3K
Assessments include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of grade-level/grade-band standards and elements across the series.
Indicator 3L
Assessments offer accommodations that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills without changing the content of the assessment.
Criterion 3.3: Student Supports
The program includes materials designed for each child’s regular and active participation in grade-level/grade-band/series content.
Indicator 3M
Materials provide strategies and supports for students in special populations to support their regular and active participation in learning grade-level/band science and engineering.
Indicator 3N
Materials provide extensions and/or opportunities for students to engage in learning grade-level/band science and engineering at greater depth.
Indicator 3O
Materials provide varied approaches to learning tasks over time and variety in how students are expected to demonstrate their learning with opportunities for students to monitor their learning.
Indicator 3P
Materials provide opportunities for teachers to use a variety of grouping strategies.
Indicator 3Q
Materials provide strategies and supports for students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English to regularly participate in learning grade-level/band science and engineering.
Indicator 3R
Materials provide a balance of images or information about people, representing various demographic and physical characteristics.
Indicator 3S
Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student home language to facilitate learning.
Indicator 3T
Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student cultural and social backgrounds to facilitate learning.
Indicator 3U
Materials provide supports for different reading levels to ensure accessibility for students.
Indicator 3V
This is not an assessed indicator in Science.
Criterion 3.4: Intentional Design
The program includes a visual design that is engaging and references or integrates digital technology, when applicable, with guidance for teachers.
Indicator 3W
Materials integrate technology such as interactive tools and/or dynamic software in ways that support student engagement in the three dimensions, when applicable.
Indicator 3X
Materials include or reference digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate with each other, when applicable.
Indicator 3Y
The visual design (whether in print or digital) supports students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject, and is neither distracting nor chaotic.
Indicator 3Z
Materials provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning, when applicable.