Fishtank Plus ELA

Fishtank Learning
Report Release
Review Tool Version
Core: Comprehensive

EdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.

Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Meets Expectations

Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.

Usability (Gateway 3)
Partially Meets Expectations
Key areas of interest

This score is the sum of all points available for all foundational skills components across all grades covered in the program.

The maximum available points depends on the review tool used and the number of grades covered.

Foundational Skills
Building Knowledge
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Report for 3rd Grade

Alignment Summary

The Grade 3 Fishtank ELA materials meet the expectations for alignment. The materials include high-quality texts, questions, and tasks that provide strong learning opportunities in most areas.  

Students engage in writing opportunities spread across all text types and genres called for in the standards, including daily, on-demand writing. Process writing is found primarily in end-of-unit tasks. The materials include explicit grammar instruction of all grammar standards and consistent application of the grammar standards in context. Vocabulary instruction within the program does not fully align to the expectations of the standards. There is limited instruction and opportunities to practice grade-level phonics, word analysis, and word recognition that follows a research-based progression. Instruction and practice opportunities for oral and silent reading fluency are present, however, support for reading of prose and poetry with attention to rate, accuracy, and expression, as well as direction for students to apply reading skills when productive struggle is necessary is minimal. There is no evidence of assessments beyond the opportunities provided to inform instructional adjustments.

3rd Grade
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Meets Expectations
Gateway 3


Usability (Gateway 3)
Partially Meets Expectations
Overview of Gateway 1

Text Quality and Complexity and Alignment to the Standards with Tasks and Questions Grounded in Evidence

The Grade 3 materials include high-quality, full-length appropriately complex anchor texts as well as routines, monitoring support, and a recommended list of texts for independent reading that work together to move students toward mastery of grade-level reading expectations.

Text-centered questions and tasks, including evidence-based writing, speaking, and listening, engage students in meaningful literacy experiences. Students engage in writing opportunities spread across all text types and genres called for in the standards, including daily, on-demand writing. Process writing is found primarily in end-of-unit tasks. The materials include explicit grammar instruction of all grammar standards and consistent application of the grammar standards in context. The materials include robust and regular routines for the introduction of vocabulary in the context of instruction; however, the vocabulary may not always be reinforced in writing or speaking and may not be applied across multiple texts. 

Within the program, students receive limited instruction and opportunities to practice grade-level phonics, word analysis, and word recognition that follows a research-based progression. There is an included structural analysis routine designed to help teachers support students with multisyllabic words, but the materials lack daily lesson plans in this area with targeted words for teachers to use for instruction. Students receive instruction and practice opportunities for oral and silent reading fluency; however, support for reading of prose and poetry with attention to rate, accuracy, and expression, as well as direction for students to apply reading skills when productive struggle is necessary is minimal. There is no evidence of assessments for phonics and word recognition beyond the opportunities provided to inform instructional adjustments. Materials do include multiple assessments in fluency.

Criterion 1.1: Text Quality and Complexity


Texts are worthy of students’ time and attention: texts are of quality and are rigorous, meeting the text complexity criteria for each grade.

Materials support students’ advancing toward independent reading.

The Grade 3 materials include high-quality, full-length anchor texts, including mythology, fables, realistic fiction, novels, informational science, history, and social studies texts. The texts are appropriately complex for instruction and provide increasingly challenging opportunities for students to grow their literacy skills over the course of the year. Additionally, routines, monitoring support, and a recommended list of texts for independent reading work together to encourage a volume of reading that will help students grow toward grade level reading mastery. 

Indicator 1A

Anchor texts are of high quality, worthy of careful reading, and consider a range of student interests.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 1a. 

The materials incorporate an assortment of informational and literary texts that are of publishable quality. The literary units feature full-length published texts of high quality by award-winning authors. Throughout the science and social studies units, there are a multitude of published texts that are informative and of high-interest to students. Texts are diverse, well-balanced, and accessible for multiple purposes. Anchor texts encompass a variation of genres and range of topics that would be appealing and engaging to students. Several texts contain engaging pictures, vivid illustrations, character relationships and motives, and rich vocabulary. 

Anchor texts are of high-quality and consider a range of student interests, are well-crafted, content-rich, and engage students at their grade level. For example:

  • In Literature Unit 1, students read the published texts My Name is María Isabel by Alma Flor Ada and Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel by Nikki Grimes. 

  • In Literature Unit 2, students read Her Stories, African American Folktales, Fairy Tales, and True Tales by Virginia Hamilton, which is a Coretta Scott King Author Award Winner. Stories feature strong characters and engaging illustrations. Stories are captivating and of high-interest to students. 

  • In Literature Unit 4, students read Garvey’s Choice by well-known author Nikki Grimes, a novel in verse of tanka poems. The characters are engaging and appeal to students. Students also read The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes, which is a Newbery Honor book and is illustrated by a Caldecott Medalist. 

  • In Literature Unit 5, students read Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. This book has been selected by PBS as one of the top 100 children’s books and is a Newbery Honor Book. 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 1, students read the text Ancient Rome and Pompeii: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #13 by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce, which is of high interest to and engaging for students in Grade 3. In addition, students read Eye Wonder: Ancient Rome (no author), which contains colorful photographs and rich academic vocabulary. 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 2, students read Pilgrims: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #27 by Mary Pope Osborne. The text is high interest with accurate details; the material is presented in an engaging manner and contains accessible vocabulary for the grade level.

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 4, students read The People Shall Continue by acclaimed Native American writer Simon J. Ortiz.

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 5, students read What is Religion? By Bobbie Kalman and One World, Many Religions: The Ways We Worship by Mary Pope Osborne. Both authors are well-known and the texts are worthy of a careful read due to the content about world religions.

Indicator 1B

Materials reflect the distribution of text types and genres required by the standards at each grade level.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 1b. 

The materials contain an even distribution of literature and informational texts across Grade 3. Implementation of both the Literature and the Science and Social Studies Units must occur in order for there to be a 50/50 distribution. There is a variety of text types found throughout the year including mythology, fables, realistic fiction, novels, informational science, history, and social studies texts.

Materials reflect the distribution of text types/genres required by the grade-level standards. 

  • Examples of literary texts include, but are not limited to:

    • In Literature Unit 1, students read two novels: My Name is María Isabel by Alma Flor Ada and Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel by Nikki Grimes.

    • In Literature Unit 2, students read multiple folktales including Tales of Uncle Remus: The Adventures of Brer Rabbit by Julius Lester and Tales our Abuelitas Told, A Hispanic Folktale Collection by F. Isabel Compoy and Alma Flor Ada. 

    • In Literature Unit 3, students read Classic Starts: Roman Myths by Diane Namm, a collection of myths.

    • In Literature Unit 4, students read realistic fiction texts: The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes and Garvey’s Choice by Nikki Grimes

  • Examples of informational texts include, but are not limited to:

    • In Science and Social Studies Unit 1, students read the books Ancient Rome and Pompeii: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #13 by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce and Eye Wonder: Ancient Rome by DK Children. Supporting materials in this unit include the articles “Roman Class Structure” (no author) and “The Fall of the Roman Empire” by Readworks.org. 

    • In Science and Social Studies Unit 2, students read several texts including Pilgrims: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #27 by Mary Pope Osborne and The Wampanoag (A True Book: American Indians) by Kevin Cunningham and Peter Benoit. Students also read five articles, including four from Scholastic. 

    • In Science and Social Studies Unit 4, students read the nonfiction texts The People Shall Continue by Simon J. Ortiz and Native Women of Courage by Kelly Fournel. Students also watch five videos on the Smithsonian website to support their learning of Indigenous people. 

    • In Science and Social Studies Unit 5, students read the informational text One World, Many Religions: The Ways We Worship by Mary Pope Osborne.

Materials reflect a 50/50 balance of informational and literary texts. For example:

  • There are five Literature units. Over the course of the 144 instructional days for these units, there are nine literary core texts.

  • There are five Science and Social Studies units. Over the course of the 135 instructional days for these units, there are 12 science and social studies texts.

  • According to the Pacing Guide, the Science and Social Studies Units are taught in tandem with the Literature Units to ensure that students receive a balance of literary and informational texts throughout Grade 3.

Indicator 1C

Core/Anchor texts have the appropriate level of complexity for the grade according to documented quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, and relationship to their associated student task. Documentation should also include a rationale for educational purpose and placement in the grade level.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 1c. 

The materials include texts that are at the appropriate level of complexity based on the quantitative levels, qualitative analysis, and associated task. Some texts are outside of the quantitative grade band; however, the qualitative features make them appropriate for Grade 3 students and/or their task and/or purpose make them complex for Grade 3. In each unit, there is a list of core texts, which contains the Lexile level. In addition, the publisher also provides a Text Selection Rationale for each unit. This rationale justifies placement in the grade as well as a detailed analysis of qualitative features. In addition, it provides information on why the text was selected.  

Anchor texts have the appropriate level of complexity for the grade according to quantitative and qualitative analysis and relationship to their associated student task. For example:

  • In Literature Unit 2, students read the core texts Tales of Uncle Remus: The Adventures of Brer Rabbit by Julius Lester (760L), Tales Our Abuelitas Told, A Hispanic Folktale Collection by F. Isabel Campoy (no Lexile) and Alma Flora Ada, and Her Stories, African American Folktales, Fairy Tales, and True Tales by Virginia Hamilton (960L). According to the publisher, “the knowledge demands of all three texts, particularly the cultural demands of the texts, make the texts moderately complex.” Students use these texts to analyze and discover the ways in which messages are developed. 

  • In Literature Unit 5, students read Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White (650L).Though the Lexile level places this text within the Grades 2–3 stretch band, the publisher explains the placement at the end of Grade 3: “The qualitative measures, particularly the complex vocabulary and sentence structure, make the text appropriate for study. The author writes using a wide variety of powerful descriptive vocabulary, some of which is archaic or unfamiliar to students.” Throughout the unit students use the novel to consider what it means to be a good friend. 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 2, students read Pilgrims: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #27 by Mary Pope Osborne. This text falls below the grade band; however, the publisher explains that “with a Lexile level of 550L the quantitative measures place the core text at the low end of the third grade band. The qualitative measures and task demands also support the placement of the core text as part of the unit.” This text is used to support readers as they engage with the paired text, The Wampanoag (A True Book: American Indians) by Kevin Cunningham and Peter Benoit (910L), which is above the grade level band. 

  • In Social Studies and Science Unit 5, students read One World, Many Religions: The Ways We Worship by Mary Pope Osborne (no Lexile). The publisher explains that the text is moderately complex due to the text structure and knowledge demands. In this unit, students synthesize information across this text and another text to build an understanding of world religions. 

Anchor texts and series of texts connected to them are accompanied by an accurate text complexity analysis and a rationale for educational purpose and placement in the grade level. For example: 

  • In Literature Unit 1, students read several texts including My Name is Maria Isabel by Alma Flor Ada (860L). The Text Selection Rationale identifies that the text is slightly about the grade-level band but explains that “the qualitative measures, matched with the task demands of the unit, however, support the placement of both core texts in the unit.” 

  • In Literature Unit 3, students read the text Class Starts: Roman Myths by Diane Namm (no Lexile). However, the Text Selection Rationale explains, “the qualitative analysis, specifically the levels of meaning, text structure, and conventionality, suggest the text is appropriate for the third grade band level.” 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 1, students read several texts including Ancient Rome and Pompeii: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #13 by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce. The Text Selection Rationale states, “With a Lexile level of 750L the core text falls within the third grade band level. The qualitative features of the text, particularly the text structure, illustrations, graphics, and page layout, support the placement of the text in this unit.” 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 4, students read several texts including The People Shall Continue by Simon J. Ortiz (660L). The Text Selection Rationale states that the Lexiles range from 660L to 1190L but explain that this was done to “ensure accurate representation” and make sure all of the texts were written by Indigenous people. The text complexity analysis further explains that the “knowledge demands are what make each of the texts complex.”

Indicator 1D

Series of texts should be at a variety of complexity levels appropriate for the grade band to support students’ literacy growth over the course of the school year.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 1d. 

The materials include units that build upon the next with increasing demands for knowledge and application as students master the content, and the texts increase in complexity. The complexity of anchor texts and supporting texts offer students the opportunity to grow their literacy skills across the year. Scaffolds are provided for more complex texts including key questions to support comprehension and graphic organizers. Toward the end of the year, students engage more independently with texts. In addition, in the Teacher Tools section, there is a general guidance document under Providing Access for Complex Texts, that provides guidance for how to recognize and address complexity in fiction and nonfiction texts as well as provide student support and scaffolds.  

The complexity of anchor texts students read provides an opportunity for students’ literacy skills to increase across the year, encompassing an entire year’s worth of growth. For example:

  • In the beginning of the year, students read two texts with Lexiles of 620 and 860 in Unit 1 of Literature. In this unit, students learn that characters are nuanced and focus on the idea that character traits and feelings influence character’s actions. Students also read four texts, including one at a Lexile of 750 in Science and Social Studies Unit 1. In this unit, students analyze the similarities and differences between two texts. 

  • In the middle of the year, students read two texts with Lexiles of 620 and 870 in Unit 4 of Literature and focus on point of view. They also read three texts with Lexiles of 770, 880 and 940 in Unit 3 of Science and Social Studies. In this unit, students focus on text features and are challenged to think critically about science topics. 

  • At the end of the year, students read one text with a Lexile of 680 in Unit 5 of Literature. In this unit, students focus on analyzing themes, settings, characters, and language that are less familiar and relatable. In Science and Social Studies, they also read two texts, including one with a Lexile of 800, and focus on synthesizing information across two texts.  

As texts become more complex, appropriate scaffolds and/or materials are provided in the Teacher Edition (i.e., spending more time on texts, more questions, repeated readings). For example:

  • The Teacher Tools digital platform provides general ways teachers can support students when accessing complex texts. The general supports are “temporary and adjustable, removed gradually” and “used to scaffold content, task, or materials.” The purpose for these general supports are for teachers to determine “what supports to provide students, either as a whole-class, small-group, or individually” as texts get more complex. 

  • In Literature Unit 1, Lesson 12, students are provided with a graphic organizer to use to gather evidence from the text to show how the character, Maria Isabel, felt about going to a new school. The graphic organizer helps students answer the writing prompt and requires students to include her feelings and evidence from the text. 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 1, Lesson 17, students write about what led to the decline of the Roman Empire. To support students, the lesson plan states that students can answer Key Questions orally, in the margins, or in writing and additional supports can be provided such as a cause and effect graphic organizer. 

  • In Literature Unit 5, Lesson 18, after reading Chapter 15 of Charlotte’s Web students write about the significance of the chapter title, “The Crickets”. To help students with this task, the teacher is provided with ways to close read the section to help students understand that the chapter is foreshadowing what is to come. 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 5, Lesson 14, students read pages 30-35 independently of the text One World, Many Religions: The Ways we Worship by Mary Pope Osborne (no Lexile) and fill out a Religion Note Taking Template to help comprehend the text.

Indicator 1E

Materials provide opportunities for students to engage in a range and volume of reading to support their reading at grade level by the end of the school year, including accountability structures for independent reading.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 1e.

The materials contain a wide range and volume of daily reading throughout both the Literature and Science and Social Studies lessons. Students read the texts independently, in pairs, and in group settings. Students read books (both literary and informational), articles, and websites. Additionally, students participate in daily independent reading that can be structured in a number of ways outlined in the Teacher Tools section of the materials. The materials highlight teachers having the option to exercise flexibility within the framework to establish routines most suitable for their classroom. There is an emphasis on the independent reading time being an essential facet of the program, and there is a recommended list of independent reading books per unit that align with the topic/theme. Multiple reading logs are included and permit teacher flexibility for independent reading opportunities. In the Independent Reading Routines, there are general recommendations for monitoring the students’ comprehension of independent reading and establishing independent reading goals. Decisions about the implementation and monitoring of independent reading are made at the teacher’s discretion using the universal tools provided. 

Instructional materials clearly identify opportunities and support for students to engage in reading a variety of text types and genres. For example: 

  • Students read a total of 21 Core Texts across Grade 3.

  • In the Literature Units, students read novels, folktales, and myths.

  • In the Science and Social Studies units, students read nonfiction books, articles, websites, and watch videos.

  • The program also provides a recommended list of texts for students to independently read that align with each unit. For example, in Literature Unit 5, students read Charlotte’s Web and there are five recommended informational texts to build knowledge, 11 recommended literary texts about friendship, and two recommended books by the same author, E.B. White. 

Instructional materials clearly identify opportunities and support for students to engage in a volume of reading. For example: 

  • Each daily lesson plan includes the section, Engaging with the Text, where students have direct interaction with the text including independent, partner, and group reading. Teacher guidance is provided each day for how to have students engage with the text. For example, in Science and Social Studies Unit 2, Lesson 19, students “read and engage with the text using a combination of independent reading and partner reading.”

  • According to the Pacing Guide, students spend 60 minutes in the Literature Block each day, 60 minutes in the Science & Social Studies Block each day, and 45 minutes in the Independent Reading Block each day. In a typical Literature and Science and Social Studies block, the first five minutes is spent building knowledge and skills, the next 30 minutes is where students engage with the text, and the last 25 minutes is where students build deeper meaning of the text

There is sufficient teacher guidance to foster independence for all readers (e.g., independent reading procedures, proposed schedule, tracking system for independent reading). For example:

  • In the Teacher Tools, there is a section called Independent Reading that provides a detailed plan for supporting students’ independent reading in the classroom including an Independent Reading Targeted Mini Lesson Planning template, an Independent Reading Weekly Planning template, and a Parent/Guardian letter template.

  • In the Teacher Tools, there is a section on Independent Reading which recommends that teachers do the following before any lesson: “When internalizing a Fishtank lesson, decide if and when you may be able to include independent reading. (This will most often be noted in Enhanced Lesson Plans, but you may also decide to use one at additional moments depending on student needs.)

    • Solidify what sections of the text students should read independently. 

    • Solidify how you will check for understanding while students are reading independently.

    • Decide which students you want to check in with during independent work time.” 

  • Materials call for students to have a minimum of 45 minutes of independent reading time daily as described in the Course Overview Pacing guide. 

  • In the Independent Reading (3-5) Teacher Tools, there is a minimum number of independent reading benchmarks for each quarter of the school year. It also provides a chart of the portion of each ELA block reading time that should be independent reading. 

  • There are three printable forms for tracking student independent reading: an Independent Reading Journal (Writing Prompts), Independent Reading Journal (Summary), and an Independent Reading Log. 

Criterion 1.2: Tasks and Questions


Materials provide opportunities for rich and rigorous evidence-based discussions and writing about texts to build strong literacy skills.

The questions and tasks throughout the Grade 3 materials are text-specific and text-dependent, continually moving students back to the text to provide and substantiate responses. The enhanced lesson plans support additional review and checks for understanding. Academic discourse is supported throughout the program through the use of clearly-outlined discussion protocols and frequent discussion opportunities. Students frequently engage in partnered, grouped, and whole-class discussions regarding the texts under study. The Grade 3 materials provide daily on-demand writing prompts connected to the anchor texts. While there is some sentence and paragraph-level instruction throughout, the bulk of process writing occurs at the end of each unit, generally over a four-day span. Students engage in writing opportunities spread across all text types and genres called for in the standards. Additionally, students engage in evidence-based writing across the majority of units.

The materials include explicit grammar instruction of all grammar standards and consistent application of the grammar standards in context. The materials include robust and regular routines for the introduction of vocabulary in the context of instruction; however, the vocabulary may not always be reinforced in writing or speaking and may not be applied across multiple texts.

Indicator 1F

Most questions, tasks, and assignments are text-specific and/or text-dependent, requiring students to engage with the text directly (drawing on textual evidence to support both what is explicit as well as valid inferences from the text).

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 1f. 

The materials include lessons with a variety of text-dependent questions.across the Literature and Science & Social Studies units. This includes both open-ended and multiple choice questions. There are numerous opportunities for students to respond to questions both orally and in writing and support their responses with textual evidence. Embedded within each unit is evidence of writing tasks that require students to interact with the text. Students answer both explicit and implicit questions and are required to offer explanations for their responses. In the Enhanced Lesson Plan, each question is accompanied by an exemplar answer to guide teachers. 

Text-specific and text-dependent questions and tasks support students in making meaning of the core understandings of the texts being studied. For example: 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 1, Lesson 4, after reading Ancient Rome and Pompeii: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #13 by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce, students answer questions: “What evidence does the author give to support the point that ‘the Roman Empire would not have been possible without the army?’ In what ways did the Romans excel at ‘siege’ warfare? Describe some of the different war machines used by the Roman army. How did they fit with the Romans’ strategy of siege warfare?”

  • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 4, after reading "Prometheus and Io" from Classic Starts: Roman Myths by Diane Namm, students answer questions: “What description does the author include to describe the cow? Why was Io turned into a cow? What does this show about Jupiter? How did Jupiter and Io end up together?”

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3, Lesson 6, after reading What is the Animal Kingdom? (The Science of Living Things) by Bobbie Kalman, students answer questions: “What are the key characteristics of vertebrates? Why are they important for survival? How does an amphibian change as it grows? Why?” 

  • In Literature Unit 5, Lesson 14, after reading Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White, students answer questions: “How does Templeton feel about helping at first? Why does he change his mind? How does Wilbur feel at the end of the chapter? What does Charlotte say to try and calm him? What does this show about friendship?”

Teacher materials provide support for planning and implementation of text-based questions and tasks. For example:

  • In the Internalizing an ELA Lesson in Teacher Tools, questions are provided for the teacher to consider when lesson planning: “What do students need to know/understand to answer this question? What do students need to do to answer this question? What key moments do students need to understand in order to answer the question correctly?”

  • Most lessons include a Target Task, which is a text-specific or text-dependent question that indicates to the teacher if the objective was mastered or not. For example, in Literature Unit 1, Lesson 3, after reading an excerpt from Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel by Nikki Grimes, students complete a Target Task writing prompt: “How has Dyamonde’s life changed? How does the change impact the way she feels?” The lesson plan includes a sample response to help the teacher evaluate student responses. 

  • Enhanced lesson plans include language supports, quick review questions, and opportunities for enrichment. Examples include, but are not limited to:

    • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 14, Language Supports, the teacher is given sentence frames for students to use when close reading the text in partners: “(Character) influences (Character) because...”. This will support students in answering text-dependent questions in partners. 

    • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3, Lesson 21, Engaging with the Text, teachers are provided with Key Questions to help students build meaning: “Why have animals adapted to keep babies safe? Based on what you know about life cycles, why is this important?”

Indicator 1G

Materials provide frequent opportunities and protocols for evidence-based discussions.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 1g. 

The materials include frequent opportunities and protocols for students to engage in evidence-based discussions. There is a whole section in the Teacher Tools page that describes the purpose and the processes of Academic Discourse in Match Fishtank. This section outlines the three types of Academic Discourse and provides several protocols for each. In addition, this section provides information on the three tiers of Academic Discourse to help further develop student thinking and speaking and listening skills. Some lessons specify exactly which protocols to use, while others identify the type of discussion (i.e., whole-group, small-group, or partner), and teachers use their judgement to decide on the best protocol. To facilitate this, there is a series of questions for the teacher to consider to help them identify which Tier to focus on and which protocol. 

Materials provide varied protocols to support students’ developing speaking and listening skills across the whole year’s scope of instructional materials. For example:

  • In the Teacher Tools, there is a whole section on Academic Discourse that outlines discussion protocols for whole class discussions, small group discussions, and partner discussions.

  • For Whole Class discussions, the materials outline the steps for the Take a Stand protocol which gives a question and students need to take a side and students work together to convince others to agree with them. In addition, there is a four-step procedure for a Fishbowl discussion, which allows for the whole class to hear the ideas of other classmates. 

  • There are four protocols provided for small group discussion including Simultaneous Round Table, Rally Coach, Talking Chips, and Numbered Heads Together. Each of the protocols give the purpose and the steps. 

  • Partner discussions contain five protocols, including four that are various types of think-pair-shares. 

  • The Teacher Tools also provides an explanation of three tiers of discourse. In each tier there are discourse strategies, key teacher talk moves, and a variety of sentence frames to help with each discourse tier. For example, in Tier II, students engage with the thinking of others. A discourse strategy is paraphrasing what other students say. A key teacher talk move is to give students an opportunity to turn and talk. Sentence frames are provided to help students build on a classmate’s ideas and to question or clarify the ideas of others. 

  • Lessons utilize a variety of discussion topics and formats. For example:

    • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 16, students participate in a jigsaw “in which each pair of students works on one story, and then brings their ‘piece of the puzzle’ to the larger group to synthesize and analyze findings.” 

    • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3, Lesson 6, students work in partners to orally answer the Target Task questions. Teachers have the flexibility to choose which partner sharing protocol they wish to utilize. 

Speaking and listening instruction includes facilitation, monitoring, and instructional support for teachers. For example:

  • In the Teacher Tools, the Academic Discourse section contains an Academic Discourse Rubric and a Discussion Recording Form for Grades 3-5. 

  • In the Teacher Tools, the Academic Discourse section includes general information on how to facilitate students in speaking and listening skills. There are supports to help students, such as “have students use a graphic organizer to gather ideas”; supports during discussions, such as “provide sentence frames for students to use”; and ways to ensure students synthesize understanding during discussions, such as “model how to revise and refine thinking”. 

  • In Literature Unit 1, Lesson 9, students read Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel by Nikki Grimes. To prepare for a whole class discussion, students use the text to complete a graphic organizer about Dyamonde’s identity and traits. Materials prompt teachers: “Lead students in a discussion of who Dyamonde is. Model for students how to use both of the discussion goals for the unit: Elaborate to support ideas. Provide evidence or examples to justify a point clearly. Use specific vocabulary. Use vocabulary that is specific to the subject and task to clarify and share thoughts.”

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 1, Lesson 8, students read Eye Wonder: Ancient Rome (no author). While reading, students answer the questions: “What role did enslaved people play in Ancient Rome? What jobs were they responsible for?” Once students collect evidence from their reading, they discuss the text as a class to answer the Target Question: “What was life like for enslaved people in the Roman Empire? Why?”

  • In Literature Unit 5, Lesson 11, students read Charlotte’s Web and participate in a class discussion to determine understandings about Charlotte and Wilbur’s friendship. Teacher guidance provides directions to model how students can build on and change classmate’s ideas. 

  • In Social Studies and Science Unit 5, Lesson 4, students participate in a discussion where they share the information they have learned about Judaism. Information is collected by the teacher during the discussion before the class collaborates on determining the main idea of the section, “The Story of Judaism.” Guiding questions are provided for the teacher: “What do all of the details have in common? What is the author trying to teach?” 

Indicator 1H

Materials support students’ listening and speaking about what they are reading and researching (including presentation opportunities) with relevant follow-up questions and evidence.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 1h. 

The materials include opportunities for evidence-based discussions in pairs, small groups, and whole class settings in the majority of lessons. Through discussions, students build knowledge, explain their thinking, and support their reasoning. The majority of discussions pertain to the unit texts or topics and ask students to provide evidence to support their ideas. Materials provide some guidance for teachers in the enhanced lesson plans to build student discussion skills. The Teacher Tools also provide guidance for developing and implementing student discussion protocols across the curriculum and include ways to monitor student discussions. Lessons provide sentence stems for students and recommendations for ways that teachers can model speaking and listening skills. 

Students have multiple opportunities over the school year to demonstrate what they are reading through varied speaking and listening opportunities. For example: 

  • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 16, students work in pairs and are given one of the folktales from the units. In their partnerships, students discuss the key events, important characters, and the lesson of the folktale. Then partners work with another group to discuss their folktale. The groups discuss similarities and differences between the folktales. 

  • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 6, in a whole-class setting, students recount the story orally and the teacher records responses on the board.

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3, Lesson 14, students work with partners to draw pictures about either reptiles or amphibians. Then students meet with students who worked on the other animal and create two to three statements that explain how amphibian and reptile life cycles are unique and different. Sentence frames are provided: “While ______ has ______, _______ has _______.” 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 5, Lesson 5, students work in pairs to sequence the events in the history of Judaism. The goal for the lesson is for students to practice orally explaining what happened and why. 

Speaking and listening work requires students to utilize, apply, and incorporate evidence from texts and/or sources. For example:

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 2, Lesson 17, students are given the discussion prompt, “Who were the first people to live in present day New England? How were their lives and communities impacted by the Europeans?” Prior to the discussion, students are given 5-10 minutes to gather evidence from the text that they can use to answer the question during the discussion.

  • In Literature Unit 4, Lesson 8, students break into three groups to discuss the ways the characters play the hundred dresses game. Then students present their findings to the whole class.

Indicator 1I

Materials include a mix of on-demand and process writing (e.g., multiple drafts, revisions over time) and short, focused projects, incorporating digital resources where appropriate.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 1i. 

The materials include opportunities in each unit for students to complete on-demand and process. Both types of writing tasks are connected to the unit topic and texts and assist students with building knowledge of the unit topic. Throughout each unit, students have almost daily opportunities to respond to the Target Task in writing, which provides students with opportunities in on-demand writing. In addition, each Literature and Science and Social Studies unit ends with a process writing task that requires multiple instructional days to complete. Process writing is the focus of most end of unit tasks, with a few focused lessons occurring across each unit. Occasionally on-demand writing tasks prompt students to revise or edit their work whereas the end of unit process tasks include time for revision and multiple drafts. Some tasks include opportunities for students to use information from digital sources such as videos or websites. Occasionally, materials prompt teachers to use the internet as enrichment but technology is not required for use in completing tasks or presentations. Most task sheets for student writing can be loaded into Google Classroom for students to engage in writing on a technical platform. This is optional and not required to utilize the materials.  

Materials include a mix of BOTH on-demand and process writing, including opportunities for students to revise and/or edit, that covers a year’s worth of instruction; however, the bulk of process writing occurs in the end-of-unit tasks. 

  • Examples of on-demand writing include:

    • In Literature Unit 1, Lesson 9, the Target Task is an on-demand writing prompt: “Describe Dyamonde. In your answer, include details about Dyamonde’s identity and her traits.” 

    • In Science and Social Studies,Unit 1, Lesson 5, students read an excerpt from Eye Wonder: Ancient Rome and answer questions: “What additional information does this text provide about the Roman Army? How does the author use text structure and features to help a reader learn more about the Roman army?” 

    • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 6, students complete an on-demand writing prompt: “How did Hercules’s actions contribute to the sequence of events?”

    • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3, Lesson 3, students complete a Target Task on-demand paragraph: “What characteristics do all mollusks share? What characteristics are varied? What characteristics do all arthropods share? What characteristics are varied?”

  • Examples of process writing include:

    • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 24, students complete a four-day process writing task to  write their own folktale. Students brainstorm on Day 1, draft on Day 2 and 3, and edit and revise on Day 4. 

    • In Science and Social Studies Unit 2, Lesson 24, students spend five days on an informational writing task where they create books to teach younger students about the real first story of the First Thanksgiving. During the first three days, students gather ideas and draft, and on Day 4, students begin editing. 

    • In Science and Social Studies, Unit 3, Lesson 9, students spend two days on the writing prompt: “A classmate makes the following statement during a class discussion, ‘All reptiles are exactly the same. All reptiles can survive in a variety of habitats.’ How would you respond? Support your answer with a specific example.” Students brainstorm and research to answer the prompt on Day 1. On Day 2, students receive instruction on topic sentences and details and draft their paragraphs. 

    • In Literature Unit 5, Lesson 27, students spend two days on an opinion task that describes which character helped Wilbur the most. On Day 1, students brainstorm details to support their opinion, and on Day 2, students revise.

Materials include some use of digital resources with writing tasks. Most of the resources are optional. Each Target Task writing prompt can be sent to Google Classroom, enabling students to type responses directly on the worksheet. This also allows students to publish final copies of process writing tasks digitally. 

Indicator 1J

Materials provide opportunities for students to address different text types of writing that reflect the distribution required by the standards.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 1j.

The materials include sufficient opportunities for writing the three text types required by the standards. The Literature and Science and Social Studies units address informational, opinion, and narrative writing. The majority of narrative and opinion writing take place in the Literature units. Informative writing is found in both Literature and Science and Social Studies units. Students regularly respond to a prompt after reading a text in both units and direct instruction is provided in Science and Social Studies for informational writing, typically in the form of a research project. Students receive explicit, sequenced instruction to assist in developing grade-level writing techniques in narrative, informational, and opinion styles of writing. 

Materials provide multiple opportunities across the school year for students to learn, practice, and apply different genres/modes/types of writing that reflect the distribution required by the standards. 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 1, Lesson 22, students create a brochure on Ancient Rome to show what they learned in the unit.

  • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 24, students write their own folktale making sure to include characteristics of a folktale. 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 2, Lesson 5, students learn about compound sentences and “write three to four compound sentences that describe the major challenges of the voyage” after reading about the Mayflower. 

  • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 16, students read the story of “Otus and Ephialtes, Twin Giants” from the book, Classic Starts: Roman Myths. Then, they write a description to explain what happens after the gods got their revenge by retelling key details from the text using descriptive details. 

Different genres/modes/types of writing are distributed throughout the school year. 

  • Students have opportunities to engage in opinion writing. Opinion writing happens in about 30% of all writing opportunities. For example:

    • In Literature Unit 4, Lesson 17, the Target Task requires students to state their opinion by answering the question, “Do Peggy, Maddie, and Wanda’s roles in the hundred dresses game evolve? Defend why or why not”. 

    • In Literature Unit 5, Lesson 27, students write an opinion paragraph: “Explain which character helped Wilbur the most using the best supporting details from the text.”

  • Students have opportunities to engage in informative/explanatory writing. Informative writing happens in about 40% of all writing opportunities. For example:

    • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 11, students answer the question, “How did Psyche's sisters influence her? What is a positive or negative influence?”

    • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3, Lesson 5, students complete a two-day writing project where they defend whether or not they think all arthropods are the same and if they can survive in a variety of habitats. Students use information from the texts to defend their answer. 

  • Students have opportunities to engage in narrative writing. Narrative writing happens in about 30% of all writing opportunities. For example:: 

    • In Literature Unit 1, Lesson 20, students spend six days drafting and revising a narrative from the prompt, “Write a story about an experience that has shaped who you are”. 

    • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 19, students write a story about what happened after Romulus welcomed everyone to his new city, Rome. 

Where appropriate, writing opportunities are connected to texts and/or text sets (either as prompts, models, anchors, or supports). Examples include:

  • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 2, the Target Task requires students to “Describe Jupiter” and answer the question, “What details does the author include to show what Jupiter is like?” This connects to the text Classic Starts: Roman Myths by Diane Namm. 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 5, Lesson 4, students explain what the section “The Story of Judaism” is mostly about and what details the author includes to support the main idea.

Indicator 1K

Materials include frequent opportunities for evidence-based writing to support careful analyses, well-defended claims, and clear information.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 1k. 

The materials include evidence-based writing tasks in the majority of lessons in the Literature units and Science and Social Studies units. Writing prompts are specific to the texts and help students build knowledge on each unit topic. Writing assignments are designed for students to construct meaningful responses and to think critically about new knowledge and themes in the unit. Each lesson includes a Target Task question, which requires students to answer, in writing, based on the reading from that day. Some of these tasks require students to complete a close read of a particular piece of text and use detailed evidence to support their responses to writing prompts. The Teacher Tools provide a variety of instructional strategies for direct instruction and support for facilitating student practice needed to provide students with explicit, sequenced instruction to help them develop grade-level writing techniques, though none are specific to evidence-based writing. 

Materials provide frequent opportunities across the school year for students to learn, practice, and apply writing using evidence. For example:

  • In Literature Unit 1, Lesson 2, students answer the prompt, “What is Dyamonde like? How do you know?” Prior to answering the question, students participate in a discussion about Dyamonde’s identity. There are sentence frames to help students, such as “Dyamonde is _______ because _______.” 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 2, Lesson 6, students close read an excerpt from Pilgrims: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #27. Students gather text evidence and use sentence stems in order to answer the question, “Why were the pilgrims not satisfied with Cape Cod? Why were they satisfied with Plymouth?” Prior to writing, students turn and talk to discuss the different reasons the Pilgrims weren’t satisfied with Cape Code. 

  • In Literature Unit 4, Lesson 13, students read an excerpt of The Hundred Dresses and answer the question, “Maddie reaches an important conclusion after reflecting on what happened with Wanda. What conclusion does she reach?” Prior to answering the question, students find and underline details in the text about Maddie. Students are also given sentence frames to help with the writing prompt: “Maddie reached the right conclusion because.....”. 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 5, Lesson 14, students answer the question, “Explain the five pillars of Islam. Why are they each an important part of the religion?” The lesson says to not provide any support with this writing prompt, and instead collect it and use the Written Response Rubric to determine if additional instruction needs to be provided in upcoming writing lessons. 

Writing opportunities are focused around students’ recall of information to develop opinions from reading closely and working with evidence from texts and sources. For example:

  • In Literature Unit 1, Lesson 15, students read My Name is María Isabel and complete the Target Task writing prompt: “At the end of the chapter María Isabel says that ‘she knew that there really were good reasons to be thankful on this Thanksgiving.’ Why is María Isabel feeling thankful?” Prior to answering the question, students close read and answer five questions orally. 

  • In Social Studies and Science Unit 1, Lesson 19, students compare and contrast the most important key details in both texts from the unit in writing. 

  • In Social Studies and Science Unit 3, Lesson 21, students independently read the text and then “reread and take notes on the cause and effect relationships that show how the environment in which an animal lives influences an animal’s traits and behaviors.” Students discuss the following question: “How does the environment in which an animal lives influence an animal’s traits and behaviors? Why are different adaptations needed?”

  • In Literature Unit 5,  Lesson 22, students read Charlotte’s Web and complete the writing prompt: “The fair has caused people to change. In what ways have Charlotte, Wilbur, Templeton, and Fern changed? Explain why.” Prior to answering this question, students write about how Charlotte is changing on page 146 and how Wilbur is changing on page 146. This writing is completed either independently or with a partner.

Indicator 1L

Materials include explicit instruction of the grade-level grammar and usage standards, with opportunities for application in context.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the expectations of Indicator 1l.

The materials include explicit instruction in all grammar standards. Materials include instruction during the Literature and Science and Social Studies units primarily using the core anchor text and example sentences. Students have multiple opportunities to practice crafting sentences using the newly learned grammar skill, as well as additional opportunities for continuous practice. Materials also include opportunities for students to demonstrate the application of skills in the context of student writing. 

Materials include explicit instruction of all grammar and usage standards for the grade level. For example:

  • Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences.

    • In Literature Unit 4, Lesson 4, the teacher tells students they have been working to make their writing more interesting. The teacher tells them they will use an “appositive,” a second noun placed to a first noun to make their writing more interesting. 

    • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 6, the teacher explains what a comparative adjective is: add -er to one-syllable words, or add “more”, or “less” to words with two or more syllables. 

  • Form and use regular and irregular plural nouns.

    • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3, Lesson 8, in the engaging with the text section, it says that many of the examples use possessives, but if students are unfamiliar, the teacher should tell students how to make a singular noun or plural nouns not ending in possessives by adding an apostrophe s. 

  • Use abstract nouns (e.g., childhood).

    • In Literature Unit 1, Lesson 20, students work to expand kernel sentences with the question words, who, what, and where. Students are then directed to circle the nouns they used to expand their sentences. The teacher then is directed to explain the difference between a concrete noun and an abstract noun. Students then continue expanding their sentences using either concrete or abstract nouns. 

  • Form and use regular and irregular verbs.

    • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 24, the teacher tells students to edit their writing for irregular verbs. The teacher can use guidance from the Supplemental Language Lesson: Irregular Verbs to review with students how some verbs have irregular past tenses. The teacher has the students correct the provided sentences as a class for the correct form of the irregular verb. 

  • Form and use the simple (e.g., I walked; I walk; I will walk) verb tenses.

    • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 24, the teacher Introduces students to the simple verb tenses of past, present, and future. The teacher explains their narrative will likely be in the present or past tense and demonstrates writing a paragraph in the past tense. If students need additional support for understanding verb tenses, the teacher can use the Supplemental Language Lesson: Verb Tenses.

  • Ensure subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement.

    • In Literature Unit 1, Lesson 4, the teacher introduces students to fragments. The teacher asks students if the sentence tells the reader who or what does something? Or does it tell about the subject and what they did?

    • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 4, the teacher tells students that today they are going to combine two or more sentences so that their writing is clear and interesting for their readers. The teacher models combining two sentences together and asks students to notice what the teacher did. The teacher explains why a pronoun is used in the second part of the sentence (because the subject is already known). If necessary, the teacher is advised to repeat using three declarative sentences. The teacher works with students to combine three sentences.

  • Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on what is to be modified.

    • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 6, students are introduced to comparative adjectives. Students learn when to add -er to words and more or less and the teacher displays sample sentences. Students then are directed to draft their own comparative sentences. Later in Lesson 17, students use both comparative and superlative adjectives to complete sentences. 

  • Use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

    • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 4, the teacher explains that students have learned how to write a complete sentence and have learned to use the conjunctions because, but and so to make the sentence more interesting. The teacher models with an example using a conjunction. 

  • Produce simple, compound, and complex sentences.

    • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 8, the teacher tells students that today they are going to combine two or more sentences so that their writing is clear and interesting for their readers. The teacher models combining two sentences together and asks students to notice what the teacher did. If necessary, the teacher is advised to repeat using three declarative sentences. The teacher works with students to combine three sentences. 

    • In Literature Unit 5, Lesson 4, the teacher tells students when we combine simple sentences in the writing it helps to make the writing more interesting. The teacher uses appositives, pronouns, and conjunctions to combine these sentences. 

  • Capitalize appropriate words in titles.

    • In Literature Unit 4, Lesson 32, the teacher states the rules for capitalization, “The first word of a sentence should always be capitalized. Names and other proper nouns should always be capitalized. Most words in titles should be capitalized. The pronoun “I” should be capitalized.” Students then practice editing a set of sentences. 

  • Use commas in addresses.

    • In Literature Unit 4, Lesson 32, the teacher tells students that they are going to mail a letter to their principal and that a comma should go between the city and the state. 

  • Use commas and quotation marks in dialogue.

    • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 8, the teacher has students underline dialogue in the Mastery Response and asks what they notice. The teacher creates a list including how to punctuate dialogue. The teacher then says sentences out loud, and students write them as dialogue. 

  • Form and use possessives.

    • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3, Lesson 12, in the Language Supports section, it says if students are struggling to use the possessive, the teacher should circle the possessive and review how possessives show ownership. The teacher then describes to students singular and plural nouns. 

  • Use conventional spelling for high-frequency and other studied words and for adding suffixes to base words (e.g., sitting, smiled, cries, happiness). 

    • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 22, students are provided with a list of common high frequency words and edit their writing for correct spelling. 

  • Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families, position-based spellings, syllable patterns, ending rules, meaningful word parts) in writing words.

    • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3, Lesson 1, the teacher is prompted that if the lesson has syllabication patterns that are difficult for the students, the teacher should use the syllabication routine. The teacher circles the word parts at the beginning and end. The teacher then underlines the letters representing the vowel sounds, says each part, then says the parts fast, and then reads it as a whole word.

    • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 24, the teacher explains that students will use syllable patterns to help them decide how to spell new words. The teacher explains that understanding and using syllable patterns help them spell longer words more accurately as they write.

  • Consult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as needed to check and correct spellings.

    • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 24, the teacher explains that “sometimes words are even trickier than we think, and we still can’t get it right. Another resource writers use is a dictionary.” The teacher then shows students where the student dictionaries are in the room and/or directs them to dictionary.com to use as an online tool. 

  • Choose words and phrases for effect.

    • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 16, students review their writing to add more powerful words. The teacher models uses sentences from the text and students notice the vocabulary in each sentence and then move to adjectives. Students draft sentences with precise word choice using vocabulary from the text, the class word wall, and the Using Precise Adjectives handout. 

  • Recognize and observe differences between the conventions of spoken and written standard English.

    • In Literature Unit 1, Lesson 4, the teacher explains to students that they are going to spend time learning about sentences. The teacher explains that when people speak, they may not use complete sentences. The teacher further explains that students are going to learn a variety of strategies to ensure they write correctly. 

Materials include opportunities for students to demonstrate application of skills in context, including applying grammar and convention skills to writing. For example:

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3, Lesson 8, students practice writing dialogue in pairs. The teacher is prompted to say something out loud and students add the quotation marks, the dialogue tag, and who said it. 

  • In Literature Unit 4, Lesson 32, the teacher explains to students that before they share their writing, they need to edit their writing. The capitalization rules are reviewed. Students are then to edit their writing with a partner for correct capitalization. If there is time, students are encouraged to edit for spelling, complete sentences, regular and irregular verbs, commas, and quotation marks in dialogue, and possessives. 

Indicator 1M

Materials include a cohesive, year-long plan for students to interact and build key academic vocabulary words in and across texts.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 partially meet the criteria for Indicator 1m. 

The materials include digital Teacher Tools with a Vocabulary section that provides guidelines and strategies for teaching vocabulary within each unit. Additionally, the teacher is given protocols for how to explicitly and implicitly teach vocabulary; however, those protocols are general to the entire program rather than lesson or text-specific. While vocabulary is addressed within units to build student knowledge and support text comprehension, the vocabulary does not intentionally build over the academic year. The lessons are limited in providing specific instruction for teaching the vocabulary words in each lesson. While some Key Questions, Target Tasks, and assessment questions require the use of academic vocabulary from the text, vocabulary words are rarely addressed in context. There is also limited explanation for instructing students on how to incorporate the vocabulary words into their writing and speaking. While there is a vocabulary package that includes a list of words for each unit, as well as documents for the student to use as a resource, the vocabulary is infrequently integrated across multiple texts or embedded in writing instruction.  

Materials provide limited teacher guidance outlining a cohesive year-long vocabulary development component. For example:

  • The digital Teacher Tools provide guidance for vocabulary instruction that is general for the whole program K-12.  This document is not connected or referred to within the daily lessons. The guidance indicates that teachers should choose 7-15 words per unit to emphasize in instruction. The Teacher Tools also share routines to teach vocabulary both implicitly and explicitly. According to the materials in Teacher Tools, the vocabulary instruction is based on Doug Lemov’s “Examples of Active Vocabulary Practice from our New Curriculum” in Teach Like a Champion.

  • Each unit contains a Vocabulary Package. In this bundle, there are worksheets for students to determine the part of speech and define the words in the unit. There are PDF files that include vocabulary definition worksheet, flashcards, and a student glossary included in each unit. Lessons in both Literature Units and Science and Social Studies Units have a Vocabulary section that lists and defines the words that will be read during that lesson. It is at the teacher’s discretion which words to choose for explicit and implicit vocabulary instruction. Limited additional instruction or guidance is given within the lessons. 

Vocabulary is occasionally repeated in contexts (before texts, in texts) and across multiple texts, though explicit instruction across multiple texts is not present. For example:

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3, Lesson 2, teachers provide students with a glossary of the scientific vocabulary found in that section of text. The teacher introduces or reviews any priority vocabulary words prior to reading the text. The priority vocabulary words are skeleton and organ. These words appear in other texts in the unit, but are not priority vocabulary words. 

  • In Literature Unit 5, Lesson 1, students respond to a writing prompt using two of the vocabulary words, “Do all members of the family have the same perspective about Wilbur? Explain why using the word injustice and runt”. When students complete the Content Assessment, they must include 2 -3 vocabulary words from the unit, but it is not guaranteed students will use injustice or runt

Attention is paid to vocabulary essential to understanding the text and to high-value academic words (e.g., words that might appear in other contexts/content areas). For example:

  • In Literature Unit 1, Lesson 5, students read Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel. Some vocabulary words for the unit focus on descriptive words of the character Dyamonde such as empathetic and determined. For the Target Task students answer the questions: “Why is Dyamonde puzzled by Free? What does this show about her?” Materials prompt teachers to support students by providing students with the sentence frames and vocabulary words for the second part of the Target Task. Teachers review the words determined, observant and thoughtful and teach the word empathetic.

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3, Lesson 11, prior to reading What is a Life Cycle?, teachers ask students what they already know about life cycles, which is one of the vocabulary words in the lesson using the questions, “What is a life cycle? Why are life cycles important?” Teachers also explain that in the next few lessons students are going to learn about a few different life cycles before they preview the next text with students. 

Criterion 1.3: Foundational Skills


Materials in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language targeted to support foundational reading development are aligned to the standards.

Within the program, students receive limited instruction and opportunities to practice grade-level phonics, word analysis, and word recognition that follows research-based progression. There is an included structural analysis routine designed to help teachers support students with multisyllabic words, but the materials lack daily lesson plans in this area with targeted words for teachers to use for instruction. Students receive instruction and practice opportunities for oral and silent reading fluency; however, support for reading of prose and poetry with attention to rate, accuracy, and expression, as well as direction for students to apply reading skills when productive struggle is necessary is minimal. There is no evidence of assessments for phonics and word recognition beyond the opportunities provided to inform instructional adjustments. Materials do include multiple assessments in fluency.

Indicator 1N

Materials, questions, and tasks address grade-level foundational skills by providing explicit instruction in phonics, word analysis, and word recognition that demonstrate a research-based progression.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 partially meet the expectations of indicator 1n.

The materials include limited instruction in phonics, word analysis, and word recognition that demonstrates research-based progression. While students identify prefixes and Latin suffixes in the materials, there is no evidence of students reading irregularly spelled words. A list of common prefixes, derivational suffixes, and Latin suffixes is provided in the teacher tools for each unit; however, there are no lessons on identifying and knowing the meanings of them. 

There is no evidence of assessments beyond the opportunities provided to inform instructional adjustments of phonics and word recognition to help students make progress toward mastery. There is no evidence of tasks and questions sequenced to the application of grade-level work.  Routines for Structural Analysis and Syllabication are included in the Teacher Tools section and are referred to in the Enhanced Lesson Plans if students struggle with decoding. 

Materials contain limited explicit instruction of phonics, word recognition, and word analysis consistently over the course of the year. For example:

  • Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and derivational suffixes. 

    • In Teacher Tools, English Language Arts, Foundational Skills, Morphology, and Syllabication Routine, teachers use the Structural Analysis Routine to teach students how to decode words with a variety of affixes and word parts. Materials state: “Enhanced Lesson Plans include guidance on when to include the Structural Analysis Routine. To ensure that students are introduced to affixes in a structured way, teachers should always follow the suggestions in the Enhanced Lesson Plans. If students need additional practice with particular affixes, or new vocabulary words in the unit contain affixes, teachers can add additional practice opportunities into whole-group or small-group instruction.” 

    • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3, Lesson 1, the teacher is prompted to use the Structural Analysis Routine to break down the word invertebrate. The teacher guides students in determining the meaning of the prefix, in-. 

  • Decode words with common Latin suffixes.

    • In Literature Unit 5, Lesson 7, the teacher uses the Structural Analysis Routine to break down the word, objectionable, for students to learn what the suffix, -able means. 

  • Decode multisyllable words.

    • In Teacher Tools, English Language Arts, Foundational Skills, Morphology, and Syllabication, the teacher uses the Structural Analysis Routine to teach students how to decode words with a variety of affixes and word parts. A Syllabication Routine is in this Teacher Tool. A whole-class review of syllabication patterns is recommended in Grade 3 and can be done as part of daily word-work and vocabulary instruction. In the Enhanced Lesson Plans, there are notes of when a teacher may want to refer to these routines.

    • In Science and Social Studies Unit 4, Lesson 2, in the Foundational Skills Support section, the teacher uses the Syllabication Routine to reinforce students' decoding habits. 

  • Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.

    • No evidence found.

Multiple assessment opportunities are not provided over the course of the year to inform instructional adjustments of phonics and word recognition to help students make progress toward mastery.

  • No evidence found

Indicator 1O

Materials include opportunities for students to practice and apply grade-level phonics, word analysis, and word recognition skills.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 partially meet the expectations of indicator 1o.

The materials include limited opportunities for students to practice and apply grade-level phonics, word analysis, and word recognition skills. Within some unit lessons, students have opportunities to learn, practice, and apply word analysis in texts that they are reading, as well as writing tasks. Additionally, materials include a Structural Analysis Routine during small groups when reading certain text. Teachers are reminded to refer to these tools if they notice students struggling with multisyllabic words while reading, but materials do not include specific lesson plans for these skills in the daily lessons. Materials do not include a word analysis assessment to monitor student progress on these skills during the year. 

Limited opportunities are provided over the course of the year in core materials for students to learn, practice, and apply phonics, word recognition, and word analysis skills in connected tasks. For example:

  • In Literature Unit 1, Lesson 7, students break down the word gradually and students are guided to the meaning of suffix -ly. Students then read the word in the text on pages 18-20. 

  • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 3, students use the Structural Analysis Routine to determine the meaning of the prefix -over and suffix -ness. 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 4, Lesson 2, in the Foundational Skills Support section, the students practice the Structural Analysis Routine to break down the words, colonial, heedless, forceful, and dreadful. The students try out the word in sentences after they have reassembled the word with the prefix, base, and suffix. The teacher also has students manipulate the word by adding additional affixes and analyzing how the meaning of the word changes.

Materials include limited tasks and questions that provide opportunities for students to access different foundational skills within the anchor text and supporting texts. For example:

  • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 2, while reading about Roman Myths, the teacher is prompted to have students complete the Syllabication Routine in a small group with students that are struggling to reinforce decoding and to use the Structural Analysis Routine to break down the word, wickedness. The teacher guides students to determine the meaning of the suffix -ness. 

  • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 13, students read the text, “Man’s Tunic.” The teacher uses the Structural Analysis Routine to break down the word, unfulfilled. Students who struggle with syllabication patterns use the Syllabication Routine in a small group.

Indicator 1P

Instructional opportunities are frequently built into the materials for students to practice and achieve reading fluency in order to read with purpose and understanding.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 partially meet the expectations of Indicator 1p.

The materials include multiple opportunities for students to receive explicit instruction in fluency and practice fluent reading. The majority of lessons in each unit include fluency activities, such as teacher modeling, student self-assessment of their fluency, and partner reading for fluency practice. The use of teacher modeling, think aloud, or using examples and non-examples is provided at least once in every unit. Materials also include Norms for Oral Reading Fluency. Materials include multiple assessment opportunities within each unit including Cold Read Assessments and Fluency Assessments. Materials provide the teacher with guidance for the next steps through Fluency Assessment Guidance and Fluency Assessment Trackers. Materials also include Additional Fluency Instruction and Support for students who need extra support in fluency. Materials include limited opportunities for students to learn and use self-correction of word recognition. Additionally, materials provide limited opportunities for students to practice oral reading fluency with rate and accuracy. 

Multiple opportunities are provided over the course of the year in core materials for students to demonstrate sufficient accuracy and fluency in oral and silent reading. For example:

  • Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding.

    • In Literature Unit 1, Lesson 2, Foundational Skills Support, the teacher reads aloud “The Enormous Crocodile” to model reading with expression and intonation that matches the character’s feelings and motivations. The teacher prompts students to answer questions about how reading with expression can help a reader better understand the Enormous Crocodile. The teacher also asks students, “What should a reader pay attention to in order to know what expression to use when reading a text?”

    • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 5, materials state that the text should be read aloud to model fluent reading and to focus on basic comprehension. When reading aloud, the teacher models how to use proper intonation that matches the interpretation of the passage, particularly in regards to character dialogue.

Materials provide limited support for reading of prose and poetry with attention to rate, accuracy, and expression, as well as direction for students to apply reading skills when productive struggle is necessary. For example:

  • Read grade-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.

    • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 9, in Foundational Skills Support, the teacher models fluent reading with a focus on expression. Materials state, “Read aloud the text to model fluent reading. In particular, highlight the following key components of fluent reading: How to use dialogue tags and description to read character dialogue with the correct expression.” A sample moment to model and discuss is "Shouting and flapping her arms, the girl tried to scare the goat away. But the goat merely looked at her with disdain and said in a threatening voice, ‘I'm the goat from the hills and mountains, and I love to eat young girls for dessert!’" To model how to add extra emphasis to words in italics, the sample moment to model and discuss is "But the goat looked at him with disdain and said loudly, 'I'm the goat from the hills and mountains, and I love to eat young girls, their mothers, and their fathers for desert!’"

    • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 3, students focus on accuracy and expression. Materials state, “The second read of the text should be done independently to build accuracy and expression. After re-reading the text independently, have students select a short section of the text to reread to self-assess their fluency. Students can either score their fluency on the Reading Fluency Rubric or get feedback from a partner. Partners should use the language of the teaching points when giving targeted feedback. If needed, use suggestions from Additional Fluency Instruction and Support to provide additional support.”

    • In Literature Unit 4, Lesson 20, the teacher models fluent reading of a verse from the poem collection, “Garvey’s Choice”, with a focus on rate. Materials state, “Model reading aloud a few poems from Garvey’s Choice in order to model what fluent reading of verse sounds like. While reading aloud, use this teaching point to introduce the fluency focus area to students: When you read verse, it’s important to feel the rhythm of the poem. Don’t rush! Read each line slowly and make sure to pay attention to the punctuation. Sometimes that means reading the poem more than once to fully understand the rhythm.”

Materials support students’ fluency development of reading skills (e.g., self-correction of word recognition and/or for understanding, focus on rereading) over the course of the year (to get to the end of the grade-level band). For example:

  • Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. 

    • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 1, in the Foundational Skills Support, the teacher reads the text aloud to model fluency. Materials state, “model how to self-correct when faced with difficult words and sentences. While reading aloud, use this teaching point to introduce the fluency focus area to students: ‘Sometimes as readers we get to words we don’t know or sentences that are difficult to understand. We might read the word or sentence wrong. But we can notice if we made a mistake by asking ourselves, does that make sense? If not, we go back and re-read the word or sentence slowly. We might use a phonics strategy to figure out a word, or just take our time on a long sentence. When we self-correct after making a mistake, we better understand what we’re reading.’” Prompting questions include: “What strategies does a fluent reader use to self-correct when reading difficult words and sentences? How does reading with expression help a reader better understand the different characters?”

    • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 4, in the Foundational Skills Support, the teacher is prompted to model how to self-correct while reading difficult words and sentence structures. The teacher reads the same section of a text multiple times. On the first read, the teacher reads quickly and does not correct any mistakes. On the second read, the teacher reads laboriously, sounding out words but not correcting any mistakes. On the third read, the teacher reads at a conversational pace, making an occasional mistake but then self-correcting. Prompts are provided to ask the students to identify the difference between the readings and to ask students what strategies a reader can use to self-correct. 

Assessment materials provide teachers and students with information of students’ current fluency skills and provide teachers with instructional adjustments to help students make progress toward mastery of fluency. For example:

  • In the Assessment Reading Fluency Overview, the teacher uses a baseline fluency assessment at the beginning of the year, informal assessments during the unit to evaluate prosody, rate, and accuracy using fluency rubrics. If a student scores a two or lower on the baseline assessment, they should use the additional fluency instruction and support. The teacher is prompted to also give formal assessments at the end of every unit using a passage from the core text that encompasses fluency demands. 

  • A cold-read assessment is provided for teachers to use. Teachers can refer to the information provided in the Teacher Tools, Foundational Skills, Fluency for norms to determine which students need additional work in the area of rate.

  • In Literature Unit 1, Unit Summary, a cold-read assessment is provided for teachers to use. 

  • In Literature Unit 1, Lesson 11, the teacher is prompted if needed, to use the Additional Fluency Instruction and Support. It states that if a student receives a two or lower on the fluency rubric, they should receive support. There are five sections of fluency with suggestions for the teacher to support students in fluency. 

  • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 23, students take a fluency assessment in which they read a passage excerpt from “The Goat from the Hills and Mountains.” The teacher identifies the words read correctly and the errors. The teacher then uses the Additional Instruction and Support Document.

Overview of Gateway 2

Building Knowledge with Texts, Vocabulary, and Tasks

The Grade 3 science and social studies units build strong content knowledge, engage students in deep text analysis, and invite synthesis of ideas within and across texts through the use of high-quality questions and tasks. Culminating tasks which frequently double as research tasks, provide opportunities for students to engage in a deep analysis of the topic under study and to demonstrate standards-aligned knowledge and skills obtained from the unit. Most literary units are aligned to a theme and may not serve to build knowledge in the same way as the science and social studies units. 

The materials include frequent opportunities for writing and integrate writing as a tool for examination of texts and discussions. Though the program contains strong tools, an end-of-unit process writing task, and integrates language standards into lessons throughout the unit, the opportunities for direct instruction and practice of process writing, editing, and revision may not be enough for students to master all grade level expectations in writing. 

The bulk of instructional time and tasks see students engaged daily in discussions, text analysis, writing about texts and/or unit topics, and engaged in grade-level, standards-aligned work. Materials can be completed within the recommended times and calendaring allotted. Optional activities do not move the materials out of standards alignment and meet the objectives of each unit.

Criterion 2.1: Building Knowledge


Materials build knowledge through integrated reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language.

The Grade 3 science and social studies units are topically connected; however most literature units are thematically connected, and may not serve to build knowledge on a topic. 

High-quality questions and tasks throughout the units engage students in analysis of the key ideas, details, craft, and structure of texts. Additionally, these questions and tasks provide the opportunity to examine knowledge and ideas both within and across texts. The culminating tasks found across the units require students to demonstrate the knowledge and skills gained in the unit as well as their progress toward mastery of the grade level standards. Additionally, some of these culminating tasks, primarily found in the science and social studies units, provide research opportunities where students engage in a deep analysis of the topic under study. 

The materials include frequent opportunities for writing and integrate writing as a tool for examination of texts and discussions. Though the program contains strong tools, an end-of-unit process writing task, and integrates language standards into lessons throughout the unit, the opportunities for direct instruction and practice of process writing, editing, and revision may not be enough for students to master all grade level expectations in writing.

Indicator 2A

Texts are organized around a cohesive topic(s) to build students’ ability to read and comprehend complex texts independently and proficiently.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 partially meet the criteria for Indicator 2a.

The materials contain texts that are organized around a cohesive topic in the Science and Social Studies units; however, in the Literature Units, some of the units are organized around a theme and do not necessarily help build knowledge. The Science and Social Studies units are organized around a topic to enhance students’ knowledge of particular subject matter. Anchor texts and supporting materials build students’ acquisition of knowledge through reading, discussions, research, and text-based questions. The units introduce essential questions with knowledge goals for students that build knowledge of each topic. 

All of the Science and Social Studies unit texts are connected by grade-level appropriate topics. A few of the Literature units are connected by a topic and build knowledge and the ability to read and comprehend complex texts across a school year. For example:

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 1, students read about Ancient Rome in texts such as Eye Wonder: Ancient Rome by DK Children (informational text) and Ancient Rome and Pompeii: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #13 by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce (informational text). Students answer the following Essential Questions: 

    • How did the city of Rome expand and grow? 

    • What was life like in the Roman Empire? What did the Romans value? 

    • What led to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire? 

    • What were some of the key contributions of Ancient Roman civilization? How have they influenced the present? 

  • In  Literature Unit 2, texts are connected by the topic of folktales and students read several folktales including Her Stories, African American Folktales, Fairy Tales, and True Tales by Virginia Hamilton (assorted fictional text), Tales of Uncle Remus: The Adventures of Brer Rabbit by Julius Lester (fictional text), and Tales Our Abuelitas Told, A Hispanic Folktale Collection by F. Isabel Cmpoy and Alma Flor Ada (folktales). Students answer the Essential Questions: 

    • What lessons can we learn from folktales? 

    • Why are Brer Rabbit tales important? What can we learn from them? 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 2, students learn about the history of the Pilgrims and the first Massachusetts colonies and fact vs. fiction about the first Thanksgiving. They read texts such as The Wampanoag (A True Book: American Indians) by Kevin Cunningham (informational text) and Pilgrims: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #27 by Mary Pope Osborne (informational text). Students answer the Essential Questions:

    • Why did the Pilgrims leave England? What challenges did they face when they reached the "New World"? 

    • Who were the first people to live in present day New England? How were their lives and communities impacted by the Europeans? 

    • What parts of the Thanksgiving story are true? What parts are myths? 

    • Why is it important to look at history from multiple perspectives?  

  • In Literature Unit 3, students read about Roman myths through the collections of myths in the text, Classic Starts: Roman Myths by Diane Namm (informational text). Students answer the Essential Questions:

    • What messages do Roman myths convey about retaliation? 

    • What messages do Roman myths convey about the power of generosity? 

    • Who were the twelve major gods and goddesses who were honored and worshiped in ancient Rome? What role do they play in different myths?  

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3 , students read texts about the animal Kingdom and adaptations. Texts include How do Animals Adapt? (The Science of Living Things), What is a LIfe Cycle? (The Science of Living Things), and What is the Animal Kingdom? (The Science of Living Things)-- all texts by Bobbie Kalman and Niki Walker (informational texts). Students answer the following Essential Questions:

    • What is the animal kingdom? What types of animals make up the animal kingdom? 

    • Why are life cycles important? Are all animal life cycles the same? 

    • What happens to animals in an ecosystem when the environment changes? How have animals adapted to meet changes in the environment? 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 4, students read about Indigenous people through texts, such as The People Shall Continue by Simon J. Ortiz (poem), Chester Nez and The Unbreakable Code, a Navajo Code Talker’s Story by Joseph Bruchac (biography), and Native Women of Courage by Kelly Fournel (biography). Students answer the following Essential Questions:

    • In what ways are Indigenous cultures in the United States similar and different? 

    • How did the arrival of European explorers and settlers impact Indigenous societies? How is this impact still seen today? 

    • Who are some Indigenous heroes, and how have they changed the world? 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 5, students read about world religions including through the texts, What is Religion? By Bobbie Kalman (informational text) and One World, Many Religions: The Ways we Worship by Mary Pope Osborne (informational/reference text). Students answer the following Essential Questions:

    • What is religion? Why is it important to learn about other religions? 

    • What are the key beliefs of the major world religions? 

The Literature unit texts are primarily connected by a theme and therefore are not organized around a cohesive topic. For example:

  • In Literature Unit 1, texts are connected by the theme of identity. Texts include Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel by Nikki Grimes and My Name is María Isabel by Alma Flor Ada (fictional texts). Students answer the following Essential Questions:

    • What makes me who I am? 

    • How should we treat people who are different from us? 

    • Why are our names important?

  • In Literature Unit 4, texts are connected to the theme of acceptance of oneself and others. Texts include The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes and Garvey’s Choice by Nikki Grimes (fictional texts). Students answer the following Essential Questions:

    • What different roles do people play in bullying? 

    • What does it mean to be accepting of ourselves? 

    • What does it mean to be accepting of others?

  • In Literature Unit 5 , texts are connected to the theme of friendship. Students read Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White (fictional text). Students answer the following Essential Questions:

    • What are the characteristics of a strong friendship?

    • What can death teach us about how to live?

Indicator 2B

Materials require students to analyze the key ideas, details, craft, and structure within individual texts as well as across multiple texts using coherently sequenced, high quality questions and tasks.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 2b.

The materials include opportunities for students to respond to high-quality questions and tasks in writing or discussion. Many questions and tasks focus on the main idea and details, word choice, and structure of the text. In each lesson, text-dependent questions are sequenced to increase an in-depth knowledge base of the key ideas and themes presented in texts. The majority of the text-dependent question sequences occur in the Engaging with the Text sections in each lesson. All of the texts, questions, and associated tasks build student knowledge to answer the Essential Questions that guide each unit. 

For most texts, students analyze key ideas and details according to grade-level standards. For example:

  • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 15, students read “The Happy Man’s Tunic,” an excerpt from Tales Our Abuelitas Told, A Hispanic Folktale Collection and answer a series of questions that require them to analyze key ideas and details: “Whose perspective changes in the story? Why do you think so? What is the shepherd’s perspective on what makes him truly happy? How is that different from other characters in the story?”

  • In Science and Social Studies and Science Unit 2, Lesson 10, students read an excerpt from The Wampanoag (A True Brook: American Indians) and answer questions about key ideas and details: “What were the Three Sisters? Why were they important to the Wampanoag? Why were Sachems an important part of a Wampanoag tribe?”

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 4, Lesson 11, students are asked questions that require students to analyze key ideas and details: “How were tribal languages used to convey messages?” and “How were messages sent?”  

  • In Literature Unit 5, Lesson 3, students answer a series of questions: “How does Goose influence Wilbur? Does he have a positive or negative influence? How do you know? How does Wilbur initially feel about his ‘freedom’? What details does the author include to help readers better understand how he feels?”

For most texts, students analyze craft and structure (according to the grade-level standards). For example:

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 1, Lesson 5, students analyze the text features and images in Eye Wonder: Ancient Wonder. For each section of the text, students answer the questions: “What do all of the pictures and illustrations show about the Roman army? How are they connected? Why does the author include each picture?”

  • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 3, after reading “The Oak and the Linden Tree” from Classic Starts: Roman Myths, students answer: “Why is the chapter titled ‘The Oak and the Linden Tree’?” 

  • In Literature Unit 4, Lesson 1, the Target Task states, “The author uses the language ‘have fun with her’ multiple times in the chapter. Why does the author repeat the phrase multiple times? How does it relate to the author’s description of each character?”

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 4, Lesson 6 students answer:“Why does the author include the section on Master Jone’s Map? How does this help a reader better understand where the Pilgrims finally settled?”

Indicator 2C

Materials require students to analyze the integration of knowledge within individual texts as well as across multiple texts using coherently sequenced, high quality text-specific and/or text-dependent questions and tasks.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 2c.

The materials contain questions and tasks that require students to analyze individual and multiple texts. In both Literature and Science and Social Studies units, lessons include a set of Key Questions to build knowledge around the unit topic. As the units progress, questions build to support various tasks and, by the end of most units, students compare the unit texts. The majority of questions are text-dependent or text-specific. Furthermore, tasks enhance the students’ knowledge base of the unit topic through questions, discussions, writing prompts, and at times, research. Within most units, there are multiple texts that offer varying perspectives and viewpoints while continuing to build knowledge of the unit topic or theme. Most questions are aligned to the standards, and the majority of units provide opportunities for students to gather information and analyze across multiple texts. 

Most sets of questions and tasks support students’ analysis of knowledge and ideas. For example:

  • In Social Studies and Science Unit 2, Lesson 6, after reading Pilgrims: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #27 by Mary Pope Osborne, students answer questions that build knowledge: “How did the men, women, and children respond to being on land? Why? What happened when explorers explored Cape Cod? Why did the Pilgrims like Plymouth? Explain. What has happened to Plymouth Rock? Why?” In Lesson 9, students continue reading the same text and answer additional questions: “How did the Wampanoag depend on the environment for survival? What do Wampanoag celebrations show about what the Wampanoag value? Why?” 

  • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 1, after reading part of Classic Starts: Roman Myths by Diane Namm, students respond to the question, “Describe two of the twelve major gods or goddesses who were honored and worshipped in ancient Rome.” Prior to answering this question in writing, students discuss questions, such as “What was each god known for?” 

  • In Social Studies and Science Unit 4, Lesson 12, students read from the website, “Native Words, Native Warriors” by Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian, and watch the videos, “2013 Honors: Chester Nez,” “National Navajo Code Talkers Day,” and “Navajo Code Talkers Honored in New York,” to answer the Target Task Writing Prompt: “Why is it important to honor and remember Chester Nez and the other Code Talkers?” Prior to this writing task, students answer questions: “Why were the Code Talkers not recognized until 1968? In what ways are the Navajo Code Talkers recognized now?”

  • In Literature Unit 5, Lesson 14, after reading Chapter 12 of Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White, students answer: “How have the animal’s relationships with Wilbur changed? Why?” Prior to answering this question in writing, students answer, “How does Templeton feel about helping at first? Why does he change his mind?”

Sets of questions and tasks provide opportunities to analyze across multiple texts. For example:

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 1, Lesson 19, students answer the writing prompt: “Both Eye Wonder: Ancient Rome and Ancient Rome and Pompeii: A nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House teach facts about ancient Rome. Compare and contrast the most important key details presented in both texts.” Prior to the writing prompt, the students close read a portion of each text and then answer: “What information was the same in both texts? What information was different? Why?”

  • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 16, students answer the writing prompt: “Tales Our Abuelitas Told is a collection of folktales with similar messages/lessons and characters. What messages/lessons are present across the different folktales?” Prior to this, students work in pairs to discuss the lesson of each of the folktales and then participate in a jigsaw discussion for each of the folktales. 

  • In Literature Unit 4, Lesson 30, students discuss Garvey’s Choice by Nikki Grimes and The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes. They “compare and contrast Maddie and Garvey’s experiences with bullying and self-image.” Prior to the discussion, students spend 5-10 minutes gathering evidence they can use to answer the question. 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 5, Lesson 11, students use information from What is Religion? by Bobbie Kalman and One World, Many Religions: The Ways we Worship by Mary Pope Osborne to answer the writing prompt: “What do both authors want a reader to know and understand about the key beliefs and aspects of Christianity?” Before answering the question, students work in partnerships to answer questions: “What details did both authors include? What details are necessary for understanding the history of Christianity? Which details are necessary for understanding how Christianity is practiced?”

Indicator 2D

Culminating tasks require students to demonstrate their knowledge of a unit's topic(s) through integrated literacy skills (e.g., a combination of reading, writing, speaking, listening).

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 2d.

The materials include culminating tasks at the end of each unit that requires students to demonstrate knowledge of the unit topic and mastery of the unit skills. To prepare students for the culminating task, similar tasks or questions are provided throughout the unit. Culminating tasks are varied across the school year. While the majority of culminating tasks include a writing component, they also give students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of the unit topic and understanding of multiple standards through integrated skills including reading, researching, speaking, and listening. Most, but not all, culminating tasks require students to utilize information from unit texts or sources across the unit for completion. Some culminating tasks ask students to write about their own experience or beliefs, though students study literature and character development and use that knowledge to complete the culminating task. 

Culminating tasks are multifaceted, requiring students to demonstrate mastery of several different standards (reading, writing, speaking, listening) at the appropriate grade level, and comprehension and knowledge of a topic or topics through integrated skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening). For example:

  • In Literature Unit 1, Lesson 20, after students have read and studied the novels My Name is Maria Isabel by Alma Flor Ada and Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel by Nikki Grimes, students “write a story about an experience” that has shaped who they are. Prior to beginning the writing task, the teacher tells “students that Dyamonde and Maria Isabel learned something about themselves after they faced a problem.” This task incorporates reading, writing, speaking, and listening. 

  • In Literature Unit 4, Lesson 32, students use what they learned about bullying and tolerance in the unit to write an opinion from the prompt, “We’ve learned that bullying is hurtful and wrong. Write a letter to your principal to describe one way he or she should prevent bullying at your school. Before sending your letter, make sure it includes: your opinion, reasons that support your opinion, transition words to connect your reasons, and a concluding statement. Then, address an envelope and mail the letter to your principal.” Students use the unit texts to brainstorm ways they and the principal can prevent bullying in their school. 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 2, Lesson 24, after students have read multiple texts on the Native American perspectives on Thanksgiving, students complete additional research in order to write a children’s book. Teachers begin the culminating task by asking what students may want to include in their books about the first Thanksgiving,  given what they learned. 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 4, Lesson 17, students create a researched presentation about a recent Indigenous hero. Over six days, students research, write, and then share what they learn in their research. 

Indicator 2E

Materials include a cohesive, year-long plan for students to achieve grade-level writing proficiency by the end of the school year.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 2e.

The materials in both Literature and Science and Social Studies units provide opportunities to help students achieve grade-level proficiency in writing by the end of the year. The Teacher Tools includes instructional strategies for teachers to utilize when providing explicit instruction and facilitating student practice throughout each stage of the writing process. Writing lessons incorporate a myriad of instructional strategies outlined in the Teacher Tools document. In each unit, the demands increase exponentially. At the onset of the academic year, the units focus on quality sentences and paragraph writing and gradually build throughout the year toward proficiency with essays. The use of evidence also evolves from students using direct quotations to citing and paraphrasing evidence. The Enhanced Lesson Plans ensure that students receive explicit and sequenced instruction to aid in developing grade-level writing techniques followed by ample time for practice. 

Materials include writing instruction that aligns to the standards for the grade level and supports students’ growth in writing skills over the course of the school year. For example:

  • In the Literature Units, writing instruction aligns to the standards for Grade 3. In Units 1-4, one of the core writing standards is W.3.3 as students learn to write narratives. In Units 2-5, W.3.1 is featured as a core writing standard as students write opinion pieces. In Science and Social Studies Units, all of the units focus on W.3.2 as students write informative pieces. They also focus on W.3.7 and W.3.8 as students research in order to effectively write the informative pieces. Students complete on-demand writing throughout the units in response to their reading that prepares them for the final writing task for the unit. All writing standards are covered over the course of the year.  

  • In Literature Unit 1, students focus on crafting strong sentences throughout the unit in preparation for the narrative writing at the end of the unit. Writing Focus Areas for the unit are identified in the Unit Launch. In Lesson 10, students explore the difference between a fragment and a complete sentence and practice drafting complete sentences. All on-demand Target Task writing continues to reinforce this strategy prior to the final process writing at the end of the unit. In Lesson 20, students spend 6 days writing a story about an experience that shaped who they are. Days 3-6 focus on revision and editing. On Day 3, they learn more about different types of sentences, building on to the work they did in lesson 10 to understand what makes a complete sentence and students revise their writing to add different types of sentences. In Day 4 students revise the end of their stories, Day 5 they revise sentences to add more details, and Day 6 they edit for spelling. Students write daily in Fishtank ELA, but 7 lessons throughout Unit 1 focus on process writing, with 4 focusing on revision, and editing.

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3, students focus on sentence and paragraph level focus areas. In Lesson 4, students continue to learn how to use subordinating conjunctions to craft complex sentences. In Lesson 5, students spend two days researching a topic, gathering details, sorting details, and creating a solid outline with time for revisions based on partner feedback. In Lesson 8, students learn how to use transitions words as they are drafting paragraphs. In Lesson 9, students spend two days researching a topic, gathering details, sorting details, creating a single paragraph outline, and then drafting with time for revisions based on feedback. In Lesson 12, students learn how to use transition words to show and time and sequence within paragraphs. Then in Lesson 13 students write a paragraph describing an animal’s life cycle, using what they have learned about sentences and transition words. In Lesson 16, students spend 3 days gathering, researching, and writing paragraphs to compare and contrast the life cycle of two organisms. Finally, in Lesson 22 students spend 4 days writing an opinion piece designing an animal and defending if it would survive. To complete the project, students use what they learned in all of the previous process writing lessons in the unit. There are 14 days in the unit dedicated to process-based writing all with opportunities for revision. 

  • In Literature Unit 3, as identified in the Unit Launch, students continue to focus on sentence-level writing and narrative writing. In Lesson 8, students complete a 2-day narrative writing task about what happens when Hercules returns the golden apples to King Eurypterus. In this lesson students learn how to brainstorm narratives and include dialogue. Day two includes time for students to share their writing with partners and revise. In Lesson 13, students complete another 2-day narrative writing task describing how Psyche responds. Students build on what they learned in Lesson 8 about brainstorming and using dialogue to describe a character’s actions and on day two they revise their writing to add temporal words and dialogue. In Lesson 16, students complete another 2-day narrative writing task and begin to explore the use of precise verbs and adverbs. On day two, students return to what they wrote on day one to revise and add more precise adjectives. In Lesson 19 students have another opportunity to write a narrative continuation of a story and revise their writing to add superlative adjectives. In Lesson 22, students return to one of the stories they wrote in lessons 8, 13, 16, or 19 to revise and edit during a 2-day writing lesson. The process writing is sequentially built over the course of the unit, and 9 days are dedicated to process writing with opportunities for revision and editing.

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 4, as identified in the Unit Launch, students continue to focus on sentence-level, paragraph-level and informational writing. In Lesson 5 students review how to elaborate on details in order to prove a particular point. In Lesson 7 students participate in a 2-day research project with time for revision based on peer feedback. In Lesson 17 students participate in a 6-day research project about a recent Indigenous Hero. On days one and two students research their individual using the Influential Indigenous People note-taking template that they had been using throughout the entire unit. On day three students use what they have learned in previous writing lessons to sort details, create a single paragraph outline, and then begin drafting a paragraph. On day 4 the teacher has a choice of which revision mini-lessons to add based on student data. After the mini-lesson students share their writing with a partner for further feedback and revision. On day 5 students revise their writing to add text features and graphics and on day 6 they present their writing. There are 9 days in the unit dedicated to process-based writing. 

  • In Literature Unit 5, the Unit Focus Key Writing and Language Standards provides guidance for teachers including “at this point it is assumed that students are able to outline and write strong single-paragraphs. Building on their understanding of single paragraph structure, students begin outlining a multiple paragraph essay. The focus of this unit is on learning how to break a prompt into multiple paragraphs and creating an outline that matches. In Unit 6, students will focus on drafting multiple paragraph essays.”

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 5, as identified in the Unit Launch, students continue to work on sentence-level, paragraph-level, and informational writing focus areas. In Lesson 3 students gather information on day one and then on day two learn how to write complex sentences using the information they gathered prior to drafting paragraphs. In Lesson 7, Lesson 11 and Lesson 15 students have a chance to use what they learned in Lesson 3 to practice drafting paragraphs. In Lesson 16 students have 2-days to gather research using the note-taking template they learned how to use in previous lessons. In Lesson 17 students spend 5-days writing a report based on the research they did in Lesson 16. Since this is the final writing project of the course, teachers are directed to add revision and editing based on student needs. There are 11 days in this unit dedicated to process writing. 

Materials include a variety of well-designed guidance, protocols, models, and supports for teachers to implement and monitor students’ writing development. For example:

  • The ELA Teacher Tools includes a link to a variety of guidance and support for teachers to implement writing in Grade 3. These include: 

    • Monitoring Student Writing Progress provides guidance on determining what skills should be taught by looking at previous lessons and student data. Teacher guidance includes maintaining a tracking system of student progress in writing throughout the year from assignment to assignment.

    • Writing Structures and Frameworks provides teacher guidance and protocols for teaching specific writing structures and frameworks including brainstorming and note-taking organizers, such as a Narrative Writing Brainstorm Template,  a Single Paragraph Outline, and Multiple Paragraph Outline. In addition, this section outlines that sentence level instruction is based off of The Writing Revolution by Judith C. Hochman and Natalie Wexler. 

    • Instructional Strategies for Writing Lessons provides multiple instructional strategies that teachers can use in implementing writing lessons. These strategies include Think Aloud, Teacher Model Writing, Analysis of an Exemplar, Analysis of a Non-Exemplar, Group Practice, Quick Practice, Analysis of Student Work, and Independent Practice.

    • Giving Writing Feedback provides information on how feedback should be given to students in each lesson including conferences, whole-class feedback, and peer feedback. There are also guides for how teachers can respond to common challenges at the sentence level, the paragraph level, for narrative writing, and informational writing.

    • Writing Rubrics provides rubrics for teacher use for each type of writing.

Indicator 2F

Materials include a progression of focused research projects to encourage students to develop knowledge in a given area by confronting and analyzing different aspects of a topic using multiple texts and source materials.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 2f.

The materials include opportunities for students to analyze topics, through research by using reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language skills throughout the academic year. The majority of short and extended research tasks occur in the Science and Social Studies units. A few lessons in the Literature units require students to analyze informational texts or multimedia sources to learn more about topics addressed in the texts. Students perform research tasks based on single and multiple texts and are encouraged to take notes or utilize graphic organizers. Students use the research to write, debate, discuss, or illustrate their learning. 

Research projects are sequenced across a school year to include a progression of research skills that build to mastery of the grade-level standards. For example: 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 1, Lesson 22, students pick a topic about ancient Rome and use the research process to learn more. Students learn to research based on a topic they want to learn more about, categorize their information, and use text features to share their information in the form of an informational brochure. For this first research project, the teacher provides more scaffolding around narrowing the topic to assure students remain in alignment with the knowledge-building of the unit. On Day 1 of the research process, a template is provided for students to use as they brainstorm and select a single topic. On Day 2, the teacher helps students sort and categorize the details they found in their research. On Day 3, the teacher models the use of text features (including headings, illustrations, and captions) within a research report to help the reader better understand the topic. On the final day of the research project, students work to combine sentences and to revise their work to correct any spelling errors.

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 2, Lesson 24, students research and write a children’s book about the true story of the first Thanksgiving. Students learn to set a purpose for research and create a plan, use notes to group ideas and evidence, and use text features. Students use unit texts to complete the project. The pattern for the research is similar to the first unit, with students engaging in a brainstorming activity, this time deciding whether they will use description or cause and effect for their structure. The teacher helps to narrow the potential topics but reminds students to return to the questions and tasks completed throughout the unit for information to support their writing. On Day 2, the teacher works with students to understand how to create topic sentences under which they can organize the details they gathered in their research and brainstorming processes. They organize their paragraphs using a provided book template. On Day 3, students focus on writing both simple and complex sentences to describe key ideas in their research. Students revisit the use of headings to organize and clarify information. On Day 4, students engage in the editing and revision process. 

  • In Social Studies and Science Unit 5, Lesson 17, students spend five days researching and writing a report describing the key aspects of Buddhism or Hinduism. Reports include a table of contents, clear paragraphs for each section, details from the text, and text features necessary to support comprehension. Students use new resources to complete the project. 

Materials support teachers in employing projects that develop students’ knowledge of different aspects of a topic. For example:

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 1, Lesson 22, after learning about Ancient Rome, students further their understanding of the topic by researching the Roman army and components of the army, Roman architecture, gladiators, bath houses, gods and goddesses, home life, entertainment, food, or Roman leaders. 

  • In Literature Unit 3 Lesson 1, teachers split the class into groups and each group reads about one of the twelve major gods and goddesses who were honored and worshiped in ancient Rome. While reading, students fill in the boxes and bullets graphic organizer to track key details. After reading, students create a poster that conveys the key information about the god or goddess. The posters are referenced for the remainder of the unit.

Materials provide opportunities for students to conduct research projects that synthesize and analyze content tied to the topics under study as a part of the research process. For example:

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 2, students learn about the first Thanksgiving. On Day 1 student instructions state, “Instead of researching new information, this week they are going to use all their resources from the unit to write their own children’s book about the First Thanksgiving.” Students decide on a topic and then begin researching using one of the unit texts. 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3, Lesson 5, students spend two days engaging in a mini research project where they find out if all arthropods are exactly the same, and if all arthropods can survive in a variety of habitats. 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 4, Lesson 17, the teacher explains “to students that they are going to be researching and learning about a variety of different Indigenous heroes.” Students pick a hero similar to the people they learned about in unit texts like Chester Nez and Wilma Mankiller.

Criterion 2.2: Coherence


Materials promote mastery of grade-level standards by the end of the year.

The bulk of instructional time and tasks see students engaged daily in discussions, text analysis, writing about texts and/or unit topics, and engaged in grade-level, standards-aligned work. Materials can be completed within the recommended times and calendaring allotted. Optional activities do not move the materials out of standards alignment and meet the objectives of each unit. 

Indicator 2G

Materials spend the majority of instructional time on content that falls within grade-level aligned instruction, practice, and assessments.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 2g.

The materials include instructional activities, student activities, assessments, and questions that are focused on grade level standards. Instructional activities encompass grade level standards and are the focus for the majority of instructional time. Students are engaged daily in discussions, text analysis, writing about texts or unit topics, or mid- and end-of-unit assessments, all of which align to Grade 3 standards. At the bottom of each lesson, it lists the core standards and the supporting or spiral standards. In addition, the lesson map lists the core standard. Every question on assessments indicates alignment to the appropriate standard. Materials also include a Standards Map that indicates when standards are addressed and spiraled in. 

Over the course of each unit, the majority of instruction is aligned to grade-level standards. For example: 

  • In Literature Unit 2, the majority of instruction is aligned to grade-level standards. The major reading instruction focuses on the standards RL.3.2, RL.3.3., and RL.3.9. The major writing instruction focuses on W.3.1, and W.3.3. The unit also covers the speaking and listening standards SL3.1 and SL3.6 and the language standards L.3.1 and L3.4.  

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 4, the majority of instruction is aligned to the grade-level standards. The major of reading instruction focuses on standards RI.3.2, RI.3.3, RI.3.6, RI.3.7, and RI.3.9. The majority of writing instruction focuses on W.3.2, W.3.7 and W.3.8. The unit also covers the speaking and listening standard SL.3.1 and the language standards L.3.2 and L.3.6. 

Over the course of each unit, the majority of questions and tasks are aligned to grade-level standards. For example: 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 1, Lesson 14, students complete sentence stems based on Eye Wonder: Ancient Rome. The purpose of this task is not only to demonstrate knowledge of what life was like in Ancient Rome, but also to practice writing sentences using conjunctions. This aligns to the standards L.3.1 and RI.3.3. 

  • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 3, students read a story from Tales Our Abuelitas Told, A Hispanic Folktale Collection by F. Isabel Campoy and Alma Flora Ada. The Target Task question states, “What lesson is the author trying to teach in the story ‘The Bird of One Thousand Colors’?” After reading, students answer questions: “Who are the characters in this story? What is each of them like? What evidence does the author give us to show what they’re like? Who gets rewarded in this story? How do you know? What do you think that tells us about what the author wants us to learn? Why?” These align to the standards RL.3.2 and RL.3.3. 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 4, Lesson 6, students read The People Shall Continue by Simon J. Ortiz. The Target Task writing prompt states, “What was the author’s purpose for writing The People Shall Continue? Provide two examples from the text to support your answer.” To help students with the task and to comprehend the text, students answer, “What did Simon J. Ortiz want readers to understand about Indigenous people and their values? What did Simon J. Ortiz want readers to understand about the impact settlers had on the People?” The questions and tasks in this lesson align to L.3.6, RI.3.3, RI.3.6, and SL.3.1. 

  • In Literature Unit 5, Lesson 2, students read an excerpt from Charlotte’s Web and “analyze how the author uses the details of chapter two to deepen a reader's understanding of each family member's perspective of Wilbur,” which aligns to the standard RL.3.3. 

Over the course of each unit, the majority of assessment questions are aligned to grade-level standards. For example:

  • The Science and Social Studies Unit 1, Cold Read Assessment questions include “How do the headings ‘Supportive Arches’ and ‘Unique Roads’ help readers better understand the information in the article?” which is aligned to RI.3.5 and “How does the information from ‘The Romans Gave Us’ build on to the information from ‘Rugged Roman Architecture’?” which is aligned to RI.3.9.

  • The Literature Unit 2, Cold Read Assessment has questions aligned to RL.3.4, RL.3.1, RL.3.3, RL.3.2. For example, the question “What does Coyote do first in order to steal Fire from the skookums?” is aligned to RL.3.1. 

  • In the Science and Social Studies Unit 3, Content Assessment, students “choose a group of animals to focus on” and they “describe at least two key characteristics of the group.” This aligns to RI.3.3, RI.3.7, RI.3.8, W.3.1, and L.3.6. 

  • In the Literature Unit 5, Content Assessment, students answer the question, “What does Wilbur learn from his friendship with Charlotte?” to assess RL.3.2, RL.3.3, and L.3.6.

By the end of the academic year, standards are repeatedly addressed within and across units to ensure students master the full intent of the standard. For example:

  • RL.3.1, RL.3.2, RL.3.3, and RL.3.4 are covered as either core standards or supporting standards in all five Literature units. RL.3.2 and RL.3.3 are core standards in all units. 

  • RI.3.1, RI.3.2, RI.3.3, RI.3.4, and RI.3.5 are covered throughout the five Science and Social Studies units. 

  • W.3.1 and W.3.2 are covered in five of the Literature and Science and Social Studies Units.

  • W.3.7 and W.3.8 are core standards in every Science and Social Studies unit. 

  • Speaking and listening standards are addressed in every unit, especially SL.3.1, which is covered in every Literature and Science and Social Studies unit. 

  • Language standards are core standards across the year. L.3.1 and L.3.2 are found in every unit in the program.

Indicator 2H

Materials regularly and systematically balance time and resources required for following the suggested implementation, as well as information for alternative implementations that maintain alignment and intent of the standards.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 2h.

The materials include an implementation schedule that allows sufficient time to complete all components of the lessons and every unit in a given year. A schedule with time suggestions for each lesson is provided in the unit pacing guide. The plans explicitly state that there is time allowed for teachers to adjust lessons to meet the needs of their individual classrooms. Moreover, the total number of lessons can be completed in a traditional school year. Optional activities are present in the form of additional support to build knowledge, and enrichment activities align to the standards and enhance the daily objective. 

Suggested implementation schedules and alternative implementation schedules align to core learning and objectives. For example:

  • The materials include an article with a sample daily schedule from 8:00-3:00 that includes the literature block, a math block, a specials block, a science and social studies block, another block for science or enrichment, independent reading, and time for a morning meeting and closing circle. Writing instruction is embedded within all Literature and Science and Social Studies units. 

  • The Literature and Social Studies and Science lessons have three parts. According to the materials, the Building Knowledge and Skills section takes about 5 minutes, the Engage with the Text section takes about 30 minutes, and the Build Deeper Meaning section takes about 25 minutes. 

  • The materials recommend that students participate in a 45 minute independent reading block each day. 

Suggested implementation schedules can be reasonably completed in the time allotted. For example:

  • In Literature, there are 127 lessons with 146 instructional days. 

  • In Social Studies, there are 108 lessons with 135 instructional days. 

  • The materials state, “we intentionally did not account for all 180 school days to allow teachers to fit in additional review or extension, teacher-created assessments, and school-based events.” 

Optional tasks do not distract from core learning. Optional tasks are for either remediation or enrichment and can be integrated into the existing lesson plan. For example:

  • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 2, the lesson includes Opportunities for Enrichment support which states, “Have students make connections between what they learned in this myth about Jupiter and what they learned in lesson one. Do Jupiter's actions fit with the way he was described? Have students add additional information about Jupiter to the class chart created in lesson one and to their individual note taking templates.”

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3, Lesson 3, students answer text-specific questions about an excerpt from What is the Animal Kingdom? (The Science of Living Things). The lesson includes an Additional Supports section that prompts teachers, “If students are struggling to use different text features to build meaning, pull a small group of students and read pages p. 14-15 with them. Push students to understand what information they learn from the diagrams and the labels, what the photographs show, and how to figure out the meaning of words in bold.”

Optional tasks are meaningful and enhance core instruction. For example:

  • In Literature Unit 4, Lesson 17, students practice writing concluding sentences for an analytical response to The Hundred Dresses. The lesson includes Additional Supports and Opportunities for Enrichment sections that support and enhance the student writing experience. One additional support states, “Instead of having students brainstorm details that show the roles in the game, provide students with a list of key details.” One enrichment activity states, “Have students craft multiple different concluding sentences.”

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 5, Lesson 12, teachers have the option of showing the video, “Muslim Students in America” from teachingtolerance.org, to help students better understanding different teens’ experience with Islam in order to build backgorund knowledge.

Overview of Gateway 3


The Fishtank 3-5 materials provide useful teacher guidance to support each unit and lesson. There are extensive resources to assist educators as they work with more complex pieces of the materials. There are clearly-delineated resources to demonstrate the relationship between the materials and the grade-level ELA standards as well as information on the instructional approaches of the program and the research undergirding these approaches. The materials lack explicit strategies and supports for communicating with all stakeholders. All supplies needed, including texts that are necessary for implementation are easily accessed through the Fishtank website.

The materials are clearly labeled to demonstrate which standards are being assessed throughout. While there are multiple opportunities for assessment found throughout each unit, there is minimal guidance for teachers to interpret student performance or next steps following unit assessments or culminating tasks. Students have the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of some, but not all standards for the grade level. 

The materials provide some generalized opportunities and information to support students in special populations, students working above grade level, and English Language Learners. There is more specific support provided for supporting English language learners. Though there is not a wide variety of activities or strategies provided throughout. 

The materials include representations of a wide variety of individuals with various demographic and physical characteristics in both the texts and unit topics. There is some guidance to support teachers to encourage students to draw upon their home language to facilitate instruction. Additionally, the materials provide extensive information to support equity and diversity in both the content and activities in the materials.

Criterion 3.1: Teacher Supports


The program includes opportunities for teachers to effectively plan and utilize materials with integrity and to further develop their own understanding of the content.

The Fishtank 3-5 materials provide useful teacher guidance including extensive unit preparation sections, well-delineated lesson plans, and a variety of annotations to support each unit and lesson. There are extensive resources to assist educators as they work with more complex pieces of the materials. There are clearly-delineated resources to demonstrate the relationship between the materials and the grade-level ELA standards as well information on the instructional approaches of the program and the research undergirding these approaches. The materials lack explicit strategies and supports for communicating with all stakeholders, including families, to advise on student progress or to offer ways to support the student in their work. All supplies needed, including texts that are necessary for implementation are easily accessed through the Fishtank website.

Indicator 3A

Materials provide teacher guidance with useful annotations and suggestions for how to enact the student materials and ancillary materials to support students' literacy development.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 3a. 

Materials provide comprehensive guidance that will assist teachers in presenting the student and ancillary materials.

  • The materials include a summary of each unit with a list of texts and materials that accompany the unit, recommended texts for independent reading, assessments for the unit, a vocabulary glossary, and a lesson map that includes the lesson objective and standards. 

  • Each lesson plan includes the objective and the text. It also includes the Target Task and a sample response. 

  • The lessons also include key questions to support students in comprehending the text and Tier II vocabulary necessary to understand the text. 

  • Additionally, the Preparing to Teach an ELA Unit section provides detailed, step-by-step considerations for the teacher as they prepare to teach the unit. This includes two sections-- Internalizing the Content and Create a Plan. These two sections provide detailed considerations and questions for the teacher

Materials include sufficient and useful annotations and suggestions that are presented within the context of the specific learning objectives.

  • In the Enhanced Lesson Plan, there is a section on building background knowledge, a section on engaging with the text, and a section on building a deeper meaning of the text. 

  • Each of the sections include additional support to help students with literacy development including language support and enrichment opportunities. 

  • When applicable, there are hyperlinks available for student materials, such as graphic organizers. 

  • There are also hyperlinks available for teachers to click on to get information on different aspects of literacy instruction, such as strategies for explicit and implicit vocabulary instruction.

Indicator 3B

Materials contain adult-level explanations and examples of the more complex grade-level/course-level concepts and concepts beyond the current course so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 3b.

The materials include the Teacher Tools section for all grade levels that provides teachers with the information needed to prepare to teach an ELA unit, internalize an ELA lesson, and understand the components of each lesson. There is also guidance related to planning and executing writing lessons, analyzing texts, and exploring strategies to help all learners interact with complex texts. Teachers can use the resources in Teacher Tools to learn how to prepare for and lead discussions and facilitate student engagement with a text. There is also support for independent reading. For example: 

Materials contain adult-level explanations and examples of the more complex grade/course-level concepts so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject.

  • The Providing Access to Complex Texts section of the Teacher Tools explains the two measures of text complexity: quantitative text complexity and qualitative text complexity. It also introduces the Text Complexity Rubric which breaks qualitative text complexity into four features: text structure, language, knowledge demands, and meaning/purpose. Teachers can use that content knowledge to learn how to choose the appropriate types of text complexity support for their students. 

  • The Reading Structures and Routines section of the Teacher Tools explains the two types of reading structures: routines for engaging with the text and routines for active reading. Teachers use content knowledge to consider which reading routines will help students tackle the complex texts in a unit. There are detailed plans provided for each grade level explaining what teachers and their students should be doing before and during reading.

  • The Independent Reading section of the Teacher Tools inspires teachers to create a vision for what independent reading will look like in the classroom and also provides suggestions for monitoring student comprehension and pushing intellectual accountability. Within this section, there is a suggested amount of time for independent reading per grade level and templates to plan for weekly independent reading.

  • The Writing section of the Teacher Tools gives teachers the content knowledge they need to plan and execute writing lessons and strategies to provide feedback. It focuses on two main types of writing structures: brainstorming and note-taking structures, and sentence structures. The instructional strategies provided for teachers to use when providing direct instruction and facilitating student practice during each stage of the writing process include Think Aloud, Teacher Model Writing, Analyze a Non-Exemplar, and Group Practice. All writing lessons within a unit will include a variety of these instructional strategies.

Materials contain adult-level explanations and examples of concepts beyond the current course so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject.

  • The Vocabulary section of the Teacher Tools provides guidance regarding the structure of vocabulary in the units, different methods for teaching vocabulary, and how to support a range of learners during vocabulary instruction. Teachers learn to identify priority vocabulary and how to incorporate it into their lessons and how to use implicit and explicit instruction for vocabulary instruction.

  • The Academic Discourse section of the Teacher Tools provides guidance on speaking and listening in the classroom. It includes a variety of protocols for whole-group, small group, and partner discussions and breaks discussions into three tiers.

Indicator 3C

Materials include standards correlation information that explains the role of the standards in the context of the overall series.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 3c.

The materials include the Foundations of Fishtank ELA page that clearly maps how the standards and instructional shifts in ELA provide the frame for the curriculum. A Course Summary for each grade level that includes a Standards Map that lists the literature, informational, writing, and speaking and listening standards that the course materials address. The Course Overview highlights the specific standards the unit addresses and the spiral standards. Additional guidance for teachers regarding the key standards of a particular lesson can be found in the Unit Launch and Enhanced Lesson Plans for each unit. In addition, the unit plan includes a Lesson Map, which lists the standards for each individual lesson. 

Correlation information is present for the ELA standards addressed throughout the grade level/series. 

  • Reading Standards Key Understandings shows what standards are taught in each unit and what spiral standards are revisited in the unit. 

  • Sentence Level and Paragraph Level Focus Areas include what both language and writing standards and how they build over the course of the year. 

  • Genre-Based Writing Focus Areas connect process-based writing assignments among the units. 

  • Speaking and Listening Focus Areas provide an explanation for the speaking and listening standards and how the tasks progress and build from unit to unit.

  • Fluency Focus Areas lists the places where the Enhanced Lesson Plans and Fluency Package for each unit provide this support. 

  • Vocabulary Focus Areas display how vocabulary instruction is used in all units. The program states, “The vocabulary focus of a unit varies depending on the vocabulary demands of the particular text(s). We do not identify priority focus areas for vocabulary in each unit.” 

Explanations of the role of the specific grade-level/course-level ELA standards are present in the context of the series.

  • Under the Curriculum tab for ELA, the Foundations of FIshtank ELA page offers links to more detailed information on the role of the standards and shifts in the materials and clearly outlines the guiding principles and research that undergirds the program. 

Indicator 3D

Materials provide strategies for informing all stakeholders, including students, parents, or caregivers about the program and suggestions for how they can help support student progress and achievement.

The materials contain no methods to inform stakeholders information about the program and suggestions on how families can help support student progress and achievement. 

Families can log into the Fishtank curriculum online and access information on their own, but this is not something that is required or provided. In addition, there is a sample letter that teachers can send home about independent reading. In the sample, it states the unit topic, essential questions, and ways to support at home. However, there is only one sample, so teachers would have to create their own letter for each unit.

Indicator 3E

Materials provide explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and identification of the research-based strategies.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 3e.

The materials provide explanations of instructional approaches in the Fishtank Guiding Principles document. The authors explain the approach taken by the program in text selection, prioritizing texts over the teaching of individual skills, the teaching of writing and discussion, a focus on social justice, and teacher autonomy in making instructional decisions. Included in the document is a bibliography of resources referenced in the Match Fishtank creation. According to the Principles, students have frequent opportunities for writing and discussion, building knowledge, critical thinking, and generating a lifelong love of learning. Each course includes multiple units that focus on social justice topics in which students learn about respecting people and cultures different from their own and articulating the ways they can fight social injustice. 

Materials explain the instructional approaches of the program.

  • The core beliefs of the Literature units include:

    • Text First vs. Skills First: Rich and nuanced texts spark students’ thinking.

    • Content Selection: Selected texts that both affirm the various cultures represented in classrooms while simultaneously exposing the students to great literature.

    • Writing Instruction: Teach students to construct persuasive arguments and express their own voices.

    • Discussion: A powerful tool for testing out ideas and strengthening thinking.

    • Word Knowledge: Building word knowledge through both explicit instruction and exposure to content knowledge.

    • Lifelong Learning: Cultivate inquisitive readers, writers, and thinkers.

  • The core beliefs of the Social Studies and Science Curriculum beliefs include:

    • Content Knowledge: In order to become active citizens and make sense of the world around them, students need to develop deep background knowledge about key historic events, scientific concepts, and their own and other cultures.

    • Informational Texts: Read, analyze, and write about a broad range of informational texts.

    • Project-Based Learning: Hands-on projects, labs, and activities engage students with the content and teach important thinking and problem-solving skills.

    • Discussion: Powerful tool for testing ideas out and strengthening thinking.

    • Word Knowledge: Build word knowledge through both explicit instruction and exposure to content knowledge.

Materials include and reference research-based strategies.

  • The research used in the creation of the curriculum is referenced throughout the document, including a study by the ACT that found “performance on complex texts is the clearest differentiator in reading between students who are more likely to be ready for college and those who are less likely to be ready for college” (ACT, Inc. 2006). 

  • Gloria Ladson-Billings’ work in “Toward a Theory of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy” is listed as one of the resources used in the creation of Match Fishtank. It describes the culturally relevant response/social justice focus of the curriculum.

Indicator 3F

Materials provide a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support instructional activities.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 3f.

Materials include a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support the instructional activities. Examples include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Texts are hyperlinked to a major online retailer for purchase. 

  • A “Purchase Books” button on the website lists all of the texts and a way for educators to directly purchase the necessary quantity of books. 

  • A list of supporting materials for each unit, including necessary articles (hyperlinked) and suggestions for independent reading books. 

  • Fishtank Plus provides links where educators can directly create worksheets for each unit and lesson, including a vocabulary package, which includes student-friendly definitions, word cards for display in the classroom, and vocabulary worksheets. 

Indicator 3G

This is not an assessed indicator in ELA.

Indicator 3H

This is not an assessed indicator in ELA.

Criterion 3.2: Assessment


The program includes a system of assessments identifying how materials provide tools, guidance, and support for teachers to collect, interpret, and act on data about student progress towards the standards.

The materials are clearly labeled to demonstrate which standards are being assessed throughout. While there are multiple opportunities for assessment found throughout each unit, there is minimal guidance for teachers to interpret student performance or next steps following unit assessments or culminating tasks. Most follow-up recommendations are general in nature and do not provide specifics related to tasks and questions. Students have the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of some, but not all standards for the grade level.

Indicator 3I

Assessment information is included in the materials to indicate which standards are assessed.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 meet the criteria for Indicator 3i.

The materials include assessment information in each Literature and Science and Social Studies unit in the Content Assessment section. Most units also include a Cold Read Assessment. Each comes with an Assessment Key. The Cold Read Assessment Key indicates the standards assessed by each question that is clearly labeled for ease in progress monitoring. Open response questions also include potential responses that demonstrate if students met the standard(s). Questions on the student copy of the assessment also include the standard in parentheses. 

Materials consistently identify the standards and practices assessed for formal assessments. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • In Literature Unit 2, the Cold Read Assessment Question 2 states, “What does Coyote do first in order to steal Fire from the skookums? (RL3.1)”

  • In Literature Unit 5, the Cold Read Assessment Question 1 states, “Part A- Which paragraph best describes the setting of Journey? (RL3.3) and Part B-Which evidence from the story provides additional evidence about the setting?”

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 2, the Content Assessment question requires an open-ended response measuring four standards (RI.3.3, RI.3.9, W.3.1, L.3.6): “Explain how the arrival of the Europeans impacted the Wampanoag.” Students must include 2-3 vocabulary words from the unit in their response. 

  • In Science and Social Studies Unit 3, the Cold Read Assessment Question 5 states, “Which statement best expresses the main idea of the section Masters of Disguise? (RI3.2).”

Indicator 3J

Assessment system provides multiple opportunities throughout the grade, course, and/or series to determine students' learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance and suggestions for follow-up.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 partially meet the criteria for Indicator 3j.

The materials include multiple opportunities throughout the grade to determine students’ mastery and support is provided to determine next steps, both for students and teachers. Guidance for follow-up specific to essential tasks is interspersed occasionally throughout a unit. It is important to note that there is minimal guidance for teachers to interpret student performance or next steps following assessments or culminating tasks. Most follow-up recommendations are general in nature and do not provide specifics related to tasks and questions. 

Assessment system provides multiple opportunities to determine students' learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Answer Keys and Rubrics for the Content Assessments and Cold Read Assessment items 

  • Rubrics to assess the idea development and language of students’ responses

  • Assessment and data analysis information on the Progress Monitoring page of the ELA section of Teacher Tools

  • Rubrics for Target Tasks and process writing 

Assessment system provides multiple opportunities to determine students' learning but limited/generalized suggestions to teachers for following-up with students. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • A data analysis template and a protocol for teachers to engage in a Data Meeting is included. However, the program indicates that “Data Analysis should be a space where teachers can use student work to reflect on their own practice. Data Meetings give teachers and teams a space to analyze student work, look for class wide trends, and plan next steps. The focus of data meetings is not to identify discrete skills that need to be retaught, rather to identify ways in which the teacher can improve their own practice in upcoming units”

  • Essential Task Key Guidance which identifies key understandings that students must know, potential misconceptions, and detailed guidance on how to provide additional support based on specific misconceptions. If a large portion of the class is struggling with a specific aspect of an Essential Task, they recommend pausing the unit to build that understanding. 

  • The guidance for writing feedback includes the following general information: “Include targeted conferences; Include additional mini-lessons; and Use our Sentence-Level Feedback and Support Guide, Paragraph Level Feedback and Support Guide, Narrative Writing Feedback and Support Guide, and Informational Writing Feedback and Support Guide to provide feedback and additional support. These can be found in our Teacher Tool about Giving Writing Feedback.” 

Indicator 3K

Assessments include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of grade-level/course-level standards and shifts across the series.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 partially meet the criteria for Indicator 3k.

The materials include assessment opportunities where students can demonstrate the depth and rigor of most, but not all, grade level standards and provide feedback on what students can read and analyze independently. Assessment opportunities include, but are not limited to cold reads, embedded formative assessments, content assessments, and end-of-unit writing culminating writing tasks.

Assessments include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of some grade-level/course-level standards and shifts across the series. Examples include, but are not limited to the following:

  • The Cold Read and Content Assessments include a variety of item types and tasks for students to demonstrate their skill. The Cold Read Assessments tests students’ ability to read an unfamiliar text and answer multiple choice questions. Each Literature unit contains a Cold Read Assessment for students to demonstrate knowledge of core standards in the unit, while most, but not all of the Science and Social Studies units contain a Cold Read Assessment.    

  • Throughout each unit, students also have the opportunity to complete formative assessments to help teachers monitor progress for the summative assessments.

  • Students have more opportunities to synthesize texts in assessment during the Science and Social Studies Units than in the Literature units. 

  • Students also complete content assessments for each unit. Multiple choice questions and written response items are typically aligned to a focused set of standards addressed in the unit. The Content Assessments give students the opportunity to synthesize unit content knowledge or unit essential questions in writing and demonstrate mastery of unit standards.

  • The final culminating writing tasks in each unit covers the breadth of the standards for narrative, informative, and opinion writing tasks. 

  • The publisher indicates on the Standards Map for Grade 3 that the standards covered in most of the units and on assessments are considered core standards. For example, RL 3.2, RL.3.3, and RL.3.9 are covered often on the literature assessments. For Science and Social Studies, RI.3.2, RI.3.3, and RI.3.9 are also covered frequently. RL.3.1 and RI.3.1 are considered spiral standards by the publisher and are assessed often. However, RL.3.6, RL.3.7, RI.3.5, and RI.3.6 are assessed very few times. The breadth of the language standards are also minimally assessed.

Indicator 3L

Assessments offer accommodations that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills without changing the content of the assessment.

Assessments offer accommodations that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills without changing the content of the assessment.

  • No evidence found for this indicator.

Criterion 3.3: Student Supports


The program includes materials designed for each student’s regular and active participation in grade-level/grade-band/series content.

The materials provide some generalized opportunities and information to support students in special populations, students working above grade level, and English Language Learners. There is more specific support provided for supporting English language learners. Though there is not a wide variety of activities or strategies provided throughout. 

The materials include representations of a wide variety of individuals with various demographic and physical characteristics in both the texts and unit topics. There is some guidance to support teachers to encourage students to draw upon their home language to facilitate instruction. Additionally, the materials provide extensive information to support equity and diversity in both the content and activities in the materials.

Indicator 3M

Materials provide strategies and supports for students in special populations to work with grade-level content and to meet or exceed grade-level standards that will support their regular and active participation in learning English language arts and literacy.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 partially meet the criteria for Indicator 3m.

The materials include some in-lesson support and teacher guidance documents to assist with meeting grade-level standards; however, the support is limited. The materials do not directly address Special Education, Gifted & Talented, or any other populations other than English Language Learners. 

Materials provide some non-targeted strategies, supports, and resources for students that could be applied to students in special populations to support their regular and active participation in grade-level literacy work. Many of these strategies are used multiple times across units. However, many of the lesson-embedded suggestions are a sentence or two that do not include explicit directions or guidance. Examples include, but are not limited to the following:

  • In Social Studies Unit 3, Lesson, 10, the students are engaging in a closer reading of three pages of a text to respond to some text-dependent questions. The lesson plan includes an Additional Supports section that states, “Provide students with a graphic organizer that is broken down by each key piece of architecture discussed. The graphic organizer could be a boxes and bullet graphic organizer where students jot down important details about each category, or an interesting and important graphic organizer to help students differentiate details.” The lesson plan also includes a Language Supports Section that provides the following basic sentence stems for summarizing the text, “The Colosseum was __________________. It was important because __________________.  Aqueducts _________________________, so ___________________. The Forum Ropmanum _______________________, but _______________________. 

  • In Literature Unit 4, Lesson 5, the Language Supports section states, “The author uses a lot of figurative language in this chapter. Consider close-reading the following sentences with students.” Additional support in this lesson includes, “for students with specific learning needs who struggle with annotation, consider providing a pre-underlined or highlighted copy of the text so that these students can focus on basic comprehension of the text and analyzing how the key details build deeper understanding.”

  • In Social Studies Unit 5, Lesson 7, students are discussing key details about Judaism and selecting the ones they find most important. There are guiding questions used with all students. The Language Supports section provides sentences frames to support discussion, including, 

“To question and clarify: 

  • Can you explain that? 

  • Can you make that more clear to me? 

  • Can you give evidence that supports that? 

  • To be clear, you’re saying ________. 

To build on: 

  • I agree with _______ because _________. 

  • I would like to add _________. 

  • I hear you saying _______. I would like to add _______. 

To critique: 

  • That could/couldn’t be true because __________________. 

  • This does/does not make sense because ______________. 

  • A detail you could add is ____________. Doing so would clarify __________________. 

  • I have a different perspective because __________. 

  • I agree that _______, but we also have to consider that _______. 

Indicator 3N

Materials regularly provide extensions to engage with literacy content and concepts at greater depth for students who read, write, speak, and/or listen above grade level.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 partially meet the criteria for Indicator 3n. 

The materials include some extension opportunities for students above grade level. The Enhanced Lesson Plan section of some lessons includes Opportunities for Enrichment. Opportunities for Enrichment are posed as possible activities for students and are not specifically set aside for students working above grade level. 

Materials provide some opportunities for advanced students to investigate the grade-level content at a higher level of complexity, though the opportunities are not specifically for students working above grade level. The Opportunities for Enrichment tasks appear to be in addition to the tasks assigned for all students, therefore, students could end up doing more assignments than their classmates. Examples include, but are not limited to the following:

  • In Social Studies Unit 1, Lesson 8, the Opportunities for Enrichment section states, “To learn more about Slavery in the Roman World have students read Slavery in the Roman World, available at multiple levels from newsela.com.” 

  • Literature Unit 1, Lesson 2, the Opportunities for Enrichment section states: 

    • “Have students reflect and make connections to Dyamonde’s identity. 

      • How do you know that Dyamonde is proud of who she is? 

      • What aspects of Dyamonde’s identity are similar to yours?

    • Have students write and reflect on what they would have done if they were Dyamonde. 

      • How would you feel if you were Dyamonde? 

      • How would you feel if you were Free?”

  • In Literature Unit 4, Lesson 5, the Opportunities for Enrichment section states, “After the discussion, have students create a portrait of the day the hundred dresses game began to deepen their understanding of this pivotal moment in the storyline. They should be required to find specific details in the text to create their portraits.”

Indicator 3O

Materials provide varied approaches to learning tasks over time and variety in how students are expected to demonstrate their learning with opportunities for for students to monitor their learning.

The materials engage students across the year in writing, reading, speaking, and listening as required by the standards; however, the approaches to learning tasks and the types of tasks assigned do not vary widely. Each lesson is organized in three parts: Building Knowledge and Skills, Engaging with the Text, and Building Deeper Meaning. The reading expectations, discussion structures, Language Supports, and overall lesson format are similar across most lessons. The references to guidance documents and supplemental materials are similar across lessons and grades. Teachers have a lot of flexibility within the curriculum leading to the possibility that approaches to learning tasks are the same across the year. For example, there are several protocols for speaking and listening, but they are rarely required in a specific lesson. 

In writing, teachers are provided a K-5 Writing and Feedback Support guide for each type of writing genre, which offers suggestions on how to help students who are struggling. Guidance is teacher facing and completely dependent on teacher choice.  

Many instructional tasks and supports are the same across Grades 3-5. For example, Language Supports such as sentence stems for students to use in discussion are the same sentence stems used in each grade and remain the same across the year. 

Materials provide some multi-modal opportunities for students to question, investigate, sense-make, and problem-solve using a variety of formats and methods. The units frequently employ the same routines, strategies, and discussion formats. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • In Literature Unit 1, Lesson 4, the lesson plan states, “Have students read the chapter using a combination of shared reading and partner reading. To help students build meaning use the Key Questions below. Depending on student needs, students can answer the questions orally, annotate in the margins, or write their answer. While students are answering the Key Questions, circulate to gauge student understanding. Provide additional supports where needed.”

  • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 6, teacher directions state, “Have students reread the story in partners. While reading, have students notice evidence that describes Jicotea and Venado. 

After students have finished rereading, bring the class back together and have a brief discussion to share initial ideas describing each of the characters, using specific evidence from the text/their annotations. Chart student answers. After the discussion, have students write a few sentences to describe each character. Have students use the following sentence frames: 

  • Jicotea/Venado is __________ because _____________. 

  • Jicotea/Venado is ___________, but ___________. 

  • Jicotea/Vendao is ____________, so _____________. 

Students have some opportunities to share their thinking, however there are limited opportunities for them to demonstrate changes in their thinking over time, and to apply their understanding in new contexts. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • In Literature Unit 2, Lesson 11, students are exploring the meaning of a folktale. The teacher directions state, “Have students work in partners or small groups go back into the text and analyze the story from a rewards/punishments lens. Consider having them use a graphic organizer with spaces to fill in character names, traits, and evidence, as well as question boxes for, "Who gets rewarded? How do you know?" As they close read key sections of the story, circulate to prompt them if they are missing specific evidence from the text or have any major misconceptions. 

Potential prompts: 

  • Who are the characters in this story? What is each of them like? What evidence does the author give us to show what they’re like?

  • Who gets rewarded in this story? How do you know?

  • What do you think that tells us about what the author wants us to learn? Why?

Materials occasionally leverage the use of a variety of formats and methods over time to deepen student understanding and ability to explain and apply literacy ideas. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • In Science Unit 3, Lesson 2, students read about the animal kingdom. They answer questions and then the directions state, “In partners have students gather information about one type of simple animal or worm: sponges, coelenterates, echinoderms, or worms. Have students use a Boxes and Bullets Graphic Organizer to gather information about the simple animal. Once students have enough details to describe the animals key characteristics and other interesting facts, have students make a mini-poster. The mini-poster should include a drawing and the facts about the animal. 

Once students have created their posters, have students share with the class. Push students to notice the similarities and differences between the different simple animals.

  • In Social Studies Unit 4, Lesson 7, students review information about the loss of land by Indigenous people over time. Then, they begin a research project to  learn about the nations and tribes in the state where they live. They answer the following key questions:

    • What were the major tribes and nations in your region before 1600, from 1600 to 1900, and from 1900 until now? Create a map that shows how their land has changed. Create a chart to show how population has changed.

    • What major factors or events led to the decline in population?

    • Describe the modern culture of the Indigenous populations in your region.  What values and traditions are important to the tribe. What type of government does the tribe have?

Students create a report that answers the following questions: 

  • How has the Indigenous population and land changed over time? Include any necessary maps and charts. 

  • What major factors or events led to the decline in the Indigenous population? 

  • What are some of the important values and traditions of the Indigenous populations in your region? 

Materials provide for some ongoing review, practice, self-reflection, and feedback. Materials provide multiple strategies, such as oral and/or written feedback, peer or teacher feedback, and self-reflection. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:  

  • The Teacher Tools section provides general guidance for writing feedback that can be used with students. This includes a variety of generalized formats and types. These suggestions are not embedded in the lessons. 

  • In Literature Unit 3, Lesson 3, the teacher directions state, “Begin by recalling the previous day’s reading with a quick recount (either whole group or as turn and talk). Then explain to students that just like folktales, myths are stories passed down from a group of people meant to teach a lesson about life. Explain that their job is to figure out what lesson the Romans wanted to teach about how to live, and to figure out how this lesson is taught, or conveyed, in the story.”

Materials provide a clear path for students to monitor and move their own learning. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • No evidence found.

Indicator 3P

Materials provide opportunities for teachers to use a variety of grouping strategies.

The materials include guidance for grouping strategies in the Teacher Tools provided on the website. The documents provide explanations for how to conduct various groupings and advantages provided by each of the groupings. The guidance provides protocols for partner discussions, small groups discussions, and whole class discussions. Individual lesson plans include suggestions for when to use each type of discussion, but teachers have flexibility in which specific grouping protocol best meets the needs of their class, allowing the potential for the same grouping strategy to be used throughout the year. However, materials do not provide guidance on how to determine which students should be paired together or how to mix groups. 

Materials provide grouping strategies for students. Materials provide for varied types of interaction among students. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • In Literature Unit 1, Lesson 1, teacher instructions state: “Have students work in partners or small groups to complete a character trait ‘map’ for the Enormous Crocodile.” 

  • In Social Studies and Science Unit 2, Lesson 14, teachers are given the option to have students work in pairs or small groups to read the text and complete sentence stems. Teachers choose the strategy to implement.

  • In Literature Unit 5, Lesson 8, the teacher directions state, “Review with students how authors use specific words to create mood and describe situations. Display the following sentence. ‘The rat had no morals, no scruples, no consideration, no decency, no milk of rodent kindness, no compunctions, no higher feeling, no friendliness, no anything.’ Split the class into partners. Have each group determine what each description means. Ex. what does it mean to have no scruples? After partners have determined what each description means, have partners share with the class. In what ways are the descriptions similar? In what ways are the descriptions different? Why does the author include all of the descriptions? What is the author trying to say about Templeton? After the close read, have students independently write an answer to the Target Task question. Make sure students answer both parts of the Target Task question, particularly how others feel about him.

Materials provide limited guidance for the teacher on grouping students in a variety of grouping formats. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The “Preparing for Academic Discourse” section of the materials presents information about group students for discussions. The materials state, “There are three main types of academic discourse: partner discourse, small-group discourse, and whole-group discourse, each with their own respective protocols.Over the course of a lesson, students may engage in all three types of academic discourse as they grapple with and explore key unit texts and content.” 

  • This same section also provides information about selecting tasks for discourse and provides extensive information on how to support discourse including a wide variety of rubrics, graphic organizers, and recording forms, however it does not include information about how to select students to participate in this wide variety of discussion formats.

  • The “Types of Academic Discourse Section provides a wide variety of small group and partner discussion opportunities, including protocols and benefits, but there is no information included about how to select students for these groupings. 

Indicator 3Q

Materials provide strategies and supports for students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English to meet or exceed grade-level standards to regularly participate in learning English language arts and literacy.

The materials reviewed for Grade 3 partially meet the criteria for Indicator 3q. 

The materials include specific guidelines for supporting English Learners in the Teacher Tools, but support is not provided in specific lessons. In the Teacher Tools, the guidance is separated by the amount of support that is required for students. Teachers are provided with information on what approaches are best in situations and then directed to determine which scaffold to use in their own classroom. Many lessons have specific guidance for providing language support, but these are not directed specifically to English learners. 

Materials provide some strategies and supports for students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English to meet or exceed grade-level standards through regular and active participation in grade-level literacy work. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The materials include a guidance document called A Guide to Supporting English Learners which includes additional guidance on planning and providing supports. Some protocols include both light and heavy EL support. Included in this document are: 

    • Ways to internalize units and lessons

    • Scaffolds

    • Oral language protocols and ways to support English learners

    • Graphic organizers

  • Some of the guidance documents, such as Oral Language Protocols, give a brief overview of English Learner needs and then recommend a list of the same discourse protocols provided for all students across Grades 3-5. Guidance includes information on how a teacher should preview the unit to identify complexity issues, identify skills that students need to succeed, and identify any prerequisite knowledge students need to succeed with the unit; however, that guidance is provided universally and is not specific to differentiating within individual lessons.

  • Language supports are available for many lessons across the year, however, they are not specifically indicated to be EL supports and do not include the light and heavy support options found in A Guide to Supporting English Learners.

Indicator 3R

Materials provide a balance of images or information about people, representing various demographic and physical characteristics.

The materials include information about people that represent a wide variety of demographic and physical characteristics in both the texts and unit topics. There are no printed images that accompany the program other than graphic organizers, therefore all images would be contained in the texts and articles selected for the units. 

A stated focus of the curriculum is inclusive education and that students can build an understanding and appreciation of cultures and civilizations that may be different from their own by reading a variety of culturally relevant and diverse texts. On the About Us page of the Fishtank website, the publishers share their rationale for being culturally relevant in choosing texts and topics: “We are committed to developing curriculum that resonates with a diversity of students’ lived experiences. Our curriculum is reflective of diverse cultures, races and ethnicities and is designed to spark students’ interest and stimulate deep thinking. We are thoughtful and deliberate in selecting high-quality texts and materials that reflect the diversity of our country.”

Materials and assessments depict different individuals of different genders, races, ethnicities, and other physical characteristics. Depictions of demographics or physical characteristics are portrayed positively across the series. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • The Grade 3 units include texts and topics on African American and Hispanic folktales, Native American perspectives on Thanksgiving, world religions, and Indigenous peoples.

Materials and assessments balance positive portrayals of demographics or physical characteristics. Materials avoid stereotypes or language that might be offensive to a particular group. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • In Literature Unit 1, Lesson 2, students read the text, Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel by Nikki Grimes. The Target Task writing prompt asks students to respond to the writing prompt: “What is Dyamonde like? How do you know?” The sample response indicates information about Dyamond that portrays here as an average student who is observant, but judgmental and explores the complexities of internal thought-- thus providing depth to her character and making her relatable to third grade students. The text also describes Dyamonde as having a “can-do attitude”. The teacher discusses what this means with the class. 

  • In Social Studies Unit 2, Lesson 11, students read “Notes from a Wampanoag Child” (Letters 1 and 2). Throughout the reading, students are asked questions that examine the position of the Wampanoag and why they viewed the Pilgrims as potentially harmful to their people. They also explore the perspectives of the settlers and the Wampanoag. The Wampanoag are portrayed as individuals who are seeking to understand the intentions of the other group who has come to their land and trying to assure the safety of their families and their livelihood. 

Materials provide representations that show students that they can succeed in the subject, going beyond just showing photos of diverse students not engaged in work related to the context of the learning. 

  • This element is not present in the materials as there are not photographs included in the student materials.

Indicator 3S

Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student home language to facilitate learning.

The materials provide some support for teachers to draw on students’ home languages during instruction. General suggestions and strategies are included in the Supporting English Learners section of the program. Specific, lesson-level guidance is not available. 

Materials provide minimal suggestions and strategies to use the home language to support students in learning ELA.  

The materials include the Teacher Tools section of the website with minimal guidance for teachers to draw upon students’ home language to facilitate learning. In the program, teachers are encouraged to consider the home languages of students when grouping them for partner or small group work. Suggestions include, but are not limited to:

  • When planning for instruction, teachers are encouraged to consider the role that English learners will play in grouped settings and how they will be grouped. 

  • The materials suggest that English Learners should interact with a variety of speakers in a variety of situations based on the demands of the task. 

Materials present multilingualism as an asset in reading, and students are explicitly encouraged to develop home language literacy and to use their home language strategically for learning how to negotiate texts in the target language. Teacher materials include guidance on how to garner information that will aid in learning, including the family’s preferred language of communication, schooling experiences in other languages, literacy abilities in other languages, and previous exposure to academic or everyday English. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The Supporting English Learners materials encourage teachers to allow students to complete assignments in either English or their home language, to allow graphic organizers and other tools to be completed in their home language, and to show students how the English word is a cognate of the word in their home language during vocabulary instruction. However, these are general recommendations and are not explained further or supported within the individual lessons. 

Indicator 3T

Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student cultural and social backgrounds to facilitate learning.

The materials provide a Guiding Principles document where the publisher states that they believe selected texts must “both affirm scholars’ cultures and expose them to great literature.” To engage students, teachers are expected to hold high expectations that ensure academic success. This includes teachers helping students develop positive ethnic and cultural identities along with helping them achieve academically. Teachers are encouraged to support students’ ability to recognize, understand, and critique current events and social inequalities. 

Materials make connections to the linguistics, cultures, and conventions used in learning ELA. Materials make connections to the linguistic and cultural diversity to facilitate learning. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The publisher provides minimal guidance on how teachers can accomplish this, and they primarily recommend that individual schools engage in their own equity and antiracism work in order to ensure the curriculum is brought to life in a way that honors and represents the students in their classrooms. 

  • According to the program, in order for a classroom to be truly culturally responsive, teachers need to know their students and customize units and lessons to be inclusive. 

  • The publisher includes links to resources from Teaching Tolerance as a guide for teachers to initiate critical conversations with students to facilitate these relationships. 

  • The Preparing to Teach and ELA Unit section provides deep dives for teachers as they examine all lessons and the unit as a whole to consider the students in their classroom, the texts and other resources that will be used, historical and social contexts, any biases that may come into play (e.g., those of the author, the teacher, the class), and a variety of other considerations that will allow the teacher to prepare for rigorous conversations. 

Indicator 3U

This is not an assessed indicator in ELA.

Indicator 3V

This is not an assessed indicator in ELA.

Criterion 3.4: Intentional Design


The program includes a visual design that is engaging and references or integrates digital technology, when applicable, with guidance for teachers.

The materials make use of Google Classroom in order for the teacher to manage certain handouts related to the program. The materials do not include any additional interactive technology tools. 

The design of the materials is very straightforward and does not distract from the content.

Indicator 3W

Materials integrate technology such as interactive tools, virtual manipulatives/objects, and/or dynamic software in ways that engage students in the grade-level/series standards, when applicable.

Materials integrate technology such as interactive tools, virtual manipulatives/objects, and/or dynamic software in ways that engage students in the grade-level/series standards, when applicable.

  • No evidence found for this indicator

Indicator 3X

Materials include or reference digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate with each other, when applicable.

Materials include or reference some digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate with each other, when applicable. 

  • The materials allow teachers to utilize the Student Handouts through Google Drive in order to use Google Classroom, but no guidance or recommendations for digital tools to collaborate are present. There are no additional digital platforms referenced beyond Google. Students are generally collaborating in discussion, small groups, or pairs but not digitally.

Indicator 3Y

The visual design (whether in print or digital) supports students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject, and is neither distracting nor chaotic.

The visual design (whether in print or digital) supports students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject, and is neither distracting nor chaotic. 

  • The materials follow the same format across Grades 3-5. The set color scheme is a variety of soft blues and all downloadable materials include the logo for Fishtank.

  • Graphic organizers are constructed simply with tables and text that are easily readable for students. 

  • The majority of materials follow a very standard format organized in boxes or tables. 

  • All texts are actual books that schools need to purchase and include a variety of novels and nonfiction texts with colorful and detailed images.

Indicator 3Z

Materials provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning, when applicable.

Materials provide some teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning, when applicable.

  • The materials are housed in a digital format online. Entire units and student worksheets are downloadable, and links to supplemental materials are available to download, such as the Vocabulary Package or additional student tasks. 

  • There is limited inclusion of technology use as the materials do not provide digitally interactive elements beyond the student handouts, though some lessons include websites or videos as supporting materials. For example, in Science and Social Studies Unit 4, Lesson 8, an Opportunities for Enrichment section states: “To help students understand why Indigenous languages matter, have students watch the video, ‘Why Indigenous Languages Matter and What We Can Do to Save Them Lindsay Morcom | TEDxQueensU’ from TEDx Talks.” When teachers click the link, the video opens in YouTube.  However, there is no additional guidance for how the video is to be used or discussed. 

  • The handouts for each lesson are embedded so they can be printed, altered, or connected to Google Classroom. Each lesson that uses a handout has a rectangular yellow icon labeled, Create Student Handouts. The text box next to the button reads: “With Fishtank Plus, you can easily turn the Target Task for this lesson into student handouts. And within our Student Handout Editor, you can customize them with your personal touches, or send them directly to Google Classroom.” Once the teacher clicks the button, the lesson handouts appear as digital text boxes and three blue icons at the top of each indicate where teachers can Download Target Task, Edit Target Task, or Send to Google Drive.