Kendall Hunt’s Illustrative Mathematics

Kendall Hunt Publishing Company
Report Release
Review Tool Version
Core: Comprehensive

EdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.

Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Meets Expectations

Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.

Usability (Gateway 3)
Meets Expectations
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Title ISBN
International Standard Book Number
Edition Publisher Year
Kendal Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 978-1-7924-6275-7 2021 Kendall Hunt Publishing Company 2021
Kendal Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 978-1-7924-6289-4 2021 Kendall Hunt Publishing Company 2021

About This Report

Report for 1st Grade

Alignment Summary

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for Alignment to the CCSSM. In Gateway 1, the materials meet expectations for focus and coherence. In Gateway 2, the materials meet expectations for rigor and meet expectations for practice-content connections.

1st Grade
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Meets Expectations
Gateway 3


Usability (Gateway 3)
Meets Expectations
Overview of Gateway 1

Focus & Coherence

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for focus and coherence. For focus, the materials assess grade-level content and provide all students extensive work with grade-level problems to meet the full intent of grade-level standards. For coherence, the materials are coherent and consistent with the CCSSM.

Criterion 1.1: Focus


Materials assess grade-level content and give all students extensive work with grade-level problems to meet the full intent of grade-level standards.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for focus as they assess grade-level content and provide all students extensive work with grade-level problems to meet the full intent of grade-level standards.

Indicator 1A

Materials assess the grade-level content and, if applicable, content from earlier grades.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for assessing grade-level content and, if applicable, content from earlier grades. The curriculum is divided into eight units and each unit contains a written End-of-Unit Assessment for individual student completion. The Unit 8 Assessment is an End-of-Course Assessment and it includes problems from across the grade. Examples from End-of-Unit Assessments include: 

  • Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, End-of-Unit Assessment, Problem 2, “After recess, Tyler collected 6 footballs. Then he collected some baseballs. Altogether, Tyler collected 10 balls. How many baseballs did Tyler collect? Show your thinking with drawings, numbers, or words. Write an equation to match the story problem.” (1.OA.1, 1.OA.6)

  • Unit 4, Numbers to 99, End-of-Unit Assessment, Problem 4, “a. Circle the number that is greater. 41 or 29, 77 or 75. b. Write <, =, or > to compare the numbers.6767___ 8181, 3131___ 3131.”  (1.NBT.3)

  • Unit 5, Adding Within 100, End-of-Unit Assessment, Problem 1, “Find the value of each sum. a. 46+1046+10. b. 46+2046+20. c. 46+5046+50.” (1.NBT.4, 1.NBT.5)

  • Unit 7, Geometry and Time, End-of-Unit Assessment, Problem 6, “a. What time is shown on the clock? b. Draw the clock hands to show the time.” The clock hands show 4:30 and the digital clock shows 8:00. (1.MD.3) 

  • Unit 8, Putting It All Together, End-of-Course Assessment, Problem 10, “Find the number that makes each equation true. Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. a. , b. , c. .” (1.NBT.2b, 1.OA.8)

Indicator 1B

Materials give all students extensive work with grade-level problems to meet the full intent of grade-level standards.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for the materials giving all students extensive work with grade-level problems to meet the full intent of grade-level standards.

The materials provide extensive work in Grade 1 as students engage with all CCSSM standards within a consistent daily lesson structure, including a Warm Up, one to three Instructional Activities, a Lesson Synthesis, and a Cool-Down in some lessons. Examples of extensive work include:

  • Unit 1, Adding, Subtracting, and Working with Data, Lessons 11, 13, and 15 engage students in extensive work with 1.MD.4 (Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another). Lesson 11, Class Pet Surveys, Warm-up: Notice and Wonder, students work with tally marks organized in groups of five, like the 5-frame, “Groups of 2. Display the image. ‘What do you notice? What do you wonder?’” Lesson 13, Questions About Data, Activity 1, students determine whether or not a question about data can be answered with a given data representation, “Read the task statement. ‘If the question can be answered, circle ‘thumbs up’. If it can’t be answered, circle ‘thumbs down’.’ 3 minutes: independent work time. 3 minutes: partner work time.” Lesson 15, Animals in the Jungle, Activity 3, students use data collected in Activity 1 and their analysis of the data from Activity 2 to decide what findings to share and make choices about how to represent them, “Give each group tools for creating a visual display and access to their data and questions from the previous activities. ‘Think of at least two things about your survey you want to share.’ 1 minute: quiet think time. 2 minutes: partner discussion. If students need ideas, invite students to share some examples, such as: how many people took your survey, a fact about how many _____, an interesting discovery you made.”

  • Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, Lesson 8; Unit 4, Numbers to 99, Lesson 19; and Unit 8, Putting It All Together, Lesson 7 engage students in extensive work with 1.NBT.1 (Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral). In Unit 2, Lesson 8, Shake, Spill, and Cover, Warm-up: Choral Count, students count on from numbers other than 1, “‘Count by 1, starting at 10.’ Record as students count. Stop counting and recording at 40. ‘What patterns do you see?’” In Unit 4, Lesson 19, Make Two-digit Numbers, Activity 3, students choose from activities that offer practice working with two-digit numbers, “Groups of 2. ‘Now you are going to choose from centers we have already learned.’ Display the center choices in the student book.” Student Facing, “Choose a center. Greatest of Them All (71, 75). Get Your Numbers in Order. 14, 36, 82. Grab and Count.” Lesson Synthesis, “‘Today we made two-digit numbers in different ways. We used different amounts of tens and ones to make the same number.’ Display 3 tens and 7 ones, 2 tens and 17 ones, 1 ten and 27 ones, 37 ones. ‘Which do you think best matches the two-digit number 37? Why do you think it matches the number best?’ (3 tens and 7 ones matches best because the digits in the number tell us that there are 3 tens and 7 ones. 37 ones matches best because the number is read ‘thirty-seven’.).” In Unit 8, Lesson 7, Count Large Collections, Warm-up, students show multiple ways to represent a number using tens and ones, “Display the number. ‘What do you know about 103?’ 1 minute: quiet think time. Record responses. ‘How could we represent the number 103?’” Activity 1, students count within 120 starting at a number other than 1, “Display chart with ‘start’ and 'stop’ numbers. ‘Today we are playing a new game called Last Number Wins. In this game your group will count from the ‘start’ number to the ‘stop’ number. The person to say the last number wins. Let’s play one round together. Our ‘start’ number will be 1 and our ‘stop’ number will be 43.’” 

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, Lessons 3 and 16 engage students in extensive work with 1.OA.3 (Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract). Lesson 3, Are the Expressions Equal? Activity 1, students sort addition expressions by their value, “Groups of 2. Give students their addition expression cards. ‘Sort the cards into groups with the same value.’ Display an addition expression card, such as 2+52+5. ‘I know the value of this sum is seven. It is a sum that I just know. I will start a pile for sums of seven.’ Work with your partner. Make sure that each partner has a chance to find the value before you place the card in a group. ‘If you and your partner disagree, work together to find the value of the sum.’ 12 minutes: partner work time.” Activity 2, students determine whether equations are true or false. Student Facing, “Determine whether each equation is true or false. Be ready to explain your reasoning in a way that others will understand. 1. 4+2=2+44+2=2+4. 2. 3+6=6+43+6=6+4. 3. 5+3=1+75+3=1+7 4. 6+4=5+36+4=5+3. 5. 6+3=9+26+3=9+2.” True or thumbs up and False or thumbs down are included with each equation. Lesson 16, Add Three Numbers, Warm-up: Number Talk, students use strategies and understandings for adding on to ten, “Display one expression. ‘Give me a signal when you have an answer and can explain how you got it.’” Student Facing, “Find the value of each expression mentally. 7+107+10, 7+2+87+2+8, 10+910+9, 4+9+64+9+6.”

The materials provide opportunities for all students to engage with the full intent of Grade 1 standards through a consistent lesson structure. According to the IM Teacher Guide, A Typical IM Lesson, “Every warm-up is an instructional routine. The warm-up invites all students to engage in the mathematics of the lesson. After the warm-up, lessons consist of a sequence of one to three instructional activities. The activities are the heart of the mathematical experience and make up the majority of the time spent in class. After the activities for the day, students should take time to synthesize what they have learned. This portion of class should take 5-10 minutes. The cool-down task is to be given to students at the end of the lesson and, while these are not always available in Grade 1 lessons, students are meant to work on the cool-down for about 5 minutes independently.” Examples of meeting the full intent include:

  • Unit 2, Adding and Subtracting within 100 Story Problems, Lessons 14 and 17 engage students with the full intent of 1.OA.7 (Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false). Lesson 14, Compare with Addition and Subtraction, Warm-up: True or False, students develop and deepen their understanding of the equal sign, “Display one statement. ‘Give me a signal when you know whether the statement is true and can explain how you know.’ 1 minute: quiet think time.” Student Facing, “Decide if each statement is true or false. Be prepared to explain your reasoning. 7+3=107+3=10, 10=7+310=7+3, 10=3+610=3+6.” Lesson 17, How Do the Stories Compare?, Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong, students analyze and compare equations. Student Facing, “Which one doesn’t belong? A. 6+4=106+4=10, B. 104=610-4=6, C. 2+2+2=62+2+2=6, D. 6=2+46=2+4.” 

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, Lesson 15 and Unit 4, Numbers to 99, Lesson 12 engage students with the full intent of 1.OA.6 (Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use strategies such as counting on; making ten [e.g., 8+6=8+2+4=10+4=148+6=8+2+4=10+4=14]; decomposing a number leading to a ten [e.g., 134=1331=101=913-4=13-3-1=10-1=9]; using the relationship between addition and subtraction [e.g., knowing that, one knows that 8+4=128+4=12, one knows 128=412-8=4]; and creating equivalent but easier or known sums [e.g., adding by 6+76+7 creating the known equivalent 6+6+1=12+1=136+6+1=12+1=13]). Unit 3, Lesson 15, Solve Story Problems with Three Numbers, Warm-up: How Many Do You See, students subitize or use grouping strategies to describe the images they see, “Groups of 2. ‘How many do you see? How do you see them?’ Flash the image. 30 seconds: quiet think time.” Unit 4, Lesson 12, Mentally Add and Subtract Tens, Warm-up: Number Talk, students develop understanding and fluency using different strategies for adding and subtracting 10, “Display one expression. Expressions shown: 3+103+10, 10+510+5, 131013-10, 151015-10. ‘Give me a signal when you have an answer and can explain how you got it.’ 1 minute: quiet think time.”

  • Unit 7, Geometry and Time, Lessons 9, 10 and 11 engage students with the full intent of 1.G.3 (Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares, describe the shares using the words halves, fourths, and quarters, and use the phrases half of, fourth of, and quarter of. Describe the whole as two of, or four of the shares. Understand for these examples that decomposing into more equal shares creates smaller shares). Lesson 9, Equal Pieces, Activity 2, students are given a circle and a square blackline master and asked to fold the shapes into equal pieces, “Read the task statement. 10 minutes; independent work time. Monitor for students who line up the edges and fold the square horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, and a student who folds the circle.” Student Facing, “1. Cut out one circle and one square. Fold each shape so that there are 2 equal pieces. Be ready to explain how you know your shape has 2 equal pieces. 2. Cut out one circle and one square. Fold each shape so that there are 4 equal pieces. Be ready to explain how you know your shape has 4 equal pieces.” Lesson 10, One of the Pieces, All of the Pieces, Activity 1, students continue to work with partitioning shapes into halves and fourths, using the correct fractional terminology, “Read the task statement. 2 minutes: independent work time. 2 minutes: partner discussion. Monitor for a range of ways to describe the amount shaded such as ‘some is shaded,’ ‘one piece of the square is shaded,’ ‘one out of two pieces is shaded,’ or ‘a half is shaded.’” Student facing, “1. Split the square into halves. Color in one of the halves. How much of the square is colored in? 2. Split the circle into fourths. Color in one of the fourths. How much of the circle is colored in?” Lesson 11, A Bigger Piece, Activity 2, students generalize that partitioning the same-size shape into fourths creates smaller pieces than partitioning it into halves. Students are shown a picture of roti and given a circle to help them solve the problem, “Read the task statement. 5 minutes: partner work time. Monitor for a student who shows and can explain that a half is bigger than a fourth.” Student facing, “Priya and Han are sharing roti. Priya says, ‘I want half of the roti because halves are bigger than fourths.’ Han says, ‘I want a fourth of the roti because fourths are bigger than halves because 4 is bigger than 2.’ Who do you agree with? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Use the circle if it helps you.”

Criterion 1.2: Coherence


Each grade’s materials are coherent and consistent with the Standards.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for coherence. The materials: address the major clusters of the grade, have supporting content connected to major work, make connections between clusters and domains, and have content from prior and future grades connected to grade-level work.

Indicator 1C

When implemented as designed, the majority of the materials address the major clusters of each grade.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations that, when implemented as designed, the majority of the materials address the major clusters of each grade. The instructional materials devote at least 65 percent of instructional time to the major clusters of the grade: 

  • The approximate number of units devoted to major work of the grade (including assessments and supporting work connected to the major work) is 7 out of 8, approximately 88%.

  • The number of lessons devoted to major work of the grade (including assessments and supporting work connected to the major work) is 141 out of 154, approximately 92%. The total number of lessons devoted to major work of the grade includes 133 lessons plus 8 assessments for a total of 141 lessons.

  • The number of days devoted to major work of the grade (including assessments and supporting work connected to the major work) is 152 out of 162, approximately 94%.

A lesson-level analysis is most representative of the instructional materials as the lessons include major work, supporting work connected to major work, and the assessments embedded within each unit. As a result, approximately 92% of the instructional materials focus on major work of the grade.

Indicator 1D

Supporting content enhances focus and coherence simultaneously by engaging students in the major work of the grade.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations that supporting content enhances focus and coherence simultaneously by engaging students in the major work of the grade. 

Materials are designed so supporting standards/clusters are connected to the major standards/ clusters of the grade. These connections are listed for teachers on a document titled “Pacing Guide and Dependency Diagram” found within the Course Guide tab for each unit. Examples of connections include:

  • Unit 1, Adding, Subtracting, and Working with Data, Lesson 11, Cool-Down connects the supporting work of 1.MD.4 (Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another) to the major work of 1.OA.5 (Relate counting to addition and subtraction). Students look at data and then make observations about the data including the total number of votes collected. Student Facing states, “Another class answered the question ‘Which animal would make the best class pet?’ Their responses are shown below. Write 1 true statement about the data.” A hamster, fish, and frog are shown with tally marks, grouped by fives, for students to count.

  • Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, Lesson 13, Activity 1 connects the supporting work of 1.MD.4 (Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another) to the major work of 1.OA.1 (Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions). Students determine whether comparison statements about data are true or false and explain how they know. The activity states, “Read the task statement. ‘Priya and Han made some statements about their data. Your job is to decide whether you agree or disagree. Once you decide, circle it on your paper.’” A chart titled “Favorite Art Supply” is displayed. Student Facing states, “A group of students was asked, ‘What is your favorite art supply?’ Their responses are shown in this chart. 1. More students voted for crayons than markers. 2. Fewer students voted for crayons than paint. 3. Three more students voted for markers than crayons. Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. 4. One more student voted for paint than crayons. Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. 5. One fewer student voted for paint than markers. Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. If you have time: Change the false statements to make them true.”

  • Unit 7, Geometry and Time, Lesson 15, Activity 1 connects the supporting work of 1.MD.3 (Tell and write time in hours and half-hours) to the major work of 1.NBT.1 (Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral). Students tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks. In the Student Facing materials, students see a clock. Directions state, “Start at 12. Count the minutes around the clock until you get to half the clock. Circle where you stop.”

Indicator 1E

Materials include problems and activities that serve to connect two or more clusters in a domain or two or more domains in a grade.

The materials for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for including problems and activities that serve to connect two or more clusters in a domain or two or more domains in a grade. 

Materials are coherent and consistent with the Standards. These connections can be listed for teachers in one or more of the four phases of a typical lesson: warm-up, instructional activities, lesson synthesis, or cool-down. Examples of connections include:

  • Unit 1, Adding, Subtracting, and Working with Data, Lesson 10, Activity 1 connects the major work of 1.OA.B (Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction) to the major work of 1.OA.C (Add and subtract within 20). Students use connecting blocks to find the missing part to make 10. The activity states, “‘Now you will play with your partner. Take turns breaking the tower and hiding one part behind your back.’ 10 minutes: partner work time. Monitor for students who use a 10-frame or their fingers to figure out how many cubes are hiding.”

  • Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, Lesson 2, Activity 1 connects the major work of 1.OA.A (Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction) to the major work of 1.OA.D (Work with addition and subtraction equations). Students make sense of addition and subtraction story problems as they make equations to represent them. Student facing states, “1. 7 people were working on the computers. 3 more people came to the computers. Now 10 people are working on the computers. Equation: _____ 2. A group of kids was using 10 puppets to act out a story. They put 5 of the puppets away. Now they have 5 puppets left. Equation: _____ 3. 5 people came to story time. Then 4 more people joined. Now there are 9 people at story time. Equation: _____ 4. 8 students were doing homework at a table. 3 of the students finished their homework and left the table. Now there are 5 students at the table. Equation: _____.”

  • Unit 4, Numbers to 99, Lesson 8, Activity 2 connects the major work of 1.NBT.A (Extend the counting sequence) to the major work of 1.NBT.B (Understand place value). Students match cards that show different base-ten representations. The Launch states, “‘Today we are going to sort cards into groups that show the same two-digit number. For example, look at these three cards. Which two representations show the same two-digit number? Why doesn’t the other one belong?’ (The first two cards both show 4 tens and 1 one or 41. The last card isn't the same because it only shows 1 ten. It has the same digits, but they mean something different.).” Student Facing states, ”Your teacher will give you a set of cards that show different representations of a two-digit number. Find the cards that match. Be ready to explain your reasoning.“ Three representations are provided: An image of four 4 tens and one connecting cube, 40+140+1 (as an expression) and 1 ten and 4 ones (written in words).

  • In Unit 6, Length Measurements Within 120 Units, Lesson 11, Activity 1 connects the major work of 1.MD.A (Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units) to the major work of 1.OA.A (Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction). Students measure the length of their shoe using connecting cubes and solve a Put Together, Result Unknown problem and a Compare, Difference Unknown problem about their measurements. The Launch states, “Give each group connecting cubes in towers of 10 and singles and paper. ‘A few days ago we measured the length of the biggest foot in the world. Today we are each going to measure the length of our own shoe and solve some problems using the length. First we will trace our shoe on a piece of paper and then use connecting cubes to measure the length of our shoe.’ Demonstrate tracing or have a student trace your shoe and measure the length. ‘Record the length of my shoe in your book. Now your partner will trace your shoe on a piece of paper and then you will use connecting cubes to measure the length of your own shoe. Measure from the tip of the toe to the back of the heel. Your shoe might not line up with the end of a connecting cube. Find the closest number of cubes to the length of your shoe. Record the length of your shoe and your partner’s shoe.’” Student Facing states, “My teacher's shoe is ___ connecting cubes long. My shoe is ___ connecting cubes long. My partner’s shoe is ___connecting cubes long. Solve these problems about the length of your group’s shoes. Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, words, or equations. 1. What is the length of your shoe and your partner’s shoe together? 2. Whose shoe is longer, yours or your partner’s? How much longer? 3. Whose shoe is shorter, your teacher’s shoe or your shoe? How much shorter?”

Indicator 1F

Content from future grades is identified and related to grade-level work, and materials relate grade-level concepts explicitly to prior knowledge from earlier grades.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations that content from future grades is identified and related to grade-level work, and materials relate grade-level concepts explicitly to prior knowledge from earlier grades. 

Prior and Future connections are identified within materials in the Course Guide, Section Dependency Diagrams which state, “an arrow indicates the prior section that contains content most directly designed to support or build toward the content in the current section.” Connections are further described within the Unit Learning Goals embedded in the Scope and Sequence, within the Preparation tab for specific lessons, and within the notes for specific parts of lessons. 

Examples of connections to future grades include:

  • Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, Lesson 9, Preparation connects the work of 1.OA.1 (Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions), 1.OA.3 (Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract), and 1.OA.7 (Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false) to work with representing story problems in Grade 2. Lesson Narrative states, “Students write equations that match the story problem, identifying where the answer to the question is in the equation. Students should have access to connecting cubes or two-color counters. In Activity 1, students work with partners to solve a story problem and write an equation. During Activity 2, students do a gallery walk within their group and compare story problems, methods for solving the problems, and equations that represent the problems. Students do not need to master representing and solving these problem types until the end of grade 2, so the important part of this lesson is that students can make sense of the story problem and explain how their equation matches the problem.”

  • Unit 6, Length Measurements Within 120 Units, Lesson 9, Warm-up connects 1.NBT.1 (Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral) to work with understanding three-digit numbers in Grade 2. The Narrative states, “The purpose of this Choral Count is to invite students to practice counting by 1 from 90 to 120 and notice patterns in the count. Keep the record of the count displayed for students to reference throughout the lesson. When students notice the patterns in the digits after counting beyond 99 and explain the patterns based on what they know about the structure of the base-ten system, they look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning (MP7, MP8). Students will develop an understanding of a hundred as a unit and three-digit numbers in grade 2.”

  • Unit 8, Putting It All Together, Lesson 3, Preparation connects 1.OA.6 (Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use strategies such as counting on; making ten; decomposing a number leading to a ten; using the relationship between addition and subtraction; and creating equivalent but easier or known sums) and 1.OA.8 (Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation relating three whole numbers) to work with addition and subtraction in 2nd Grade. Lesson Narrative states, “In previous lessons, students practiced adding and subtracting within 10. In this lesson, students use the methods that make the most sense to them to add and subtract within 20. The lesson activities encourage students to use methods such as using known facts, making 10 to add, decomposing a number to lead to a 10 to subtract, and using the relationship between addition and subtraction. This lesson helps students practice adding and subtracting with 20 and apply their fluency within 10 in preparation for their work with addition and subtraction in grade 2.”

Examples of connections to prior knowledge include:

  • Course Guide, Scope and Sequence, Unit 1, Adding, Subtracting, and Working with Data, Unit Learning Goals connect 1.OA.5 (Relate counting to addition and subtraction) and 1.OA.6 (Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use strategies such as counting on; making ten; decomposing a number leading to a ten; using the relationship between addition and subtraction; and creating equivalent but easier or known sums) to work sorting objects by attributes from Kindergarten. Lesson Narrative states, “Students also build on the work in kindergarten as they engage with data. Previously, they sorted objects into given categories such as size or shape. Here, students use drawings, symbols, tally marks, and numbers to represent categorical data. They go further by choosing their own categories, interpreting representations with up to three categories, and asking and answering questions about the data.”

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, Lesson 8, Preparation connects 1.NBT.2a (10 can be thought of as a bundle of ten ones–-called a “ten”) and 1.NBT.2b (The numbers from 11 to 19 are composed of a ten and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones) to work decomposing numbers from K.NBT.1. Lesson Narrative states, “In this lesson, students build on their work from kindergarten where they composed and decomposed teen numbers with ten ones and some more ones. They learn that 10 ones is equivalent to a unit called a ten. In the first activity students count a collection of 16 objects and represent their count. In the second activity, students compose teen numbers with a ten and some ones. This lays the groundwork for a later unit in which students compose and decompose 2-digit numbers into tens and ones.”

  • Unit 6, Length Measurements within 120 Units, Lesson 1, Preparation connects 1.MD.1 (Order three objects by length; compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third object) to the work comparing lengths of objects from K.MD.2. Lesson Narrative states, “In kindergarten, students compared the length of two objects directly by lining up the endpoints. They described the objects using language such as longer and shorter. In this unit the words ‘longer than’ and ‘shorter than’ are encouraged, although students may use ‘taller than’ in certain contexts related to height.”

Indicator 1G

In order to foster coherence between grades, materials can be completed within a regular school year with little to no modification.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 foster coherence between grades and can be completed within a regular school year with little to no modification. According to the IM K-5 Teacher Guide, About These Materials, “Each grade level contains 8 or 9 units. Units contain between 8 and 28 lesson plans. Each unit, depending on the grade level, has pre-unit practice problems in the first section, checkpoints or checklists after each section, and an end-of-unit assessment. In addition to lessons and assessments, units have aligned center activities to support the unit content and ongoing procedural fluency. The time estimates in these materials refer to instructional time. Each lesson plan is designed to fit within a class period that is at least 60 minutes long. Some units contain optional lessons and some lessons contain optional activities that provide additional student practice for teachers to use at their discretion.”

In Grade 1, there are 162 days of instruction including:

  • 146 lesson days

  • 16 unit assessment days

There are eight units in Grade 1 and, within those units, there are between 10 and 28 lessons. According to the IM K-5 Teacher Guide, A Typical IM Lesson, “A typical lesson has four phases: 1. a warm-up 2. one or more instructional activities 3. the lesson synthesis 4. a cool-down. In grade 1, some lessons do not have cool-downs. During these lessons, checkpoints are used to formatively assess understanding of the lesson.” There is a Preparation tab for lessons, including specific guidance and time allocations for each phase of a lesson.

In Grade 1, each lesson is composed of:

  • 10 minutes Warm-up

  • 10-25 minutes (each) for one to three Instructional Activities

  • 10 minutes Lesson Synthesis

  • 0-5 minutes Cool-down

Overview of Gateway 2

Rigor & the Mathematical Practices

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for rigor and balance and practice-content connections. The materials help students develop procedural skills, fluency, and application. The materials also make meaningful connections between the Standards for Mathematical Content and the Standards for Mathematical Practice (MPs).

Criterion 2.1: Rigor and Balance


Materials reflect the balances in the Standards and help students meet the Standards’ rigorous expectations, by giving appropriate attention to: developing students’ conceptual understanding; procedural skill and fluency; and engaging applications.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for rigor. The materials develop conceptual understanding of key mathematical concepts, give attention throughout the year to procedural skill and fluency, and spend sufficient time working with engaging applications of mathematics. There is a balance of the three aspects of rigor within the grade.

Indicator 2A

Materials develop conceptual understanding of key mathematical concepts, especially where called for in specific content standards or cluster headings.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for developing conceptual understanding of key mathematical concepts, especially where called for in specific content standards or cluster headings.

Materials develop conceptual understanding throughout the grade level. According to IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide, Design Principles, conceptual understanding is a part of the design of the materials. Balancing Rigor states, “Opportunities to connect new representations and language to prior learning support students in building conceptual understanding. Access to new mathematics and problems prompts students to apply their conceptual understanding and procedural fluency to novel situations.” Additionally, Purposeful Representations states, “Across lessons and units, students are systematically introduced to representations and encouraged to use representations that make sense to them. As their learning progresses, students are given opportunities to make connections between different representations and the concepts and procedures they represent.” Examples include:

  • Unit 1, Adding, Subtracting, and Working with Data, Lesson 2, Activity 2, students develop conceptual understanding as they write addition expressions for sums within ten. Launch states, “Groups of 2. Give each group a set of cards, two recording sheets, and access to 10-frames and two-color counters. ‘We are going to learn a game called Check It Off. Let’s play a round together. First we take out all of the cards greater than five. We will not use those cards in this game. Now I am going to pick two number cards and find the sum of the numbers. The sum is the total when adding two or more numbers.’ Choose two cards. ‘What is the sum of the numbers? How do you know?’ 30 seconds: quiet think time. 1 minute: partner discussion. Share responses. ‘Now I check off the sum. What addition expression represents the sum of the numbers?’ 30 seconds: quiet think time. Share responses. ‘I record the expression on my recording sheet next to the sum. Now it’s my partner’s turn.’” (1.OA.5, 1.OA.6)

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, Lesson 13, Activity 1, students develop conceptual understanding as they solve Take From, Change Unknown story problems using a method of their choice. Launch states, “Groups of 2. Give students access to double 10-frames and connecting cubes or two-color counters. Display and read the numberless and questionless story problem. ‘What do you notice? What do you wonder?’ 30 seconds: quiet think time. 1 minute: partner discussion. Record responses. If needed, ‘What question could we ask?’ Student Facing states, “1. There are students standing in the classroom. Some of the students sit down on the rug. There are still some students standing. 2. There are 15 students standing in the classroom. Some of the students sit down on the rug. There are still 5 students standing. How many students sat down on the rug? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Equation: ___.” (1.OA.1, 1.OA.5, 1.OA.6)

  • Unit 8, Putting It All Together, Lesson 9, Warm-up, students develop conceptual understanding as they use true and false statements to compare two-digit numbers. Student Facing states, “Decide if each statement is true or false. Be prepared to explain your reasoning. 65>3565>35, 65=751065=75-10, 65>35+3065>35+30.” (1.NBT.3)

According to IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide, materials were designed to include opportunities for students to independently demonstrate conceptual understanding, when appropriate. Design Principles, Coherent Progress states, “Each activity starts with a launch that gives all students access to the task. This is followed by independent work time that allows them to grapple with problems individually before working in small groups. The activity ends with a synthesis to ensure students have an opportunity to consolidate their learning by making connections between their work and the mathematical goals.” A Typical IM Lesson states, “The cool-down task is to be given to students at the end of the lesson. Students are meant to work on the cool-down for about 5 minutes independently and turn it in. The cool-down serves as a brief formative assessment to determine whether students understood the lesson. Students’ responses to the cool-down can be used to make adjustments to further instruction.” Examples include:

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, Lesson 2, Cool-down, students show a conceptual understanding of addition facts. Student Facing states, “How does knowing 7+2=97+2=9 help you with 2+7=2+7=___? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words.” (1.OA.3) 

  • Unit 5, Adding Within 100, Lesson 12, Activity 2, students demonstrate conceptual understanding as they use what they know about the base-ten structure of numbers to create different expressions. Students are provided counting cubes and Student Facing states, “37, 22, 18, 56, 41. Choose 2 numbers from above and write an addition expression to make each statement true. This sum has the smallest possible value. Expression: ____ This sum has the largest possible value. Expression: ____ You do not need to make a new ten to find the value of this sum. Expression: ____ If you make a new ten to find the value of this sum, you will still have some more ones. Expression: ____ If you make a new ten to find the value of this sum, you will have no more ones. Expression: ____ Be ready to explain your thinking in a way that others will understand. If you have time: Choose 2 numbers from above and write an addition expression where the value is closest to 95. How do you know the value is closest to 95?” Activity Synthesis states, “Are there other numbers you could use? How do you know?” (1.NBT.C)

  • Unit 8, Putting It All Together, Lesson 8, Activity 1, students demonstrate conceptual understanding as they represent numbers within 100 using drawings, words, numbers, expressions, and equations. Launch states, “Give each student a piece of blank paper and access to connecting cubes in towers of 10 and singles. ‘We are going to create a class book. First you will plan out your page. Pick your favorite number between 20 and 100. You will represent your number in as many different ways as you can. You need to include at least three expressions. Let’s make a page together.’ Display the number 84. ‘What are some ways that I can represent this number?” (I can draw 8 tens and 4 ones, 7 tens and 14 ones, 80+480+4, 10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+4.70+1410+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+4.70+14) 30 seconds: quiet think time. 1 minute: partner discussion. Record responses. If needed, ask: ‘How can we represent 84 using only 6 tens? What other addition expressions could we write?’” (1.NBT.B)

Indicator 2B

Materials give attention throughout the year to individual standards that set an expectation for procedural skill and fluency.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for giving attention throughout the year to individual standards that set an expectation of procedural skill and fluency. 

According to IM Curriculum, Design Principles, Balancing Rigor, “Warm-ups, practice problems, centers, and other built-in routines help students develop procedural fluency, which develops over time.” Examples include: 

  • Unit 1, Adding, Subtracting, and Working with Data, Lesson 2, Activity 1, students develop procedural fluency as they match expressions to dot images and find the total. Activity states, “In this activity, draw a line to connect each dot image to its matching expression. Then, find the total. On the second page, complete the missing expressions or the missing dot images.” Student Facing states, “Match each pair of dots to an expression. Then, find the total. Draw the missing dots to match the expression. Then, find the total. Write the missing expression to match the dots. Then, find the total.” Expressions include: 3+23+2, 4+24+2, 5+35+3, 6+46+4, 4+34+3. (1.OA.6)

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, Lesson 5, Warm-up, students develop procedural fluency as they select numbers that make an equation true. Student Facing states, “Find the number that makes each equation true. 6+6+___, 106=10-6=___, =10$$, 102=10-2=___.” (1.OA.6, 1.OA.8) 

  • Unit 6, Length Measurements Within 120 Units, Lesson 2, Warm-up, students develop procedural fluency as they add numbers within 100. Student Facing states, “Find the value of each expression mentally. 35+2035+20, 35+2535+25, 30+4530+45, 37+4537+45.” (1.NBT.4) 

According to IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide, materials were designed to include opportunities for students to independently demonstrate procedural skill and fluency, when appropriate. Design Principles, Coherent Progress states, “Each activity starts with a launch that gives all students access to the task. This is followed by independent work time that allows them to grapple with problems individually before working in small groups. The activity ends with a synthesis to ensure students have an opportunity to consolidate their learning by making connections between their work and the mathematical goals.” A Typical IM Lesson states, “The cool-down task is to be given to students at the end of the lesson. Students are meant to work on the cool-down for about 5 minutes independently and turn it in. The cool-down serves as a brief formative assessment to determine whether students understood the lesson. Students’ responses to the cool-down can be used to make adjustments to further instruction.” Examples include:

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, Lesson 2, Activity 3, students demonstrate fluency by finding the value of sums within 10. Student Facing states, “Find the value of each sum. 1. 7+2=7+2=___ 2. 3+5=3+5=___ 3. ___ 4. 3+6=3+6=___ 5. 5+2=5+2=___ 6. ___ 7. 2+6=2+6=___ 8. ___.” Activity states, “Read the task statement. 5 minutes: independent work time. 3 minutes: partner discussion.” (1.OA.5, 1.OA.6, 1.OA.8)

  • Unit 4, Numbers to 99, Lesson 4, Activity 2, students demonstrate procedural skill and  fluency as they practice adding and subtracting multiples of 10 from multiples of 10. Student Facing states, “5. 20+60=20+60=___ 6. 7020=70-20=___ 7. 9070=90-70=___ 8. 40+40=40+40=___.” Activity states, “5 minutes: independent work time. 5 minutes: partner work time.” (1.NBT.2c, 1.NBT.4, 1.NBT.6) 

  • Unit 8, Putting It All Together, Lesson 2, Cool-down, students demonstrate procedural fluency by using the subtraction and addition relationship to add or subtract within 10. Student Facing states, “Mai is still working on 96=9-6=___. Write an addition equation she can use to help figure out the difference.  Addition equation: ___.” (1.OA.6)

Indicator 2C

Materials are designed so that teachers and students spend sufficient time working with engaging applications of the mathematics.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for being designed so that teachers and students spend sufficient time working with engaging applications of the mathematics. According to IM Curriculum, Design Principles, Balancing Rigor, “Access to new mathematics and problems prompts students to apply their conceptual understanding and procedural fluency to novel situations.” Multiple routine and non-routine applications of the mathematics are included throughout the grade level and these single- and multi-step application problems are included within Activities or Cool-downs. 

Students have the opportunity to engage with applications of math both with support from the teacher and independently. According to IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide, materials were designed to include opportunities for students to independently demonstrate application of grade-level mathematics, when appropriate. Design Principles, Coherent Progress states, “Each activity starts with a launch that gives all students access to the task. This is followed by independent work time that allows them to grapple with problems individually before working in small groups. The activity ends with a synthesis to ensure students have an opportunity to consolidate their learning by making connections between their work and the mathematical goals.” A Typical IM Lesson states, “The cool-down task is to be given to students at the end of the lesson. Students are meant to work on the cool-down for about 5 minutes independently and turn it in. The cool-down serves as a brief formative assessment to determine whether students understood the lesson. Students’ responses to the cool-down can be used to make adjustments to further instruction.”

Examples of routine applications of the math include:

  • Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, Lesson 2, Activity 2, students solve and write equations for Result Unknown word problems. Activity states, “‘Now you will solve the problems and write equations to match. You can solve the problems in any way that makes sense to you.’ Read problems aloud. 5 minutes: partner work time. ‘Find another group and discuss each problem. Share the equation you wrote and how it matches the story.’ 5 minutes: small-group discussion.” Student Facing states, “1. There was a stack of 6 books on the table. Someone put 4 more books in the stack. How many books are in the stack now? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Equation: ___ 2. 9 books were on a cart. The librarian took 2 of the books and put them on the shelf. How many books are still on the cart? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Equation: ___ 3. 2 kids were working on an art project. 7 kids join them. How many kids are working on the art project now? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Equation:___ 4. The librarian had 8 bookmarks. He gave 5 bookmarks to kids at the library. How many bookmarks does he have now? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Equation: ___.” (1.OA.1)

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting within 20, Lesson 20, Cool-Down, students solve real-world word problems with three addends. Student Facing states, ”Jada visited the primate exhibit. She saw 8 monkeys, 4 gorillas, and 7 orangutans. How many primates did she see? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Equation: ___.” (1.OA.2, 1.OA.6)

  • Unit 4, Numbers to 99, Lesson 4, Activity 1, students solve story problems involving adding and subtracting multiples of 10. Launch states, “Groups of 2. Give students access to connecting cubes in towers of 10 and singles and double 10-frames.” Activity states, “Read the task statement. 7 minutes: independent work time. 3 minutes: partner discussion. Monitor for students who show: towers of 10, base-ten drawings, __ tens and __ tens, expressions or equations.” Student Facing states, “1. Jada is counting collections of cubes. In Bag A there are 30 cubes. In Bag B there are 2 towers of 10. How many cubes are in the two bags all together? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. 2. Tyler is counting a collection of cubes. In Bag C there are 7 towers of 10. He takes 40 cubes out of the bag. How many cubes does he have left in the bag? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words.” (1.NBT.2c, 1.NBT.4, 1.NBT.6)

Examples of non-routine applications of the math include:

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, Lesson 28, Activity 1, students generate, articulate, and solve their own addition and subtraction problems. Launch states, “Display and read the questionless story problem. ‘What is this story missing? What kind of questions could you ask? (How many pencils did they have altogether? How many more pencils does Noah have than Elena?)’ 30 seconds: quiet think time. 1 minute: partner discussion. Share and record responses. ‘We have been solving different kinds of story problems. Today, you and your partner will write and solve addition and subtraction story problems using objects we have in our classroom.’” Activity states, “‘Partner A will pick a number less than 20. Partner B will use objects in the room to write a story problem and ask a question for which the number Partner A picked is the answer. Together, solve the story problem and write an equation. Switch roles for problem 2.’ 10 minutes: partner work time.” Student Facing states, “Noah had 8 pencils. Elena had 5 pencils. Han had 4 pencils.1. Addition story problem: Solve the story problem. Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Equation: ___ 2. Subtraction story problem: Solve the story problem, Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Equation: ___.” (1.OA.1, 1.OA.2, 1.OA.3, 1.OA.6)

  • Unit 5, Adding Within 100, Lesson 8, Activity 3, students solve story problems involving addition with two-digit and one-digit numbers. Activity states, “Read the task statement. 3 minutes: independent work time. 3 minutes: partner discussion.” Student Facing states, “1. Priya watched a football game. The home team scored 35 points in the first half. In the second half they scored 6 more points. How many points did they score all together? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. 2. At the football game, 9 fans cheered for the visiting team. There were 45 fans who cheered for the home team. How many fans were at the game all together? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words.” (1.NBT.4)

  • Unit 6, Length Measurements Within 120 Units, Lesson 7, Cool-down, students solve a problem by reasoning about measurements with different units. Student Facing states, “Priya says that the length of the shoe is 5 paper clips. Is her measurement accurate? Why or why not?” An image of a high-top sneaker is shown with 5 paper clips. (1.MD.2)

Indicator 2D

The three aspects of rigor are not always treated together and are not always treated separately. There is a balance of the three aspects of rigor within the grade.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations in that the three aspects of rigor are not always treated together and are not always treated separately. There is a balance of the three aspects of rigor within the grade.

All three aspects of rigor are present independently throughout the grade. Examples where instructional materials attend to conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, or application include:

  • Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, Lesson 14, Activity 1, students analyze and solve addition and subtraction application problems. Launch states, “​​Give students access to connecting cubes or two-color counters. Display the image in the student book. ‘Tell a story about this picture.’ 1 minute: quiet think time. 2 minutes: partner discussion. Share responses.” Student Facing states, “There are 8 glue sticks and 3 scissors at the art station. How many fewer scissors are there than glue sticks? Mai created a picture. (An Image of eight  red dots and three yellow dots is provided.) She is not sure which equation she should use to find the difference. 83=58-3=5, 3+5=83+5=8, Help her decide. Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words.” (1.OA.1, 1.OA.5, 1.OA.7)

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, Lesson 4, Activity 2, students develop conceptual understanding as they justify that they have found all the ways to make 10. An image of 10 counters in a ten frame is displayed. Students have access to counters, and a 10-frame. Student Facing states, “1. Show all the ways to make 10.  2. How do you know that you have found all the ways? Be ready to explain your thinking in a way that others will understand.” Activity Synthesis states, “‘How do you know that you found all of the ways?’ (I started by filling my 10-frame with red counters and then flipped over the first red counter to make it yellow. That was 1+91+9. I kept flipping over a one red counter at a time to make it yellow and kept writing expressions.)” (1.OA.3, 1.OA.6)

  • Unit 7, Geometry and Time, Lesson 15, Activity 2, students develop procedural fluency as they write times after reading one or both hands on a clock. Launch states, ”Give students their Half Past Clock Cards. ‘Write the times on the new clock cards that show half past.’ 2 minutes: independent work time.” Activity states, “What time is shown on each clock? Work on the questions by yourself and then compare your work with your partner’s.” Student Facing states, “1. For each clock, write the time. a. Clock shows 2:00. b. Clock shows 4:30. c. Clock shows 6:30. d. Clock shows 12:00. e. Clock shows 8:00.” (1.MD.3)

Multiple aspects of rigor are engaged simultaneously throughout the materials in order to develop students’ mathematical understanding of a single unit of study or topic. Examples include:

  • Unit 1, Adding, Subtracting, and Working with Data, Lesson 8, Activity 2, students develop conceptual understanding alongside procedural fluency as they sort shapes into categories and explain their strategies for sorting. Launch states, “Give students access to colored pencils or crayons and copies of the three-column table.” Student Facing states, “1. Show how you sorted the shape cards. Be sure that someone else who looks at your paper can see how many shapes are in each category. 2. Complete the sentences: a. The first category has ___ shapes. b. The second category has ___ shapes. c. The third category has ___ shapes. d. There are ___ shapes all together.” (1.MD.4)

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, Lesson 6, Activity 1, students develop conceptual understanding alongside application as they use addition to solve routine problems. Student Facing states, “Han is playing Shake and Spill. He has some counters in his cup. Then he puts 3 more counters in his cup. Now he has 10 counters in his cup. How many counters did he start with? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Equation: ___.” (1.OA.1, 1.OA.5, 1.OA.6)

  • Unit 6, Length Measurements Within 120 Units, Lesson 1, Activity 2, students develop all three aspects of rigor, conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application as they order objects by length. Launch states, “Give each group 10–12 objects.” Student Facing states, “1. Pick 3 objects. With your partner, put the objects in order from shortest to longest. Trace or draw your objects. 2. Pick 3 new objects. With your partner, put them in order from longest to shortest. Write the names of the objects in order from longest to shortest.” Activity Synthesis states, “Invite previously identified students to demonstrate how they ordered three objects from shortest to longest. Display the three objects with the endpoints lined up so all students can see. ‘What statements can you make to compare the length of their objects?’ (The ___ is longer than the ___ and ___.)” (1.MD.1)

Criterion 2.2: Math Practices


Materials meaningfully connect the Standards for Mathematical Content and Standards for Mathematical Practice (MPs).

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for practice-content connections. The materials meaningfully connect the Standards for Mathematical Content and the Standards for Mathematical Practice (MPs).

Indicator 2E

Materials support the intentional development of MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them; and MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for supporting the intentional development of MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them; and MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards. Students have opportunities to engage with the Math Practices across the year and they are often explicitly identified for teachers within the Course Guide (How to Use These Materials) and within specific lessons (Instructional Routines, Lesson Preparation Narratives, and Lesson Activities’ Narratives).

MP1 is identified and connected to grade-level content, and there is intentional development of the MP to meet its full intent. Students make sense of problems and persevere in solving them as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the units. Examples include:

  • Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, Lesson 4, Cool-down, students make sense of story problems and write equations. Student Facing, “Mai has 3 books. She gets some more books from the library. Now she has 7. How many more books did she get? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Equation:___.” Preparation, Lesson Narrative states, “This lesson provides an opportunity to assess student progress on making sense of different types of story problems, the methods they use to solve, and the equations they write to match the problems.”

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, Lesson 15, Activity 1, students solve a story problem with three addends in which two of the addends make 10. Student Facing states, “7 blue birds fly in the sky. 8 brown birds sit in a tree. 3 baby birds sit in a nest. How many birds are there altogether? Show your thinking using objects, drawings, numbers, or words.” Launch states, “Groups of 2. Give students access to double 10-frames and connecting cubes or two-color counters. ‘What kind of birds do you see where you live? Where do you see the birds?’ (I see pigeons on wires. I see a big bird in the park. I see red birds at the bird feeder. I hear loud birds in the morning.). 30 seconds: quiet think time. 1 minute: partner discussion. Share and record responses. Write the authentic language students use to describe the birds they see and where they see them. ‘Louis Fuertes was a bird artist. When he was a child, he loved to paint the birds he saw.’ Consider reading the book The Sky Painter by Margarita Engle. ‘We are going to solve some problems about birds.’'' Activity states, “3 minutes: independent work time. 2 minutes: partner discussion. As students work, consider asking: ‘How are you finding the total number of birds? How did you decide the order to add the numbers? Is there another way you can add the numbers?’ Monitor for students who use the methods described in the narrative.” An image of a blue bird is shown. Narrative states, “Students are given access to double 10-frames and connecting cubes or two-color counters. Students read the prompt carefully to identify quantities before they start to work on the problem. They have an opportunity to think strategically about which numbers of birds to combine first since 3 and 7 make 10. They also may choose to use appropriate tools such as counters and a double 10-frame strategically to help them solve the problem (MP1, MP5).”

  • Unit 6, Length Measurements Within 120 Units, Lesson 17, Activity 2, students make sense of addition and subtraction word problems. Launch states, “Take turns reading a problem you came up with in the previous activity. Your partner group will act out the story with connecting cubes, then solve the problems. Then switch roles.” Student Facing states, “Group A: Read your problems to your partner group. Group B: 1. Act out and solve the problems. Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. 2. Write an equation to represent each story problem. 3. What do you notice about the story problems and the equations you wrote? Switch roles.” Narrative states, “The purpose of this activity is for students to solve addition and subtraction word problems by acting out the stories. Acting out gives students opportunities to make sense of a context (MP1).”

MP2 is identified and connected to grade-level content, and there is intentional development of the MP to meet its full intent. Students reason abstractly and quantitatively as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the units. Examples include:

  • Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, Lesson 6, Activity 2, students consider two different equations that represent the same story problem. Student Facing states, “Tyler and Clare want to know how many pets they have together. Tyler has 2 turtles. Clare has 4 dogs. Tyler wrote the equation  4+2=64+2=6. Clare wrote the equation 2+4=62+4=6. Do both equations match the story? Why or why not? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words.” Launch states, “Groups of 2. Give students access to 10-frames and connecting cubes or two-color counters. ‘We just solved a problem about pet fish. What else do you know about pets?’ 30 seconds: quiet think time. 1 minute: partner discussion. If needed ask, ‘What kinds of pets are there?’ Activity states, “Read the task statement. 3 minutes: independent work time. 2 minutes: partner discussion. Monitor for a student who uses objects or drawings to show that each equation matches the story.” Narrative states, “Students contextualize the problem and see that each number represents a specific object’s quantity, no matter which order it is presented, and connect these quantities to written symbols (MP2).”

  • Unit 5, Adding Within 100, Lesson 14, Activity 1, students solve two-digit addition word problems. Launch states, “Give students access to connecting cubes in towers of 10 and singles. The table shows the number of cans four students collected for their class’ food drive. ‘What do you notice? What do you wonder?’ (They collected a lot of cans. Tyler collected the most. Han collected the least. I wonder how many they collected all together.)” Activity states, “Read the task statement. 6 minutes: independent work time. ‘Check in with your partner. Be prepared to show or explain your thinking.’ 5 minutes: partner discussion.” Student Facing states, “Partner A: Write an equation to represent your thinking.1. How many cans did Lin and Priya collect altogether? 2.How many cans did Han and Tyler collect altogether? 3. How many cans did all four students collect altogether? Partner B: Write an equation to represent your thinking. 1. How many cans did Tyler and Priya collect altogether? 2. How many cans did Lin and Han collect altogether? 3. How many cans did all four students collect altogether?” Narrative states, “The purpose of this activity is for students to apply their understanding of place value and properties of operations to solve two-digit addition real world problems (MP2). Students may use any method and representation that helps them make sense of the problems in context.”

  • Unit 8, Putting It All Together, Lesson 5, Activity 1, students solve addition and subtraction story problems. Student Facing states, “Solve each problem. Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. 1. There are 7 first graders and some second graders at the planetarium. There are 18 students at the planetarium. How many second graders are at the planetarium? 2. When the show started, 18 stars lit up in the sky. 13 stars were bright. Some of the stars were dim. How many stars were dim? 3. Together, Diego and Tyler saw 15 shooting stars during the show. Diego saw 6 shooting stars. Tyler saw the rest. How many shooting stars did Tyler see? 4. In the gift shop, Elena bought 12 star stickers. She also bought some planet stickers. Elena bought 20 stickers. How many planet stickers did she buy?” Launch states, “Groups of 2. Give each group access to connecting cubes in towers of 10 and singles. Display the image in the student book. ‘What do you notice in this picture? What do you wonder? (There are bright colors. This looks like stars in the sky. Why is there red in the sky? Where is this?). This is a picture of something called the Helix Nebula. It is one of many interesting things that can be seen in our sky. People who are interested in learning more about stars, planets, or anything else that is found in the sky, can visit a planetarium to learn all about these things. We are going to solve some problems about a field trip to the planetarium.’” Activity states, “8 minutes: independent work time. 4 minutes: partner discussion. Monitor for students who solve the problem about bright and dim stars with addition and for students who solve the same problem with subtraction.” Narrative states, “The purpose of this activity is for students to make sense of and solve Put Together/Take Apart, Addend Unknown story problems (MP2). In the synthesis, students discuss different methods used to solve these problems, including using addition and subtraction.”

Indicator 2F

Materials support the intentional development of MP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for supporting the intentional development of MP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards. 

Students have opportunities to engage with MP3 across the year and it is often explicitly identified for teachers within the Course Guide (How to Use These Materials) and within specific lessons (Instructional Routines, Lesson Preparation Narratives, and Lesson Activities’ Narratives). According to the Course Guide, Instructional Routines, Other Instructional Routines, 5 Practices, “Lessons that include this routine are designed to allow students to solve problems in ways that make sense to them. During the activity, students engage in a problem in meaningful ways and teachers monitor to uncover and nurture conceptual understandings. During the activity synthesis, students collectively reveal multiple approaches to a problem and make connections between these approaches (MP3).”

Students construct viable arguments, in connection to grade-level content, as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the units. Examples include:

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, Lesson 6, Activity 2, students construct arguments as they solve addition and subtraction stories. Student Facing states, “1. Noah is playing Shake and Spill with 10 counters. 4 of the counters fall out of the cup. How many counters are still in the cup? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Equation: ____.” Narrative states, “During the synthesis, students focus on sharing equations and comparing the start and change unknown problems, as well as how the commutative property can help them solve story problems with an unknown start. As students discuss and justify their decisions, they share a mathematical claim and the thinking behind it (MP3).”

  • Unit 5, Adding Within 100, Lesson 1, Activity 1, students construct viable arguments as they apply their place value understanding to add an amount of tens or ones to a two-digit number. Launch states, “Groups of 2. Give each group a set of number cards and a paperclip. Give students access to connecting cubes in towers of 10 and singles. ‘Remove the 0, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 from the number cards. We are going to play a game where you must figure out the number your partner added. Let’s play a round together. All of you are partner A and I am partner B.’ Invite a student to spin. ‘You spun (43). I will draw a number card and decide whether to add that many ones or that many tens. I will say the sum aloud. The sum is (93). What number did I add? Talk with your partner. Be ready to explain how you know.’ (You added 50. In order to get from 43 to 93 you add 5 tens. 53, 63, 73, 83, 93.) 1 minute: partner discussion. Share responses.” Activity states, “‘Now you will play with your partner. For each round, decide whether you will add tens or ones and see if your partner can guess what you added.’ 15 minutes: partner work time. As students work, consider asking: ‘How did you choose to add tens or ones? How did you determine the number your partner added?’” Student Facing states, “Partner B: Pick a number card without showing your partner. Choose whether to add that many ones or tens to your starting number. Make sure you don't go over 100. Tell your partner the sum. Partner A: Tell your partner what number you think they added and explain your thinking. Switch roles and repeat.” Narrative states, “Students explain how they add and how they determined the unknown addend with an emphasis on place value vocabulary (MP3).”

  • Unit 8, Putting It All Together, Lesson 8, Cool-down, students construct arguments as they interpret representations of numbers up to 100. Student Facing states, “Represent numbers to show the base-ten structure. Represent the same number with different amounts of tens and ones.” Narrative states, “As students look through each others' work, they discuss how the representations are the same and different and can defend different points of view (MP3).”

Students critique the reasoning of others, in connection to grade-level content, as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the units. Examples include:

  • Unit 1, Adding, Subtracting, and Working with Data, Lesson 7, Activity 1, students begin to critique the reasoning of others as they sort math tools and understand how a partner sorted the tools. Launch states, “Give each group a bag of math tools and access to the blackline masters.” Activity states, “‘Sort your math tools. Use the tables if they are helpful.’ 4 minutes: partner work time. ‘Explain to another group how you sorted your tools. Make sure to tell them the groups you used and how many objects are in each group.’ 3 minutes: small group discussion. MLR2 Collect and Display. Circulate, listen for, and collect the language students use to describe how they sorted. Listen for categories, the number of shapes in each category, and math tool names. Record students’ words and phrases on a poster titled ‘Words to describe how we sorted’ and update throughout the lesson.” Narrative states, “Students identify attributes of the objects and sort them into two or more groups. Students may choose to use one of the blackline masters to organize as they sort. When students share how they sorted with their partner, they use their own mathematical vocabulary and listen to and understand their partner's thinking (MP3, MP6).”

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, Lesson 19, Activity 1, students create an argument and critique the reasoning of others as they analyze methods for adding within 20 and use those methods flexibly to find sums. Student Facing states, “Lin, Han, and Kiran are finding the value of 8+78+7. (An image of a double ten frame, eight red counters, and seven yellow counters are shown.) Lin thinks about  8+2+58+2+5. Han thinks about 7+7+17+7+1. Kiran thinks about 8+818+8-1. Explain how each student’s method works. Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words.” Launch states, “Give students access to double 10-frames and connecting cubes or two-color counters.” Activity states, “Read the task statement. ‘Use double 10-frames and counters to determine how each method works. Show your thinking in a way that others will understand.’ 10 minutes: partner work time. 3 minutes: partner discussion. Monitor for students who can explain each method using 10-frames.” Narrative states, “Students must justify and explain the work of the given characters. Students share their thinking and have opportunities to listen to and critique the reasoning of their peers (MP3).”

  • Unit 4, Numbers to 99, Lesson 6, Activity 2, students construct an argument and critique reasoning when they analyze a collection of connecting cubes arranged in towers of 10. Launch states, “Groups of 2. Give students access to connecting cubes in towers of 10 and singles. ‘Noah counted a collection of connecting cubes. He says there are 50 cubes. Do you agree or disagree? Explain how you know. You will have a chance to think about it on your own and talk to your partner about Noah’s thinking before you write your response.’” Activity states, “1 minute: quiet think time. ‘Share your thinking with your partner.’ 2 minutes: partner discussion. ‘Explain why you agree or disagree with Noah. Write the word “agree” or “disagree” in the first blank. Then write why you agree or disagree.’ 3 minutes: independent work time.” Student Facing states, “Noah organized his collection of connecting cubes. He counts and says there are 50 cubes. Do you agree or disagree? Explain how you know. I ___ with Noah because.” Narrative states, “When students explain that they disagree with Noah because a ten must include 10 ones, they show their understanding of a ten and the foundations of the base-ten system (MP3).”

Indicator 2G

Materials support the intentional development of MP4: Model with mathematics; and MP5: Use appropriate tools strategically, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for supporting the intentional development of MP4: Model with mathematics; and MP5: Choose tools strategically, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards. Students have opportunities to engage with the Math Practices across the year and they are often explicitly identified for teachers within the Course Guide (How to Use These Materials) and within specific lessons (Instructional Routines, Lesson Preparation Narratives, and Lesson Activities’ Narratives).

MP4 is identified and connected to grade-level content, and there is intentional development of the MP to meet its full intent. Students have many opportunities to solve real-world problems, model situations with appropriate representations, and describe what they do with the model and how it relates to the problem. Students model with mathematics as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the units. Examples include:

  • Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, Lesson 1, Cool-down, Section A Checkpoint, students represent and solve Add To and Take From, Result Unknown story problems using a strategy that makes sense to them. They also write an expression to represent the action in a story problem. Teachers observe in order to capture evidence of student thinking using the checkpoint checklist. Student Response states, “Retell the story. Represent a story problem with objects or drawings. Explain how a representation matches the story.” Narrative states, “When students connect expressions back to the story problem and explain the connection, they model with mathematics (MP4).”

  • Unit 4, Numbers to 99, Lesson 23, Activity 1, students apply their place value understanding to estimate quantities of objects and accurately count familiar objects. Student Facing states, “Experiment 1: How many objects are in 2 handfuls? Record an estimate that is: too low, about right, too high. Now find the exact number ___. Experiment 2: How many objects are in 2 handfuls? Record an estimate that is: too low, about right, too high. Now find the exact number ___. Experiment 3: How many objects are in 2 handfuls? Record an estimate that is: too low, about right, too high. Now find the exact number ___.”  Launch states, “Display for all to see approximately 15–25 beans or other small objects. ‘How many objects do you think are in this pile?’ 1 minute: partner discussion. Share responses. ‘How could we find out exactly?’ (Count them.).” Activity states, “‘How many objects are in 2 handfuls? Let's do an experiment.’ Give each group a bag of objects. ‘Take turns and grab a handful. Estimate how many objects you both grabbed altogether. Then find out how many you have exactly. You will do this experiment three times.’ 5 minutes: partner work time. Monitor for students who: count by ones group the objects into groups of 10 and then count the tens and ones.” Lesson Narrative states, “When students recognize the mathematical features of familiar real world objects and solve problems, they model with mathematics (MP4).”

  • Unit 8, Putting It All Together, Lesson 6, Activity 2, students use given information to ask and answer different questions. Student Facing states, “Write and answer 2 questions using the information. Use the picture for the first one if it is helpful. 1. Diego went on 7 rides. Priya went on 11 rides. 2. Jada went on 3 rides. Kiran went on 6 rides. Noah went on 9 rides.” Narrative states, “When students recognize the mathematical features of things in the real world and ask questions that arise from a presented situation, they model with mathematics (MP4).”

MP5 is identified and connected to grade-level content, and there is intentional development of the MP to meet its full intent. Students have multiple opportunities to identify and use a variety of tools or strategies, working with the support of the teacher and independently, throughout the units to support their understanding of grade-level math. Examples include:

  • Unit 4, Numbers to 99, Lesson 1, Activity 2, students organize and count a collection of 40 objects. Launch states, “Groups of 2. Give each group a bag of objects. Give students access to double 10-frames, cups, paper plates, or other tools to help organize a count. ‘Now you will work with your partner to count more collections. Each partner will show on paper how many there are and show how you counted.’” Activity states, “5 minutes: partner work time. ‘Switch bags with another group. Work with your partner to count the collection. Each partner will show on paper how many there are and show how you counted them.’ 5 minutes: partner work time. As students work, consider asking: ‘How can you use what we learned in the last activity to help you organize your count? Tell me about what you have written here. How many does it show? Does your representation match how you counted?’ Monitor for students who organize objects into groups of ten using cups, paper plates, or other tools, groups using double 10-frames.” Narrative states, “Students choose how to count their collection and determine how to represent their count. They may count by one, using double 10-frames or other tools to keep track of tens (MP5).”

  • Unit 5, Adding Within 100, Lesson 6, Cool-down, Section B Checkpoint, students add one-digit and two-digit numbers and deepen their understanding of place value. The teacher observes and collects evidence of student thinking with the checkpoint checklist. Student Response states, “Add within 100 by counting on. Make a ten to add within 100. Add within 100 by combining ones and ones. Explain their addition method orally in a way others will understand. Represent their addition method on paper in a way others will understand.” Lesson Purpose shows the focus on student choice of strategy as it states, “The purpose of this lesson is for students to add one-digit and two-digit numbers, with composing a ten, using place value understanding and the properties of operations. Students also make sense of equations that represent addition methods.”

  • Unit 6, Length Measurements within 120, Lesson 8, Activity 1, students measure a length that is over 100 length units long and count the number of units using grouping methods. Launch states, “Groups of 3–4. Give each group 120 base-ten cubes, string, and scissors. ‘Today we are going to measure the height of one of your group members. Choose whose height you will measure and cut a piece of string that is the same length as their height.’ 2 minutes: small-group work.” Activity states, “‘Measure the length of the string using small cubes. Represent the measurement using drawings, numbers, or words.’ 15 minutes: partner work time. Monitor for groups who: have measurements between 100–110 cubes, created groups of ten to organize the cubes.” Student Facing states, “Represent your measurement using drawings, numbers, or words.” Lesson Narrative states, “The purpose of this lesson is for students to count a quantity between 100 and 110. In the first activity, students measure how tall they are using base-ten cubes and represent their work in a way that makes sense to them (MP5).”

Indicator 2H

Materials attend to the intentional development of MP6: Attend to precision; and attend to the specialized language of mathematics for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for supporting the intentional development of MP6: Attend to precision; and attend to the specialized language of mathematics, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards. 

Students have many opportunities to attend to precision and the specialized language of math, in connection to grade-level content, as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the units. Examples include:

  • Unit 1, Adding, Subtracting and Working with Data, Lesson 7, Warm-up, students describe attributes of mathematical objects. Narrative states, “The activity provides an opportunity for students to describe mathematical objects in different ways, including non-mathematical characteristics such as color as well as mathematical characteristics such as the number of corners and the category or properties of the shapes. (MP6). If possible, display the objects themselves rather than the image or provide students with a set of the objects. Some students may not know the names of the shapes. Prompt them to use the language that makes sense to them.” Launch states, “Groups of 2. Display the image. ‘What do you notice? What do you wonder?’ 1 minute: quiet think time.” Activity Synthesis states, “How are the shapes alike? How are they different?”

  • Unit 4, Numbers to 99, Lesson 10, Cool-down, students attend to precision as they write numbers using their knowledge of base-ten representations. Student Facing states, “Write the number that matches each representation. 1. 30+930+9,  2. an image of 63 base ten blocks, 3. 7 ones + 9 tens.” Narrative states, “Students must attend to the units in each representation and the meaning of the digits in a two-digit number, rather than always writing the number they see on the left in a representation in the tens place and the number they see on the right in a representation in the ones place (MP6).”

  • Unit 4, Numbers to 99, Lesson 14, Activity 1, students use precise mathematical language as they determine which number is greater and represent their number in any way they choose. Student Facing states, “Each partner spins a spinner. Each partner shows the number any way they choose. Compare with your partner. Which number is more?” Launch states, “Give each group two paper clips and access to connecting cubes in towers of 10 and singles. Display 35 and 52. ‘Which number is more? Show your thinking using math tools. Be ready to explain your thinking to your partner.’ 2 minutes: independent work time. 2 minutes: partner discussion. ‘Which is more and how do you know?’ (53 is more because it has more tens than 35.).” Activity states, “Read the task statement. ‘Each partner can choose to use Spinner A or B for each turn.’ 10 minutes: partner work time.” Narrative states, “Listen for the way students use place value understanding to compare the numbers and the language they use to explain how they know one number is more than the other (MP3, MP6). In the synthesis, students are introduced to the terms greater than and less than.” Activity Synthesis states, “‘Are there any other words or phrases that are important to include on our display?’ As students share responses, update the display by adding (or replacing) language, diagrams, or annotations. Remind students to borrow language from the display as needed. Display 93 and 26. ‘Which is more? How do you know? (93 is more because 9 tens is more than 2 tens.) We can say, ‘93 is greater than 26.’ We can also say, ‘26 is less than 93.’” Display 62 and 64. ‘Which number is more? How do you know? (64 is more. They both have 6 tens but 64 has 4 ones and that is more than the 2 ones in 62.) We can say that 64 is greater than 62. We can also say 62 is less than 64.’”

  • Unit 5, Adding Within 100, Lesson 3, Cool-down, students use precision as they explain how to add expressions. Student Facing states, “Find the value of 14+5314+53. Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Write equations to show how you found the value.” Lesson Narrative states, “In this lesson, students add two-digit numbers using methods of their choice and write equations to match their thinking. Students interpret and compare different methods for finding the value of the same sums. Students also practice explaining their own methods and listening to the methods of their peers. Students have opportunities to revise how they explain their own and others' methods and consider how representations of their own thinking (for example, drawings or equations) can help them explain or interpret their work (MP3, MP6).”

  • Unit 6, Length Measurements Within 120 Units, Lesson 3, Activity 3, students attend to precision when they compare the length of two objects using a third object. Student Facing states, “Will the teacher’s desk fit through the door? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Will a student desk fit through the door? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Which is longer, the bookshelf or the rug? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Which is longer, the file cabinet or the bookshelf? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Which is shorter, the bookshelf or the teacher’s desk? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Will the teacher’s desk fit next to the bookshelf? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words.” Launch states, “Groups of 2. Give students access to measuring materials. ‘Have you ever seen someone move a large piece of furniture, like a couch, from one room to another? Is it easy to move big pieces of furniture? Why or why not?’ 30 seconds: quiet think time. Share responses. ‘I have been thinking about getting a new desk. If I do, I will have to move this desk out of the room. I am not sure if this desk will fit through the door. How can we check to see if it will fit?’ (We could measure with a string.). 30 seconds: quiet think time. 1 minute: partner discussion. Share responses. ‘You are all going to check to see if my desk will fit through the door. You are also going to compare the length of some other objects in the room.” Activity states, “15 minutes: partner work time. Monitor for a group that measures the width of the teacher's desk and one that measures the length.” Narrative states, “When students decide if the teacher's desk will fit through the door or compare other large pieces of furniture, they will need to be precise about which lengths they are measuring as objects like the teacher's desk, a rug, and a bookcase, have a length, width, and in some cases a height (MP6).”

  • Unit 7, Geometry and Time, Lesson 3, Warm-up, students use specialized language as they compare attributes of shapes. Narrative states, “This warm-up prompts students to compare four shapes. It gives students a reason to use language precisely (MP6). It gives the teacher an opportunity to hear how students use terminology and talk about characteristics of two- and three-dimensional shapes.” Launch states, “Groups of 2. Display the image ‘Pick one that doesn’t belong. Be ready to share why it doesn’t belong.’” Activity Synthesis states, “Let’s find at least one reason why each one doesn’t belong. What solid shapes do the images for A, B, and C show? (cube, cone, and cylinder) Does D show a solid shape? Why or why not? (Maybe it is supposed to be a sphere. It looks like it is just a circle.) A circle is not one of our solid shapes. We call it a flat shape.”

Indicator 2I

Materials support the intentional development of MP7: Look for and make use of structure; and MP8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for supporting the intentional development of MP7: Look for and make use of structure; and MP8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning, for students, in connection to grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards. Students have opportunities to engage with the Math Practices across the year and they are often explicitly identified for teachers within the Course Guide (How to Use These Materials) and within specific lessons (Instructional Routines, Lesson Preparation Narratives, and Lesson Activities’ Narratives).

MP7 is identified and connected to grade-level content, and there is intentional development of the MP to meet its full intent. Students have many opportunities to look for, describe, and make use of patterns within problem-solving as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the units. Examples include:

  • Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, Lesson 18, Activity 1, students look for and make use of structure as they interpret equations with a symbol for the unknown and connect them to story problems. Activity states, “‘You have two sets of cards. One set of cards has the story problems we used in the last lesson. The other set of cards has equations with unknown values. Work with your partner to match the story problems to the equations. One story has more than one equation. Be sure you can explain how you know they match.’ 10 minutes: partner work time.” Activity Synthesis states, “‘Which equation matches Card C? How do you know?’ (__. 9 represents how many students were sliding. 6 represents how many students leave so that is 969-6. The box represents how many are left, which is the answer to the problem.) Repeat for problems F and H. Display equation cards 6 and 8. ‘What do you notice about these equations? (They both have a total of 9 and one part is 4. The other part is the unknown. They both match problem G.). How does each of these equations match the story problem?’ (There are 9 students jumping Double Dutch and 4 students jumping on their own. I need to find the difference, so I can subtract 949-4 to find the answer or I can say that 9=4+9=4+___. 9 equals 4 plus some more students.).” Narrative states, “The purpose of this activity is for students to match story problems to equations with a symbol for the unknown (MP2). Each equation is written to match the way the numbers are presented in the story problem. Problem G has more than one equation, which prompts students to discuss the relationship between addition and subtraction (MP7). During the synthesis, students discuss how an equation with a symbol for the unknown matches a Take From, Result Unknown story problem.”

  • Unit 5, Adding Within 100, Lesson 1, Warm-up, students look for and make use of structure as they subitize or use grouping strategies to describe the images they see. Student Facing states, “How many do you see? How do you see them?” Activity Synthesis states, “How did we describe the second image using tens and ones? How many tens do you see? How many ones? (Some people said they saw it as 3 tens and 5 ones.) How could we describe the last image using tens and ones? (3 tens and 9 ones) How could we write equations to go with the last image? ( or 30+930+9).” Lesson Narrative states, “When students look for ways to see and describe numbers as groups of tens and ones and connect this to two-digit numbers, they look for and make use of the base-ten structure (MP7).”

  • Unit 7, Geometry and Time, Lesson 14, Cool-down, students look for and make use of structure as they learn about the position of the hands on an analog clock at half past the hour, Student Facing states, “Circle the clock that shows 2:30.” Lesson Narrative states, “Students connect their understanding of half of a circle to the minute hand moving halfway around the face of a clock (MP7).”

MP8 is identified and connected to grade-level content, and there is intentional development of the MP to meet its full intent. Students have multiple opportunities to use repeated reasoning in order to make generalizations and build a deeper understanding of grade-level math concepts as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the units. Examples include:

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, Lesson 17, Cool-down, students use repeated reasoning to add within 20. Students see that they can decompose one addend in order to make a ten. Student Facing states, “8 birds are sitting in a tree. 6 birds are sitting on the grass. How many birds are there all together? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. Equation: ___.” Lesson Narrative states, “When students identify and use equivalent expressions, they look for and make use of structure (MP7) and here they repeatedly make a 10 to find the value of expressions (MP8).”

  • Unit 4, Numbers to 99, Lesson 7, Activity 1, students use repeated reasoning to extend their understanding of teen numbers as a ten and some ones to an understanding of all two-digit numbers as some tens and some ones. Student Facing states, “Partner 1 draws 2 number cards and uses them to make a two-digit number. Each partner says the number. Partner 2 builds the number using cubes. Partner 1 checks to see if they agree. Each partner makes a drawing of the number and records how many tens and ones. Switch roles and repeat.” Activity states, “10 minutes: partner work time. As students work, consider asking: ‘How do you say this two-digit number? What is your plan for building the number? How many tens does this number have? How many ones does this number have?’” Activity Synthesis states, “Display the number 24 and a base-ten drawing of 4 tens and 2 ones. ‘Tyler made a drawing of 24. Do you agree with how he showed 24? Why or why not? (No, because he drew 4 tens and 2 ones instead of 2 tens and 4 ones. He made the number 42 instead of 24.). Tyler’s drawing shows 42, not 24. They both have the digits 2 and 4, but they are in different places, which makes them different numbers.’” Narrative states, “Students choose two number cards and create a two-digit number. As they build the two-digit numbers with towers of 10 and singles, students see that each two-digit number is composed of a number of tens and a number of ones (MP8).”

  • Unit 6, Length Measurements Within 120 Units, Lesson 4, Warm-up, students use repeated reasoning to make ten to find sums within 50. Student Facing states, “Find the value of each expression mentally. 9+69+6, 29+629+6, 39+739+7, 39+939+9.” Narrative states, “When students notice how they can make a ten when finding the value of each expression or when they use one sum to find the value of the next sum, they look for and make use of structure and express regularity in repeated reasoning (MP7, MP8).” Activity Synthesis states, “Did anyone have the same method but would explain it differently? Did anyone approach the problem in a different way?”

Overview of Gateway 3


The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for Usability. The materials meet expectations for Criterion 1, Teacher Supports; partially meet expectations for Criterion 2, Assessment; and meet expectations for Criterion 3, Student Supports.

Criterion 3.1: Teacher Supports


The program includes opportunities for teachers to effectively plan and utilize materials with integrity and to further develop their own understanding of the content.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for Teacher Supports. The materials: provide teacher guidance with useful annotations and suggestions for enacting the student and ancillary materials; contain adult-level explanations and examples of the more complex grade-level concepts and concepts beyond the current grade so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject; include standards correlation information that explains the role of the standards in the context of the overall series; provide explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and identification of the research-based strategies; and provide a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support instructional activities.

Indicator 3A

Materials provide teacher guidance with useful annotations and suggestions for how to enact the student materials and ancillary materials, with specific attention to engaging students in order to guide their mathematical development.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for providing teacher guidance with useful annotations and suggestions for how to enact the student materials and ancillary materials, with specific attention to engaging students in order to guide their mathematical development.

Materials provide comprehensive guidance that will assist teachers in presenting the student and ancillary materials. This is located within IM Curriculum, How to Use These Materials, and the Course Guide, Scope and Sequence. Examples include:

  • IM Curriculum, How To Use These Materials, Design Principles, Coherent Progression provides an overview of the design and implementation guidance for the program, “The overarching design structure at each level is as follows: Each unit starts with an invitation to the mathematics. The first few lessons provide an accessible entry point for all students and offer teachers the opportunity to observe students’ prior understandings. Each lesson starts with a warm-up to activate prior knowledge and set up the work of the day. This is followed by instructional activities in which students are introduced to new concepts, procedures, contexts, or representations, or make connections between them. The lesson ends with a synthesis to consolidate understanding and make the learning goals of the lesson explicit, followed by a cool-down to apply what was learned. Each activity starts with a launch that gives all students access to the task. This is followed by independent work time that allows them to grapple with problems individually before working in small groups. The activity ends with a synthesis to ensure students have an opportunity to consolidate their learning by making connections between their work and the mathematical goals. In each of the activities, care has been taken to choose contexts and numbers that support the coherent sequence of learning goals in the lesson.”

  • Course Guide, Scope and Sequence, provides an overview of content and expectations for the units, “The big ideas in grade 1 include: developing understanding of addition, subtraction, and strategies for addition and subtraction within 20; developing understanding of whole-number relationships and place value, including grouping in tens and ones; developing understanding of linear measurement and measuring lengths as iterating length units; and reasoning about attributes of, and composing and decomposing geometric shapes. In these materials, particularly in units that focus on addition and subtraction, teachers will find terms that refer to problem types, such as Add To, Take From, Put Together or Take Apart, Compare, Result Unknown, and so on. These problem types are based on common addition and subtraction situations, as outlined in Table 1 of the Mathematics Glossary section of the Common Core State Standards.”

Materials include sufficient and useful annotations and suggestions that are presented within the context of the specific learning objectives. Several components focus specifically on the content of the lesson. Preparation and lesson narratives within the Warm-up, Activities, and Cool-down provide useful annotations. Examples include:

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, Lesson 17, Activity 1, teachers are provided guidance to support students in transitioning from using 10 frames to writing mathematical equations. Narrative states, “The purpose of this activity is for students to find sums when one addend is nine. Students represent sums on the 10-frame to encourage them to use the structure of a ten. During the launch, the teacher demonstrates playing a round of the game. It is important to let students discover patterns as they play the game. For example, when finding the sum of 9+59+5, some students may represent each addend on a separate 10-frame and count to find the sum. Other students may use the associative property and move one counter from the five, and add it to the nine to make a ten. (A picture of a 10-frame is provided.) Students may generalize that when they take one from an addend to make 10, the sum has one less one than that addend. When students build this understanding, they may no longer need to show their thinking on the 10-frame and can just write an equation. By repeatedly making the ten by taking one from an addend, students may see and use the structure of ten to add on (MP7, MP8).”

  • Unit 4, Numbers to 99, Lesson 7, Warm-up, provides teachers guidance about how two-digit numbers are composed of tens and ones. Launch states, “Groups of 2. Display the image. ‘What do you notice? What do you wonder?’ 1 minute: quiet think time.” Activity states, “‘Discuss your thinking with your partner.’ 1 minute: partner discussion. Share and record responses.” Activity Synthesis states, “‘The numbers in Set B are called two-digit numbers.’ Display 89. ‘This is one number, the number eighty-nine. This number has two digits, an 8 and a 9. In the number 89, the 8 tells us how many tens are in the number and the 9 tells us how many ones are in the number. Today you will work on making two-digit numbers.’”

Indicator 3B

Materials contain adult-level explanations and examples of the more complex grade-level/course-level concepts and concepts beyond the current course so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for containing adult-level explanations and examples of the more complex grade-level concepts and concepts beyond the current grade so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject.

Within the Teacher’s Guide, IM Curriculum, About These Materials, there are sections entitled “Further Reading” that consistently link research to pedagogy. There are adult-level explanations, including examples of the more complex grade-level concepts and concepts beyond the grade, so that teachers can improve their own understanding of the content. Professional articles support teachers with learning opportunities about topics such as ensuring mathematical success for all, early understanding of equality, and repeating patterns. Additionally, each lesson provides teachers with a lesson narrative, including adult-level explanations and examples of the more complex grade/course-level concepts. Examples include:

  • IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide, About These Materials, Unit 2, The Power of Small Ideas, “In this blog post, McCallum discusses, among other ideas, the use of a letter to represent a number. The foundation of this idea is introduced in this unit when students first represent an unknown with an empty box.” Representing Subtraction of Signed Numbers: Can You Spot the Difference?, “In this blog post, Anderson and Drawdy discuss how counting on to find the difference plays a foundational role in understanding subtraction with negative numbers on the number line in middle school.” 

  • IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide, About These Materials, Unit 3, Connection to a book by Russell, S.J., Schifter D., & Bastable, V. (2011), supports teachers with context for work beyond the grade, “Connecting Arithmetic to Algebra: Strategies for Building Algebraic Thinking in the Elementary Grades. Heinemann. This book explains how generalizing the basic operations, rather than focusing on isolated computations, strengthens students’ fluency and understanding which helps prepare them for the transition from arithmetic to algebra. Chapter 1, Generalizing in Arithmetic, is available as a free sample from the publisher.”

  • Unit 4, Numbers to 99, Lesson 1, Preparation, Lesson Narrative states, “In the previous unit, students learned that a ten is a unit made up of 10 ones. Students learned that teen numbers are made up of 1 ten and some more ones, using 10-frames, drawings, and expressions . In kindergarten, students learned the counting sequence by ones and tens up to 100. The purpose of this lesson is for teachers to formatively assess how students count objects up to 60 through two counting activities. In the first activity, students count objects and represent how many in a way that makes sense to them, then compare the ways they counted. In the second activity, students count bags of different quantities that are multiples of 10, and begin to make sense of grouping objects into tens. Suggested objects include pennies, paper clips, buttons, connecting cubes, inch tiles, counters, or any other objects around the classroom. Students should also be given access to cups, paper plates and double 10-frames to help them organize their collections if they would like.”

  • Unit 6, Length Measurements Within 120 Units, Lesson 5, Preparation, Lesson Narrative states, “In previous lessons, students ordered a set of three objects by length. Students also compared lengths of objects indirectly by using a third object. The purpose of this lesson is for students to describe lengths of objects in terms of connecting cubes. Students measure by using connecting cube towers because the units are lined up without gaps or overlaps, a concept they will explore in future lessons. In the first activity, students use connecting cube towers to measure the length of different animals. Students build towers that are exactly the same length as the animals and make a comparison statement (‘The grasshopper is the same length as a tower of 7 cubes’). In the second activity, students use connecting cube towers to measure the length of more animals and describe the length as ‘___ cubes long.’ Even though the side-length of the cube is the unit, it’s appropriate for students to describe length in terms of ‘x cubes long.’ This transition in language helps students understand that the length of objects can be described as a number of length units (MP6). In this lesson, the length unit is the length of a single connecting cube.”

Indicator 3C

Materials include standards correlation information that explains the role of the standards in the context of the overall series.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for including standards correlation information that explains the role of the standards in the context of the overall series. 

Correlation information is present for the mathematics standards addressed throughout the grade level/series and can be found in several places, including the curriculum course guide, within unit resources, and within each lesson. Examples include:

  • Grade 1, Course Guide, Lesson Standards includes a table with each grade-level lesson (in columns) and aligned grade-level standards (in rows). Teachers can search any lesson for the grade and identify the standard(s) that are addressed within.

  • Grade 1, Course Guide, Lesson Standards, includes all Grade 1 standards and the units and lessons each standard appears in. Teachers can search a standard for the grade and identify the lesson(s) where it appears within materials.

  • Unit 3, Resources, Teacher Guide, outlines standards, learning targets and the lesson where they appear. This is present for all units and allows teachers to identify targeted standards for any lesson.

  • Unit 6, Length Measurements Within 120 Units, Lesson 3, the Core Standard is identified as 1.MD.A.1. Lessons contain a consistent structure: a Warm-up that includes Narrative, Launch, Activity, Activity Synthesis; Activity 1, 2, or 3 that includes Narrative, Launch, Activity; an Activity Synthesis; a Lesson Synthesis; and a Cool-down that includes Responding to Student Thinking and Next Day Supports. This provides an additional place to reference standards, and language of the standard, within each lesson.

Each unit includes an overview outlining the content standards addressed within as well as a narrative describing relevant prior and future content connections. Examples include:

  • Grade 1, Course Guide, Scope and Sequence, Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, Unit Learning Goals, includes an overview of how the math of this module builds from previous work in math, “In kindergarten, students solved a limited number of types of story problems within 10 (Add To/Take From, Result Unknown, and Put Together/Take Apart, Total Unknown, and Both Addends Unknown). They represented their thinking using objects, fingers, mental images, and drawings. Students saw equations and may have used them to represent their thinking, but were not required to do so. Here, students encounter most of the problem types introduced in grade 1: Add to/Take From, Change Unknown, Put Together/Take Apart, Unknowns in All Positions, and Compare, Difference Unknown. The numbers are kept within 10 so students can focus on interpreting each problem and the relationship between counting and addition and subtraction. This also allows students to continue developing fluency with addition and subtraction within 10.”

  • Grade 1, Course Guide, Scope and Sequence, Unit 7: Geometry and Time, Unit Learning Goals, includes an overview of how the math of this module builds from previous work in math, “In this unit, students focus on geometry and time. They expand their knowledge of two- and three-dimensional shapes, partition shapes into halves and fourths, and tell time to the hour and half of an hour. Center activities and warm-ups continue to enable students to solidify their work with adding and subtracting within 20 and adding within 100. In kindergarten, students learned about flat and solid shapes. They named, described, built, and compared shapes. They learned the names of some flat shapes (triangle, circle, square, and rectangle) and some solid shapes (cube, sphere, cylinder, and cone).”

Indicator 3D

Materials provide strategies for informing all stakeholders, including students, parents, or caregivers about the program and suggestions for how they can help support student progress and achievement.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 provide strategies for informing all stakeholders, including students, parents, or caregivers about the program and suggestions for how they can help support student progress and achievement. 

Each unit has corresponding Family Support Materials, in English and Spanish, that provide a variety of supports for families. Each unit includes a narrative for stakeholders, describing what students will learn within each section. Additionally, Try it at home! includes suggestions for at home activities and questions families can ask, all geared towards supporting the mathematical ideas in the unit. Examples include:

  • For Families, Grade 1, Unit 2, Adding and Subtracting within 100, Family Support Materials, “In this unit, students add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and the relationship between addition and subtraction. They then use what they know to solve story problems. Section A: Add and Subtract. This section allows students to use methods that make sense to them to help them solve addition and subtraction problems. They can draw diagrams and use connecting cubes to show their thinking. For example, students would be exposed to the following situation: Make trains with cubes. Find the total number of cubes you and your partner used. Show your thinking. Find the difference between the number of cubes you and your partner used. Show your thinking. As the lessons progress, students analyze the structure of base-ten blocks and use them to support place-value reasoning. Unlike connecting cubes, base-ten blocks cannot be pulled apart. Students begin to think about two-digit numbers in terms of tens and ones. To add using base-ten blocks, they group the tens and the ones, and then count to find the sum.”

  • For Families, Grade 1, Unit 6, Geometry, Time, and Money, Family Support Materials, Try it at home!, “Near the end of the unit, ask your student to do the following tasks: Find different shapes around the house (bonus points for finding non-traditional shapes!). Tell time on an analog clock. Pull out some coins and determine the value of the coin combination. Questions that may be helpful as they work: How did you know it was (shape name)? How did you determine the time? What kind of coin is this? How much is it worth? How did you figure out the total value of the coin combination?”

  • For Families, Grade 1, Unit 9, Putting It All Together, Family Support Materials, “Students put together their understanding from throughout the year to cap off major work and fluency goals of the grade. Section A: Fluency Within 20. Students develop fluency with addition and subtraction within 20. One of the requirements in grade 2 is to have fluency with all sums and differences within 20, and know from memory all sums of 2 one-digit numbers. When students encounter sums and differences they do not know right away, they use mental math strategies and other methods they have learned throughout the year. They may use facts they know, make equivalent expressions, or compose or decompose a number to make a 10. Students continue to apply their mental strategies as they find sums and differences within 20 in a measurement context. They measure standard lengths and create line plots, and then use the measurements to add and subtract.”

Indicator 3E

Materials provide explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and identification of the research-based strategies.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for providing explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and identification of the research-based strategies. 

The IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide, Design Principles, outlines the instructional approaches of the program, “It is our intent to create a problem-based curriculum that fosters the development of mathematics learning communities in classrooms, gives students access to the mathematics through a coherent progression, and provides teachers the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of mathematics, student thinking, and their own teaching practice. In order to design curriculum and professional learning materials that support student and teacher learning, we need to be explicit about the principles that guide our understanding of mathematics teaching and learning. This document outlines how the components of the curriculum are designed to support teaching and learning aligning with this belief.” Examples of the design principles include:

  • IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide, Design Principles, All Students are Capable Learners of Mathematics, “All students, each with unique knowledge and needs, enter the mathematics learning community as capable learners of meaningful mathematics. Mathematics instruction that supports students in viewing themselves as capable and competent must leverage and build upon the funds of knowledge they bring to the classroom. In order to do this, instruction must be grounded in equitable structures and practices that provide all students with access to grade-level content and provide teachers with necessary guidance to listen to, learn from, and support each student. The curriculum materials include classroom structures that support students in taking risks, engaging in mathematical discourse, productively struggling through problems, and participating in ways that make their ideas visible. It is through these classroom structures that teachers will have daily opportunities to learn about and leverage their students’ understandings and experiences and how to position each student as a capable learner of mathematics.”

  • IM K-5 Teacher Guide, Design Principles, Coherent Progression, “Each unit starts with an invitation to the mathematics. The first few lessons provide an accessible entry point for all students and offer teachers the opportunity to observe students’ prior understandings. Each lesson starts with a warm-up to activate prior knowledge and set up the work of the day. This is followed by instructional activities in which students are introduced to new concepts, procedures, contexts, or representations, or make connections between them. The lesson ends with a synthesis to consolidate understanding and make the learning goals of the lesson explicit, followed by a cool-down to apply what was learned. Each activity starts with a launch that gives all students access to the task. This is followed by independent work time that allows them to grapple with problems individually before working in small groups. The activity ends with a synthesis to ensure students have an opportunity to consolidate their learning by making connections between their work and the mathematical goals. In each of the activities, care has been taken to choose contexts and numbers that support the coherent sequence of learning goals in the lesson.” 

  • IM K-5 Teacher Guide, Design Principles, Learning Mathematics by Doing Mathematics, “Students learn mathematics by doing mathematics, rather than by watching someone else do mathematics or being told what needs to be done. Doing mathematics can be defined as learning mathematical concepts and procedures while engaging in the mathematical practices—making sense of problems, reasoning abstractly and quantitatively, making arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others, modeling with mathematics, making appropriate use of tools, attending to precision in their use of language, looking for and making use of structure, and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning. By engaging in the mathematical practices with their peers, students have the opportunity to see themselves as mathematical thinkers with worthwhile ideas and perspectives. ‘Students learn mathematics as a result of solving problems. Mathematical ideas are the outcomes of the problem-solving experience rather than the elements that must be taught before problem solving’ (Hiebert et al., 1996). A problem-based instructional framework supports teachers in structuring lessons so students are the ones doing the problem solving to learn the mathematics. The activities and routines are designed to give teachers opportunities to see what students already know and what they can notice and figure out before having concepts and procedures explained to them.”

Research-based strategies are cited and described within the IM Curriculum and can be found in various sections of the IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide. Examples of research-based strategies include:

  • IM Certified, Blog, The Story of Grade 1, Brianne Durst, Deep Dive into New Learning in Unit 4 (Numbers to 99) and Unit 5 (Adding within 100), “In Unit 4, students use what they have learned about teen numbers and the unit of ten to generalize the structure of two-digit numbers, relating the two digits to the number of tens and ones. They interpret and use multiple representations of numbers up to 99, such as connecting cubes, base-ten diagrams, words, and expressions. Connecting cubes in towers of 10 and singles are used throughout grade 1, rather than base-ten blocks, so that units of ten can be physically composed and decomposed with the cubes. Although students work physically with connecting cubes, they interpret base-ten diagrams, recognizing the diagram as a simplified image of the connecting cubes. This helps students make sense of a more efficient way of drawing diagrams to match their connecting cubes. As students develop their understanding of place value and work with each of these representations, they are able to compare any two-digit numbers by comparing the number of tens, and, if needed, the number of ones.”

  • IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide, Design Principles, Using the 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Discussions, “Promoting productive and meaningful conversations between students and teachers is essential to success in a problem-based classroom. The Instructional Routines section of the teacher course guide describes the framework presented in 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematical Discussions (Smith & Stein, 2011) and points teachers to the book for further reading. In all lessons, teachers are supported in the practices of anticipating, monitoring, and selecting student work to share during whole-group discussions. In lessons in which there are opportunities for students to make connections between representations, strategies, concepts, and procedures, the lesson and activity narratives provide support for teachers to also use the practices of sequencing and connecting, and the lesson is tagged so teachers can easily identify these opportunities. Teachers have opportunities in curriculum workshops and PLCs to practice and reflect on their own enactment of the 5 Practices.”

  • IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide, Key Structures in This Course, Student Journal Prompts, “Writing can be a useful catalyst in learning mathematics because it not only supplies students with an opportunity to describe their feelings, thinking, and ideas clearly, but it also serves as a means of communicating with other people (Baxter, Woodward, Olson, & Robyns, 2002; Liedtke & Sales, 2001; NCTM, 2000). NCTM (1989) suggests that writing about mathematics can help students clarify their ideas and develop a deeper understanding of the mathematics at hand.”

Indicator 3F

Materials provide a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support instructional activities.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for providing a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support instructional activities. 

The Course Guide includes a section titled “Required Materials” that includes a breakdown of materials needed for each unit and for each lesson. Additionally, specific lessons outline materials to support the instructional activities and these can be found on the “Preparation” tab in a section called “Required Materials.” Examples include:

  • Unit 1, Adding, Subtracting, and Working with Data, Lesson 4, Activity 1, Required Materials, “10-frames, Materials from a previous activity, Number cards 0–10, Two-color counters.” Launch states, “Give each group a set of number cards, a game board, two-color counters, and access to 10-frames. We are going to learn a new way to play, Five in a Row. Last time we played, we added one or two to the number on our card. This time, you will take turns flipping over a card and choosing whether to subtract one or two from the number. Then put a counter on the number on the game board. The first person to get five counters in a row wins. Remember, your counters can be in a row across, up and down, or diagonally.” 

  • Course Guide, Required Materials for Grade 1, Materials Needed for Unit 3, Lesson 4, teachers need, “10-frames, Crayons, Cups, Materials from previous centers, Two-color counters, Shake and Spill Stage 3 Recording Sheet Grade 1 (groups of 1).” 

  • Unit 4, Numbers to 99, Lesson 7, Activity 1, Required Materials, “Connecting cubes in towers of 10 and singles, Number cards 0-10, Materials to copy (Make It, Two-Digit Numbers Recording Sheet Number, Drawing, Words).” Launch states, “Groups of 2. Give each group a set of number cards, connecting cubes in towers of 10 and singles, and recording sheets. Ask students to take out the cards with 10 on them. ‘We are going to play a game called Make It. You will work with your partner to make a two-digit number and represent the number in different ways.’ Display two number cards and the recording sheet. ‘First, one partner picks two number cards and makes a two-digit number. I picked a [3] and a [5]. What two-digit numbers can I make?’ (35 or 53). Demonstrate writing one of the numbers on the recording sheet. ‘Now both partners say the number. Then, the partner who made the number watches the other partner build the number with connecting cubes. Make sure you both agree on how to build the number. Then both partners complete the recording sheet with a drawing and the number of tens and ones.”

  • Course Guide, Required Materials for Grade 1, Materials Needed for Unit 7, Lesson 1, teachers need, “Bags (brown paper), Geoblocks, Materials from a previous activity, Solid shapes.”

Indicator 3G

This is not an assessed indicator in Mathematics.

Indicator 3H

This is not an assessed indicator in Mathematics.

Criterion 3.2: Assessment


The program includes a system of assessments identifying how materials provide tools, guidance, and support for teachers to collect, interpret, and act on data about student progress towards the standards.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 partially meet expectations for Assessment. The materials identify the standards and the mathematical practices assessed in formal assessments. The materials provide multiple opportunities to determine students' learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance but do not provide suggestions for follow-up. The materials include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of grade-level standards and mathematical practices across the series.

Indicator 3I

Assessment information is included in the materials to indicate which standards are assessed.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for having assessment information included in the materials to indicate which standards are assessed. 

End-of-Unit Assessments and the End-of-Course Assessments consistently and accurately identify grade-level content standards. Content standards can be found in each Unit Assessment Teacher Guide. Examples from formal assessments include:

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, End-of-Unit Assessment, Assessment Teacher Guide denotes standards addressed for each problem. Problem 5, 1.OA.4 and 1.OA.6, “Clare says that 16716-7 must be 9 because 9+7=169+7=16. Do you agree with Clare? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words.”

  • Unit 4, Numbers to 99, End-of-Unit Assessment, Assessment Teacher Guide denotes standards addressed for each problem. Problem 2, 1.NBT.2, “Circle the 2 expressions that are equal to 53. A. 3+503+50. B. 30+530+5. C. 40+1040+10. D. 50+350+3. E. 5+35+3.”

  • Unit 8, Putting it All Together, End-of-Course Assessment, Assessment Teacher Guide denotes standards addressed for each problem. Problem 5, 1.OA.1, “Jada’s bracelet has 12 beads. 7 of the beads are green and the rest are pink. How many pink beads are on Jada’s bracelet? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words.”

Guidance is provided within materials for assessing progress of the Mathematical Practices. According to IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide, How to Use These Materials, “Because using the mathematical practices is part of a process for engaging with mathematical content, we suggest assessing the Mathematical Practices formatively. For example, if you notice that most students do not use appropriate tools strategically (MP5), plan in future lessons to select and highlight work from students who have chosen different tools.” For each grade, there is a chart outlining a handful of lessons in each unit that showcase certain mathematical practices. There is also guidance provided for tracking progress against “I can” statements aligned to each practice, “Since the Mathematical Practices in action can take many forms, a list of learning targets for each Mathematical Practice is provided to support teachers and students in recognizing when engagement with a particular Mathematical Practice is happening. The intent of the list is not that students check off every item on the list. Rather, the ‘I can’ statements are examples of the types of actions students could do if they are engaging with a particular Mathematical Practice.” Examples include:

  • IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide, How to Use These Materials, Standards for Mathematical Practices Chart, Grade 1, MP1 is found in Unit 3, Lessons 5, 11, 12, 15, and 20.

  • IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide, How to Use These Materials, Standard for Mathematical Practices Chart, Grade 1, MP7 is found in Unit 5, Lessons 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, and 12. 

  • IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide, How to Use These Materials, Standards for Mathematical Practice Student Facing Learning Targets, “MP2 I Can Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively. I can think about and show numbers in many ways. I can identify the things that can be counted in a problem. I can think about what the numbers in a problem mean and how to use them to solve the problem. I can make connections between real-world situations and objects, diagrams, numbers, expressions, or equations.”

  • IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide, How to Use These Materials, Standards for Mathematical Practice Student Facing Learning Targets, “MP5 I Can Use Appropriate Tools Strategically. I can choose a tool that will help me make sense of a problem. These tools might include counters, base-ten blocks, tiles, a protractor, ruler, patty paper, graph, table, or external resources. I can use tools to help explain my thinking. I know how to use a variety of math tools to solve a problem.”

Indicator 3J

Assessment system provides multiple opportunities throughout the grade, course, and/or series to determine students' learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance and suggestions for follow-up.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 partially meet expectations for including an assessment system that provides multiple opportunities throughout the grade, course, and/or series to determine students’ learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance and suggestions for follow-up. 

Each End-of-Unit Assessment and End-of-Course Assessment provides guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance, with an answer key and standard alignment. According to the Teacher Guide, Summative Assessments, “All summative assessment problems include a complete solution and standard alignment. Multiple choice and multiple response problems often include a reason for each potential error a student might make.” Examples from the assessment system include:

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, End-of-Unit Assessment, Problem 7, “Find the value of each expression. a. 5+35+3, b. 11+611+6, c. 979-7, d. 18518-5, e. 10+310+3, f. 151015-10.” The Assessment Teacher Guide states, “Students find the value of sums and differences within 20. No explanation is expected. The problems address several important skills: fluency within 10 (first and third problems), understanding teen numbers as 10 and some more (problems 5 and 6), working with teen numbers with no composition (problems 2 and 4).” The answer key aligns this problem to 1.OA.6.

  • Unit 5, Adding Within 100, End-of-Unit Assessment, Problem 2, “Circle 3 expressions with the same value as 26+1726+17. A. 26+10+726+10+7. B. 20+10620+106. C. 26+4+3+1026+4+3+10 D. 17+3+2017+3+20. E. 20+10+6+720+10+6+7.” The Assessment Teacher Guide states, “Students select expressions that are equivalent to a given expression. While they can find the value of each expression, the given expressions are chosen to represent a method that students have seen and used to add two-digit numbers. For example, 26+10+726+10+7 shows the method of adding on the tens and then the ones. The expression 26+4+3+1026+4+3+10 shows making a ten using some of the ones of 17 then adding the rest of those ones and the 10. The response 20+10+6+720+10+6+7 is the method of adding tens first and then ones. Students who select 20+10+620+10+6 or 17+3+2017+3+20 have probably not seen that each of these expressions leaves off part of one of the addends.” The answer key aligns this problem to 1.NBT.4.

  • Unit 8, Putting It All Together, End-of-Course Assessment, Problem 13, “A hallway is longer than a flagpole. The flagpole is longer than a snake. Circle 3 correct statements. A. The flagpole is shorter than the hallway. B. The snake is longer than the flagpole. C. The hallway is shorter than the snake. D. The hallway is longer than the snake. E. The snake is longer than the hallway. F. The snake is shorter than the hallway.” The Assessment Teacher Guide states, “Students solve a Take Away, Result Unknown story problem. They may draw a picture as in the provided solution or they may write an equation or explain their reasoning in words.” The answer key aligns this problem to 1.MD.1.

While assessments provide guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance, suggestions for following-up with students are either minimal or absent. Cool-Downs, at the end of each lesson, include some suggestions. According to IM Curriculum, Cool-Downs, “The cool-down (also known as an exit slip or exit ticket) is to be given to students at the end of the lesson. This activity serves as a brief check-in to determine whether students understood the main concepts of that lesson. Teachers can use this as a formative assessment to plan further instruction. When appropriate, guidance for unfinished learning, evidenced by the cool-down, is provided in two categories: next-day support and prior-unit support. This guidance is meant to provide teachers ways in which to continue grade-level content while also giving students the additional support they may need.” An example includes:

  • Unit 6, Length Measurements Within 120 Units, Lesson 2, Cool-down, Student Facing states, “The pencil is longer than the pen. The marker is shorter than the pen. Use the words pencil and marker to complete this sentence: The ___ is shorter than the ___.” Responding to Student Thinking states, “Students write, The pencil is shorter than the marker.” Next Day Supports states, “During the launch of the next day's activity, have students use objects or drawings to represent the problem in the cool-down.” This problem aligns to 1.MD.1.

Indicator 3K

Assessments include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of grade-level/course-level standards and practices across the series.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for providing assessments that include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of grade-level standards and practices across the series.

Formative assessment opportunities include some end of lesson cool-downs, interviews, and Checkpoint Assessments for each section. Summative assessments include End-of-Unit Assessments and the End-of-Course Assessment. Assessments regularly demonstrate the full intent of grade-level content and practice standards through a variety of item types, including multiple choice, multiple response, short answer, restricted constructed response, and extended response. Examples from summative assessments include:

  • Unit 1, Adding, Subtracting, and Working with Data, End-of-Unit Assessment supports the full intent of MP1 (Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them) as students count tallies from a table. For example, Problem 3 states, “The table shows the different shapes on Jada’s desk. How many squares are on Jada’s desk? ___ How many shapes are on Jada’s desk?___ .” An image of a table showing a triangle, circle, and square with tally marks for each is shown. 

  • Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, End-of-Unit Assessment supports the full intent of MP7 (Look for and make use of structure) as students choose equations to represent a story problem. For example, Problem 4 states, “Mai drew 2 stars in her notebook. Then she drew some hearts. Now there are 8 shapes altogether. How many hearts did Mai draw in her notebook? Circle 2 equations that match the story. A. ___. B. 2+2+___. C. 82=8-2=___. D. ___. E. 2+8=2+8=___.”

  • Unit 5, Adding Within 100, End-of-Unit Assessment develops the full intent of 1.NBT.4 (Add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Understand that in adding two-digit numbers, one adds tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten). For example, Problem 3 states, “Find the value of each sum. Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. a. 74+574+5 b. 45+945+9, c. 23+4823+48.”

  • Unit 6, Length Measurements Within 120 Units, End-of-Unit Assessment develops the full intent of 1.OA.1 (Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions). For example, Problem 6 states, “There were some students on the bus. 7 students got off at the bus stop. Now there are 6 students on the bus. a. Write an equation that matches the story. Use a ? for the unknown number. How does the equation match the story? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. b. How many students were on the bus before the stop? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, words, or equations.”

Indicator 3L

Assessments offer accommodations that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills without changing the content of the assessment.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 offer accommodations that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills without changing the content of the assessment. These suggestions are provided within the Teacher Guide in a section called “Universal Design for Learning and Access for Students with Disabilities.” As such, they are included at the program level and not specific to each assessment.

Examples of accommodations include:

  • IM K-5 Teacher Guide, How to Assess Progress, Summative Assessment Opportunity, “In K–2, the assessment may be read aloud to students, as needed.”

  • IM K-5 Teacher Guide, UDL Strategies to Enhance Access states, “Present content using multiple modalities: Act it out, think aloud, use gestures, use a picture, show a video, demonstrate with objects or manipulatives. Annotate displays with specific language, different colors, shading, arrows, labels, notes, diagrams, or drawings. Provide appropriate reading accommodations. Highlight connections between representations to make patterns and properties explicit. Present problems or contexts in multiple ways, with diagrams, drawings, pictures, media, tables, graphs, or other mathematical representations. Use translations, descriptions, movement, and images to support unfamiliar words or phrases.”

  • IM K-5 Teacher Guide, UDL Strategies to Enhance Access states, “It is important for teachers to understand that students with visual impairments are likely to need help accessing images in lesson activities and assessments, and prepare appropriate accommodations. Be aware that mathematical diagrams are provided as scalable vector graphics (SVG format), because this format can be magnified without loss of resolution. Accessibility experts who reviewed this curriculum recommended that students who would benefit should have access to a Braille version of the curriculum materials, because a verbal description of many of the complex mathematical diagrams would be inadequate for supporting their learning. All diagrams are provided in the SVG file type so that they can be rendered in Braille format.”

  • IM K-5 Teacher Guide, UDL Strategies to Enhance Access states, “Develop Expression and Communication, Offer flexibility and choice with the ways students demonstrate and communicate their understanding. Invite students to explain their thinking verbally or nonverbally with manipulatives, drawings, diagrams. Support fluency with graduated levels of support or practice. Apply and gradually release scaffolds to support independent learning. Support discourse with sentence frames or visible language displays.”

Criterion 3.3: Student Supports


The program includes materials designed for each student’s regular and active participation in grade-level/grade-band/series content.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for Student Supports. The materials provide: strategies and supports for students in special populations and for students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English to support their regular and active participation in learning grade-level mathematics; multiple extensions and/or opportunities for students to engage with grade-level mathematics at higher levels of complexity; and manipulatives, both virtual and physical, that are accurate representations of the mathematical objects they represent and, when appropriate, are connected to written methods.

Indicator 3M

Materials provide strategies and supports for students in special populations to support their regular and active participation in learning grade-level/series mathematics.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for providing strategies and supports for students in special populations to support their regular and active participation in learning grade-level mathematics.

Materials regularly provide strategies, supports, and resources for students in special populations to help them access grade-level mathematics as suggestions are outlined within each lesson and parts of each lesson. According to the IM K-5 Teacher Guide, Universal Design for Learning and Access for Students with Disabilities, “These materials empower all students with activities that capitalize on their existing strengths and abilities to ensure that all learners can participate meaningfully in rigorous mathematical content. Lessons support a flexible approach to instruction and provide teachers with options for additional support to address the needs of a diverse group of students, positioning all learners as competent, valued contributors. When planning to support access, teachers should consider the strengths and needs of their particular students. The following areas of cognitive functioning are integral to learning mathematics (Addressing Accessibility Project, Brodesky et al., 2002). Conceptual Processing includes perceptual reasoning, problem solving, and metacognition. Language includes auditory and visual language processing and expression. Visual-Spatial Processing includes processing visual information and understanding relation in space of visual mathematical representations and geometric concepts. Organization includes organizational skills, attention, and focus. Memory includes working memory and short-term memory. Attention includes paying attention to details, maintaining focus, and filtering out extraneous information. Social-Emotional Functioning includes interpersonal skills and the cognitive comfort and safety required in order to take risks and make mistakes. Fine-motor Skills include tasks that require small muscle movement and coordination such as manipulating objects (graphing, cutting with scissors, writing).” 

Examples of supports for special populations include: 

  • Unit 1, Adding, Subtracting, and Working with Data, Lesson 9, Activity 1, Narrative, Access for Students with Disabilities, “Representation: Access for Perception. Students with color blindness will benefit from verbal emphasis, gestures, or labeled displays to distinguish between colors of connecting cubes. Supports accessibility for: Visual-Spatial Processing.

  • Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, Lesson 11, Activity 2, Narrative, Access for Students with Disabilities, “Engagement: Provide Access by Recruiting Interest. Provide choice and autonomy. In addition to connecting cubes, provide access to red, yellow, and blue crayons or colored pencils they can use to represent and solve the story problems. Supports accessibility for: Visual-Spatial Processing, Conceptual Processing.

  • Unit 5, Adding Within 100, Lesson 4, Activity 1, Narrative, Access for Students with Disabilities, “Representation: Develop Language and Symbols. Make connections between the representations visible. For example, ask students to identify correspondences between the visual representation and the expression 37+2637+26. Supports accessibility for: Visual-Spatial Processing, Conceptual Processing.

  • Unit 7, Geometry and Time, Lesson 9, Activity 3, Narrative, Access for Students with Disabilities, “Action and Expression: Develop Expression and Communication. Give students access to a straight edge or ruler. Supports accessibility for: Fine Motor Skills, Visual-Spatial Processing.”

Indicator 3N

Materials provide extensions and/or opportunities for students to engage with grade-level/course-level mathematics at higher levels of complexity.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for providing extensions and/or opportunities for students to engage with grade-level mathematics at higher levels of complexity.

While there are no instances where advanced students do more assignments than classmates, materials do provide multiple opportunities for students to investigate grade-level content at a higher level of complexity. These are found in a section titled “Exploration Problems” within lessons where appropriate. According to the IM K-5 Teacher Guide, How To Use The Materials, Exploration Problems, “Each practice problem set also includes exploration questions that provide an opportunity for differentiation for students ready for more of a challenge. There are two types of exploration questions. One type is a hands-on activity directly related to the material of the unit that students can do either in class if they have free time, or at home. The second type of exploration is more open-ended and challenging. These problems go deeper into grade-level mathematics. They are not routine or procedural, and they are not just the same thing again but with harder numbers. Exploration questions are intended to be used on an opt-in basis by students if they finish a main class activity early or want to do more mathematics on their own. It is not expected that an entire class engages in exploration problems, and it is not expected that any student works on all of them. Exploration problems may also be good fodder for a Problem of the Week or similar structure.” Examples include:

  • Unit 1, Adding, Subtracting, and Working with Data, Section C: What Does the Data Tell Us?, Problem 7, Exploration, “Gather data at home or school and make a display of the data. Ask a math question about the data. Trade displays and questions with a partner and answer your partner’s question.”

  • Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, Section A: Add To and Take From Story Problems, Problem 8, Exploration, “Choose one of the equations. 1. 5+5+___. 2. 83=8-3=___. 3. 3+3+___. 4. 5+3=5+3=___. Write a story problem that the equation matches. Trade with a partner and decide which equation matches your partner’s story.”

  • Unit 5, Adding Within 100, Section B: Make a Ten: Add One- and Two-digit Numbers, Problem 7, Exploration, “Priya is playing the game Target Numbers. Priya starts at 25 and picks these six cards: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8. She chooses whether to add that many tens or ones for each card. What is the highest score she can get without going over 95? Use equations to show your thinking.”

  • Unit 7, Geometry and Time, Section C: Tell Time in Hours and Half Hours, Problem 4, Exploration, “Show the time during the day when you might do each of these things. 1. wake up in the morning, 2. go to school, 3. have a snack, 4. go for recess, 5. have lunch.”

Indicator 3O

Materials provide varied approaches to learning tasks over time and variety in how students are expected to demonstrate their learning with opportunities for students to monitor their learning.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 provide various approaches to learning tasks over time and variety in how students are expected to demonstrate their learning, but do not provide opportunities for students to monitor their learning.

Students engage with problem-solving in a variety of ways within each lesson: Warm-up, Instructional Activities, Cool-down, and Centers. According to the IM K-5 Teacher Guide, A Typical IM Lesson, “After the warm-up, lessons consist of a sequence of one to three instructional activities. The activities are the heart of the mathematical experience and make up the majority of the time spent in class. An activity can serve one or more of many purposes. Provide experience with a new context. Introduce a new concept and associated language. Introduce a new representation. Formalize a definition of a term for an idea previously encountered informally. Identify and resolve common mistakes and misconceptions that people make. Practice using mathematical language. Work toward mastery of a concept or procedure. Provide an opportunity to apply mathematics to a modeling or other application problem. The purpose of each activity is described in its narrative. Read more about how activities serve these different purposes in the section on design principles.” Examples of varied approaches include:

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting within 20, Lesson 9, Activity 1, students work in pairs to make an equation to represent a teen number. Activity states, “‘Now you will build more teen numbers with your partner. Make sure you both agree on how to build the number and what equation to write.’ 10 minutes: partner work time. Monitor for students who: build a new ten each time, count the 10 each time, change the ones only.” Student Facing states, “Use your 10-frames to build teen numbers. Write an equation that matches the teen number.”

  • Unit 4, Numbers to 99, Lesson 2, Warm-up, students solve Put Together, Total Unknown problems and write equations to match. Launch states, “Display the image. ‘This diagram shows a collection of connecting cubes. What is an estimate that’s too high? Too low? About right?’” Student Facing states, “1. How many do you see? Record an estimate that is: too low, about right, too high.”

  • Unit 6, Length Measurements Within 120 Units, Lesson 13, Cool-down, students use addition and subtraction to find the total items in a real world problem. Student Facing states, “Clare has some beads. She uses 7 beads to make a bracelet. She has 8 beads left. How many beads did Clare have to start? Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words.”

  • Center, Five in a Row: Addition and Subtraction (1–2), Stage 5: Add within 100 without Composing, students generate numbers and place their counter on a gameboard to get five in a row. Narrative states, “Partner A chooses two numbers and places a paper clip on each number. They add the numbers and place a counter on the sum. Partner B moves one of the paper clips to a different number, adds the numbers, and places a counter on the sum. Students take turns moving one paper clip, finding the sum, and covering it with a counter. Two gameboards are provided, one where students add a one-digit and a two-digit number and one where they add a two-digit and a two-digit number.”

Indicator 3P

Materials provide opportunities for teachers to use a variety of grouping strategies.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 provide opportunities for teachers to use a variety of grouping strategies. Suggestions are consistently provided for teachers within the facilitation notes of lesson activities and include guidance for a variety of groupings, including whole group, small group, pairs, or individual. Examples include:

  • Unit 1, Adding, Subtracting and Working With Data, Lesson 7, Activity 2, students work in pairs to explain and examine how the objects from the previous activity were sorted. Launch states, “Groups of 2, ‘Now you’re going to walk around to other tables to look at how other students sorted their tools. For each group’s work, talk to your partner about how they sorted the math tools and how many objects are in each category.’ Students move so they are looking at another group’s work. ‘Look at the objects on your own. How did they sort the math tools? How many objects are in each category? When you are ready to share your thinking with your partner, put your thumb up.’ 30 seconds: quiet think time. ‘Take turns sharing your thinking with your partner.’ 1 minute: partner discussion.” Activity states, “‘Move to the next group’s work. Talk to your partner about how they sorted and how many tools are in each category.’ Repeat as time allows. 8 minutes: partner discussion time.”

  • Unit 4, Numbers to 99, Lesson 20, Activity 2, students work in groups of four to identify two-digit numbers and parts of numbers. Launch states, “Groups of 4, Give students access to connecting cubes in towers of 10 and singles.” Activity states, “‘You are going to solve problems about connecting cubes in mystery bags. You can use connecting cubes if they will help you. Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words. You will begin by working on your own. Then you will share your thinking with a partner at your table.’ 6 minutes: independent work time. ‘Share your thinking for problem 1 with a partner at your table.’ 1 minute: partner discussion. ‘Share your thinking for problem 2 with a different partner at your table.’ 1 minute: partner discussion. Repeat for problems 3 and 4.”

  • Unit 5, Adding Within 100, Lesson 9, Activity 2, students work in groups to practice adding two-digit numbers. Launch states, “Groups of 4. Give students access to connecting cubes in towers of 10 and singles. ‘We are going to play a game called Grab and Add. Each partner grabs a handful of towers and a handful of single cubes. You don’t need to grab huge handfuls. First you each determine how many cubes you have, then determine how many cubes you and your partner have altogether. Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words.’” Activity states, “10 minutes: partner work time. Monitor for students who: add on to a two-digit number to compose a new ten, add tens and tens and ones and ones.” 

  • Unit 7, Geometry and Time, Lesson 16, Activity 3, students work with a partner as they practice writing time to the hour and half-hour. Launch states, “Groups of 2. ‘What are your favorite things to do on a Sunday?’ (I like to go to the park, eat lunch, take a nap, and read a book.) 30 seconds: quiet think time. 1 minute: partner discussion. Share and record responses.” Activity states, “‘Fill in the blanks for your ideal Sunday schedule. Then share with your partner.’ 4 minutes: independent work time. 2 minutes: partner discussion. Monitor for a student who has an activity at 12:30.”

Indicator 3Q

Materials provide strategies and supports for students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English to regularly participate in learning grade-level mathematics.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for providing strategies and supports for students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English to regularly participate in learning grade-level mathematics.

Guidance is consistently provided for teachers to support students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English, providing scaffolds for them to meet or exceed grade-level standards. According to the IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide, Mathematical Language Development and Access for English Learners, “In a problem-based mathematics classroom, sense-making and language are interwoven. Mathematics classrooms are language-rich, and therefore language demanding learning environments for every student. The linguistic demands of doing mathematics include reading, writing, speaking, listening, conversing, and representing (Aguirre & Bunch, 2012). Students are expected to say or write mathematical explanations, state assumptions, make conjectures, construct mathematical arguments, and listen to and respond to the ideas of others. In an effort to advance the mathematics and language learning of all students, the materials purposefully engage students in sense-making and using language to negotiate meaning with their peers. To support students who are learning English in their development of language, this curriculum includes instruction devoted to fostering language development alongside mathematics learning, fostering language-rich environments where there is space for all students to participate.” The series provides the following principles that promote mathematical language use and development: 

  • “Principle 1. Support sense-making: Scaffold tasks and amplify language so students can make their own meaning. 

  • Principle 2. Optimize output: Strengthen opportunities for students to describe their mathematical thinking to others, orally, visually, and in writing. 

  • Principle 3. Cultivate conversation: Strengthen opportunities for constructive mathematical conversations. 

  • Principle 4. Maximize meta-awareness: Strengthen the meta-connections and distinctions between mathematical ideas, reasoning, and language.” 

The series also provides Mathematical Language Routines in each lesson. According to the IM K-5 Math Teacher Guide, Mathematical Language Development and Access for English Learners, “Mathematical Language Routines (MLRs) are instructional routines that provide structured but adaptable formats for amplifying, assessing, and developing students' language. MLRs are included in select activities in each unit to provide all students with explicit opportunities to develop mathematical and academic language proficiency. These ‘embedded’ MLRs are described in the teacher notes for the lessons in which they appear.” Examples include:

  • Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, Lesson 9, Activity 1, Teaching notes, Access for English Learners, “MLR8 Discussion Supports. Some students may benefit from the opportunity to act out the scenario. Listen for and clarify any questions about the context of each problem. Advances: Speaking, Representing.”

  • Unit 5, Adding Within 100, Lesson 1, Activity 1, Teaching notes, Access for English Learners, “MLR2 Collect and Display. Circulate, listen for and collect the language students use as they talk with their partners. On a visible display, record words and phrases such as: tens, ones, sum, equation, starting number, secret number. Invite students to borrow language from the display as needed, and update it throughout the lesson. Advances: Conversing, Speaking, Listening.”

  • Unit 6, Length Measurements within 120 Units, Lesson 12, Activity 1, Launch, “MLR6 Three Reads, Display only the problem stem, without revealing the question. ‘We are going to read this problem three times.’ 1st Read: ‘Priya and Han are comparing the lengths of their friendship bracelets. Han’s bracelet is 14 cubes long. The length of Priya’s bracelet is 4 cubes fewer than Han’s bracelet. What is this story about?’ 1 minute: partner discussion. Listen for and clarify any questions about the context. 2nd Read: ‘Priya and Han are comparing the lengths of their friendship bracelets. Han’s bracelet is 14 cubes long. The length of Priya’s bracelet is 4 cubes fewer than Han’s bracelet. What can be counted or measured?’ (The length of Priya's bracelet. The length of Han's bracelet. The difference in length between the two bracelets.) 30 seconds: quiet think time. 1 minute: partner discussion. Share and record all quantities. 3rd Read: Read the entire problem, including the question, aloud. ‘What are different ways we can solve this problem?’ (use connecting cubes to represent the bracelets, draw a picture, think about the numbers), 30 seconds: quiet think time. 1–2 minutes: partner discussion.”

Indicator 3R

Materials provide a balance of images or information about people, representing various demographic and physical characteristics.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 provide a balance of images or information about people, representing various demographic and physical characteristics.

Images of characters are included in the student facing materials when they connect to the problem tasks. These images represent different races and portray people from many ethnicities in a positive, respectful manner, with no demographic bias for who achieves success based on the grade-level mathematics and problem circumstances. Names include multi-cultural references such as Priya, Mai, Diego, and Lin and problem settings vary from rural, to urban, and international locations. Additionally, lessons include a variety of problem contexts to interest students of various demographic and personal characteristics.

Indicator 3S

Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student home language to facilitate learning.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 partially provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student home language to facilitate learning.

The student materials are available in Spanish. Directions for teachers are in English with prompts for students available in Spanish. The student materials including warm ups, activities, cool-downs, centers, and assessments are in Spanish for students.  

The IM K-5 Teacher Guide includes a section titled “Mathematical Language Development and Access for English Learners” which outlines the program’s approach towards language development in conjunction with the problem-based approach to learning mathematics, which includes the regular use of Mathematical Language Routines, “The MLRs included in this curriculum were selected because they simultaneously support students’ learning of mathematical practices, content, and language. They are particularly well-suited to meet the needs of linguistically and culturally diverse students who are learning mathematics while simultaneously acquiring English.” While Mathematical Language Routines (MLRs) are regularly embedded within lessons and support mathematical language development, they do not include specific suggestions for drawing on a student’s home language.

Indicator 3T

Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student cultural and social backgrounds to facilitate learning.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 provide some guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student cultural and social backgrounds to facilitate learning.

Spanish materials are consistently accessible for a variety of stakeholders within the Family Support Materials for each unit. Within lessons, cultural connections are included within the context of problem solving, picture book centers, or games. Examples include:

  • Unit 1, Adding, Subtracting and Working with Data, Lesson 9, Activity 1, students conduct a survey to collect data and there is an opportunity for a teacher to connect this activity to cultural connections for students. Narrative states, “The purpose of this activity is for students to collect information, or data, about their class and discuss how to organize it in a way that others will understand. Students learn how to conduct a survey and use connecting cubes to physically represent their vote which builds on their sorting work from previous lessons. During the activity synthesis, students discuss how to organize the cubes so they can easily determine how many are in each category. Students need access to the data represented by connecting cubes in the next activity. Leave the cubes in a location where students can easily access them.” Launch states, “Groups of 2. Give each group access to red, blue, and yellow connecting cubes. ‘Today we are going to take a survey. A survey is a way to collect information about a group of people's answers to the same question. The information we collect about the things or people in the group is called data. Let’s take a survey and collect data about our favorite ___.’ Make sure there are three clear choices for students to choose from when answering the survey question. Display the student book. Together, record the question and the answer that will be represented by each color. ‘Think about which is your favorite and take one connecting cube.’ Collect and display the connecting cubes in a scattered arrangement.”

  • Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, Lesson 19, Activity 1, students write mathematical equations while discussing the Mexican game, Lotería. Narrative states, “The purpose of this activity is for students to write two equations to match each story problem. Students solve the problems in any way that makes sense to them. They may write an equation in which the total is before the equal sign, or that uses the add in any order property. Students may write equations with a box around the answer, an empty box for the unknown, or a combination of both. The story problems in this activity are about the Mexican game, Lotería.” During the launch, students learn how the game is played and some similarities between Lotería and Bingo, “Before sharing information about the game, ask students if anyone has heard of this game, and what they know about how it is played. Consider showing students pictures of Lotería boards and cards.” Launch states, “Groups of 2. Give students access to connecting cubes or two-color counters. ‘We have been solving problems about different games people play. Today we will solve problems about a game called Lotería. Has anyone played Lotería?’ Share responses. If needed, ‘Lotería is a very popular game played in Mexico. It is similar to the game bingo. Instead of numbers, the caller picks a card with a picture on it. If the picture is on your board, you cover it. Many people use beans or small rocks to cover the pictures. When you have four pictures covered in a row you call out, “Lotería!”’ Consider displaying images of the game boards and picture cards used in the game.”

Indicator 3U

Materials provide supports for different reading levels to ensure accessibility for students.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 provide some supports for different reading levels to ensure accessibility for students.

According to the IM K-5 Teacher's Guide, the Three Reads routine supports reading and interpreting mathematical tasks, “Use this routine to ensure that students know what they are being asked to do, create opportunities for students to reflect on the ways mathematical questions are presented, and equip students with tools used to actively make sense of mathematical situations and information (Kelemanik, Lucenta, & Creighton, 2016). This routine supports reading comprehension, sense-making, and meta-awareness of mathematical language. In this routine, students are supported in reading and interpreting a mathematical text, situation, diagram, or graph three times, each with a particular focus. Optional: At times, the intended question or main prompt may be intentionally withheld until the third read so that students can concentrate on making sense of what is happening before rushing to find a solution or method. Read #1: ‘What is this situation about?’ After a shared reading, students describe the situation or context. This is the time to identify and resolve any challenges with any non-mathematical vocabulary. (1 minute) Read #2: ‘What can be counted or measured?’ After the second read, students list all quantities, focusing on naming what is countable or measurable in the situation. Examples: ‘number of people in a room’ rather than ‘people,’ ‘number of blocks remaining’ instead of ‘blocks.’ Record the quantities as a reference to use when solving the problem after the third read. (3–5 minutes) Read #3: ‘What are different ways or strategies we can use to solve this problem?’ Students discuss possible strategies. It may be helpful for students to create diagrams to represent the relationships among quantities identified in the second read, or to represent the situation with a picture (Asturias, 2014). (1–2 minutes).” Additional reading supports include those connected to making sense of problems (MP1) and examining precision in mathematical language (MP6) within problem contexts. These support sense-making and accessibility for students. Examples include:

  • Unit 2, Addition and Subtraction Story Problems, Lesson 6, Activity 1, Narrative states, “Display only the problem stem, without revealing the question(s). ‘We are going to read this problem 3 times’. 1st Read: ‘Kiran has some fish in his fish tank. He has 4 red fish and 5 blue fish. What is this story about?’ 1 minute: partner discussion. Listen for and clarify any questions about the context. 2nd Read: ‘Kiran has some fish in his fish tank. He has 4 red fish and 5 blue fish. What are all the things we can count in this story?’ (the number of red fish, the number of blue fish, the total number of fish) 30 seconds: quiet think time. 2 minutes: partner discussion. Share and record all quantities. Reveal the question(s). 3rd Read: Read the entire problem, including question(s) aloud. ‘What are different ways we can solve this problem?’ (I can use red and blue connecting cubes. I can draw the fish and count them.) 30 seconds: quiet think time. 1 minute: partner discussion. Solve the problem. 3 minutes: independent work time. ‘Share your thinking with your partner.’ 2 minutes: partner discussion. Monitor for students who solve in the following ways and can explain their thinking clearly: objects or drawings and count all, objects or drawings and count on numbers and count on.”

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, Lesson 22, Activity 1, Activity Synthesis states, “MLR7 Compare and Connect. Give each group tools for creating a visual display. ‘Create a poster that shows your thinking about the problem. Make sure to show your thinking in a way others will understand.’ 5 minutes: partner work time. ‘As you walk around and look at the posters, think about how the work is the same and different.’ 5 minutes: gallery walk. ‘What is the same and what is different about the representations?’ (They all showed 16 and 7. They used math tools to represent the problem. Some people used addition facts they knew, some counted up, some took away.)”

  • Unit 4, Numbers to 99, Lesson 14, Activity 1, Activity states, “MLR2 Collect and Display. Circulate, listen for, and collect the language students use to build numbers with connecting cubes, decompose numbers into tens and ones, and compare numbers. Listen for: bigger, smaller, more, fewer, greater than, less than, ___ tens, ___ ones, tens place, ones place. Record students’ words and phrases on a visual display and update it throughout the lesson.”

Indicator 3V

Manipulatives, both virtual and physical, are accurate representations of the mathematical objects they represent and, when appropriate, are connected to written methods.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 meet expectations for providing manipulatives, physical but not virtual, that are accurate representations of the mathematical objects they represent and, when appropriate, are connected to written methods.

Suggestions and/or links to manipulatives are consistently included within materials, often in the Launch portion of lessons, to support the understanding of grade-level math concepts. Examples include: 

  • Unit 1, Adding, Subtracting, and Working with Data, Lesson 8, Activity 1, describes the use of shape cards and a three-column table to help students sort shapes into categories. Launch states, “Give each group a set of shape cards and access to copies of the three-column table. ‘Look at all of your shape cards. Take a minute to look over the cards by yourself first and think about how you would sort them.’” Activity states, “Work with your partner to sort the cards into three categories in any way that you want. You do not need to use all of the cards.”

  • Unit 3, Adding and Subtracting Within 20, Lesson 21, Activity 1, identifies number cards, 10-frames, connecting cubes or two-color counters as strategies for students to add numbers. Launch states, “Give each group a set of number cards, two recording sheets, and access to double 10-frames and connecting cubes or two-color counters. ‘We are going to learn a game called How Close? Add to 20. Let's play the first round together. First we take out any card that has the number 10. We will not use those cards for the game.’ Display 5 cards. ‘I can choose two or three of these cards to add to get as close to 20 as I can. What cards should I choose? I write an equation with the numbers I chose and the sum of the numbers.’ Demonstrate writing the equation on the recording sheet. ‘The person who gets a sum closer to 20 gets a point for the round. Then you each get more cards so you always have five cards to choose from. Play again. The first person to get 10 points wins.’”

  • Unit 5, Adding Within 100, Lesson 10, Activity 2, identifies connecting cubes in towers of 10 and singles to support understanding of the associative and commutative properties when adding 2 two-digit numbers. Launch states, “Groups of 2. Give students access to connecting cubes in towers of 10 and singles. Read the first problem. 4 minutes: partner work time. ‘What is the difference between how you solved  28+5628+56 and 27+4427+44.’ (For 28+5628+56, I added the tens first, then the ones. For 27+4427+44 I added the ones first, then the tens.) 1 minute: partner discussion. Share responses.”

  • Unit 6, Length Measurements Within 120 Units, Lesson 4, Activity 2, references number cubes and game recording handouts to support understanding during centers. Launch states, “‘Now you will choose from centers we have already learned.’ Display the center choices in the student book. Target Numbers, ‘On your turn: Start at 55. Roll the number cube. Add that number to your starting number and write an equation to represent the sum. Take turns until you’ve played 6 rounds. Each round, the sum from the previous equations is the starting number in the new equation. The partner to get a sum closest to 95 without going over wins.’”

Criterion 3.4: Intentional Design


The program includes a visual design that is engaging and references or integrates digital technology, when applicable, with guidance for teachers.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 do not integrate technology such as interactive tools, virtual manipulatives/objects, and/or dynamic mathematics software in ways that engage students in the grade-level standards. The materials do not include or reference digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate with each other. The materials have a visual design that supports students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject, and is neither distracting nor chaotic. The materials do not provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning.

Indicator 3W

Materials integrate technology such as interactive tools, virtual manipulatives/objects, and/or dynamic mathematics software in ways that engage students in the grade-level/series standards, when applicable.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 do not integrate technology such as interactive tools, virtual manipulatives/objects, and/or dynamic mathematics software in ways that engage students in the grade-level/series standards, when applicable.

According to the IM K-5 Teacher Guide, About These Materials, “Teachers can access the teacher materials either in print or in a browser as a digital PDF. When possible, lesson materials should be projected so all students can see them.” While this format is provided, the materials are not interactive. 

According to the IM K-5 Teacher Guide, Key Structures in This Course, “Across lessons and units, students are systematically introduced to representations and encouraged to use representations that make sense to them. As their learning progresses, students are given opportunities to make connections between different representations and the concepts and procedures they represent. Over time, they will see and understand more efficient methods of representing and solving problems, which support the development of procedural fluency. In general, more concrete representations are introduced before those that are more abstract.” While physical manipulatives are referenced throughout lessons and across the materials, they are not virtual or interactive.

Indicator 3X

Materials include or reference digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate with each other, when applicable.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 do not include or reference digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate with each other, when applicable. 

According to IM K-5 Teacher Guide, Key Structures in this Course, “Classroom environments that foster a sense of community that allows students to express their mathematical ideas—together with norms that expect students to communicate their mathematical thinking to their peers and teacher, both orally and in writing, using the language of mathematics—positively affect participation and engagement among all students(Principles to Action, NCTM).” While the materials embed opportunities for mathematical community building through student task structures, discourse opportunities, and journal and reflection prompts, these opportunities do not reference digital technology.

Indicator 3Y

The visual design (whether in print or digital) supports students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject, and is neither distracting nor chaotic.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 have a visual design (whether in print or digital) that supports students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject, and is neither distracting nor chaotic.

There is a consistent design within units and lessons that supports student understanding of the mathematics. According to the IM K-5 Teacher Guide, Design Principles, “Each unit, lesson, and activity has the same overarching design structure: the learning begins with an invitation to the mathematics, is followed by a deep study of concepts and procedures, and concludes with an opportunity to consolidate understanding of mathematical ideas.” Examples from materials include:

  • Each lesson follows a common format with the following components: Warm-up, one to three Activities, Lesson Synthesis, and Cool-Down, when included in lessons. The consistent structure includes a layout that is user-friendly as each component is included in order from top to bottom on the page. 

  • Student materials, in printed consumable format, include appropriate font size, amount and placement of directions, and space on the page for students to show their mathematical thinking.

  • Teacher digital format is easy to navigate and engaging. There is ample space in the printable Student Task Statements, Assessment PDFs, and workbooks for students to capture calculations and write answers. 

Indicator 3Z

Materials provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning, when applicable.

The materials reviewed for Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Grade 1 do not provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning, when applicable.

While the IM K-5 Teacher Guide provides guidance for teachers about using the “Launch, Work Synthesize” structure of each lesson, including guidance for Warm-ups, Activities, and Cool-Downs, there is no embedded technology.