Celebrating the EdReports tradition of by educator, for educator reviews, voices, and contributions
May 13, 2019
We are excited to present our inaugural annual report which looks back from the time of EdReports founding to the end of 2018. In the report you’ll learn more about the wide ranging impact EdReports is having on K-12 education including the 524 districts representing 7.8 million students spread across 48 states that we have documented using our reviews to inform instructional materials adoptions as of the end of 2018.
In four short years, EdReports has reviewed more than 90 percent of the known math and English language arts market. What’s more, with 27 percent of math materials and 49 percent of ELA materials meeting expectations for alignment, there are more quality options than ever before.
For the first time, districts have a wealth of evidence and information to insist upon high-quality standards-aligned materials and choose curricula that best address local needs and priorities. Unfortunately, even as materials have improved, a significant challenge remains in ensuring districts are using the quality materials that are available. Our data shows that only 15 percent of materials used regularly by ELA teachers, and 23 percent of materials used by math teachers, are aligned to the standards. We can and must do better.
We are grateful to all of our partners in this journey. We could not have done this work without the diverse leadership and expertise of our board of directors, the generous funders who believe in our vision, and most of all the dedicated educator reviewers who devote hundreds of hours to reviewing instructional materials.