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- EdReports reviews are one tool to support curriculum decisions. We do not make recommendations, and our reports are not prescriptive.
- Use this report as part of a comprehensive, teacher-led adoption process that prioritizes local needs and integrates multi-year implementation planning throughout.
- EdReports evaluates materials based on the quality of their design: how well they structure evidence-based teaching and learning to support college and career-readiness. We do not assess their effectiveness in practice.
- Check the top of the page to confirm the review tool version used. Our current tools are version 2.0. Reports based on earlier tools (versions 1.0 or 1.5) offer valuable insights but may not fully align with current instructional priorities.
Report Overview
Summary of Alignment & Usability: MyPerspectives | ELA
ELA 6-8
The instructional materials for myPerspectives 6-8 meet the expectations of alignment, building knowledge, and usability. The materials include anchor texts that are well-crafted, content-rich, and rich in language and academic vocabulary. The tasks, questions, and assignments are connected to the texts students read and require students to collect textual evidence. Units are grouped around topics/themes to grow students’ knowledge over the course of the school year. Throughout the program, there are culminating tasks and research opportunities that require students to expand and show their knowledge and understanding of the topics/themes in each unit.
There is sufficient support provided for teachers to implement the program with fidelity. The materials provide comprehensive guidance, correlation information to the ELA standards, information for students and families to support learning, and a list of supplemental resources in order to support the teacher with instruction. The materials also include strategies, supports, and resources for diverse learners to work with grade-level content and to meet or exceed grade-level expectations.
6th Grade
View Full ReportEdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Usability (Gateway 3)
7th Grade
View Full ReportEdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Usability (Gateway 3)
8th Grade
View Full ReportEdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Usability (Gateway 3)
ELA High School
The instructional materials for myPerspectives 9-12 meet the expectations of alignment, building knowledge, and usability. The materials include opportunities for students to read a wide variety of texts, including classics by well-known authors. The texts are well-crafted and content-rich and should build students’ overall vocabulary and knowledge base. Units are organized around cohesive topics/themes that build students’ ability to read and comprehend complex texts independently and proficiently. Throughout the program, there are culminating tasks and research opportunities that require students to expand and show their knowledge and understanding of the topics/themes in each unit.
There is sufficient support provided for teachers to implement the program with fidelity. The materials provide comprehensive guidance, correlation information to the ELA standards, information for students and families to support learning, and a list of supplemental resources in order to support the teacher with instruction. The materials also include strategies, supports, and resources for diverse learners to work with grade-level content and to meet or exceed grade-level expectations.
9th Grade
View Full ReportEdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Usability (Gateway 3)
10th Grade
View Full ReportEdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Usability (Gateway 3)
11th Grade
View Full ReportEdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Usability (Gateway 3)
12th Grade
View Full ReportEdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.
Usability (Gateway 3)
Report for 7th Grade
Alignment Summary
The grade 7 myPerspectives materials meet the expectations for alignment. The materials include anchor texts that are well-crafted, content-rich, and rich in language and academic vocabulary. The tasks, questions, and assignments are connected to the texts students read and require students to collect textual evidence.
Throughout the program, there are multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate knowledge about what they are reading and learning through speaking and listening tasks. Students also have many opportunities to practice their writing both in on-demand and process writing tasks. While students engage in informative or expository, argumentative, and narrative writing, the opportunities do not reflect the distribution required by the standards. In addition, well-designed explicit writing instruction guidance is inconsistent or lacking in some areas. While the materials provide a comprehensive year-long plan for students to interact with and acquire academic vocabulary in a systematic way, the explicit instruction of some grammar and usage standards is inconsistent or, in some cases, lacking.
The materials are grouped around topics/themes to grow students’ knowledge over the course of the school year. There are high-quality questions and tasks that are sequenced in a way that is appropriate for the grade level and require students to use textual evidence. Throughout the program, there are culminating tasks and research opportunities that require students to expand and show their knowledge and understanding of the topics/themes in each unit.
The pacing for the five units in the program is generally reasonable, and the suggested implementation schedule can be reasonably completed in one school year.
7th Grade
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Usability (Gateway 3)
Overview of Gateway 1
Text Quality and Complexity and Alignment to the Standards with Tasks and Questions Grounded in Evidence
Anchor texts are well-crafted, content-rich, and rich in language and academic vocabulary; texts reflect the distribution of text types and genres required by the standards. Over the course of the school year, materials include 27 informational texts and 13 literary texts resulting in a 67/33 balance, which exceeds the 55/45 balance of informational and literary texts across the school day that is required by the standards. Throughout the program, there are opportunities for students to read a variety of texts at various levels of complexity throughout each unit and throughout the school year.
The materials have the appropriate level of complexity according to quantitative and qualitative analysis, as well as the relationship to their associated student task. The tasks, questions, and assignments are connected to the texts students read and require students to collect textual evidence.
The program provides varied protocols to support students’ speaking and listening skills across the year’s scope of instructional materials. There are multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate knowledge about what they are reading and learning through speaking and listening tasks.
Throughout the program, there are various on-demand and process writing opportunities. There is a year-long writing program consisting of a 29/46/25 balance of argumentative, informative or explanatory, and narrative writing activities, which does not reflect the 35/35/30 distribution required by the standards. While the materials provide a comprehensive year-long plan for students to interact with and acquire academic vocabulary in a systematic way, the explicit instruction of some grammar and usage standards is inconsistent or, in some cases, lacking.
Gateway 1
Criterion 1.1: Text Quality and Complexity
Texts are worthy of students’ time and attention: texts are of quality and are rigorous, meeting the text complexity criteria for each grade. Materials support students’ advancing toward independent reading.
Anchor texts are well-crafted, content-rich, and rich in language and academic vocabulary. Texts reflect the distribution of text types and genres required by the standards, including, but not limited to, poetry, science fiction stories, argumentative essays, and historical accounts. Over the course of the school year, materials include 27 informational texts and 13 literary texts resulting in a 67/33 balance, which exceeds the 55/45 balance of informational and literary texts across the school day that is required by the standards.
The materials have the appropriate level of complexity according to quantitative and qualitative analysis, as well as the relationship to their associated student task. While the materials provide an accurate text complexity analysis and rationale for the anchor and series of texts, the explicit analysis of the complexity of the associated reader and task is not provided.
Throughout the program, there are opportunities for students to read a variety of texts at various levels of complexity throughout each unit and throughout the school year. Each unit consists of complex texts that, when paired with literacy activities, promote literacy skills and reading independence over time. Students read 40 texts during Whole-Class and Small-Group learning. Students are provided with Independent reading tasks centered around the topics and themes provided for each unit. Students have opportunities to read text types and genres such as, but not limited to, historical accounts, poetry, speeches, dramas, and arguments.
Indicator 1A
Anchor texts are of high quality, worthy of careful reading, and consider a range of student interests.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria of Indicator 1a.
Anchor texts are well-crafted and content rich. The texts are rich in language and academic vocabulary. The combination of short stories, photo galleries, classic dramas, autobiographies, and news articles offer rich diversity which should appeal to a variety of student interests.
Anchor texts are of high-quality and consider a range of student interests, are well-crafted, content rich, and engage students at their grade level. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Whole-Class Learning, students read A Simple Act by Tyler Jackson. This article chronicles the real-life experience of a woman who befriends a child who asks for money to buy food. The text explores how an unlikely friendship develops when one person shows kindness towards another. Students also explore the perspectives on life through two different generations and answer the Essential Question, ”What can one generation learn from another?”
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Whole-Class Learning, Anchor Text, students read "Dark They Were and Golden-Eyed" by Ray Bradbury, a science fiction short story about Mars that is both imaginative and engaging. While reading this short story, students address the ability of humans to adapt to living on another planet.
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, students read the lyrical poem "“Nature” is what We see –" by Emily Dickinson, a well-known American poet. The poem challenges students with layered meanings and uses language to have students explore what we see, hear, and know about nature.
Indicator 1B
Materials reflect the distribution of text types and genres required by the standards at each grade level.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 1b.
Materials reflect the distribution of text types and genres required by the standards including, but not limited to, poetry, science fiction stories, argumentative essays, and historical accounts. Over the course of the school year, materials include 27 informational texts and 13 literary texts resulting in a 67/33 balance, which exceeds the 55/45 balance of informational and literary texts across the school day that is required by the standards.
Materials reflect the distribution of text types/genres required by the grade-level standards. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Whole-Class Learning, Anchor Text, students read “A Simple Act” by Tyler Jackson. This news article helps students understand how different generations can learn valuable lessons from one another.
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Whole-Class Learning, students read “Dark They Were and Golden Eyed” by Ray Bradbury. This short story is set on Mars and a fictional version of Earth. The theme explores the way catastrophic changes lead to lasting impacts for humans.
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, students read How Grandmother Spider Stole the Sun by Michael Kaduto and Joseph Bruchac. This retelling of a Muskogee myth tells the story of how the sun came to be in the sky and explores the natural way of things from a Native American perspective.
Materials reflect a balance of informational and literary texts that support the 55/45 balance required by the standards. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, students read nine core texts. In this unit, 78% of the texts are informational and 22% of the texts are literary.
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, students read eight core texts. In this unit, 63% of the texts are informational and 38% of the texts are literary.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, students read six core texts. In this unit, 50% of the texts are informational and 50% of the texts are literary.
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, students read nine core texts. In this unit, 56% of the texts are informational and 44% of the texts are literary.
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, students read eight core texts. In this unit, 88% of the texts are informational and 12% of the texts are literary.
Throughout the year students read 40 texts, 27 or 67% of which are informational texts and 13 or 33% of which are literary texts.
Indicator 1C
Core/Anchor texts have the appropriate level of complexity for the grade according to documented quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, and relationship to their associated student task. Documentation should also include a rationale for educational purpose and placement in the grade level.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 partially meet the criteria for Indicator 1c.
The materials have the appropriate level of complexity according to quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, as well as the relationship to their associated student task. While the materials provide an accurate text complexity analysis and rationale for the anchor and series of texts, the explicit analysis of the complexity of the associated reader and task is not provided. In the Teacher’s Edition Planning section for each unit, a Text Complexity Rubric offers a quantitative and qualitative analysis for each text in the unit. Quantitative measures include a Lexile score and word count for each text. The qualitative analysis measures the following: knowledge demands, structure, language conventionality and clarity, and levels of meaning and purpose. The texts have a Lexile range from 480L to 1290L, and have been rated from slightly complex to very complex. For those texts that fall below grade level they are rated moderately complex due to the relationship between the qualitative measures and the associated student task. Prior to the Text Complexity Rubric, each text includes a Summary, Insight, Connection to Essential Question, and Connection to Performance Tasks. The Planning pages provide suggestions for different ways teachers can help students connect to the text and associated tasks.
Anchor/core texts have the appropriate level of complexity for the grade according to quantitative and qualitative analysis and their relationship to their associated student task. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Launch Text, students read an informational text "At the Crossroads" by Hajir Khouri, which has an overall level of complexity of Complex. The Lexile level is 930, which is on grade level. The qualitative measure is Slightly Complex, and the approximate Reader and Task level is Meets. For the task, students complete their evidence logs. The structure of the sentences is primarily simple and compound. The text relies on everyday, practical knowledge.
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, Anchor Text, students read the lyrical poem “Turtle Watchers” by Linda Hogan which has an overall level of complexity of Moderately Complex. Because this is a poem, the Lexile level is not measured. The text contains grade-level vocabulary but contains a lot of figurative language. Among other tasks, students read, discuss and compare this lyric poem alongside two other poems. The approximate reader and task levels is Meets.
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Small-Group Learning, students read "A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill, Electrifying a Nation" by Sarah Childress, which has an overall level of complexity of Complex. The text has a Lexile of 1020, which is on grade level. The qualitative measure is Slightly Complex but contains a mix of simple and abstract ideas, as well as allusions to other texts or outside ideas. The approximate Reader and Task level is Meets. For the task, students complete and present multimedia profiles.
Anchor/Core texts and series of texts connected to them are accompanied by an accurate text complexity analysis and a rationale for educational purpose and placement in the grade level; however, there is no complexity analysis for the associated task. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Each unit contains a “Reading Support” section located in the Teachers Edition for the unit that provides the quantitative and qualitative score, with a description and teaching guidance for supporting students.
Although there is not an explicit rationale clearly stated for each text, there is an explicitly stated connection to the unit topic, essential question, and task for each text.
The accuracy of the provided quantitative measures was verified using MetaMetrics or determined using the Lexile Text Analyzer on The Lexile Framework for Reading site. The accuracy of the provided qualitative measures was verified using literary and informational text rubrics.
Indicator 1D
Series of texts should be at a variety of complexity levels appropriate for the grade band to support students’ literacy growth over the course of the school year.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 1d.
The materials support the development of students’ literacy over the course of the school year. The materials provide an opportunity for students to read a variety of texts at various levels of complexity throughout each unit and throughout the school year. The overall quantitative complexity measures across the year range from 480L to 1290L, and the qualitative measures are Slightly Complex to Very Complex. Each unit consists of complex texts that, when paired with literacy activities, promote literacy skills and reading independence over time. Through appropriate scaffolds and support materials located in the Teacher’s Edition, the program supports the literacy growth of all students. Teachers are provided with resources to build background knowledge, guide language demands, and help students identify the meaning of each text.
The complexity of anchor texts students read provides an opportunity for students’ literacy skills to increase across the year, encompassing an entire year’s worth of growth. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The quantitative and qualitative complexity of texts in each unit is as follows:
Unit 1, 610L to 1020L, Slightly Complex to Moderately Complex
Unit 2, 480L to 1290L, Slightly Complex to Very Complex
Unit 3, 800L to 1050L, Slightly Complex to Very Complex
Unit 4, 870L to 1190L, Slightly Complex to Very Complex
Unit 5, 600L to 1020L, Slightly Complex to Very Complex
In Unit 1, Generations, Small-Group Learning, students read “Tutors Teach Seniors New High-Tech Tricks” by Jennifer Ludden (1020L). The quantitative measure of this news article is On Level, and the qualitative measure of this text is Slightly Complex. Overall, this Complex text gives students the opportunity to analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas. After reading the story, students Analyze Craft and Structure to determine the central idea or main idea from the text. While analyzing the text for the central idea, students reflect on the author’s use of quotations from program participants for question three. Students write a response showing how the quotations contribute to the development of the central idea. They analyze the conclusion in depth by providing an answer to the final prompt, “At the end of the article, the author describes how seniors and teens continue to maintain their friends through Facebook. In what way does this detail connect with the central idea of the text?” In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Whole-Class Learning, students read “Danger! This Mission to Mars Could Bore You to Death” by Maggie Koerth-Baker (1290L). The quantitative measure is Above Level, and the qualitative measure of this text is Moderately Complex. Overall, this Very Complex text allows students to analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas. Before students even begin to analyze the text by writing answers to the questions, the teacher provides prompting during the Close Read of the text. The text requires students to stop and analyze the reason the author may have included details or made certain choices while writing the news article. The first question students consider when it comes to the author’s choices is, “What point is the author making by listing such details?” The Teacher’s Edition points out that “the writer uses these examples to show that even the most basic creatures—-amoebas—need sensory stimulation.” Students continue to reflect on the author’s placement of specific facts in paragraph seven. The Teacher’s Edition states that “the author included the facts to emphasize the seriousness of the problem.” Not only do the questions ask students to think about the reasons behind the author’s choices, but the questions also ask students to evaluate the level to which the author supports the arguments. The Teacher’s Edition helps the teacher support students as they analyze the author’s explanations, tone, and the author’s use of vocabulary. In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Small-Group Learning, students read “A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill, Electrifying a Nation” by Sarah Childress (1020L). The quantitative measure of this news article is on grade level, and the qualitative measure of this text is Slightly Complex. Overall, this Complex text provides students with the opportunity to analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas. They explore the Text Structure of Biographical Writing while they participate in activities that have them practice finding the elements of biographical writing in the text. Students locate the paragraph in which they find information about a real-life person, factual information about the setting and context, details and descriptions that help develop the subject’s character, direct quotations, and narrative pacing, which is the way an author shapes the flow of the information in the text. Students choose two paragraphs to analyze. They identify the elements of biographical writing and provide examples that show the contribution the elements have on the development of the author’s ideas. As the units progress, tasks related to analyzing intentional text structure increase in complexity.
In Unit 2, Animal Allies, Small-Group Learning, students read “The Last Dog” by Katherine Paterson (820L). Although the quantitative measure of this text is Below grade level, the qualitative measure is Moderately Complex. Overall, this Moderately Complex text gives students the opportunity to analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact. After reading the story, students Analyze Craft and Structure by learning about the types of conflict and how they interact with the resolution. During this exercise, students learn that “the plot centers on a conflict, or struggle between opposing forces.” Since this story has more than one conflict, students analyze how the “series of small conflicts lead to the main conflict.” In the Teacher’s Edition, the teacher reminds students that external and internal conflicts escalate in a story until the story reaches the climax. After that, the conflict “lessens in intensity and moves towards resolution.” They determine the resolution or outcome of the story when all of the conflicts are settled. To track the conflicts, students fill in a chart with text-based details to show what the main character struggles with, the types of conflicts (external or internal) that show up in the story, and how the conflicts are resolved. When they finish, they share details from their chart with a group as they answer the following questions:
Is there a main conflict that stands out in the story? Explain.
How are the external conflicts and the internal conflicts related?
Did the resolution settle the conflicts in the story? Did you find the resolution satisfying?
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Whole-Class Learning, students read A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Acts I and II by Israel Horovitz (NP). Qualitatively, this Very Complex text has students analyze how particular elements of the story or drama interact when they Analyze the Text. The teacher prompts students to answer, “What effects have Scrooge’s past experiences had on the person he has become?” Students then answer a second question that asks if Scrooge “should be excused for his current attitudes and behaviors because of his upbringing?” These two questions have students analyze multiple elements of the plot and how it interacts with Scrooge’s current behavior patterns.” In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Whole-Class Learning, students read an excerpt from The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck (600L). Although the quantitative measure of this text is Below grade level, the qualitative measure is Very Complex. Overall, this Complex text gives students the opportunity to analyze how particular elements of a story, such as characterization, interact with the resolution of the story when they answer the following question, “Why do the characters burn their belongings at the end of the excerpt?” As the units progress, tasks related to analyzing characters increase in complexity.
As texts become more complex, appropriate scaffolds and/or materials are provided in the Teacher Edition (e.g., spending more time on texts, more questions, repeated readings, skill lessons). Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Whole-Class Learning, students read “A Simple Act” by Tyler Jackson (930L), which is slightly below the Lexile stretch band. This Slightly Complex text that has an overall rating of Moderate is positioned early in the year to support all learners. During the Decide and Plan Section, the teacher is provided with ideas for supporting an English Language Support discussion centered around the use of figurative language in the story. In the same section, the teacher provides Strategic Support for students as they read the text. First, they “Make sure students understand that Maurice is living in a welfare hotel with his family and begging for food when he meets Laura.” The Teacher asks students questions that help them focus on the meaning of different words and phrases in the story, such as: “What does it mean that the welfare hotel might as well have been a different planet?” The Teacher can also provide some text analysis activities to challenge students’ thinking. Students discuss the questions that Laura asks herself in paragraph four. They discuss the emotions that come into play as a result of each question. Then students write a response explaining a possible result of Laura’s choice if she hadn’t gone back and talked to Maurice. Students are encouraged to include details about what Laura and Maurice might do and how they would feel.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Small-Group Learning, students read an excerpt from An American Childhood by Annie Dillard (1050L). In this On Level text, students are exposed to Very Complex qualitative exercises. Overall this Very Complex text is one of two written for this grade level. The scientific references, not all of which are explained, may require the teacher to provide some background to clarify the references. In addition, some sentences are complex, with multiple clauses and domain-specific vocabulary. Many of the concepts have multiple meanings that are not always explicit. For the most part, the main idea is clear, but the supporting concepts are complicated. The teacher is provided with the background to support the Technical Vocabulary that arises in the memoir. First, the teacher asks groups to look closely at the information about base words and how to use them to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words, such as: tissue, enlarged, and amoeba. Having the knowledge of the words before beginning the story will help students understand some of the complex ideas that the author writes about. As students begin the reading, the Teacher’s Edition brings the words tissue and enlarged to the forefront of the instruction. The teacher points out how to use the context clues or how to look up a word in a dictionary if it does not have a base word like tissue. For the word enlarged, if students are struggling to define it, the teacher points out the base word, large. Students look at the word, use the base word, and the context to determine the meaning of enlarged. These help students use strategies to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Whole-Class Learning, students read an excerpt from Silent Spring by Rachel Carson (1080L). This On Level descriptive nonfiction text is rated Moderately Complex for the qualitative measure but has an overall rating of Complex. To help students focus on important aspects of the author’s choices, students are reminded in the First Read to annotate any passages “they feel are particularly evocative or worthy of analysis in their close read.” The Teacher’s Edition has an example to support the teacher as they help students locate passages to consider. For example, the text suggests that “students may want to focus on Carson’s language or on specific changes that affect the town or the people. If they complete this well, they will have some evidence to support the Close Read of the text. Students gain some support during the questions that follow the Close Read of the Text. They are asked to read the model from paragraph three, which shows two sample annotations. They revisit another section and practice annotating what they notice and why the author made this choice. If they already have ideas from the First Read, they can refer back to those paragraphs to support their new annotations.
Indicator 1E
Materials provide opportunities for students to engage in a range and volume of reading to support their reading at grade level by the end of the school year, including accountability structures for independent reading.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 1e.
The materials clearly identify opportunities for students to engage in reading a wide variety of text types and genres. Students read 40 texts during Whole-Class and Small-Group learning. Students are provided with Independent reading tasks that are centered around the topics and themes provided for each unit. Students have opportunities to read text types and genres such as, but not limited to, historical accounts, poetry, speeches, dramas, and arguments. Students are provided with graphic organizers, note-catchers, and evidence logs to support their independent reading. The teacher’s edition provides sufficient guidance to foster independence in reading, including, but not limited to, prompts and scaffolds such as a reading plan. Guidance is also provided to help teachers support students with independent reading choices such as, but not limited to, guiding questions and text complexity charts.
Instructional materials clearly identify opportunities and supports for students to engage in reading a variety of text types and genres. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, students read a memoir, historical fiction, poetry, an essay, a short story, and news articles.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Small-Group Learning, students read a short story with a linear narrative, "Thank You, M’am” by Langston Hughes. Students are challenged with a text full of dialogue with urban dialect, slang, and ironic and or sarcastic statements.
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Small-Group Learning, students read a short journalistic piece, “A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill, Electrifying a Nation” by Sarah Childress. This inspirational news article introduces students to cultural traditions, economic struggles, and entrepreneurism in Africa.
Instructional materials clearly identify opportunities and supports for students to engage in a volume of reading. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Teacher’s Edition, Table of Contents and Frontmatter, and the Teacher’s Edition for each unit, the time for students to engage with texts during the Unit Introduction, Whole-Class learning, Small-Group learning, and Independent Learning is similar. There is one day for the Launch Text during the Unit Introduction, 12 days for Whole-Class Learning, 10 or 11 days for Small-Group Learning, and two days for Independent Learning. In the Teacher’s Edition, a text box in the margin notes, “Each day in this pacing calendar represents a 40–50 minute class period. Teachers using block scheduling may combine days to reflect their class schedule.” These opportunities to engage with multiple texts and a volume of reading are consistent across the school year.
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Whole-Class Learning, students read two texts and listen to a speech over 12 classes or six blocks. In Small-Group Learning, students read five texts over 11 regular classes or five blocks. Students end the unit by reading one independent choice text over two classes or one block before the final performance task. The Teacher’s Edition provides a pacing guide for each unit and suggests ideas for supporting the needs of various students in the wrap-around materials.
There is sufficient teacher guidance to foster independence for all readers (e.g., independent reading procedures, proposed schedule, tracking system for independent reading). Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Each unit has Independent Reading that is connected to the topics and themes presented in the main texts. Teachers instruct students to preview the choices for independent reading and choose one title. Prompts such as, “Think about what you have already studied. What more do you want to know about the topic of imagination?” help students decide which text to read. After selecting a book, students create a schedule, practice strategies from Whole-Class and Small-Group lessons, and take notes. Each independent text includes a Text Complexity Rubric as well. Graphic organizers are provided for first and close reads. Teacher materials also provide a guide for students to share their independent learning.
The Teacher’s Edition recommends trade books that connect with the themes and topics in Unit 3, including Robot Dreams by Isaac Asimov, Crater by Homer Hickam, and James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl. The Teacher’s Edition also recommends additional independent online research with the article “NASA’s Next Horizon in Space” by Michael Rosten and a video called Bill Nye Talks Aliens on Mars by Bill Nye.
Criterion 1.2: Tasks and Questions
Materials provide opportunities for rich and rigorous evidence-based discussions and writing about texts to build strong literacy skills.
The materials include tasks, questions, and assignments that connect to the texts students read and require students to collect textual evidence.
The program provides varied protocols to support students’ speaking and listening skills across the year’s scope of instructional materials. Students engage in discussion throughout each unit through classroom discussions, small group discussions, and culminating discussions. There are multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate knowledge about what they are reading and learning through speaking and listening tasks.
The materials include various on-demand and process writing opportunities. On-demand writing tasks are offered throughout the year, connecting to the Introduction, Whole-Class Learning, Small Group Learning, and Independent Learning sections. They include a mix of summaries, quick writes, and responses to texts. Process writing tasks include various types of essays using single or multiple texts as sources and following standard writing procedures from prewriting/planning to revising and/or editing. There is a year-long writing program consisting of a 29/46/25 balance of argumentative, informative or explanatory, and narrative writing activities, which does not reflect the 35/35/30 distribution required by the standards. Throughout the year, the students receive writing instruction and opportunities to write in each mode. There are frequent opportunities across the school year for students to learn, practice, and apply writing while using evidence.
Indicator 1F
Most questions, tasks, and assignments are text-specific and/or text-dependent, requiring students to engage with the text directly (drawing on textual evidence to support both what is explicit as well as valid inferences from the text).
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 1f.
The tasks, questions, and assignments connect to the text students read and require students to collect textual evidence. Every unit includes a section for a Model Annotation and an Evidence Log. There are sections to help students conduct an analysis of a text, a close reading of the text, and an analysis of the language used in the text. Students provide textual evidence to support their responses to questions for every story in every unit. There are multiple opportunities for teachers to model annotating the text and for students to practice this skill in a small group setting. During independent learning, students complete tasks that require text-based evidence for completion. At the end of each unit, students use their Evidence Log to complete a Performance-Based Assessment based on the Essential Question for the unit.
Text-specific and text-dependent questions and tasks support students in making meaning of the core understandings of the texts being studied. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Small-Group Learning, students read texts prior to meeting as a group to engage in a text-based discussion. For example, after reading various texts and viewing related videos, students are asked to take a position in response to the question: “Would you rather stay here on Earth or experience life on another planet?” Although the question elicits opinions, students are required to reference the texts to support their opinions. In the directions they are reminded to “provide examples for your choice” as they discuss their positions.
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Whole-Group Learning, students view a Nobel Speech delivered by Al Gore after annotating, reading, and discussing the printed version of the speech. Students then compare the printed version to the video. They write a text-based argument in response to the following prompt: “Write an argument in which you state a claim as to which medium more persuasively conveys Gore’s argument. Explain how the elements of the video or the written text either strengthen or weaken the argument.”
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Small-Group Learning, students read "A Work in Progress" by Aimee Mullins. While reading, students “mark words and phrases that are examples of hyperbole, or using exaggeration for comic effect.” Students discuss and answer the essential question, “How do we overcome obstacles?” The students are directed to “cite text evidence to support your ideas.”
Teacher materials provide support for planning and implementation of text-based questions and tasks. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Each unit contains a Decide and Plan section for teachers that provides guidance on how to provide support for all students using appropriate scaffolds, modeling, and enrichment all based around text analysis.
Units all contain teacher notes throughout that include places in the texts students may need additional vocabulary or comprehension support, scaffolded questions, and support for all learners. The Teacher’s Edition supports the system for annotating, noticing, and connecting by highlighting the key places in the text to show where students should look for answers.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Launch Text, students read "At the Crossroads" by Hajir Khouri. After reading the text, the students participate in a Launch Activity. In this activity, the students take a position on the following statement: “A person’s life can change in an instant.” A question from the Student Text asks the students to discuss examples from the text or their own prior knowledge that led them to choose the position. In the margin on page 9 of the Teacher’s Edition, Unit 3 PDF, the teacher is to “Remind [students] that there is no right or wrong position, but they should be able to support their positions with evidence from the material they’ve viewed, read, and analyzed as well as their prior knowledge.”
Indicator 1G
Materials provide frequent opportunities and protocols for evidence-based discussions.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 1g.
Materials provide varied protocols to support students’ speaking and listening skills across the year’s scope of instructional materials. Students engage in discussion throughout the unit through classroom discussions, small group discussions, and culminating discussions. Students are provided with a variety of structures to support their text-based discussion including, but not limited to, goal setting, graphic organizers, and reflection. Teachers are provided with speaking and listening guidance for most discussions with structure including, but not limited to, instructional videos, completed graphic organizers, prompts, and sentence starters for struggling students. Teachers facilitate discussions throughout each unit and over the course of the school year.
Materials provide varied protocols to support students’ developing speaking and listening skills across the whole year’s scope of instructional materials. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Materials include a Conversation and Discussion guide for middle school. This web-based tool gives specific guidelines and directions on discussions such as:
Leading a Group Discussion
Formal Group Discussion Guidelines
Informal Group Discussion Guidelines
In the Conversation and Discussion guide, materials provide the following guidance for leading a group discussion: “Here are some guidelines for leading a group discussion:
Introduce the topic and purpose of the discussion.
Lay out any rules for the discussion.
Make sure that no one talks so much that others don’t get a fair turn. Invite and encourage contributions from all participants.
Try to keep speakers from going off into topics that aren’t related to the subject of the discussion.
At the end of the discussion, give a summary of the results of the discussion and any decisions that were made.”
In the Conversation and Discussion guide, materials provide the following guidance for Formal Group discussion guidelines: “Here are some tips for successful discussions in a formal setting:
Limit your use of informal (everyday, casual) speech in a formal discussion. Informal speech is also called colloquial speech or language.
Manners are important in any discussion. Make sure you allow others to speak, and do not interrupt.
Avoid using too much exclamatory language, or dramatic language. A little goes a long way.
Diction, or the use of proper vocabulary related to the topic of the discussion, is an important element of a discussion.
Stay focused on the subject under discussion. Avoid jumping in with different issues or unrelated remarks or stories.”
In the Conversation and Discussion guide, materials provide the following guidance for Informal Group discussion guidelines: “An informal discussion is open-ended. Participants are free to speak in a more conversational manner, but most rules still apply.
Speech may be more informal but should still maintain a polite code of conduct.
Dramatic and exclamatory remarks help emphasize your point of view, but if you use them too much, they become less effective.”
In the Conversation and Discussion guide, materials provide the following guidance for Practices that make for good Debates: “During the debate, be sure to follow these practices:
Be courteous and listen to your opponent's point of view; allow others the opportunity to speak.
If you are debating as a team, support your team members.
Speak only when it is your turn, and follow the moderator's instructions.
Speak clearly, slowly, and loudly enough to be heard and understood by the audience.
Speak with spirit, enthusiasm, and conviction.”
Speaking and listening instruction includes facilitation, monitoring, and instructional supports for teachers. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Materials include a PDF download for monitoring speaking and listening standards. This resource defines a group, provides a graphic organizer for preparing for discussion, and a graphic organizer for students to keep track of who and what ideas were presented and discussed in the group.
Materials include teacher support in Annotating the Text and Participating in Discussion. This video shows a teacher and a group of students discussing texts. The video focuses more on how and what to annotate in the text. The video also has students describing the benefits of discussion for them as learners.
Materials include support in Facilitating Peer-Group Learning. This video shows students working in a group to fill out a chart. The teacher gives directions to a group including roles, and focus of discussion. Teachers refer to charts and checklists to monitor group discussions. Teachers model taking anecdotal notes during discussion including giving specific feedback to students.
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Whole-Class Learning, Anchor Text, students read "Danger! This Mission to Mars Could Bore You to Death" by Maggie Koerth-Baker and create a visual presentation with the support of their teachers. For example, during the delivery component of their presentation, teachers are guided to, “Remind students to take their time when they give their presentations. Tell students that when they present calmly and without rushing, they will appear more confident and project more authority.”
Indicator 1H
Materials support students’ listening and speaking about what they are reading and researching (including presentation opportunities) with relevant follow-up questions and evidence.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 1h.
The materials provide multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate knowledge about what they are reading and learning through speaking and listening tasks. Students practice these skills during tasks through discussions with partners, small groups, and the whole class. The tasks require students to connect to evidence from texts, build on others’ ideas, and present information to an audience. Students synthesize and analyze evidence from texts to create presentation products. Opportunities to practice presentation skills such as eye contact, volume, and use of multimedia resources are also available. In addition, students are given opportunities to evaluate and incorporate multimedia resources.
Students have multiple opportunities over the school year to demonstrate what they are reading through varied speaking and listening opportunities. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Small-Group Learning, students complete a Research assignment after watching the video interview “Ellen Ochoa: Director, Johnson Space Center.” Students are instructed to “Work as a group to write and present a short biography of Ochoa’s life. Watch the video again and have each member of the group take notes. Then briefly research Ellen Ochoa’s career. Afterward, hold a group discussion to decide which details from the video and your research to include in the biography.” Students work on the project in a team to “rehearse and then present your finished biography to the class. Inviting questions and feedback from the class after the presentation.”
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Whole-Group Learning, students read an excerpt from the memoir An American Childhood by Annie Dillard. Students use the following questions to engage in a collaborative discussion with a group:
“What are the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing an interest on your own, without supervision?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of sharing hobbies and interests with family or friends?”
Then they are instructed to “Gather Support Work with your group to identify evidence from the excerpt as well as examples from your own experience that supports your responses to the question your group chose to discuss. Create a T-chart to list the pros and cons, or advantages and disadvantages, for your topic.”
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, Performance Task, students present a multimedia presentation after reading the selections. As they “Gather Evidence and Media Examples, determine which group members will work to identify examples from the texts that support [their] claim and which members will work on gathering multimedia. Then, brainstorm ideas for your multimedia presentation. Identify photos, illustrations, audio, and video that illustrate the examples you will use to support your claim.”
Follow rules for collegial discussions, track progress toward specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Introduction, students rate themselves on the Unit Goals before proceeding to read the texts in the Unit. For this Unit, the Speaking and Listening Goals include:
“Collaborate with your team to build on the ideas of others, develop consensus.
Communicate, integrate audio, visuals, and text in presentations.”
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, students share a final version of their editorial. Instructions are given to work as a group to discuss the similarities and differences between the editorials. Students are instructed to “Always maintain a polite and respectful tone when commenting on someone else’s work.”
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, students read four poems, “The Turtle Watchers” by Linda Hogan, “Nature is what We see–” by Emily Dickinson, and “The Sparrow” by Paul Laurence Dunbar. During the Speaking and Listening Assignment, students are to “assign roles for each member of [their] group. For groups who have chosen the dramatic reading, roles can include speakers to recite the poem, a sound person, a costume designer, and a person to identify and organize visuals and music. For groups who have chosen the digital multimedia presentation, roles can include a speaker, a multimedia researcher, and a person to organize the information for the presentation.”
Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify claims and findings and emphasize salient points. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Small-Group Learning, students read “Tutors Teach Seniors New High-Tech Tricks” by Jennifer Ludden. Students are tasked “to create a multimedia presentation in which [they] incorporate text, charts, images, videos, music, or other media that help you [them] to convey your [their] ideas effectively.” They are tasked with choosing between an instructional brochure that explains how to use a technology application or a program proposal “that would connect teens and seniors in new ways.”
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Small-Group Learning, students create a digital multimedia presentation on one of the topic choices. Students “plan and deliver a multimedia presentation about turning points.” They are instructed to read and reflect on the turning points in each of the texts before they start the project. When students plan the project they have to “include a digital Works-Cited list with electronic links to Internet sources.” Students also decide which information is better conveyed through text, images, spoken word, music, or sound.
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Whole-Group Learning, students read an excerpt from Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. The Speaking and Listening Assignment instructs the students to plan and deliver a multimedia presentation. Students can project the importance that Silent Spring had on humans and how they view the environment, the struggle to ban DDT and the eventual victory, or the parallels between the current threats to bee populations and the impact DDT had on wildlife when the author wrote this story. One of the evaluation criteria includes “the presentation included well-sequenced multimedia that emphasized the main points.”
Speaking and listening work requires students to utilize, apply, and incorporate evidence from texts and/or sources. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Pose questions that elicit elaboration and respond to others’ questions and comments with relevant observations and ideas that bring the discussion back on topic as needed. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Small-Group Learning, students read “Tutors Teach Seniors: New High-Tech Tricks” by Jennifer Ludden. After reading the text, students prepare for a multimedia presentation. When students Present and Evaluate, they are to invite questions, listen to the presentations of others, ask questions if any part of the presentation is unclear and note the creative ideas that other groups used. The teacher is instructed to “discuss how each presentation addressed the topic.”
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Launch Text, students read the argumentative text “Leaving Main Street'' by John Hidalgo. When they conclude the reading, they complete a Four-Corner Debate in response to the following statement: “We should stop exploring space because the money spent on space missions could be put to better use here on Earth.” After students decide which position they agree with, they move to the appropriate corner of the classroom and explain their thinking to their peers. During the small-group discussion, students are instructed to use examples from the text or their own opinion that led to them taking that position. After a class discussion, the teacher allows students to question their initial beliefs. They complete the activity by discussing the ideas of those that changed positions.
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Small-Group Learning, Performance Task, students prepare to present information about the challenges that the people in the stories faced. They review the texts to confirm the challenge the person faced, their strengths or qualities, and the outcome of their situation. They present these profiles to the class. In the margin of the Teacher’s Edition, it is suggested that the teacher provide these questions to help provide compliments and constructive criticism:
“What was the presenting group’s main idea about each selection?
Which supporting details were most effective?
Which multimedia best supported the explanation?
In which presentation skills did the group excel?”
Acknowledge new information expressed by others and, when warranted, modify their own views. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Introduction, students read the Launch Text “At the Crossroads” by Hajir Khouri. After reading the text, students complete the Launch Activity. Students take a position on the following statement: “A person’s life can change in an instant.” Based on their position, they form a discussion group with other students that have a similar perspective. In their groups, they discuss examples from the text or their own knowledge that led them to choose the position. After the discussion, a group member will present the ideas to the entire class. The final activity has the students consider changing groups based on the presentations. If students move to a different position, they must be “ready to explain why.”
In Unit 4, The People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, students engage in practices that develop their ability to work as a team. In step number one, take a position on and discuss the following question: “What is our relationship with the natural environment?” As a group, they determine some rules they will use for discussions. Then students apply the rules by sharing their ideas about survival in the natural environment. To learn from each other and consider other viewpoints, students listen to each member of the group, take notes, and share with the class something new they learned or heard another group member say.
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Whole-Class Learning, students read an excerpt from the Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. After reading, the students use evidence from the documentary video “The Dust Bowl” and the excerpt from The Grapes of Wrath to write an argumentative essay. While Reviewing, Revising, and Editing, students “Swap drafts with a partner and proofread one another’s work. Make changes and correct errors to prepare a final draft.” Proofreading others' work allows students to review other ideas and perspectives.
Analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how the ideas clarify a topic, text, or issue under study. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Whole-Class Learning, the students listen to the radio play Dark They Were and Golden-Eyed by Michael McDonough. Before they listen to the radio play, they are provided with Media Vocabulary. The vocabulary words sound effects, human voice, and silence help the students understand elements that an author places in a radio play to enhance the actions of the plot of the story. After listening to the radio play, students use the Media Vocabulary to highlight the key ideas that a radio play provides:
“In what way has the Martian atmosphere been brought to life in the radio play?
Do the characters sound the way you thought they would sound based on your reading of the story?
How are changes of the scene indicated in the radio play?”
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, students view a photo gallery titled “Eagle Tracking at Follensby Pond” by The Nature Conservancy. Students use the photos to determine if “people always have a negative impact on the environment.” The evidence they gather helps them “plan and deliver a multimedia presentation” about the relationship between humans and the natural environment. Since this photo gallery contains both “positive and negative examples” of the impact humans have on the environment, students will have to choose the best examples to fit their position. In their groups, students are also asked to determine which photo and caption they “found to be the most interesting or informative.” With their group, they share their ideas and then determine the questions that the photo and caption raised and the conclusions they could reach.
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Small-Group Learning, students listen to an interview, “How Helen Keller Learned to Talk” by Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan. During the interview, the students collect evidence about the challenges that Helen Keller went through to overcome adversity. In the Performance Task: Speaking and Listening Focus, students can use examples from the video to “present a series of multimedia profiles, in which [they] address the question: “How do people overcome enormous challenges?” As the students present, the teacher will evaluate their work. The Teacher’s Edition has the students consider the following questions before the presentation:
“What was the presenting group’s main idea about each selection?
Which supporting details were most effective?
Which multimedia best supported the explanation?
In which presentation skills did this group excel?”
Delineate a speaker’s argument and specific claims, evaluating the soundness of the reasoning and the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Small-Group Learning, students read the poem “To James” by Frank Horne. In the introduction, students learn that Horne was the director of the U.S. Housing Authority and fought to end segregated housing. As a poet, “he fought discrimination with poems that conveyed dignity and pride.” As students read the poem, the teacher facilitates a lesson on Analyzing Tone. First, students “mark details in the poem that signify a change in the way the speaker seems to sound, starting at line 29.” Then they “consider what the details might tell them.” To finish the lesson, students formulate conclusions about the importance of the details that the author uses in the text. Students are reminded “that tone expresses the poet’s attitude to the subject and the reader–and the speaker’s attitude to the person he or she is addressing.” During the Comprehension Check, the students use evidence from the poem to identify the speaker’s goal.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Small-Group Learning, students analyze the interview “Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Future of U.S. Space Exploration After Curiosity" by Keith Wagstaff. In the interview, “Tyson argues that the government should fund space exploration, which ultimately comes from tax money.” Students use evidence from his argument to support their response to the Performance Task: Speaking and Listening Focus. During this activity, students present an argument through a multimedia presentation to address the question: “Should space exploration be a priority for our country?” Each group finds the benefits and drawbacks of space exploration and then organizes the presentation. When the students present, the teacher and students in the audience evaluate the presentation using the following questions from the Teacher’s Edition:
“What was the presenting group’s claim?
What were some of their supporting ideas?
Did the group address the opposing argument successfully?
Did the media examples support the group’s argument?”
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Whole-Class Learning, students listen to “Nobel Speech” by Al Gore. Students write and answer the following questions about the speech in the Analyze the Media section:
“Identify a section of the video of Al Gore’s speech that you found particularly persuasive. Then, write a short paragraph in which you briefly describe this section and explain why you chose it.
What effects do people have on the environment? What have you learned about the ways in which people affect the environment from watching the video of Al Gore’s speech?”
Students share their answers to demonstrate their understanding of Al Gore’s argument.
Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with pertinent descriptions, facts, details, and examples; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Whole-Class Learning, students read the excerpt Two Kinds by Amy Tan. In the Standards Support Through Teaching and Learning Cycle, Decide and Plan section of the Teacher’s Edition, the teacher can “administer the Speaking and Listening: Monologue (RP) worksheet to help students understand how to orally present a claim effectively through its delivery, clarity, and strong points.” This worksheet provides activities to support students that are Catching Up on ways to present claims and findings along with using appropriate speaking etiquette.
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, students engage in Performance-Based Assessment for the entire unit. During the first part of the assessment, students “Write an argument in which you [they] state and defend a claim in response to the following question: Should we spend valuable resources on space exploration?” Then the students use the final draft of their argument “to mark key reasons and evidence that support [their] claim.” They conduct an oral presentation supported by a sequence of visuals that matches the timing of the speaker. Not only are students evaluated on the content and organization of their presentation, but they are also evaluated on the techniques they use to deliver the message to their audience. To receive the top score for Presentation Techniques, a student must maintain eye contact, speak clearly with adequate volume, and present the argument with energy and conviction.
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Small-Group Learning, students read “The Circuit'' by Francisco Jiménez. After reading and analyzing the text, students design a role-play interview between a reporter and a farm worker. They then present their role-play. The Evaluation Guide requires students to demonstrate the following:
“The role-play presented important, relevant Information.
The role-play was realistic.
The people role-playing stayed in character.
The role-players maintained eye contact with each other.
The role players spoke loudly enough to hear them.”
Indicator 1I
Materials include a mix of on-demand and process writing (e.g., multiple drafts, revisions over time) and short, focused projects, incorporating digital resources where appropriate.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 1i.
The materials include various on-demand and process writing opportunities. On-demand writing tasks are offered throughout the year, connecting to the Introduction, Whole-Class Learning, Small Group Learning, and Independent Learning sections. They include a mix of summaries, quick writes, and responses to texts. Process writing tasks include various types of essays using single or multiple texts as sources and following standard writing procedures from prewriting/planning to revising and/or editing. Students are provided step-by-step guidance for each task and a checklist or peer review process. At the end of each Whole-Class Learning section, students complete a writing Performance Task over the course of two days. A Performance-Based Assessment writing task is at the end of each unit with a Unit Reflection. Materials include digital resources where appropriate. The Teacher’s Edition provides guidance on how to model each type of writing, including the use of a Launch Text at the opening of the unit that functions as a model for the student’s Performance-Based Assessment. The Teacher’s Edition also includes Digital Perspectives boxes in each unit that often suggest digital resources but do not provide the resource or links to the resources.
Materials include on-demand writing opportunities that cover a year’s worth of instruction. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Small-Group Learning, students read an excerpt from Maya Angelou’s memoir, Mom and Me. After completing the Comprehension Check at the end of the text, the teacher is instructed to provide directions for the WriteNow Express and Reflect descriptive writing. A brief reflection should be written by students after the teacher reads these directions, “After being apart for so long, Maya and her mother have gotten off to a rocky start, to say the least. Have students write a brief essay about someone they did not initially get along with but later became friends with. Students should describe some differences in their personalities and reflect on what keeps them close even though they don’t always agree.”
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Small-Group Learning, students read "Thank You, M’am'' by Langston Hughes. Then students write a group journal entry using the point of view of either Roger or Mrs. Jones. Students decide which character and then gather evidence about their character. Students are instructed to use ideas out of their imagination and from the text.
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, students complete a QuickWrite to answer the prompt, “How can people overcome adversity in the face of overwhelming obstacles?” Instructions include considering the texts and discussions when writing.
Materials include process writing opportunities that cover a year’s worth of instruction. Opportunities for students to revise and edit are provided. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Whole-Class Learning, Performance Task: Writing Focus, students write an argument about the advantages and disadvantages of exploring space. Students engage in the writing process by gathering ideas from “Dark They Were, and Golden Eyed” by Ray Bradbury and “Danger! This Mission to Mars Could Bore You to Death!” by Maggie Koerth-Baker. First, students read Elements of an Argument and the Launch Text, “Leaving Main Street” by John Hidalgo. Both of these readings set the students up with the elements and a model of a strong piece of argumentative writing. Students develop a claim and support it with evidence. They also think of a counterclaim to their argument and support it with evidence. After students organize and connect their ideas and write a conclusion, they begin the first draft. The focus of the revision for this assignment is to look for the correct verb tense. In the Teacher’s Edition margin, the teacher expresses that the incorrect or inconsistent verb tense can confuse a reader. The teacher is provided with sentences from “Leaving Main Street” that review the present, present perfect, future, present, and past verb tenses. The sentences can be written on a whiteboard or projected through the Interactive Teacher’s Edition. Students can interact with the sentences as they discuss the correct verbs. Afterward, students review the six basic verb tenses and work through their essays to make sure the verb tenses are correct and consistent.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Whole-Class Learning, Performance-Based Assessment: Assessment Prep, students use their collected evidence from each text in the unit to write an Explanatory Essay. The question that they answered while reading each text was, “What can cause a significant change in someone’s life?” Students review their evidence and identify three things they read about that caused life changes for someone. Then they identify one of those three experiences that illustrate their personal ideas about turning points. Students develop their thoughts into topic sentences and add details. They complete these steps by evaluating their initial ideas using the following question, “How did the texts you read affect your ideas?” In the margin of the Teacher’s Edition, the teacher is instructed to “Encourage students to keep in mind that their cause-and-effect essay should include evidence. Their evidence should support the viewpoint and perceptions that they write about. Evidence should be correctly attributed and come from credible and relevant sources. Once the students are confident with strong topics, they begin to write the essay. They follow a process for rereading the assignment, reviewing academic words presented at the beginning of the unit, reviewing the elements of an effective explanatory essay, and the explanatory essay rubric. After completing their final draft, the students annotate their final draft of the essay to mark the parts they want to emphasize in a brief oral presentation on their topic.
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, End of Unit Performance-Based Assessment, students write an Informative Essay and develop an Oral Presentation. Students state and support a thesis in response to the following prompt, “How can people overcome adversity in the face of overwhelming obstacles?” After writing the first draft of the essay and the presentation, students receive the rubrics. They check their products against the rubrics and revise the essay and the presentation to strengthen any limited or missing components.
Materials include digital resources where appropriate. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
All units include Interactive Digital Perspectives such as audio, video, documents, annotation highlights, and online assessments. These resources can be accessed through the Interactive Teacher’s Edition in Realize Reader. For example, in Unit 2, A Starry Home, Whole-Class Learning, the teacher can play an audio recording of the radio play “Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed,” written by Ray Bradbury and produced by Michael McDonough. The audio reading takes 28:47, and the teacher can print a transcript of the play for students.
In Unit 1, Generations, Whole-Class Learning, students read an excerpt from An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff. In the Teacher’s Edition, there is a box titled Digital Perspectives. To help enrich the reading, the teacher enriches the meaning of the text by explaining, “To give students a better understanding of Laura and Maurice’s relationship developed, show their interview on the Today show to the class. Be sure to preview the video before sharing it with the class. As the episode plays, have the students reflect on the following questions:
‘What special names does Maurice use to refer to Laura?
What are the reactions of the hosts while they are listening to the story of friendship between Laura and Maurice? Do you think others would have the same reaction? How does emotion encourage people to promote a cause?
Discuss how the relationship has helped spread awareness about child hunger and work to help hungry children.’”
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Whole-Class Learning, students watch a 1935 adaptation of A Christmas Carol called Scrooge. While the students watch the film clip, they are to note the different ways the story is told between the film and the text, A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley. The film can be projected for the class through the Interactive Teacher Edition or individually on student devices through the interactive textbooks.
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, students complete multimedia profiles of people who have overcome challenges. “Students should complete the assignment using presentation software to take advantage of text, graphics, and sound features.”
Indicator 1J
Materials provide opportunities for students to address different text types of writing that reflect the distribution required by the standards.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 partially meet the criteria for Indicator 1j.
The materials include a year-long writing program consisting of a 29/46/25 balance of argumentative, informative or explanatory, and narrative writing activities, which does not reflect the 35/35/30 distribution required by the standards. Throughout the year, the students receive writing instruction and opportunities to write in each mode. The materials provide multiple opportunities across the school year to write in response to tasks that are directly related to the texts and essential questions for each unit.
Materials provide multiple opportunities across the school year for students to learn, practice, and apply different genres/modes/types of writing that do not reflect the distribution required by the standards. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Three units address argumentative writing. 29% of writing opportunities over five units are argumentative.
Unit 1: There are no opportunities to practice argumentative writing.
Unit 2: There are three opportunities to practice argumentative writing.
Unit 3: There are no opportunities to practice argumentative writing.
Unit 4: There are four opportunities to practice argumentative writing.
Unit 5: There is one opportunity to practice argumentative writing.
Four units address informative/explanatory writing. 46% of writing opportunities over five units are informative/explanatory.
Unit 1: There are two opportunities to practice informative/explanatory writing.
Unit 2: There are two opportunities to practice informative/explanatory writing.
Unit 3: There are four opportunities to practice informative/explanatory writing.
Unit 4: There are no opportunities to practice informative/explanatory writing.
Unit 5: There are five opportunities to practice informative/explanatory writing.
Four units address narrative writing. 25% of writing opportunities over five units are narrative.
Unit 1: There are four opportunities to practice narrative writing.
Unit 2: There is one opportunity to practice narrative writing.
Unit 3: There is one opportunity to practice narrative writing.
Unit 4: There is one opportunity to practice narrative writing.
Unit 5: There are no opportunities to practice narrative writing.
Explicit instruction in argumentative writing:
The Writing and Research Center includes minilessons for argumentative writing, including explicit teaching of claim, reason, evidence, counterclaim, and structure. Skill videos are available, including, but not limited to, asserting importance, eliminating faulty logic, using numerical data for evidence, and selecting a suitable tone for the audience. These can be used for whole-class, small-group, or individual support.
Explicit instruction in informative/explanatory writing:
The Writing and Research Center includes minilessons for informative/explanatory writing, including explicit teaching of how-to writing, comparison writing, and problem-solution writing. Skill videos are available, including, but not limited to, adding citations, balancing researched information with your own ideas, and using primary and secondary sources. These can be used for whole-class, small-group, or individual support.
Explicit instruction in narrative writing:
The Writing and Research Center includes minilessons for narrative writing including explicit teaching of character and setting, plot and theme, and dialogue and language. Skill videos are available, including, but not limited to, writing a strong beginning, building conflict, and using precise word choice. These can be used for whole-class, small-group, or individual support.
Different genres/modes/types of writing are distributed throughout the school year. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Students have opportunities to engage in argumentative writing. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Introduce claim(s), acknowledge alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Whole-Class Learning, students watch the film “The Dust Bowl” by CriticalPast and read an excerpt from The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. Students write a compare-and-contrast essay while analyzing different perspectives about the role of farmers in the 1930s. Students use the evidence from the two sources to make a claim and write an argumentative essay regarding the following question: “Were farmers innocent victims of a natural disaster or were they guilty of creating the disaster due to poor land management?” Students analyze the two perspectives from the sources in a graphic organizer. They use this evidence to support their own claim with clear reasons and relevant evidence. With this information, they can also acknowledge the counterclaims.
Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Small-Group Learning, students review an image gallery by Mica and Myla Hendricks. While students Analyze the Media, they are asked to answer the Essential Question, “What can one generation learn from another?” In their notebook, they write a clear answer, using evidence to support their ideas. The Teacher’s Edition states that they “should make an argument and support it with evidence from the images.”
Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claim(s), reasons, and evidence. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Whole-Class Learning, students study the written version and video of Al Gore’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech. Students write an argument in which they compare the details to support a claim that states which medium is more persuasive in conveying Gore’s argument. Students engage in a lesson using transitions to connect ideas during the drafting stage. They are provided with a list of transitions that show differences, such as: however, on the other hand, and in contrast. They are also provided with transitions that show similarities, such as: also, similarly, and in addition.
Establish and maintain a formal style. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Starry Home, Whole-Class Learning, students read texts and a radio play that relate to the exploration of Mars. For the Performance Task: Writing Focus, students write an argumentative editorial responding to the question, “Do the benefits of exploring Mars outweigh the risks?” The text lists the use of a formal style as an element of an argument. The Teacher’s Edition reminds students that a formal tone will clearly show the relationship among ideas. The formal style is revisited during the Editing and Proofreading section. Students should maintain a formal style by avoiding contractions, slang, and other casual language.
Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, Starry Home, Whole-Class Learning, students read texts and a radio play that relate to the exploration of Mars. For the Performance Task: Writing Focus, students write an argumentative editorial responding to the question, “Do the benefits of exploring Mars outweigh the risks?” The student directions remind writers to conclude the editorial with a conclusion that follows the position defined in the thesis statement. Students also receive instruction on how to write a strong conclusion. For example, “Do not introduce new ideas or information in your conclusion. Because your conclusion is your last chance to make your case to your audience, it should be clear and persuasive.”
Students have opportunities to engage in informative/explanatory writing. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information, using strategies such as definition, classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Small-Group Learning, students read “Thank You, M’am” by Langston Hughs, an excerpt from American Childhood by Annie Dillard, and “Urban Farming is Growing a Greener Future” by Hillary Schwei. After reading the texts, students prepare for the Performance Task: Speaking and Listening. The students present their explanatory essay in the form of a multimedia presentation. First, they gather ideas and organize the ways the texts address different turning points. Then they draft an essay that compares and contrasts the turning points in the unit selections. Once their ideas are organized, they find relevant multimedia to add to the presentation that emphasizes and clarifies key points.
Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, students view photos in the gallery “Eagle Tracking at Follensby Pond” by the Nature Conservancy. Then they conduct research on eagle restoration and tracking programs in other states, restoration and tracking programs for other endangered species, or the origins and history of the Endangered Species Act. In the paper, students “highlight the relationship between the topic of their choice and photo gallery.” The Teacher’s Edition focuses on specific instruction that helps students formulate research questions and organization structures that work well with explanatory/informative writing.
Use appropriate transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Whole-Class Learning, students listen to a radio play adaptation of “Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed” by Michael McDonough. When they finish, they write an essay and discuss how the story and radio play are similar and different. They also write about the “techniques that each version uses to bring the tale to life.” The Teacher’s Edition focuses on specific instructions for using transitions. The teacher is to remind students of the transitions listed in the text, such as: In Bradbury’s story, On the other hand, the radio play…, and The language of the story…” will be useful when supporting comparisons. The Teacher’s Edition also states “transitions help readers keep track of the versions being addressed.”
Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Whole-Class Learning, students read A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Act I and Act II by Israel Horovitz and watch a film clip from Scrooge directed by Henry Edwards. Students compose a compare-and-contrast essay where they analyze the similarities and differences between the written play and the film. The text reminds the students to use “precise language and technical vocabulary” to accurately discuss the subjects. Some technical terms that the text provides are the soundtrack, dialogue, and sound effects. The Teacher’s Edition guides students to think about the words and terms that they use because “their writing will be more effective if they use technical terms specific to the film and precise language that is more specific to the play.”
Establish and maintain a formal style. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Whole-Class Learning, students read A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Act I and Act II by Israel Horovitz. They write an explanatory essay to analyze the stage directions. In their final submission, they are to maintain a formal style in their writing. When they reflect on their writing, they answer questions to determine if they established and maintained a formal style and used precise words to convey the stage directions clearly.
Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Whole-Class Learning, students read “Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed” by Ray Bradbury and listen to a radio play adaptation of the story produced by Michael McDonough. Students write a compare-and-contrast essay. In the essay, the text provides the students with guidance to cite specific evidence from both versions of the story in their conclusion. A strong conclusion will describe the strength of both versions but will provide reasons that one version had a greater impact. The Teacher’s Edition provides the teacher with support for strengthening the conclusions by offering “that the conclusion is their opportunity to offer their own opinions about which version is more effective.”
Students have opportunities to engage in narrative writing. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Engage and orient the reader by establishing a context and point of view and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally and logically. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Small-Group Learning, students read “The Last Dog” by Katherine Paterson. Students write a revised ending to the story. They have two options for this revision. They can “write from the perspective of the puppy, Brog, and give her a human voice” or “add a character to the story that influences the story’s resolution.” Students “choose words and descriptive details that engage the reader and bring your revised ending to life.” There are other reminders for this narrative as well, including instruction on sensory details, tying up “loose ends,” and showing readers “how the main character has changed since the beginning of the story.
Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, and description, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Small-Group Learning, students read Thank You, M’am by Langston Hughes. They write a “journal entry about events in the story from the point of view of one of the characters, either Roger or Mrs. Jones. Students consider several guiding questions as they prepare for this task and plan how they will organize their work, which details they will include from the story, and how they will incorporate sensory details and dialogue into their work.
Use a variety of transition words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence and signal shifts from one time frame or setting to another. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Turning Points, Whole-Class Learning, students read an excerpt from The Joy Luck Club titled “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan, “A Simple Act” by Tyler Jackson, and an excerpt from An Invisible Thread by Laura Schrroff and Alex Tresniowski. Students use the examples from the different texts to write a nonfiction narrative about the influence someone from a different generation has had on them or someone they know. One of the elements of a successful nonfiction narrative presented in the text is that a variety of transitional words, phrases, and clauses convey sequence and signal gifts from one time frame to another. Students use a timeline from the Model Text “Grounded” by Marc Domingo to show how to construct a sequence of events for their narrative. The Teacher’s Edition suggests that the students review the model text to find possible transitions they could use to organize their own essays.
Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to capture the action and convey experiences and events. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Small-Group Learning, students read the poems “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes and “To James” by Frank Horne. Students write a “narrative poem in which the speaker shares with readers a lesson learned through personal experience.” Not only do students include at least one symbol in their poem, but they are also required to use sensory language that appeals to one or more of the five senses. They are to use sensory language to vividly describe the subjects, speaker, setting, and experience.
Provide a conclusion that follows from and reflects on the narrated experiences or events. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 4, The People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, students read He-y, Come On Ou-t! by Shinichi Hoshi. Students write an alternate ending in which they explore what happens after the story ends. The Teacher’s Edition suggests that the teacher explains, “by imagining what happens after the story ends, you can deepen your understanding of the story itself.” Groups consider ideas for the alternate ending and complete a graphic organizer to keep track of ideas. Students are asked to “use narrative techniques, descriptive details, and sensory language to capture the action and convey experiences and events.” As they revise and evaluate other pieces of writing, they are guided by questions about sensory language:
Is any sensory language confusing or inaccurate?
Are there places where descriptive details would make the poem more interesting?
Where appropriate, writing opportunities are connected to texts and/or text sets (either as prompts, models, anchors, or supports). Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Whole-Class Learning, students read “Two Kinds” from The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan. Students complete a Write Now task to write a one-page analysis of the mother and daughter relationship, including “...details about these characters’ dreams, how they express themselves, and the conflicts they experience.”
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Whole-Class Learning, students read A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley Act I & II by Israel Horovitz. After reading, students write an explanatory essay describing Scrooge’s transformation. The assignment requires students to “support your [their] analysis with details, quotations, and examples from the play.”
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Whole-Class Learning, students read “Nobel Acceptance Speech” by Al Gore. Students complete a Write Now task that requires them to reread a section of the speech and determine if they think the speech convinced people to act on climate change. The student instructions state to include “...specific details from the speech to support their opinion.”
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, students write an argumentative essay about the role of farmers in the Dust Bowl. Students use their novel excerpt from The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck and a video on the dustbowl to support their claim.
Indicator 1K
Materials include frequent opportunities for evidence-based writing to support careful analyses, well-defended claims, and clear information.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 1k.
The materials provide frequent opportunities across the school year for students to learn, practice, and apply writing while using evidence. The materials provide opportunities for students to practice writing that is focused on claims developed from reading closely, as well as frequent opportunities across the school year for students to learn, practice, and apply writing while using evidence. During Whole-Class Learning, most units end with a writing task that involves explicit instruction in the skills needed to complete the task. The Teacher’s Edition includes expert instruction with support in the form of modeling and graphic organizers. During Small-Group Learning, students work collaboratively to complete writing projects that lead to speaking and listening components. At the end of each unit, the students complete an End of Unit Assessment, applying their evidence-gathering skills to write longer pieces that answer the unit’s Essential Question.
Materials provide frequent opportunities across the school year for students to learn, practice, and apply writing using evidence. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Introduction, Launch Text, students read “Grounded” (author not cited). After reading, students write a summary of the text. The teacher is instructed to provide students with the following guidance for their summary paragraphs:
“Write in the the present tense.
Be concise: a summary should not be equal in length to the original text.
If you need to quote the author, use quotation marks.
Don’t put your own opinions, ideas, or interpretations into the summary. The purpose of writing a summary is to accurately represent what the author says, not to provide a critique.”
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Small-Group Learning, students read “Thank You, M’am” by Langston Hughes. They create a journal entry. The instructions guide students to reread the text and brainstorm impressions they have of the two main characters. Students then “Use [their] own imagination and evidence from the text to support [their] ideas” As students write, the teacher gives students feedback to clarify their ideas and evidence as they “make sure they are consistent with the original narrative’s details.”
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, students read “The Circuit” by Francisco Jimenez. After reading, they complete a Writing to Sources activity in which they Write a short explanation of additional patterns [they] find in the story (related to characters’ behavior, actions, seasons, and so on). Conclude [their] explanation[s] with observations about how these patterns give meaning to the story.” In this activity, teachers prompt students to “analyze evidence from the text” and “include details from the text to support [their] ideas.” Teachers are provided with the following guidance as they give students feedback on their writing:
“Discuss with students the importance of stating their ideas clearly so readers know exactly what they are explaining in their explanation.
Remind students that it’s important they explain why they believe the theme they’ve identified is the theme of the story.
If they use ideas the author states directly, they should quote or paraphrase the appropriate text. If they use ideas the author states indirectly, they should explain how they arrived at their conclusion about this text.”
Writing opportunities are focused around students’ careful analysis and claims developed from reading closely and working with evidence from texts and sources. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Whole-Class Learning, students read Danger! This Mission to Mars Could Bore You to Death! by Maggie Koerth-Baker. They write an argument “in the form of a blog post in which they state [their] position on the topic of combating astronauts’ boredom while traveling to Mars.” Students follow a direct process to complete this task, including “conducting research, using accurate, credible sources to compile evidence to support [their] argument.”
In Unit 4, The People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, students review “Eagle Tracking at Follensby Pond” by The Nature Conservancy and “write a short research paper” on one of three possible topics. Students need to “formulate a research question that will guide [their] research process” and are provided with examples of viable research questions that will lead to the successful completion of the task. Students are directed to use “only information that is meaningfully related to [their] topic” and to organize it in such a way as to address the research question they’ve developed.
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Small-Group Learning, students read from The Story of My Life by Helen Keller and “How Helen Keller Learned to Talk” by Helen Keller, with Anne Sullivan. Students create a multimedia presentation using one of three different presentation options. In order to create a written presentation, students “analyze the ways in which the text and video portray the subjects of Keller and Sullivan as well as Keller’s Educational Process.” Additionally, students review a film that requires careful analysis because they must look closely at the “key visual elements of the clip, particularly how the body is used, and compare them to the descriptions of the body and physical sensations from the excerpts in the book.”
Indicator 1L
Materials include explicit instruction of the grade-level grammar and usage standards, with opportunities for application in context.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 partially meet the criteria for Indicator 1l.
The materials provide some opportunities for students to demonstrate the application of grade-level grammar and usage skills during writing tasks throughout the school year. The explicit instruction of some grammar and usage standards is inconsistent or, in some cases, lacking. Some standards are addressed but have limited practice or are not outlined thoroughly, such as spelling. Students apply grammar skills during Whole-Class and Small-Group Learning, though the opportunities are not always connected to the text or writing prompt. Grammar lessons and tasks are connected to anchor texts and topics for each unit and include several opportunities to practice using pronouns correctly. In order to practice grammar skills and conventions, students complete Language Development tasks, such as those found in the Concept Vocabulary, Word Study, Conventions, and Author’s Style sections. However, some grade-level language standards are not addressed. The End Matter of the Teacher’s Edition provides a Grammar Handbook that defines grammar terms and provides examples of various grammar concepts; however, there are limited plans to scaffold and support student learning of grammar concepts.
Materials include explicit instruction of some of the grade-level grammar and usage standards. Materials include authentic opportunities for students to demonstrate application of skills in context, including applying grammar and convention skills to writing. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Students have opportunities to explain the function of phrases and clauses in general and their function in specific sentences. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Small-Group Learning, students read an excerpt from Mom & Me & Mom by Maya Angelou. After reading the excerpt, students learn about independent and dependent clauses in the Language Development, Conventions section. There is a chart that supports student learning by providing examples of the different clauses that are found in the reading. Students write a brief paragraph that describes how Maya’s interactions with her mother changed before Bailey’s arrival. In the writing sample, students include two independent clauses and two dependent clauses. They label the clauses to show their understanding of these terms.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, students read the story “Thank You, M’am” by Langston Hughes. Then, they engage in Language Development through the Conventions section. In this lesson, students learn about prepositional phrases. They practice identifying prepositional phrases from the poem and then write a paragraph in which they describe someone who has had a positive impact on their life. In the paragraph, they are to use at least three prepositional phrases and mark the object of the preposition in each phrase. Identifying and using prepositional phrases is a Grade 4 standard rather than a 7th-grade one.
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Whole-Class Learning, students read “Nobel Acceptance Speech” by Al Gore. Then, they engage in Language Development through the Conventions section. Students explore the differences between infinitive phrases and gerund phrases. The Teacher’s Edition provides an idea for making the lesson interactive. The teacher writes three sentences on the board. Students identify each infinitive phrase and the role it plays in the sentences. They must state whether it is a noun functioning as a subject, a noun functioning as an object, an adjective, or an adverb. Students practice reading and identifying examples of infinitives or gerunds. Finally, they are given four types of sentences to write. For each sentence, they are to follow the directions stated in the prompt. For example, for number one, the students must write a sentence that uses an infinitive as a noun.
Students have opportunities to choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences to signal differing relationships among ideas. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Small-Group Learning, students read “The Last Dog” by Katherine Paterson. In the Teacher’s Edition, How Language Works, the teacher points out that the author crafts different types of sentences to impact the tone of the story. While students are not actually writing the sentences, they are provided with a model of sentence structure to analyze in paragraphs 34-39, asking the question, “What is the effect of these different sentence structures on the tone of the story?” The Teacher’s Edition provides possible answers, such as “the short declarative sentences that use ‘alert’ and ‘affirmative’ give the story a cold, official tone. The longer sentences describe the interaction between the main character, Brock, and the dog. These sentences provide a warmer, more human tone.”
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Whole-Class Learning, students read A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley: Act II by Israel Horovitz. After reading the excerpt, students review different sentence structures in the Language Development, Conventions section. They review the structure of a simple sentence, a compound sentence, a complex sentence, and a compound-complex sentence. Students reread sentences from the selection and identify the correct structure used by the author. Then, they practice using different structures by writing one sentence of each type in their notebooks.
In Unit 4, Turning Points, Small-Group Learning, students read “He–y, Come On Ou–t!” by Shinichi Hoshi, translated by Stanleigh Jones. In the Language Development, Conventions section, students review different types of punctuation and the purpose that each serves in writing. They are reminded that “A semicolon joins two related independent clauses to form compound sentences.” A chart showing the punctuation example and how it is used in the story appears as part of the lesson. The example that is provided for the semi-colon is “We hiked in the woods in the mornings, in the afternoon, we swam in the lake.” The writing activity asks students to prepare a paragraph describing a place [they] go to enjoy nature. However, out of the six types of punctuation presented, students choose three, so they are not guaranteed to practice the skill of using a semicolon to join two clauses together to form a compound sentence.
Students have opportunities to place phrases and clauses within a sentence, recognizing and correcting misplaced and dangling modifiers. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Small-Group Learning, students read from Mom & Me & Mom by Maya Angelou. In the Language Development, Conventions section, students review independent and dependent clauses. There is a chart for students to use to track understanding, and examples are provided. Students apply their knowledge by identifying independent and dependent clauses in sentences provided by the teacher and using examples from the text as well. The clauses are already placed, students just analyze them. There is no practice or connection dangling modifiers.
In Unit 4, People and The Planet, students read an excerpt from Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, the “Nobel Speech” by Al Gore, and watch a video of the “Nobel Speech” given by Al Gore. For the Performance Task, the students “write an argument in which [they] take a position on the following question: ‘What is the most significant effect that people have on the environment?’” During this activity, students revise sentences using participles to improve sentence fluency. The Teacher’s Edition “encourages students to combine sentences using participles and participial phrases.” The teacher cautions them to avoid misplaced modifiers and dangling modifiers but is not provided with examples to show the students how this could be a result of placing modifiers within their writing. The student text has examples for the students to review. In order to further their learning, they review the Launch Text, “Rethinking Wild” (author not cited), and identify sentences that use participles or participial phrases. During the Write it section, they revise their writing by choosing three paragraphs from their draft to read aloud. While reading, students mark passages that sound choppy. They practice combining sentences to ensure their ideas flow smoothly by avoiding choppy sentences and dangling modifiers in their work.
Students have opportunities to use a comma to separate coordinate adjectives (e.g., It was a fascinating, enjoyable movie but not He wore an old [,] green shirt). Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations Whole-Class Learning, students read an excerpt from An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski. In the Language Development, Conventions section, students learn about coordinate adjectives. Teachers provide instruction, and students reread the text to find adjectives that answer the questions: “What kind? How many? Which one? And Whose?” Then, students use a chart provided by the Teacher’s Edition to explain the difference between coordinate and cumulative adjectives. Students practice writing a paragraph describing Laura and Maurice’s relationship. In the paragraph, they are instructed to include one pair of coordinate adjectives and one pair of cumulative adjectives. The Teacher’s Edition provides a short model paragraph for the teacher to compare student writing samples.
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Whole-Class Learning, the students read “The Dust Bowl” by CriticalPast, an excerpt from The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, and “The Circuit” by Francisco Jiménez. After reading the selections, students write an informative essay that answers the following question: “How did the individuals in the selection cope with the obstacles they faced?” Once the first draft of their essay is complete, students review The Use of Commas during the Language Development, Conventions section. The Teacher’s Edition directs teachers to prompt students to read their writing out loud to determine if they have used commas incorrectly. While doing this, the teacher reminds the students that “If they find themselves pausing and there is no comma, or they don’t naturally pause, and there is a comma, they should consider revising that part of the sentence.” The student text provides examples of incorrectly punctuated sentences and correctly punctuated sentences that use coordinate adjectives with a comma, compound subjects that do not require a comma, and compound verbs that do not require a comma. Students are reminded to use commas properly in their writing. A chart in the text compares incorrectly punctuated sentences and a revision. This chart is available for students to reference while revising their draft.
Students have opportunities to spell correctly. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Whole-Class Learning, students read “A Simple Act” by Tyler Jackson and an excerpt from An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski. After reading, students write an explanatory essay where they analyze the ways in which the authors of the two pieces present information about the friendship between Laura and Maurice. After writing a draft of the essay, students “proofread [their] work to ensure it is free from errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.” In the Teacher’s Edition, there is a general reminder to make sure students “check basics such as spelling, punctuation, and grammar as they revise;” however, there are no explicit opportunities to practice spelling while writing the final draft of the essay.
In Unit 4, People and The Planet, students read an excerpt from Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, the “Nobel Speech” by Al Gore, and watch a video of the “Nobel Speech” given by Al Gore. For the Performance Task, the students “write an argument in which [they] take a position on the following question: ‘What is the most significant effect that people have on the environment?’” While Editing and Proofreading, the Teacher’s Edition provides general reminders to have the students check for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. The student text provides instructions about the silent syllables in words. These words may have letters left out of the spellings. So, the text reminds students to check the spellings of words like different, average, and restaurant in the dictionary to make sure they are written with the correct spelling.
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Whole-Class Learning, students read “The Dust Bowl” by CriticalPast, an excerpt from The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, and “The Circuit” by Francisco Jiménez. After reading the selections, students write an informative essay that answers the following question: “How did the individuals in the selection cope with the obstacles they faced?” Once the first draft of their essay is complete, the Teacher’s Edition provides general reminders to have the students check for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. The student text provides instructions about checking the paper for the correct spelling of homonyms such as their, they’re, and there.
Students have opportunities to choose language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely, recognizing and eliminating wordiness and redundancy. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Whole-Class Learning, the students read A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley by Israel Horowitz and watch a video from Scrooge directed by Henry Edwards. Students use the texts to write a cause-and-effect essay in which they address the following prompt: “How does Scrooge’s character transform over the course of the play?” After creating the first draft, students complete a lesson on Revising Sentences to Heighten Interest in the Language Development, Conventions section. The teacher points out that the Launch Text, “At the Crossroads” by Hajir Khouri, is interesting because the author varies the sentence structure. The teacher projects several sentences from the Launch Text and asks students to identify each type of sentence. Then, students apply their knowledge about sentence variety to revise the sentences in their draft. They are encouraged to add precise words and combine simple sentences to develop a variety of sentences.
In Unit 4, People and The Planet, students read an excerpt from Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, the “Nobel Speech” by Al Gore, and watch a video of the “Nobel Speech” given by Al Gore. For the Performance Task, the students “write an argument in which [they] take a position on the following question: ‘What is the most significant effect that people have on the environment?’” After writing the first draft, students engage in a lesson about Sentence Fluency during the Language Development, Conventions section. Students review the definitions for a participle, a participle phrase, a misplaced modifier, and a dangling modifier. They are provided with several examples of ways that choppy passages can be fixed using participles and combining sentences. In The Teacher’s Edition, Personalize for Learning, English Language Support, the teacher provides short, choppy sentences for the students to review and fix. The teacher provides examples of how each sentence can be made more precise and concise by adding important words and eliminating those words that are unnecessary.
Indicator 1M
Materials include a cohesive, year-long plan for students to interact with and build key academic vocabulary words in and across texts.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 1m.
The materials provide a comprehensive year-long plan for students to interact with and acquire academic vocabulary in a systematic way. Materials include lessons and activities for vocabulary development critical to understanding the text, the overall concept of the unit, and the genre of writing for each unit. Academic vocabulary is highlighted at the beginning of each unit in the introduction. Concept or Media Vocabulary specific to the text or media that students review is emphasized at the beginning of each reading and throughout the lesson. Activities for demonstrating understanding of the Concept Vocabulary become more complex as the year progresses. Vocabulary is associated with the writing focus of the Performance Tasks, and students can incorporate vocabulary in authentic ways during the Performance Tasks and from their Word Networks during the Performance-Based Assessment. Stand-alone vocabulary assessments include a pretest, mid-year assessment, and end-of-year assessment. Content vocabulary is repeated over the school year and includes, but is not limited to, dialogue and conflict. There is additional independent student practice in the Vocabulary Center and guidance and resources for the teacher in the Program Resources, Teacher’s Edition, and Professional Development Center. Materials provide teacher guidance outlining a cohesive vocabulary development component.
Materials provide teacher guidance outlining a cohesive year-long vocabulary development component. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Teacher’s Edition Table of Contents and Frontmatter, the materials include a section on Standards Correlation. It includes the Key Features of the Standards and how each section of the unit fits into the larger picture of teaching the standards. The Language Standard is complete for teaching Conventions, Effective Use, and Vocabulary. The text states, “The vocabulary standards focus on understanding words and phrases, their relationships, and their nuances and on acquiring new vocabulary, particularly general academic and domain-specific words, and phrases.” In order to teach the Language standards for vocabulary, each unit includes Vocabulary/Word Study. The Unit at a Glance section in the Teacher’s Edition and Resources includes Vocabulary and Word Study concepts that will be introduced during each reading. Each unit offers information in the Introduction regarding the Academic Vocabulary for teacher guidance, such as lessons that help with learning the vocabulary and offering possible student responses to questions that reiterate the vocabulary words. The materials offer Language Development in each of the Whole-Class and Small-Group Learning sections with Word Networks. The students are encouraged to annotate vocabulary when close reading. The Teacher’s Edition End Matter also includes a Glossary: Academic Concept Vocabulary and the academic vocabulary appears in blue font. The Index also offers a list of the academic vocabulary and concept vocabulary with corresponding page numbers.
In the Teacher’s Edition during the Launch text of each unit, the Vocabulary Development box provides teachers with additional Academic Vocabulary Reinforcement activities.
Vocabulary is repeated in contexts (before texts, in texts) and across multiple texts. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In each unit, academic and concept vocabulary are embedded throughout. In each unit Introduction, students view a chart with academic vocabulary for the unit, read mentor sentences with the words, and complete a chart for the predicted meaning and related words. Each text Introduction includes a Concept Vocabulary section where students rank words from least familiar to most familiar. All words are defined in the footnotes of the text. After reading, the Concept Vocabulary section includes activities with words from the introduction and the Word Study section. The structure of the vocabulary lessons remains consistent throughout the year.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Introduction, Launch Text, students read “At the Crossroads” by Hajir Khouri. They create a Word Network to collect words that are related to the unit topic, Turning Points. They are encouraged to add words from the story, such as: purposes, journey, and experience. They continue to add to the Word Network. As the students read the texts in the unit, they find words that will help vary their word choice as they write an explanatory essay that answers the following question: “What can cause a significant change in someone’s life?”
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Unit Introduction, students are provided with a chart of five academic words that help students analyze and write informative texts. They read the following words and mentor sentences, deviate, persevere, determination, diversity, and tradition. Then words reappear as students complete the Performance Task after reading the Whole-Group Learning texts. They are encouraged to “consider using some of the academic vocabulary” in their informative essay. The essay will answer the question: “How did the individuals in the selections cope with the obstacles they faced?” The Teacher’s Edition has the teacher provide time for the students to explore ways they could use the terms in their essays.
In Unit 1, Generations, Launch Text, students read "Grounded" by Marc Domingo students work with the vocabulary word consequences. In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, students read “He-y, Come On Ou-t!” by Shinichi Hoshi, students encounter the word consequences again.
Attention is paid to vocabulary essential to understanding the text and to high-value academic words (e.g., words that might appear in other contexts/content areas). Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Vocabulary Center, Interactive Vocabulary Lessons, Grades 7, Domain-Specific Vocabulary, the lesson includes Show It, Try It, and Apply It, Part 1 and 2. In Part 1, some examples of terms include, but are not limited to: bookmark, erosion, intensity, metamorphic, proportion, and urbanization. The Interactive lessons include the following student activity within the Try It tab: “Drag each word into the correct subject area column.” Students apply their learning by taking a six-question quiz in the Apply it section that asks questions pertaining to the vocabulary, such as:
In which sentence is bookmark used correctly?
I bookmarked this web page because I visit it almost every day.
I bookmarked this web page because I will probably never visit it again.
In which sentence is intensity used correctly?
Because of the intensity of the storm, we decided to spend the day at the beach.
The intensity of the storm forced us to stay inside all day.
In the Vocabulary Center, Interactive Vocabulary Lessons, Grades 7, General Academic Vocabulary, the lesson includes Show It, Try It, and Apply It, Part 1 and 2. In Part 1, some examples of terms include, but are not limited to: analyze, culture, inquire, opposition, reflect, and transmit. The Interactive lessons include the following student activity within the Try It tab: “Drag each word in the left-hand column to match it with the vocabulary word in the right-hand column that has the same root.” For example, students would match the new word, cultivate from the right-hand column with the word culture (-cult-) in the left-hand column. They apply their learning by reading a paragraph and filling in the correct vocabulary word. For example, “The National Gardening Association (NGA) recently (produced, defined, or analyzed) 216 school gardens.”
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Introduction, the materials include academic vocabulary terms that “help you read, write, and speak with more precision.” Here are five academic words that will be useful to you in this unit as you analyze and write arguments.” Students complete a chart to predict meaning and write at least two related words for the following: justify, alternative, certainty, discredit, and assumption.
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, students view a photo gallery, “Eagle Tracking at Follensby Pond” by The Nature Conservancy. The materials provide the Media Vocabulary that relates to discussing photography, documentary photography, vantage point, and monochrome. The words are Tier III or advanced technical words.
Overview of Gateway 2
Building Knowledge with Texts, Vocabulary, and Tasks
The materials are grouped around topics/themes to grow students’ knowledge over the course of the school year. There are high-quality questions and tasks that are sequenced in a way that is appropriate for the grade level and include text-specific and/or text-dependent questions and tasks. Throughout the program, there are opportunities for students to complete research to learn more about or expand their knowledge on topics. The culminating tasks in the program require students to show their knowledge and understanding of the topics/themes in each unit. While the materials provide writing instruction that aligns with the standards, well-designed explicit instruction guidance is inconsistent or lacking in some areas.
The materials spend instructional time on content that falls within grade-level aligned instruction, practice, and assessments. Over the course of each unit, the majority of questions, tasks, and assessments are aligned to grade-level standards, and by the end of the academic year, every standard is addressed. The pacing for the five units in the program is generally reasonable, and the suggested implementation schedule can be reasonably completed in one school year.
Gateway 2
Criterion 2.1: Building Knowledge
Materials build knowledge through integrated reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language.
The materials are grouped around topics/themes to grow students’ knowledge over the course of the school year. Texts within units are connected and arranged by topics/themes around an essential question.
The materials include high-quality questions and tasks in which students analyze key ideas, details, craft, and structure within individual texts as well as across multiple texts. The tasks are sequenced in a way that is appropriate for the grade level and include text-specific and/or text-dependent questions and tasks. There are culminating tasks that require students to show their knowledge and understanding of a topic through integrated literacy skills. The program also provides multiple opportunities for students to engage in research. In each unit, there are opportunities for students to conduct both shorter and longer research tasks to build knowledge on topics and synthesize their learning.
While the materials provide writing instruction that aligns with the standards, well-designed explicit instruction guidance is lacking in some areas.
Indicator 2A
Texts are organized around a cohesive topic(s) to build students’ ability to read and comprehend complex texts independently and proficiently.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 2a.
The materials are grouped around topics/themes to grow students’ knowledge over the course of the school year. The sequence of texts around these topics/themes helps students to read and comprehend complex texts independently and proficiently. Texts within units are connected and arranged by topics around an essential question.
Texts are connected by a grade-appropriate cohesive topic/theme/line of inquiry. Texts build knowledge and the ability to read and comprehend complex texts across a school year. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, the Essential Question asks, “What can one generation learn from another?” This unit begins with a nonfiction narrative called Grounded by Elfrieda Hiebert, Ph.D., which also acts as the writing model for the Performance-Based assessment. Throughout Unit 1, students continue by comparing and contrasting texts which follow the same theme. First, they read a news blog called “A Simple Act” by Tyler Jackson which is followed by an excerpt from the memoir An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski. Later in the unit, students read another memoir, poetry, and watch a video called Learning to Love My Mother by Maya Angelou. In addition to writing to compare/contrast, students also write a narrative poem.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, the Essential Question asks, “What can cause a sudden change in someone’s life?” This unit opens with a Launch Text that models this Unit’s Performance-Based Assessment, an Explanatory Essay. After reading the Launch text, students compare and contrast two versions of the text based on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. The first piece they read is a drama called A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley by Israel Horovitz. Then they watch a film called Scrooge, directed by Henry Edwards. Once finished, they write a comparison piece and an explanatory piece. Further, into the unit, they read the memoir An American Childhood by Annie Dillard. At the end of the Unit, students write and present an explanatory essay based on the text and the Essential Question for the Unit.
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, students read a series of texts connected to the Essential Question, “How do we overcome obstacles?” The Launch Text “provides students with a common starting point to address the unit topic,” and due to the lower complexity, it is easy for students to understand so the focus can be on the discussion of the topic. As Unit 5 progresses, students perform a Complex reading by comparing/contrasting a video with a novel excerpt from The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. Following Whole-Class Learning, students begin writing an Informative Essay. By the end of the Unit, students read another Complex text, The Story of My Life by Helen Keller, and complete the informative essay by presenting it to peers.
Indicator 2B
Materials require students to analyze the key ideas, details, craft, and structure within individual texts as well as across multiple texts using coherently sequenced, high quality questions and tasks.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 2b.
The materials include high-quality questions and tasks in which students analyze key ideas, details, craft, and structure within individual texts as well as across multiple texts. The materials are organized in a consistent pattern across all units with multiple after-reading activities. Each unit is divided into five main parts: The Introduction, Whole-Class Learning, Small-Group Learning, Independent Learning, and the End Of Unit (Assessment, Reflection, and Test). Before beginning each reading, the students engage in a First Read, which requires them to note what they notice, annotate the key vocabulary and passages, connect0 ideas with other selections, and respond by writing a brief summary. The Close Read notes in the Teacher’s Edition help support student analysis of key ideas, details, craft, and structure as the students read. After reading, the students work through activities to ensure their understanding of the key ideas in the reading. The Comprehension Check, Close Read of the Text, Analyze the Text, and Analyze Craft and Structure questions require students to revisit the text and use specific text evidence in their answers. In the Teacher’s Edition, the sample answers also include the depth of knowledge levels for some questions; most are at DOK 2 or 3. For some texts, the questions lead to the subsequent Writing or Speaking and Listening activities. These questions also build toward the various Performance Tasks embedded after Whole-Class Learning, Small-Group Learning, and at the End of the Unit. Throughout each unit, students keep an Evidence Log and notebook to record responses and help them prepare for the culminating tasks.
For most texts, students analyze key ideas and details (according to grade-level standards). Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Whole-Class Learning, students read “Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed” by Ray Bradbury. In the Analyze the Text section, students identify key ideas and details to address several components of a fictional text. First, they “mark things that are being compared” and answer the question, “What is unusual about these comparisons?” They are also asked, “What mood or overall impression has Bradbury created with these comparisons?” Next, students mark details that “reveal how Harry feels about being on Mars.” Students are asked “what a reader can infer from these details and are asked why they think the author used these details at this point in the story. Students also identify details that “describe Bittering’s inner thoughts” and answer the question, “Why are these thoughts expressed in incomplete sentences, with a lot of repetition?”
In Unit 4, The People and the Planet, Whole-Class Learning, students read from Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. Under the section called Close Read the Text, students identify “details the author uses to describe the rich environment of the town” and respond to the questions, “Why might the author have used such vivid, descriptive details to describe the town?” and “What can you conclude about the town from these details?” Students then “mark text in paragraph three that shows how Carson introduces the change” and are asked to “consider what this text might tell them about Carson’s intention in this part of the excerpt.” In the section called “Analyze the Text, students interpret what the phrase ‘heart of America’ suggests?” and “speculate why Carson use[s] this phrase in the first paragraph?”
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Small-Group Learning, students read “A Work in Progress” by Aimee Mullins. During the First Read, the Teacher’s Edition provides guidance to help the students notice details and specific word choices that add humor to the selection. The teacher also helps the students locate vocabulary and key passages to annotate. Students are encouraged to make connections between the text and their own experiences. Finally, students finish the Comprehension check at the end of the selection and write a brief summary. As they read, they are instructed to annotate words and phrases that are examples of hyperbole or using exaggerations for comic effect. The five Comprehension questions prompt students to recall key details from the story, such as:
Why does the author, Aimee Mullins, have difficulty walking across the marble floor of the library?
What happened between Mullins and her father that caused her to be grounded?
What does Mullins do to become more involved with the quality of her limbs?
According to the author, what is the source of the “greatest creative power”?
For most texts, students analyze craft and structure (according to grade-level standards). Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Small-Group Learning, students read “The Last Dog” by Katherine Paterson. In the Analyze Craft and Structure section, students analyze the external and internal conflict. Students use a worksheet to answer questions about the conflict found in the story, such as, “What is one external conflict in ‘The Last Dog?’” and “How are the conflicts in ‘The Last Dog’ resolved?” Students use a graphic organizer to facilitate this work. They are asked, “How are the external conflicts and the internal conflicts related?” and “Did the resolution settle the conflicts in the story?”
In Unit 4, The People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, students read a poetry collection that includes “Turtle Watchers” by Linda Hogan, “Nature” by Emily Dickinson, and “The Sparrow” by Paul Laurence Dunbar. In the Analyze Craft and Structure section, students focus on the voice of the speaker of the poems. Specifically, they review lyric poetry. Students use a graphic organizer to identify various details in each poem that help them identify the subject and the speaker’s attitude. They also answer the questions, “What vivid words and descriptions are used?” and “What feeling, observation, or insight is conveyed by the speaker?”
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Small-Group Learning, students read “A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill, Electrifying a Nation” by Sarah Childress and then analyze elements of biographical writing. Students use a chart to document the location of the text that represents an element of biographical writing and then analyze how that evidence contributes to the development of ideas in biographical writing. For example, students might conclude that relevant facts are necessary for biographical writing and then determine that the definition of “energy poverty” might determine the creation of a windmill.
Indicator 2C
Materials require students to analyze the integration of knowledge within individual texts as well as across multiple texts using coherently sequenced, high quality text-specific and/or text-dependent questions and tasks.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 2c.
The materials include multiple opportunities for students to analyze the integration of knowledge and ideas within individual texts and across multiple texts. The tasks are sequenced in a way that is appropriate for the grade level and include text-specific and/or text-dependent questions and tasks. The materials provide related questions as students comprehend and analyze texts and complete culminating tasks. Most sets of questions and tasks require students to analyze the integration of knowledge and ideas across the unit to build knowledge around a topic/theme and the essential question. In some instances, the materials pair two or more texts, and students practice the same skills across all texts. Multiple texts connect to the essential question in preparation for the end-of-unit assessment. In this assessment, students synthesize ideas based on various text-dependent prompts that align with grade-level standards.
Most sets of questions and tasks support students’ analysis of knowledge and ideas. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Small-Group Learning, students read “Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Future of U.S. Space Exploration After Curiosity” by Keith Wagstaff. In the section for Effective Expression, the students conduct research and write a short informational report on one of the following topics: the life and work of Neil deGrasse Tyson, the planet Mars, the robotic rover Curiosity. Students tie their new learning together with the information they learned from the reading and present their research findings with the class.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Whole-Class Learning, students read A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Act l, by Israel Horovitz. In the Close Read section, students follow a process to analyze the text. They respond to four questions: “What does it say? What does it mean? How is it said? Why does it matter?” The questions tap comprehension, identify evidence, consider the author’s technique, and allow students to “think deeply about the issues that affect their lives.”
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Whole-Class Learning, students read “Nobel Acceptance Speech” by Al Gore. Before reading, teachers “engage them in a discussion about global warming and what they already know about it.” Then students reread paragraphs three through five and answer the questions, “What vision is Gore talking about? Why is he calling it ‘precious and painful’? How and why is Gore comparing himself with Alfred Nobel?” Finally, students answer the questions, “What effects do people have on the environment? What have you learned about the effects people have on the environment by reading this selection?” They are required to add evidence from the texts to support their answers.
Sets of questions and tasks provide opportunities to analyze across multiple texts as well as within single texts. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Whole-Class Learning, students read an excerpt from An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski and read a news blog, “A Simple Act” by Maurice Mazyck. In the Effective Expression section of lessons, students consider the following: “How did the friendship start and grow? Why did the friendship last so long?” Students then “write an explanatory essay in which [they] analyze ways in which the authors of the two pieces present information about the same topic: the friendship between Laura and Maurice.” Students are asked the following questions: “What descriptive details do the two texts provide? What quotations, if any, are used? Does the text focus on a series of events or more on the quality of the friendship?”
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Whole-Class Learning, students read A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley by Israel Horovitz and view an excerpt from Scrooge directed by Henry Edwards. In the Effective Expression section, students “write a compare-and-contrast essay in which [they] analyze the similarities and differences between the two versions of Charles Dickens’s famous novel.” Students respond to the following questions: “Which medium, written drama or film, gives the audience’s imagination more room to fill in the details? Which version of this story is more effective?”
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Whole-Class Learning, students read “Nobel Speech” by Al Gore and view the video “Nobel Speech” by Al Gore. Students write an argument in which they state a claim as to which medium more persuasively conveys Gore’s argument. They analyze the texts and answer the following questions: Does the text reveal aspects of the argument that the video does not? Explain. Does the video communicate the author’s tone in a way the text does not? Explain.
Indicator 2D
Culminating tasks require students to demonstrate their knowledge of a unit's topic(s) through integrated literacy skills (e.g., a combination of reading, writing, speaking, listening).
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 2d.
The materials include three culminating tasks that require students to show their knowledge and understanding of a topic through integrated literacy skills. Each unit across the grade level includes an essential question connecting to a topic/theme. The units include Whole-Class Learning, Small-Group Learning, and Independent Learning opportunities. Students build knowledge on the topic/theme by reading texts or watching videos. They complete writing tasks and engage in speaking and listening with peers. The Whole-Group Learning Performance Tasks assess writing, and the Small-Group Learning Performance Tasks assess speaking and listening skills. Throughout the unit, brief writing tasks follow each reading and provide practice opportunities for multiple skills. Teachers provide feedback during writing exercises to move students toward mastery by the end of the unit. The Teacher Resources includes an Assessment section that provides culminating online and PDF versions of selection tests, extension selection tests, unit tests, and extension unit tests. Each culminating exam includes multiple choice and short answer questions testing various standards.
Culminating tasks are evident and varied across the year and they are multifaceted, requiring students to demonstrate mastery of several different standards (reading, writing, speaking, listening) at the appropriate grade level and comprehension and knowledge of a topic or topics through integrated skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening). Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Teacher’s Edition, each Introduction for the unit includes information about the Unit Goals, including goals related to Reading, Writing, Research, Language, and Speaking and Listening. The Teacher’s Edition states, “These unit goals were backward designed from the Performance-Based Assessment at the end of the unit and the Whole-Class and Small Group Performance Tasks. Students will practice and become proficient in many more standards over the course of this unit.”
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Small-Group Learning, Performance Task: Speaking and Listening Focus, students present an explanatory essay “in the form of a multimedia presentation in response to the following prompt: How are the turning points in the selection similar to and different from each other?” In preparation for this task, the group reviews the reading from this section of the unit and takes notes that will assist them in developing their thinking. After taking time to discuss this information, the group works collaboratively to narrow their focus. Students use their research skills to identify “details and information about the turning point” selected by the group, and they work together to create a presentation. Once finished, students present their work to the class, asking questions and providing comments.
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Whole-Class Learning, students complete an informative writing performance task. Students write an informative essay answering the prompt, “How did the individuals in the selections cope with the obstacles they faced?” Students use examples and details from the texts to support their ideas. Students spend three instructional days drafting, organizing, writing, editing, revising, and evaluating before they post their final essay. Students are given a checklist to evaluate their editorial that includes focus in the area of focus and organization, evidence and elaboration, and conventions. To show proficiency, students need to show mastery of the informative writing standards connected to the task.
Indicator 2E
Materials include a cohesive, year-long plan for students to achieve grade-level writing proficiency by the end of the school year.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 partially meet the criteria for Indicator 2e.
The materials provide writing instruction that partially aligns with the standards. Informative or explanatory writing, argumentative, and narrative writing are somewhat developed throughout the year; however, the distribution of writing types practiced throughout the year does not meet the distribution outlined by the standards. Each unit contains some instructional materials that support students as they practice the skills that help yield success on the End of Unit Performance-Based Writing Assessment. The Teacher’s Edition includes some guidance, protocols, models, and support for teachers to implement and monitor students’ writing development. There is limited information relating to a year-long writing plan. Mentor texts are provided for students to reference and learn techniques to apply in their own writing. Some guidance is provided for students as they practice and apply writing standards, mostly in reminders to teachers rather than explicit instruction and modeling. While all standards are tagged as a part of the instruction and tasks, a number of standards do not have explicit instruction; rather, students are told to address the skill indicated in the standard. While there are some interactive and minilessons available in the resources, the materials do not consistently outline where these resources may be helpful to teachers and students. Those resources that are available for students and teachers to access are generic resources that are not specific to each text, writing, task, or unit.
Materials include writing instruction that partially aligns to the standards for the grade level and supports students’ growth in writing skills over the course of the school year. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, students write a nonfiction narrative and engage in a lesson on the author’s voice. Students locate sections from the Launch Text to examine how word choice, sentence structure, and tone support the author’s voice in a narrative. Students examine their own draft to answer the question, “Does the tone of their writing invite the reader to engage with the story and the characters? Do their word choices provide a level of detail that helps the reader envision the action in the narrative?” However, throughout the school year, students do not have enough practice with narrative writing.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, students write a compare-and-contrast essay that requires students to use precise language in particular technical terms in their analysis of a written play and a film, such as: soundtrack, dialogue, and sound effects.
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, students write an argumentative essay. Students engage in a lesson on word choice and tone. Teachers’ instructions include: “Remind students that in addition to using a formal tone and maintaining standard English, they should not get overly emotional in presenting their argument. Their argument should be strong, but if it’s too emotional, readers might feel they’re not being objective.” However, throughout the school year, students do not have enough practice with argumentative writing.
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, students write an informative essay about a topic dealing with obstacles faced by those during the Dust Bowl. Students engage in a lesson on using precise language to write a focused thesis by looking at an example of a thesis that has overgeneralizations and informal language. During revisions, students are instructed to revise any informal language, cliches, and idioms in their essays in order to retain a formal tone.
Instructional materials include some well-designed guidance, protocols, models, and support for teachers to implement and monitor students’ writing development. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, students use the Launch Text, “Grounded” by Marc Domingo, as a model for their nonfiction narrative. Students engage in learning about the elements of a nonfiction narrative and then are challenged to find these elements in the Launch Text:
“well-developed major and minor characters, as well as a narrator, who is you, the writer
a problem or conflict
a clear sequence of events that unfolds naturally and logically
narrative techniques such as dialogue, description, and pacing
a variety of transitional words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence and signal shifts from one setting or time frame to another
precise words, well-chosen quotations, vivid descriptive details, and powerful sensory language
a conclusion that follows from and reflects on the experiences in the narrative”
While there is general teacher guidance provided, there is no explicit instruction.
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Performance Based Assessment, students write an argumentative essay. Before writing, students are told to review the Argument Rubric. The rubric is a four-point rubric and is organized into three categories, Focus and Organization, Evidence and Elaboration, and Conventions. The teacher’s instructions state to point out the differences between a score of 3 and 4, “pay particular attention to the differences between claims that are supported by reasons and evidence and claims that are supported by logical reasons and relevant evidence.” While there is general teacher guidance provided, there is no explicit instruction.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, students write a compare and contrast essay in response to the play A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley by Israel Horovitz with the excerpt from the film Scrooge. The Teacher’s Edition points out possible points of struggle during these exercises, such as referencing each outline and explaining the block method to analyze features of the play and the video. There is guidance for students struggling with character analysis, such as probing questions like, “Are there aspects of his character revealed or developed in the play that are not revealed or developed in the film?”
Indicator 2F
Materials include a progression of focused research projects to encourage students to develop knowledge in a given area by confronting and analyzing different aspects of a topic using multiple texts and source materials.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 2f.
The materials provide multiple opportunities for students to engage in research. Short text-specific research opportunities connect to each text through Research to Clarify and Research to Explore tasks. Throughout each unit, there are opportunities for students to conduct brief research to build knowledge about the topic of the text and/or unit, including, but not limited to, Cross-Curricular tasks and Challenge tasks. Materials provide for longer research tasks that require students to synthesize and analyze tasks connected to the unit topics. Materials include teaching around research standards such as avoiding plagiarism and correctly citing sources. Research tasks build mastery over the school year and connect to research standards.
Research projects are sequenced across a school year to include a progression of research skills according to grade-level standards. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Whole-Class Learning, students read “Danger! This Mission to Mars Could Bore You to Death!” by Maggie Koerth-Baker. Students are asked to find a detail from the article and research additional information to decide if that research helps to “shed light on an aspect of the article.” In addition, students create a written blog post in which they state a position on the “topic of combating astronauts’ boredom while traveling to Mars.” They are asked to identify a claim for this post and research information that will contribute to their post. Students are reminded to use “accurate, credible sources” to support their claims.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Small-Group Learning, students read “Urban Farming Is Growing a Green Future” by Hillary Schwei. They create a digital multimedia presentation on one of four projects. Students find credible sources, for example, “What relevant, reliable print, digital, and multimedia sources can you use in your research?”
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Small-Group Learning, students read “A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill, Electrifying a Nation” by Sarah Childress. Students conduct research to find information to write a how-to essay. This research project requires students to develop key research skills. For example, the directions state that students should “Consult multiple print and digital sources, and evaluate the credibility of each source you use. Take notes on each source so that you can cite your sources accurately in a Works-Cited list, or bibliography, at the end of your essay.”
Materials support teachers in employing projects that develop students’ knowledge of different aspects of a topic via provided resources. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Teacher Resources, a Plagiarism Checker is provided for teachers to access via Safe Assign, which offers guidance for implementation, including Video Tutorials: “SafeAssign is effective as both a deterrent and an educational tool. Use SafeAssign to review assignment submissions for originality and create opportunities to help students identify how to properly attribute sources rather than paraphrase.” The tool will assist educators when assigning research projects.
The materials offer Research Minilessons and a Writing and Research Center with a Research Writing PowerPoint Presentation that introduces research writing and provides prewriting tips to assist students in formulating a research question and making a Research Plan, such as “Once you have written your major research question, you are ready to make a research plan. As part of your plan, you will create a timeline for finishing your report. You also will find and evaluate sources of information.” The PowerPoint Presentation includes guidance relating to how to organize a research report and revise and edit the draft. A grammar minilesson follows, and student instructions for publishing the piece state: “When you’ve finished your final draft, publish it. Use this chart to identify a way to publish your informational research report for the appropriate audience.” The Teacher’s Edition: End Matter, Tool Kit: Research includes detailed guidance for Conducting Research, Reviewing Research Findings, and Incorporating Research Into Writing.
Materials provide many opportunities for students to synthesize and analyze content tied to the texts under study as a part of the research process.
Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions for further research and investigation. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Whole-Class Learning, students read “Two Kinds” from The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan and research a question to better comprehend the text. In the text, the narrator references the composer Schumann. Students “research the German composer Robert Schumann, and write a brief biography of the man, outlining his professional career, including the creation of Scenes from Childhood.” Students generate new questions in reference to the research, such as, “What do the names of the pieces in Scenes from Childhood tell us about Schumann?”
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Small-Group Learning, students read “Urban Farming Is Growing a Green Future” by Hillary Schwei. Students conduct a short research project on hydroponics. For example, “Have students research ‘exploring hydroponics’ on the Internet. Have them select from the many options available for raising plants without any soil at all, and decide which option would be best for your own classroom.” Students continue their research and try growing plants at home.
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, students craft a multimedia presentation for one of three topics, the importance and impact of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, the struggle to ban Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), or the historic DDT impact and the current environmental danger to bees. Students use credible online or print resources to gather evidence and visual elements.
Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Small-Group Learning, students read from Mom & Me & Mom by Maya Angelou and “Learning to Love My Mother” by Maya Angelou and Michael Maher. They write an essay expressing similarities and differences between texts. Students draw evidence from these texts, analyzing and reflecting on the similarities and differences in the information.
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Performance Task, students create a multimedia presentation to answer the question. “Should space exploration be a priority for our country?” Students use a note catcher to analyze each text from the unit for the benefits and drawbacks presented. Then students conduct additional research that includes more recent NASA programs.
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Performance Task, students prepare and present a multimedia presentation. Students work with a group to analyze the text for information about people’s impact on the environment. They use their notes from this analysis to choose a claim. Then using information from these multiple texts, they gather additional media elements, such as photographs, videos, and illustrations, to support their claim and evidence.
Criterion 2.2: Coherence
Materials promote mastery of grade-level standards by the end of the year.
The materials spend instructional time on content that falls within grade-level aligned instruction, practice, and assessments. Over the course of each unit, the majority of questions, tasks, and assessments are aligned to grade-level standards, with opportunities for explicit instruction. By the end of the academic year, every standard is addressed, and there are multiple opportunities for students to revisit standards to promote mastery.
The program is organized into five units, and the culminating task for each unit is a Performance-Based Assessment. The pacing for the units is generally reasonable, and the suggested implementation schedule can be reasonably completed in one school year.
Indicator 2G
Materials spend the majority of instructional time on content that falls within grade-level aligned instruction, practice, and assessments.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 2g.
The materials spend instructional time on content that falls within grade-level aligned instruction, practice, and assessments. Over the course of each unit, the majority of questions, tasks, and assessments are aligned to grade-level standards, with opportunities for explicit instruction. By the end of the academic year, every standard is addressed, and there are multiple opportunities for students to revisit standards to promote mastery. Some standards are repeatedly addressed within and across units to ensure students master the full intent of the standard. Students have opportunities in each grade-level standard to build skills in a logical sequence over the course of the year.
Over the course of each unit, the majority of instruction is aligned to grade-level standards. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In each unit, the Unit at a Glance section lists the standards for each student activity in one of three columns: Analyze Craft and Structure, Conventions/Author’s Style, and Composition/Research/Speaking and Listening. The Teacher’s Edition: End Matter PDF includes an Index of Skills where page number references are provided. In the Teacher’s Edition, Table of Contents, and Frontmatter PDF, the materials provide the Standards Correlation document with page numbers: “The following correlation shows points at which focused standards instruction is provided in the Student Edition. The Teacher’s Edition provides further opportunity to address standards through Personalize for Learning notes and additional resources available only in the Teacher’s Edition.”
In Unit 1, Generations, Whole-Class Learning, students read “A Simple Act” by Tyler Jackson. They complete the close read of the text and answer the questions from the Analyze the Text section, which aligns with grade-level standards. For example,
Analyze: (a) How does Maurice surprise Laura when he explains in paragraph 6 what he likes most about visiting Laura’s sister? (b) Infer What do readers learn about Maurice’s values?
Draw Conclusions: How do both Laura and Maurice benefit from their relationship?
Evaluate: In paragraph seven, the author mentions that a book about Laura and Maurice’s friendship became a best-seller. Why do you think people became so interested in this friendship?
Essential Question: What have you learned about how people from different generations learn from each other?“
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, students read “Hey—, Come On Ou—t!” by Shinichi Hoshi, translated by Stanleigh Jones. Students complete the close read of the text to answer questions that align with grade-level standards. For example,
“Review and Clarify: Review the short story with your group. Why do you think the author includes so many details about what people put into the hole? What effect do these details have on the reader?”
Present and Discuss: Now, work with your group to share the passages from the text that you found especially important. Take turns presenting your passages.
Essential Question: What has this story taught you about the effects that people have on the environment? Discuss with your group. Students should use textual evidence to support their answers.”
Over the course of each unit, the majority of questions and tasks are aligned to grade-level standards. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In each unit, a Whole-Class Learning Performance Task with a writing focus and a Small-Group Learning Performance Task with a speaking and listening focus is included consistently across the school year. Shorter tasks follow the reading of text selections. The questions throughout the Whole-Class Learning and Small-Group Learning connect to the Essential Question of each unit and help prepare students for the successful completion of the performance tasks.
In Unit 1, Generations, Small-Group Learning, students read “Tutors Teach Seniors New High-Tech Tricks” by Jennifer Ludden. They respond to questions that are aligned with grade-level standards. For example, students read the text and respond to convention questions after the text, which is aligned with the standard, “Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.”
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Small-Group Learning, students read "Thank You, M’am" by Langston Hughes. They respond to tasks aligned with standards. For example, students complete the task of writing a journal entry, which is aligned with the writing standard, “Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequence.”
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, students read “Eagle Tracking at Follensby Pond” by The Nature Conservancy. Students complete the majority of the close reading of the text to answer questions that align with grade-level standards. They answer questions like, “How do the captions add meaning to the photographs? Would the photographs be less effective without the captions? Why or why not?” and “Do you think the photo gallery effectively conveys information about the eagle restoration project at Follensby Pond?”
Over the course of each unit, the majority of assessment questions are aligned to grade-level standards. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In each unit, a Performance-Based Assessment is included, and the unit activities are backward-designed to the Performance-Based Assessment. The materials offer Selection Tests, Extension Selections Tests, Unit Tests, Beginning-, Middle-, and End-of-Year Tests, Next Generation Practice Tests, Next Generation Performance Tasks, and Customizable Test Prep Banks. In the online Teacher’s Materials under Assessment, there is an Interpretation Guide for each Unit Test and an Answer Key for each Selection Test, which indicates the standard that is assessed for each question. All questions on all tests are aligned to one or more standards.
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, students complete Performance-Based Assessment by writing an Argument that answers the following question: “Should we spend valuable resources on space exploration?” This aligns with Standard W.7.1: “Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.” The rubric for this assessment measures Focus and Organization, Evidence and Elaboration, and Language Conventions.
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, students complete a Performance-Based Assessment by writing another argument that answers the following question: “Are the needs of people ever more important than the needs of animals and the planet?” This also aligns with Standard W.7.1. The rubric for this assessment measures Focus and Organization, Evidence and Elaboration, and Language Conventions.
By the end of the academic year, standards are repeatedly addressed within and across units to ensure students master the full intent of the standard. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In each unit, the Teacher’s Edition Table of Contents and Frontmatter PDF are available. The Standards Correlation document provides the Standard in the first column, and where those standards appear in the Print and Interactive Editions in the second column with corresponding page numbers. The materials address standards multiple times across a school year to ensure students can reach mastery. For example, standard L.7.6 is thoroughly addressed across most of the units. The Standards Correlation document lists the following texts and page numbers for this standard: “Unit Goals, Unit 1: 4, Unit 2: 118, Unit 3: 226, Unit 4: 354, Unit 5: 444; Learning to Love My Mother, 80, 83; Mother-Daughter Drawings, 86, 92–93; Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed (radio play), 146; Ellen Ochoa: Director, Johnson Space Center, 200; Scrooge, 298, 301; Urban Farming Is Growing a Greener Future, 332; Eagle Tracking at Follensby Pond,” 412, 418; Surviving the Dust Bowl,” 455; The Grape of Wrath, 464; How Helen Keller Learned to Talk, 512, 515.”
The Frontmatter document in the Teacher Edition online explains that each unit is backward aligned to the Performance-Based Assessments. This helps to ensure that instructional and academic tasks are standards-aligned and repeated in support of this performance task. In addition, at the end of the Frontmatter document, there is a list of the standards assessed in each text and task under the section Standards Correlation. For example, in Grade 7, there is a heavy emphasis on analyzing evidence and arguments as well as composing arguments. The standards that mostly align with this focus, RI.7.1, RI.7.5, W.7.2, and SL.7.1, are repeatedly assessed through multiple tasks and activities, as shown in the Standards Correlation chart. Additionally, many of these supporting standards, such as standards RI.7.1 and RI.7.5, are repeated in each unit for different purposes utilizing different text types.
In Units 2 and 4, students focus on gaining mastery of W.7.7: “Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions for further research and investigation,” is repeatedly addressed in the Grade 7 materials. In Unit 2, A Starry Home, students read “Danger! This Mission to Mars Could Bore You to Death!” by Maggie Koerth-Baker and write a Blog Post that they research and present. They also read “Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Future of U.S. Space Exploration After Curiosity” by Keith Wagstaff and complete an Informational Report on a selected topic. In Unit 4, People and the Planet, students review “Eagle Tracking at Follensby Pond” by The Nature Conservancy and write a research paper on the topic.
Indicator 2H
Materials regularly and systematically balance time and resources required for following the suggested implementation, as well as information for alternative implementations that maintain alignment and intent of the standards.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 2h.
The materials are organized into five units, and the culminating task for each unit is a Performance-Based Assessment. The pacing for the units is generally reasonable. Implementation and pacing for each unit can be found in the introduction and also in the Unit at a Glance. In the introduction of each unit, a pacing plan is provided for the whole group text–-breaking implementation of the material day by day with assigned texts or tasks to be completed. The pacing plan for implementation of Small Group and Independent Reading texts is broken out day by day, text by text, leading into the Performance Based Assessment. The Unit at a Glance resource provides a table view breakout with text, pacing/# of days, along with other key information. The pacing guide is built on a 40- to 50-minute daily class. Trade book integration provides alternative implementations, which can be found in the Teacher Edition Table of Contents and Front Matter for each unit.
Suggested implementation schedules and alternative implementation schedules align to core learning and objectives. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, the pacing guide covers 36 total days and includes whole-class, small-group, and independent learning. Alternative trade book options are available that include Stand Tall by Joan Bauer, Fair Weather by Richard Peck, and Ribbons by Laurence Yep. The Teacher’s Edition provides a pacing guide for reading the trade books either in lieu of lessons included in the unit or in addition to the lessons. Teachers are advised: “However you choose to integrate trade books, the Pacing Guide below offers suggestions for aligning the trade books with this unit.” Trade book lesson plans are available in the program supplement called myPerspectives+. In addition to trade books, Unit 1 includes Hook and Inspire activities that would extend the unit introduction. This unit includes materials that supplement Two Kinds and include additional videos, articles, and image galleries that can be reviewed to help build background knowledge and provide interest.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, the pacing guide covers 36 total days and includes whole-class, small-group, and independent learning. Alternative trade book options are available, including The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, Hush by Jacqueline Woodson, and The Cay by Theodore Taylor. The Teacher’s Edition provides a pacing guide for reading the trade books either in lieu of lessons included in the unit or in addition to the lessons. Teachers are advised: “However you choose to integrate trade books, the Pacing Guide below offers suggestions for aligning the trade books with this unit.” Trade book lesson plans are available in the program supplement called myPerspectives+. In addition to trade books, Unit 3 includes Hook and Inspire activities that would extend the unit introduction. This unit includes materials that supplement A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley and include additional videos, articles, and image galleries that can be reviewed to help build background knowledge and provide interest.
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, students read “Eagle Tracking at Follensby Pond” by The Nature Conservancy. Students gain an understanding of how the reintroduction of animals works and are better able to respond to the essential question, “What effects do people have on the environment?” The text and tasks require students to apply seventh-grade reading for information, language, speaking and listening, and writing standards that align with core learning and objectives. For example, students apply the speaking and listening standard of analyzing the main ideas presented in diverse media and formats as students work with their group to form a research question on one of three options relating to eagles.
Suggested implementation schedules can be reasonably completed in the time allotted. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
There is a Grade 7 Unit Planning Guide in the Program resources that is available in Microsoft Word format, which reviews each unit’s topic, essential question, unit overview, unit goals, selections and media listed by Whole-Class Learning, Small-Group Learning, and Independent Learning. It also reviews the Performance-Based Assessment and Unit Reflection. Lastly, it provides a day-to-day plan that reviews each day’s focus, referenced pages in the Student Edition, Unit Goals, Academic Vocabulary, Home Connection Letters, Standards, Tasks, Text Selection Titles, and ELL Supports. This unit guide implies teachers will be following the lessons exactly, which contradicts what is embedded in the Teacher Edition, suggesting leaving time for reteaching, enrichment, and use of trade books and optional tasks.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, the pacing guide introduces the unit over two days, provides 13 days for whole-class learning activities, 12 days for small-group learning, two days for independent learning activities, and seven days dispersed intermittently throughout the unit for performance tasks. The pacing guide alone is reasonable, but it does not leave room for supplemental learning or remediated instruction.
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Performance Based Assessment, students are allotted two days to complete the tasks. Students begin by engaging in Assessment Prep, where they discuss the prompt, review their evidence, evaluate their evidence, and then students write an informative essay. Then using the final essay as their foundation, they craft a multimedia presentation and present it. Then students complete a unit reflection. Even with the knowledge that their evidence would already be collected throughout the unit, two days is adequate time to complete an essay, craft a presentation, and deliver the presentation.
Optional tasks do not distract from core learning. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, optional pacing for supplemental trade books is provided. Direction for the incorporation of the trade books includes using them as supplemental texts, substitution for unit text, and a way to extend independent learning. Teacher instructions note that if they are used as substitute text to review the standards that are taught with those selections and no other information is provided. Three trade books are suggested, Stand Tall by Joan Bauer, Fair Weather by Richard Peck, and Ribbons by Laurence Yep. Each trade book has a suggested pacing calendar that correlates with the core curriculum. For example, Stand Tall chapters 1-16 are read along lessons 3-15, chapters 17-27 are read along lessons 19-29, and chapters 28-31 are read during lessons 33 and 34. Each trade book has the Lexile, summary, and connection to the unit’s essential question.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, teacher materials suggest finding additional materials that are more current such as the news article “How Hurricane Katrina Led One Teen to Howard University and Beyond” from Essence magazine, which tells “How one teenager’s experiences after Hurricane Katrina shaped her future..” Additionally, there is a video, “High-Tech, Low-Cost Robotic Hand Changes Girl’s Life,” from CBS about Faith Lennox, a seven-year-old girl, receiving a 3D-printed prosthetic hand that costs about $50.”
In Unit 4, “People and the Planet,” Whole-Class Learning, after students complete their analysis and related tasks following a close reading of Al Gore’s “Nobel Speech,” teachers can assign a “Challenge” available in the Personalize for Learning box that states, “Extend: Ask students to write a paragraph describing what they think could happen if the problems of global warming and climate change are not addressed. Remind them there is no one answer, but their responses should be based on what they’ve read. Ask volunteers to share their responses with the class.” This challenge could easily fit into the unit and would not require a substantial amount of time.
Optional tasks are meaningful and enhance core instruction. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, the trade books all relate to the overarching topic of the unit: Generations. As stated in the Teacher’s Edition: “These titles provide students with another perspective on the topic of generations, touching upon many of the ideas found within the unit selections.” The Essential Question for this unit is the following: “What can one generation learn from another?” The trade book Ribbons by Laurence Yep involves a main character who “grows to appreciate her family’s culture through learning about her grandmother’s experiences,” which reveals “a powerful answer to the Essential Question.”
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, teachers are provided with Hook & Inspire lessons that correlate to the topics and text of the unit. These are provided to enhance the curriculum. The Hook & Inspire for Unit 5 is The Circuit by Francisco Jimenéz. These lessons include “Hooks” that provide multiple avenues for students to explore, including texts, videos, and images that connect to migrant issues such as the Bracero program. For example, there is a link to a poem about a farm-working family titled “Tenantry” by Geopre Scarbrough. Then there are Teaching Inspiration resources, including passage studies, extension activities, and book talk titles. For example, there is an extension activity description for students to design a dust jacket for the book.
In the myPerspectives, optional resources, teachers have access to Listenwise Currents Events, which provide audio features on topics connected to the topics of each unit. For example, there is an audio recording of “Debate: Can Tolerance Be Taught?” from NPR that relates to the topics in Unit 3, Turning Points.
In the myPerspectives optional resources, teachers have access to additional skill-based resources, including the Grammar Center, Writing and Research Center, Collaboration Center, Speaking and Listening Center, and Vocabulary Center. These “Centers” contain lessons, worksheets, videos, and other resources to support students. For example, in the Collaboration Center, there is a video for students to “Build Consensus.” In the “Vocabulary Center,” there are worksheets for word study, including but not limited to prefixes, suffixes, and homophones.
Overview of Gateway 3
The materials meet the expectations for usability. The materials provide comprehensive guidance, correlation information to the ELA standards, information for students and families to support learning, and a list of supplemental resources in order to support the teacher with instruction. In addition, the materials include explanations of the instructional approaches and include and reference research-based strategies.
There is a clear assessment system that provides multiple assessment opportunities to determine students’ learning. The standards assessed in each assessment are indicated, and the materials offer accommodations for assessments that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
The materials include strategies, supports, and resources for diverse learners to work with grade-level content and to meet or exceed grade-level expectations. They regularly provide opportunities to extend and deepen learning for students who read, write, speak, and/or listen above grade level and strategies for English Language Learners as they work with grade-level content.
The program includes a balance of representations of people with various demographics and physical characteristics in images and information. A variety of texts with authors from a variety of genders, races, and ethnicities are included.
The materials integrate technology in ways that engage students in grade-level standards. All of the materials are through the online Interactive Student Edition, which contains a variety of interactive tools. The visual design in both the print and digital editions supports student learning and makes the organizational structure clear.
Gateway 3
Criterion 3.1: Teacher Supports
The program includes opportunities for teachers to effectively plan and utilize materials with integrity and to further develop their own understanding of the content.
The materials provide comprehensive guidance, correlation information to the ELA standards, information for students and families to support learning, and a list of supplemental resources in order to support the teacher with instruction. In addition, the materials include explanations of the instructional approaches and include and reference research-based strategies.
Indicator 3A
Materials provide teacher guidance with useful annotations and suggestions for how to enact the student materials and ancillary materials to support students' literacy development.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 3a.
The materials provide comprehensive guidance that will assist the teacher in presenting the materials. The Teacher Resources provide a Unit at a Glance for each unit, providing information on implementing the materials and an expected pacing guide. Unit Goals and Academic vocabulary are listed at the beginning of each unit. The teacher wrap provides learning goals for each unit, suggestions to implement and model parts of the curriculum, and possible student responses. The Getting Started section provides overviews on the program’s structure for the teacher in either video or PDF format.
Materials provide comprehensive guidance that will assist teachers in presenting the student and ancillary materials. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Teacher Resources section contains a section titled Unit at a Glance. This resource includes a list of texts used for whole group, small group, and independent learning, with Lexile and genres. The pacing for each component in the unit and the performance task are included.
The Getting Started section includes a Program Overview section. This resource includes videos and documents that provide a program overview and information on the student-centered unit structure, program components, digital resources, and program assessments.
The Teacher’s Edition Table of Contents and Frontmatter provide teacher details on all the unit components and how to use the materials.
The Introduction page of each unit provides a Pacing Plan to show how many days to focus on whole group texts, small group learning, and performance tasks.
Materials include sufficient and useful annotations and suggestions that are presented within the context of the specific learning objectives. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Teacher’s Edition lists Unit Goals in the Introduction section of each unit. Reading Goals, Writing and Research Goals, Language Goals, and Speaking and Listening Goals are listed.
The Teacher’s Edition lists academic vocabulary at the beginning of each unit. Directions on how to incorporate the vocabulary, as well as possible student responses, are provided.
In Unit 1, Generations, Launch Text, the materials provide information in the teacher wrap to help students write a nonfiction narrative after reading “Grounded” by Marc Domingo: “Explain to students that after they have finished reading the selections, they will write a nonfiction narrative about the influence someone from a different generation has had on them or someone they know. To help them prepare, encourage students to think about the topic as they progress through the selections and as they participate in the Whole-Class Learning experience.”
In Unit 1, Generations, Whole-Class Learning, students read an excerpt from An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff and Alex Tresnioski. In the Teacher’s Edition, Reading Support, Decide and Plan, Strategic Support, the following suggestion is provided: “As students read, check that they are understanding the sequence of a narrative. If students have trouble determining whether quotations are spoken in the past (paragraphs 2 and 15) or the present, have them look for clues in the surrounding sentences. Then have them reread the quotations.”
Indicator 3B
Materials contain adult-level explanations and examples of the more complex grade-level/course-level concepts and concepts beyond the current course so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 3b.
The materials provide adult-level explanations and examples for the teacher. The Planning section before each text gives rationales for text quality and connections to the Essential Question and the culminating Performance Tasks. The Professional Development Center online includes videos on various topics. The Teacher’s Edition provides notes in the margins that explain grade level and outside grade level concepts and strategies. Support materials are found in the digital platform and in the Front and End Matter of the Teacher’s Edition that provide information subjects such as English Language Learning, grammar terms, and close reading steps.
Materials contain adult-level explanations and examples of more complex grade/course-level concepts so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Professional Development Center provides teacher support videos on topics such as assessment, differentiation, engagement, text complexity, and vocabulary. Within each topic there are a variety of videos. For example, under Engagement, a teacher support video discusses Multiliteracies and Multicultural Education.
The Unit Introduction for each unit includes academic vocabulary from the unit with an explanation for use: “Complete pronunciations, parts of speech, and definitions are provided for you. Students are only expected to provide the definition.” The word, part of speech, pronunciation, meaning, and related words are all listed in the margin.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Whole-Class Learning, Anchor Text students read Act 1 of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley by Israel Horovitz. The Teacher’s Edition provides a Connection to the Unit Performance-Based Assessment: “Marley’s ghost gives Scrooge evidence that Scrooge’s life will lead to the same kind of torment that Marley finds himself in. Seeing that the path you’re on leads somewhere you don’t want to go can motivate you to change.”
Materials contain adult-level explanations and examples of concepts beyond the current course so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Digital Resources in the online platform contain a range of support to deepen teacher knowledge, such as: Teacher Support Videos, English Language Support Lessons, and English Language Learning literacy strategies.
The Teacher’s Edition Endmatter contains a Tool Kit and a Glossary. Teachers can use the Toolkit for guidance on how to teach skills like close-reading writing, research, etc. The Glossary contains the definitions of Academic Vocabulary words.
Indicator 3C
Materials include standards correlation information that explains the role of the standards in the context of the overall series.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 3c.
The materials provide correlation information for the ELA standards throughout the units. The Teacher’s Edition Frontmatter contains a correlation chart for each grade that lists the standards for literature, informational text, writing, speaking and listening, and language and where the standards are addressed in each unit. Standards are labeled throughout the Teacher’s Edition in multiple places. The Unit at a Glance shows the standards addressed throughout each unit. The Planning and Personalize for Learning pages preceding each text list standards for each lesson and suggest scaffolds and extensions. The Standards Support Through Teaching and Learning Cycle lists instructional standards addressed with each text and a flow chart on how to teach and assess the standards. The editable Unit Planning Guide displays standards day by day. Standards are included without numbers in the Student Edition, with each text and activity at the bottom of the page.
Correlation information is present for the ELA standards addressed throughout the grade level/series. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Frontmatter, a correlation chart lists the standards for literature, informational text, writing, speaking and listening, and language. Standards are listed by number and written out. The location of where those standards are addressed in the print and online editions is stated on the chart.
In the Standards Support Through Teaching and Learning Cycle, the standards are included for each text, along with an explanation of how to support students in reaching the standards. The chart provides information on how to decide and plan, teach, analyze and revise, and identify needs. The chart also shows the standards addressed for the current grade level and how to help students with a “catching up” section and a “looking forward” section.
In the Unit at a Glance, standards are addressed throughout the sections of the unit. For example, Whole-Class Learning shows Vocabulary/Word Study, Analyze Craft and Structure, Conventions/Author’s Style, and Composition/Research/Speaking and Listening. The materials list the standards for each component on the chart.
Explanations of the role of the specific grade-level/course-level ELA standards are present in the context of the series. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Unit Planning Guide, Getting Started, a downloadable Word document is available online that lays out lessons and activities in a grid format, day by day for the entire year, with standards for each day listed. These tags match the Teacher’s Edition correlations.
In the Planning: Lesson Resources, the list of texts includes the associated standards for each lesson (Making Meaning, Language Development, and/or Effective Expression).
In the Program Level Resources, the First Read Guide: Generic and the Close-Read Guide state: “Anchor Reading Standard 10: Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.” These guides are meant for student use.
Indicator 3D
Materials provide strategies for informing all stakeholders, including students, parents, or caregivers about the program and suggestions for how they can help support student progress and achievement.
The materials provide information for students and families to support learning. Students interact with the Unit Introduction activities at the beginning of each unit to understand the Essential Question, Unit Goals, and Academic Vocabulary. A downloadable Home Connection letter is available to inform parents and caregivers about the program in both English and Spanish.
Materials contain strategies for informing students, parents, or caregivers about the ELA program. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Each unit includes a Home Connection letter that briefly explains the unit’s theme; the Essential Question; all texts, authors, and genres; performance tasks and performance-based assessments; and the standards addressed in the unit. The letter also includes a Talk it Over With Your Student section that includes questions parents/guardians can ask their student about the Essential Question, texts they can read together, and the texts students are reading at school.
The Program Overview includes a document with Distance Learning Tips for Parents/Guardians, which provides helpful tips, such as designating a learning space, establishing a daily routine, and setting clear learning expectations.
Materials contain suggestions for how parents or caregivers can help support student progress and achievement. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 3, Turning Points, the Home Connection letter includes questions for parents/guardians to ask students. The questions include, but are not limited to: “What do the texts say about hardships? How can people turn a bad situation into something positive?”
Indicator 3E
Materials provide explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and identification of the research-based strategies.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 3e.
The materials include explanations of the instructional approaches and include and reference research-based strategies. The Getting Started section provides information regarding research-based strategies and practices. The Professional Development Center provides videos and White Papers with experts discussing the importance of various components of the program and research-based practices. The videos include assessment, differentiations, engagement, text complexity, and vocabulary. The Student Resource section includes many research-based practices, such as worksheets or graphic organizers.
Materials explain the instructional approaches of the program. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Teacher’s Edition, Table of Contents and Frontmatter, Welcome!, page T3, teachers are presented with the instructional approaches that will connect various texts throughout units: “myPerspectives is a student-centered English Language Arts program that embraces culturally responsive learning through the diverse representation of literature, authors, characters, cultures, and themes.” Students are encouraged, based on the approach of the “polyvocal classroom” to “[b]ring knowledge from their different backgrounds and cultures to enrich critical literacy in the classroom” and “[p]erform research in response to a prompt or task of their choosing and complete project-based tasks in a format of their choosing.”
In the Getting Started, Student-Centered Unit Structure, Collins and O’Brien are referenced as experts: “When student-centered learning opportunities are implemented properly, students experience a multitude of positive outcomes including increased motivation, deeper retention of knowledge, greater understanding, and improved attitudes towards the subject being taught.”
Materials include and reference research-based strategies. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Professional Development Center, Differentiation, White Papers, “Differentiation in Middle School: Teaching English to Diverse Learners” by Jim Cummins and “Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction: The Central Role of Literacy Engagement” by Jim Cummins. Cummins includes several research-based strategies in both of these white papers with an extensive list of references. In addition, there are white papers in Vocabulary, Writing, and Text Complexity written by experts in the field about research-based strategies in each of the three areas, with references listed at the end of each.
In the Teacher’s Edition, Table of Contents and Frontmatter, Welcome!, Experts’ Perspective, research-based strategies are introduced: “myPerspectives is informed by a team of respected experts…[o]ur authors bring new ideas, innovations, and strategies that transform teaching.” For example, expert Jim Cummins, Ph.D., is quoted: “Research focuses on literacy development in school contexts characterized by cultural and linguistic diversity.”
Throughout the Teacher’s Edition, sidebars and text boxes contain notes from the authors of the program. The Author’s Perspective provides context and support for student activities.
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Whole-Class Learning, students read A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Act I by Israel Horovitz. To help the teacher Personalize For Learning: Strategic Support, the Teacher’s Edition provides an explanation to help students decipher Stage Directions. The text box provides an explanation that stage directions “are notes included in a play to describe how the work is meant to be performed or staged. They might describe sets, costumes, lighting, or sound effects, as well as the appearance and physical actions of characters. Stage directions can be used to reveal things about a character that the dialogue doesn’t. For example, a character whose feelings are hurt might look like he is about to cry, then walk off the stage without saying a word.” The teacher reminds students to “pay as much attention to the stage directions as they do to the dialogue.”
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, students complete a Performance Task: Writing Focus. The Author’s Perspective note suggests, “Working in Pairs: There is an important sense in which the development of academic experts on the part of English learners is a process of socialization rather than simply instruction. As a result, English writing development will be enhanced when students can work in pairs to create texts to share with others.”
In the online materials, the Getting Started section leads to training materials on MySavvasTraining.com. Video tutorials and printable handouts are organized into the sections Getting Started, Ready for Instruction, Assessments and Reporting, and Additional Resources.
The Getting Started, Student-Centered Unit Structure describes the Word Network routine to launch each unit: “With Word Networks, students learn a generative approach to vocabulary. A Word Network is a collection of words related to a topic. As students read the selections in each unit, they will identify words related to the Unit Concept and add them to their Word Networks.”
The Getting Started, Writing for the Purpose of Learning section explains the program’s approach to aspects of writing, such as Writing to Learn, Writing to Sources, Writing Modes, Writing Process, and Writing for Assessment. For example, Writing to Learn strategies include “QuickWrites, Evidence Log, Research to Clarify and Research to Explore [and] First Read prompts. These activities encourage students to jot down ideas and evidence. Students write to confirm what they know and uncover what they don’t know.”
The Ready for Instruction Small-Group Learning Strategies section prepares teachers for this second part of each unit. The training states, “The teacher’s role during Small-Group Learning is to serve as a facilitator as opposed to lecturer and let students learn in a collaborative way from each other. This approach allows them to take ownership of their own learning.” It goes on to preview some of the specific strategies, such as Accountable Talk: “Remind students that groups should communicate politely. You can post these Accountable Talk suggestions and encourage students to add their own. Students should remember to: Ask clarifying questions. Explain your thinking. Build on the ideas of others.”
Indicator 3F
Materials provide a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support instructional activities.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 3f.
The materials provide a list of supplemental resources to accompany each text needed to support instruction. The Planning: Lesson Resources page in the Teacher’s Edition before each text lists related Student Resources and Teacher Resources, including optional extra support, extension, or accommodations for the lessons. These same resources are listed in the context in the margins of the Teacher’s Edition and online. Symbols are next to each resource to specify if they are an audio resource, video, document, annotation highlight, or online assessment.
Materials provide a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support instructional activities. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Teacher’s Edition and Student Edition, Lesson Resources are listed at the beginning of each lesson, which includes both Student Resources and Teacher Resources. Examples of Student Resources include selection audio, word network, and evidence log, which are “available online in the interactive Student Edition or Unit Resources.” Examples of Teacher Resources include Selection Resources, Reteach/Practice, Assessment, My Resources, annotation highlights, accessible leveled text, concept vocabulary, and word study, which are “available online in the Interactive Teacher’s Edition or Unit Resources.”
In the Teacher’s Edition Frontmatter, suggested trade books are listed. The title and author of the text are listed. Trade book lesson plans are available online at myPerspectives+.
In the Teacher’s Edition, Current Perspectives, news stories, and interesting media are listed. The materials list the name of the media and where it can be found.
Indicator 3G
This is not an assessed indicator in ELA.
Indicator 3H
This is not an assessed indicator in ELA.
Criterion 3.2: Assessment
The program includes a system of assessments identifying how materials provide tools, guidance, and support for teachers to collect, interpret, and act on data about student progress towards the standards.
The materials provide a clear assessment system that provides multiple assessment opportunities to determine students’ learning. Teachers can monitor learning and interpret student performance in various assessments as students work toward the culminating tasks, such as unit tests, selection tests, performance-based tasks, and writing tasks. The assessments include a variety of modalities and types across the year and opportunities for students to demonstrate their knowledge of the grade-level reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language standards. The standards assessed in each assessment are indicated. In addition, the materials offer accommodations for assessments that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
Indicator 3I
Assessment information is included in the materials to indicate which standards are assessed.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 3i.
The materials identify the standards addressed with each assessment. Assessments are listed throughout the materials in multiple locations. Performance-based tasks and assessments, with their related standards, are listed in the Teacher’s Edition and Student Edition, Unit At A Glance. Standards for activities, tasks, and assessments in each unit correlate directly to the Performance Task as well as the End Of Unit Performance Based Assessment and Unit Test. The online materials include an Assessment tab, which lists all the assessments used throughout the materials. The reading test associated with each text includes an answer key that includes the objective and standard for each question. In the unit tests, the student view shows the assessed skills with each question.
Materials consistently identify the standards and practices assessed for formal assessments. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the online Assessment tab, the standards for the Beginning-, Middle-, and End-of-Year Tests are listed. The standards, listed on the top of the page, are hyperlinked so that a separate text box opens when clicked on. This text box lists the standards addressed in the standards.
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Performance Task: Writing Focus, students read Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. The text was written to raise awareness by exposing the negative effects that certain human activities have on the world around them. Students write an argument in which they take a position on the following question: “What is the most significant effect that people have on the environment?” The assessed standards include: “Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Explain the function of phrases and clauses in general and their function in specific sentences. Place phrases and clauses within a sentence, recognizing and correcting misplaced and dangling modifiers.” A scoring rubric is included in the Student Edition.
Indicator 3J
Assessment system provides multiple opportunities throughout the grade, course, and/or series to determine students' learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance and suggestions for follow-up.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 3j.
The materials provide multiple assessment opportunities to determine students’ learning. Teachers can monitor learning and interpret student performance with various assessments as they work toward the culminating tasks, such as unit tests, selection tests, performance-based tasks, and writing tasks. Support materials include rubrics, answer keys, comprehension questions, graphic organizers, and class discussions. Opportunities for teachers to provide feedback, both formal and informal, are available throughout units, such as discussion, research based on self-selected texts, and evidence logs. Each unit test contains an interpretation guide that lists the standards, depth of knowledge, and remediation options. Skills practice pages and standard support are included. The Common Core Companion Workbook provides extra practice based on Common Core State Standards. Sufficient guidance and suggestions are included to help teachers follow up with students.
Assessment system provides multiple opportunities to determine students’ learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Each Unit from the Table of Contents is complete with an Answer Key for the texts and assignments. The Unit Answer Key provides answers with key details that are related to the texts, possible responses students might provide during discussions, and Comprehension Checks.
In the Table of Contents, Assessments include Selection Tests, Extension Selection Tests, Unit Tests, Beginning-, Middle-, and End-of-Year Tests, and Extension Beginning-, Middle-, and End-of-Year Tests. Teachers can locate the Answer Keys for each test, along with short response answers that state the important information for students to include in their writing.
In the Table of Contents, myPerspectives+, teachers have access to graphic organizers and writing rubrics to support student success. Both the Graphic Organizers and the Rubrics are provided in DOC and PDF formats. Organizers include, but are not limited to, Comic Strip Organizers, Inference Maps, and a Vocabulary Square. Rubrics include, but are not limited to, Generic (Holistic) Writing, Multimedia Reports, Poems, Informative/Explanatory Writing, and Narrative Evaluation Charts.
In each unit, Quickwrite activities provide opportunities to assess writing skills and student understanding in response to a prompt.
In each unit, Analyze the Text activities offer opportunities for students to demonstrate overall text comprehension. The tasks require students to cite textual evidence as they respond to specific text-based questions.
Assessment system provides multiple opportunities to determine students’ learning and suggestions to teachers for following up with students. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Each unit offers a pre- and post-informal assessment of student improvement as students revisit their goals toward the end of the unit.
In each unit, students answer Comprehension Check questions that show students' understanding of the texts and complete Research to Clarify activities to learn more about a specific detail from the text and respond. Students complete Prepare to Share activities where they share ideas with peers about their self-selected text as part of the Independent Learning task.
In each Unit Test, the Interpretation Guide provides information on remediation resources: “As warranted by student results on this assessment, you may wish to assign the remediation resources indicated in the chart. Resources include skills practice and extended standards support, and you can choose to use whichever resource is appropriate for your students.” The Interpretation Guide includes the objective instructional standards, depth of knowledge, skills practice pages, and standard support.
The Common Core Companion Workbook provides explanations, examples, and academic vocabulary, related to the Common Core Standards. Practice worksheets are included in the Workbook.
Indicator 3K
Assessments include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of grade-level/course-level standards and shifts across the series.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 3k.
The materials have assessments that include a variety of modalities and types across the year. The assessments include opportunities for students to demonstrate their knowledge of the grade-level reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language standards. Within a unit, students complete formative comprehension and skill checks, synthesize their learning through writing and speaking performance tasks, revising, editing, and presenting their work.
Assessments include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of grade-level/course-level standards and shifts across the series. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Beginning-of-Year and Mid-Year benchmark tests are used to assess most grade-level reading and language standards.
Formative Assessments include Evidence Logs, Selection Tests, Comprehension Checks, and Unit Reflections.
According to the Standards Correlation chart in the Teacher’s Edition Frontmatter, Writing, and Speaking and Listening standards are formally assessed through a Performance Task or Performance-Based Assessments.
Students complete a Performance Task: Writing Focus after reading all Whole-Class Learning texts. After all the texts in a unit are read, students complete a final two-part Writing, and Speaking and Listening Performance-Based Assessment.
Following the Performance-Based Assessment, teachers are instructed to administer the Unit Test, Selected Response, and Performance Task “to apply standards and skills taught in the unit to a fresh, cold-read passage.”
At the end of each unit, students take the Unit Test. In the test’s Selected and Short Response part, students answer multiple-choice questions about new passages and perform a writing task.
Indicator 3L
Assessments offer accommodations that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills without changing the content of the assessment.
The materials offer accommodations for assessments that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. Under the Assessment tab, the various types of assessments have a brief overview to explain each option. The Interactive Student Edition includes a link to the performance task that students can utilize. The Academic Vocabulary section will read the vocabulary to the student. Otherwise, there are no clear text-to-speech accommodations included in the materials. Different types of assessments are provided, and most of them are available online, as a PDF, or in a print version. When printed, assessments often download into Microsoft Word. The print can be enlarged by zooming on a computer screen or placing texts in Microsoft Word and enlarging or changing the font. In the PDF version, students may annotate the text and mark it up with the tools provided.
Materials offer accommodations that ensure all students can access the assessment (e.g., text-to-speech, increased font size) without changing the content of the assessment. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Many of the assessments can be downloaded into Microsoft Word in order to print. This would allow the teacher to increase the size of the font for the students before printing the test.
For assessments referring directly to previously-read texts, audio versions of the texts are available in the Interactive Student Edition.
The materials include customizable test prep banks for reading, language and editing, and writing. The materials provide multiple test banks from each section for teachers to choose from.
Unit-level and Performance-Based Assessments may be assigned to students as PDFs online, where teachers or students may add highlighting or notes.
In the Interactive Student Edition, students can click on a link to the performance-based assessment for each unit. Students can zoom in and out using their mouse or fingers. The materials will read aloud the academic vocabulary and definitions. Students can also open the rubrics and print them if needed.
Materials include guidance for teachers on the use of provided accommodations. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Selection tests can be assigned online, as a PDF, and printed. The materials provide information under each option for the teacher. For example, under the PDF version, it states, “PDF format allows students to use the Interactive PDF Tool to annotate and complete the assignment.”
In the Getting Started section, the materials provide a Customize Worksheet and Assessments document. This document shows step-by-step directions for the teacher on how to edit and assign assessments.
Criterion 3.3: Student Supports
The program includes materials designed for each student’s regular and active participation in grade-level/grade-band/series content.
The materials include strategies, supports, and resources for diverse learners to work with grade-level content and to meet or exceed grade-level expectations. They regularly provide opportunities to extend and deepen learning for students who read, write, speak, and/or listen above grade level and strategies for English Language Learners as they work with grade-level content. The program includes varied approaches to learning tasks over time and a variety of ways that students are expected to demonstrate their understanding. There is guidance for grouping students in a variety of ways across each unit. Units follow the structure of Whole-Class Learning, with some informal peer groupings, Small-Group Learning entirely focused on collaborative work, and Independent Learning, which concludes with a “Learn From Your Classmates” discussion.
The materials include a balance of representations of people with various demographics and physical characteristics in images and information. A variety of texts with authors from a variety of genders, races, and ethnicities are included. In addition, there is some guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon students’ home language to facilitate learning and guidance for teachers to facilitate learning and content that support linguistically and culturally diverse students.
Indicator 3M
Materials provide strategies and supports for students in special populations to work with grade-level content and to meet or exceed grade-level standards that will support their regular and active participation in learning English language arts and literacy.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 3m.
The materials include strategies, supports, and resources for diverse learners to work with grade-level content and to meet or exceed grade-level expectations. Program-level resources explain best practices for scaffolding and differentiating access to literacy learning. Text-specific suggestions provide educators with support for addressing needs before, during, and after reading the text. Throughout the Teacher’s Edition, Personalize for Learning boxes are found in the margins. At the beginning of each unit, the Personalize for Learning section provides the text complexity rubric and a Decide and Plan flowchart. The flowchart includes Strategic Support that offers strategies for all students, including special populations. The materials also provide support guidance according to students’ performance on formative assessments. This may include other resources provided in the Interactive Teacher’s Edition or Unit Resources.
Materials regularly provide strategies, supports, and resources for students in special populations to support their regular and active participation in grade-level literacy work. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Small-Group Learning, students read “Tutors Teach Seniors New High-Tech Tricks” by Jennifer Luden. To help students organize events sequentially, the Teacher’s Edition suggests “hav[ing] pairs of students work together. One student can interview the other, asking about a few important facts in this nonfiction narrative. For example, they might ask what happened first, next, and so on. The interviewer should take notes. Then using these notes, students can build a timeline containing the narrative's basic information, organizing the events sequentially.”
In Unit 3, Modern Technology, Whole-Class Learning, Anchor Text, the students read “Feathered Friend” by Arthur C. Clarke. The Personalize for Learning page, Standards Support Through Teaching and Learning Cycle section advises teachers to use previous assessment results to prepare scaffolds for various learners. The Catching Up column suggests providing an “Analyze Craft and Structure: Autobiographical Writing (RP) worksheet to help students understand the tenets of autobiography.” This worksheet helps students connect to the text and supports Reading Standard, RI.6. To support Language Standard L.1a; the text suggests providing a “Conventions: Types of Dependent Clauses (RP) worksheet to help students understand adverb, relative and noun-dependent clauses.”
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Small-Group Learning, Strategic Support offers: “As students read, and as they listen, ask them to make notes of the main ideas. If students have trouble finding the main ideas, ask them to read or listen more than once and ask questions to direct them to the main ideas.”
Indicator 3N
Materials regularly provide extensions to engage with literacy content and concepts at greater depth for students who read, write, speak, and/or listen above grade level.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 3n.
The materials regularly provide opportunities to extend and deepen learning for students who read, write, speak, and/or listen above grade level. In the Teacher’s Edition, at the beginning of each text, the Personalize for Learning section contains a text-complexity chart and a Decide and Plan flowchart. Throughout the materials and in the flowchart, ideas to challenge students are provided that relate to reading, writing, and research and take the form of discussions, written work, or brief presentations. These suggestions are usually balanced by other modifications for language learners or students who need more support rather than extra work for early finishers.
Materials provide multiple opportunities for advanced students to investigate the grade-level content at a higher level of complexity. Materials are free of instances of advanced students doing more assignments than their classmates. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Whole-Class Learning, students read “Dark They Were and Golden-Eyed” by Ray Bradbury. In the Personalize for Learning, Standards Support Through Teaching and Learning Cycle, teachers determine which students can engage with standards in greater depth: “If students have done well on the Beginning-of-Year Assessment, then challenge them to keep progressing and learning by giving them opportunities to practice the skills in depth.” The Looking Forward column gives ideas for extension tasks: “Encourage students to find the metaphors and similes in the selection and discuss the impact that they have on the text” and “Challenge students to use more and varied adjectives and adverbs in their writing.”
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Whole-Class Learning, Anchor Text, students read “Nobel Acceptance Speech” by Al Gore. In the Personalize for Learning section, Decide and Plan flowchart, the Challenge section provides ideas relating to text analysis and written response. The Challenge section provides ideas relating to text analysis and written responses. The text analysis idea states: “Pair students. Have them each take a paragraph and retell it to their partner, using their own descriptions without reading from the text. Encourage them to include details and descriptive language. They may refer to the text as needed to remember details, but should use their own words.” The written response idea states: “In paragraph 42, Gore says “We must understand the connections between the climate crisis and the afflictions of poverty, hunger, HIV-AIDS, and other pandemics.” Challenge students to choose one of these issues and research the connection between it and climate change. Then ask students to write a short essay about their findings and share their research with the class.”
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Small-Group Learning, students read the excerpt from The Story of My Life by Helen Keller. In the Teacher’s Edition, there are text boxes in the margins that provide options for differentiating assignments. On page 508, the Challenge box provides the following suggestion: The text box in this reading suggests that the teacher “Research: Why did Annie Sullivan write into Helen’s hand? Did she invent this method, or did she learn it? Was she writing out alphabet letters as we know them? Did Sullivan and Helen Keller change the way people like Helen are educated? Have students look for the answers to one or more of these questions as they research methods for teaching people with profound vision and hearing loss. Suggest that they present their information chronologically to show how methods have changed over time. Ask students to share their findings with the class.” This Challenge activity appears below the whole-class activity “Research to Explore: Choose something from this task that interests you. For example, you might want to learn more about how blind people learn to read. How does this information deepen your understanding of the text? Share your findings with your group” task so it is not extra work.
Indicator 3O
Materials provide varied approaches to learning tasks over time and variety in how students are expected to demonstrate their learning with opportunities for for students to monitor their learning.
The materials provide varied approaches to learning tasks over time and a variety of ways that students are expected to demonstrate their understanding. The materials include a large number of teacher prompts and questions in the margins of the Teacher’s Edition. Students are provided with the opportunity to answer comprehension questions and complete research, writing, and speaking and listening tasks on the texts they read throughout the unit. During writing exercises, students are expected to complete peer and self-reflection for writing samples. Each unit contains unit goals that the student rates themselves on at the beginning and the end of the unit. An evidence log is also included to allow students to connect their learning and provide evidence of learning.
Materials provide multi-modal opportunities for students to question, investigate, sense-make, and problem-solve using a variety of formats and methods. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
At the end of most Whole-Group learning texts, students complete a Comprehension Check provided in the Student Edition. This comprehension check includes Research to Clarify and Research to Explore prompts to help them expand their thinking and knowledge based on the text.
Throughout each unit, the Teacher’s Edition provides questions and prompts for the teacher to use to incorporate and facilitate whole-group and small-group discussions.
Students have opportunities to share their thinking, to demonstrate changes in their thinking over time, and to apply their understanding in new contexts. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The materials contain an Evidence Log for students to fill out during the units. The Evidence Log asks students to make connections to the text and provide evidence from the text and any additional notes or ideas. Throughout the Teacher’s Edition, the materials will prompt the teacher to ask the student to add evidence to their Evidence Log.
Materials leverage the use of a variety of formats and methods over time to deepen student understanding and ability to explain and apply literacy ideas. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The reading assignments follow a similar pattern for teaching the text. However, a variety of literacy skills are taught over the course of each unit. During Whole-Group Learning, students complete lessons for Making Meaning and Language Development. Making Meaning includes a first read, a close read, an analysis of the text, and craft and structure. Language Development includes concept vocabulary, word study, and conventions.
Materials provide for ongoing review, practice, self-reflection, and feedback. Materials provide multiple strategies, such as oral and/or written feedback, peer or teacher feedback, and self-reflection. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Small-Group Learning, students may write about the texts they have read. The materials contain a “Reviewing and Revising” section during the writing process. This section gives students a checklist to help peers review each other’s work.
Materials provide a clear path for students to monitor and move their own learning. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Unit Introduction contains Unit Goals. This section includes but is not limited to, reading, writing, research, language, and speaking and listening goals. Students rate themselves on a scale from 1 to 5 to determine how well they already meet the goal.
The end of each unit contains a Unit Reflection. This reflection includes prompts such as “Look back at the goals at the beginning of the unit. Use a different colored pen to rate yourself again. Then, think about the reading and activities that contributed the most to the growth of your understanding. Record your thoughts.”
Indicator 3P
Materials provide opportunities for teachers to use a variety of grouping strategies.
The materials provide guidance for grouping students in a variety of ways across each unit. Units follow the structure of Whole-Class Learning, with some informal peer groupings; Small-Group Learning entirely focused on collaborative work; and Independent Learning, which concludes with a “Learn From Your Classmates” discussion. Teachers receive optional suggestions for student-to-student interaction in the Teacher’s Edition and general guidance on how to form small groups.
Materials provide grouping strategies for students. Materials provide for varied types of interaction among students. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Unit 2 Introduction, students engage in a Four Corners Debate: “Consider this statement: We should stop exploring space because the money spent on space missions could be put to better use here on Earth. Record your position on the statement and explain your thinking. Form a group with like-minded students in one corner of the classroom. Discuss questions such as ‘What examples from the text or your own prior knowledge led you to take this position?’ After your discussion, have a representative from each group present a brief two- or three-minute summary of the group’s position. After all the groups have presented their views, move into the four corners again. If you change your corner, be ready to explain why.”
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Small-Group Learning, students read an excerpt from An American Childhood by Annie Dillard and complete a Speaking and Listening task together: “With your group, engage in a collaborative discussion in response to one of these questions: What are the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing an interest on your own, without supervision? What are the advantages and disadvantages of sharing hobbies and interests with family or friends?”
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Whole-Class Learning, Anchor Text, students read an excerpt from The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck and complete a Writing to Compare task: “Reviewing, Revising, and Editing: Once you have written a complete draft, revise it for clarity and effectiveness. Is your claim clear and strong? Do you provide enough evidence to support your argument? Do you describe the counterclaim fairly and explain why you think your claim is stronger? Swap drafts with a partner to review and proofread one another’s work. Make changes and correct errors to prepare a final draft.”
A “Share Your Independent Learning” section concludes this part of the unit with three tasks: “Prepare to Share: Even when you read something independently, your understanding continues to grow when you share what you have learned with others. Reflect on the text you explored independently and write notes about its connection to the unit. In your notes, consider why this text belongs in this unit;” “Learn From Your Classmates: Discuss It: Share your ideas about the text you explored on your own. As you talk with your classmates, jot down ideas that you learn from them;” “Reflect: Review your notes, and underline the most important insight you gained from these writing and discussion activities. Explain how this idea adds to your understanding of the topic.”
Materials provide guidance for the teacher on grouping students in a variety of grouping formats. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
A box in the Teacher’s Edition at the start of Small-Group Learning notes, “Forming Groups: You may wish to form groups for Small-Group Learning so that each consists of students with different learning abilities. Some students may be adept at organizing information, whereas others may have strengths related to generating or synthesizing information. A good mix of abilities can make the experience of Small-Group Learning dynamic and productive.”
Personalize for Learning boxes appear in the margin of the Teacher’s Edition with suggestions, as in this example from Unit 2, A Starry Home, Whole-Class Learning, Anchor Text, “Dark They Were and Golden-Eyed” by Ray Bradbury: “Comparison: Review paragraphs 158–159. Lead a class discussion about the differences between Harry and Cora at this point in the story. Use these questions to prompt discussion: What is Harry focused on? What is Cora’s response? What’s the main difference between them? Then have students write a paragraph about what this difference suggests and what might happen regarding Harry and Cora as the story goes on.”
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Small-Group Learning, students read “Thank You, M’am” by Langston Hughes and complete a Conventions activity as a group. Teachers have a note to “Make It Interactive”: “Have students work through the activity round-robin style. Student 1 will write down a sentence that contains a preposition, Student 2 will identify the preposition, Student 3 will identify the object of the preposition, and Student 4 will bracket the prepositional phrase. Have students continue rotating through the activity until the chart is complete.”
Indicator 3Q
Materials provide strategies and supports for students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English to meet or exceed grade-level standards to regularly participate in learning English language arts and literacy.
The materials reviewed for Grade 7 meet the criteria for Indicator 3q.
The materials provide strategies and support for English Language Learners as they work with grade-level content. In the Teacher’s Edition, general accommodations, strategies, and suggestions are provided to assist teachers with each text. Personalize for Learning suggestions are before and during many reading, writing, vocabulary, language, as well as speaking and listening activities. Before each text, a Decide and Plan flow chart on the Personalize for Learning page provides strategies for teachers to use with English Language Learners.
Materials consistently provide strategies and supports for students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English to meet or exceed grade-level standards through regular and active participation in grade-level literacy work. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 2, A Starry Home, Whole-Class Learning, students read “Danger! This Mission to Mars Could Bore You To Death!” by Maggie Koerth-Baker. The Teacher’s Edition, Personalize for Learning, Decide and Plan flow chart, includes the English Language Support box to support Knowledge Demands: “Explain that NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. If necessary, explain that NASA is responsible for our space program and research about space. Tell students that the article is about the way people’s brains react to being in space. Have students list unfamiliar words about the brain and the research described in the article.”
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Whole-Class Learning, students read A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley Act II by Israel Horovitz. In the Writing to Compare section, students revisit language for making comparisons. In the Teacher’s Edition, Personalize for Learning, the English Language Support box includes support for understanding Comparison. All levels of ELLs are to complete the same task: “Help students better understand how to compare two things by reviewing the uses and meanings of appropriate words and phrases: better, more, less, not as good as, didn’t do as good a job, more effective, less effective, much better, much less effective, superior, inferior..”
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, students review the photo gallery “Eagle Tracking at Follensby Pond” produced by The Nature Conservancy. The Teacher’s Edition, Planning section states that there are audio summaries available in English and Spanish. The summaries can be found in the Interactive Teacher’s Edition or in the Unit Resources and “may help students build additional background knowledge and set a context for their first read.”
Indicator 3R
Materials provide a balance of images or information about people, representing various demographic and physical characteristics.
The materials include a balance of representations of people with various demographics and physical characteristics in both images and information. A variety of texts with authors from a variety of genders, races, and ethnicities are included. In the About the Author section for each text, important background information for authors of a variety of race and/or ethnicities are provided. People of various demographics are depicted in a positive light, without any obvious or blatant stereotypes. The texts are written by authors of different backgrounds and feature protagonists of diverse races, ethnicities, countries of origin, gender expressions, and people with developmental disabilities. The materials balance positive portrayals of demographics or physical characteristics and avoid stereotypes or language that might be offensive to a particular group. Notes in the Teacher’s Edition provide ways to highlight positive portrayals in texts.
Materials and assessments depict different individuals of different genders, races, ethnicities, and other physical characteristics. Depictions of demographics or physical characteristics are portrayed positively across the series. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Whole-Class Learning, students read “A Simple Act” by Tyler Jackson. In the Performance Task, students will write a personal narrative about an unexpected event that reveals how someone from a different generation has influenced them or someone they know.” This text provides a model example for the students to build their essays. In the text, a successful advertising executive and member of an older generation teaches a young boy about the possibilities for a great life. The young boy teaches the adult “that children crave connection and a feeling of belonging more than they crave material things.”
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Small-Group Learning, students read “Urban Farming Is Growing a Greener Future” by Hillary Schwei. The author of this photo gallery studied Sustainable Food and Farming at Rutgers University and the University of Montana. Students study a wide variety of photographs, from children working in a Victory Garden during World War II to a photograph of a company in Japan that cultivates produce inside a nine-story building.
Materials and assessments balance positive portrayals of demographics or physical characteristics. Materials avoid stereotypes or language that might be offensive to a particular group. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Small-Group Learning, the students read “A Work in Progress” by Aimee Mullins. Shortly after she was born, the author had both of her legs amputated below the knee. Not only is she a remarkable female that allows no limits, but she is also a world-record-setting athlete and a fashion model. Students can use her story to contribute to the Unit Performance-Based Assessment, which asks them to recall an “example of a person who has the confidence and the drive to use whatever life gives her to build an extraordinary life.”
Materials provide representations that show students that they can succeed in the subject, going beyond just showing photos of diverse students not engaged in work related to the context of the learning. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, Small-Group Learning, students read “A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill, Electrifying a Nation” by Sarah Childress. Planning pages in the Teacher’s Edition explain the Connection to Performance Tasks: “William Kamkwamba is a young man with a desire for education, but his family cannot afford to pay for it. Students should consider that, while Kamkwamba had some remarkable luck later in his story, he begins by actively pursuing knowledge by reading books from the local library. One of those books presented him with the idea that changed the course of his life and the knowledge to pursue it.”
Indicator 3S
Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student home language to facilitate learning.
The materials provide some guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon students’ home language to facilitate learning. The Professional Development Center contains multiple short videos and documents regarding differentiation. In many of the videos and documents, the importance of understanding a student’s identity and using their home language is conveyed. In the Teacher’s Edition, a few Personalize for Learning boxes suggest connections between Spanish and English cognates. Spanish is the only language offered in supplemental materials.
Materials provide suggestions and strategies to use the home language to support students in learning ELA. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Professional Development Center contains a section for differentiation. In this section, a video titled “How to Differentiate Learning for English Learners” with Jim Cummings is included. It suggests strategies for scaffolding, such as using graphic organizers, visuals, and rephrasing to help students better understand. This video discusses how important it is that educators understand each student’s identity. Another video titled “Leveled Texts for ELLs” with Elfrieda “Freddy” Hiebert suggests strategies for scaffolding grade-leveled texts for ELL students instead of providing an alternate text.
The online materials contain a myPerspectives+: English Learner Support section that includes the digital text, Every Teacher’s Toolkit by Karen Kawaguchi. The text includes strategies for language learners, including definitions and suggestions for two areas: “Culturally and linguistically responsive teaching” and “Validate Home Languages.” Both sections include details on how to help strengthen student skills in areas such as academic vocabulary, grammar, and presentation skills.
The online materials for Unit 2, A Starry Night, Spanish Resources section includes an Introduction video, “Earth Views,” that is translated into Spanish. The resources also include Grammar and Writing Worksheets that have been translated into Spanish.
Materials present multilingualism as an asset in reading, and students are explicitly encouraged to develop home language literacy and to use their home language strategically for learning how to negotiate texts in the target language. Teacher materials include guidance on how to garner information that will aid in learning, including the family’s preferred language of communication, schooling experiences in other languages, literacy abilities in other languages, and previous exposure to academic or everyday English. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the online materials, the Spanish Resources Library contains Spanish versions of texts for use in Small-Group Learning and Independent Learning. A video introduction to the unit in Spanish and stand-alone Spanish grammar and writing worksheets are also included. Teacher Resources in this section include an answer guide for the grammar worksheets.
In the Professional Development Center, a white paper titled “Differentiation in Middle School: Teaching English to Diverse Learners” is a resource that teachers can access. One suggestion states, “Encourage students to draw on their multilingual repertoires as a stepping stone to English (e.g., initial writing or note-taking in L1 as a means of transferring knowledge and skills from L1 to English).”
In Unit 3, Turning Points, Whole-Class Learning, the students read A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Act II. In the Personalize for Learning, English Language Support box, teachers are offered support for using Idioms to understand the context of the story. The instruction suggests that teachers “Explain the idiom mark my words in paragraph 83 to students. Mark my words means that some should pay close attention or take notice of the words being spoken.” The teacher should ask the students, “When might someone use the expression mark my words?”
Indicator 3T
Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student cultural and social backgrounds to facilitate learning.
The materials include teacher guidance to facilitate learning and content that support linguistically and culturally diverse students. The FrontMatter highlights the importance of allowing students to use their personal experiences when completing tasks: “Students are encouraged to draw upon their prior experiences, diverse identities, varied experiences, and the richness of their cultural backgrounds.” The Professional Development Center also includes information to help teachers engage with culturally diverse students. Some unit topics and texts allow for open-ended, relevant personal connections. Before each text in Whole-Class Learning and Small-Group Learning, the Jumpstart box offers suggestions for discussion topics related to the text. Other texts or activities include teacher notes that explain how to offer instruction to a range of students. Spanish language tools for some Small-Group Learning and Independent Learning texts are available in student materials. A home-school connection letter is available in English and Spanish.
Materials make connections to the linguistic, cultural, and conventions used in learning ELA. Materials make connections to the linguistic and cultural diversity to facilitate learning. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Teacher’s Edition Frontmatter, the materials state, “The texts, Essential Questions, and learning tasks encourage discussions that allow students to draw upon their prior experiences, diverse identities, varied experiences, and the richness of their cultural background. This active learning environment brings students together as they develop intercultural competence, learn from each other, and gain the confidence that allows them to be agents of change.”
The Frontmatter pages at the start of the Teacher’s Edition describe the program’s culturally responsive foundation: “Ernest Morrell, Ph.D., helped inform the development of myPerspectives to ensure the program fosters a polyvocal classroom that encourages students to talk with each other, learn from each other, and more importantly, bring knowledge from their different backgrounds and cultures to enrich critical literacy in the classroom. The texts, Essential Questions, and learning tasks encourage discussions that allow students to draw upon their prior experiences, diverse identities, varied experiences, and the richness of their cultural backgrounds.”
In Unit 4, People and the Planet, Small-Group Learning, students read “He–y, Come On Ou–t!” by Shinichi Hoshi, translated by Stanleigh Jones. In the Teacher’s Edition, Facilitating Small-Group Close Reading for Narratives, the teacher can offer support if the groups experience confusion. A tip for alleviating the confusion is included: “If the group is confused about certain aspects of the story, suggest that they think about the culture represented in the story or that of the author.” This suggestion opens students up to look for clues or ideas about the culture in which this story is set.
Materials include teacher guidance on how to engage culturally diverse students in the learning of ELA. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Professional Development Center, Engagement, the video “Multiliteracies and Multicultural Education” provides information on the importance of supporting other cultures in the classroom. Jim Cummins, Ph.D., discusses how “when we tap into students’ cultural backgrounds, we’re tapping into their knowledge base.”
In the Professional Development Center, myPerspectives in Action, the video, “Facilitating Small Group Learning with Diverse Learners,” provides information about how two teachers, an ELA teacher, and a Special Education teacher, encourage and support all students to engage in small group discussions about a poem they are reading.
In Unit 5, Exploration, Whole-Class Learning, students read “The Circuit” by Francisco Jiménez. The story immerses learners into the movement that migrant farm workers and their families face each year. In the Teacher’s Edition, Closer Look, Analyze Cultural Context, the students review lines from paragraph 2 during their first read that help them understand the cultural context of the story: “That is how I found out he was from Jalisco, the same state in Mexico my family was from. That Sunday was the last time I saw him.” As students are instructed to “consider what these details tell them,” they are also reminded of the meaning of cultural context or the historical background and values that influence a writing. The narrator in this story directly states he is from Mexico but indirectly states that people disappear from his life. This often happens because the story alludes to the frequent movement and the loss of friendships of migrant families.
Materials include equity guidance and opportunities. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Professional Development Center, the document “Differentiation in Middle School: Teaching English to Diverse Learners” by Jim Cummins, Ph.D., is provided. The document states four essential instructional strategies. One of the strategies is Connect to Students’ Lives and Affirm their Identities: “Connecting instruction to students’ lives by evoking personal and intellectual responses to texts represents not only a form of differentiation but also affirms students’ identities. Students who feel that their voices are heard, and their culture and identity validated in the classroom are much more likely to engage academically than those who feel ignored or devalued.”
Materials include opportunities for students to feel “acknowledged,” such as tasks based on customs of other cultures; sections provided in multiple languages such as the glossary, digital materials, family letters; etc. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Spanish language resources are available for teachers. Translations are provided for Small-Group Learning and Independent Learning reading selections. Audio summaries of texts are provided in the digital materials. The Teacher’s Edition notes, “Audio summaries are available online in both English and Spanish in the Interactive Teacher’s Edition or Unit Resources. Assigning these summaries prior to reading the selection may help students build additional background knowledge and set a context for their first read.” Spanish grammar and Spanish writing worksheets are also available for students, though they are not available in other languages.
In the online Interactive Student Edition, students can highlight any word or words and view a translation in one of 104 languages, such as Pashto, Hmong, Haitian Creole, or Filipino. Thirty-five languages (including Portuguese, Slovak, Afrikaans, and Arabic) have the additional layer of that text being read aloud in the target language. Some audio translations do not have the speaker speaking the language correctly.
Materials include prompts where students are encouraged to share how they (or their parents) do things at home or use information to solve personal problems, etc. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In Unit 1, Generations, Whole-Class Learning, students read an excerpt from An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski. The materials contain a WriteNow section for the student to express and reflect. The materials state, “Instruct students to write a toast honoring a person who influenced them. The toast should describe the person’s actions, as well as the impact those actions have had on the student’s life.” This prompt would allow students to draw on their cultural experiences.
Indicator 3U
This is not an assessed indicator in ELA.
Indicator 3V
This is not an assessed indicator in ELA.
Criterion 3.4: Intentional Design
The program includes a visual design that is engaging and references or integrates digital technology, when applicable, with guidance for teachers.
The materials integrate technology in ways that engage students in grade-level standards. All of the materials are through the online Interactive Student Edition, which contains a variety of interactive tools. The program includes digital technology that provides opportunities for students to collaborate with their teachers and peers. The Interactive Student Edition prompts students to discuss tasks with classmates and record their collective notes in the digital notebook. Students save their work through the online assignments, and teachers review and provide feedback to students. The materials also include a discussion board that teachers and students allow for digital conversations.
The materials incorporate a visual design in print and digital editions that support student learning, make the organizational structure clear, and communicate clearly. The four sections (Whole-Class Learning, Small-Group Learning, Independent Learning, and Performance Based Assessments) are color-coded and match the color coding in the Teacher Edition.
There are several layers of support for teachers to understand and use the program’s embedded technology, such as high-level training videos and handouts.
Indicator 3W
Materials integrate technology such as interactive tools, virtual manipulatives/objects, and/or dynamic software in ways that engage students in the grade-level/series standards, when applicable.
The materials integrate technology in ways that engage students in grade-level standards. All of the materials are through the online Interactive Student Edition, which contains a variety of interactive tools. Students highlight, annotate, and translate the text into a variety of languages, many of which can also be read aloud to them in that language. Students respond to prompts by typing in text boxes or charts. Students navigate the Interactive Student Edition by clicking on labeled tabs that take them to various sections of the textbook. Digital tools allow teachers to view and respond to student responses and customize the materials to meet the needs of students. Teachers can assign work through the online platform and access other digital resources like the Hook and Inspire pages for anchor texts, which have links to supplemental videos and texts.
Digital technology and interactive tools, such as data collection tools, simulations, and/or modeling tools are available to students. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Interactive Student Edition, students adjust the font size using a button at the top of the page. Students search for different topics or words by using the magnifying glass at the top of the page.
In the Interactive Student Edition, students read and listen to the texts, type their responses to questions, and plan their writing. Students submit their work via this platform, allowing teachers to see all student responses immediately.
Digital tools support student engagement in ELA. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Interactive Student Edition contains clear links to the Unit Introduction, Whole-Class Learning, Small-Group Learning, Independent Learning, Performance-Based Assessment, and Unit Reflection. A drop-down menu provides access to the table of contents, bookmarks, annotations, and highlights, notebook, and glossary.
In each Unit Performance-Based Assessment, students can click on a notebook icon to open a text box to write ideas they are going to use for their multimedia presentation.
In the Interactive Student Edition, materials are organized to keep students on track and to support their work. For example, a header bar shows where students are in the lesson and unit. Comprehension Checks are displayed in the right-hand column, keeping the text center for reference.
Digital materials can be customized for local use (i.e., student and/or community interests). Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Table of Contents can be customized for a variety of purposes in both the Teacher’s Edition and Student Edition: “You can customize the program by rearranging the Table of Contents, creating your own tests, and uploading your own resources to match your curriculum.” Students may customize the table of contents by clicking on the three vertical dots next to the table of contents. Teachers may then move items, remove items, or add files, links, titles, or notes for students.
In the Interactive Student Edition, students can select any text and make personal customizations, such as translating the words, highlighting in one of four colors, circling the text, underlining it, or adding a note.
In the Hook and Inspire section, teachers can choose from various resources, such as videos, articles, and extension activities that can be customized. The landing page includes ways teachers can support students’ learning “Into,” “Through,” and “Beyond” the Whole-Class Learning and Small-Group Anchor Texts. The page states, “Hook and inspire your students with these ideas. Build your own Playlist of media, short texts, novel connections, and extension activities to enrich your teaching.” In Unit 5, Facing Adversity, “The Circuit” by Francisco Jiménez, The following “Through” resources are provided, but are not limited to: “Map of the United States and Mexico” (wikimedia.com) and “Siete Leguas,” a song performed by Amalia Mendoza (youtube.com): After students read paragraph 31, play this popular corrido about the Mexican Revolution. performed by Mexican singer and actress Amalia Mendoza (1923-2001).
In the Interactive Student Edition, the Small-Group Learning section includes a chart of learning strategies. Each section of the chart includes a box where students can add their own ideas. For example, the Support Others section includes the following chart topics: “Build off ideas from others in your group. Invite others who have not yet spoken to do so.” A blank Support Others box is available for students to type further ideas.
Indicator 3X
Materials include or reference digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate with each other, when applicable.
The materials include digital technology that provides opportunities for students to collaborate with their teachers and peers. The Interactive Student Edition prompts students to discuss tasks with classmates and record their collective notes in the digital notebook. Students save their work through the online assignments, and teachers review and provide feedback to students. The materials also include a discussion board that teachers and students allow for digital conversations. The connected Savvas Realize platform allows tasks to be assigned, completed, scored, and tracked digitally by teachers. Teachers provide feedback to students while they work on assignments. The Collaboration Center includes videos referencing how students can collaborate with email, text messaging, and shared documents.
Materials include or reference digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate with each other, when applicable. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Savvas Realize platform, MyPerspectives, connects to Google Classroom so that tasks can be assigned and completed. Students can annotate PDFs or attach separate files to their work. Teachers can view completion rates, score tasks, and see students’ mastery of the standards. Teachers can also select assignments for individual students or sub-groups of the class.
The Interactive Student Edition is an online platform that allows the teacher the opportunity to assign activities. The “Student work is saved, and teachers may review it at any time. If work is completed offline, work will sync up when online again.”
In the Table of Contents, Getting Started, Program Overview a tab for Digital Resources is available. The On-Demand Training page includes a Digital Tour handout and a video. Digital Tools in a Discussion Board “facilitate collaboration and real-time peer-to-peer sharing of ideas.” In addition, there is an EssayScorer that allows teachers to provide immediate feedback to students for revising and editing.
In the Collaboration Center, videos are provided that model how to collaborate. Some videos reference online tools students can use for collaboration. For example, the Build Consensus video discusses collaboration using shared documents, text messaging, and email. The teacher can assign these videos to students.
Indicator 3Y
The visual design (whether in print or digital) supports students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject, and is neither distracting nor chaotic.
The materials incorporate a visual design in both the print and digital editions that support student learning, make the organizational structure clear, and communicate clearly. Each of the four sections (Whole-Class Learning, Small-Group Learning, Independent Learning, and Performance Based Assessments) are color-coded and match the color coding in the Teacher Edition. Charts, diagrams, photos, illustrations, and icons are included thoughtfully on the pages. The table of contents, glossary, index, and other resources are clearly labeled and easy to find. The layout for each selection is consistent so students can find the information they need.
Images, graphics, and models support student learning and engagement without being visually distracting. Images, graphics, and models clearly communicate information or support student understanding of topics, texts, or concepts. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Interactive Student Edition, the pages typically have a colored band at the top that contains a heading and any pictures or illustrations that accompany the text. The stories typically do not contain any illustrations or pictures other than what is on the colored band at the top of the page.
The Interactive Student Edition has clearly labeled links that are included for information about the author, background, and standards addressed with each text. These are clearly labeled above the text.
In the print/PDF Student Edition, pictures are typically at the top of the first page of text, without many additional pictures or illustrations throughout each passage. The PDF has wide margins and sometimes provides additional information for the students in the margins. Icons in the margins refer students to external tools they can use, such as a pencil and paper icon to represent Evidence Log and a spiral-bound book icon for the Notebook.
Teacher and student materials are consistent in layout and structure across lessons/modules/units. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In each edition, all units follow the same order of sections that are clearly color-coded: Whole-Class Learning is blue, Small-Group Learning is turquoise, Independent Learning is purple, and Performance-Based Assessment is orange. The opening page of each unit contains clearly labeled links to the Unit Introduction, Whole-Class Learning, Small-Group Learning, Independent Learning, Performance-Based Assessment, and Unit Reflection. The links are color-coded to match the section colors and are consistent across the materials. There is a photo on the left side of the page that connects to the unit theme.
In the Teacher’s Edition, Introduction of each unit, a Pacing Plan is provided at the bottom of the pages with a timeline for the entire unit, a numbered square for each day, a blue, turquoise, purple, or orange line denoting the section of the unit, and the names of the texts or tasks associated with the section.
In the Teacher’s Edition, each text displays the same four Planning pages that include a summary of the text, Lesson Resources (a table laying out the text’s Making Meaning, Language Development, and Effective Expression tasks), Reading Support (a text complexity rubric), and Standards Support Through Teaching and Learning Cycle, which details a cycle of Identify Needs, Decide and Plan, Teach, and Analyze and Revise.
In the Interactive Student Edition in Whole-Class Learning, Small-Group Learning, and Independent Learning, at the top of the first page of each text, links are clearly labeled and include information about the author, background, and standards addressed in each text. A sidebar contains links to the table of contents, bookmarks, annotation and highlights, notebook, and glossary. They are clearly labeled and accessed the same way throughout the materials.
In the Interactive Student Edition, the Performance-Based Assessments have clearly labeled parts, including links to the Academic Vocabulary, Word Network, and Rubric sections.
Organizational features (Table of Contents, glossary, index, internal references, table headers, captions, etc.) in the materials are clear, accurate, and error-free. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the print Student Edition, the header on most pages (except for pages with texts) includes the unit Essential Question.
The Interactive Student Edition contains clickable nested links showing navigation within the unit (e.g., Unit 1 Generations > Whole-Class Learning > Two Kinds), and the right side of the screen has an expandable menu to navigate within the text (e.g., Making Meaning, Language Development, Effective Expression).
Indicator 3Z
Materials provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning, when applicable.
The materials include several layers of support for teachers to understand and use the program’s embedded technology. The Getting Started with myPerspectives digital page contains links to two resources: MySavvasTraining.com and Savvas Realize. The website, MySavvasTraining.com, presents high-level videos and handouts on topics such as accessing student data, downloading assignments in order to modify them and creating playlists of learning material. The Savvas Realize section focuses on the technical aspects of the assignment platform, such as demonstrating how to assign content to students, managing discussion boards, and use the Realize Reader digital textbook. The video and/or printable handout, Digital Resources, explains the embedded technology available to teachers and students. The documents almost always contain step-by-step directions and screenshots/images to help the teacher use technology with this program.
Materials provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning, when applicable. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
In the Table of Contents, Getting Started, teachers can access videos and PowerPoint presentations about the different aspects of the program, such as the Table of Contents, the Student Edition, and assessments. One of the Program Overview videos in Digital Resources is a 12-minute video with information about how to utilize and navigate the online program, customize instruction, save time with digital tools, and engage students. A printable handout with the same information is available.
In the Table of Contents, Getting Started, Teacher How-To Resources, a document is provided to understand how to use the resources, such as Google classroom assignments, customize worksheets and assessments, share playlists, and ExamView: Getting Started. The documents provide step-by-step directions for teachers to utilize online materials and technology.
In the Table of Contents, Getting Started, Savvas Realize is the online platform for managing classes, assigning and turning in tasks, and examining data. The Savvas Realize training site provides technical support to teachers in the following categories:
Assignments > Realize Reader Assignments: “Savvas Realize Reader gives you access to digital textbooks and assignments in an engaging, interactive learning environment. Realize Reader content can also include video, interactive charts, graphs, drag-and-drop activities, and a notebook service, in addition to basic features, such as annotations, highlights, and bookmarks.” Directions follow for accessing the Realize Reader content through Realize, via the Realize Reader app, or downloading for offline use.
Discussions > Manage Active Discussions: “Discussions enable you to facilitate class and group discussions on important academic and social topics. Students can reflect on learning, share ideas and opinions, or ask and answer questions. You can create, monitor, and reply to discussions, and students can participate in discussions you create. In addition, you can choose whether or not to score discussions.” Directions follow, showing teachers how to select a discussion and then add a comment, attach a file, or edit comments.
Data > Results by Assignment: “The Results by Assignment page includes data for class and individual student test scores, progress, and usage.” Directions follow on how to “View Class Results by Assignment,” including Scores Data, Progress Data, and Usage Data.
In the Table of Contents, MySavvasTraining.com provides different sections for program-level overviews of structure and features and includes video tutorials with accompanying handouts. The categories include:
Getting Started > Digital Tour: Technological features are highlighted, including the Discussion Board feature (“to facilitate collaboration and real-time peer-to-peer sharing of ideas”), the EssayScorer tool (“provides immediate feedback to students for revising and improving their writing, giving them additional practice and saving you time”), and content creation tools (“you can customize the program by rearranging the Table of Contents, creating your own tests, and uploading your own resources to match your curriculum.”
Assessments and Reporting > Assessments: This video describes assessments overall, including those with embedded technology: Next Generation Practice Tests and Performance Tasks “give students the opportunity to practice formats like drag and drop so that they are prepared for online interactive testing,” and the Data tab on Savvas Realize organizes “student and class data that shows standards mastery on assessments and online activities, as well as overall progress. You can dig deeper with additional data points to reveal more detailed information on student mastery, progress, and usage. You can also view data for individual students from the class assignment list.”
Additional Resources > Revision Assistant for Teachers: A 24-page guide shows teachers how to set up, launch, and use Revision Assistant, which is “an online revision tool that helps students to improve their writing. It provides instant, differentiated feedback aligned to genre-specific rubrics and allows students to share their work and revisions with their teacher.”