Report Overview
Summary of Alignment & Usability: Collections | ELA
ELA 6-8
The HMH Collections 2015 instructional materials reviewed for Grades 6-8 partially met expectations for alignment. For all grades, the instructional materials partially meet the expectations for Gateway 1, text quality and alignment to the standards with tasks and questions grounded in evidence, and were reviewed for Gateway 2. For Gateway 2, all grades partially met expectations for building knowledge with texts, vocabulary, and tasks. Texts and text sets that are organized to build knowledge of topic and themes are of high quality and appropriate rigor for the grade band, and the materials offer many opportunities for students to engage in text-dependent questions and tasks. There is inconsistent support and guidance for the coherent implementation of writing, speaking, and listening work in culminating tasks over the course of the year, although there are many opportunities for practicing the component parts.