Eureka Math²

Great Minds
Report Release
Review Tool Version
Core: Comprehensive

EdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.

Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Meets Expectations

Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.

Usability (Gateway 3)
Meets Expectations
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Additional Publication Details

Title ISBN
International Standard Book Number
Edition Publisher Year
Eureka Math Squared Grade 5 Learn & Apply Bundle: Fractions are Numbers Modules 1-6  978-1-64929-022-9  Great Minds 2021
Eureka Math Squared Grade 5 Learn Set: Fractions are Numbers Modules 1-6  978-1-64929-028-1  Great Minds 2021
Eureka Math Squared Grade 5 Teacher Edition Set: Fractions are Numbers Modules 1-6  978-1-64929-041-0  Great Minds 2021

About This Report

Report for 5th Grade

Alignment Summary

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for Alignment to the CCSSM. In Gateway 1, the materials meet expectations for focus and coherence. In Gateway 2, the materials meet expectations for rigor and meet expectations for practice-content connections.

5th Grade
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Meets Expectations
Gateway 3


Usability (Gateway 3)
Meets Expectations
Overview of Gateway 1

Focus & Coherence

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for focus and coherence. For focus, the materials assess grade-level content and provide all students extensive work with grade-level problems to meet the full intent of grade-level standards. For coherence, the materials are coherent and consistent with the CCSSM.

Criterion 1.1: Focus


Materials assess grade-level content and give all students extensive work with grade-level problems to meet the full intent of grade-level standards.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for focus as they assess grade-level content and provide all students extensive work with grade-level problems to meet the full intent of grade-level standards.

Indicator 1A

Materials assess the grade-level content and, if applicable, content from earlier grades.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2 Grade 5 meet expectations for assessing grade-level content and, if applicable, content from earlier grades.

The Assessment System includes lesson-embedded Exit Tickets, Topic Quizzes, and Module Assessments. According to the Implementation Guide, “Exit Tickets are not graded. They are paper based so that you can quickly review and sort them. Typical Topic Quizzes consist of 4-6 items that assess proficiency with the major concepts from the topic. You may find it useful to grade Topic Quizzes. Typical Module Assessments consist of 6-10 items that assess proficiency with the major concepts, skills, and applications taught in the module. Module Assessments represent the most important content taught in the module. These assessments use a variety of question types, such as constructed response, multiple select, multiple choice, single answer, and multi-part. There are two analogous versions of each Module Assessment available digitally. Analogous versions target the same material at the same level of cognitive complexity.” Examples of summative Module Assessments items that assess grade-level standards include:

  • Module 1, Module Assessment 2, Item 9, “Consider the expression shown. 5,050÷755,050\div75. Write a word problem that can be solved by evaluating the given expression. Explain what the quotient and remainder represent.” (5.OA.2)

  • Module 2. Module Module Assessment 2, Item 5, “Kayla needs to know whether she has more gold chain or more silver chain. She has 2 lengths of gold chain that measure 2142\frac{1}{4}in . and 38\frac{3}{8}in. She has 2 lengths of silver chain that measure 1581\frac{5}{8}in. and 1341\frac{3}{4}in. Without finding the actual sum, determine whether Kayla has more gold chain or more silver chain. Explain how you know.” (5.NF.2)

  • Module 4, Module Assessment 2, Item 7, “Mr. Evans buys 3 new books and 3 used books. He spends $104.16 altogether. The used books cost $18.82, $11.32, and $16.51. Each of the 3 new books costs the same amount. How much does each of the new books cost?” (5.NBT.B)

  • Module 5, Module Assessment 1, Item 3, students are shown an image of a rectangular prism, and told, “The volume of the right rectangular prism shown can be found by using the expression (6×10)×3(6\times10)\times3. Part A. Enter a number in each box to show what the measurements of the prism could be.” (5.MD.C)

  • Module 6, Module Assessment 1, Item 5, students are shown a coordinate plane and told, “A rectangle has a vertex at (6,10). The rectangle has an area of 30 square units. Plot the given vertex and three other possible vertices. Then draw the rectangle in the coordinate plate.” (5.G.2)

Indicator 1B

Materials give all students extensive work with grade-level problems to meet the full intent of grade-level standards.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2 Grade 5 meet expectations for giving all students extensive work with grade-level problems to meet the full intent of grade-level standards. 

According to the Grades 3-5 Implementation Guide, “Each lesson is structured in four sections: Fluency, Launch, Learn, and Land. Lessons are designed for one 60-minute instructional period. Fluency provides distributed practice with previously learned material. It is designed to prepare students for new learning by activating prior knowledge and bridging small learning gaps. Launch creates an accessible entry point to the day’s learning through activities that build context and often create productive struggle that leads to a need for the learning that follows. Every Launch ends with a transition statement that sets the goal for the day’s learning. Learn presents new learning related to the lesson objective, usually through a series of instructional segments. This lesson component takes most of the instructional time. Suggested facilitation styles vary and may include direct instruction, guided instruction, group work, partner activities, interactive video, and digital elements. The Problem Set, an opportunity for independent practice, is included in Learn. Land helps you facilitate a brief discussion to close the lesson. Suggested questions, including key questions related to the objective, help students synthesize the day’s learning.” 

Instructional materials engage all students in extensive work with grade-level problems through the consistent lesson structure. Examples include:

  • Module 1, Place Value Concept for With Whole Number, Lesson 17, and 18 engage students with extensive work with 5.OA.2 (Write simple expressions that record calculations with numbers, and interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them). Lesson 17, Fluency, Whiteboard Exchange: Write and Evaluate Expressions, “Students express an addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division statement as an expression and evaluate the expression.” Teacher displays the statement: “11 more than 73. Write an expression to represent the statement. Write the value of the expression.” Lesson 18, Launch, “Students use parentheses to write expressions to match a word problem context. Teacher displays the expression 5+25+2 to the class and pairs students to use the Co-construction routine to have students create a real-world situation that could apply to the expression. Teacher invites students to share their ideas and explain the relationship to the expression with the class. Teacher directs students to adjust the situations they created to match this expression: 3×(5+2)3\times(5+2).” Land, Exit Ticket, “Write a word problem that can be solved by using the expression shown. (6+7)×1134(6+7)\times11-34.”

  • Module 3, Multiplication and Division with Fractions, Lessons 12 and Lesson 21, engages students with extensive work of 5.NF.7 (Apply and extend previous understandings of division to divide unit fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions). Lesson 12, Learn, Use a Tape Diagram to Divide, Classwork, Problem 1, students divide a nonzero whole number by a unit fraction using tape diagrams. “Use the Read-Draw-Write process to solve each problem. A family makes 3 pans of brownies for a bake sale. They plan to sell gift bags that each hold 12\frac{1}{2} of a pan of brownies. How many gift bags can the family make?” Lesson 21, Land, Exit Ticket, “Use the Read-Draw-Write process to solve the problem. Shen bought 20 pounds of ground beef. He used 14\frac{1}{4} of the beef to make tacos. He used 23\frac{2}{3} of the remaining beef to make 14\frac{1}{4}-pound burgers. How many burgers did he make?”

  • Module 4, Place Value Concepts for Decimal Operations, Lesson 1 engage students with extensive work of 5.NBT.1 (Recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 110\frac{1}{10} of what it represents in the place to its left). Fluency, Counting on the Number Line by Tenths, students count by tenths in fractional and decimal form to extend their place value understanding to the thousandths place. “Use the number line to count by tenths to 10 tenths and then back down to 0 tenths. The first number you say is 0 tenths. Ready. Now count forward and back by tenths again. This time use whole numbers and decimal numbers. The first number you say is 0. Ready?” Teachers display each number one at a time on the number line as students count. Launch, students use division to relate adjacent place units to tenths.Teacher uses a video (Decomposing 1 Liter) to activate students prior knowledge of place value unit decomposition. A picture of a 1 L bottle of water decomposed into parts is shown. “Label the liter bottle 1,000 mL. Point to the 1,000 mL bottle. When 1,000 mL is poured equally into 10 containers, how many milliliters are in each container? 1,000 mL divided equally into 10 containers is 100 mL. When 100 mL is poured equally into 10 containers, how many milliliters are in each container? When 10 mL is poured equally into 10 containers, how many milliliters are in each container? What do you notice about how each unit was decomposed, or divided?” Learn, Decompose 1 One into Thousandths, Classwork, Problem 1, “Complete the Equations.  1 one = 10 ____; 1 one = 100 ____; 1 one = 1000____.”  Learn, 10 Times As Much As and 110\frac{1}{10} As Much As, “students relate adjacent place value units by using 10 times as much as and 110\frac{1}{10} as much as.” Teachers display the picture of the 1 ones disk and 10 tenths disks, tells students that decimal numbers can be represented by place value disks, and invites students to describe the relationship between 1 one and tenths. The following questions are used to guide the discussion:. “How many tenths make 1 one? So 1 one is how many times as much as 1 tenth? What equation could we write to represent the relationship between 1 one and 1 tenth?” Land, Debrief, “students model and relate decimal place value units to thousandths.” Teachers facilitate class discussion about decimal place value, relating adjacent lace value units using prompts: “How is a place value unit related to the next larger unit? How is a place value unit related to the next smaller unit?” Exit Ticket, Problem 1, “Consider the tape diagram. a. Write the value that A represents in decimal form. b. The value of A is ____ as much as 0.01.”

The instructional materials provide opportunities for all students to engage with the full intent of standards. Examples include: 

  • Module 3, Multiplication and Division with Fractions, Lessons 3 and 9 engage students with the full intent of 5.NF.4 (Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction or whole number by a fraction). Lesson 3, Learn, Multiply a Whole Number by a Fraction Less Than 1, students use a tape diagram to multiply a whole number by a fraction, ”Write 23×6=\frac{2}{3}\times6=___. Describe what 23×6\frac{2}{3}\times6 means. Is the product greater than or less than 6? How do you know?” Teachers are directed to Invite students to work with a partner to find the product. Lesson 9, Learn, Use Unit Language to Multiply, “students make a simpler problem by reasoning about factors before they multiply.” Classwork, Problem 4. “Fill in the blanks to find the product 15×1011\frac{1}{5}\times\frac{10}{11}, 15\frac{1}{5} of 10 is ___ , 15\frac{1}{5} of 10 elevenths is ___ elevenths.“ 

  • Module 4, Place Value Concepts for Decimal Operations, Lessons 10, 14, 21, and 22 engage students with the full intent of standard 5.NBT.7 (Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction…). Lesson 10, Launch, “students consider possible methods for adding decimal numbers.” Teachers direct students to display the picture and invite students to notice and wonder and share the scenario. “Sasha sells spices at a market. She weighs 5.64 grams of garlic and 2.7 grams of cumin for a customer.” Teachers are directed to “display 5.64+2.7=5.64+2.7=___, prompt students to think–pair–share about possible methods they can use to figure out how many grams of spices Sasha sells to the customer, and  encourage students to consider how the different methods may or may not help them add these addends.” Lesson 14, Learn, Problem Set, Problem 13, “4×6.24=4\times6.24=___”. Lesson 21, Learn, Problem Set, Problem 2, “Draw on the place value chart to divide then record your work in vertical form. 5.4÷2=5.4\div2=___.” A place value chart with columns labeled ones, tenths, hundredths is shown. Lesson 22, Learn, Use a Different Method, students use different methods to solve an equal groups word problems. Classwork, Problem 3, “Tara pours 40.25 cups of juice equally into 23 glasses. How much juice is in each glass?”

  • Module 5, Addition and Multiplication with Area and Volume, Lesson 17 and 19, engage students with the full intent of 5.MD.4 (Measure volumes by counting unit cubes, using cubic cm, cubic in, cubic ft, and improvised units). Lesson 17, Learn, Pack Prisms, “students pack containers shaped like right rectangular prisms with centimeter cubes to find volumes of solids with the same dimensions.” Teacher directs students to form pairs, and provides each pair a 4cm×3cm×2cm4 cm\times3 cm\times2 cm prism and 40 centimeter cubes. Classwork, Problem 1, “Sketch to show the number of unit cubes visible on the faces of the right rectangular prism. In the blank, write the total number of unit cubes it takes to pack the prism. Number of unit cubes: ___.” An image of a rectangular prism is provided. Lesson 19, Land, Exit Ticket, “The right rectangular prism shown is composed of centimeter cubes. a. Draw lines to decompose the prism into layers. b. Use the layers you created in part (a) to complete the following sentences.The prism has ___ layers.There are ___ centimeter cubes in each layer. The volume of the prism is ___ cubic centimeters. c. How does decomposing a prism into layers help you find the volume?” A picture of a rectangular prism is shown.

Criterion 1.2: Coherence


Each grade’s materials are coherent and consistent with the Standards.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for coherence. The materials: address the major clusters of the grade, have supporting content connected to major work, make connections between clusters and domains, and have content from prior and future grades connected to grade-level work.

Indicator 1C

When implemented as designed, the majority of the materials address the major clusters of each grade.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2  Grade 5 meet expectations that, when implemented as designed, the majority of the materials address the major work of each grade. The instructional materials devote at least 65 percent of instructional time to the major clusters of the grade. 

  • The number of modules devoted to the major work of the grade (including assessments and supporting work connected to the major work) is 4.5 out of 6, approximately 75%.

  • The number of lessons developed to the major work of the grade (including supporting work connected to the major work) is 102 out of 133, approximately 77%. 

  • The number of days devoted to the major work of the grade (including assessments and supporting work connected to the major work) is 116 out of 133, approximately 87%. 

A lesson-level analysis is most representative of the instructional materials as the lessons include major work and supporting work connected to major work. As a result, approximately 77% of the instructional materials focus on major work of the grade.

Indicator 1D

Supporting content enhances focus and coherence simultaneously by engaging students in the major work of the grade.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations that supporting content enhances focus and coherence simultaneously by engaging students in the major work of the grade. 

Materials are designed so supporting standards are connected to the major work standards and teachers can locate these connections on a tab called, “Achievement Descriptors and Standards” within lessons. Examples include:

  • Module 1, Topic B, Lesson 9: Multiply two- and three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers by using the standard algorithm, Learn, Multiply Three-Digit Numbers by Two-Digit Numbers, Classwork, Problem 3, connects the supporting work of 5.OA.2 (Write simple expressions that record calculations with numbers, and interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them) to major work of 5.NBT.5 (Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm). Students multiply using the standard algorithm relating it to area models to determine the more efficient strategy. “Flatback turtles lay 52 eggs in a nest. How many turtle eggs would there be in 427 nests?” The teacher directs students to work with a partner to discuss what they know and do not know from the story and asks, “What do we know and what do we need to know?” Teacher displays a tape diagram and asks, “What expression can we use to determine the number of turtle eggs?” Teacher displays area models and asks, “What do you notice? What is the same and what is different? Think back to the connection between area models and the standard algorithm. How many partial products are there in each of the models? How do you know? We know we can designate either factor as the unit. If we are using the standard algorithm, which factor should we designate as the unit? Why? We know we can designate either factor as the unit. If we are using the standard algorithm, which factor should we designate as the unit? Why?” Teacher directs students to work with a partner to find the partial products 2×4272\times427 and 50×42750\times427 by multiplying using the standard algorithm and asks, “What is 2×72\times7? 2×202\times20? 2×4002\times400? What is 50×750\times7? 50×2050\times20? 50×40050\times400? What product did you find? Is it reasonable based on your estimate?”

  • Module 3, Topic A, Lesson 5: Convert larger customary measurement units to smaller measurement units, Learn, Multiply to Convert Units, Classwork, Problem 2, connects the supporting work of 5.MD.1 (Convert among different-sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system) to the major work of 5.NF.4 (Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction or whole number by a fraction). Students multiply whole numbers and fractions to convert larger measurement units to smaller measurement units. “74c=\frac{7}{4}c=____ fl oz. How many fluid ounces equal 74\frac{7}{4} cups? What multiplication expression did you use? What is different about this example compared to previous examples? How did that affect your product? Why?” Learn, Conversions in the Real World, Classwork, Problem 3, “students apply their understanding of converting units to real-world situations. Use the Read–Draw–Write process to solve each problem. Mr. Sharma spends 38\frac{3}{8} of a day at work. He spends the rest of the day at home. How many hours does he spend at home? What do we know? Can we draw something? What can we draw? What labels can we add to our tape diagram based on what we know?” The teacher draws a tape diagram, directs students to do the same, reads the problem to the class, and asks: “What does the question ask us to find? Where can we put the question mark in our model? What do you notice about the measurement unit in our tape diagram and the measurement unit in the question? How can we show 1 day as hours in our model? What conclusions can you make from the tape diagram so far? How many hours does Mr. Sharma spend at home? Is your answer reasonable? How do you know?” Land, Debrief, Students convert larger units to smaller measurement units. Teacher facilitates a discussion about converting larger to smaller measurement units by encouraging students to restate or add on to their classmates’ responses using the following prompts: “What do all the measurement unit conversions today have in common? What operation did all our equations involve when we needed to convert from a larger measurement unit to a smaller measurement unit? How can we use multiplication to convert larger measurement units to smaller measurement units?” Teacher writes, “34yd=34×1yd=34ft=94ft\frac{3}{4}yd=\frac{3}{4}\times1yd=\frac{3}{4}ft=\frac{9}{4}ft. Compare 94\frac{9}{4} and 34\frac{3}{4}. Which is greater? Does it make sense for the number of feet in 34\frac{3}{4} yards to be greater than 34\frac{3}{4}? Why? How does the product 34×3\frac{3}{4}\times3, or 94\frac{9}{4}, compare to 3? Does it make sense that the product 34×3\frac{3}{4}\times3 is less than 3? Why?”

  • Module 6, Topic D, Lesson 16: Interpret graphs that represent real-world situations, Learn, Problem Solving with the Coordinate Plane, Classwork, Problem 2, connects the supporting work of 5.G.2 (Represent real world and mathematical problems by graphing points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane, and interpret coordinate values of points in the context of the situation) to the major work of 5.NBT.7 (Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used). Students use point coordinates to solve real-world problems. “The graph shows the total number of miles Kelly drove after a given number of hours on a road trip. a. How many miles did Kelly drive in the first hour of her trip? b. How many hours did it take Kelly to drive a total distance of 150 miles? c. How many miles did Kelly drive between hours 3 and 4? d. Kelly drove 180 miles in 5 hours. Plot a point to represent this information on the graph.” Teacher directs students to share their answers to parts a and b, and asks, “For part (c), how did you determine how many miles Kelly drove between hours 3 and 4? What is the ordered pair for the point you plotted for part (d)? How would the coordinates of your point for part (d) be different if Kelly had driven more than 180 miles in 5 hours? How would the coordinates of your point for part (d) be different if Kelly had taken longer than 5 hours to drive 180 miles?” A coordinate plane with five points, (1,45), (2,75), (3,135), (4,150), (5, 180) with the x-axis labeled Hours and the y-axis labeled Total Distance (miles), is shown.

Indicator 1E

Materials include problems and activities that serve to connect two or more clusters in a domain or two or more domains in a grade.

The instructional materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for including problems and activities that serve to connect two or more clusters in a domain or two or more domains in a grade. 

Grade 5 lessons are coherent and consistent with the Standards. Teachers can locate standard connections on a tab called, “Achievement Descriptors and Standards” within lessons. Examples include:

  • Module 2, Topic B, Lesson 5: Add and subtract fractions with related units by using pictorial models, Launch, connects the major work of 5.NF.B (Apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions) to the major work of 5.NF.A (Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions). “Students analyze models that show like units, related units, and unlike units.” Teacher displays the Vertical Block Drop digital interactive and asks, “What addition expression can we write to represent what we see in the model? What do you expect to see when I drop the blocks? The model represents a way to add fractions that have like units. In this case, the like units are fifths and our sum is also in fifths. Let’s analyze another model. What addition expressions do you see represented in this model? What do you expect to see when I drop the blocks? What do you think is the total?” A model of 13 and 36 is provided.

  • Module 4, Topic C, Lesson 18: Relate decimal-number multiplication to fraction multiplication, Learn, Multiply Decimal Numbers by One Tenth, connects the major work of  5.NBT.B (Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths) to the major work of 5.NF.B (Apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions). “Students use fraction form and place value understanding to multiply decimal numbers by 0.1. We can use what we know about fraction multiplication to find 0.1×0.10.1\times0.1. What is 0.1 renamed in fraction form? What is 110×110\frac{1}{10}\times\frac{1}{10}? Let’s draw an area model to check whether the answer 1100\frac{1}{100} makes sense. What is another way to describe 110×110\frac{1}{10}\times\frac{1}{10}? We want to find 110\frac{1}{10} of 110\frac{1}{10}. We start with 110\frac{1}{10}. How can we represent 110\frac{1}{10} on an area model? What do we need to do now to show 110\frac{1}{10} of 110\frac{1}{10}? How many equal parts does our model show now? What does each part represent? What is 110\frac{1}{10} of 110\frac{1}{10}? Now that we’ve used an area model to see how 110×110=1100\frac{1}{10}\times\frac{1}{10}=\frac{1}{100} makes sense, let’s show this multiplication on a place value chart.” Learn, Multiply Decimal Numbers by Multiples of Tenths and Hundredths, “Students use fraction form, unit form, and place value understanding to multiply decimal numbers. Write 7×0.27\times0.2. How can we rewrite this expression by using a fraction? What is the product in fraction form? What is the product in standard form?” Land, Debrief, “Students relate decimal-number multiplication to fraction multiplication. How can you use what you know about multiplying fractions to multiply decimal numbers?”

  • Module 6, Topic B, Lesson 7: Generate number patterns to form ordered pairs, Launch, connects the supporting work of 5.OA.B (Analyze patterns and relationships) to the supporting work of 5.G.A (Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems). “Students notice and wonder about patterns of points in a coordinate plane.” Teacher displays the graph with the three sets of points in different colors and invites students to think–pair–share about what they notice and what they wonder. A coordinate plane with points (2,3), (4,6), (6,9), (8,12), (10,15) plotted is shown. Learn, Work with Two Number Patterns, Classwork, Problem 2, “Students generate two number patterns by using two rules.” Students are directed to complete the problem with a partner. “Leo and Sasha create number patterns. Leo’s pattern: Start at 6 and multiply by 4. Sasha’s pattern: Start at 85 and subtract 6. Record the first five terms of Leo’s pattern and of Sasha’s pattern in the table.” A table divided in half and labeled Leo’s Pattern and Sasha’s pattern is shown. Learn, Graph Number Patterns, Classwork, Problem 3, “Students form ordered pairs from corresponding terms of two patterns and graph the ordered pairs in the coordinate plane. Use the table to complete parts (a)–(c). a. Use the rules to complete the patterns. b. Write the ordered pair for each pair of corresponding terms by writing the number from pattern A as the x-coordinate and the number from pattern B as the y-coordinate.” A table with headings “Pattern A Add 2, Pattern B Add 3, Ordered Pair” is shown. c. Plot the points in the coordinate plane.” A coordinate plane numbered 0-15 on the x-axis and y-axis is shown.

Indicator 1F

Content from future grades is identified and related to grade-level work, and materials relate grade-level concepts explicitly to prior knowledge from earlier grades.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2 Grade 5 meet expectations that content from future grades is identified and related to grade-level work, and materials relate grade-level concepts explicitly to prior knowledge from earlier grades.

Content from future grades is identified within materials and related to grade-level work. These references are consistently included within Topic and Module Overviews to reveal coherence across modules and grade levels. The Topic Overview includes information about how learning connects to previous or future content. Some Teacher Notes within lessons enhance mathematical reasoning by providing connections/explanations to prior and future concepts. Examples include: 

  • Module 1: Place Value Concepts for Multiplication and Division with Whole Numbers Module Overview, After His Module connects 5.NBT.7 (Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used) to work in Grade 6. “In Grade 5 Module 4 Students use place value knowledge and times as much as language to learn about decimal numbers. Students see how the strategies they use for whole-number operations extend to operations with decimal numbers. They convert metric measurements from smaller units to larger units. In Grade 6 Modules 2 and 4 In module 2, students learn to divide whole numbers with any number of digits by using the standard algorithm. In module 4, students build upon grade 5 knowledge by writing and evaluating numerical expressions with terms that have whole-number bases and exponents.”

  • Module 5: Topic D: Volume and the Operations of Multiplication and Addition, Topic Overview, connects 5.MD.5 (Relate volume to the operations of multiplication and addition and solve real world and mathematical problems involving volume) to work in Grade 6. “In topic D, students extend their understanding of volume concepts from topic C. They learn the volume formulas and use them to solve mathematical and real-world problems. In grade 6, students find the volumes of right rectangular prisms with fraction edge lengths by packing with unit cubes with fraction edge lengths and by applying the formulas V=B×hV=B\times h and V=l×w×hV=l\times w\times h.

  • Module 6: Topic D: Solve Real-World Problems with the Coordinate Plane, Topic Overview,  connects 5.OA.3 (Generate two numerical patterns using two given rules. Identify apparent relationships between corresponding terms. Form ordered pairs consisting of corresponding terms from the two patterns, and graph the ordered pairs on a coordinate plane) and 5.G.2 (Represent real world and mathematical problems by graphing points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane, and interpret coordinate values of points in the context of the situation) to work in Grade 6. “In topic D, students build on this understanding when they use the coordinate plane to tell stories about relationships and data. Students build on their work with the coordinate plane and number patterns in grade 6, when they use all four quadrants to solve mathematical and real-world problems, and in later grades, when they graph linear relationships and construct and interpret scatter plots.”

Materials relate grade-level concepts from Grade 5 explicitly to prior knowledge. These references can be found consistently within Topic and Module Overviews and less commonly within teacher notes at the lesson level. In Grade 5, prior connections are often made to content from previous modules within the grade. Examples include:

  • Module 1: Topic A: Place Value Understanding for Whole Numbers, Topic Overview, connects to 5.NBT.1 (Recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left), 5.NBT.2 (Explain patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying a number by powers of 10, and explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of 10. Use whole-number exponents to denote powers of 10), and 5.MD.1 (Convert among different-sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system) to work in Grade 4. “In topic A, students apply their understanding of place value to multiply and divide by powers of 10 and their multiples. Prior to grade 5, students use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place. They compare quantities through multiplicative comparison and recognize that in a whole number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as what it represents in the place to the right.”

  • Module 4: Place Value Concepts for Decimal Operations, Module Overview, Before This Module, connects 5.NBT.1 (Recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 110\frac{1}{10} of what it represents in the place to its left) to work in Grade 4. “In grade 4 module 5, students relate decimal fractions to decimal numbers. They write and compare decimal numbers to hundredths by using models and by renaming them as fractions. Students also add decimal fractions with denominators 10 and 100 by renaming them as fractions. In grade 5 module 1 students apply place value understanding to multiply and divide whole numbers by powers of 10. They build fluency with the standard algorithm to multiply multi-digit whole numbers. Students also divide whole numbers by using tape diagrams, area models, and vertical form to record quotients and remainders."

  • Module 6: Foundations to Geometry in the Coordinate Plane, Module Overview, Before This Module, connects 5.G.2 (Represent real world and mathematical problems by graphing points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane, and interpret coordinate values of points in the context of the situation) to work in Grade 4. "In grade 5 module 4, students use the number line as a tool for counting, comparing, and operating with whole numbers. Earlier in grade 5, students compare and round decimal numbers in a similar manner to how they compare and round whole numbers, by using the structure of number lines and plotting points to solve problems. In grade 4 module 2, students apply their understanding of factors and multiples to find an unknown term in shape or number patterns. They recognize that they can use what they know about the earlier terms in a sequence to find a later term without having to list all the terms."

Indicator 1G

In order to foster coherence between grades, materials can be completed within a regular school year with little to no modification.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2 Grade 5 foster coherence between grades and can be completed within a regular school year with little to no modification.

According to the Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, “Grade levels have fewer lessons than the typical number of instructional days in a school year. This provides some flexibility in the schedule for assessment and responsive teaching, and it allows for unexpected circumstances.” As stated in the Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, pages 35-36: “Plan to teach one lesson per day of instruction. Each lesson is designed for an instructional period that lasts 60 minutes. Some lessons in each grade level are optional. Optional lessons are clearly designated in the instructional sequence, and they are included in the total number of lessons per grade level.”

In Grade 5, there are 133 days of instruction including:

  • 133 lesson days

  • Additionally, there are 4 optional lessons (with provided content).

Not included in the lesson days are six module assessments and fifteen topic quizzes. These are described in the Implementation Guide, “Typical Topic Quizzes consist of 4–6 items that assess proficiency with the major concepts from the topic. There are three analogous versions of each Topic Quiz available digitally. Analogous versions target the same material at the same level of cognitive complexity. However, typical items on analogous versions are not clones of the original version. Use the analogous versions to give retakes, with reteaching or additional practice between takes, until students score proficient or above. Typical Module Assessments consist of 6–10 items that assess proficiency with the major concepts, skills, and applications taught in the module. Module Assessments represent the most important content, but they may not assess all the strategies and standards taught in the module. There are two analogous versions of each Module Assessment available digitally. Analogous versions target the same material at the same level of cognitive complexity. However, typical items on analogous versions are not clones of the original version. Use the analogous versions to give retakes, with reteaching or additional practice between takes, until students score proficient or above. In grade 5, the curriculum provides a reference sheet that students may use when they take assessments. Reference sheets look similar to those provided with state summative assessments. Periodic experience with reference sheets builds students’ confidence with how to use them.”

There are six modules in each Grade 3 to 5 and within those modules, there are between 17 and 30 lessons.The Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide outlines a typical lesson. “Each lesson is structured in four sections: Fluency, Launch, Learn, and Land. Lessons are designed for one 60-minute instructional period. Fluency - Fluency provides distributed practice with previously learned material. It is designed to prepare students for new learning by activating prior knowledge and bridging small learning gaps. Launch - Launch creates an accessible entry point to the day’s learning through activities that build context and often create productive struggle that leads to a need for the learning that follows. Every Launch ends with a transition statement that sets the goal for the day’s learning. Learn - Learn presents new learning related to the lesson objective, usually through a series of instructional segments. This lesson component takes most of the instructional time. Suggested facilitation styles vary and may include direct instruction, guided instruction, group work, partner activities, interactive video, and digital elements. The Problem Set, an opportunity for independent practice, is included in Learn. Land - Land helps you facilitate a brief discussion to close the lesson and provides students with an opportunity to complete the Exit Ticket. In the Debrief portion of Land, suggested questions, including key questions related to the objective, help students synthesize the day’s learning. The Exit Ticket provides a window into what students understand so that you can make instructional decisions.”  

In Grade 5, each lesson is composed of: 

  • Fluency: 5-15 minutes

  • Launch: 5-10 minutes

  • Learn: 30-40 minutes

  • Land: 10 minutes

Overview of Gateway 2

Rigor & the Mathematical Practices

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for rigor and balance and practice-content connections. The materials help students develop procedural skills, fluency, and application. The materials also make meaningful connections between the Standards for Mathematical Content and the Standards for Mathematical Practice (MPs).

Criterion 2.1: Rigor and Balance


Materials reflect the balances in the Standards and help students meet the Standards’ rigorous expectations, by giving appropriate attention to: developing students’ conceptual understanding; procedural skill and fluency; and engaging applications.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for rigor. The materials develop conceptual understanding of key mathematical concepts, give attention throughout the year to procedural skill and fluency, and spend sufficient time working with engaging applications of mathematics. There is a balance of the three aspects of rigor within the grade.

Indicator 2A

Materials develop conceptual understanding of key mathematical concepts, especially where called for in specific content standards or cluster headings.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2 Grade 5 meet expectations for developing conceptual understanding of key mathematical concepts, especially where called for in specific content standards or cluster headings.

Materials provide opportunities for students to develop conceptual understanding throughout the grade level. These opportunities are most often found within the Launch and Learn portions of lessons. Examples include:

  • Module 1, Topic A, Lesson 1: Relate adjacent place value units by using place value understanding, Learn, Problem Set, Compare and Relate the Same Digit with Different Values, students develop conceptual understanding of place value by determining that the same digits in different places do not represent the same value, and articulate how the digits in different place values are similar and different. “Use the place value chart to complete the statement and equation. 3 ten thousands is 10 times as much as ___. 30,000 = 10 x ___.” An image place value chart with millions, hundred thousands, ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones are shown. (5.NBT.1)

  • Module 5, Topic B, Lesson 12: Multiply mixed numbers. Land, Debrief, students develop conceptual understanding of multiplying mixed numbers using different strategies and a visual model. “Facilitate a class discussion about multiplying mixed numbers by using the following prompts. Encourage students to restate or add on to their classmates’ responses. Display the area model and work showing 235×3182\frac{3}{5}\times3\frac{1}{8}. How are area models helpful when we are multiplying mixed numbers? How can we use the break apart and distribute strategy when multiplying mixed numbers? How is multiplying mixed numbers similar to multiplying decimals? How is it different?” (5.NF.4)

  • Module 5, Topic C, Lesson 17: Find the volume of right rectangular prisms by packing with unit cubes and counting, Learn, Pack Prisms, students develop conceptual understanding of volume by completely filling a rectangular prism with cubes.The teacher gives students a 3cm×3cm×3cm3 cm\times3 cm\times3 cm cube. “Direct students to pack the prism and count the number of cubes they need to pack it completely without gaps or overlaps.” The teacher then directs students to complete Classwork, Problem 2, “Sketch to show the number of centimeter cubes visible on the faces of the right rectangular prism. Then complete the table.” A table with a place for length (centimeters), width (centimeters), height (centimeters), and volume (cubic centimeters) is shown. (5.MD.3)

Materials provide opportunities for students to independently demonstrate conceptual understanding throughout the grade level. The Problem Set, within Learn, consistently includes these opportunities. When appropriate, teachers may use other portions of lessons for independent demonstration of conceptual understanding. Examples include:

  • Module 3, Topic A, Lesson 3: Multiply a whole number by a fraction less than 𝟏, Learn, Problem Set, Problem 1, students independently demonstrate conceptual understanding of multiplying fractions by using a number line to multiply a whole number by a fraction. “Use the number line to find the product. Then write a repeated addition sentence to check your work. Write your answer as a whole number when possible. 12×4=\frac{1}{2}\times4=___.”  An image of a number line from 0-4 is shown. (5.NF.4)

  • Module 5, Topic D, Lesson 25: Find the volumes of solid figures composed of right rectangular prisms, Practice, Problems 1 - 4, students independently demonstrate conceptual understanding as they “find the volumes of solid figures composed of right rectangular prisms. They decompose the figures into right rectangular prisms, find the volumes of the prisms, and add the volumes together.” For Problems 1-4, “The solid figures shown are composed of right rectangular prisms. Calculate the volume of each figure.” Four right rectangular prisms with different dimensions are provided. (5.MD.5b and 5.MD.5c)

  • Module 6, Topic B, Lesson 5: Identify properties of horizontal and vertical lines, Land, Debrief, students independently demonstrate conceptual understanding as they identify properties of horizontal and vertical lines. The teacher facilitates a class discussion about the properties of horizontal and vertical lines. “Display the coordinate plane showing lines c and m. Which line is parallel to the y-axis? How far is linecfrom the y-axis? What is true about the coordinates of every point on line ? What is true about the coordinates of every point on linem? Are lines c and m perpendicular? How do you know? Why do points on a vertical line have the same x-coordinate? Why do points on a horizontal line have the same y-coordinate? How is the coordinate plane useful for reasoning about horizontal and vertical lines?” (5.G.1)

Indicator 2B

Materials give attention throughout the year to individual standards that set an expectation for procedural skill and fluency.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2 Grade 5 meet expectations for giving attention throughout the year to individual standards that set an expectation of procedural skill and fluency. 

The materials develop procedural skill and fluency throughout the grade level, within various portions of lessons, including Fluency, Launch, and Learn. Examples include: 

  • Module 1, Topic B, Lesson 8: Multiply two- and three-digit number by two-digit numbers by using the distributive property, Fluency, Whiteboard Exchange: Estimate Products, students develop procedural skill and fluency as they round to estimate products. The teacher displays “19,352×319,352\times3≈___×3\times3. What is 19,352 when rounded to the nearest ten thousand? Raise your hand when you know. Wait until most students raise their hands, and then signal for students to respond. Display the rounded factor. When I give the signal, let’s read the statement together. Ready? 19,352×319,352\times3 is about 20,000×320,000\times3. Display 19,352×319,352\times3≈___. Write and complete the statement with the estimated product.” Students repeat this process with more problems. (5.NBT.5)

  • Module 1, Topic B, Lesson 11: Multiply two multi-digit numbers by using the standard algorithm, Launch, students develop procedural skill and fluency as they compare partial products with the standard algorithm for multiplication. The teacher displays shaded work examples that show 1,243×1321,243\times132. Sample A shows the partial product strategy. Sample B shows the standard algorithm strategy. Sample C shows the area model strategy. The teacher asks, “In all three methods of multiplication, we see the same three partial products of 2,486, 37,290 and 124,300. What does the partial product 2,486 represent? Where is 2,486 represented in sample A? Where is 2,486 represented in sample B? Where is 2,486 represented in sample C? Let’s look at sample B. Why is there an 8 in the tens place of 2,486? Why is there a 4 in the hundreds place of 2,486?What does the partial product 37,290 represent?” (5.NBT.5)

Materials provide opportunities for students to independently demonstrate procedural skill and fluency throughout the grade level. The Problem Set, within Learn, consistently includes these opportunities. When appropriate, teachers may use other portions of lessons for independent demonstration of procedural skill and fluency. Examples include:

  • Module 1, Topic B, Lesson 10: Multiply three- and four-digit numbers by three-digit numbers by using the standard algorithm, Land, Debrief, Exit Ticket, students independently demonstrate procedural skill and fluency as they multiply three- and four-digit numbers by three-digit numbers using the standard algorithm. “Multiply 704×236704\times236.” (5.NBT.5)

  • Module 1, Topic B, Lesson 11: Multiply two multi-digit numbers by using the standard algorithm, Problem Set, students independently demonstrate procedural skill and fluency as they estimate products, then multiply using the standard algorithm. “Estimate the product. Then multiply using the standard algorithm. Problem 1. 382×547382\times547≈___×\times___==___. Problem 2. 473×905473\times905≈___×\times___==___. Problem 3. 638×5,29638\times5,29≈___×\times___==___. Problem 4. 7,418×5947,418\times594≈___×\times___==___.” (5.NBT.5)

  • Module 2, Topic B, Lesson 8: Add and subtract fractions with unrelated units by finding equivalent fractions pictorially. Fluency, Whiteboard Exchange: Multiply Multi-Digit Whole Numbers, students independently demonstrate procedural skill and fluency as they multiply a four- or five-digit number by a one-digit number to build fluency with multiplying multi-digit whole numbers by using the standard algorithm. “Display 3,212×3=3,212\times3=.Write and complete the equation by using the standard algorithm.” (5.NBT.5)

Indicator 2C

Materials are designed so that teachers and students spend sufficient time working with engaging applications of the mathematics.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for being designed so that teachers and students spend sufficient time working with engaging applications of the mathematics. 

There are multiple routine and non-routine application problems throughout the grade level, including opportunities for students to work with support of the teacher and independently. While single and multi-step application problems are included across various portions of lessons, independent application opportunities are most often found within Problem Sets or the Lesson Debrief, Learn and Land sections respectively.

Examples of routine applications of the math include:

  • Module 3, Topic C, Lesson 17: Solve word problems involving fractions with multiplication and division, Practice Set, Problem 5, students independently solve routine word problems by multiplying or dividing. “A student misses 15\frac{1}{5} of the 5 dozen baseballs their coach pitches to them. How many baseballs do they miss?” (5.NF.6, 5.NF.7)

  • Module 5, Topic D, Lesson 26: Solve word problems involving perimeter, area, and volume, Land, Exit Ticket, Problems a, b, and c, students independently solve routine real-world problems including perimeter, area, and volume. “A pool is shaped like an L as shown. a. A dog walks around the border of the pool. How far does the dog walk? b. The bottom of the pool is covered with tiles. How much space do the tiles cover? c. Julie fills the pool with water. When the pool is full, the height of the water is 3 feet. How much water does it take to fill the pool?” (5.MD.5)

  • Module 6, Topic C, Lesson 15: Use the coordinate plane to reason about perimeters and areas of rectangles, Learn, Perimeters of Rectangles in the Coordinate Plane, Classwork, Problem 1, students solve routine determining the perimeters of rectangles graphed in the coordinate plane with teacher assistance. “Determine the perimeter of rectangle ABCD. A drawing of a coordinate plane is shown. Invite students to share their methods for determining the perimeter. As students share their methods, follow along with your finger on the displayed graph.” (5.G.2)

Examples of non-routine applications of the math include:

  • Module 2, Topic B, Lesson 5: Add and subtract fractions with related units by using pictorial models, Launch, students solve non-routine problems analyzing models that show like units, related units, and unlike units with teacher and partner support. “Display the Vertical Block Drop digital interactive. Begin by showing 27\frac{2}{7} in the top model and 37\frac{3}{7} in the bottom model. Then drop the blocks. Have students turn and talk about what they noticed before the blocks were dropped and what they noticed after the blocks were dropped. Next, show 35\frac{3}{5} in the top model and 15\frac{1}{5} in the bottom model. What addition expression can we write to represent what we see in the model? What do you expect to see when I drop the blocks? The model represents a way to add fractions that have like units. In this case, the like units are fifths and our sum is also in fifths. Let’s analyze another model. What addition expression do you see represented in this model? What do you expect to see when I drop the blocks? What do you think is the total? This model represents two fractions with unlike but related units. The units thirds and sixths are related because 6 is a multiple of 3 and 3 is a factor of 6. When we drop the blocks, we can see the sum in sixths. What addition expression do you see represented in this model? What do you expect to see when I drop the blocks? What do you think is the total? This model represents two fractions with unlike units that are not related. When the blocks were dropped, we saw that the 27\frac{2}{7} did not completely fill one of the thirds on the bottom, so we cannot determine the sum by looking only at the model.” (5.NF.1)

  • Module 5, Topic D, Lesson 24: Solve word problems involving volumes of right rectangular prisms, Land, Exit Ticket, Problem 1, students independently solve non-routine word problems involving volumes of right rectangular prisms. “A right rectangular prism has a volume of 450 cubic centimeters. What is one possible length, width and height for the prism.” (5.MD.5) 

  • Module 6, Topic D, Lesson 17: Plot data in the coordinate plane and analyze relationships, Learn, Consonant and Vowel Data, Classwork, Problem 3, students solve non-routine problems by collecting and representing data in the coordinate plane, then using the graph to draw conclusions. Problem 3, “a. Write a word of each type, the number of consonants in the word, and the number of vowels in the word. Do not write the same words as the words in problem 1. A table numbered 1-10 with the type of columns labeled Type of Word, Word, Number of Consonants, Number of Vowels is shown. b. Label the x-axis Number of Consonants and the y-axis Number of Vowels. Label the title Word Data. Use the data collected in part (a) to form ordered pairs. Plot points that represent the ordered pairs in the coordinate plane. c. Based on the data, do you think it is true that the more consonants a word has, the more vowels it has? Why?” (5.G.2)

Indicator 2D

The three aspects of rigor are not always treated together and are not always treated separately. There is a balance of the three aspects of rigor within the grade.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2 Grade 5 meet expectations in that the three aspects of rigor are not always treated together and are not always treated separately. There is a balance of the three aspects of rigor within the grade. 

All three aspects of rigor are present independently throughout the grade. Examples where instructional materials attend to conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, or application include:

  • Module 3, Topic B, Lesson 5: Convert larger customary measurement units to smaller measurement units,Fluency, Whiteboard Exchange: Multiply Multi-Digit Whole Numbers, students attend to procedural skills and fluency as they multiply multi-digit whole numbers. “Display 15×23=15\times23= ___.  Write and complete the equation by using the standard algorithm.” (5.NBT.5) 

  • Module 5, Topic B, Lesson 11: Find areas of rectangles with fraction side lengths by using multiplication, Learn, Rectangles with Both Side Lengths That Are Fractions Greater Than 1, Classwork, Problem 1, students attend to conceptual understanding as they find the area of rectangles. “Find the area of the rectangle. What do you notice about this rectangle? What size tiles could we use to tile this rectangle? How do you know? Partition the rectangle and direct students to do the same. What are the side lengths of each rectangular tile? What is the area of each rectangular tile? How do you know? How can we use what we know about the area of each tile to find the area of the rectangle? Explain your thinking. What is the area of the rectangle?” An image of a rectangle is provided. (5.NF.4b)  

  • Module 6, Topic C, Lesson 15: Use the coordinate plane to reason about perimeters and areas of rectangles, Problem Set, Problem 2, students attend to application as they determine the perimeters and areas of rectangles graphed in the coordinate plane. “Rectangle EFGH and rectangle HIJK are each graphed in one of the coordinate planes shown. a. The interval length of the axes of the coordinate plane with rectangle HIJK is ___ times as much as the interval length of the axes of the coordinate plane with rectangle EFGH. b. Which rectangle has a greater perimeter?” (5.G.2)

Multiple aspects of rigor are engaged simultaneously to develop students’ mathematical understanding of a single unit of study throughout the materials. Examples include:

  • Module 1, Topic A, Lesson 3: Use exponents to multiply and divide by powers of 10, Learn, Whiteboard Exchange: Exponential Form and Standard Form, students engage with conceptual understanding and procedural skills and fluency as they write powers of 10 as equations, in standard form, and in exponential form. “Display each of the following expressions one at a time. Write an equation that shows each power of 10 equal to a multiplication expression that uses only 10s: 102=10^2=, 103=10^3=, 105=10^5=, 106=10^6=, 104=10^4=, 101=10^1=. Write an equation that shows each number rewritten in exponential form. Invite students to turn and talk about how they determined how each number is represented in exponential form: 1,000 = ; 100,000 = ; 100 = ; 10,000 = ; 10 = ; and 1,000,000 = ).” (5.NBT.2)

  • Module 3, Topic B, Lesson 8: Multiply fractions less than 1 pictorially, Learn, Choose a Method, Classwork, Problem 2, students engage with conceptual understanding and  application, as they choose models to solve real-world problems involving multiplication of two fractions less than 1. “Sasha buys a bag of almonds that weighs 23\frac{2}{3} pound. She uses 34\frac{3}{4} of the bag to make trail mix. How many pounds of almonds does Sasha use to make the trail mix?” (5.NF.4)

  • Module 5, Topic D, Lesson 23: Find the volumes of right rectangular prisms by multiplying the edge lengths, Learn, Use Edge Lengths to Find Volume, Classwork, Problem 1, students engage with conceptual understanding and application as they use unit cubes to write formulas to solve problems involving volume. “Which right rectangular prism has the greater volume?” Both prisms are shown. Prism A has dimensions 14 in, 3 in, 6 in and Prism B states, “The area of the base is 20 square inches and the height is 12 inches.” (5.MD.5a and 5.MD.5b)

Criterion 2.2: Math Practices


Materials meaningfully connect the Standards for Mathematical Content and Standards for Mathematical Practice (MPs).

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for practice-content connections. The materials meaningfully connect the Standards for Mathematical Content and the Standards for Mathematical Practice (MPs).

Indicator 2E

Materials support the intentional development of MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them; and MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for supporting the intentional development of MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them; and MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

Students have opportunities to engage with MP1 and MP2 across the year and they are identified for teachers within margin notes called, “Promoting the Standards for Mathematical Practice.” According to the Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, “Promoting the Standards for Mathematical Practice highlights places in the lesson where students are engaging in or building experience with the Standards for Mathematical Practice (MPs). Although most lessons offer opportunities for students to engage with more than one Standard for Mathematical Practice, this guidance identifies a focus MP within each lesson. The notes also provide lesson-specific information, ideas, and questions that you can use to deepen students’ engagement with the focus MP. Often, the suggested questions for a particular MP repeat. This intentional repetition supports students in understanding the MPs in different contexts.”

Materials provide intentional development of MP1 to meet its full intent in connection to grade-level content. Students make sense of problems and persevere in solving them as they work with the support of the teacher and independently throughout the units. Examples include:

  • Module 1, Topic C, Lesson 14: Divide three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers in problems that result in one-digit quotients, Learn, Division Word Problems, Classwork, Problems 1 and 2, students make sense of problems and persevere in solving them as they, “make estimates, adjust their estimates, and interpret remainders to solve real-world problems by using division. Use the Read–Draw–Write process to solve each problem. 1. A school activity has 301 students split into 43 equal-size groups. How many students are in each group? 2. Eddie has 34 days to read a 170-page book. If he reads the same number of pages each day, how many pages does he need to read each day to finish the book in 34 days?” Teachers are prompted to ask the following question to support MP1: “(a) How can you simplify the problem? (b) Does your estimate work? Is there something else you could try? (c) Does your answer make sense? Why?”

  • Module 4, Topic B, Lesson 10: Add decimal numbers by using place value understanding, Learn, Add Decimal Numbers to Solve Word Problems, Classwork, Problem 1, “When students solve word problems involving decimal-number addends by finding entry points, monitoring their own progress, and questioning whether their answer is reasonable, they make sense of problems and persevere in solving them (MP1). Use the Read-Draw-Write process to solve the problem. Sana orders a sandwich and a salad from a café. The sandwich costs $8.55. The salad costs $2.54 more than the sandwich. How much does the sandwich and the salad cost in all?” Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to support MP1: “(a) What steps can you take to start solving the problem? (b) What is your plan to find the sum of the decimal-number addends? (c) Does your answer make sense? (d) Why?”

  • Module 6, Topic B, Lesson 3: Identify and plot points by using ordered pairs, Exit Ticket, Problem 3, as “students plot points in the coordinate plane where the interval length on the axes is not 1 and when they determine the best scale for axes in order to plot points, they make sense of problems and persevere in solving them (MP1). Use the graph to complete parts (a) - (e). a. Plot and label the following points. Point E (0, 4); Point F (4, 0); Point H (12\frac{1}{2}, 2122\frac{1}{2}); Point I (2342\frac{3}{4}, 55). b. Point H is ___ units above the x-axis. c. Point H is ___ units above the y-axis. d. The interval length of the x-axis is ___ units. e. The interval length of the y-axis is ___ units.”

Materials provide intentional development of MP2 to meet its full intent in connection to grade-level content. Students reason abstractly and quantitatively as they work with the support of the teacher and independently throughout the units. Examples include:

  • Module 2, Topic C, Lesson 11: Add mixed numbers with unrelated units, Learn, Mixed Number Addition and Application, as “students use their understanding of addition and mixed numbers to create a word problem based on an addition expression, they are reasoning abstractly and quantitatively (MP2).” Students work with a partner and visit three stations: “Station 1: Rename to Add, Station 2: Write an Equation to Match a Model, Station 3: Create a Word Problem to Match an Expression. Station 1: Add. If you have time, find the sum a different way. 579+324=5\frac{7}{9}+3\frac{2}{4}=___. Station 2: Write an equation with unrelated units to match the work shown. If you have time, write another equation with different unrelated units. Station 3: Create a word problem to match the expression. If you have time, write a second word problem to match the expression. .”

  • Module 3, Topic C, Lesson 13: Divide a nonzero whole number by a unit fraction to find the size of the group, Learn, Use a Tape Diagram and a Number Line to Divide, Classwork, Problem 2, “When students read, interpret, and solve real-world problems with the division of a nonzero whole number by a unit fraction, they are reasoning abstractly and quantitatively (MP2). Tyler has 5 lemons. This is 14\frac{1}{4} of the number of lemons he needs to make a pitcher of lemonade. How many lemons does Tyler need to make a pitcher of lemonade?” The teacher is prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP2: “What does the problem ask you to do? How does 5÷145\div\frac{1}{4} represent the context in problem 2? Does your answer make sense in this context?”

  • Module 5, Topic B, Lesson 15: Solve multi-step word problems involving multiplication of mixed numbers, Classwork, students reason abstractly and quantitatively as they, “determine the meaning of each real-world problem, estimate a solution, represent it with an expression, and recontextualize the solution while attending to units.” Students rotate through stations, Station 1 being the least challenging and Station 4 being the most challenging. “Use the Read-Draw-Write process to complete the problem at each station. Estimate before you solve the problem.” The teacher is prompted to circulate among stations and ask the following questions to promote MP2: “What does the problem ask you to do? How do the units involved in the situation help you think about the problem? Does your answer make sense in this context?”

Indicator 2F

Materials support the intentional development of MP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2 Grade 5 meet expectations for supporting the intentional development of MP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards. 

Students have opportunities to engage with MP3 across the year and it is explicitly identified for teachers within materials in margin notes called, “Promoting the Standards for Mathematical Practice.” According to the Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, “Promoting the Standards for Mathematical Practice highlights places in the lesson where students are engaging in or building experience with the Standards for Mathematical Practice (MPs). Although most lessons offer opportunities for students to engage with more than one Standard for Mathematical Practice, this guidance identifies a focus MP within each lesson. The notes also provide lesson-specific information, ideas, and questions that you can use to deepen students’ engagement with the focus MP. Often, the suggested questions for a particular MP repeat. This intentional repetition supports students in understanding the MPs in different contexts.”

Students construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others in connection to grade-level content as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the units. Examples include:

  • Module 1, Topic B, Lesson 11: Multiply two multi-digit numbers by using the standard algorithm, Learn, Critique a Flawed Response, students estimate, calculate, and check their teammates’ work for the product of multi-digit numbers during the Pass the Whiteboard activity, they are constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others (MP3). Students are placed in groups of four. “Each person writes a three-digit by four-digit multiplication problem on their whiteboard. Once you write your problem, pass the whiteboard to the person on your left. When you receive a whiteboard with a multiplication problem, estimate the product and write it on the whiteboard. Then pass the whiteboard to your left. When you receive a whiteboard with a multiplication problem and an estimate, use the standard algorithm to multiply the two numbers. Use the estimate to check the reasonableness of your answer. When you think your answer is correct, pass the whiteboard to your left. When you receive a whiteboard with an answer, check your teammate’s work. How can you check a teammate’s work? If you think they made a mistake, ask the teammate to explain their thinking. Suggest ways they could change their work to make it correct.” 

  • Module 2, Topic D, Lesson 16: Solve problems by using data from a line plot, Learn, Solve Problems with Mixed Number Measurements, Classwork, “When students turn and talk about whether the claim that most of the pumpkins sold weighed more than 121412\frac{1}{4} pounds is true based on the data on the line plot, they are constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others (MP3). 1. Mr. Sharma weighs each pumpkin he sells at his pumpkin farm. He records the data on a line plot. a. How many pumpkins did Mr. Sharma sell? b. What is the weight of the heaviest pumpkin? c. What is the most frequent weight of the pumpkins sold? d. What is the total weight of the two lightest pumpkins? e. How many pumpkins weigh at least 121412\frac{1}{4} pounds? f. Julie bought two pumpkins that have a total weight of 25 pounds. Based on the data on the line plot, what could be the weights of Julie’s pumpkins?” The teacher is prompted to, “Encourage students to compare their work and identify any errors. Ask students who found errors to discuss with their partner why they made the error and what they will do differently when they see a similar question in the future.” The teacher is prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP3: “Is the claim that most of the pumpkins sold weighed more than 121412\frac{1}{4} pounds true? How do you know? Which parts of Mr. Sharma’s claim do you question?”

  • Module 5, Topic A, Lesson 3: Classify parallelograms based on properties, Learn, Hierarchy of Quadrilaterals, Learn, students construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others as they “justify their thinking and respond to their peers’ thoughts during the Always Sometimes Never routine.” Teachers, “Present the following statement: A parallelogram is a trapezoid. Use the Always Sometimes Never routine to engage students in constructing meaning and discussing their ideas.Give students a few moments of silent think time to evaluate whether the statement is always, sometimes, or never true. Have students discuss their thinking with a partner. Circulate and listen as they talk. Identify a few students to share their thinking. Then facilitate a class discussion. Invite students to share their thinking with the whole group. Encourage them to provide examples and nonexamples to support their claim. Conclude by coming to the consensus that the statement is always true because a parallelogram is a special type of trapezoid with parallel opposite sides.” The teacher is prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP3: “Is what you said a guess, or do you know for sure? How do you know for sure? Can you find a situation where the statement is not true? What questions can you ask your classmate to make sure you understand their thinking?”

  • Module 6, Topic C, Lesson 15: Use the coordinate plane to reason about perimeters and areas of rectangles, Launch, “When students discuss the lengths of line segments in coordinate planes with different scales, they are constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others (MP3).” Teachers, “Introduce the Take a Stand routine to the class. Draw students’ attention to the signs hanging in the classroom that list various orders of A, B, and C. Display the graphs of the line segments. Invite students to mentally list the line segments from shortest to longest and to stand beside the sign that best describes their thinking. When all students are standing near a sign, allow 1 minute for groups to discuss the reasons why they chose that sign. Then call on each group to share reasons for their selection. Invite students who change their minds during the discussion to join a different group. If needed, confirm that the list of line segments from shortest to longest is C, A, B. Have students return to their seats. As a class, reflect on determining lengths of line segments in the coordinate plane.” The teacher is prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP3: “Why does your method work? Convince a classmate. What questions can you ask your partner about why they believe their method is correct? Is this segment the longest? How do you know?”

Indicator 2G

Materials support the intentional development of MP4: Model with mathematics; and MP5: Use appropriate tools strategically, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2 Grade 5 meet expectations for supporting the intentional development of MP4: Model with mathematics; and MP5: Use appropriate tools strategically, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards. 

Students have opportunities to engage with MP4 and MP5 across the year and they are explicitly identified for teachers within materials in margin notes called, “Promoting the Standards for Mathematical Practice.” According to the Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, “Promoting the Standards for Mathematical Practice highlights places in the lesson where students are engaging in or building experience with the Standards for Mathematical Practice (MPs). Although most lessons offer opportunities for students to engage with more than one Standard for Mathematical Practice, this guidance identifies a focus MP within each lesson. The notes also provide lesson-specific information, ideas, and questions that you can use to deepen students’ engagement with the focus MP. Often, the suggested questions for a particular MP repeat. This intentional repetition supports students in understanding the MPs in different contexts.”

MP4 is identified and connected to grade-level content, and there is intentional development of the MP to meet its full intent. Students model with mathematics as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the modules. Examples include:

  • Module 1, Topic D, Lesson 19: Solve multi-step word problems involving multiplication and division, Learn, Represent Word Problems with Models and Expressions, Classwork, Problem 1, “When students use the Read–Draw–Write process to create models to represent word problems and demonstrate methods for multiplication and division to solve the word problems, they are modeling with mathematics (MP4). Use the Read–Draw–Write process to solve each problem. 1. A florist uses 2,448 flowers to make bouquets. They put 24 flowers in each bouquet and sell the bouquets for $25 each. If the florist sells all the bouquets of flowers, how much money do they earn?” Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP4: “What key ideas in this problem do you need to include in your model? How do you represent the key ideas in this problem in your model? How can you improve your model to better represent the problem?”

  • Module 3, Topic A, Lesson 2: Interpret fractions as division to find fractions of a set with tape diagrams and number lines, Learn, Solve a Real-World Problem, Classwork, Problem 4, “When students decide how to model and solve a real-world problem that asks for a fraction of a whole number and how to assess the reasonableness of their answers, they are modeling with mathematics (MP4). Have students read the problem and work with a partner to use the Read–Draw–Write process to solve the problem. Blake has 19 yards of fabric. He uses 13\frac{1}{3} of the fabric to make a quilt. How many yards of fabric does Blake use for the quilt?” Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP4: “What can you draw to help you understand this real-world problem? How are the key ideas in this real-world problem represented in your diagram? How could you make a simpler problem to estimate an answer?” 

  • Module 6, Topic D, Lesson 20: Reason about patterns in real-world situations, Learn, The Coin Drive Challenge, Classwork, Problem 2, “When students collect, organize, and analyze data, make predictions, and develop a method for determining the number of nickels put into the jar on the last day of the fundraiser, they are modeling with mathematics (MP4).” Teachers, “Invite students to turn and talk with their group about how many nickels they think were put into the jar on the last day of the coin drive. What is an unreasonable estimate for the number of nickels put into the jar on the last day? What is a number that is too low? What is a number that is too high?” Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP4: “What math can you write or draw to represent the coin drive problem? What assumptions can you make to help you determine the number of nickels put into the jar on the last day? What do you wish you knew that would help you find the answer?” 

MP5 is identified and connected to grade-level content, and there is intentional development of the MP to meet its full intent. Students choose tools strategically as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the modules. Examples include:

  • Module 2, Topic C, Lesson 10: Add whole numbers and mixed numbers and add mixed numbers with related units, Learn, Make the Next Whole Number to Add, Classwork, Problem 2, “When students choose among visual models such as number lines, number bonds, or the arrow way to help them find the sum of two mixed numbers, they are using appropriate tools strategically (MP5).” Teachers, “Direct students to problem 2. 234+878=2\frac{3}{4}+8\frac{7}{8}=___.” Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP5: “What visual models could help you find the sum? Why did you choose a number line to help you find the sum? Did it work well?” 

  • Module 5, Topic B, Lesson 12: Multiply mixed numbers, Learn, Multiply Two Mixed Numbers, Classwork, Problem 2, “When students choose between using the area model, writing mixed numbers as fractions greater than 1, and using the break apart and distribute strategy to multiply mixed numbers and provide reasoning for their choice, they are using appropriate tools strategically (MP5). Use two different methods to evaluate 235×3182\frac{3}{5}\times3\frac{1}{8}.” Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP5: “How can you estimate the product? Does your estimate sound reasonable? What kind of model or strategy would be helpful? Which method or strategy would be the most efficient to use to multiply mixed numbers? Why?”

  • Module 6, Topic C, Lesson 14: Solve mathematical problems with rectangles in the coordinate plane, Learn, Determine the Locations of Two Unknown Vertices, “Students use appropriate tools strategically (MP5) when they choose and discuss the methods of using parallel and perpendicular lines, side lengths, and symmetry to determine the locations of the vertices of rectangles when only some of the vertices are given.” Teachers, “Let’s begin part A of Rectangle Vertices. In the coordinate plane for part A, plot any two points on intersecting grid lines that do not lie on the same horizontal or vertical line. Write each point’s ordered pair next to that point. When you finish, trade papers with your partner. Your partner plotted two opposite vertices of a rectangle. Determine the locations of the other two vertices. Plot the points, draw the rectangle, and write each vertex’s ordered pair next to that vertex. Give students a minute or two to complete part A. Then ask them to turn and talk with their partner to check one another’s work and to share methods for how they determined the ordered pairs for the two unknown vertices.” Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP5: “What methods can help you find the vertex of the rectangle? Why did you choose to use the side lengths of the rectangle? Did that work well?”

Indicator 2H

Materials attend to the intentional development of MP6: Attend to precision; and attend to the specialized language of mathematics for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for supporting the intentional development of MP6: Attend to precision; and attend to the specialized language of mathematics, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards. 

Students have opportunities to engage with MP6 across the year and it is explicitly identified for teachers within materials in margin notes called, “Promoting the Standards for Mathematical Practice.” According to the Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, “Promoting the Standards for Mathematical Practice highlights places in the lesson where students are engaging in or building experience with the Standards for Mathematical Practice (MPs). Although most lessons offer opportunities for students to engage with more than one Standard for Mathematical Practice, this guidance identifies a focus MP within each lesson. The notes also provide lesson-specific information, ideas, and questions that you can use to deepen students’ engagement with the focus MP. Often, the suggested questions for a particular MP repeat. This intentional repetition supports students in understanding the MPs in different contexts.”

Students attend to precision in mathematics, in connection to grade-level content, as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the units. Examples include:

  • Module 1, Topic B, Lesson 9: Multiply two- and three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers by using the standard algorithm, Learn, Relate the Area Model to the Standard Algorithm, Classwork, Problem 1, “When students decompose factors and find partial products when they multiply a two-digit number by a two- or three-digit number by using the standard multiplication algorithm, they are attending to precision (MP6). 1. Mr. Perez paints the gymnasium wall. The wall is 24 feet wide and 33 feet long. How many square feet does Mr. Perez paint? Have students turn and talk to discuss what they know and what they do not know from the story. Encourage students to model with a tape diagram as needed. What do we know and what do we need to know? If we need to determine how many square feet he paints, what does the question ask us to find? What should we do to find the total area of the wall? About how many square feet of wall does Mr. Perez paint? How do you know? Direct students to record their estimates. In other problems, we used multiplication facts to find the partial products after decomposing one factor. Can we use multiplication facts to find the product 33×3433\times34? Should we decompose one or both factors? Why? What is the width of the wall? What is 24 in expanded form? Label 20 and 4 along the left side of the area model and direct students to do the same. What is the length of the wall? What is 33 in expanded form? Record 30 and 3 along the top of the area model and direct students to do the same. Let’s multiply each part, one at a time, starting with the ones. Gesture to each corresponding part of the area model and record the partial products in standard form as you ask the following questions and ask for a choral response. In unit form, what is 4 ones ×\times 3 ones? In unit form, what is 4 ones x 3 tens? In unit form, what is 2 tens x 3 ones? In unit form, what is 2 tens ×\times 3 tens? What is 4 groups of 33 equal to? What is 20 groups of 33 equal to? What is 24 ×\times 33? Let’s use the standard algorithm to show what we did. Gesture to each corresponding part of the standard algorithm as you ask the following questions. In unit form, what is 4 ones ×\times 3 ones? 12 ones can be renamed as 1 ten 2 ones. Watch as I record 12 ones. Record 1 ten 2 ones and direct students to do the same. In unit form, what is 4 ones ×\times 3 tens? What is 12 tens plus 1 more ten? Record 1 hundred 3 tens and cross out the additional 1 ten to show it was added. Direct students to do the same. In unit form, what is 2 tens ×\times 3 ones? What is 6 tens in standard form? Record 60 and direct students to do the same. In unit form, what is 2 tens ×\times 3 tens? Record 6 hundreds and direct students to do the same. What is 132 ×\times 600? Is 792  a reasonable answer based on our estimates? Have students write the final answer statement: Mr. Perez paints 792 square feet. Where do you see the partial products from the area model in the standard algorithm? Highlight or circle the partial products in both methods and direct students to do the same. How is multiplying by using the area model like multiplying by using the standard algorithm? Now that we know how the area model relates to the standard algorithm for multiplication, let’s multiply by using the standard algorithm.” Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP6: “How can you write the partial products when you use the standard algorithm? Where might you make mistakes when you use the standard algorithm?”

  • Module 3, Topic D, Lesson 18: Compare and evaluate expressions with parentheses, Learn, Write Equations to Find Unknown Values, Classwork, Problem 1, “When students analyze a tape diagram to write an equation that can be used to find the value of the unknown, they are attending to precision (MP6).” Teachers, “Direct students to problem 1 in their books and invite them to study the tape diagram. 1. Write an equation that can be used to find the unknown value for each tape diagram. Then use the equation to find the value of the unknown.” A tape diagram is shown. “Based on this tape diagram, what do we know? What do we need to find? Because the unknown value x is 2 of the 3 parts of the tape diagram, we can find the value of x by finding 23\frac{2}{3} of 21. What is the value of the unknown? Guide students to write an equation to represent how they found the unknown value in problem 1. Let’s record our thinking by writing an equation. Record x =. We found the value of x by finding 23\frac{2}{3} of 21. Where does 21 come from? Record (9+129+12). To show we found the sum first, let’s put parentheses around 9+129+12. Record ×23\times\frac{2}{3} and direct students to check that they wrote the equation in problem 1. Write x = 23 x (9 + 12). Invite students to turn and talk about whether the equation x=23×(9+12)x=23\times(9+12) also gives the same value of x. Write x=23×9+12x=\frac{2}{3}\times9+12. Point to the equation. Does this equation, x=23×9+12x=\frac{2}{3}\times9+12, also give the same value of x? Why? Without a tape diagram or context, you may think we need to multiply 23\frac{2}{3} and 9 first and then add 12. That would mean x=18x=18. But we found x=14x=14. To ensure we all find the same value of the unknown, we use parentheses to show what we need to do first.” Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP6: “How are you using parentheses in your equation? What details are important to think about when you write an equation to represent the unknown value in the tape diagram?”

  • Module 4, Topic A, Lesson 7: Round decimal numbers to the nearest one, tenth, or hundredth, Learn, Use the Halfway Point to Round, Classwork, Problem 1, “Students attend to precision (MP6) as they carefully specify the units in the given number, the unit they are rounding to, and the halfway point when rounding decimal numbers. 1. Round 12.72 to the nearest tenth. Show your thinking on the number line. 12.7212.72\approx___. Display the vertical number line with three tick marks but no labels from problem 1. How do you say 12.72 in unit form by using only tenths and hundredths? How many tenths are in 12.72? What is 1 more tenth than 127 tenths? Between which two tenths is 12.72? Label the beginning and ending tick marks in standard and unit forms. Have students do the same on their number lines. What number is halfway between 12.7 and 12.8? How do you know? Label the halfway tick mark in standard and unit forms. Have students do the same. Then invite students to plot and label a point for 12.72 on the number line. Which tenth is 12.72 closer to? How do you know? What is 12.72 rounded to the nearest tenth? Have students record the answer. 12.72 is between 12 and 13. So why do you think we used 12.7 and 12.8 as the benchmark numbers rather than 12 and 13? We need to think about the unit we want to round a number to when we decide which benchmark numbers to use on the number line.” Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP6: “What details are important to think about when you round decimal numbers? Where might you make mistakes when you round decimal numbers such as 27.96?”

Students attend to the specialized language of mathematics, in connection to grade-level content, as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the units. Examples include:

  • Module 2, Topic C, Lesson 12: Subtract whole numbers from mixed numbers and mixed numbers from whole numbers, Learn, Decompose the Minuend to Take from 1, Classwork, Problem 1, “As students access their mathematical vocabulary and use terms such as minuend, subtrahend, part, total, difference, decompose, whole number, ones, and fourths to explain the subtraction method used to find 52345−2\frac{3}{4}, they are attending to precision (MP6). The expression 52345−2\frac{3}{4} is a little different than the previous one, so let’s try a different method to subtract. Let’s decompose the minuend, or the starting value, 5. Display the following number bond: What do you notice? The subtrahend, or the number being subtracted from the starting value, can be decomposed any way and into as many parts as we need. Here, the subtrahend 2342\frac{3}{4} is decomposed into a whole number and a fractional part. We can subtract those parts in any order. Which would you subtract first? Why? What is 525-2? What is left to subtract? Build Unifix Cubes to show 3 ones, each one composed of fourths. Use 2 ones of the same color and 1 one of another color. What do you notice? Draw a number bond below 3, showing 3 decomposed into 2 and 44\frac{4}{4}. We can express 1 by using 44\frac{4}{4} or any other fraction equivalent to 1. Should we use 44\frac{4}{4} or some other fraction? Why? Instead of taking 34\frac{3}{4} from 3, we can take 34\frac{3}{4} from 1, or 44\frac{4}{4}.  Remove three cubes from 1 whole, or 44\frac{4}{4}, to represent taking 34\frac{3}{4}from 1. Record 4434=14\frac{4}{4}-\frac{3}{4}=\frac{1}{4}. What is the answer? How do you know? Is the answer 14\frac{1}{4}? Why? Record 2+14=2142+\frac{1}{4}=2\frac{1}{4}. Invite students to think–pair–share about how taking from 1 is connected to whole-number subtraction. Display the following equation: 5234=3345-2\frac{3}{4}=3-\frac{3}{4}. When we subtracted whole numbers first, we were able to rewrite the original expression as 3343-\frac{3}{4}. Does that make the problem simpler? Why? So we can first subtract the whole-number part from the minuend. Doing this gives us a simpler problem. Once we have the simpler problem, we can take from 1 to find the difference. Direct students to problems 1–3 in their books. Have students complete the problems independently but compare their answers with a partner. Circulate and encourage students to subtract by using different methods.” Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP6: “How can we describe the subtraction expression 52345-2\frac{3}{4} by using the words minuend and subtrahend? What does the word part mean in the number bond? Total? Subtrahend? Minuend? Difference?” 

  • Module 4, Topic A, Lesson 4: Relate the values of digits in a decimal number by using place value understanding, Learn, Compare Repeated Digits in Decimal Numbers, “Students attend to precision (MP6) as they carefully recognize 10 times as much as and 1/10 as much as relationships between place value units and values of digits in multi-digit numbers. Students then communicate the relationships precisely by writing statements and equations.” Teachers,  "Direct students to remove Place Value Chart to Thousandths from their books and place it in their whiteboards. Write 63.177. Prompt students to represent 63.177 on their place value chart by using dots and digits. What digit is repeated in this number? What places is the repeated digit in? Draw a box around the 7 in the hundredths place and underline the 7 in the thousandths place. Ask the following questions and record student answers. What is the value of the boxed digit? What is the value of the underlined digit? How are the values of the 7s in 63.177 related? Use statements and equations to describe the relationship. Model any of the statements and equations listed that are not shared. When writing equations and statements, some students may use the unit form of the numbers rather than the decimal form.” There are blue and red cubes shown. Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP6: “When describing the relationship between the 7s in 63.177, what steps do you need to be extra careful with? Why? What details are important to think about when you write each equation."

  • Module 5, Topic A, Lesson 5: Classify kites and squares based on their properties, Learn, Hierarchy of Quadrilaterals, “Students attend to precision (MP6) when they use the definitions and properties of types of quadrilaterals to determine where to place kites and squares in the hierarchy.” Teachers, Display the hierarchy of quadrilaterals that students created in the previous lesson. Invite students to turn and talk about where to put kites in the hierarchy. Are all kites trapezoids? Why? All kites have at least 2 pairs of adjacent sides that are the same length. That makes them a special type of quadrilateral. Add kites and their properties to the hierarchy branching off from quadrilaterals. Are there any other quadrilaterals that can be classified as kites? Which ones and why? Connect kites to rhombuses in the hierarchy. Invite students to think–pair–share about where to put squares in the hierarchy. Are all squares parallelograms? How do you know? Are all squares trapezoids? Why? Are all squares kites? Why? What other properties of squares should we list that are not already listed in the hierarchy? Add squares and their property to the hierarchy under rectangles and rhombuses.Then display the four quadrilaterals.Have students turn and talk about how they could use the hierarchy of quadrilaterals to help them identify the names of the quadrilaterals. Say the following statements. Have students give a thumbs-up if they agree with the statement or a thumbs-down if they disagree. Invite volunteers to share their reasoning for why they agree or disagree with each statement. Quadrilaterals B and C are parallelograms.Quadrilateral A is a kite because it has 2 angles that have the same measure. Quadrilateral B is not a kite.Quadrilateral D is not a trapezoid.” Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP6: “What details are important to think about when placing kites in the hierarchy? How are you using the definition of a square to determine where to place squares in the hierarchy?”

Indicator 2I

Materials support the intentional development of MP7: Look for and make use of structure; and MP8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for supporting the intentional development of MP7: Look for and make use of structure; and MP8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning, for students, in connection to the grade-level content standards, as expected by the mathematical practice standards. 

Students have opportunities to engage with MP7 and MP8 across the year and they are explicitly identified for teachers within materials in margin notes called, “Promoting the Standards for Mathematical Practice.” According to the Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, “Promoting the Standards for Mathematical Practice highlights places in the lesson where students are engaging in or building experience with the Standards for Mathematical Practice (MPs). Although most lessons offer opportunities for students to engage with more than one Standard for Mathematical Practice, this guidance identifies a focus MP within each lesson. The notes also provide lesson-specific information, ideas, and questions that you can use to deepen students’ engagement with the focus MP. Often, the suggested questions for a particular MP repeat. This intentional repetition supports students in understanding the MPs in different contexts.”

MP7 is identified and connected to grade-level content, and there is intentional development of the MP to meet its full intent. Students look for and make use of structure as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the modules. Examples include:

  • Module 1, Topic C, Lesson 15: Divide three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers in problems that result in two-digit quotients, Land, Exit Ticket, “As students estimate and use area models throughout the lesson to divide three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers, they are looking for and making use of structure (MP7). A parking lot has 567 parking spots in 27 rows. If each row has the same number of parking spots, how many parking spots are in each row?” 

  • Module 4, Topic B, Lesson 11: Subtract decimal numbers by using different methods, Learn, Subtract Decimal Numbers by Relating Addition and Subtraction, Classwork, “When students apply their understanding of the relationship between addition and subtraction to solve decimal-number subtraction problems, they are making use of structure (MP7).” Teachers state, “We can use the relationship between addition and subtraction to help us subtract whole numbers and decimal numbers. Write 12.34.8=12.3−4.8=⁢⁢⁢⁢___. What related addition equation can we write to help us find 12.34.812.3−4.8? Let a represent the unknown value.” Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP7: “How are addition and subtraction related? How can that help you subtract two decimal numbers? What is another way you can write the subtraction problem to help you find the difference?”

  • Module 6, Topic B, Lesson 7: Generate number patterns to form ordered pairs, Learn, Graph Number Patterns, Classwork, Problem 3, “Students look for and make use of structure (MP7) when they recognize addition patterns in tables and graphs of two number patterns.” Teachers, “Invite students to turn and talk about how they could use two number patterns to generate ordered pairs. 3. Use the table to complete parts (a) - (c). a.Use the rules to complete the patterns. b. Write the ordered pair for each pair of corresponding terms by writing the number from pattern A as the x-coordinate and the number from pattern B as the y-coordinate. c. Plot the points in the coordinate plane.” Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP7: “How are the table and graph of two number patterns related? How can what you know about two number patterns help you locate points on the graph that represent the patterns?”

MP8 is identified and connected to grade-level content, and there is intentional development of the MP to meet its full intent. Students look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning as they work with support of the teacher and independently throughout the modules. Examples include:

  • Module 2, Topic B, Lesson 8: Add and subtract fractions with unrelated units by finding equivalent fractions pictorially, Learn, Classwork, Problem 2, “When students add and subtract fractions with unrelated units by using a pictorial model to find like units and notice that both fractions need to be renamed to have like units, they are looking for and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning (MP8). 2. 2426=\frac{2}{4}-\frac{2}{6}=___-___== ___.” Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP8: “What is the same about how you add and subtract fractions with unrelated units? Is this pattern always true?”

  • Module 4, Topic A, Lesson 5: Multiply and divide decimal numbers by powers of 10, Learn, Dividing Decimal Numbers by Powers of 10, Classwork, Problems 7 - 10, “When students repeatedly divide by powers of 10 to notice the relationship between the power of 10 in the divisor, the decimal number dividend, and the quotient; multiply by powers of 10 to notice the relationship between the exponent and the product; and apply this understanding to divide and multiply decimal numbers by powers of 10 more efficiently, they are looking for and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning (MP8). Find the quotient and write it in standard form. Then write a related multiplication equation with the power of 10 expressed as a fraction. 7. 4÷10=4\div10=___; 8. 0.3÷102=0.3\div10^2=___; 9.72.6÷103=9. 72.6\div10^3=___; 10. Determine the power of 10 that makes a true statement. 43.2÷43.2\div___=0.432=0.432.” Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP8: “What patterns do you notice when you divide a decimal number by a power of 10? How can that help you more efficiently determine the quotient? What patterns do you notice when you multiply a decimal number by a power of 10? How can that help you more efficiently determine the product? Does the exponent of the power of 10 always represent the number of places that each digit shifts from the decimal number dividend to the quotient? Explain.”

  • Module 5, Topic A, Lesson 1: Analyze hierarchies and identify properties of quadrilaterals, Learn, Properties of Quadrilaterals, “When students repeatedly manipulate quadrilaterals to determine that the sum of the angle measures of a quadrilateral is 360°360\degree, they are looking for and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning (MP8).” Teachers, “Display quadrilateral ABCD. Figure ABCD is a quadrilateral. How do we know it is a quadrilateral? Is having 4 sides a property of quadrilaterals? How do you know? Let’s look for more properties of quadrilaterals. Open and display the Geometry World: Angle Explorer digital interactive. Display a quadrilateral. Invite students to turn and talk about what they notice about the angles in the quadrilateral. Adjust the vertices of the quadrilateral to show that the 4 angle measures in a quadrilateral always sum to 360°360\degree. Invite students to think–pair–share about the relationship between the angles of the quadrilateral and the degrees of a circle. The measures of the 4 angles inside a quadrilateral sum to 360°360\degree. Is this a property of quadrilaterals? How do you know? If the angle measures from a figure sum to 540°540\degree, can the figure be a quadrilateral? How do you know? Three angle measures in a quadrilateral sum to 300°300\degree. Invite students to turn and talk about what the measure of the fourth angle must be and why.” Teachers are prompted to ask the following questions to promote MP8: “What patterns do you notice when you make different quadrilaterals?  How can that help you determine an unknown angle more efficiently? What is the same about the angles in each quadrilateral?”

Overview of Gateway 3


The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for Usability. The materials meet expectations for Criterion 1, Teacher Supports; partially meet expectations for Criterion 2, Assessment; and meet expectations for Criterion 3, Student Supports.

Criterion 3.1: Teacher Supports


The program includes opportunities for teachers to effectively plan and utilize materials with integrity and to further develop their own understanding of the content.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for Teacher Supports. The materials: provide teacher guidance with useful annotations and suggestions for enacting the student and ancillary materials; contain adult-level explanations and examples of the more complex grade-level concepts and concepts beyond the current grade so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject; include standards correlation information that explains the role of the standards in the context of the overall series; provide explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and identification of the research-based strategies; and provide a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support instructional activities. 

Indicator 3A

Materials provide teacher guidance with useful annotations and suggestions for how to enact the student materials and ancillary materials, with specific attention to engaging students in order to guide their mathematical development.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2 Grade 5 meet expectations for providing teacher guidance with useful annotations and suggestions for how to enact the student materials and ancillary materials, with specific attention to engaging students in order to guide their mathematical development.

Materials provide comprehensive guidance that will assist teachers in presenting the student and ancillary materials. These are found in a variety of sections within the Implementation Guide, including the Overview, Why, Achievement Descriptors Overview, and Lesson Structure. Examples include:

  • Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, Inside Teach, Module-Level Components, Overview, “Your Teach book begins with the Overview, a topic-by-topic summary that shows the development of learning throughout the module. It also provides connections to work done before and after the module, helping you understand the module’s place in the overall development of learning in and across the grade levels.”

  • Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, Inside Teach, Module-Level Components, Why, “The Why section gives insight into the decisions made during the writing of the module. This insight helps you understand the underlying structure of the module, flow of the content, and coherence of the different parts of the curriculum.”

  • Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, Inside Teach, Module-Level Components, Achievement Descriptors, “The Achievement Descriptors: Overview section is a helpful guide that describes what Achievement Descriptors (ADs) are and briefly explains how to use them. It identifies specific ADs for the module, with more guidance provided in the Achievement Descriptors: Proficiency Indicators resource at the end of each Teach book.”

  • Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, Inside Teach, Lesson Structure, “Each lesson is structured in four sections: Fluency, Launch, Learn, and Land. Lessons are designed for one 60-minute instructional period. Fluency provides distributed practice with previously learned material. Launch creates an accessible entry point to the day’s learning through activities that build context and often create productive struggle that leads to a need for the learning that follows. Learn presents new learning related to the lesson objective, usually through a series of instructional segments. This lesson component takes most of the instructional time. Land helps you facilitate a brief discussion to close the lesson and provides students with an opportunity to complete the Exit Ticket.”

Materials include sufficient and useful annotations and suggestions that are presented within the context of the specific lessons. This guidance can be found for teachers within boxes called Differentiation, UDL, and Teacher Notes. The Implementation Guide states, “There are six types of instructional guidance that appear in the margin notes. These notes provide information about facilitation, differentiation, and coherence. Teacher Notes may enhance mathematical understanding, explain pedagogical choices, five background information, or help identify common misconceptions. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) suggestions offer strategies and scaffolds that address learner variance. These suggestions promote flexibility with engagement, representation, and action and expression, the three UDL principles described by CAST. These strategies and scaffolds are additional suggestions to complement the curriculum’s overall alignment with the UDL Guidelines.” Examples include:

  • Module 2, Topic A, Lesson 4: Solve word problems involving division and fractions, Learn, Model and Solve Division Problems, UDL: Action & Expression, “Consider posting guiding questions such as the following that encourage partners to monitor and evaluate their progress as they complete problems 2–4. Monitor, Is our answer reasonable? Should we try something else? Evaluate, What worked well? What might we do differently next time?”

  • Module 3, Topic A, Lesson 6: Convert smaller customary measurement units to larger measurement units, Learn, Conversions in the Real World, Differentiation: Challenge, “Consider revising problem 2 so the number of days is not equal to a whole number of weeks. For example, 38 days = 5375\frac{3}{7}  weeks. If the family has to rent by the week, this means they need to rent for 6 weeks. Consider revising problem 3 so it requires converting twice when using the reference sheet. For example, a recipe needs 4 cups of milk. How many gallons of milk does the recipe require? In this instance, students need to consider how many cups are in 1 pint and then how many cups are in 1 gallon.”

  • Module 4, Topic A, Lesson 8: Round decimal numbers to any place value unit, Fluency, Sprint: Multiply or Divide by Powers of 10, Teacher Note, “Count forward by 100,000 from 0 to 1,000,000 for the fast-paced counting activity. Count backward by 10,000 from 100,000 to 0 for the slow-paced counting activity.” Learn, Round Numbers in a Useful Way, Teacher Note, “Since Mr. Evans’s number has digits in the hundredths place but not in the thousandths place, it cannot be rounded to the hundredths. Otherwise all student responses are valid. Acknowledge all reasonable explanations for their choices.”

  • Module 5, Topic B, Lesson 8: Find areas of square tiles with fraction side lengths by relating the tile to a unit square, Learn, Areas of Square Tiles with Fraction Side Lengths, Teacher Note, “For this lesson, the size of one piece of patty paper (4 inches by 4 inches) is one unit. Hamburger patty paper (512(5\frac{1}{2} inches by 5125\frac{1}{2} inches), available in boxes of 1,000, is also an option for this lesson. Any paper may be used if patty paper is not available. Divide students into groups of three. Give each group both sizes of patty paper. Hold up one of the larger squares of patty paper.”

Indicator 3B

Materials contain adult-level explanations and examples of the more complex grade-level/course-level concepts and concepts beyond the current course so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2 Grade 5 meet expectations for containing adult-level explanations and examples of the more complex grade/course-level concepts and concepts beyond the current course so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject.

Materials consistently contain adult-level explanations, examples of the more complex grade/ course-level concepts, and concepts beyond the course within Topic Overviews and/or Module Overviews. According to page 5 of the Grade 3-5  Implementation Guide, “Your Teach book begins with the Overview, a topic-by-topic summary that shows the development of learning throughout the module. It also provides connections to work done before and after the module, helping you understand the module’s place in the overall development of learning in and across the grade levels.” Page 7 outlines the purpose of the Topic Overview, “Each topic begins with a Topic Overview that is a summary of the development of learning in that topic. It typically includes information about how learning connects to previous or upcoming content.” Examples include:

  • Module 3: Multiplication and division with fractions, Module Overview, Why, “Why do students learn to multiply and divide with fractions before they do so with decimals? Students have conceptually worked with fractions for longer than they have worked with decimals. Starting as early as in kindergarten, students informally model fractions as parts of a whole (shape) and identify equal parts. In grade 3, the concept of a fraction is formalized, and in grade 4, operations work with fractions begins. It is not until grade 4 that the fractional units of tenths and hundredths are introduced as decimals. Because tenths and hundredths are both place value units and fractional units, students use what they know about fractions to support their conceptual development with decimals. For the same reason, students learn to multiply and divide with fractions before they do so with decimals.”

  • Module 4: Place Value Concepts for Decimal Operations, Module Overview, Why, “Why does the term decimal number in topics A–D change to decimal in topic E? This module builds on learning from grade 4 module 5. Grade 4 uses decimal number exclusively to help avoid confusion with related terms, such as confusing decimal number and decimal point, and to highlight the idea that decimals are, in fact, numbers, simply written in a new form. In topics A–D, decimal number is used to both support a seamless transition from grade 4 and to notably contrast with whole number, particularly because a large emphasis is on place value understanding and on whole-number methods for the multiplication and division work. Grade 6 module 2 uses decimal exclusively. Mathematically, either decimal number or decimal is valid, so this module serves as an intentional transition point. Because the emphasis in topic E shifts to applying the operations, rather than focusing on the operations themselves, there is less need to notably distinguish between decimal numbers and whole numbers.”

  • Module 5: Addition and Multiplication with Area and Volume, Module Overview, Why, “Why do students learn to multiply fractions again in module 5 when they already learned it in module 3? A subtle distinction must be made between using an area model to multiply fractions and finding the area of a rectangle. In module 3, students use an area model to find the product of fractions before learning that for whole numbers a, b, c, and d, ab×cd=acbd\frac{a}{b}\times\frac{c}{d}=\frac{ac}{bd}, given that b and d are nonzero, but students are not asked to find the area of a rectangle with fraction side lengths until module 5 topic B. Even then, they cannot immediately apply the familiar formula because they have only learned that the formula applies to whole numbers l and w. Thus, students must develop the conceptual understanding of what it means to find the area of a rectangle with fraction side lengths. To do this, topic B has students replicate their work with whole-number side lengths from grades 3 and 4: they tile a region with fraction unit squares and count the tiles to see that the area of the region is equal to the number of tiles it takes to cover the region. Students can then conclude that the area formula can be applied even when l and w are fractions.”

Indicator 3C

Materials include standards correlation information that explains the role of the standards in the context of the overall series.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2 Grade 5 meet expectations for including standards correlation information that explains the role of the standards in the context of the overall series. 

Correlation information and explanations of standards are present for the mathematics addressed throughout the grade level. The Overview section includes Achievement Descriptors and these serve to identify, describe, and explain how to use the standards. Each module, topic, and lesson overview includes content standards and achievement descriptors addressed. Examples include:

  • Module 3, Topic A, Multiplication of a Whole Number by a Fraction, Description, “Students extend their understanding of fractions from parts of a whole (e.g., 1 third of a shape) to parts of a set or a number (e.g., 1 third of a group of 12 items). They find fractions of a set and then transition to finding a fraction of a whole number. Students learn that finding a fraction of a whole number means they are finding the product of a fraction and a whole number. They apply this learning to converting customary measurement units.” Achievement Descriptors and Standards are listed for the module in the tab labeled, “Standards."

  • Module 4, Topic A, Lesson 7: Round decimal numbers to the nearest one, tenth, or hundredth. Achievement Descriptors and Standards, “5.Mod4.AD11 Round decimals by using place value understanding (5.NBT.A.4).”

  • Module 5, Topic D, Volume and the Operations of Multiplication and Addition, Description, “Students synthesize the work of topic C by determining that the volume of any right rectangular prism is calculated either by multiplying the area of the base by the height, V=B×hV=B\times h, or by multiplying the three dimensions of the prism, V=l×w×hV=l\times w\times h. They use these two formulas to find volumes and unknown dimensions of right rectangular prisms in both mathematical and real-world problems. Students find the volume of a figure composed of right rectangular prisms by decomposing the figure into right rectangular prisms, finding the volume of each prism, and adding the volumes together.” Achievement Descriptors and Standards are listed for the module in the tab labeled, “Standards."

  • Module 6, Topic A, Lesson 4: Describe the distance and direction between points in the coordinate plane. Achievement Descriptors and Standards, “5.Mod6.AD4 Solve real-world problems by using the first quadrant of the coordinate plane. (5.G.A.2)”

Indicator 3D

Materials provide strategies for informing all stakeholders, including students, parents, or caregivers about the program and suggestions for how they can help support student progress and achievement.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 provide strategies for informing stakeholders including students, parents or caregivers about the program and suggestions for how they can help support student progress and achievement. 

The program provides a Eureka Math² Family Resources webpage, Eureka Math² | Family Resources (greatminds.org), that families can use to find a variety of information about the program. Additionally, another webpage, Support For Students And Families (greatminds.org), provides support for families using Eureka Math². Examples include: 

  • Letters for each unit are available for the teacher to share with families. Family Math Letters (Levels K–5) states, “Our Family Math letters provide a topic overview that includes a content narrative, images of models and strategies, and key terminology. It also includes ideas for topic-related math activities that may be done at home or in school. Family Math letters are only included for levels K–5. In levels 3–5, they are found in the Apply book.”  

  • Families also have access to the online program, allowing them to see lessons and assignments. Access Your Student’s Eureka Math² Materials via the Great Minds Digital Platform states, “There’s more to Eureka Math² than can fit on a printed page. Your student's teacher will be sending a username and password home to access Eureka Math² online. On this platform, students will have the ability to do the following: View their virtual ‘to-do’ list of assignments and assessments, Participate in live digital lessons during class View past work, including teacher feedback, in their online student locker, Access virtual manipulatives, The Family Math letters, Practice, Practice Partners, and Recaps are only available in the student experience when those pages are assigned by the teacher.”

  • Families can support students with a resource that includes additional grade-level problems aligned to lessons. Practice (Level 1–Algebra I) states, “Practice problems for each lesson include mixed practice of related skills. This helps students solidify their conceptual understanding and procedural skills, transfer knowledge to new applications, and build fluency. Each Practice is structured as two pages. The front page includes problems that represent learning from class that day. The second page includes Remember problems. These problems help students recall previously learned concepts and skills. While Practice problems related to the day’s lesson help solidify new learning, Remember problems keep students sharp with familiar concepts. In level 6–Algebra I, Practice is included in the Learn book.”

  • Home support, “Practice Partners (Levels 1–5), is also available.Each Practice has a parallel supporting Practice Partner that shows problems like those worked in class and an example of the thinking that helps students solve those problems. Practice Partners serve as a useful tool for students to solve the Practice and Remember problems, as well as a guide for families who may be supporting their student with the Practice and Remember problems at home.”

Indicator 3E

Materials provide explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and identification of the research-based strategies.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for providing explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and identification of the research-based strategies. 

The Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide includes a variety of references to both the instructional approaches and research-based strategies. Examples include:

  • Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, What’s Included, “Eureka Math2 is a comprehensive math program built on the foundational idea that math is best understood as an unfolding story where students learn by connecting new learning to prior knowledge. Consistent math models, content that engages students in productive struggle, and coherence across lessons, modules, and grades provide entry points for all learners to access grade-level mathematics.”

  • Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, Lesson Facilitation, “Eureka Math2 lessons are designed to let students drive the learning through sharing their thinking and work. Varied activities and suggested styles of facilitation blend guided discovery with direct instruction. The result allows teachers to systematically develop concepts, skills, models, and discipline-specific language while maximizing student engagement.”

  • Implement, Suggested Resources, Instructional Routines, “Eureka Math2 features a set of instructional routines that optimize equity by increasing access, engagement, confidence, and students’ sense of belonging. The following is true about Eureka Math2 instructional routines: Each routine presents a set of teachable steps so students can develop as much ownership over the routine as the teacher. The routines are flexible and may be used in additional math lessons or in other subject areas. Each routine aligns to the Stanford Language Design Principles (see Works Cited): support sense-making, optimize output, cultivate conversation, maximize linguistic and cognitive meta awareness.” Works Cited, “Smith, Margaret S., Victoria Bill, and Miriam Gamoran Sherin. The 5 Practices in Practice: Successfully Orchestrating Mathematics Discussions in Your Elementary Classroom. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Mathematics; Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2018. Zwiers, Jeff, Jack Dieckmann, Sara Rutherford-Quach, Vinci Daro, Renae Skarin, Steven Weiss, and James Malamut. Principles for the Design of Mathematics Curricula: Promoting Language and Content Development. Retrieved from Stanford University, UL/SCALE website: http://ell.stanford.edu/content/mathematics-resources additional-resources, 2017.”

Each Module Overview includes an explanation of instructional approaches and reference to the research. For example, the Why section explains module writing decisions. According to the Implementation Guide for Grade 5, “The Why section gives insight into the decisions made during the writing of the module. This insight helps you understand the underlying structure of the module, flow of the content, and coherence of the different parts of the curriculum.” The Implementation Guide also states, “Works Cited, A robust knowledge base underpins the structure and content framework of Eureka Math². A listing of the key research appears in the Works Cited for each module.” Examples include:

  • Module 5: Addition and Multiplication with Area and Volume, Module Overview, Why, “Topic A includes significantly more digital interactives than any other topic in grade 5. Why? The use of digital interactives provides pictorial representation to support the concrete- pictorial-abstract framework and deepen student understanding of quadrilaterals. Each study of a new quadrilateral in topic A introduces students to a concrete representation, such as constructing the quadrilateral by using paper, pencils, right-angle tools, and rulers. A digital interactive provides a pictorial representation that shows various figures that look different than, but are called the same name as, the quadrilateral students constructed. Digital interactives are an ideal way to make comparisons among two-dimensional figures because the measures of angles, sides, and diagonals visually shift as the figure is manipulated. Then students engage with abstract representation in the hierarchy by generalizing properties of the quadrilateral and recording those properties in the correct categories. The repeated sequence for each quadrilateral provides a structure for comparing and manipulating quadrilaterals, inviting students to generalize about the properties in each new digital interactive, which means that topic A has more digital interactives than do other grade 5 topics.” An image of two quadrilaterals is shown. 

  • Module 6: Foundations to Geometry in the Coordinate Plane, Module Overview, Why, “Why does the coordinate plane module start with plotting coordinates on number lines, including number lines of different orientations? Beginning with plotting coordinates on number lines activates prior knowledge of plotting and determining locations on a number line as distances from 0. Students understand a number line as a coordinate system that can be used to describe the location of a point when they choose the location of 0 and an interval length. Students then build on this knowledge to construct a coordinate plane when they realize that a single number line is not sufficient to describe the location of points that are not collinear.” Images of three coordinate planes are shown.

Indicator 3F

Materials provide a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support instructional activities.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2 Grade 5 meet expectations for providing a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support instructional activities. 

Each module includes a tab, “Materials” where directions state, “The following materials are needed to implement this module. The suggested quantities are based on a class of 24 students and one teacher.” Additionally, each lesson includes a section, “Lesson at a Glance” where supplies are listed for the teacher and students. Examples include:

  • Module 2, Topic C, Lesson 11: Add mixed numbers with unrelated units, Materials, “Teacher: Chart paper (15 sheets), Station Problems (in the teacher edition), Tape. Students: None. Lesson Preparation: Prepare three signs on chart paper. Label one sign Station 1, one sign Station 2, and one sign Station 3. Hang the signs in different locations in the classroom.Print or copy Station Problems and cut each page in half. Prepare enough so each pair of students has a copy of all the problems.”

  • Module 4, Topic A, Lesson 8: Round decimal numbers to any place value unit, Materials, “Teacher: Paper (4 sheets). Students: Multiply or Divide by Powers of 10 Sprint (in the student book). Lesson Preparation: Consider tearing out the Sprint pages in advance of the lesson. Prepare four signs on paper. Label the signs Nearest Ten, Nearest One, Nearest Tenth, and Nearest Hundredth. Hang the signs in different locations in the classroom.”

  • Module 6: Foundations to Geometry in the Coordinate Plane, Module Overview, Materials,  “96 Colored pencils, 1 Projection device, 25 Dry-erase markers, 24 Sticky notes, 1.5ʺ×2ʺ1.5ʺ\times2ʺ, 20 Index cards, 269 Sticky notes, 3ʺ×3ʺ3ʺ\times3ʺ, 24 Learn books, 25 Straightedges, 12 Markers, 1 Teach book, 11 Paper, sheets, 1 Teacher computer or device, 25 Pencils, 1 Timer, 25 Personal whiteboards, 24 4” Protractors, 25 Personal whiteboard erasers.”

Indicator 3G

This is not an assessed indicator in Mathematics.

Indicator 3H

This is not an assessed indicator in Mathematics.

Criterion 3.2: Assessment


The program includes a system of assessments identifying how materials provide tools, guidance, and support for teachers to collect, interpret, and act on data about student progress towards the standards.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 partially meet expectations for Assessment. The materials identify the content standards assessed in formal assessments, but do not identify the mathematical practices for some of the formal assessments. The materials provide multiple opportunities to determine students' learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance, but do not provide specific suggestions for following-up with students. The materials include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of grade-level standards and mathematical practices across the series.

Indicator 3I

Assessment information is included in the materials to indicate which standards are assessed.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2 Grade 5 partially meet expectations for having assessment information included in the materials to indicate which standards are assessed. The materials identify the standards assessed for all of the formal assessments, but the materials do not identify the practices assessed for some of the formal assessments.

According to the Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, Core Assessment Components, Exit Tickets (p. 47), “Exit Tickets are short, paper-based assessments that close lessons. These assessments use at least one problem, question, or writing prompt to assess whether a student has learned the basic skills and concepts needed for success in upcoming lessons. Items reflect the minimum that students must demonstrate to meet the lesson objective. You may look for evidence of the Standard for Mathematical Practice (MP) identified as the focus MP for the lesson in student work on the Exit Ticket.” Topic Quizzes (p. 48), “Typical Topic Quizzes consist of 4–6 items that assess proficiency with the major concepts from the topic. Many items allow students to show evidence of one or more of the Standards for Mathematical Practice (MPs). You may use the Standards and Achievement Descriptors at a Glance charts to find which MPs you may be more likely to see from your students on a given assessment item in relation to the content that is assessed. For example, you may be likely to see evidence of MP2, MP4, MP6, and MP7 on the Level 3 Module 1 Topic A Quiz as those are the MPs explicitly identified in the lessons of that topic.” 

Additionally, within the Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide (pp. 51-52), Achievement Descriptors, Standards and Achievement Descriptors at a Glance, “Every module in grades 3–5 has a Standards and Achievement Descriptors at a Glance chart. These charts identify the location and show the frequency of the content standards, Standards for Mathematical Practice, and Achievement Descriptors (ADs) in each module. Within the Proficiency Indicators section (p. 52), “Each AD has its own set of proficiency indicators. Proficiency indicators are more detailed than ADs and help you analyze and evaluate what you see or hear in the classroom as well as what you see in students’ written work. Each AD has up to three indicators that align with a category of proficiency: Partially Proficient, Proficient, or Highly Proficient. Proficiency Indicators use language that offers insights about which MPs may be observed as students engage with assessment items. For example, Proficiency Indicators that begin with justify, explain, or analyze likely invite students to show evidence of MP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Proficiency Indicators that begin with create or represent likely invite students to show evidence of MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively.” 

The Standards and Achievement Descriptors at a Glance chart is provided within each grade level’s Implementation Resources, within the Maps section. “How to use the Standards and Achievement Descriptors at a Glance; Identity Where Content is Taught before Teaching” states, “The Standards and Achievement Descriptors at a Glance charts identify the location and show the frequency of the content standards, Standards for Mathematical Practice, and Achievement Descriptors (ADs) in each module.” While these documents align the MPs to specific lessons and corresponding Exit Tickets, the MPs are not identified within Topic Quizzes. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Module 3: Multiplication and Division with Fractions, Topic A Quiz version 1, Item 2, “Multiply. 32×8=\frac{3}{2}\times8=____. 16×9=\frac{1}{6}\times9=____. 23×6=\frac{2}{3}\times6=____. 64×2=\frac{6}{4}\times2=____. 107=\frac{10}{7}=____.” Achievement Descriptors and Standards identified as 5.Mod3.AD6.P and 5.Mod 3.AD6.PP, which correlate to 5.NF.4.There is no identification of the Mathematical Practices.

  • Module 6: Foundations to Geometry in the Coordinate Plane, Topic B Quiz version 2, Item 3, Consider the graph shown. Indicate whether each statement is true or false. All points on line 𝓁 have the same x-coordinate. All points on line 𝓁 have the same y-coordinate. All points on line 𝓂 have the same x-coordinate. All points on line 𝓂 have the same y-coordinate.” Achievement Descriptors and Standards identified as 5.Mod6.AD5.P, which correlate to 5.G.2. There is no identification of the Mathematical Practices.

According to the Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, Module Assessments (p.48), “Typical Module Assessments consist of 6–10 items that assess proficiency with the major concepts, skills, and applications taught in the module. Many items allow students to show evidence of one or more of the Standards for Mathematical Practice (MPs). You may use the Standards and Achievement Descriptors at a Glance charts to find which MPs you may be more likely to see from your students on a given assessment item in relation to the content that is assessed. Module Assessments represent the most important content, but they may not assess all the strategies and standards taught in the module.” While these documents align the MPs to specific lessons and corresponding Exit Tickets, the MPs are not identified within Module Assessments. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Module 2: Addition and Subtraction with Fractions, Module Assessment 1, Item 3, “Mr. Perez cooks 8 cups of pasta. He delivers the pasta equally between 5 bowls. Mr. Perez then pours 1141\frac{1}{4} cups of sauce into each bowl. How many cups of pasta and sauce are now in each bowl? There are ____ cups of pasta and sauce in each bowl.” Achievement Descriptors and Standards identified as 5.Mod2.AD2.P, which correlates to 5.NF.1 There is no identification of the Mathematical Practices.

  • Module 5: Addition and Multiplication with Area and Volume, Module Assessment 1, Item 4, “Adesh measures a wall to find its area. The wall measures 9149\frac{1}{4} feet tall and 121312\frac{1}{3} feet wide.  Calculate the area of the wall in square feet. The area of the wall is ____ square feet.”  Achievement Descriptors and Standards identified as 5.Mod5.AD5.P, which correlates to 5.NF.6. There is no identification of the Mathematical Practices.

Indicator 3J

Assessment system provides multiple opportunities throughout the grade, course, and/or series to determine students' learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance and suggestions for follow-up.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2 Grade 5 partially meet expectations for including an assessment system that provides multiple opportunities throughout the grade, course, and/or series to determine students’ learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance and suggestions for follow-up.

The assessment system provides multiple opportunities to determine students' learning, and sufficient guidance for teachers to interpret student performance is reinforced by the Proficiency Indicators. However, suggestions to teachers for following up with students are general and minimal, for example, “Look back at those lessons to select guidance and practice problems that best meet your students’ needs.” While teachers can refer back to specific lessons, it is incumbent on the teacher to determine which guidance and practice problems meet the needs of their individual students. Examples include:

  • Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, Resources, Achievement Descriptors: Proficiency Indicators (p. 16), “Achievement Descriptors (ADs) are standards-aligned descriptions that detail what students should know and be able to do based on instruction they receive. The number of ADs addressed in each lesson varies depending on the content. This resource includes proficiency indicators for each AD. Proficiency indicators are descriptions of work that is partially proficient, proficient, or highly proficient. Proficiency indicators help you assess your students’ level of proficiency.”

  • Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, Assessment, Standards and Achievement Descriptors at a Glance (pp. 51-52), “Every module in grades 3–5 has a Standards and Achievement Descriptors at a Glance chart. These charts identify the location and show the frequency of the content standards, Standards for Mathematical Practice, and Achievement Descriptors (ADs) in each module. Use these charts to quickly determine where and when standards and ADs are taught within and across modules to help you target observations. You may also use these charts in conjunction with assessment data to identify targeted ways to help meet the needs of specific learners. Use assessment data to determine which ADs and Proficiency Indicators to revisit with students. Use the examples provided with the Proficiency Indicator(s) as the basis for responsive teaching or use the modules’ Standards and Achievement Descriptors at a Glance chart to identify lessons that contain guidance and practice problems to support student follow up.”

  • Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, Assessment, Respond to Student Assessment Performance (p. 59), “After administering an assessment, use the assessment reports in the Analyze space of the Great Minds Digital Platform to view student performance by Achievement Descriptor (AD). Analyze the student-performance data and select one or both of the following methods to address learning needs.” Proficiency Indicators: “Proficiency indicators increase in cognitive complexity from partially proficient (PP) to proficient (P) to highly proficient (HP). If a student has difficulty with content of the P indicator of a given AD, follow-up with the student by revisiting the content at the PP indicator of the same AD as shown in the AD proficiency indicator charts. Select the Student Performance report in the Analyze space of the Great Minds Digital Platform. Filter by proficiency indicator and any individual or group of assessments. When the report indicates proficiency of an AD has not been met, refer to the module’s Achievement Descriptors: Proficiency Indicator resource and use the lower-complexity task to build toward full understanding. Use the examples provided with the Proficiency Indicator(s) as the basis for responsive teaching. Example: For students who do not meet the Proficient indicator (4.Mod1.AD1.P), consider focusing on the Partially Proficient indicator (4.Mod1.AD1.PP). In this case, strengthen student foundational understanding of creating one comparison statement to build towards proficient understanding with two comparison statements.”

  • Grades 3-5 Implementation Guide, Assessment, The Standards and Achievement Descriptors at a Glance Charts (p. 60), “Select the Student Performance report in the Analyze space of the Great Minds Digital Platform. Filter by proficiency indicator and any individual or group of assessments. When the report indicates proficiency of an AD has not been met, refer to the Standards and Achievement Descriptors at a Glance charts to identify lessons that teach the concepts of that AD. Navigate to those lessons to find guidance and practice problems to follow up with students. Example: If students struggle with 4.Mod1.AD1, use the Standards and Achievement Descriptors at a Glance chart to find that lessons 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 address the AD. Look back at those lessons to select guidance and practice problems that best meet your students’ needs.”

The assessment system provides guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance within Scoring Guides for Module Assessments and Topic Quizzes. Examples include:

  • Module 2: Addition and Subtraction with Fractions, Topic A Quiz Scoring Guide, “The scoring guide uses a scale factor to weight items differently. The scale factor is determined by the item’s target level of proficiency. Items that target high proficiency carry less weight because it is likely that the least number of students will answer them correctly. Items that target partial proficiency carry more weight because it is likely that the greatest number of students will answer them correctly. When a single item aligns to multiple proficiency indicators, the scale factor of the highest proficiency indicator is used. Target Performance Indicator: Highly Proficient (HP), Scale Factor 1; Proficient (P), Scale Factor 2; Partially Proficient (PP), Scale Factor 3.” The assessment contains six items with no partial credit given unless otherwise indicated in the notes. 

  • Module 4: Place Value Concepts for Decimal Operations, Module Assessment 1, Item 5, “Lisa evaluates the expression 0.72 − 0.47. Lisa’s work is shown. 0.720.5+0.03=0.250.72−0.5+0.03=0.25 Explain Lisa’s strategy.” Item Number 5, “Achievement Descriptor, 5.Mod4.AD19; Proficiency Indicator,  P; Possible Points, 1×2=21\times2=2; Scoring Type, Dichotomous; Scoring Notes, Use the scoring notes in the answer key to determine how many points a student earns. After the scale factor is applied, a student can earn 0 or 2 points.”

Indicator 3K

Assessments include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of grade-level/course-level standards and practices across the series.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2 Grade 4 meet expectations for providing assessments that include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of grade-level standards and practices across the series.

According to the 3-5 Implementation Guide, “The assessment system in grades 3 through 5 helps you understand student learning by generating data from many perspectives. The system includes

Lesson-embedded Exit Tickets, Topic Quizzes, Module Assessments, Pre-Module Assessment in Eureka Math 2 Equip, and Benchmark Assessments. These assessments use a variety of question types, such as constructed response, multiple select, multiple choice, single answer, and multi-part. Module Assessments.” These assessments consistently list grade-level content standards for each item. While Mathematical Practices are not explicitly identified on assessments, they are regularly assessed. Students have opportunities to demonstrate the full intent of the standards using a variety of modalities (e.g., oral responses, writing, modeling, etc.). Examples include:

  • Module 2: Addition and Subtraction with Fractions, Topic A Quiz 1, Item 6, “Mrs. Chan bakes cookies for 8 children. The children share 28 cookies equally. How many cookies does each child get? Use the model to help you solve. Each child gets ___ cookies.” Students engage with the full intent of 5.NF.3 (Interpret a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator [ab=a÷b][\frac{a}{b}=a\div b]. Solve word problems involving division of whole numbers leading to answers in the form of fractions or mixed numbers…).

  • Module 3: Multiplication and Division with Fractions, Topic D, Lesson 21, Solve multi-step word problems involving fractions, Land, Exit Ticket, supports the full intent of MP4 (Model with mathematics), as students use the Read-Draw-Write process and self-selected representations to solve the problem. “Shen bought 20 pounds of ground beef. He used 14\frac{1}{4} of the beef to make tacos. He used 23\frac{2}{3} of the remaining beef to make 14\frac{1}{4}- pound burgers. How many burgers did he make?”

  • Module 5, Addition and Multiplication with Area and Volume, Module Assessment 1, Item 9, “The right rectangular prisms shown have the same volume. What is the height of figure B?”Two right rectangular prisms are shown: Figure A - all dimensions are given, Figure B - two dimensions are given. Students engage with the full intent of 5.MD.5b (Apply the formulas V=l×w×hV=l\times w\times h and V=b×hV=b\times h for rectangular prisms to find volumes of right rectangular prisms…).

Indicator 3L

Assessments offer accommodations that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills without changing the content of the assessment.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math2 Grade 5 partially provide assessments which offer accommodations that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills without changing the content of the assessment.

While few in nature, some suggestions for accommodations are included within the Grade 1-2 Implementation Guide. Examples include:

  • Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, Inside the Digital Platform describes digital assessments available within the program. “Access the Great Minds Library of digital assessments, where you can duplicate and adjust assessments. You can also assign several assessments at once from this space.” Teachers could make decisions about accommodations for different learners but no specific guidance is provided for them.

  • Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, Assessment, Exit Tickets describes accommodations for time. “In a typical classroom, most students with basic understanding can finish within 3–5 minutes. In some settings, honoring the timeframe is more important than requiring students to finish. For example, a student’s inability to finish within 5 minutes may be valuable information. In other settings, you may extend the time to allow all students to finish as appropriate.”

  • Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, Assessment, Topic Quizzes assess proficiency with the major concepts from the topic. “There are three analogous versions of each Topic Quiz available digitally. Analogous versions target the same material at the same level of cognitive complexity. However, typical items on analogous versions are not clones of the original version. Use the analogous versions to give retakes, with reteaching or additional practice between takes, until students score proficient or above.” Teachers could make decisions about accommodations for different learners but no specific guidance is provided for them.

  • Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, Assessment, Module Assessments describes the use of read aloud as a possible accommodation. “Typical Module Assessments consist of 6–10 items that assess proficiency with the major concepts, skills, and applications taught in the module. There are two analogous versions of each Module Assessment available digitally. Analogous versions target the same material at the same level of cognitive complexity. However, typical items on analogous versions are not clones of the original version. Use the analogous versions to give retakes, with reteaching or additional practice between takes, until students score proficient or above.” Teachers could make decisions about accommodations for different learners but no specific guidance is provided for them.

Criterion 3.3: Student Supports


The program includes materials designed for each student’s regular and active participation in grade-level/grade-band/series content.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for Student Supports. The materials provide: strategies and supports for students in special populations and for students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English to support their regular and active participation in learning grade-level mathematics; multiple extensions and/or opportunities for students to engage with grade-level mathematics at higher levels of complexity; and manipulatives, both virtual and physical, that are accurate representations of the mathematical objects they represent and, when appropriate, are connected to written methods.

Indicator 3M

Materials provide strategies and supports for students in special populations to support their regular and active participation in learning grade-level/series mathematics.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for providing strategies and supports for students in special populations to support their regular and active participation in learning grade-level mathematics.

Suggestions are outlined within Teacher Notes for each lesson. Specific recommendations are routinely provided for implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Differentiation: Support, and Differentiation: Challenge, as well as supports for multilingual learners. According to the Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, Page 46, “Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework based on current research from cognitive neuroscience that recognizes learner variance as the norm rather than the exception. The guiding principles of the UDL framework are based on the three primary networks of the brain. Although the concept of UDL has roots in special education, UDL is for all students. When instruction is designed to meet the needs of the widest range of learners, all students benefit. Eureka Math2 lessons are designed with these principles in mind. Lessons throughout the curriculum provide additional suggestions for Engagement, Representation, and Action & Expression.” Examples of supports for special populations include:

  • Module 1, Topic B, Lesson 10: Multiply three- and four-digit numbers by three-digit numbers by using the standard algorithm, Launch, “Language Support: Define the words halving and doubling for students. Halving: dividing by 2 Doubling: multiplying by 2.” Learn, Relate the Area Model to the Standard Algorithm, “UDL: Action & Expression: Support students in monitoring their progress by encouraging self-questioning when they use the standard algorithm. Emphasize the importance of thinking through decisions and changing course if a strategy is not working. Think aloud to model self-questioning by using problem 3 as an example. Discuss how asking questions such as these may have helped the student avoid the error and work more efficiently: Which number should I designate as the unit? Do I have the correct number of partial products? Did I fully distribute all the parts of the other factor? Should I do anything differently?”

  • Module 3, Topic B, Lesson 8: Multiply fractions less than 1 pictorially, Learn, Use a Number Line, “UDL: Representation: The digital interactive Fraction of a Fraction on a Number Line supports students in composing the parts of each fractional interval to find the fraction of the fraction. Consider allowing students to experiment with the tool individually or demonstrating the activity for the whole class.” Learn, Use an Area Model, “Differentiation: Support: Students may say they can find 25\frac{2}{5} of 45\frac{4}{5} by simply shading 2 of the fifths. Address this misconception by covering the bracket and the label 45\frac{4}{5}. Then ask students what shading 2 columns would represent. They should realize that shading 2 columns would represent 25\frac{2}{5} of 1, or 25\frac{2}{5} of 55\frac{5}{5}. Reveal the bracket and the label 45\frac{4}{5} and ask students what portion of the model they should shade to represent 25\frac{2}{5} of 45\frac{4}{5}. They should realize that to show 25\frac{2}{5} of 45\frac{4}{5}, they must shade only a fraction of each of the 4 fifths and not 2 entire fifths.” Learn, Choose a Method, “Differentiation: Support: Consider using the following questions to support students as they make decisions about how to make sense of the problem. What does the problem tell us? What does the problem ask us to find? What multiplication expression represents the problem? What can you draw to represent the problem?” Learn, Reason About the Size of the Product, “Language Support: Consider supporting students with the Always Sometimes Never routine with sentence frames for their reference. The product of two fractions less than 1 is _____ (always or sometimes or never) less than both the factors. For example, _____.”

  • Module 6, Topic B, Lesson 8: Compare and classify quadrilaterals, Learn, Classify Quadrilaterals, “UDL: Representation: Consider providing a hands-on experience: Have students cut the shapes apart and manipulate them as they check attributes. Copy the shapes onto another sheet of paper and enlarge the images to make them easier to cut and manipulate. Language Support: Terms such as parallelogram and rhombus are familiar from grade 2 and are used extensively throughout this topic. Consider creating an anchor chart with definitions and examples of the terms for students to refer to. Language Support: The sample dialogue uses rhombuses to describe more than one rhombus. Rhombi is also an acceptable term for describing more than one rhombus. Consider whether to introduce the term to students. Differentiation: Support Students may need support in understanding that using more specific attributes results in fewer polygons fitting the description. Consider demonstrating this concept by using student characteristics to identify a specific student and then facilitating a discussion. Use sensitivity, and avoid personal specifics such as gender, race, and religion. Instead, draw attention to more neutral descriptions such as location in the room, letters in their name, items on their desk, and the like. Consider the following example: I’m thinking of a student who is sitting in the group by the door, is wearing a red collared shirt, and has the letter J in their name. Who am I thinking of? Would you know who I was thinking of if I only said they were in the group by the door? How did the specific details help you correctly identify them?”

Indicator 3N

Materials provide extensions and/or opportunities for students to engage with grade-level/course-level mathematics at higher levels of complexity.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for providing extensions and/or opportunities for students to engage with grade-level/course-level mathematics at higher levels of complexity.

Materials do not require advanced students to do more assignments than their classmates. Instead, students have opportunities to think differently about learning with alternative questioning, or extension activities. Specific recommendations are routinely highlighted as Teacher Notes within parts of each lesson, as noted in the following examples: 

  • Module 1, Topic B, Lesson 7: Multiply by using familiar methods, Learn, Share, Compare, and Connect, Differentiation: Challenge, “Direct students to a work sample that finds the product by using the standard algorithm. Ask students whether they can see the partial products in the standard algorithm. Then ask them to explain.” 

  • Module 3, Topic B, Lesson 9: Multiply fractions by unit fractions by making simpler problems, Learn, Use Known Products to Multiply, Differentiation: Challenge, “For students who recognize the repeated reasoning that is used while finding these products, consider challenging them to explore whether a product of three or more fractions can be found by using similar reasoning.”

  • Module 6, Topic B, Lesson 8: Identify addition and subtraction relationships between corresponding terms in number patterns, Learn, Generate Coordinates, Differentiation: Challenge,Challenge students to determine the 50th x- and y-coordinates in problem 2. Have them use the corresponding coordinates to form the 50th ordered pair.”

Indicator 3O

Materials provide varied approaches to learning tasks over time and variety in how students are expected to demonstrate their learning with opportunities for students to monitor their learning.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 provide various approaches to learning tasks over time and variety in how students are expected to demonstrate their learning with opportunities for students to monitor their learning.

Students engage with problem-solving in a variety of ways within a consistent lesson structure: Fluency, Launch, Learn, Land. According to the Implementation Guide, Lesson Structure, “Each lesson is structured in four sections: Fluency, Launch, Learn, and Land. Lessons are designed for one 60-minute instructional period. Fluency provides distributed practice with previously learned material. It is designed to prepare students for new learning by activating prior knowledge and bridging small learning gaps. Launch creates an accessible entry point to the day’s learning through activities that build context and often create productive struggle that leads to a need for the learning that follows. Every Launch ends with a transition statement that sets the goal for the day’s learning. Learn presents new learning related to the lesson objective, usually through a series of instructional segments. This lesson component takes most of the instructional time. Suggested facilitation styles vary and may include direct instruction, guided instruction, group work, partner activities, interactive video, and digital elements. The Problem Set, an opportunity for independent practice, is included in Learn. Land helps you facilitate a brief discussion to close the lesson and provides students with an opportunity to complete the Exit Ticket. In the Debrief portion of Land, suggested questions, including key questions related to the objective, help students synthesize the day’s learning. The Exit Ticket provides a window into what students understand so that you can make instructional decisions.”

Examples of varied approaches across the consistent lesson structure include:

  • Module 2, Topic D, Lesson 16: Solve problems by using data from a line plot, Learn, Write and Solve Problems, “Students take turns completing line plots, writing questions about line plots, and answering questions by using data presented on a line plot. For each problem, there are three tasks to complete and each team member will take turns doing one of the three tasks. One team member will complete the line plot. A second team member will write questions. A third team member will answer the questions. When all three tasks are completed, every team member should check each other’s work. Answer any questions students may have about how they will work together, then use the following prompt. After a problem is completed and work has been checked, switch roles. By the end, you should have had a chance to complete a line plot, write questions, and answer questions.”

  • Module 3, Topic D, Lesson 18: Compare and evaluate expressions with parentheses, Fluency, Whiteboard Exchange: Interpret a Fraction as Division, “Students write a fraction as a division expression and determine the quotient to prepare for solving multi-step word problems involving fractions beginning in lesson 20. Display 342=\frac{34}{2}= ⁢___ ÷\div⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢___. How can we represent the fraction as a division expression? Raise your hand when you know. Wait until most students raise their hands, and then signal for students to respond. Display the answer. Divide and express the quotient as a whole or mixed number. Give students time to work. When most students are ready, signal for students to show their whiteboards. Provide immediate and specific feedback. If students need to revise, briefly return to validate their corrections. Display the quotient.”

  • Module 5, Topic D, Lesson 27: Apply concepts and formulas of volume to design a sculpture by using right rectangular prisms, Part 1, Learn, Sculpture Guidelines, “Students reason about how to create a right rectangular prism with a volume that is a fraction of another prism’s volume.” Teachers pair students and distribute the Sculpture Guidelines card to each student pair. The teacher, “Allow students time to read the guidelines and to review the recording sheet. Invite students to turn and talk about the guidelines and share ideas they have for the design of their sculptures. Then invite them to share. What ideas do you have for the design of your sculpture? To make the right rectangular prisms in your sculpture, you will have three bases to choose from. You will cut them out, and you can change the volumes by changing their heights.”

Indicator 3P

Materials provide opportunities for teachers to use a variety of grouping strategies.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 provide opportunities for teachers to use a variety of grouping strategies.  

The materials provide opportunities for teachers to use a variety of grouping strategies. Teacher suggestions include guidance for a variety of groupings, including whole group, small group, pairs, or individual. Examples include:

  • Module 3, Topic D, Lesson 18: Compare and evaluate expressions with parentheses. Learn, Write Equations to Find Unknown Values, Classwork 2, “Direct students to problem 2 and invite them to study the tape diagram. How is this tape diagram different from the previous one? To find the value of y, what would you do first?  Why?, Direct students to work with a partner to find the value of y.  Then facilitate a discussion about writing the equation by using the following questions. What is the value of y? How did you find it? To find the value of y, we can multiply the difference of 13 and 14 by 5. We can represent that thinking with an equation. What must we include in the equation to show we have to find the difference first ? Invite students to write an equation that can be used to find the value of y. If students already wrote an equation, encourage them to write another equation that leads to the same result. What equation did you write to find the value of y? Why can the value of y be represented by two different equations?”

  • Module 4, Topic A, Lesson 2: Represent thousandths as a place value unit. Learn, Compose and Decompose Decimal Numbers Through Thousandths, “Form groups of 3 students. Direct students to work with their group to represent 6 thousandths by using disks in 5-group formation. Then have them write the number in unit form, fraction form, decimal form, and word form on their whiteboard. If support is needed, consider using a place value chart to record the number.”

  • Module 6, Topic C, Lesson 12: Graph and classify quadrilaterals in the coordinate plane. Learn, Quadrilaterals, “Students draw quadrilaterals in the coordinate plane and classify quadrilaterals based on their properties.Divide students into groups of four. Give each group a set of Quadrilateral Cards. Assign one card to each group member and direct students to follow the instructions on the card. When each student has drawn a quadrilateral, tell groups to look at the four quadrilaterals and determine the most specific name for the quadrilateral on each card. Prompt students to use their knowledge of lengths and angles in the coordinate plane and of the properties of quadrilaterals to support their response. When groups are finished, display the graphs of the four quadrilaterals.”

Indicator 3Q

Materials provide strategies and supports for students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English to regularly participate in learning grade-level mathematics.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for providing strategies and supports for students who read, write, and/or speak in a language other than English to regularly participate in learning grade-level mathematics.

Support for active participation in grade-level mathematics is consistently included within a Language Support Box embedded within parts of lessons. According to the Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, “Multilingual Learner Support, Multilingual learners, or learners who speak a language other than English at home, require specific learning supports for gaining proficiency with the English needed to access the mathematics. Research suggests that best practices for these learners include opportunities and supports for student discourse and for using precise terminology. In addition to precise domain-specific terminology, high-impact academic terminology that supports learners across learning domains is explicitly introduced and used repeatedly in various contexts to build familiarity and fluency across the grade levels. Eureka Math² is designed to promote student discourse through classroom discussions, partner or group talk, and rich questions in every lesson.” According to Eureka Math² How To Support Multilingual Learners In Engaging In Math Conversations In The Classroom, “Eureka Math² supports MLLs through the instructional design, or how the plan for each lesson was created from the ground up. With the goal of supporting the clear, concise, and precise use of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English, Eureka Math² lessons include the following embedded supports for students. 1. Activate prior knowledge  (mathematics content, terminology, contexts). 2. Provide multiple entry points to the mathematics. 3. Use clear, concise student-facing language. 4. Provide strategic active processing time. 5. Illustrate multiple modes and formats. 6. Provide opportunities for strategic review. In addition to the strong, built-in supports for all learners including MLLs outlined above, the teacher–writers of Eureka Math² also intentionally planned to support MLLs with mathematical discourse and the three tiers of terminology in every lesson. Language Support margin boxes provide these just-in-time, targeted instructional recommendations to support MLLs.” Examples include:

  • Module 1, Topic, Lesson 16: Divide four-digit numbers by two-digit numbers, Learn, Division Word Problem Without a Remainder, MLL students are provided the support to participate in grade-level mathematics as described in the Teacher Notes box, “Context videos for problems 1 and 2 are available. The videos may be used to remove language or cultural barriers and to provide student engagement. Before beginning each problem, consider showing the video and facilitating a discussion about what students notice and wonder. This supports students in visualizing the situation before they are asked to interpret it mathematically.”

  • Module 5, Topic A, Lesson 1: Analyze hierarchies and identify properties of quadrilaterals, Launch, MLL students are provided the support to participate in grade-level mathematics as described in the Language Support box, “Consider using strategic, flexible grouping throughout the module. Pair students who have different levels of mathematical proficiency. Pair students who have different levels of English language proficiency. Join pairs to form small groups of four. As applicable, complement any of these groupings by pairing students who speak the same native language.”

  • Module 6, Topic A, Lesson 1: Construct a coordinate system on a line, Launch, MLL students are provided the support to participate in grade-level mathematics as described in the Language Support box, “Consider using strategic, flexible grouping throughout the module. Pair students who have different levels of mathematical proficiency. Pair students who have different levels of English language proficiency. Join pairs to form small groups of four. As applicable, complement any of these groupings by pairing students who speak the same native language.”

Indicator 3R

Materials provide a balance of images or information about people, representing various demographic and physical characteristics.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 provide a balance of images or information about people, representing various demographic and physical characteristics. 

Images are included in the student materials as clip art. These images represent different races and portray people from many ethnicities in a positive, respectful manner, with no demographic bias for who achieves success based on the problem contexts and grade-level mathematics. There are also a variety of people captured in video clips that accompany the Launch portion of lessons. Examples include: 

  • Module 1, Topic B, Lesson 9: Multiply two- and three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers by using the standard algorithm, Learn, Relate the Area Model to the Standard Algorithm, “Students multiply by using the area model and relate it to the standard algorithm.“ Classwork 1, “Mr. Perez paints the gymnasium wall. The wall is 24 feet wide and 33 feet long. How many square feet does Mr. Perez paint?”

  • Module 4, Topic B, Lesson 13: Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of decimal numbers and fractions. Fluency, Numbers Up! “Students find the unknown total or part to develop fluency with adding and subtracting decimal numbers. Have students form groups of three. Assign roles: Player A is one part, player B is one part, and player C is the total. Distribute a set of cards to each group and have them play according to the following rules. Consider doing a practice round with students. Players A and B each take a card and hold the card to their own foreheads so they can’t see the number on the card. Player C looks at both cards and says the total. Players A and B find the number on their own card, based on the total and the other part. Player C confirms the two parts.” Images of diverse students for Player C, Player A, and Player B are shown.  

  • Module 5, Topic D, Lesson 22: Find the volumes of right rectangular prisms by using the area of the base, Launch, “Students compare methods for finding the volume of a right rectangular prism. Display the three decomposed right rectangular prisms. Tell students the layers are composed of centimeter cubes. Yuna, Ryan, and Jada each use layers composed of centimeter cubes to build a right rectangular prism.” Images of decomposed right rectangular prisms, labeled with different student names are shown.

Indicator 3S

Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student home language to facilitate learning.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student home language to facilitate learning. 

In the 3-5 Implementation Guide, Multilingual Learner English Support provides a link to Eureka Math² “How to Support Multilingual Learners in Engaging in Math Conversation in the Classroom,” provides teachers with literature on research-based supports for Multilingual Learners. The section, Research Focusing on How to Support MLLs with Terminology Acquisition states, “In addition to supporting and fostering authentic mathematical discourse, language-rich classrooms must systematically develop the terminology needed to communicate mathematical concepts. This means that educators must consider multiple tiers of terminology support at any one time. Beck, McKeown, and Kucan (2013) organize terminology into a three-tiered model: tier 1 terms (conversational terms), tier 2 terms (academic terms), and tier 3 terms (domain-specific terms). Because each tier of terminology is used differently in communicating in math class, each must be supported differently. However, in supporting each tier of terminology, instruction must center around honoring and acknowledging the funds of knowledge students bring to the class, instead of assuming that a student doesn’t know the meaning of a term simply because they are a MLL. Adopting a funds of knowledge approach to terminology acquisition helps teachers move away from a simplified view of language and shift toward recognizing and supporting the complexity of language in mathematics (Moschkovich 2010).” Another section, Supporting Mathematical Discourse in Eureka Math2, states, “Authentically engaging in mathematical discourse can present a unique challenge for MLLs. They are constantly managing a large cognitive load by attempting to understand mathematics while also thinking—often in their native language—about how to communicate ideas and results in English. Additionally, everyday classroom interactions are heavily focused on listening and speaking rather than on reading and writing. To lighten the cognitive load of MLLs, Eureka Math2 provides ample opportunities for students to engage in a balanced way with all four aspects of language—reading, writing, speaking, and listening—while engaging with mathematics. Eureka Math2 supports teachers to create language-rich classrooms by modeling teacher–student discourse and by providing suggestions for supported student-to-student discourse. Since curricula in general have an abundance of receptive language experiences (reading and listening), Eureka Math2 focuses specific supports on language production (speaking and writing) in mathematics. The most all-encompassing Language Support margin box appears in the first lesson of every module in Eureka Math2 prompting teachers to consider using strategic, flexible grouping in each activity of the entire module to support MLLs. These grouping suggestions invite teachers to leverage students’ funds of knowledge and native language by assembling pairs of students in different ways. Each of these different ways of pairing students has different benefits for MLLs. Pairing students who have different levels of English language proficiency allows MLLs time for oral rehearsal before speaking or writing about mathematics. It also can provide a language model for MLLs new to the US. Pairing students who have the same native language can provide MLLs time to process in their native language, lowering their affective filter and allowing them to use their native language to solidify the math concept at hand.”

Implementation Resources, Community, Eureka Math² Family Math page, Family Support Resources, Teachers and/or Families are provided a link to the following Eureka Math² materials in Spanish:

  • Family Support: “Family Math is a letter to families that describes the major concepts in the current topic. Each letter uses words and phrases that should be familiar to the student from the lessons in the topic. It includes visual supports that students can use to explain the concepts or strategies to their family, or that can help adults at home understand or unpack a concept. Family Math also includes simple and practical at-home activities to extend learning and help students see mathematics in their world.”

  • Practice: “Practice problems interleave and distribute practice. Interleaving practice means mixing different types of problems together in the same set. The mixture requires learners to discern and recall which knowledge, concepts, and strategies are appropriate. Distributing practice spaces out practice with a given concept or skill over time. This periodic practice helps students solidify their conceptual understanding and procedural skills, transfer knowledge to new applications, and build fluency. Each Practice is structured as two pages. The front page includes problems that represent learning from class that day. These problems are organized similarly to those in the Problem Set, with the final problem being no more complex than those on the Exit Ticket. The second page includes Remember problems. These problems help students recall previously learned concepts and skills. While Practice problems related to the day’s lesson help solidify new learning, Remember problems keep students sharp with familiar concepts. If there is no Problem Set in the day’s lesson, the Practice only includes Remember problems. The Remember problems match the complexity of the proficiency indicators of the relevant Achievement Descriptors.”

  • Practice Partners: “Practice Partners provide a unique kind of support. They take students through the thinking of a ‘partner’ who is solving problems like those in the Practice. The partner represents the thinking required to approach and unpack the problem, using steps that are like those named and described in the lesson. If a term is formally introduced in a lesson, it appears on the Practice Partner in the partner’s thinking.”

In addition, the resources section of each lesson includes slides and/or student pages that are translated into the Spanish language.

Indicator 3T

Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student cultural and social backgrounds to facilitate learning.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 partially provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student cultural and social backgrounds to facilitate learning. 

While Spanish materials are accessible within lessons and within the Family Support Materials, there are few specific examples of drawing upon student cultural and social backgrounds. Examples include: 

  • Module 1, Topic B, Lesson 10: Multiply three- and four-digit numbers by three-digit numbers by using the standard algorithm, Launch, Teacher Note, “The Math Past resource includes more information about the Ethiopian multiplication method. Consider inviting students to use the method to find other products.We have been learning how to multiply by using the standard algorithm of multiplication. Prior to using this algorithm, many people used a different series of steps to find the product. These steps are referred to as the Ethiopian multiplication method. The method was used in the 1900s when an Austrian colonel who was visiting Ethiopia wanted to buy 7 bulls that cost 22 Maria Theresa dollars each, but no one in the village could figure out the total cost for all 7 bulls. To help find the total cost of the bulls, a local priest and his helper were called. They built two columns into the ground with holes in each column called houses. The column on the left was for halving, and the column on the right was for doubling. They placed 22 pebbles in the first house, or row, in the halving column and 7 pebbles in the first house in the doubling column. This method led them to find the correct product: 154. Let’s try this method to multiply 44 by 15.”

  • Module 3, Topic D, Lesson 19: Create and solve one-step word problems involving fractions, Learn, Generate Contexts to Match a Tape Diagram, Teacher Note, “Students may find the ancient Chinese approach to division with fractions interesting, as recorded in the book titled Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art. Consider creating an extension to this lesson by referring to the resource Math Past for a more in-depth discussion of what kinds of problems were solved in ancient China and how. Also included in the resource are suggestions for how to use the content of Math Past with students.”

Indicator 3U

Materials provide supports for different reading levels to ensure accessibility for students.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 partially provide support for different reading levels to ensure accessibility for students.

The Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide states, “A student’s relationship with reading should not affect their relationship with math. All students should see themselves as mathematicians and have opportunities to independently engage with math text. Readability and accessibility tools empower students to embrace the mathematics in every problem. Lessons are designed to remove reading barriers for students while maintaining content rigor. Some ways that Eureka Math² clears these barriers are by including wordless context videos, providing picture support for specific words, and limiting the use of new, non-content-related vocabulary, multisyllabic words, and unfamiliar phonetic patterns.” Examples include:

  • Module 2, Topic D, Lesson 17: Solve problems by equally redistributing a total amount, Learn, Language Support, “Contextualize the terms distribute and redistribute by distributing pieces of paper to the students. Give each student an unequal amount of paper. Collect all the paper and redistribute it equally to the students.”

  • Module 4, Topic B, Lesson 9: Add decimal numbers by using different methods, Fluency, Teacher Note, “Students may count by tenths and hundredths in many ways. Choose one way for students to count decimal numbers during the activity. Consider one of the following ways: Zero, zero and one tenth, …, zero and nine tenths, one; Zero, zero point one, …, zero point nine, one; Zero, point one, …, point nine, one.”

  • Module 6, Topic B, Lesson 6: Use properties of horizontal and vertical lines to solve problems, Launch, Language Support, “Support understanding of the terms parallel and perpendicular by suggesting that students use their arms to show them. When students gesture for each term, say parallel or perpendicular aloud to connect the word with the orientation.”

Indicator 3V

Manipulatives, both virtual and physical, are accurate representations of the mathematical objects they represent and, when appropriate, are connected to written methods.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 meet expectations for providing manipulatives, both virtual and physical, that are accurate representations of the mathematical objects they represent and, when appropriate, are connected to written methods.

Each lesson includes a list of materials for the Teacher and the Students. As explained in the Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, “Materials lists the items that you and your students need for the lesson. If not otherwise indicated, each student needs one of each listed material.” Examples include:

  • Module 2, Topic B, Lesson 6: Add and subtract fractions with related units by using area models to rename fractions, Fluency, Whiteboard Exchange: Equivalent Fractions, Materials, Student: Equivalent Fractions. “Students use an area model to generate an equivalent fraction for a unit fraction to prepare for adding and subtracting fractions with related units. After each prompt for a written response, give students time to work. When most students are ready, signal for students to show their whiteboards. Provide immediate and specific feedback. If students need to revise, briefly return to validate their corrections. Display the square. Display the model partitioned, shaded, and labeled.”

  • Module 3, Topic A, Lesson 1: Find fractions of a set with arrays, Launch, Materials, Student: Centimeter cubes. “Students use centimeter cubes to find fractional units of a set. Distribute 12 cubes to each student and ask them to take out their whiteboards. Display the problem. Mr. Perez has 12 eggs. He uses 13\frac{1}{3} of the eggs to make a cake. How many eggs does Mr. Perez use to make the cake? Invite students to turn and talk about what they notice about the problem and what the problem asks them to find. Direct students to use the cubes to solve the problem. Circulate and observe student work. Allow students the opportunity to struggle productively. They might not find the answer.”

  • Module 5, Topic A, Lesson 2: Classify trapezoids based on their properties, Launch, Materials, Student: Quadrilateral cutouts. “Invite students to turn and talk to define trapezoid and identify a figure that is a trapezoid. Let’s sort the quadrilaterals into figures that are trapezoids and figures that aren’t. What makes a trapezoid different from other quadrilaterals? What does it mean for a quadrilateral to have at least 1 pair of parallel sides? Prompt students to sort the quadrilaterals as either trapezoids or non-trapezoids.”

Criterion 3.4: Intentional Design


The program includes a visual design that is engaging and references or integrates digital technology, when applicable, with guidance for teachers.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 integrate technology such as interactive tools, virtual manipulatives/objects, and/or dynamic mathematics software in ways that engage students in the grade-level standards; include or reference digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate with each other; have a visual design that supports students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject that is neither distracting nor chaotic; and provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning.

Indicator 3W

Materials integrate technology such as interactive tools, virtual manipulatives/objects, and/or dynamic mathematics software in ways that engage students in the grade-level/series standards, when applicable.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 integrate technology such as interactive tools, virtual manipulatives/objects, and/or dynamic mathematics software in ways that engage students in the grade-level standards, when applicable.

According to the Grades 3-5 Implementation Guide, “Each Eureka Math² lesson provides projectable slides that have media and content required to facilitate the lesson…” Examples include: 

  • Fluency activities

  • Digital experiences such as videos, teacher-led interactives, and demonstrations

  • Images and text from Teach or Learn cued for display by prompts such as display, show, present, or draw students’ attention to 

  • Pages from Learn including Classwork, removables, Problem Sets, and Exit Tickets. 

Additionally, Inside the Digital Platform, “Lessons that include digital interactives are authored so that while you demonstrate the digital interactive, students engage with the demonstrations as a class. Eureka Math² digital interactives help students see and experience mathematical concepts interactively. You can send slides to student devices in classroom settings where it feels appropriate to do so. Use Teacher View to present, send slides to students, monitor student progress, and create student discussions. If you send interactive slides to students from this view, you can choose to view all students’ screens at once or view each student’s activity individually.”

Indicator 3X

Materials include or reference digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate with each other, when applicable.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 include or reference digital technology that provides some opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate with each other, when applicable.

According to the Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, Inside the Digital Platform, Teacher View, “Lessons that include digital interactives are authored so that while you demonstrate the digital interactive, students engage with the demonstration as a class. Eureka Math² digital interactives help students see and experience mathematical concepts interactively. You can send slides to student devices in classroom settings where it feels appropriate to do so. Use Teacher View to present, send slides to students, monitor student progress, and create student discussions. If you send interactive slides to students from this view, you can choose to view all students’ screens at once or view each student’s activity individually.” Additionally, Inside the Digital Platform, Student View, “Teacher demonstration slides contain interactives that you can send to student devices. Students use the interactives to engage directly with the mathematical concepts and receive immediate feedback.”

Indicator 3Y

The visual design (whether in print or digital) supports students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject, and is neither distracting nor chaotic.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 have a visual design (whether in print or digital) that supports students in engaging thoughtfully with the subject, and is neither distracting nor chaotic. 

There is a consistent design across modules, topics and lessons that support student understanding of the mathematics. Student materials, in printed consumable format, include appropriate font size, amount and placement of directions, and space on the page for students to show their mathematical thinking. Teacher digital format is easy to navigate and engaging. There is ample space in the printable Student Task Statements, Assessment PDFs, and workbooks for students to capture calculations and write answers. According to the Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, visual design includes:

  • Lesson Overview, “Each lesson begins with two pages of information to help you prepare to teach the lesson. The Lesson at a Glance is a snapshot of the lesson framed through what students should know, understand, and do while engaging with the lesson. It includes information about the tools, representations, and terminology used in the lesson. Key Questions help focus your instruction and classroom discourse. They encapsulate the key learning of the lesson and may help develop coherence and connections to other concepts or a deeper understanding of a strategy or model. Students discuss these questions as part of the Debrief to synthesize learning during the Land section of the lesson. Achievement Descriptors (ADs) are standards-aligned descriptions that detail what students should know and be able to do based on instruction. The number of ADs addressed in each lesson varies depending on the content. Turn to the Resources section at the end of the Teach book to see the proficiency indicators for each AD. Proficiency indicators help you assess your students’ level of proficiency. The Exit Ticket is a formative assessment that is given at the end of the lesson. Use it to monitor student progress toward proficiency on the Achievement Descriptors and to make instructional choices for upcoming lessons.”

  • Lesson Structure, “Each lesson is structured in four sections: Fluency, Launch, Learn, and Land. Lessons are designed for one 60-minute instructional period.”  The consistent structure includes a layout that is user-friendly as each component is included in order from top to bottom on the page.

  • Visual Design, “In the Teach book, color coding and other types of text formatting are used to highlight facilitation recommendations and possible statements, questions, and student responses. These are always suggestions and not a script. Each section includes a bold line of text that gives the purpose for that section. These purpose statements, taken together, support the overall objective of the lesson. Dark blue text shows suggested language for questions and statements that are essential to the lesson. Light blue text shows sample student responses. Text that resembles handwriting indicates what you might write on the board. Different colors signal that you will add to the recording at different times during the discussion. Bulleted lists provide suggested advancing and assessing questions to guide learning as needed.” 

  • Inside Learn, “Learn is students’ companion text to the instruction in Teach. It contains all the pages your students need as you implement each lesson. The components that go with each lesson are indicated by icons in the student book. The magnifying glass icon indicates a lesson page that students use during the guided or directed portion of the lesson. The gears icon indicates the Problem Set. This is a carefully crafted set of problems or activities meant for independent practice during the lesson. Items from the Problem Set may be debriefed in Land, or you may use the items as formative assessment or for deeper discussion about a specific aspect of the instruction. The checked ticket icon indicates the Exit Ticket. The Exit Ticket is a brief, formative assessment of key learning in the lesson. An orange bar on the side of a page indicates a removable, a student page that should be removed from the Learn book. A removable may be used inside a personal whiteboard so students can practice skills several times in different ways, or it may be cut, assembled, or rearranged for an activity during a lesson or across multiple lessons.”

Indicator 3Z

Materials provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning, when applicable.

The materials reviewed for Eureka Math² Grade 5 provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning, when applicable.  

The Digital Platform provides an additional format for student engagement and enhancement of grade-level mathematics content. According to the Grade 3-5 Implementation Guide, Inside the Digital Platform, “The Great Minds Digital Platform is organized into five key curriculum spaces: Teach, Assign, Assess, Analyze, and Manage. On the digital platform, lessons include the same features as in the Teach book, as well as a few more elements that are unique to the digital space. For example, on the digital platform, the side navigation panel previews digital presentation tools, such as slides, that accompany lessons. Each space within the digital platform supports you to maximize the features that Eureka Math² offers. Teach, Teach contains all the information in the print version, as well as digital curriculum components such as assessments, digital interactives, and slides to project for students. Use this space to access the curriculum components you need for daily instruction. Assign, Create assignments for your students by using any artifact in the Eureka Math² resource library, such as Exit Tickets, Module Assessments, Classwork, removables, or problems for practice. You can launch assessments, view and monitor progress on assigned assessments, and score and analyze completed assessments. Assess, Access the Great Minds Library of digital assessments, where you can duplicate and adjust assessments. You can also assign several assessments at once from this space. Analyze, Generate reports and view data about students’ progress toward proficiency. Assessment reports provide insights, summaries of class performance, and student proficiency by item. Manage, The Manage space allows administrators and teachers to view rostering data for their schools or classes. It is also where you can set or reset a student’s password.”